
📒34-17 这位勇士是个孩子,我不是一个超级英雄!This Warrior is a Child, I’m No Super Hero

这位勇士是个孩子,我不是一个超级英雄!This Warrior is a Child, I’m No Super Hero


我是一名牧师,也是一位先知。我把大部分的时间花在教导服事别人身上或对别人说预言。很少有人教导服事我,我非常感激你们给我的每一句充满爱意和鼓励的话语。我想要你们所有人知道:我只是一个破碎的泥土器皿。I’m a Pastor and a Prophet, and I spend most of my time ministering or prophesying to others. It is rare when I am ministered to and I absolutely appreciate every word of love, encouragement you give me, but I want you all to know I am just a broken vessel of clay.

上个礼拜,一位宝贵的弟兄在留言板里留了言。我特别感谢他所写下的话语,但我想要你们所有人知道,我不是一个超级英雄。我什么人都不是。一切的荣耀都归给亚呼赎阿(耶稣的希伯来文圣名)!我没有什么了不起!了不起的是亚呼赎阿!阿们!This past week a dear brother left a comment in the guest book that I appreciate so much, but I would like all of you to know I’m not a super hero. I am nothing. All the Glory belongs to YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS)! I’m not amazing. YAHUSHUA is amazing! Amen!

下面是他充满爱意的留言以及我的回覆。如果这个事工祝福了你的话,也请你留言。我想谢谢你们所有现在在阅读这篇博客的人。Below is his loving comment and my response. Please also leave a comment if this Ministry is a blessing to you! I would also like to thank all of you reading this now.

<<圣灵全能风野火事工宾客留言板>><<CHECK OUT: AmightyWind Guestbook>>

谢谢你,J弟兄!谢谢你们每个花时间留言的人!你们所留的言证实了这个事工所结的好果子!我无法用言语表达对你们的留言的感激之情!Thank you Jeffrey, and each one of you who have taken the time to write in the AmightyWind Guestbook to testify of the good fruit in this Ministry. I appreciate it more than words can say!

J弟兄的留言Jeffrey’s Comment

2015年12月31日大西洋时间晚上11:33 12.31.2015 AT 11:33 PM

我非常肯定自己是被主亲自带领来到这个事工的!!!首先,我想声明一点的是,伊莉莎白,我真佩服妳的力量!妳勇敢地面对邪灵们,不停地跟它们拉扯争战!妳不会气馁,甚至当仇敌们在攻击妳时,妳总是能把预言话语传递给在世界各地的我们!I was led to this ministry by the Lord himself, i am quite sure of this!! i would like to state first that i really admire your strength Elisabeth! you trully are dragging, confronting, and battling Demons without cease! and you dont let yourself get discouraged, and even through these enemy attacks YOU ALWAYS GET THE ‘WORDS’ OUT TO ALL OF US AROUND THE WORLD!那是这个世界迄今为止得到的最重要的预言话语!远比世上的黄金或宝藏都要珍贵!当然,这些话我也对妳的整个事工团队和所有人说!我一直都在观看预言视频,学习并传递分享妳的预言! THE MOST IMPORTANT WORDS THIS WORLD HAS EVER RECEIVED! THEY ARE FAR FAR MORE PRECIOUS THEN ANY GOLD OR TREASURES HERE! AND I ALSO, OF COURSE, DIRECT THESE STATEMENTS TO YOUR WHOLE TEAM ALL OF YOU! YOUR PROPHECIES; I ALWAYS WATCH, LEARN AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE. MANY MANY BLESSINGS HAVE BEEN BESTOWED UPON ME,我们的阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿和我们甜美的智慧妈妈已把许许多多的祝福赐给了我!我一直在为这个事工做有力的祷告!我会尽全力跟我们的仇敌作战 FROM OUR ABBA YAHUVEH , YAHUSHUA AND OUR SWEET BEAUTIFUL WISDOM! I PRAY STRONG PRAYERS FOR THIS MINISTRY ALL THE TIME. AND I WILL FIGHT HARD AGAINST OUR ENEMIES(是的,虽然我从未见过你们,你们所有的仇敌也是我的仇敌!我们所有的仇敌们都要知道这件事!他们攻击的不只是妳一个人,而是我们所有人!)(and yes, even though i have never met you guys, all of your enemies are my enemies too! all of our enemies. know that! they dont attack just you as a person, but rather all of us) 因为,妳的使命是整个这个世界上最重要的一件事!妳确实是亚的真英雄!真的是我们这个世界所编造、攥写或拍摄的科幻小说里面最强大、最坚忍的超级英雄!BECAUSE YOUR MISSION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THIS WHOLE WORLD! AND LITERALLY YOU ARE A TRUE HERO OF YAH. TRULY THE MOST POWEFULL, TOUGHEST SUPER HERO THAT THIS WORLD HAS EVER MADE UP, WRITTEN OR FILMED IN OUR SCIENCE FICTION!我爱你们所有的人!你们如有任何问题或事情都可以随时联络我!我会尽我所能帮助你们!愿亚哈威神祝福你们所有人! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND YOU MAY CONTACT ME ANYTIME, AND ABOUT ANY MATTER OR PROBLEMS. AND I WILL DO WHATEVER I CAN POSSIBLE TO HELP! THE LORD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

这位勇士是个孩子!This Warrior is a Child

2016年1月8日大西洋时间早上6:4901.08.2016 AT 6:49 AM

最亲爱的J,我在亚呼赎阿里面的弟兄,Dearest Jeffrey, my Brother in YAHUSHUA,

谢谢你在留言版里做自我介绍!我们很荣幸你花了时间留言!我期待与你在天国相见!当我们在天国相见时,那会是一个欣喜快乐的日子!我们所有经历过的痛苦会成为模糊的记忆,如果还能记起来的话!Thank you for introducing yourself in the guest book . It is a honor you took the time to do this. I look forward to meeting you in Heaven! When we meet in Heaven, it will be day of rejoicing. Any suffering we have gone through will be a dim memory, if remembered at all.

J弟兄,请不要把我当偶像崇拜,否则,亚说过祂会把我击倒。祂对在圣灵全能风野火事工里的人说过类似的话,作为一个承诺!祂永远不会允许骄傲的灵持续存在。Jeffrey, please don’t put me on a pedestal or YAH has said HE would knock me off. HE has said similar words that are a promise for the in AmightyWind Ministry. He will not allow the spirit of pride to persist.

不要轻视微小的起点,因为什至连一棵高大的橡树也是从一粒微小的种子开始的。你就像那棵正义的高大的橡树,是我的正义!你们没有趾高气昂,我也不会允许你们骄傲,因为如果你们要尝试这么做,我也会让你们威风扫地!(第5篇预言节选)Do not despise small beginnings for even a mighty oak tree started from a tiny seed. You are like a mighty oak tree of righteousness, MY righteousness. You are not puffed up with pride, nor will I allow it, for I would knock you off your pedestal if you even try (Prophecy 5).


人人都犯了罪,亏缺了亚呼赎阿的荣耀/完美(罗3:23)!我每天都尽力让自己能有像以诺一样的明证,使我能配得被称为亚呼赎阿的新娘!这是我持之以恒的祷告!All have sinned and fell short of perfection of YAHUSHUA (Romans 3:23)! I strive each day to have a testimony as unto Enoch, and be counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA! This is my constant prayer.

──你们没有趾高气昂,我也不会允许你们骄傲,因为如果你们要尝试这么做,我也会让你们威风扫地!──You are not puffed up with pride, nor will I allow it, for I would knock you off your pedestal if you even try.

我也有气馁的时候,我悲伤哭泣,泪流成河,一直流到天国的宝座室里,流淌在亚的面前。我也因为在YouTube(美国视频网站)上面仇敌们的残酷恶行而在亚呼赎阿的怀里悲痛呜咽!那些仇敌们从未见过我,一个都不认识我,大多数人从未给我写过信,也从未跟我说过话,我也不知道他们的真实姓名。I do get discouraged. I have wept rivers of tears that lead to the Throne Room in Heaven before YAH. I have weeped and wailed in the arms of YAHUSHUA at the brutality of Youtube enemies who have never met me! They don’t even know me. The majority never have written. Never have they spoken to me. I don’t know their true names.

他们是被撒但利用的人,他们说出、写下受恶魔摆布的谎言来恶意毁谤我!那些伪装成基督徒的人是最邪恶的人!他们至今还活着,是因为他们还没有挖到自己要坠入的地狱层次的深度!They are people used by satan to viciously slander me—speaking and writing lies dictated by the devil! The most wicked people pretend to be Christians. They are only alive because they haven’t yet dug their way down to the level of hell to which they will descend!

仇敌们每一个攻击我的视频、每一句诋毁和毁谤我的话语──或是攻击圣灵全能风野火事工或事工执事们的亵渎谎言,无论他们是用键盘写的还是用嘴巴说的,他们所说所写的都会进入创造神──我们的阿爸亚和我们的弥赛亚亚呼赎阿──祂们的眼睛和耳朵里!With each enemies video, each word of slander and libel against me—or blasphemous lies against AmightyWind Ministry, or ministers in it, the words written or spoken—is going from their keyboard or mouth, to GOD the CREATOR, our ABBA YAH & YAHUSHUA our MESSIAH’S ears and eyes!

亚在近日2015年12月16日告诉我(亚所说的这篇话语目前封印中):地狱有数百万的层次,里面充满了我们无法想像或理解的折磨!真正的地狱比任何一部恐怖电影还要恐怖好几百万倍!YAH recently told me on Dec 16,2015, (in a Word of YAH that is held for future release) that hell has millions of levels, full of tortures our minds cannot conceive or comprehend! The real hell is a million times worse than any horror movie! 亚呼赎阿用财主和乞丐拉撒路的故事警告了世人(路16:19-31)。这些被弃的人(耶6:27-30)的名字没有被写在羔羊生命册里。任何一个有圣灵同在的人,都不敢说出或写下那些人针对我和预言的邪恶话语!YAHUSHUA warned with the story of the rich man and beggar Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). These reprobate (Jer 6 :27-30) people’s names are not in the LAMB’S Book of Life. No one with the HOLY SPIRIT would dare speak or write the things they do about me or the Prophecies.

从2009年到Youtube上开始,这六年以来,魔鬼利用了邪恶的陌生人,利用YouTube和网络,竭尽一切所能企图摧毁圣灵全能风野火事工。It has been 6 years as of now, since 2009 on Youtube that the devil has had demonic strangers, do all they can to try and destroy AmightyWind Ministry. They use Youtube and the Internet. 这是亚自己的事工!荣耀、敬拜归给亚呼赎阿!截至这篇文章的撰写时间为止,已有来自28种语言的译者献上自己的时间,免费翻译预言和教导!

This is YAH’S own Ministry—glorifying, worshiping YAHUSHUA with language translators who volunteer their time in 28 languages, as of this writing, to translate the Prophecies and Teachings!

那些被弃的撒但之子们,他们唯一能摧毁圣灵全能风野火事工的方法是──如果不能杀死我这个使徒、先知、牧师,就用文字去攻击我的声誉和名字!The only way the reprobate spawn of satan can try to destroy AmightyWind Ministry is to kill if not in person, in words against my reputation and name, this Apostle, Prophet, Pastor.

你说我很坚强,不,亲爱的弟兄。这是我唯一得着力量的源泉。(亚4:6)。若不靠着亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血,我就什么都做不了;若不靠着如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美圣灵的强烈恩膏,我就什么都做不了!You say I am strong. No Beloved Brother. Here is the only place I get my strength. “‘Not by might, nor by power, but by MY SPIRIT,’ says the LORD YAHUVEH OF HOSTS” (Zech 4:6). I can do nothing without the Name & Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I can do nothing without the intense anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH, SWEET HOLY SPIRIT!

这个事工跟其他的事工不同之处──是恩膏,以及那些帮助我一起教导服事的所有执事们,他们每天都达到高标准的圣洁生活。义人的祷告大有功效!我们在世界各地都有代祷者,他们认为这个事工是一个祝福。It is the Anointing that sets this Ministry apart from other ministries, and it is the high standard of daily Holiness required for all ministers who help me minister. It is the prayers of the righteous that avails much! We have prayer intercessors around this world, who count this Ministry a blessing.

虽然我现在还没看到过他们所有的人,也不知道他们每一个人的名字,但我知道他们在天国会站在我的身边,跟我一起领取奖赏。亚呼赎阿说过,我只知道一小部分亚呼赎阿的恶魔跺使代祷者们的名字。And although I don’t see all their faces now or know all their names, I know in Heaven they will stand by my side, and receive rewards by me. YAHUSHUA says I only have a tiny fraction of the prayer warriors’ names in the “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” prayer intercessors.

我收到了成千上万人写的邮件。他们告诉我,他们在神圣的祷告中覆盖我和所有执事们。他们在世界各地用28种不同的语言,祷告、祈求保护圣灵全能风野火事工、我、执事们以及所有祝福这事工的人,这也包括财务的资助者。I get tens of thousands of emails of people letting me know, they cover me and all Ministers in Holy prayers in 28 languages around this world. They pray protection for AmightyWind, me and ministers and all who are are blessing to this Ministry, including financial supporters. 圣灵全能风野火事工的仇敌们面临着战事!他们可以删除攻击我的视频,然后静静地走开,有些人的确这么做了!但是其他人被撒但大大控制,无法停手,有些人会坠入地狱的数百万层,直达最底端!The enemies of AmightyWind have a war on their hands. They could just delete their videos and quietly leave and some do. But others are too possessed by satan to do it. Some will hit the bottom of the million level of hell!

那些最败坏的被弃的仇敌们有祸了!他们对我一点都不了解,却继续说诽谤和诋毁我的谎言。Woe be unto the worse of the reprobate enemies. They don’t even know me in anyway but continue their slanderous lies and libel.仇敌们对我施行了卡巴拉诅咒、各种各样的秘术、咒语、通灵交鬼术、中国邪术、巫术、撒但邪术、巫术、萨满邪术、仪式和外星人攻击,但我仍然站立,因为“我必不致死,仍要存活,并要传扬亚哈威的作为。”(诗118:17) Enemies cast their Kabbalah curses, all forms of occult, spells, necromancy, Chinese sorcery, voodoo, satanism, witchcraft, shamanism, rituals and alien attacks, yet I still stand because “I shall live and not die to to declare the works of YAHUVEH” (Psalm 118:17).

我坚守这些应许“凡为攻击你造成的器械,必不利用[…]。这是亚哈威仆人的产业!”(赛45:17)以及“靠着爱我们的主亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我们在一切的事上,已经得胜有余了。”(罗8:37)!I stand on these promises: “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper […]. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD” (Is 54:17) & “We are more than conquerors through him that loved us,” YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Rom 8:37)!

亲爱的弟兄,我不是一个超级英雄!我只是一个破碎的泥土器皿。我是那任由那些被弃的仇敌们践踏、唾弃、碾压的葡萄,但是在迫害当中,亚呼赎阿带来了更多的恩膏新酒、天国的新鲜吗哪和来自天国宝座崭新的恩膏油。I am not a super hero Beloved Brother. I am a broken vessel of clay. I am grapes that has been stomped on, spit on, crushed by the reprobate enemies, but in the persecution, YAHUSHUA has brought forth more Anointed New Wine, Fresh Manna from Heaven, Fresh New Anointed Oil from Heaven’s Throne.

甜蜜的圣灵、伊妈亚、如阿克.哈.古德西用更强的恩膏在各方面恩膏我:更大胆的预言、现在被启示的奥秘,为亚呼赎阿的荣耀所赢得的更多胜利等等!这个事工越是被攻击,被这个事工接触而得救的灵魂就越多,一切都为了亚呼赎阿的荣耀!为了灵魂的救赎!The SWEET HOLY SPIRIT, IMMAYAH RUACH HA KODESH, anoints me with stronger anointing in all ways, bolder Prophecies, secrets that are now revelations, more victories for YAHUSHUA’S Glory etc. The more this Ministry is attacked, more souls are reached for YAHUSHUA’S Glory! For the salvation of souls!

是撒但使用并指示它所拥有和控制的男女──他们属于它──去攻击一个拥有肉身,但被如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏充满的女人!It is satan who uses the men and women who he owns and controls—they belong to him—with instructions to attack a mere woman of flesh, filled with the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH!

事实上,这些被弃的男女们甚至根本就不认识我,他们真的是在攻击天父亚哈威、亚呼赎阿和伊妈亚,甜美的圣灵、如阿克.哈.古德西!Yet in truth these reprobate men and women, do not even know me. They are really attacking HEAVENLY FATHER, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, IMMAYAH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT, RUACH HA KODESH!我为亚呼赎阿圣名的缘故受迫害!所有跟我一起教导、服事的人、捍卫这个事工的人、认为这个事工是一个祝福的人,他们也为亚呼赎阿的圣名受迫害!“应当欢喜快乐,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的。在你们以前的先知,人也是这样逼迫他们。”(太5:12) I am persecuted for YAHUSHUA’S Name sake, and so are all who minister with me, defend the Ministry, and count this Ministry a Blessing! “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in Heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:12).

作为这篇文章的结尾,有一首歌完美地描述了我。我去YouTube找到了这首由推拉.帕丽丝(Twila Paris)唱的歌“这位勇士是个孩子”(This Warrior is a Child)。这首歌挽救了我的生命很多次。In closing, there is a song that describes me perfectly. I went looking on Youtube for a link to “The Warrior is a Child” by Twila Paris. This song literally saved my life many times.

我其中一位亲爱的属灵女儿做了一个视频给我,但我以前从来没有看到过,我为此感到特别羞愧!在那时,我在YouTube上遭到了很严重的攻击,很多人制作视频来庆祝事工和我的生日,就是在4月4日。出于某种原因,我直到今天才看到这个视频。I am so ashamed one of my Beloved Spiritual Daughters, made this video and I never saw it before! It was at a time when severe attacks were coming against me on Youtube, and also people were making videos to celebrate both the birth of the Ministry as well as my Birthday, which is April 4. And somehow this video, I did not see until today.

请原谅我,我亲爱的女儿,我充满恩膏的甜心蜜蜂!当我听着这首歌时,我脸上流着感激的泪水,感受着她的爱。Forgive me my Beloved Daughter my Anointed Honey Bee! I have tears dripping down my cheeks, in gratitude, feeling her love.

我确实只是一个破裂的泥土器皿。亚呼赎阿使用我的伤口来把祂的油和酒倾倒而出,恩膏封住了这个破碎器皿的裂缝,任何一滴油和酒都没有被浪费掉!每一个接受预言和教导中所写真理的人都是有福的!Truly I am just a broken, cracked vessel of clay. YAHUSHUA uses my wounds to pour forth HIS Oil & Wine and the Anointing seals the cracks in this Broken vessel of Clay. So not one drop is wasted! Everyone who receives the truths in the Prophecies & Teachings are blessed!

亚呼赎阿是这样形容我的,并把一个关于我的异象赐给了我:一个破碎的泥土器皿,但靠着亚呼赎阿的圣名,就成了一个勇猛的战士!我有许多的头衔:This is the way YAHUSHUA described me and gave me a vision of who I am, a broken vessel of clay, but a mighty warrior in YAHUSHUA’S Name. I have many titles “Anointed Prayer Warrior,” “受膏的代祷勇士”、“先知新以利亚”、“使徒”、“鸣警使女”、“牧师”以及昵称“鸣警使女妈妈”。我的爸爸亚、亚呼赎阿和伊妈亚,也就是圣灵知道我只是一个小孩子。当我看到自己在宝座前哭泣时,我的情绪就像一个两岁的孩子!“Prophet Elijah of New,” “Apostle,” “Ring Maiden,” “Pastor,” and the nickname “Momma R.m.” My DADDY YAH, YAHUSHUA and my IMMAYAH, WHO is HOLY SPIRIT know I am just a young child. When I see myself crying at the throne, emotionally I am as a two year old child!

我谦卑地这样承认,但我确确实实地去了天国的宝座室,在我爸爸亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的怀里呜咽,大声对圣灵伊妈亚请求怜悯,请求祂们迅速毁灭那些残酷地攻击我的被弃者们!那些被弃者们比邪恶仇敌还更邪恶!Humbling to admit, but true. I go to the Throne Room in Heaven, and sob in my DADDY YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA’S arms, shout loudly to IMMAYAH, the HOLY SPIRIT asking for mercy and for quick destruction upon the reprobate, beyond evil enemies, whose attacks against me are brutal!

除非你经历过我所经历的事,无论是你或是其他任何人都不能理解被别人称作“撒但教徒、巫婆、耶洗别、巴比伦的淫妇、撒但教会的领导者”是什么样的滋味!某个男人费了很多时间,花了数千美金找到了一个跟我长得相似的色情明星,制作了色情影片,说那里面的是我!Unless you have walked in my shoes, you nor anyone else can understand what it feels like to be called a satanist, a witch, Jezebel, whore of babylon, leader of a satanic church etc. Some man spent how much time and thousands of dollars to find a porn star that resembled my face to do a sexual act and made a video saying it was me!

我没有看到任何一位先知或牧师跟我一样在YouTube上遭受这样的攻击!那些攻击我的人也包括自称是基督徒的人!I don’t see any other Prophet or Pastor suffering the kind of attacks I do on Youtube, and this includes people who claim they are Christians!

我收到了死亡威胁,来自那些行秘术和撒但巫术的人,对,甚至连“外星人”也送出它们的争战攻击我。为什么?因为我如果真的是他们所说的任何一个恶名的话,我就不会被那样以恶名被称呼了!如果我真的跟他们一样邪恶的话,他们就不会费心去揭露我了!而真理是:I receive death threats. People in the occult, satanists. Yes even ‘aliens’ send their warfare against me! Why? If I were any of the names I was called, I would not be called these names. They wouldn’t bother to expose me if I was in fact evil like them. The truth is

“为义受逼迫的人有福了!因为天国是他们的。[…”人若因我辱骂你们,逼迫你们,捏造各样坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了!“Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven […] Blessed are ye when men shall revile you , and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name sake, 应当欢喜快乐,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的。在你们以前的先知,人也是这样逼迫他们。”(太5:10-12)Rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecute the prophets of old before you” (Matt 5:10-12).

当人们企图用话语和恶行杀害我时,他们都不认识我。我最大的痛苦是来自那些我曾教导服事过的人,我没有做邪恶的事,只是想要成为他们的祝福,对他们倾注了我的爱。而当他们得到警戒,要过圣洁的生活,悔改他们的罪时,他们却写出或说出亵渎的谎言。When people try to kill me with words, actions and do not know me—the worst pain comes from people I have ministered to, those I was nothing but be a blessing to them, i pour out my love and when they receive a caution to walk Holy, repent of their sins, now they write or speak blasphemous lies!

这节经文证明了这样的罪是得不到饶恕的:“以恶报善的,祸患必不离他的家。”(箴17:13)亚让申命记28章的诅咒临到了他们的整个家庭而不只是他们自己一个人!This verse proves there is no forgiveness for this sin. “Who so rewards evil for good, evil will not depart upon their household they turn on me with demonic hatred (Prov 17:13)! YAH places Deuteronomy 28 curse upon their entire household not just the person!

“这位勇士是个孩子”的歌描述了我,我是一个勇士又是一个孩子,但我在三十多年前就把自己的生命献给了亚呼赎阿。自我说完救恩祷告后,我就一直不停地在教导服事别人。The song “The Warrior is a Child” describes me. I am but a child warrior, who has given her life to YAHUSHUA over 30 yrs ago! I’ve ministered non stop starting when I said the prayer of salvation for all this time.这许多年以来,我从来没有背离亚呼赎阿或使祂蒙羞。只要我还在这个世上,我就会做力所能及的事,不停地教导并服事他人! I have not ever turned my back on YAHUSHUA or brought him shame all these many years. And I will not stop as long as I am on the face of this earth and able to do so!

我不是在推广推拉.帕丽丝(Twila Paris)的音乐。事实上,我对自己所听的音乐非常谨慎,因为我不知道那些音乐家们跟亚呼赎阿之间的属灵关系。

I do not endorse Twila Paris in anyway. In fact I am cautious what music I listen to, because I do not know their personal spiritual relationship with YAHUSHUA. 我只完全信任圣灵全能风野火事工的音乐,我是那些音乐家们的牧师和属灵妈妈,我知道他们每一个人都过着圣洁的生活,我也知道他们每个人的属灵果实。I only fully trust the music of AmightyWind. I personally am the Pastor and Spiritual Mom to the musicians, and I know each of them live Holy and I know the fruit of their spirit.我坚持要圣灵全能风野火事工的音乐家们,在对三一真神歌唱赞美时使用祂们神圣的希伯来文圣名。在每一首歌被释放之前,我都要为歌曲祷告,看看亚有没有什么想要改动的地方,这样一来,我就能完全推广事工的音乐。 I insist AmightyWind Musicians use Sacred Hebrew names of GOD we sing praises to. I pray over every song before released, and see if YAH wants anything changed, so I can fully endorse our music.

伴随着爱和祝福,奉亚呼赎阿的名with love and blessings in YAHUSHUA’S Name

使徒、先知、牧师以莉莎法.以利亚呼Apostle, Prophet, Pastor

Elisabeth S. Elijah



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...