
📒34-12 吴史蒂芬牧师在天国为我代祷! Pastor Stephen Goh Intercedes For Me in Heaven!



Pastor Stephen Goh Intercedes For Me in Heaven!



牧师、布道家和传教士Tribute to Rev. Stephen Goh

Pastor, Evangelist & Missionary

追溯到上世纪90年代中期,来自新加坡的牧师吴史蒂文.欧内斯特(Pastor Stephen Ernest Goh),他被张贴在网站上的预言性话语和预言所祝福。他写信给我,我们也通过许多次电话。Back in the mid 90’s Pastor Stephen Ernest Goh from Singapore was blessed by the Prophetic Words & Prophecies posted on the site and wrote me. I spoke to him many times on the phone.

我们成了朋友,他带给了我极大的祝福。他牧养许多教会,他想要我搬到新加坡去他的教会服事。我真地为了是否要搬到新加坡去而祷告,但没有平安,那还不是去亚洲的时候。We became friends and he was a great blessing to me. He was a Pastor of many churches and wanted me to move to Singapore to minister in his church on the staff. I really did pray on whether to move to Singapore, but didn’t get peace as it wasn’t yet time to go to Asia.

吴史蒂芬牧师以为能用他的幽默打动我去新加坡的心。他的个性非常幽默!他说:“如果妳认为妳在新加坡只能吃米饭和鱼肉的话就错了!我们这里还有麦当劳、肯德基,会让妳觉得自己还在美国!”他甚至想要主动帮我找到神预言给我的灵魂伴侣!He thought he could ‘bribe’ me with his sense of humor. He had quite the personality! He said, “If it is because you think you will have to live on rice and fish—we have McDonalds, KFC Chicken, so it will feel like you are still in USA!” He even offered to find my soulmate that had been prophesied!


One of the greatest strengths was his sense of humor. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine” (Prov 17:22).

我为我们失去多年的联络而感到伤心。我前段时间才刚刚发现,我的朋友、我的弟兄,在2013年1月29日因肺癌去世了。但是不管怎样,我很高兴的知道我会在天国再次见到我的吴史蒂芬弟兄!I grieved we lost touch over the many years and I just found out days ago my friend, my brother, died January 29, 2013 of lung cancer. Nonetheless, I rejoice to know I shall see my Brother Stephen Goh once again in Heaven.

我相信他一直以来都在为我祷告,从天国看着我!我真的知道这事。这是亚呼赎阿告诉我的。I believe he has been interceding for me, and watching me from Heaven! Actually I know it. This is what YAHUSHUA tells me.

这就是为什么,尤其从2013年开始,圣灵全能风野火事工能够接触到亚洲并飞速增长的原因!这就是为什么《如阿克.哈.古德西/圣灵的奥秘》之书现在能被翻译成亚洲的语言以中文接触亚洲子民的原因!这本书还会被翻译成其他语言!This is why, especially since 2013, the outreach to Asia has increased and the book, Secrets of the RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT is now translated into Asian languages, namely Mandarin Chinese, and will be released to the Asian People with more languages to come.

这就是为什么赐给亚洲子民的新预言第124篇预言〔目前封印中〕能够出来的原因!所有由阿爸亚哈威和亚呼赎阿赐给我的预言,都被一个中文翻译小组带着满满的爱翻译了出来!This is why the new Prophecy 124 [LINK COMING] came forth for the Asian People. All the Prophecies given to me by ABBA YAH & YAHUSHUA have lovingly been translated by a team into Mandarin Chinese!

吴史蒂芬在天国的宝座前,为亚洲能够听见赐给圣灵全能风野火事工的预言真理而代祷。亚呼赎阿想要提醒我,吴史蒂芬牧师是第一个告诉我:“妳有用预言去接触亚洲子民并服事他们的呼召”的人。Pastor Stephen Goh is before the throne of Heaven, interceding that Asia will hear the Prophetic truths revealed to AmightyWind Ministry. YAHUSHUA wanted to remind me that Pastor Stephen Goh was the first to tell me I have a calling to reach the Asians with the Prophecies and minister to them.

我永远忘不了吴史蒂芬所说的话和他的幽默,也永远忘不了他告诉过我──我被呼召去接触亚洲的子民!他也说过:“我们两个都有同样的呼召:我们都曾受过折磨,被逼迫过,因为我们都从我的天父那里接受了我们生命的呼召!”他是一位牧师,一位医治他人的布道家,看到许多人得到了医治,许多的灵魂得到了拯救。I never forgot his words, or his sense of humor nor when he told me I was called to reach the Asian People! He also said, “We both have this in common. We have suffered and been persecuted for the calling on our lives from our HEAVENLY FATHER.” He was a pastor, a healing evangelist who saw many healed and many souls saved.

他作为一名布道家而辛勤劳作,在整个亚洲地区教导服事:中国、台湾、印度、印尼、以色列、缅甸、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚等地。他说,在地球上:“我的座右铭就是『不惜任何代价赢得失丧的人』──即使牺牲生命我也在所不惜!”相信我,这些不是空话!He labored as a missionary and ministered throughout Asia: China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Israel, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia etc. On earth, he said, “My motto is winning the lost at any cost—even if it’s going to cost me my life.” Trust me. These were not empty words!

他在多次宣教旅行中都是险象环生:所坐的船只倾覆、所乘的飞机坠毁、在台风中穿越、在子弹横飞头顶的市中心奔跑、甚至用方言祷告抵挡一小群拿着小砍刀追赶他的暴徒──那些暴徒们抵挡他所传讲的信息。Along the course of his many mission trips, he survived capsized boats and crashing planes, travelled through typhoons, ran through an urban center as bullets flew past his head, and even prayed in tongues against a small machete mob who came after him—they resisted the message he proclaimed.

但用他自己的话说,却是“在危难时刻,你就看到神的手在一切事中,有时你只能情不自禁觉得好笑。”But in his own words, “In dangerous times, you see the hand of GOD in everything, and sometimes you just can’t help but laugh about it.”

虽然他在与肺癌争战后最终回到了天国的家,但他多年以来一直都愿意为福音付出自己的生命,他有很多次都是死里逃生。无论经历多少艰辛,他都相信并教导别人:“人生的关键是要一直将主的喜乐作为你自己的力量。”Although in the end he went Home to Heaven after having fought lung cancer, he had been willing for many years to lay down his life for the Gospel and escaped death on many occasions. Through thick and thin, he believed and taught others, “The key is to always have the joy of the LORD as your strength.”



亚呼赎阿提醒我王约瑟不是第一个从亚洲联络我的人,我不知道为什么居然会忘了吴史蒂芬牧师应该是第一个从亚洲联络我的人!YAHUSHUA reminded me that Joseph Wong was not the first man sent from Asia. I don’t know how I could have forgotten it was Pastor Stephen Goh!

<<< 神秘消失,但未被遗忘!香港王约瑟,王约瑟我们想念你!>>><<< Gone, Not Forgotten! Hong Kong Mystery, Joseph Wong We Miss You! >>>

前段时间,副执事凯瑟琳亚带我去看一些过往的网页存档,我看到了史蒂芬牧师的名字。我一直以来都在为能再次找到他的名字而祷告,尤其是在最近做了一个关于新加坡的异梦之后。Days ago Associate Minister Kathrynyah led me to a part of the archives, and I saw Pastor Stephen’s name. I had been praying to find his name again, especially after a recent dream I had about Singapore.

<<< 预言性梦境──去新加坡!新加坡的新娘,上前来吧!>>><<< Prophetic Dream – Going to Singapore! Bride Come Forth! >>>


我们一直正在加倍努力地翻译这本书!得知牧师吴史蒂芬在天国为我们代祷使我们大受鼓舞!他很高兴这本书和全部预言都会被用来接触亚洲子民!We have worked extra hard to translate this book, encouraged knowing Pastor Stephen Goh intercedes in Heaven for us. He rejoices this book and Prophecies will reach the Asian People!

他在阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿的宝座前祷告祈求祝福临到圣灵全能风野火事工亚洲分支!我很高兴得知他为所有的译者祷告!He is before the Throne of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA praying blessings on AmightyWind’s Asian Outreach & Ministry! I rejoice knowing he prays for all the translators.

那些充满爱的译者们免费献上自己的时间,让这本书可以抵达人们手中。我们不会从这本书中谋利,所做的每件事都是为了让人们可以听到这末时的预言信息!They lovingly translate, giving freely of their time so this book may go out to the people. We don’t make a profit from this book, but everything is done for the sake of the people to hear the messages of these End Time Prophecies.

<<<圣灵的奥秘(英文第2版)>>><<< Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT (2nd Ed.) >>>

亲爱的牧师吴史蒂芬才刚刚学到要怎么成为一个弥赛亚犹太人时,我们就失去了联络。我从来没有机会教导他要会众守真正安息日的重要性。也许他在这个地球上不会接受这个真理。Beloved Pastor Stephen Goh had only begun to learn about being a Messianic Jew when we lost contact. I never had the chance to teach him the importance of teaching the congregations about the true Sabbath. Perhaps he would not have received the truth while yet on this earth.

当亚把他带回天国时,我很确定他从天国学到了许多唯有这个事工才传扬的真理。他在世上还活着时,我猜想,他所有的教会大概都是星期天教会,但他现在在天国知道了关于安息日的真理(周五日落到周六日落),尤其是在这个末时,这个真理更加特别地重要!When YAH took him to Heaven, I know for sure he has learned many truths unique to what this Ministry preaches. In life I think all his churches were Sunday churches, but now in Heaven he knows the truth about the Sabbath, especially in these End Days!

我感到很哀伤,因为许多人进入了我的生活,但我没有办法跟所有的人保持联络。你会是那个被预言的人吗?你会是那个把史上最强的恩膏倾倒在新加坡的人吗?I grieve so many People come into my life, but I am unable to keep in contact with all of them. Will you be one who takes what has been prophesied as the greatest outpouring of Anointing in all of history to Singapore?

<<< 第77 篇预言看哪,我亚哈威派你带着新恩膏前往五旬节教会,赐给那些会相信也会接受的人们!>>><<< Prophecy 77, Behold, I, YAHUVEH, Send You Forth With a New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churches For Those Who Will Believe & Receive! >>>

我的祈祷是──吴史蒂芬所指导过的人或是那些来自他的教会、他所栽植、服事的教会的人,会联络圣灵全能风野火事工。那样的话,这位使徒(译注:伊莉莎白先知)仍然能够分享预言,以这种方式来继续作吴史蒂芬曾做的工。My prayer is someone he mentored or those from his church or the churches he planted or ministered to, will contact AmightyWind Ministry in some way that this Apostle will still be able to share the Prophecies and continue the work of Stephen Goh in this way, 我们将会怀着与吴史蒂芬相同的渴望去跟新加坡分享预言,作为一个新加坡分支去接触所有亚洲子民。with the same desire he had to share these Prophecies with Singapore & as a Singaporean outreach to all of Asia.

如果你是亚在梦中向我显示的那位会一样像牧师吴史蒂文被使用的人,无论男女,请与我联络。Are you the man or woman YAH has shown me in my dreams who will be used as Pastor Stephen Goh? Please contact me.



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以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...