
🕎36-3Shout Out of Love to Kenya Africa (Plus Behind the Scenes)


Shout Out of Love to Kenya Africa (Plus Behind the Scenes)

I just want to give this shout out of love to our Beloved AmightyWind Kenyan congregation that has grown so beautifully for YAH’S Glory alone, and also to all those we know and love in Africa! We love you and appreciate you so much and so does YAH. HE has many awesome plans for you. Hallelu YAH!

These things we mentioned below are just a taste of what YAH has in store! I have received Prophetic Words for Africa, including ….[LINKS]… and Holy Promises for Africa concerning the return of the Shekinah Glory [LINKS] to those who will believe and recieve what YAH has spoken to this Ministry—as well as while I was in Africa, the Revelations of Prophecy 89 & 90 [LINKS]. We’ll share more behind the scenes too about spiritual warfare and more.

Please keep AmightyWind in prayer that we accomplish all this and all YAH wills in what short time we have! In YAHUSHUA’S Name!

Transcript from Pentecost 2015

Elisabeth: [We have] these most anointed videos. I was looking at our videos today. I was looking at “We Went to the Enemies’ Camp” you know, the kids dance thing. I am speechless how gorgeous it is. I know I’m a Mom, just a Jewish Mom bragging on her kids again.

Kathrynyah: Amen.


E: But how gorgeous our videos are! I never—I watch all kinds of videos and I never see anything like ours.

K: It’s the anointing, guys!

E: I mean, but they’re eye-appealing gorgeous…Well I have to say it. Here I am, Jewish Momma. And we have got the most handsome and beautiful children.

K: Praise YAH!

E: But I mean really—not just the anointing. I mean physically handsome, and physically beautiful also. And then these who, like our Beloved, Beloved Bride over there in Kenya, been sending the [updates of the] little Church that raised up.

We send out our love to you Kenya! You know who you are and you make sure, whenever this gets broke up into little pieces, that [they] hear this.

And I looked at their faces. The small group that is becoming larger and larger. In Kenya, mind you!

K: It’s just awesome.

E: And that’s just one place. I mean I can’t even name all the different places. And HE said—when we left Africa and we grieved after 9 months. Again, a woman gives birth 9 months and it was over with. We couldn’t stay any longer in Africa for the 9 months we’d been ministering there. We even had to have an extension put on there as you know.

K: Right.

E: And HE said that when we left the wildfire would start in Africa. I hadn’t even been able to stand behind a pulpit. Remember, I was invited by that pastor—and I think he spoke French.

K: You get a lot [of invitations from all over Africa and the world, especially Africa]—oh yeah the guy from Cape Town. But you also get [so many invitations.]

E: And we couldn’t and we didn’t have time. But ABBA YAHUVEH ignited that when we left. The spark from when we were there—it ignited and it turned into a wildfire.

K: So many people write from Africa all over… Nigeria…

E: No wonder the devil hates us so much!

K: It’s not going to be the [spiritually] “dark continent” much longer. [See LINK COMING for what she’s referring to.]

E: I shouldn’t just say the devil—he sends his—satan has his own bride [who also hates us so much]…

K: But GOD taught us about spiritual warfare in Africa!

E: And that’s where IMMAYAH’S Word was given [LINK]. That is a gong that was heard around the world!

K: Yes, huge. But that was another battle! And because of that GOD raised up another army!

E: What did we have in the house that was part of a rental agreement that we had no choice [and had to keep]? But a voodoo maid.

K: Yeah.

E: Oh my gosh! I had pretend—not pretend, I had to make sure, gosh I hope I wasn’t pretending to get that stuff out of the garbage—but I had to make sure that none of my hair was in the bathroom or fingernail clipping. Oh my gosh! And oh my gosh, that day when she would come into that room! But that was also the place that the Word came forth about the Two Witnesses—about the male and the female. And you know it is so sad, we have that audio and the audio is so faint. And I don’t know… I just keep asking—there has to be someone who can take this audio cassette, because when that Revelation was given to me.

It was, I believe, the next morning after the voodoo maid came in, and FATHER gave the Word about “I toy with your enemies,” but you are better about remembering time than I am.

K: Well that was 88 [NAME AND LINK].

E: Was that 88?

K: Yeah. [Prophecy] number 88 was I Toy with My Enemies.

E: [Laughter.] Oh where is my brain at tonight? Of course it wasn’t…

K: But I think Prophecy 83 was there also like you said, but that doesn’t…

E: I wanted to say, if they could hear my voice at how broken and how shocked and how I didn’t even want to speak those words about [the Two Witnesses] being one male and one female. Because I learned like everyone else at that time. And I even said, “Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, why are YOU telling me this?”!

K: I know!

E: I was—if only we could get that audio.

K: Well I pray ABBA FATHER if there’s a way to do it, we will. Amen.

E: We have the cassette take. But for some reason the volume is so low, and we don’t know why. So I always…I don’t know how we can do it.

K: Maybe one of our computer geniuses can figure it out.

E: I have a feeling about a certain computer genius over there in Africa, right?

K: That’s what I’m thinking too.

E: I’m wondering—but you would have to make a copy of it to make sure we have a copy of it. We have to see if he can increase.

K: Well, he’ll just have to—

E: Well you guys tried with Audacity, didn’t you? Well did our son there try to fix it? Did anyone try to fix it yet?

K: Well we don’t have the tape here, so we can’t.

E: Well not only that. I think we have got to find it again. ‘Cause I’ve got hundreds of tapes. I don’t know. I’ll have to ask whether we know where it is. I think we tried to find it the last time.

K: YAH’S will be done.

E: Oh FATHER, please show us where it is… the shock in my voice!

Adam: I think what will be necessary to do if I could help with this. To check every one of the tapes, check every one of them and make a list, a report of the situation: what we have and whether we—I think we could find some new Prophecies.

E: You’re right Adam. I know there’s Prophecies there. I know there’s Words. I know there’s visions. I know there’s dreams. And we were at one time told to record everyday. We were told to record everyday. It would make the auto-biography so much easier, Kathrynyah.

E: Alright, I’m going to do this. I’m going to start going through those tapes because that is the one thing that I really, really grieve of and this day of Pentecost ABBA YAHUVEH I ask you to let me, I will go through those tapes. YOU show me HEAVENLY FATHER, I believe in faith, where that is and we are believing in faith and stand in agreement, the audio to that Prophecy is going to be fixed to where all can hear it—that YOU will anoint my, our beloved son…

K: Maybe HE will just do a miracle and HE will fix it.

E: Well, first…but there’s so many, like I said, memories—there’s songs there too. I’ve been given over 100 songs that FATHER has given.

K: Right this will help with the music ministry.

E: Yup. So I’m going to make a commitment today ABBA YAH. [This is] the old time cassette tape, you know. But we did—we got caught up in doing so many things, but we did. We recorded. We tried to record a lot of our lives when we were on the bus travelling all over the place and we will see. We will see what FATHER will do.

If only the people could really hear it, they would understand I wasn’t puffed up in pride when I gave that word. (I never am anyway, but…)

E: I mean I can’t even imagine [the blessings that are coming forth…] We are all—we are all going to be standing side by side.

It will not just be me. You will be by my side. All of those [all over the world] who are workers in this Ministry will be by my side. Everyone who has supported this Ministry financially—if they are walking Holy and if they truly have a loving relationship with YAHUSHUA (and count this Ministry a blessing)—they are going to be standing by our side.

This is going to be awesome!

A: Awesome! What a time this will be!

E: Every time I try to describe this [I can see a vision]—ABBA YAH showed me in a dream, I will…we will all be seeing this—we will not be able to see the end of the people in a huge line who are just coming to say “thank you” to us.

And they will introduce [themselves]. They will give there names and introduce and they will say, “We just want to thank you.” I mean they’re in all races—there’s no—I couldn’t see the end of the line. So look forward to that. I don’t know how many—I don’t know what time span in Heaven it’s going to take to meet them all, but it’s going to be an awesome time of rejoicing.

So let’s rejoice. I give this shout out of love to all those in Kenya, Africa and all around the world who love YAHUSHUA and stand for Holiness, and stand with the Ministry! One of my beloved children in YAH jsut this past week also dreamed of the souls we will see in Heaven. First she saw many souls in Kenya gathered together, then people with the clothing of all the nations of the world and she didn’t know what she was seeing—so many people, then realized it was holy people, the souls that YAH will and is using AmightyWind to reach and broke down with tears of joy.

Praise YAH! The greatest honor I have on this earth, is to reach just one soul for YAHUSHUA! I am honored that YAH uses this Ministry to reach so many.


your Pastor Elisabeth



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...