
📒29差一分钟到午夜!It's One Minute Until Midnight!


差一分钟到午夜!It's One Minute Until Midnight!

 “你真的是新娘吗?” "Are You Really The Bride?"

 “如果你想知道你所爱的人或你的配偶的名字是否被写在羔羊生命册上,就把这幅图给他们看。在图像里的恩膏将会显明这事。甚至对那些还没有得救的人,他们没说任何不好的话抵挡那张图像。"If you want to know if your loved one's or your spouse's name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life, let them view this picture. The anointing in it will show. Even those not yet saved will not say a word against that picture. 因为他们将辨别出他们的对天国的渴望,如果他们的名字在羔羊生命册上被找到的话,虽然他们甚至还没有做出那个决定。它意味着他们将会。For they will discern their desire for Heaven if their Name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life, although they haven't even yet made that decision. It means they will. 对于那些恨那张图像的人,那么的他们的名字就不会在羔羊生命册上被找到。我的儿子亚呼赎阿在哀哭,而这甚至将不会开始打动他们。” For those that HATE that picture, then their name is not found in the Lamb's Book of Life. My Son YAHUSHUA weeping will not even begin to touch them."

楠西. B,就是我告诉你亚呼赎阿差遣我去她那里的那位画家,她被赐给了一个预言,我有荣幸被使用来向她发预言,她是要画 “差一分钟到午夜” 的画家。Nancy B. the artist I told you about who YAHUSHUA sent me to, was given a prophecy and I had the privilege of being used to prophecy to her that she was the one that was to paint "One Minute Until Midnight."  亚呼赎阿使用她来绘出我的异象,祂给了她确证,因为我们都确认了在画中所看到的很多事物。YAHUSHUA used her to bring the vision I had and he gave her confirmation as we both confirmed much of what is seen in the picture.


比如说,我看到加百列跟米迦勒身穿白色长袍,而亚呼赎阿则穿着镶金边的白袍。 我知道天使也穿金色……我们甚至在未讨论前就确定了! For instance I saw Gabriel and Michael in white tunics and YAHUSHUA in white robe trimmed in gold. I knew the angels wore gold also...we confirmed without even discussing it! 我看到加百列有金发,米迦勒有同样发型的黑发,亚呼赎阿有深色的头发和蓝眼睛,这再次被证实了!I saw Gabriel has having Golden blonde hair, and the style and Michael has black hair, and YAHUSHUA has dark hair and blue eyes, again this was confirmed!


当我在神的引导下给楠西打电话时,恩膏便临到了她。 在我靠着圣灵权柄祷告时,她的女儿用橄榄油恩膏了她!  The anointing came upon Nancy when I called her on the phone as directed and her daughter anointed her with olive oil as I prayed in the power of the Holy Spirit! 楠西说她几乎不能站立,感到快倒下了! 全能神的力量临到她,她的头、手、脚、耳、眼以及心都被恩膏了!Nancy said she could barely stand she felt like she was going to fall! as the power of Almighty God came upon her and her head, hands, feet, ears, eyes, and heart was anointed!我用方言祷告,楠西感到圣灵的权柄以强大的方式临到了她! 荣耀单单归给亚呼赎阿. 哈. 玛西阿克! 谢谢祢,亚呼赎阿! I prayed in tongues and Nancy felt the Power of the Holy Ghost come upon her in a mighty Way! For YAHUSHUA's Glory Alone! Thank You YAHUSHUA!


我想告诉你们,谢谢你们的祷告,当我第一次看到这幅画时,她在1998年3月6日完成了它,我刚收到这画的一些照片以及你们现在看到的扫描图。I want to tell you Thank you for your prayers, for when I saw this picture for the first time she finished in on 3/6/98 and I had just received the photographs of it, as well as the scanned picture you see here now.  我感到目瞪口呆,但当我看到这图时我觉得自己已经去了一趟天国!It takes a lot to take my speech away but when I saw it I feel like I have been to Heaven! 


我几乎说不出话来! 连说英文都有困难,甚至有些结巴! 我感到有些恍惚,好像我的灵在天国里,而我的肉体还在地球上! 这持续了一整晚! I could barely speak! I was having a hard time speaking English and stuttering ! I felt spacey, like my spirit was in Heaven and my body here on Earth! This lasted all evening! 请不要用扫描的图来论断这幅画,因为你还不能明白扫描的图 无法 反映它的华美。 电脑不能复制精金般的金属光泽和耀眼的光芒! 也不能复制每张脸和每个物件上的细节! Please don't judge this picture by the scanned picture you can't begin to understand how this does NOT reflect the beauty. The computer cannot duplicate the GOLD Metallic and Shiny! Great details on every face and every item! 楠西看到了天国,她画下了之前从未有人画过的景象! 亚呼赎阿在祂脸庞的右侧正流着两滴泪水。Nancy has seen Heaven and she has painted what no one has painted before! YAHUSHUA has two tears coming down the right side of his face.


再次阅读 《差一分钟就到午夜》 的预言,你会看到在这幅画中,楠西把这异象画活了,你也会明白 这真的是亚呼赎阿 Read the One Minute Until Midnight prophecy again and you will see the vision Nancy brought to LIFE in this picture and understand THIS IS REALLY YAHUSHUA!


加百列看起来就像画中所画的那样,米迦勒也是。 亚呼赎阿在客西马尼园流汗如血滴。 我相信在天国里两滴血泪从祂的眼中流出,因为失丧的灵令祂如此伤心。 GABRIEL looks like he is portrayed and Michael also. YAHUSHUA sweated drops of blood at the Garden of Gethsemane. I believe he has two tears of blood coming from his eyes in Heaven for the grief of the lost grieves him so. 我没有看见大天使米迦勒站在阶梯上,但我看见他等着天父下旨准备差遣他的天使天军去争战,好来接我们回家!I didn't see Archangel Michael on the steps but I saw him awaiting the orders of the Father ready to send his Angelic troops into WAR to come take US home!


你不会想到当亚呼赎阿再来接祂的新娘时,天上将会有争战! You didn't think there was going to be a Heavenly War when YAHUSHUA comes again for HIS bride! 更令人兴奋的是,楠西看到米迦勒因天父亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的召唤正跑上阶梯。 What Nancy saw is even more exciting for she saw Michael running up the stairs for he has been summoned by the Father God YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA ). 米迦勒的剑也被画下了,它 异常美丽 ! 并且他已经准备好了要 战斗 ,因为他被召唤要准备向他的天使天军发号施令!Michael's sword is drawn and it is SO BEAUTIFUL! And he is ready for BATTLE as he is called into action to give orders to his Angelic Troops!


仔细看加百列的脸,他的脸上有折痕因为他的脸颊鼓起准备吹响羊号角 ! Gabriel, look carefully his face, has the creases for his cheeks are puffed and ready to sound the Shofar trumpet ! 看他衣袍上的细节! 我们得到了关于这事的证实! 审视米迦勒帅气的脸,战士的面容! 两位天使的身材都很结实,很强壮!Look at the detail of his tunic! We had confirmation on this! Examine Michael's handsome face, a look of a warrior! both are built rugged and very strong!  注意他手臂上和腿上肌肉的线条! 别以为扫描图甚至能与真画相媲美。 相信我,你不会相信你眼所看见的 Notice the rippling Muscle's in his arms and legs! Don't think the Painting even begins to compare with this scanned picture. TRUST ME YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES!


亚呼赎阿,噢,宝贵的亚呼赎阿! 祂的头发又浓密又卷又黑……打理得整整齐齐的胡须……唔,毕竟祂是神,祂的冠冕闪烁着精金和宝石的光芒,那并非这地球能想像的。 YAHUSHUA OH precious YAHUSHUA! His hair is so thick and wavy and dark...neatly groomed beard..well he is GOD after all and his crown sparkles with gems and Gold unlike this earth can imagine. 到处都是精金! 祂跪在血红色的地毯上,因为那就是祂新娘的复盖保护,不是吗? 祂的两滴眼泪流下脸颊,祂为那些将被留下的人而哭泣!Gold everywhere! He kneels on a blood red carpeting for that is the covering of HIS bride is it NOT? His two tears coming down his face for he weeps for those that will be left behind! 


祂最痛心的是那些以为他们在去往天国的路上,但却会被留下而去地狱的人们! The ones he grieves the most for are those that think they are on the way to Heaven and instead will be left behind and go to HELL! 因为他们只有宗教,而跟全能神亚哈威和亚呼赎阿没有敬爱的关系。 祂为那些人哭泣,那些人以为自己能活得 不圣洁 、看自己能活得有多接近地狱、仍然还能去天国! 他们都已被骗了!For they have a religion NOT a RELATIONSHIP with Almighty GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA ) Those that think they can live UNHOLY and see how close to HELL they can live and still make HEAVEN he weeps for! They have been deceived!


所有向其他圣徒或者甚至向祂母亲马利亚祷告,而不是直接向亚呼赎阿祷告的人,他们都已被骗了,只有祂是 唯一的中保 祂流的宝血 洗去了我们的罪!Anyone who has prayed to another saint to intercede for them or even his MOTHER Mary instead of going directly to YAHUSHUA for HE alone is the ONLY INTERCESSOR ! It is HIS Shed blood that washes away our Sin!  亚呼赎阿. 哈. 玛西阿克在各各他取代了我们的位置,我们不能奉天上或地上任何其他的名字祷告并期待被拯救或期待父神亚哈威应允我们的祷告! 惟独在亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的圣名里才会有拯救或答复!YAHUSHUA took our place at Calvary and NO ONE else's name under Heaven or Earth can we pray too and expect to be saved, or expect Father God YAHUVEH (Jehovah) to answer our prayers! Its in the name of YAHUSHUA (YAHUSHUA Messiah) alone! 


祂是唯一的门、唯一的道路、唯一的真理、唯一的生命! 唯一完美无罪的牺牲祭, 为我们的罪 付出了 终极 的代价 ! 但不要被误导了,这不表示我们可以因祂为我们付了代价而故意犯罪! He is the ONLY gate the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, the ONLY LIFE! THE ONLY SACRIFICE that is a PERFECT SINLESS SACRIFICE who paid the ULTIMATE PRICE FOR OUR SINS! 

因为我们 祂,所以我们必须 顺服 祂! 圣灵阻止我们故意犯罪,因为我们想要成为圣洁,因为祂是圣洁的! But don't be mislead this doesn't mean we purposely sin because he paid the price! Because we LOVE him we must OBEY him! The Holy Spirit keeps us from purposely sinning because we want to be Holy as HE is Holy! 楠西看到米迦勒在他上阶梯时碰着一扇门! 她不知道圣灵透过她画那扇门的原因,因为 亚呼赎阿. 玛西阿克是唯一的门 我们带着感谢和赞美进入天国的门

Nancy saw a gate that Michael is touching as he ascends the stairs! She didn't know the reason the Holy Spirit drew that through her was because YAHUSHUA IS THE ONLY GATE! WE ENTER INTO HEAVEN'S GATES WITH THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE!


但这不是一扇普通的门,这门有柱子!一扇有柱子的金门!我们要成为公义的柱子!楠西也不知道这事,但圣灵向我解释了。This isn't an ordinary gate though, it has Pillars! A golden gate with Pillars! We are to be Pillars of righteousness! Nancy didn't know that either but the Holy Spirit explained it to me. 楠西看到了宝座后面的十字架。圣灵握着她的手,开始画了许许多多的十字架!她非常惊讶!Nancy saw the crosses behind the throne. The Holy Spirit took her hand and just started painting lots of crosses! She was amazed! 我们天父亚哈威宝座后的十字架就像全息影像,提醒着天父:亚呼赎阿为我们所付的代价!Those crosses are like a Holographic image behind the throne of our Heavenly Father God YAHUVEH (Jehovah) and it reminds the Father of the price YAHUSHUA paid for US! 


我告诉楠西我看见了基路伯,他们用翅膀遮盖着脸,他们也在哀伤哭泣,因他们看见亚呼赎阿在哀伤哭泣! I told Nancy I saw cheribums and they had their faces covered with their wings and they were weeping and grieving seeing YAHUSHUA weep and grieve! 祂为来接我们、祂的新娘回家有多么开心,那么他就为会被留下的人和会去 地狱 的人有多么哀伤! For as much as he rejoices at coming to take US his bride home, he also grieves for those that will be left behind, and those that will go to HELL! 亚呼赎阿不知道祂要来的时间和日子,因为祂等着天父神亚哈威来告诉祂……若是由亚呼赎阿来决定时间的话,祂定会一直延迟,因为祂不愿任何人 失丧 YAHUSHUA doesn't know the time or day he is coming, for he waits for the Father God YAHUVEH to tell him....If it was up to YAHUSHUA he would just keep delaying because he doesn't want any to be LOST!


但天父有指定的时日,祂已让亚呼赎阿和祂的先知知道时候近了! But Father has a time and season and he has let YAHUSHUA know and his prophets know the time is nigh! 祂已显明了挂在空中的时钟,指针是金色的,虽然天国没有时钟,但 没有 其他方法来对我们描绘,因为现在就是 “还差一分钟就到午夜,亚呼赎阿.玛西阿克会在午夜时分前来” 的时刻了! HE has shown the clock hanging in the air the hands are metallic Gold and although there is NO Clock in Heaven there is NO other way to portray to US for it is" One Minute Until Midnight and YAHUSHUA comes in the Midnight hour!" 另外一件有趣的事是,楠西是获得重生的新基督徒,她在一个弥赛亚教会里获救。One more interesting notation...Nancy is a New Born Again ian. She was saved in a Messianic Church. 


我告诉她在我的异象里,父神亚哈威在祂的宝座上,所有人都在等着祂的命令。 加百列准备吹响他的号角,米迦勒准备接受命令与他的天使天军去战斗!I told her that in my vision Father YAHUVEH is on his throne and everyone was waiting for his Orders. Gabriel ready to blow his horn, Michael ready to receive orders to go into battle with his angelic troops!  亚呼赎阿哭泣着、为人们代祷着,基路伯因全能神亚呼赎阿在哀伤而伤心哭泣着。 亚呼赎阿在等着命令去接祂的新娘、带我们回家! YAHUSHUA weeping and praying interceding for the people, The Cheribums weeping and grieving for Almighty God YAHUSHUA is grieving. YAHUSHUA waiting for the orders to go and get HIS bride and take US home! 楠西和我都没有看到天父亚哈威的脸,甚至在我的异象中也没看到。Nancy and I didn't see the face of the Father God YAHUVEH not even in my vision.


当要画亚哈威时,她祷告说, “父啊,我不想因我没有把您画好而让祢生气,所以圣灵,请替我画祂。” When it came time to draw YAHUVEH she prayed and said Father I don't want you getting angry with me for not making you look good enough, so please Holy Spirit draw HIM for me. 这就是她所见的,从全能神亚哈威的宝座里发出的明亮光芒! 没有脸或形象,只有无法想像的最明亮的光芒! 我在那光中看到一个十字架,你有没有看见? 一个白色的十字架! 在我告诉她我所看到的之前,楠西不晓得这事。 这是圣灵画的。 This is what she saw, A bright LIGHT coming from the throne of Almighty God YAHUVEH! No face or form ,only the brightest Light imaginable! I see a Cross in that light do you? a white cross! Nancy didn't know this till I told her what I saw. 圣灵使用楠西被恩膏的双手。 她的双手在楠西开始绘画前颤抖,之后圣灵就画出了明亮的光芒! 这棒极了,不是吗?The Holy Spirit drew this, he used her anointed hands as they shook before she started painting and he drew the bright Light! Awesome huh?


我告诉楠西,我对她没看见全能神我们的天父亚哈威的脸并不惊讶……因为 没有 人在见了祂的面容后还会存活!  I told Nancy I am NOT surprised about her NOT seeing Almighty God YAHUVEH our Heavenly Father...for NO man hath seen him and Lived! 摩西看到的是祂的背,感觉到的是祂的手,但圣经说被见着的是亚呼赎阿,而不是亚哈威! 我相信我们会在天国见到祂,但我们见到的是祂的脸或形象,还是像楠西看到的同样的明亮光芒? 我都等不及想要知道了。Moses seen his back, and felt his hand but the bible says YAHUSHUA has been seen but NOT YAHUVEH! In Heaven I believe we will see him but will we see a face or form or just the same bright light Nancy saw? I can't wait to find out.


我已祈祷了只需一美元,即使是穷人也能买得起这幅画,因为没有一个男人或女人能够将亚呼赎阿的恩膏贴上价格标签。 I have prayed on a dollar amount low enough for even the poor to afford, for YAHUSHUA 's anointing NO man or woman can put a price tag on it. 如果你想要这幅画,这会是给你个人、你教会或你所爱的人一份完美的礼物,请电邮给我,让我知道。 我们会支付印刷画的钱,那会非常昂贵! If you want this painting and it would be a perfect gift for you or your Church or loved ones. Please e-mail me and let me know. We are going to pay to have the prints made which are quite expensive! 你能明白为何我提前需要钱,因为说实话,这事工不是很富裕。 所以你若想要这幅画,我相信这画会用一种你 前所未经历过 的恩膏祝福你的家!You can see why I need the money upfront to be quite honest the ministry doesn't have this kind of money. So if you want this picture that I believe will BLESS your home with an anointing like you have NEVER experienced before. 


每张图被送出前都会被祈祷祝福,我相信在祷告过后亚呼赎阿不会允许这张图被挂在任何名字不在生命册的人的家里! Every Picture will be prayed over before it's sent and I believe after praying YAHUSHUA will NOT allow this picture to hang in anyone's house whose name is NOT found in the Lamb's book of life! 因为拥有堕落之灵的人会 憎恨 这幅画,他们的灵会知道这是天国,会知道他们注定 不能 天国 ! 把这幅画给你一直以来为之哀伤,好奇他们是否会得救的亲人们看,看看他们的反应。For the reprobate will HATE this picture for their spirits will know this is Heaven and they are NOT destined for Heaven! Show this to your loved ones you have grieved over wondering whether they will be saved. Watch their reaction.


圣灵会借着这幅图的强烈恩膏来吸引尚未得救的灵魂! 我再说一次,如果你想要这幅图的话,请让我知道。 The Holy Spirit will draw the unsaved by the STRONG ANOINTING on this Picture! Again, if you want this picture let me know. 我很抱歉我们不能替你把画框起来或裱起来,不过这样一来,每个人在家里就会有不同的装饰,所以你大概可能会更喜欢自己选择的装饰。I am sorry but we can't afford to frame this for you, or mat it, but then everyone has different decor in their home so you probably will prefer choosing your own.  我再说一遍,我有这幅画,我需要知道谁真的想要它。 不要借着你在电脑上看到的样子而评论它! 它非常的美丽! 这幅画是给这事工的礼物。  “差一分钟到午夜” 适合被框起来。Again I have the painting and I need to know who really wants this painting. Don't judge it by what you see on the computer! It's so very beautiful! This painting has been given as a gift to this ministry. "One Minute Until Midnight" Suitable for framing.


1999年3月17日是这圣殿在网路上诞生的周年纪念日! 这是给祂的教会、会众成员和这牧师的另一个祝福! 我非常爱祢们,亚呼赎阿、亚哈威和圣灵! March 17th, 1999 was the anniversary of 4th year this Temple has been on the internet! This is just another blessing for His Church! The members of this congregation! and on this pastor! I love you so much YAHUSHUA, YAHUVEH, and The Holy Spirit! 祢们是我们的全能神,我们敬拜祢们、服事祢们! 谢谢祢们的这份祝福! 若祢们想要祢们的子民得到这幅被恩膏的图像并放在他们家中,请在祢们子民的心中感动他们并给他们确证。 You are OUR Almighty GOD we worship and Serve! Thank you for this blessing! Please move and confirm in your people's hearts you want them to have this anointed painting hanging in their homes. 亲爱的亚呼赎阿我相信所有有这幅画的人, 没有一个 会错过被提或错过天国! 我相信圣灵妳会用这图画来吸引灵魂,带来那些早已属于妳的灵魂,以大大增加他们的恩膏!Dear YAHUSHUA I believe everyone that has this picture NOT one of them will miss the rapture! or Heaven! I believe Holy Spirit you will USE this painting to draw the souls and bring those that belong to you already increase the anointing in them to a mighty degree!


人们,如果你们想要这幅画,请让我知道。 请为资金祷告,这样我能印刷这幅画以将它们送到你手中! 请相信我! !  “差一分钟到午夜” 适合与预言一起被框起来,它会是你所见过的最有恩膏的一幅图。 Please pray for the finances so I can buy the prints to get them into your hands! Please trust me!! "One Minute Until Midnight" along with the prophecy fit for framing, is the MOST anointed painting you have ever seen! 如果我承受得起的话,我会把这些画都赠送出去,这样在你们将这个祝福和恩膏带回你们家里或你们所爱的人家里时,我就能听到所有来自你们的神迹奇事的信息了。 If I could afford it I would GIVE these paintings away just so I could hear all the miracle reports that will come as you take this blessing and anointing into your home or your loved ones home. 说得够多了,现在听听画家描述在她绘画时所发生的事。 她从日出开始工作直到很晚,当她在恩膏下工作的时候,大部分时间都在赶工,甚至都没有停下来吃饭。 Enough said, now listen to the Artist as she describes what happened as she painted. She worked sun up till late in evening and didn't even stop to eat most of the time, as she worked under the anointing. 撒但攻击她的健康,但亚呼赎阿得胜了! 记住,得到的恩膏越多,付出的代价就更多。 我已经付出了代价,楠西也已付出了代价……仆人会受苦难,因为我们的主已经为我们受了苦难。 Satan attacked her health but YAHUSHUA had the Victory! Remember there is a price to pay the more you are anointed. I have paid a price, Nancy has paid the price...for the servant will suffer for our Master has suffered for US. 如果任何人想 帮助 我支付大批量的印图,请给我电子邮件。 我们订得越多,费用就可以便宜些。If anyone wants to HELP me buy the prints in large quantity please e-mail me. The more we order the less it costs.



牧师以莉莎法. 以利亚呼

I love you all.

Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah


* * * * * * *

楠西的邮件: “差一分钟到午夜” 的画


 “差一分钟到午夜” 的画

The Painting of "One Minute Until Midnight"

Sat, 14 Mar 1998 22:05:45 -0500

The Painting of "One Minute Till Midnight".

我起初的两次尝试并不成功,因为油画布的尺寸不对。 我那时太过尝试去控制画面。 一旦我开始听主的声音时,祂引导我选择正确的油画布尺寸。 我开始勾勒草稿。My first two attempts were not successful, as the canvas was the wrong size, and I was trying too hard to control the painting. Once I began to listen to the Lord, He guided me to the correct size canvas and I began to sketch.  画好后,油画布上的画面不是我头脑中所构想的景象。 画中要纳入的东西比我设想的要多得多。 What ended up on the canvass was not what I had visualized in my mind. There was so much more to this painting than what I had envisioned. 比如说,加百列不只是单单站在宝座旁边,而是踮着脚尖准备吹号角。 他看起来和我期望的不一样,他比我想像的还要结实。For instance, Gabriel is not just standing next to the throne, but is up on his toes ready to blow the shofar. He does not look as I would have expected, he is a bit more rugged than I thought he would be.

而米迦勒看起来手中握剑正准备行动,他正从一个阶梯走上来并进到一个看起来像金色门或金色柱子一样的地方。 我不确定。 我只知道它们属于那里。And Michael appears ready for action with His sword in hand as he enters from a stairway to what appears to be either a golden gate or golden posts. I am not sure. I just know they belonged there.  并且,亚呼赎阿头抬得高高的,并且很自豪,虽然祂的脸颊流着血泪。 祂是真正的万王之王,万主之主。 祂的外袍是王的外袍,有白色也有金色。 整幅画充满着一层金属金色的光彩。And, YAHUSHUA holds His head high and proud even though his eyes weep tears of blood. He is truly the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. His robe is that of a King, white and gold. The painting is filled throughout with a metallic gold paint.

加百列和米迦勒的衣服和亚呼赎阿外袍上的所有装饰都泛着金属金色。 同时,神宝座上的柱子和基座也都被装饰着这种金色金属光彩。 All the decorations on Gabriel and Michael's clothing, as well as on YAHUSHUA' robe are metallic gold. Also, the throne of God is decorated in this metallic gold paint on the columns and base. 宝座后面的十字架是一种 “象征” ,因为它们每一个十字架都代表了一个得救的灵魂。 我没打算或期望在这幅画里画上任何十字架,它们就这样的被放在了画面里……并且它们的象征意义也立刻被赐给了我。 The crosses behind the throne are "symbolic" as they represent one for each soul saved. I did not plan or expect to paint any crosses in this painting, they just showed up ... and their symbolic meaning was immediately given to me. 这些十字架是用亚呼赎阿的宝血画出来的……是血红色的。 有些十字架还闪耀着金属金色的光彩。These crosses are painted in the blood of YAHUSHUA...blood red. Some are glistening in the metallic gold paint.

亚呼赎阿跪在闪闪发光的皇家红宝石地板上,在较亮的区域里精金在闪闪发光。 祂的皇冠被绘成金属金色,镶着宝石,闪闪发光。 在空中的钟……所有的数字以及指针都泛着金属金色的光彩。 YAHUSHUA kneels on a floor of glittering royal red rubies and gold glistens through in the lighter area. His crown is painted in metallic gold with gem stones and glitters. The clock in the sky ..all the numbers as well as the hands are in a metallic gold paint. 有一点是肯定的,天国一定是非常明亮的。 这些闪耀着神的光芒的宝石以及所有这些精金都是值得观看的美景。 毕竟,也许我已经瞥见了天国。 One thing is for sure, Heaven must be very bright. These jewels and all this gold with the light of God shining on it is a sight to behold. Perhaps I have seen a touch of heaven after all. 我只是很遗憾透过电脑的镜头无法看到这幅画真正的华美。 我感谢每一位一直在为我祷告的人。 主已经听到并答复了你们的祷告。 I am only sorry the true beauty of this painting cannot be seen through the eyes of a computer. I thank everyone who has been praying for me. The Lord has heard your prayers and answered them. 相信我,若没有我们的主指引我每一步,我根本不可能画出像 “差一分钟到午夜” 这样的画。 并且,让我们大家不要忘了先知牧师以莉莎法. 以利亚呼(雪莉.以利亚),她是第一个被赐予这幅画的人。Believe me, I could never have painting such a painting as "One Minute Until Midnight" without our Lord to guide my every move. And let's not forget the prophet Rev. Sherrie Elijah, to whom this painting was given first.



1998年3月14日Thank YOU LORD,

Nancy B.




📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...