Pastor Stephen Goh Intercedes For Me in Heaven!
Tribute to Rev. Stephen Goh
Pastor, Evangelist & Missionary
Back in the mid 90’s Pastor Stephen Ernest Goh from Singapore was blessed by the Prophetic Words & Prophecies posted on the site and wrote me. I spoke to him many times on the phone.
We became friends and he was a great blessing to me. He was a Pastor of many churches and wanted me to move to Singapore to minister in his church on the staff. I really did pray on whether to move to Singapore, but didn’t get peace as it wasn’t yet time to go to Asia.
He thought he could ‘bribe’ me with his sense of humor. He had quite the personality! He said, “If it is because you think you will have to live on rice and fish—we have McDonalds, KFC Chicken, so it will feel like you are still in USA!” He even offered to find my soulmate that had been prophesied!
One of the greatest strengths was his sense of humor. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Prov 17:22).
I grieved we lost touch over the many years and I just found out days ago my friend, my brother, died January 29, 2013 of lung cancer. Nonetheless, I rejoice to know I shall see my Brother Stephen Goh once again in Heaven.
I believe he has been interceding for me, and watching me from Heaven! Actually I know it. This is what YAHUSHUA tells me.
This is why, especially since 2013, the outreach to Asia has increased and the book, Secrets of the RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT is now translated into Asian languages, namely Mandarin Chinese, and will be released to the Asian People with more languages to come.
This is why the new Prophecy 124 [LINK COMING] came forth for the Asian People. All the Prophecies given to me by ABBA YAH & YAHUSHUA have lovingly been translated by a team into Mandarin Chinese!
Pastor Stephen Goh is before the throne of Heaven, interceding that Asia will hear the Prophetic truths revealed to AmightyWind Ministry. YAHUSHUA wanted to remind me that Pastor Stephen Goh was the first to tell me I have a calling to reach the Asians with the Prophecies and minister to them.
I never forgot his words, or his sense of humor nor when he told me I was called to reach the Asian People! He also said, “We both have this in common. We have suffered and been persecuted for the calling on our lives from our HEAVENLY FATHER.” He was a pastor, a healing evangelist who saw many healed and many souls saved.
He labored as a missionary and ministered throughout Asia: China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Israel, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia etc. On earth, he said, “My motto is winning the lost at any cost—even if it’s going to cost me my life.” Trust me. These were not empty words!
Along the course of his many mission trips, he survived capsized boats and crashing planes, travelled through typhoons, ran through an urban center as bullets flew past his head, and even prayed in tongues against a small machete mob who came after him—they resisted the message he proclaimed.
But in his own words, “In dangerous times, you see the hand of GOD in everything, and sometimes you just can’t help but laugh about it.”
Although in the end he went Home to Heaven after having fought lung cancer, he had been willing for many years to lay down his life for the Gospel and escaped death on many occasions. Through thick and thin, he believed and taught others, “The key is to always have the joy of the LORD as your strength.”
YAHUSHUA reminded me that Joseph Wong was not the first man sent from Asia. I don’t know how I could have forgotten it was Pastor Stephen Goh!
<<< Gone, Not Forgotten! Hong Kong Mystery, Joseph Wong We Miss You! >>>
Days ago Associate Minister Kathrynyah led me to a part of the archives, and I saw Pastor Stephen’s name. I had been praying to find his name again, especially after a recent dream I had about Singapore.
<<< Prophetic Dream – Going to Singapore! Bride Come Forth! >>>
We have worked extra hard to translate this book, encouraged knowing Pastor Stephen Goh intercedes in Heaven for us. He rejoices this book and Prophecies will reach the Asian People!
He is before the Throne of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA praying blessings on AmightyWind’s Asian Outreach & Ministry! I rejoice knowing he prays for all the translators.
They lovingly translate, giving freely of their time so this book may go out to the people. We don’t make a profit from this book, but everything is done for the sake of the people to hear the messages of these End Time Prophecies.
<<< Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT (2nd Ed.) >>>
Beloved Pastor Stephen Goh had only begun to learn about being a Messianic Jew when we lost contact. I never had the chance to teach him the importance of teaching the congregations about the true Sabbath. Perhaps he would not have received the truth while yet on this earth.
When YAH took him to Heaven, I know for sure he has learned many truths unique to what this Ministry preaches. In life I think all his churches were Sunday churches, but now in Heaven he knows the truth about the Sabbath, especially in these End Days!
I grieve so many People come into my life, but I am unable to keep in contact with all of them. Will you be one who takes what has been prophesied as the greatest outpouring of Anointing in all of history to Singapore?
My prayer is someone he mentored or those from his church or the churches he planted or ministered to, will contact AmightyWind Ministry in some way that this Apostle will still be able to share the Prophecies and continue the work of Stephen Goh in this way, with the same desire he had to share these Prophecies with Singapore & as a Singaporean outreach to all of Asia.
Are you the man or woman YAH has shown me in my dreams who will be used as Pastor Stephen Goh? Please contact me.