
📒33在夏威夷被恩膏Anointed In Hawaii


在夏威夷被恩膏Anointed In Hawaii

1995年8月27日,我在我有生以来至今所遇见的最强的恩膏下服事。我在如阿克.哈.古德西的权能下,服事着在夏威夷的人们。人们在如阿克.哈.古德西的权能之下俯伏倒下。In 1997, August 27, I ministered under the greatest Anointing of my life thus far. I was ministering to people in Hawaii under the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. People were falling under the Holy Spirit's power. 接着我走过去将手按在了另一位先知身上,我后来才知道他名叫迈克(Mike),我被大力弹出去穿过了那个房间,那是一个大房间!我躺在了地上,没有人接住我!I then went and touched another prophet, I later learned his name was Mike, and I was thrown across the room, a large room! I landed on my back, no one caught me! 在那里的那些人说:当时,我在圣灵的恩膏下,平躺在地上,我发预言,服事了两个半小时!这还不算在此之后的服事时间。恩膏实实在在的烧进了我的肉体里!Those there said that I laid there and prophesied and ministered under the anointing of the Holy Spirit for two and a half hours! That is not counting the hour or more of ministering afterwards. The anointing literally was BURNT into my flesh!

让我来解释一下,虽然我不声称我明白所发生的事,但我会告诉你我所知道的一点点,再加上那天别人告诉我的事来解释给你听。Let me explain. Although I don't claim to understand, I am going by the little I know, and what others told me that day.

圣灵告诉这两个男人,迈克和约翰(Mike and John),两位先知来复盖我,圣灵说,如果她没有把她的力量倾注在我里面的话,这个恩膏就可能会杀了这个器皿。The Holy Spirit said to the men, Mike and John, the two prophets covering me, that this anointing would have killed this vessel if he had not poured his strength into me. 他们将手放在我的脸颊和前额上,一个人在我的右边,另一个人在我的头顶!他们开始祈祷以利亚双倍的恩膏临到我身上。They were laying hands on my cheek, and forehead, one at my right side, and the other at the top of my head! They started praying a DOUBLE portion anointing on me of Elijah, 但当他们祷告时,圣灵说: “不,她已经有了以利亚双倍的恩膏,你们要祈祷她会得到以利亚三倍的恩膏!” but when they did, the Holy Spirit said, "NO, she has that already, pray a TRIPLE portion anointing of ELIJAH!"

于是他们照做了!圣灵的白热恩膏烧进我的肉体内!如果没有恩膏的话,我的肉体还会活着吗?So they did! This was what was burnt into my flesh with the White Hot Anointing of the Holy Ghost! Without it would my flesh have lived? 好吧,亚呼赎阿是神,所以很难相信我当时会死去,但为什么祂警告先知们,要为我的性命祈祷呢?有人能给出任何解释吗?我想要更好的明白这事。Well, YAHUSHUA is God so it's hard to believe I could have died, and yet why did He warn the prophets to pray for my life? Anyone have any explanation? I would like to understand better.

我无法记起在那几个小时内发生的事,因为所发生的事情跟我的肉体无关,只与我里面的圣灵有关!但现在这恩膏掌控了我的肉体,并且它再也没有再次做过。I cannot remember what took place those hours, for it had nothing to do with my flesh, only the Holy Spirit within me! But now this anointing was taking over the flesh, and NEVER did again. 在我从这事恢复之后,我感到精疲力尽!直到我从夏威夷回来!这持续了24小时。哦,才再次再次有那体力!After I recovered from this, was I exhausted! Not until I returned from Hawaii! Going 24 hours. Oh, to have that energy again!

这是夏威夷毛伊岛最大的五旬节教会。我被邀请去那里作为一位先知去服事。约翰和梅莉安娜(John and Meliana)住在夏威夷毛伊岛。我有个朋友朱莉(Julie),她在网上找到了圣灵全能风事工的网站。This is biggest Pentecostal church in Maui Hawaii. I was invited there to minister as a Prophet. John and Meliona live in Maui Hawaii. I had a friend Julie who had found Amightywind Ministry online.朱莉和一个星期天教会的牧师分享了预言,他打电话给我,邀请了我。圣灵让我在以斯帖禁食日到达。我在机场受到了一大群人的欢迎,见到了先知约翰和梅莉安娜。 Julie shared the prophecies with a Pastor of a Sunday Church, and he called me and invited me. The HOLY SPIRIT had me on a Esther Fast upon my arrival. I was greeted at Airport by Large group of people and met Prophet John and Meliana.

我请任何认识夏威夷毛伊岛这对夫妇的人请联系我。我们成了最好的朋友。先知约翰和梅莉安娜不会以我的希伯来文名字以莉莎法或英文出生名伊莉莎白认出我。I ask anyone who knows this married couple in Maui Hawaii please contact me. We became best friends. Prophet John and Meliana will not recognise my Hebrew name Elisheva or English birth name Elisabeth. 我在网上事工刚开始的时候使用中间名雪莉(Sherrie)。先知雪莉.以利亚。我心的渴望是夏威夷毛伊岛的人能读到这篇文章。我知道这需要被做成一个影片。这仍然是我生命中最强大的恩膏。I used middle name Sherrie at start of online Ministry. Prophet Sherrie Elijah. My heart's desire is someone from Maui Hawaii will read this. I know this needs to be in a video. This is still the strongest anointing in my life.

回到我当时的处境。人们围绕着站在我身边,我当时被告知,恩膏正在使他们被圣灵充满,他们在圣灵的权能下倒下!Back to where I was. People, I am told, were standing over my body and the anointing was causing them to be filled with the Holy Spirit and they were falling under the Power of the Holy Spirit! 奇迹正在发生!人们接受了圣灵的恩赐和恩膏,作为亚呼赎阿的大能勇士向前进!Miracles were happening! People received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and anointing to go forth as Mighty Warriors for YAHUSHUA!

噢,那天是多么地奇妙!我看到了一个异像,当亚呼赎阿抓住我举到空中的双手时,有一根杖被放进了我的手,当杖被使用时,我看见撒但从它地狱里的老旧宝座上跌落!就像一个地震震动了整个地狱一样!Oh, what a awesome day that was! I had a vision as YAHUSHUA held my hands up in the air and there was a ROD in my hands, and that when the ROD was used I saw Satan topple from his old throne in Hell! Like an earthquake had shaken Hell! 亚呼赎阿嘲笑了魔鬼,它很快地站起来,重新坐回了它丑陋的旧宝座上。但很快地,魔鬼又被击倒了!〔阅读关于827号储物柜的异梦,其中有提到这根杖。〕YAHUSHUA laughed at the devil and he quickly picked himself up and sat down on his ugly old throne again. But for a brief moment the devil was knocked off! [Read about the Locker 827 dream in which this ROD is spoken of here.

一个女人告诉人们说,她看见四位天使在我的四周护卫我!每一边都站立了一位天使!One woman told the people that she had seen four angels standing guard all around me! One on each side of me!

当我从地上起来时,人们说 “看她的脸!” 我本以为那肯定是我脸上的妆,有可能抹糊了或发生了更糟糕的事情。但反而他们全部人都走过来,摸我的脸!When I arose from the floor, people were saying, "Look at her face!" I thought surely it must be my makeup, maybe it was smeared or something worse, but instead they all were coming and touching my face! 他们为他们所看到的事,为亚呼赎阿在说话并施行拯救的方式而赞美亚呼赎阿!They were Praising YAHUSHUA for what they were seeing, and the way He was speaking and delivering!

我脸上的热度,不像任何我曾经感受过的那样,人们都非常惊讶,因为恩膏使我的脸发光,他们从没看过这种事发生。The heat on my face was unlike anything I have felt and the people were amazed, for the anointing had left a glow on me unlike anything they had seen. 我只是继续在圣灵的权能下传道,我一个接一个向他们传道,直到我虚弱得无法站立为止。恩膏是会让人精疲力尽的!妳的肉体无法长久承受那种圣灵之火。I just kept ministering to the people under the Power of the Holy Ghost. One by one they were ministered to until I was too weak to stand. The anointing drains you! Your flesh just can't take that kind of Fire of the Holy Ghost for long!

最后一个男人名叫弗兰克(Frank),我不认识他。除了把我带到庆祝派对的人之外,我不认识一个人。因为你们看,这些人为我来到夏威夷而禁食祷告,虽然我并不知道这事。这是我第一次来到夏威夷的毛伊岛。The last one was a man named Frank. I didn't know him. I knew no one there except the one that brought me to this celebration. For you see, these people had fasted and prayed for me to come to Hawaii although I didn't know it. This was the first time I was in Maui, Hawaii.

那就是圣灵要我走进去时要做的事,奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名祝福所有祝福我的人(我当时使用了我所知道的名 “耶稣基督” ),那就是这一切的开始。我现今仍惊奇于亚呼赎阿的良善。That's what the Holy Spirit had me do when I walked in, to Bless all those that Blessed me in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH'S name (he used the name he knew, Jesus Christ)! That's how all this started. I still marvel at the goodness of YAHUSHUA.

然后这个名叫弗兰克的男人走到我的面前,告诉我他是一个佛教徒,他是一个佛堂的领袖,领人们信佛。他说他想遇见 “耶稣(亚呼赎阿)” ,因为他的妻子把他带到这里来见我。Then this man named Frank approached me and said he was a Buddhist and a leader in the Buddhist Church that lead people to Buddha. He said he wanted to meet 'Jeusus' [YAHUSHUA], for HIS wife had brought him there to meet me. 我只是个无名小卒,现在仍不明白这件事。总之,他说他看到这里发生的一切,他想接受 “耶稣(亚呼赎阿)” 为主和救主!I am nobody and still can't understand any of this. 这是他亲口所说的话!Anyway, he said he saw all that had happened here and said he wanted to accept 'Jesus' [YAHUSHUA] as LORD and Savior! 人们高兴地欢呼!因为他说他知道 “佛陀不可能去做耶稣(亚呼赎阿)在那天所做的事!” The people were shouting with Joy! For he said he knew, "Buddha couldn't do what Jesus [YAHUSHUA] did that day!" HE said these exact words!

接下来发生了我生命中最大的荣幸,就是在祷告中将这个男人领向亚呼赎阿!还有比把一个灵魂领到亚呼赎阿更值得高兴的事吗?向他们指明救恩的路,弗兰克斥责了撒但和佛陀!Then I had the greatest privilege of my life leading this Man to YAHUSHUA in prayer! Is there any greater joy than leading a soul to YAHUSHUA? Showing him the way of Salvation, and Frank rebuked satan, and Buddha! 那是多么令人欢乐的一天!当我在祷告,还没触摸他时,圣灵的权能就已经临到他身上,敲击他倒在地上。是的,只有圣灵真正的运行才能做到这事!What a day of rejoicing that was! When I prayed and barely touched him, the Power of the Holy Ghost came upon him, knocking him to the floor. YES, there is a genuine moving of the Holy Sprit that does this! 不能因为有魔鬼为了嘲笑圣灵而使用的假冒作为,就不相信亚呼赎阿的真实碰触了!你无法在全能神的同在中站立!当祂触摸你时,肉体必定倒下!但再一次的,当你看到这事发生时,也不要假定那全部都是神的作为。Just because there is a counterfeit that the devil used to mock the Holy Spirit, don't think there isn't a real touch of YAHUSHUA! You cannot stand in the presence of Almighty God! And when he touches you, the flesh must fall! Again don't just assume when you see this it's all Godly.

在许多教会里,特别是那些有 “喜笑复兴” 的教会里,这是很危险的!亚哈威的经文说:不要让任何人急促/突然地对你行按手礼!(提摩太前书5:22 给人行按手的礼,不可急促;不要在别人的罪上有分,要保守自己清洁。)In MANY churches, especially those with the laughing revival, it is DANGEROUS! Let NO man lay hands on you suddenly the word of YAHUVEH states!

回到我正在说的事上:)。弟兄姐妹们,听我说,这个男人只是一个长相普通的人,Back to where I was speaking :). Brother, Sister, Hear me, this man was just a plain kind of homely man,但当我祈求那改变我脸的恩膏也去改变他时,他在圣灵的权能下倒在地上,预言也出来了,说:他会带领许多其他人从佛堂里出来归向亚呼赎阿! but as I prayed the anointing that changed my face, changed HIS and he fell under the power of the Holy Spirit and prophecy came forth, saying that he would be leading MANY others to YAHUSHUA OUT of the Buddhist temples! 当他从地上站起来时,人们和我都很惊讶,因为他的脸改变成了放出光芒,他不再是那位长相普通的男人了,而是很英俊!And when he got up off the floor, the people and I were amazed because HIS FACE had changed to a RADIANCE and he was no longer homely, but HANDSOME! 哦,亲爱的亚呼赎阿,当我在写下这篇见证时,请祢与弗兰克和他的妻子同在!为了祢的荣耀再次恩膏他!保护祢的孩子!Oh, dear YAHUSHUA, be with Frank and his wife as I write this! Anoint HIM once again for your Glory! Protect your Child!

我知道这听起来很不可思议,还有更多的事情发生了,甚至与在属灵界里,被放在我手里的杖有关。I know this sounds incredible. And MUCH more happened, even the ROD that was placed in my hands in the Spiritual realm. 我现在不想谈太多细节,但多年来,主已经教导了我很多关于祂在属灵界里赐给我的一根杖。我什至在梦中去上学,1-12级,学习如何使用它。I don't feel free to go into this too much right now, but for years the LORD has taught me much about a ROD he has given me in the spiritual realm. I have even been to school in my dreams, levels 1-12, learning to USE it. 这根杖是1997年在属灵界里赐给我的!1998年8月27日是这一天的纪念日!我知道当我将这件事告诉别人的时候,我得非常小心。因为一旦跟错误的人说话就会有危险。This Rod was given to me in the Spiritual realm in 1997! And August 27, 1998 is the anniversary of that day! I knew I had to be careful who I spoke this to, for there was danger in telling the wrong person. 我过去是这么想的,但现在很多先知都向我证实了这件事,我不再害怕那些一直在吞吃亚呼赎阿的绵羊和羔羊、祂宝贵的新娘、孩子和勇士的那些狼了!That is what I used to think, but NOW I have it confirmed in the multitude of prophets and I no longer fear the wolves who have been devouring YAHUSHUA's Sheep and Lambs, His precious Bride, His precious Children and Warriors!

当心了,你们这些狼!灵杖,我承认它是一件属灵武器,它会击打你们离开亚呼赎阿的羊群!你们的面具会被被扯下,因为你们看起来像是羊,然而真面目却是残暴的狼,随时吞吃、残害、杀害亚呼赎阿的羊群,还把将他们领入歧途!Watch out wolves, the ROD, which I admit is a spiritual weapon, is going to beat you off YAHUSHUA's Sheep! Your masks will be ripped off, for you appear to be a sheep and yet are ravenous WOLVES out to devour, maim, KILL, and lead astray YAHUSHUA's flock! 我拥有恩膏能揭露你们真面目!亚哈威说, “伸冤在我” ,祂的话是不能说谎的!祂会报复你们试图偷窃祂羊群的行为!I have the anointing to expose you! And Vengeance is mine sayeth YAHUVEH in his Word that cannot lie! HE will repay you for you have tried to steal HIS flock! 当你们无法偷窃时──披着羊皮的恶狼们,一些伪装成牧师、使徒、先知、教师和传福音的!你们要当心了,来自天国的杖将会制止你们!And when you couldn't, evil wolves in sheep's clothing, some disguised as pastors, apostles, prophets, teachers, and evangelists! BEWARE the ROD from Heaven will STOP YOU! 我们都有属灵的武器,要祷告并看到你被赐予了什么样的武器。我们的武器不是属血气的,而是属灵的!祂也已经赐给了我一把大能的双刃剑!We all have Spiritual weapons, pray and see what you have been given. For our weapons are NOT carnal but Spiritual! He has also given me a Mighty double-edged Sword!

至少有75个人在排队等我为他们祈祷。人们都说看看她的脸,她的脸上明亮发光,她看起来真漂亮!People at least 75 people were standing in line for me to pray for them. The people were saying look at her face its glowing bright she looks beautiful!

我去了洗手间,几乎无法站立,我照了镜子,想知道大家从我脸上看到了些什么。弟兄姐妹们,让圣灵为我做证:我都认不出自己了!I went to the bathroom, barely able to stand, and looked in the mirror to see what the people had seen, Brothers and Sisters let the Holy Spirit bare witness to what I am saying, I did NOT recognize my reflection! 我的脸光芒四射,我的眼如此明亮,我没法描述我白皮肤上的另一种颜色! My face was so GLOWING and my eyes so BRIGHT and a different color of my white skin than I can't describe! 美丽不是外在的相貌,而是内在的!圣灵已经做了某些工是如此强烈,在我的脸上发光!这难道就是摩西所经历的舍金娜荣耀吗?我不知道,但我会说这不是为了我的荣耀,而是为了亚呼赎阿的荣耀!Beauty is NOT that which is outside but is inside! The Holy Spirit had done something so strong that it shined in my face. Was this the Shikinah Glory like Moses experienced? I don't know, but I will say it's NOT for MY glory but for YAHUSHUA's!

因为在镜子里映照的不再是我的脸,圣灵以某种方式改变了我的脸!那天接下来,甚至在我去教会的当晚,无论我摸到谁,谁就倒在圣灵的权能下!For it was NOT my reflection looking back in the mirror but SOMEHOW the HOLY SPIRIT had TRANSFORMED my face! Anyone I touched the rest of the day, and even when I went to Church that night, fell UNDER THE POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST! 

在讲道开始之前,我在教会的讲坛前只拥抱了一个女人,并被带领说, “愿你被新酒充满!” 这位陌生人倒在恩膏下,在讲道开始后,在那里至少躺了20分钟!Just hugging one woman in Church in front of the podium before Church started, I felt led to say "Be ye filled with the NEW WINE!" and this stranger collapsed under the Anointing, and stayed there at least 20 minutes AFTER Church started! 牧师被嫉妒所充满,因为他知道教会的所有人都看到了发生的事情。他因为那个女人在他讲道时躺在地上而不太高兴!The Pastor was filled with jealousy for he knew the people saw what had happened. He was NOT pleased for she lay there while he Preached!

有一个人说, “雪莉,牧师不是很高兴。妳不应该做那种事的!” 我回答说, “但我什么事都没做!你去跟神说吧!这不是我的权能,而是圣灵的权能!” One person said, "Sherrie. Pastor is NOT happy. You shouldn't have done that!" I said, "But I didn't do anything! Tell it to GOD! This is NOT my power but the HOLY SPIRIT'S Power!"

教会的领导者,带领我向人们一一传道的人!牧师试图忽视我。我在尝试记起他的名字,但现在不能马上想起来。Leaders of the Church were taking me from one person to another to minister to the people! The Pastor ignored me. Trying to think of his name, but can't remember right now. 我再次认为这是我所知道的最接近幸福的事了。被神以这样的方式使用,使我能成为对亚呼赎阿和祂子民的一个祝福!Again I think this is the closest thing to Happiness I have ever known. To be used in such a way...to be a blessing to YAHUSHUA and HIS people! 这种感情并不是属世的幸福或快乐感,它们是脆弱的,稍纵即逝。但这却是在主的喜乐,使我们晓得自己被这种方式使用,让世人不能否认。亚呼赎阿在统治掌权、祂医治人、拯救人、以特别的方式倾倒祂的恩膏。NOT worldly happiness or joy that is so fleeting and fragile, but the JOY of the LORD, of knowing we have been used in such a way NO ONE can deny. YAHUSHUA RULES AND REIGNS, HEALS AND DELIVERS and pours out HIS anointing in ways NOT commonly seen.

如果有其他人经历过这种事,请通过我们的 “联系我们” 发送电子邮件!当圣灵在我们的灵里证实它时,我们就会把它张贴出来。

If anyone else has experienced this, PLEASE email through our contacts form! We will post it as the Holy Sprit confirms it in our spirits.

隔天,当一个传道人和他的妻子来到我住的旅馆,我们要离开当地,去服事更多人。我快速地把粉底液涂在脸上,但最奇怪的事发生了。我的皮肉就像烧伤一样剥落,可是一点都不疼!The next day, as a minister and his wife came to my hotel, we were to leave and minister more. I was putting my makeup on and well, here is the strangest thing of all. My FLESH was as if it was peeling off from being BURNT yet there was NO PAIN! 我有此事的目击证人,如果你想把这件事写下来,我不能用化妆品掩盖我掉皮的地方!恩膏烧伤了我的皮肤!I have witnesses to this if ever you want to put this in writing, I couldn't cover with makeup where this was happening! The Anointing had BURNT my SKIN!

这不像晒伤,不,跟晒伤不一样!没有痛苦!我持续了这样三天!在那之后我很感恩,因为我又能化妆了:)。NOT as a sun burn, NO different! NO PAIN! And this lasted for three days! I was so grateful for makeup again after that. :) 当两位先知按着我的脸为我祷告时,恩膏烧掉了他们碰触的地方。这听起来很奇怪,但当你读这篇文章时,亚呼赎阿会证明给你看的。The anointing had burned my Flesh where the two prophets had been touching my face as they prayed! Strange as it sounds and YAHUSHUA will confirm this as you read it.

好吧,现在你可能会以为我疯了,又或者圣灵已向你证明,那天她真的在我身上倾倒了很强的恩膏。这样的事再没有发生过。Well, now you either think I am insane, or the Holy Spirit has witnessed to you that He really had put a STRONG anointing on me that day. Never has it happened again. 但这只是《约珥书》2章所记载的奇迹的其中一个小例子。 “在末时,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。” 去读那段经文!But this is just a small sample of the miracles yet to come as is stated in Joel 2 In the end times I will pour out my spirit! READ it!

这并不是因为我们的身分!只因为我们是甘愿被亚呼赎阿、亚哈威和如阿克.哈.古德西所使用的器皿。我们愿意被祂们使用,为祂们带来颂赞、尊贵与荣耀,以证明我们的全能神是昨日、今日、永远都不变的神!It is NOT because of who we are! Only that we are willingly vessels to be used by YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH and the RUACH HA KODESH to their Praise, Honor and Glory, proving OUR Almighty God is still the same yesterday, today and forever!

我知道这被预言过了,总有一天,甚至是我和其他靠着圣灵传道的人,都为了亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的颂赞、尊贵和荣耀,我们的影子都会被恩膏,就像亚哈威恩膏保罗一样,人们被医治了!I know it is prophesied that one day even my shadow, and others ministering by the Holy Spirit for the Praise, Honor, and Glory of YAHUSHUA Messiah will be anointed, like YAHUVEH did with Paul and the people were healed! 我没有患夸大妄想症。这件事真的发生了,还有更多事情发生了!亚呼赎阿是我的见证人。如阿克.哈.古德西,请在灵里证实我所说的这一切都是真实的,为亚呼赎阿带来荣耀!I am NOT suffering delusions of grandeur. This truly did happen and MORE as YAHUSHUA is my Witness and please, Holy Spirit confirm in HIS Spirit what I have spoken is the TRUTH to the GLORY of YAHUSHUA!

我期待将来能再次到夏威夷传道,因为那里有许多对亚呼赎阿忠实的恩膏勇士!如果你们中有人读到这篇文章的话,我从来没有见过这样的祝福和恩膏像那段在夏威夷短期停留的时间里所得到的祝福和恩膏。I look forward to ministering again in Hawaii for there are many faithful, anointed Soldiers for YAHUSHUA! If any of you are reading this, I have never known such a blessing nor anointing as that short time in Hawaii. 当我按亚呼赎阿的旨意回来时,祂说我将要带着一个更大的恩膏和见证回去!再说一遍,不是因为我是谁,而是因为亚呼赎阿的身份!When I return as the YAHUSHUA ordained, He said I will be going back with a greater anointing and testimony! 下一次,当亚呼赎阿指示了,将有一个强大的帐篷复兴临到岛屿!夏威夷里的至爱的人们,Aloha(你们好)!Again, NOT because of who I am but because of who YAHUSHUA is! Next time as YAHUSHUA has instructed there will be a mighty tent revival to the islands! Aloha Beloved in Hawaii!

哦,我做梦都没想过我会把这件事说出来,但我每次说我不要说出来时,就是当圣灵告诉我 “现在要开口” 的时候。Well, I never dreamed I would tell anyone this, but whenever I say I won't that is when the Holy Spirit says, "Speak it NOW!"

我相信,有一天,当有资金时,我将会返回夏威夷。我在当天离开了许多为亚呼赎阿兴起的恩膏属灵代祷勇士。我的朋友们,我在多方面感到我的心与他们留在了毛伊岛上!One day I believe, as the finances are there, I will return to Hawaii. I left MANY warriors that were raised up that day for YAHUSHUA. My friends, in many ways I feel I left my Heart in Maui!

如果有人认识海伦(Helen),我只知道名字,或者叫梅里安娜,请给我发邮件。哦,我多么爱我的兄弟姐妹!请同意,我不久将再次回到那里服事。IF anyone knows Helen, I only know first names, or Meleona, please email me. Oh how I dearly love my Brothers and Sisters! Please agree that I will be returning shortly to minister there once again. 我知道我必须离开,我认为这是我在地球上的家,因为如果我不离开,我就不会被使用来做我现在在这台电脑上正在做的事情,也不会遇到你们所有人。

I know I had to leave, what I thought would be my home on earth, for if I did NOT I would not have been used to do what I am doing now on this computer, and meeting all of you.


All of this I have spoken as I remembered it. Much more took place, many miracles but that is for another time as the Holy Spirit permits.

1998年8月27日是这蒙福的日子的三周年纪念日!我欢迎你对我自己还不理解的事情发表意见或解释。如果你有给我的预言或讯息,请通过 “联系我们” 给我发电子邮件。August 27, 1998 is the third year anniversary of that blessed day! I welcome your comments or explanations to what I don't understand myself. IF you have a prophecy for me or message please e-mail me through the contact form.



Much love in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,

Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...