赎罪日Yom Kippur-Day of Atonement
赎罪日(Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement )是一年中最神圣的一天,是一个完全都要奉献给神和祷告的一天。传统上来说,赎罪日是一个禁食的日子。(阅读下面利未记16:31)。Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year and a day entirely devoted to GOD and prayer. It is traditionally a fast day. (See below Lev 16:31). 对于弥赛亚犹太人而言,这一天能称为一个欢喜快乐的日子,知道我们的罪得到了救赎。除此以外,在这一天,大家传统上要穿白色衣服,像在犹太新年穿白色衣服一样。For Messianic Jews this can be a time of joy in the knowledge that our sins are atoned for. Otherwise it is traditional to wear white, as on Rosh HaShanah. 对于弥赛亚犹太人或基督徒而言,赎罪日可以成为一个为犹太人特别是以色列人禁食代祷的日子。对于不冷不热者而言,赎罪日就是一个提醒审判日临近了的日子, 今天(赎罪日这天),每一天都是要悔改并得到救赎的日子!For a Messianic Jew or Christian, it can be a day of fasting and intercession for the Jewish people and Israel in particular. For the lukewarm, Yom Kippur is a reminder that Judgement day is near and TODAY, everyday is the day of repentance and salvation!
赎罪日是一个大安息日,在这日不可做工。你竭尽所能在这个大安息日请假休息是非常重要的。(利未记23:26-27; 利未记16:3;利未记16:29;利未记16:2)The Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur is High Holy Shabbat and no work is to be done on this day. It is very important that you do all that you can do to get this High Holy Shabbat Day off. (Leviticus 23:26-27, Leviticus 16:3, Leviticus 16:29, Leviticus 16:2)
Taking time off:
Yom Kippur - Sunset on October 4, 2022 to sunset on October 5, 2022
Leviticus 16:31
New Living Translation (©2007) It will be a Sabbath day of complete rest for you, and you must deny yourselves. This is a permanent law for you.
English Standard Version (©2001) It is a Sabbath of solemn rest to you, and you shall afflict yourselves; it is a statute forever.
New American Standard Bible (©1995) "It is to be a sabbath of solemn rest for you, that you may humble your souls; it is a permanent statute.
赎罪日(Yom Kippur) 讯息!Wake Up! You Who Slumber And Are In Spiritual Comas!
Yom Kippur Message!
2005年9月13日Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah
September 13, 2005
“醒来!你们这些昏睡的人,从你们的沉睡中(有些人在属灵的昏迷中)醒来吧!省察你们的行为,悔改你们一切的罪,并纪念创造主亚哈威。“Wake up, you who slumber, from your deep sleep some are in spiritual comas! Examine your behavior, repent of all your sins and remember YAHUVEH the Creator. 要记得亚呼赎阿是唯一的弥赛亚/玛西阿克,只有借着祂流下的宝血和祂在各各他山献出的生命,人才能得到罪的饶恕,得以进入天国。” Remember YAHUSHUA is the ONLY Messiah and only through HIS shed blood and his life HE gave at Calvary can anyone have forgiveness of sins and enter into Heaven.”
要记住:仅仅请求饶恕是不够的,而是你必须转离你的罪。那才是真正的悔改,并且要在你的话语背后付诸行动。Remember it is not enough to just ask forgiveness but you must turn away from your sins. That is true repentence and putting action behind your words.
希伯来人有一个习俗,就是在犹太新年之前的一整个月,在安息日早晨服事之后,都要吹响号角。为的是唤醒我们,以需要为即将到来的审判的敬畏之日——赎罪日,敬畏的十日——做好心思、身体、灵和灵魂上的准备。There is a Hebrew custom to sound the shofar horn after the morning service of Shabbat for an entire month before Rosh HaShanah in order to wake us up to the need to properly prepare our mind, body, spirit, and soul for the Awesome Days of Judgment which are approaching. Yom Kippur the 10 days of awe.
要记住:今天就是救赎的日子,明天也许就太迟了。Remember, Today is the day of Salvation, tomorrow may be too late. 审判就在这里了,美国正被使用作为一个例子:背叛以色列,迫使他们走上所谓的和平路线图,把加沙和西岸的人民赶出他们家园。Judgment is here and America is being used as an example for betraying Israel and forcing them to go along with a so-called road map of peace, evicting people out of their homes in Gaza and the West Bank. 现在边界开放了,仇敌巴勒斯坦人曾在那里承诺要保护以色列,反而让数以万计的敌人从加沙涌入以色列,加沙曾经是被以色列军队保护着。Now the border is open where the enemies who are the Palistines promised to protect Israel and instead tens of thousands of the enemies flood Israel through Gaza where once it was protected by the Israeli Troops. 沙龙(Sharon)怎么会相信敌营会保护以色列,这是我无法想象的。现在那里真是一团糟,根本不会有和平从其中出来。How Sharon could believe that the enemy's camp would protect Israel is beyond my wildest imagination. What utter chaos there is now. There is NO peace that will come from it.
要记住圣经里的警告,当他们说:平安了,平安了,结局临近了。美国和所有参与这所谓的 “和平路线图” 的国家,你们要为此负责,因为犹太人的血在你们的手上。Remember the warnings in the Bible when they say Peace, Peace, the end will come. America and all the nations taking part in this so-called road map to peace, you are responsible for the Jewish blood on your hands. 以色列不可将我们创造主亚哈威说过要他们保留的东西交出去。这是悲哀的事实...亚哈威并没有从以色列手中夺走它,以色列被他们自己的领袖出卖了,沙龙(Sharon)出于恐惧,恫吓和贪婪将它给出。Israel is not to give away what our Creator YAHUVEH said they were to keep. Here is the sad truth...YAHUVEH didn't take it from Israel, Israel was betrayed by their own leader, and Sharon gave it away out of fear and intimidation and greed. 沙龙,你为了多少银子而出卖了你自己的百姓?Sharon, how many pieces of silver did you betray your own people for? 亚哈威通过赐给我的预言信息发出了警告,要我信实地把它张贴在你们面前,警告美国不要背叛以色列,否则妳必将收割妳在播种的。这也是对其他国家的警告。YAHUVEH warned through the prophetic messages given to me, that I was faithful to post before you, that America don't betray Israel, or you shall reap what you are sowing. And that goes for the other nations also.
怎么会有人看不出这些飓风是亚哈威的忿怒,而不是我的!阅读你们的神圣经文,自己去看。祂在风暴、地震、洪水、饥荒、干旱中发烈怒。How can anyone not see that these hurricanes are the wrath of YAHUVEH is beyond me! Read your Holy Scriptures and see for yourself. He sends HIS wrath in the storms, quakes, floods, famines, droughts.
当心了,美国。因为你们在全世界面前处决了特丽.辛德勒.沙维奥(Terri Shindler Shavio),迫使她没有食物和水,她在第13天因为你们的无情而死去。Beware America, for you executed Terri Shindler Shavio before the whole world, forcing her to go without food and water and she died on the 13th day because of your heartlessness. 你们看到卡特利娜飓风(Hurricane Katrina)导致人们死亡,特别是在新奥尔良,一个现代的所多玛,该地区的主要宗教是巫毒教(voodoo),并以包括撒旦教在内的各种巫术。You watched as Hurricane Katrina caused people to die, especially in New Orleans, a Modern day Sodom whose main religion is voodoo, and occult in all forms including satanism. 为什么你只关心人们挨饿,5天没有水喝时,尽你所能去拯救在新奥尔良里的生命。…却让一个无辜的女人死于脱水和饥饿的恐怖死亡!Why did you only care when people starved and went without water for 5 days and did all you could to save the lives in New Orleans…and yet let a innocent woman die a horrible death of dehydration and hunger! 有几个人为她做过任何事吗,哪怕是不停地为她哭泣代祷呢?How few did anything to even lift up non-stop weeping intercessory prayers in her behalf? 我透过一个亚哈威透过我说出的预言性讯息警告了你们,祂使用她来考验你们的心。佛罗里达州,因为妳允许这事发生在妳的州,因此妳会为此付出代价,I warned you through a prophetic message YAHUVEH spoke through me HE used her to test your hearts and Florida you would pay for allowing this to happen in your state, 所有那些有特丽.辛德勒.沙维奥(Terri Shindler Shavio)的血在他们手上的人,也同样都要付出代价!这事还没有结束,才刚刚开始,亚哈威如此说!and so will all those who has Terri Shindler Shavio's blood on their hands! It is not over with yet, it has just begun, thus sayeth YAHUVEH!
美国,亚哈威一次又一次地警告说要悔改,因为妳就像一座尼尼微城,妳已被给予了妳的最后机会,经历所有这些悲剧,你们仍然朝神亚哈威挥动你们的拳头,说我们只会重建。America, YAHUVEH warned again and again to REPENT, for you are like unto a Ninevah and have been given your last chance, and still through all of this tragedy you shake your fist at GOD YAHUVEH and say we will only rebuild again. 当加沙和以色列西岸的百姓在他们的祷告和哀哭中被强制驱逐出他们的家园而哀哭和哭喊的时候,你们在乎吗?你们为他们失去家园和财产而哭泣吗?
Did you care when the people wept and cried in Gaza and the West Bank in Israel while they were forcifully evicted and carried from their homes amidst their prayers and weeping? Did you weep at their loss of their homes and buisnesses? 为什么你们以为亚哈威会更关心那些在新奥尔良无家可归的人,还有其他被亚哈威的忿怒击打的州呢?Why do you think YAHUVEH cares more for those that are homeless in New Orleans, and the other States hit by the Wrath of YAHUVEH? 你们真的以为亚哈威很高兴看到无辜的妇女和儿童每天在伊拉克以及在其他因为贪婪而互不相让的国家里被杀害吗?Do you really think YAHUVEH is pleased to see innocent women and children murdered on a daily basis in Iraq and other nations that disagree because of greed?
今年就有一阵巨大的号角声吹响了,是发生在人吹响羊号角之前。那是我们创造主的号角声,是天父亚哈威送出的一股强大的风(A MIGHTY WIND),以飓风的形式—— “狂风按祂的吩咐造成” (诗篇148:8)——唤醒了整个世界。This year there was a mighty shofar blast which preceded the ones man made. It was the shofar of our Creator and FATHER YAHUVEH who sends A MIGHTY WIND in the form of hurricanes - “the stormy wind which does His bidding” (Psalm 148:8) – to wake up the entire world. 亚哈威在怒中跺脚在地球上,地就大大震动!亚哈威为不悔改的人流泪,洪水就临到,毁坏家园,人也伤亡!YAHUVEH stomps HIS foot in anger on the earth and it shakes in a mighty earthquake! YAHUVEH sheds tears for no repentence and Floods come and destroy homes and kill people! 醒来吧,人们!在为时已晚前悔改!你们的生命和灵魂都岌岌可危!亚哈威是烈火的神!祂的怒气在亚哈威的鼻孔里,祂吹气到地上,地就因祂的烈火燃烧!WAKE UP PEOPLE AND REPENT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! YOUR LIVES AND SOULS ARE AT STAKE! YAHUVEH is the GOD OF CONSUMING FIRE! HIS rage is in YAHUVEH'S nostrils and HE breathes on land and it is on fire with HIS CONSUMING FIRE!
与此同时,这个名为 “圣灵全能风(Amightywind)” 的事工现在在互联网上已经有十年了(至2020年有26周年),因为坚决主张顺服诫命和主张圣洁而遭到恶毒的攻击,The same time this Ministry, named 'Amightywind' for 10 years now on the Internet, is under vicious attack for standing up for obedience to the commandments and Holiness, 我也被直接从撒但口中以及从撒但奴仆口中说出的最恶心的谎言指控,企图让我离开焦点,来捍卫自己和这个事工。and I am being accused of the most sickening lies straight from satan's mouth from satan's servants mouths, trying to get me to get off focus and defend myself and this ministry.
撒旦邪教徒伪装成基督徒,却不是基督徒,这些人被一大群恶魔充满!Satanic cults coming disguised as Christian, but are not Christian, these people are filled with legions of demons! 他们试图渗透到这个事工,现在因为他们失败了,他们非常愤怒,知道他们无法阻止这个事工,所以他们试图让我疲惫不堪,他们不断发出一个个新的谎言,差来撒谎的人。They tried to infiltrate this ministry and now because they failed they are furious and know that they can't stop this ministry, so they try and wear me out with trying to keep up with each new lie and liar they send. 很久以前,亚就告诉我,说我要像尼希米一样,不会从城墙上下来,而是要继续传讲赐给我的预言信息。我正在努力做这件事。I was told long ago that I have to be be like Nehemiah and not come down from the wall, but to continue to preach the prophetic messages given to me. I am trying hard to do this.
奉亚呼赎阿的名,凡名字被发现写在羔羊生命册上的人,都会认出从这个事工和执事口中所说出的声音是圣洁的,In YAHUSHUA'S name anyone whose name is found written in the Lamb's Book of Life will recognize that the voice that speaks forth from this Ministry and Minister's mouth is Holiness 并且会斥责,会认出,会拒绝听任何从撒旦送来的谎言,这些谎言只为一个目的就是:要败坏这位先知的名声,这样你们就会忽略这些赐给我的预言信息。and will rebuke and recognize and refuse to listen to any lies sent from satan with one goal to discredit this Prophet so then you will ignore the prophetic messages given to me. 要记住:就连亚呼赎阿也被属撒旦的人群指控过。Remember even YAHUSHUA was accused by satan's crowd. 我在忽略这些谎言,至于你们那些想知道这些谎言是否属实的人,显然你们跟亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的关系还不够密切,以分辨不出什么是圣洁,什么是不圣洁。I am ignoring these lies, for those of you who wonder if any of it is true then it is quite evident you have not a relationship close enough to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to recognize what is Holy and what is not Holy. 我建议你们屈膝跪下,向亚哈威祷告祈求饶恕你们,建立好关系,这样你就能分辨真理!I suggest you fall on your knees and pray to YAHUVEH to forgive you and get a relationship so you can discern the truth!
飓风通常被更多的称为 “自然灾害” 。但任何愿意更深入观察的人都能从被称为卡特里娜(Katrina)和丽塔(Rita)的飓风,以及其他的飓风眼里看到神圣的忿怒和审判。Hurricanes are more popularly called “natural disasters”." But anyone who is willing to take a deeper look can see the Divine wrath and Judgment in the eye of the hurricane called Katrina and also Rita, among other names. 对全人类,特别是对犹太人来说,这个讯息是明确的。 “伸冤在我,我必报应!” The message is clear for all of mankind and especially for the Jewish People. "VENGENCE IS MINE SAYETH YAHUVEH, I WILL REPAY!" 以色列,这个讯息也是适用于妳,因为真正活得圣洁的犹太人是那么的少!悔改,以色列,要变成那个亚哈威所命定妳本该要成为的神圣国家!Israel that message goes for you also, for how few of the Jewish People truly live Holy anymore! REPENT ISRAEL, BECOME THAT HOLY NATION YAHUVEH DECREED YOU SHOULD BE!
我们与世人一起,为那些仍然还能借着亚呼赎阿流下的宝血得救的人祷告。如果他们能站立在亚呼赎阿坚固的磐石上重建,而不是站在不圣洁和悖逆的流沙上重建,那么他们的生命和家园就能被重建。We join the world in prayer for those who can yet be saved through the shed blood of YAHUSHUA and whose lives and homes can be rebuilt if they rebuild while standing on the Solid Rock who is YAHUSHUA and not on the sinking sand which is Unholiness and disobedience. 我们期待整个世界及时醒来,阻止亚哈威被迫再次向不顺服的人发出祂的忿怒。We look forward to the entire world waking up in time to stop YAHUVEH from being forced to send HIS wrath again on the disobedient. 那些真正侍奉和敬拜亚哈威和亚呼赎阿、把祂们放在自己生命和爱的首位上的人,虽然他们失去了他们的家和所爱的人,要知道你们所爱的亲人在天国了,你总有一天会在那里见到他们,你的家园也能被重建。The people who truly do serve and worship YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, putting them first in their lives and love, and yet lost their homes and loved ones, know that your loved ones are in Heaven where you will see them one day, and your homes can be rebuilt. 但亚哈威不想要你像罗得那样,再次重建一座所多玛!亚哈威已经给你吹响了唤醒的号角,迫使你搬迁: “在太迟之前,要逃离所多玛!” 。But YAHUVEH does not want you to be like a LOT and rebuild in Sodom again! YAHUVEH had you forcibly removed to give you the wake up shofar blast. "Flee Sodom before it is too late!"
总有一些义人会和异教徒一起死去。为了安慰那些有自己所爱的爱亚呼赎阿的人,他们想知道为什么会发生这样的事。There are always some righteous people that die along with the heathen. To comfort people who have loved ones that loved YAHUSHUA and they wonder why this happened? 这是因为你们所爱的人在这些经历了亚哈威之忿怒的例子的国家和民族中,已经完成了他们在这地球上的工作,他们现在在天国了,一个他们再也不会受苦的更好的地方了。It is because your loved ones while in these states and nations, that experienced a sample of YAHUVEH'S wrath finished their job here on earth and now they are in Heaven, a far better place where they no longer suffer.
新奥尔良,你怎么敢举行狂欢节游行!你还没学到吗?亚哈威是不会被嘲笑的! “悔改并从邪恶转离的灵” 在哪里?New Orleans, how dare you schedule a Mardi Gras parade! Haven't you yet learned that YAHUVEH will not be mocked! Where is the spirit of repentence and turning away from evil? 你不知道亚哈威说过: “我必报应!” !?亚哈威在忿怒地吼叫!祂透过飓风吼叫,发出一股大风(A Mighty Wind),带来祂的忿怒以及唤醒的警钟去悔改。那么少的人在听。Do you not know that vengeance is mine, sayeth YAHUVEH! YAHUVEH is roaring with Fury! He Roars through the Hurricanes, sending A Mighty Wind to bring his wrath and wake-up call to repentence. How few are listening. 大多数人朝天国愤怒地挥动拳头,而不是搜寻他们的灵魂并求问为什么造物主如此愤怒。世界各地才刚刚开始感受到亚哈威的忿怒!The majority are shaking their fists at Heaven in rage instead of searching their souls and asking why the Creator is so angry? YAHUVEH's WRATH has only just begun to be felt around this world! 各国互相宣战是很容易的事,但这个世界怎么能抵挡从天而降的忿怒和我们创造主亚哈威亲手发动的战争呢!It is easy to declare war on each other's nations, but how will this world fight off the wrath and war sent from Heaven and our Creator YAHUVEH'S OWN HANDS!
最糟的还没有发生,在2006年要当心了,因为它将会是一个前所未有的年份。公民的自由全都是因为惧怕而被剥夺了!那些自由再也不会恢复了。The worst is yet to come. Watch out in 2006 for it will be a year like none other thus far. Freedoms have been taken away from citizens all because of fear! Never will those freedoms be restored again. 疯子们现在掌管着疯人院,即这个世界的政府!今天就要悔改,从你们的罪中转离,奉亚呼赎阿的名祈求怜悯。The lunatics are now in charge of the asylums which are the governments in this world! Repent today, and turn away from your sins, beg for mercy in the name of YAHUSHUA. 在赎罪日那天禁食并且纪念我们亲爱的亚呼赎阿不得不付出的代价,这样所有的罪才能透过祂所流下的宝血被洗净!不要把你的救赎视为理所当然!不要假设你会得到保护免受亚哈威的忿怒!Fast and remember on YOM KIPPUR the price our beloved YAHUSHUA had to pay so that all sins through HIS shed blood could be washed away! Don't take your salvation for granted! Don't assume that you will be protected from the wrath of YAHUVEH!
我,以莉莎法听到了我亲爱的阿爸亚哈威的吼叫,是肉耳可听见的吼叫,但是请放心,祂告诉我,祂只是在祂吞灭祂的仇敌之前吼叫。I, Elisabeth heard my beloved Abba YAHUVEH ROAR, audibly ROAR, but be assured HE told me that HE roars just before HE devours HIS enemies. 如果你是爱慕、顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿,并且努力活得圣洁,在所有方面把祂们放在你生命和爱的首位,亚哈威就不会吞灭你。If you are loving and obeying and trying hard to live Holy and put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in your life and love in all ways, YAHUVEH will not devour you. 但是那些不在乎的罪人,当心了,亚哈威正在追赶你们,祂充满了怒气和烈怒。你们迄今所看见的风暴、地震、洪水,完全不能跟那很快就要从天国而来的相比!But sinners who don't care, beware, YAHUVEH is coming after you and HE is full of Rage and fury and the storms and quakes and floods you have seen thus far are nothing compared what is coming from Heaven very quickly!
噢,败坏的世界,当亚哈威前来在你们后面怒吼,从天国宣战的时候,你们该怎么办?今天就要悔改,天国很近了!明天也许就太迟了!Oh, perverted world, what will you do when YAHUVEH comes Roaring after you and HE declares war from Heaven? REPENT TODAY, THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS AT HAND! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE! 的确,撒但也如同吼叫的狮子在寻找可吞吃的人,但它只能伪装。亚呼赎阿已经在各各他山吞灭了撒但,借着亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血,我们现在就得胜了!It is true satan also comes as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour but he can only counterfeit. YAHUSHUA already devoured satan at Calvary and through YAHUSHUA'S NAME AND BLOOD WE NOW HAVE THE VICTORY!
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah
预言75Prophecy 75
你们的信心在哪里,你们的逾越节就会在哪里。你们应该要在赎罪日禁食,在我亚哈威面前谦卑你自己,为在你们土地上的邪恶禁食,这样当死亡降临到我那些攻击一切圣洁之事的仇敌们身上时,你们将会得到幸免。"Where your faith is your Passover will be! You are to fast on Yom Kippur, humbling yourself before I, YAHUVEH and fasting for the evil in your land so you will be spared when death visits MY enemies who set themselves against all that is HOLY.
这真的很难吗?我赐给你圣节日去餐宴并庆祝,除了YOM KIPPUR-赎罪日之外,那日你当禁食并纪念亚呼赎阿为你的罪所付出的代价。对你而言去学习希伯来圣日真的就那么难吗?Is this really too hard? I GIVE YOU HOLY FEAST DAYS to feast and celebrate with the exception of YOM KIPPUR, THE DAY OF ATONEMENT when you are to fast and remember the price YAHUSHUA paid for your sins. Is it really too hard for you to learn of the HEBREW HOLY DAYS?"
17亚哈威啊,求祢叫我不致羞愧,因为我曾呼吁祢;求祢使恶人羞愧使他们在阴间缄默无声。Psalms 31:17-19
Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee:
let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.
18那撒谎的人逞骄傲轻慢,出狂妄的话攻击义人;愿祂的嘴哑而无言。Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.
19敬畏祢、投靠祢的人,祢为他们所积存的,在世人面前所施行的恩惠是何等大呢! Oh how great is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee; which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sons of men!
预言第58 篇Prophecy 58
我被告知要警告人们:有件属灵大事要发生,这会在接近犹太新年的安息日发生,并且大约会在犹太新年的安息圣日在物质界里显现,拉比们把犹太新年设定为9月17到18号,但在我的灵里我觉得这日期是错的。I was told to warn the people that something big spiritually was going to happen and it would manifest in the physical realm around the Sabbath of Rosh Hashanah the Jewish date the Rabbi’s have set which is Sept. 17-18 and yet in my spirit I feel the date is wrong. 亚哈威说了,要我(以莉莎法)去告诉大家要特别留意(2001年)9月14日安息日左右的日期,我也要加上,要留意在赎罪日或敬畏十日会发生的事,在赎罪日这天我们要禁食,为自己的罪而痛悔。YAHUVEH said for me to tell the people to watch the days around the Sabbath Sept. 14, I am also adding, to watch what happens on Yom Kippur the day of atonement or 10 days of awe, 1 day of fasting in remorse for our sins. 赎罪日是至圣日,如果你以为只有犹太人才需要遵守这些圣日的话,你就错了。因为当你接受亚呼赎阿作为你的神和弥赛亚时,你就是一个犹太人了,亚呼赎阿是犹太人的王。Yom Kippur is the highest holy day, and if you think only the Jews should observe these days you are wrong. For you are a Jew when you accept YAHUSHUA as your God and MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA is King of the JEWS. 祂所遵守的圣日我们也应该把它们当作犹太的圣日和节日遵守。我们难道不应该效仿我们救主的榜样吗?What he observed we should observe as Jewish High Holy Days and feast days. Should we not follow our Savior’s example?
预言第62篇Prophecy 62
去告诉世人,从世界一头到另一头大声呐喊这事:我的儿子,万王之王、万主之主,要来了!我的孩子们,去告诉他们:要悔改,天国近在咫尺了(太3:2;太4:17)!在这个赎罪日脸伏于地;在属灵领域里脸伏于地,让你自己脸伏于地,因为王要来了!Tell the people, shout it from one end of the earth to the other, MY SON IS COMING, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Tell them, MY Children, repent the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, fall on your faces on this Yom Kippur day. Fall on your faces in the Spiritual realm; see yourselves flat on your faces, for the King is coming!
预言第63篇Prophecy 63
在2002年赎罪日这一天,我对以色列说话,我告诉他们,我听见了你们悔改的祷告,你们请求得到我的饶恕。我看见你们的禁食。我感受着你们的畏惧,因为你们意识到你们的罪是达到我鼻翼的一股恶臭。On this day of Yom Kippur, 2002, I speak unto Israel and I tell them I hear your prayers of repentance, asking for MY forgiveness. I see your fasting. I feel your fear as you realize your sins are a stench to MY nostrils. 噢,以色列,妳知道我 “自有永有” 是阿多奈(主),我会审判你们肉体的作为。噢,以色列,妳知道没有血祭。Oh Israel, you know “I AM” Adonai and I will judge you for the works of your flesh. Oh Israel, you know there is no blood sacrifice. 你们渴望建造那座有墙壁的殿,这样你们就能再一次为了罪的赦免而献动物祭,你们的大祭司也能在那里大声哭求怜悯。You long to build that temple with walls so you can once again do sacrifices of animals for the remission of sins, where your high priest can cry aloud for mercy. 然而,你们却拒绝接受我赐给你们的礼物,一座没有墙壁、充满了如阿克.哈.古德西、充满了我的爱和怜悯、充满了我的奇迹和我的审判之圣殿。Yet, you refuse to receive the gift I gave you, a temple without walls filled with the RUACH ha KODESH, filled with MY love and mercy, MY miracles and MY judgment. 一座不是由人手建造的圣殿,一座完美、神圣、无罪的圣殿。祂的圣名就是亚呼赎阿,我的圣名〔亚〕被包含在祂的圣名里。权柄就在祂的圣名里,权柄就在我们的圣名里。
A temple built not with human hands, a perfect, holy, sinless temple. His Name is YAHUSHUA. MY Name [YAH] is contained in HIS Name. The power is in HIS Sacred Name, the power is in OUR Sacred NameS.
预言第75篇Prophecy 75
我,亚哈威赐给我的婴孩、新娘、被拣选者和选民,他们以我的灵肉为食,并认出是我,亚哈威从我的使女口中说出话语,并且我透过她赐给你们这个命令。I, YAHUVEH, give MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, those who feed on MY Spiritual Meat to eat and recognize I, YAHUVEH, speak forth out of MY Handmaiden and through her I give this mandate to you. 你们要庆祝所有犹太圣节日以及将临的住棚节——它作为你们只是住在临时居所里的一个提醒。地球是你临时的居所,直到你回家去天国。You are to celebrate all the Jewish Holy Days and the coming days of Sukkot as a reminder you are only living in a Temporary Dwelling place. Earth is your temporary dwelling place until you come home to Heaven. 你只是一个客旅,正在经过直到你完成我所差遣你去地球上要做的工作为止。毁灭将临到这个世界,随同毁灭一起的是扮演神的人类所造出的死亡、疾病和天气灾害。You are just a traveler passing through until you accomplish the job I have sent you to earth to do. Destruction is coming to this world, along with it death and disease and weather disasters created by man playing God. 你们应该要守这住棚节,就算你们以前从来没有庆祝过住棚节。你们应该要遵守所有将临的圣节日。你们的信心在哪里,你们的逾越节就会在哪里。You are to observe this Sukkot even if you have never celebrated it before. You are to Keep all the coming Holy Days. Where your faith is your Passover will be. 你们应该要在赎罪日禁食,在我亚哈威面前谦卑你自己,为在你们土地上的邪恶禁食,这样当死亡降临到我那些攻击一切圣洁之事的仇敌们身上时,你们将会得到幸免。You are to fast on Yom Kippur, humbling yourself before I, YAHUVEH, and fasting for the evil in your land so you will be spared when death visits MY enemies who set themselves against all that is Holy.
预言第101篇Prophecy 101
停止考验如阿克.哈.古德西,停止让我的圣灵哀伤。这世界现在站在悬崖的边缘,那悬崖就是大灾难!Stop testing the RUACH ha KODESH, stop grieving MY Spirit. This world now stands at the edge of a cliff, the cliff is the Great Tribulation. 趁还有时间,现在就要呼求亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名!在赎罪日、在这 “敬畏十日” 期间,要记得:我只垂听心里谦卑之人的祷告。不要因你自己的救赎而沾沾自喜!Call upon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH now while there is yet time. On Yom Kippur during these 10 Days of Awe remember, I only hear the prayer of the humble at heart. Do not be smug in your own salvation.
预言第115篇Prophecy 115
I warned you Canada, do not follow in your sister America’s footsteps and now you walk in unison.
这就是我在这赎罪日要说的话语。你将要看见你不愿见的事,你将要听见你无法相信的事——因为现在撒但的仆人猖獗。These are the Words I have to speak on this Yom Kippur. You are going to see things you’d rather not see, you will hear things you will not be able to believe—for satan’s servants now run rampant. 没有一个教会、没有一个组织、没有一个企业、没有一个犹太会堂、没有一个政府——撒但的仆人在那里不被找到的。There is no church, there is no organization, there is no business, there is no synagogue, there is no government—where satans servants are not found.
预言第116篇Prophecy 116
Walk in holiness so satan can’t accuse you. Walk in holiness so you do not bring any shame to the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
我的耳朵已经以一种特殊的方式被打开了,再一次,以莉莎法,当妳祷告时妳已经说出了这事。这就像妳可以听见一根针掉落的声音一样,因为对所有那些守赎罪日的人而言,这日是一个特别的日子,当我看见你们为任何不讨我喜悦的事情而悔改时。My ears have been opened in a special way, again Elisabeth [Elisheva] you have spoken this when you have prayed. It is as if you could hear a needle drop, for this has been a special day for all those who observe Yom Kippur as I saw you repent of anything that did not please ME. 当你们祷告的每一个请愿都被带到我面前时,与此同时,我的愤怒摇动了这个地球。就像古时摩西的时代一样,以色列的孩子们得到了保护,而那些敬拜另一个 “创造者” 的人却没有被保护。As every petition of your prayers was taken to ME at the same time MY rage shook the earth. Just as in the times of old with Moses, the children of Israel were protected and those who worshipped another creator were not. 什么都没有改变过。我将会祝福那些对我而言是一个祝福的人。我将会诅咒那些对我而言是一个诅咒的人。因此在这一天,我,你们的阿爸亚哈威,已经如此说了。Nothing has changed. I will bless those that are a blessing to ME. I will curse those who are as a curse to ME, and so I have spoken this day, your ABBA YAHUVEH.
预言第138篇Prophecy 138
因此在赎罪日之前,你们会得到这则讯息。你们的妈妈和爸爸在这件事的意见上完全一致,他们在这件很困难的主题上祷告过也讨论过了。So before Yom Kippur, you will be given this Word and your mom and your dad are in unison in this. And they prayed and they discussed a subject that was the hardest yet. 因为你们的妈妈很难把自己跟说话的先知分开,但这件事是为了你们好。如果没有人告诉你们手淫是错的话,你们会怎么办呢?父母不会告诉你们对错吗?现在你们在这一天已经听到了真理。For your mom has trouble separating the Prophet that speaks, but it is for your own good. [What] if someone doesn’t tell you it’s wrong? Does not a parent teach you right from wrong? And now you’ve heard it this day.
利未记23:27 七月初十是赎罪日、你们要守为圣会、并要刻苦己心.也要将火祭献给亚哈威。Leviticus 23:27
Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement: it shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD.
23:28 当这日、什么工都不可作、因为是赎罪日、要在亚哈威你们的 神面前赎罪。And ye shall do no work in that same day: for it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement for you before the LORD your GOD YAHUVEH.
23:29 当这日、凡不刻苦己心的、必从民中剪除。23:30 凡这日作什么工的、我必将他从民中除灭。For whatsoever soul it be that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.
And whatsoever soul it be that doeth any work in that same day, the same soul will I destroy from among his people.
23:31 你们什么工都不可作.这在你们一切的住处、作为世世代代永远的定例。Ye shall do no manner of work: it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
23:32 你们要守这日为圣安息日、并要刻苦己心.从这月初九日晚上、到次日晚上、要守为安息日。It shall be unto you a sabbath of rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: in the ninth day of the month at even, from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your sabbath.
25:9 当年七月初十日、你要大发角声、这日就是赎罪日、要在遍地发出角声。Leviticus 25:9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet of the jubile to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall ye make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.
禧年书 34章18
Book of Jubilees 34:18 For this reason it is ordained for the children of Yisrael that they should afflict themselves on the tenth of the seventh month -on the day that the news which made him weep for Yoseph came to Yacob his father- that they should make atonement for themselves thereon with a young goat on the tenth of the seventh month, once a year,
因为他们在那天犯了罪,使父亲因儿子约瑟的死而伤心欲绝。for their sins; for they had grieved the affection of their father regarding Yoseph his son.
19 根据定例,他们须在那天为自己所犯的罪和一切的叛逆与过失,每年一次哀悼一天,以求洁净自己。19 And this day has been ordained that they should grieve thereon for their sins, and for all their transgressions and for all their errors, so that they might cleanse themselves on that day once a year.