Are you Forgiven? How do you know?
Luke 23:39-43
And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If Thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto YAHUSHUA, Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And YAHUSHUA said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
Three men were condemned to die. But there was a difference. And it soon became apparent to one of the true criminals. Two of the men hung on the cross for their crimes. The third hung there for their crimes also. But He, Himself, had committed no crimes. Neither against the State, nor against YAHUVEH. Yet He accepted the cup that was before Him and submitted to one of the most horrible methods of death devised by sinful man. Crucifixion. If you want a good picture of the horrors of crucifixion read Psalm 22, written by David, hundreds of years before crucifixion was developed.
One thief mocked YAHUSHUA, the other accepted Him. Even in his last moments of death, this thief turned to YAHUSHUA for salvation. YAHUSHUA did not answer with "Sorry Charlie, you should have thought of that before you ended up on that cross." Nor did He require the man say certain words or perform certain acts. He just said, "Today you will be with me in Paradise."
YAHUSHUA accepted the thief right where he was, when the thief recognized the error of his own ways and the Lordship of YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA accepts you and me in the same way when we recognize our sinful nature and need for His gift of salvation. Strongly consider accepting this gift if you have not already done so.
There is NOW therefore NO condemnation to them that be in YAHUSHUA. Brothers and sisters, it's the accuser of the brethren that accuses you. You must believe that when you accepted YAHUSHUA as LORD and Savior, you are Sealed with the Blood of YAHUSHUA and Satan cannot take your soul, for you have given it to YAHUSHUA. For the Devil to take your soul, you will have had to forsake YAHUSHUA, turn your back on him, live ungodly and NOT care, then Die in that condition. You have NOT done this, nor never will! I know one thing, this is NOT a decision, this is as natural as breathing. I could not stop loving and trying to please YAHUSHUA, any more than I could Stop my heart from beating! It's the same for you.
When you are born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, in a way it is true it is IMPOSSIBLE to lose your salvation! Because you're doing the best you can to please your LORD and Master, YAHUSHUA. You're depending on him to be your Savior! That means WE are NOT perfect! If you ever get to thinking someone is perfect or look at others YAHUSHUA uses, then your inviting Him to knock them off the pedestal your putting them on. Please don't do that, for He will. The Bible says, "Confess your sins one to another." When we do, we are letting each other know we acknowledge we NEED a Savior! If we could be PERFECT, we would NOT need YAHUSHUA! But we NEED our Savior and He is faithful to forgive our shortcomings, for He knows we are doing our best to obey Him, and serve Him, and we LOVE Him above all else!
Please know this, YAHUVEH does NOT expect us to never make mistakes. We wrestle against the FLESH constantly, our FLESH has a louder voice than our spirit. Stop beating yourself up over the weakness of your Flesh, just say, "YAHUSHUA I am going to continue to please You and when I mess up, I believe in faith that is why You are my Savior, for you are faithful to forgive when I repent and try and do better."
We cannot WORK our way to Heaven. A preacher can lead millions to YAHUSHUA and still LOSE his OWN soul! This shocked me. This is a personal decision , do we want to please YAHUSHUA and be HOLY as He is HOLY? That's what the Bible says, that's a constant struggle while we are in this FLESH. But we must keep trying because although we will always fall short, at least we are doing the BEST we can and leaving the REST up to YAHUSHUA. Does this make sense?
The Bible says when YAHUSHUA Forgives, our Sins are remembered NO more! They are as far away as the EAST is from the WEST! I am telling you right now, every time you ask for forgiveness for something that YAHUSHUA has said is Forgotten, he does NOT even know what you're talking about. For it's the DEVIL that accuses you! NOT YAHUSHUA. YAHUSHUA has WASHED US clean with his Cleansing Blood at Calvary. YAHUSHUA has paid the PRICE for US, knowing we could never be perfect. Do you understand?
Stop asking forgiveness for something YAHUSHUA has tossed into the sea of forgetfulness. Do you rewash CLEAN clothes? YAHUSHUA gave me this revelation, that's what many are trying to do, to wash their heart and certain sins away that have already been CLEANSED. If you do the same thing again, then it needs to be CLEANSED again by the washing of our unrighteousness away with the CLEANSNG BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA. Other than that, you're asking to be cleansed from something that is already clean. Do you understand?
As long as we asked for forgiveness, the previous sins we committed are cleansed with the perfect shed Blood of YAHUSHUA Messiah! YAHUVEH the Father demands Holiness and He knows we can't be as HOLY as YAHUSHUA is, but we can when His HOLY shed Blood washes and cleans us from unholiness!
When YAHUVEH the Father looks upon us, he sees his Son YAHUSHUA's Blood covering us. Do you understand? Now let go of the lies others have told you, and believe what the Word of YAHUVEH says. You are forgiven and YAHUSHUA LOVES you so much! You desire to please Him and walk Holy before him. Don't ever think YAHUVEH wants anything for you but the BEST, and He has given it to you through YAHUSHUA.