
📒34-1战斗升温!为亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士和第76篇至第79篇预言而战!Battles Heat Up | The Fight for the YDS & Prophecies 76-79


战斗升温!为亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士和第76篇至第79篇预言而战!Battles Heat Up | The Fight for the YDS & Prophecies 76-79

十年前,在圣灵全能风野火事工在网路上出现的第十年、在试图攻击我生命的事情中、在属灵争战兴起的狂风大浪中──亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士出生了!Ten years ago and in the tenth year AmightyWind was online, with attempts on my life, in the midst of waves upon waves of spiritual warfare—the Y.D.S. YAHUSHUA’S DEMON STOMPERS were born! And boy did it come with some heated battles! 那真的是非常激烈的争斗!不仅整整三天的属灵生产的痛,而是2005年一整年!Not just the three days of spiritual labor pains, but that entire year 2005—and the conspiring actually began the year before! [PICTURES COMING…]

我们经历了外星人、堕落天使;雪莉.谢娜、萨迦.但尼尔;墙上的守望者电台、Z频道;塔理.笛玛利尔、芭芭拉.哥伯特──这真是我们需要好好记住的一年!From aliens to fallen angels, from Sherry Shriner to Zeph Daniel, from Watchman Radio to Channel Z, from Tari Demario to Barbara Gilbert [MORE LINKS COMING!]—that was a year to remember!

我们在网路上迎接了事工的第20年,这个事工诞生了27年, 10年前的事了,那是圣灵全能风野火事工在网路上出现的第一个10年。We’re now in our 20th year online, 27th year as a Ministry and that was 10 years ago, when AmightyWind had been online for it’s first 10 years.

神圣的预言,第76篇到第79篇,在那个过渡期到来,这些预言包含着承诺,这使得魔鬼特别生气。魔鬼和牠成群结党的邪灵从地狱出来,用牠们全部的力量来摧毁这个事工,特别是在这些预言刚刚出生和被释放的时候。The Holy Prophecies 76-79 that came forth during that transition and the promises they contained, made the devil especially angry—he and his hordes from hell did everything in their power to destroy this Ministry especially as these Prophecies came forth and after their release!

这个事工开始有了巨大的成长,恶魔试图拦阻在一百多年前所预言的强大恩膏:比在1906年的阿素沙复兴(Azusa Revival)更强大的恩膏和更强大的复兴!你们猜猜结果如何?我们得到了胜利!
The Ministry was beginning to have a huge growth spurt and the devil was trying to stop and hinder a Powerful Anointing that was prophesied over 100 years ago, that there would be Greater Anointing and Revival than the Azusa Revival that began in 1906. But guess what? We have the Victory!

在2005年我们受到的攻击中,亚哈威使亚呼赎阿的代祷者们诞生并且培育他们──亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士!那是魔鬼最大的梦靥!!!In the very midst of the attacks in 2005, YAHUVEH birthed and began to raise up the Y.D.S. Prayer Intercessors, YAHUSHUA’S DEMON STOMPERS! One of the devil’s worst nightmares!

让我们回溯到2004年9月12号──我收到了第76篇预言:《亚呼赎阿亲爱的新娘们,站起身来洁净自己,因为你的新郎即将来临!》Back track to September 12, 2004—I received Prophecy 76 Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, Arise and Prepare Yourself for Your Bridegroom Doth Come! 几个月以前,在2004年的4月,我生日当天的午夜,亚第一次称呼我为祂的鸣警使女。在那一年的后半部分邻近犹太新年的时候,祂在第76篇预言解释了很多事情和这个称呼的涵义。 Earlier that year in April 2004, in the midnight hour after my birthday, YAH called me HIS Ringmaiden for the first time. And it was later that year as Rosh ha Shana (Yom Teruah) approached that HE explained a bit about what it meant in that Prophecy 76.

我知道必须有一个喊道 “新郎来了,你们出来迎接祂” 的呼喊者(太25:6)。这就是亚显明给我的鸣警使女的一个工作。I know that there has to be a crier that cries out, “Behold the Bridegroom doth come” (Matt 25:6) and that is one of the jobs of the Ringmaiden revealed to me.我知道撒但为此害怕,牠惧怕亚乎赎阿的新娘和以色列失落的支派被呼召前来,牠惧怕亚的子民们兴起!那篇预言提到了护卫勇士,他们是启示录7章所提到的以色列支派的一份子。之后我也学习到祂们也是新娘的一份子。 I know satan fears this. For he fears when the Bride of YAHUSHUA and the Lost Tribes of Israel are called forth and come forward, when YAH’S People raise up! That Prophecy mentions the Shield Warriors, who are of the Tribes of Israel as Revelation 7 states. They, I later learned, are part of the Bride too.

2004年的年末,史上最强烈的地震发生了!2004年12月26号印度洋发生地震,拳击日发生的海啸(也有别名),At the end of that year, the longest earthquake ever recorded thus far happened! On December 26 the day of the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Boxing Day Tsunami also known by many other names, 不久后我观看MSNBC新闻的纪录片:《五旬节触摸万民》,我收到了第77篇预言《看呐!我,亚哈威,差遣妳带着新恩膏! 前往五旬节教会,为了那些会信也会接受的人们!》and not long after watching with my beloved husband a documentary rerun of MSNBC Investigates: Pentecostals Moving Millions, I received Prophecy 77, Behold, I, YAHUVEH, Send You Forth with a New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churches for Those who will Believe and Receive!

(预言的抄本有许多错字,我们会尽快修改的。如果可以的话,也请听听预言的录音。正确的文字被记录在《圣灵的奥祕》第二版中。)[译注:中文预言已根据《圣灵的奥祕》第二版中的文本相应修改更新在中文网站中。](There are quite a few typos on the transcription of that Prophecy, which we will be fixing asap. Please listen to the audio if you are able. The corrected text can be found in the 2nd edition of the Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT.)

世上没有逃离的地方,因为地震晃动了整个行星,以毫米为计量单位震动!这个地震是史上以来的第三大地震(两个大地震在1960年发生)!Not one place on earth escaped, because that quake moved the entire planet, vibrating it by one centimeter! It was the third largest earthquake in recorded history (after only two which occurred in the 1960s)! 这个海啸死亡人数是历史记录最多的。很多人失去了他们的生命,我只希望有许多灵魂曾被领到亚呼赎阿的那里去。
And the resulting tsunami was the most deadly in recorded history. So many lost their lives and I can only hope that many souls were led to YAHUSHUA.

我知道对许多人来说,发生的这些事是给他们的警告,让他们能回改并且归向亚。《启示录》明确说道在即将临到的的大灾难中会有毁坏和荒废。对很多人来说,这就太迟了。I know for many more it was a wake up call for repentance and turning to YAH. The book of Revelation clearly states the destruction and devastation that will be coming on the earth in the soon coming Great Tribulation. For many it will be too late. 所以记住: “看呐!现在正是悦纳的时候,现在正是拯救的日子!” (林后6:2)明天可能就太迟了!当你在呼吸时,你永远也不知道最后的呼吸是什么时候。So remember “TODAY is the day of Salvation” (2 Cor. 6:2; Heb 3:7-8)! Tomorrow may be to late! You never know when your your last breath you will breathe, 当你被珍贵的圣灵敦促知罪时,当她依然用柔和的声音催促你悔改过圣洁的生命时,不要硬着心。(圣灵在希伯来文里有女性的本质)so do not harden your heart to the conviction of the PRECIOUS HOLY SPIRIT when SHE speaks in HER still soft, Voice calling you to repentance and a Holy Life. (In Hebrew, the HOLY SPIRIT is feminine.)

当时发生的地震是在近年来里式震级9.1的大地震,甚至有人说这个地震将近9.3级!其他的先知告诉我这是一个大迹象,并不是偶然的!That earthquake was also, at the time, the highest one in recent years on the Richter scale at 9.1 and some say it was even higher at 9.3!  I’ve been told by other Prophets this was a major sign and no coincidence.(想像当尼泊尔和在全世界各地喷发的火山!这是在属灵界发生的连锁反应。) (I can only imagine what the new quakes in Nepal and the volcanoes worldwide erupting like a chain reaction reveal about what is happening in the spiritual realm!)

我刚刚提到的在关于五旬节的纪录片有《触摸万民》的文字!The T.V. documentary about Pentecostals that I just mentioned had the subtitle “Moving Millions”! 第77篇预言是为了呼求世界各地的五旬节信徒们前来!他们有将近70亿人!如果他们愿意接受、兴起来的话,会被又新又真实的恩膏充满!赞美亚呼赎阿!And Prophecy 77 was a calling forth of the world’s Pentecostal believers, whom are nearly 700 million strong, to rise up in a new, true Anointing but only if they will just accept it! Praise YAHUSHUA!

A couple weeks later, as the year turned, on January 7, Prophecy 77 was released publicly. This was also a forerunner to Prophecies 89-90 and related to the Azusa Prophecy I mentioned earlier.

还是有了大胜利!亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士在那一年于属灵界诞生,是作为真正的亚呼赎阿的新娘大量前来加入这个事工的时间标记。That year 2005 would become a very difficult year full of spiritual warfare as the devil tried unlike ever before to take me out. But yet, the truth is that it was a time of great Victory and the year the Y.D.S were birthed into the spiritual realm and marked the time when the true Bride of YAHUSHUA began to come forth in larger numbers and join with this Ministry. 赞美亚!亚是令人敬畏的!Praise YAH! Isn’t YAH just awesome!

2005年的4月份,在事工的周年庆发生前,教皇若望.保绿二世死亡。我在那时听见天国的声音,论到他的死: “通告!史上最为恐怖的事情开始了!” In early April of that year 2005, just days before the main ministry anniversaries, Pope John Paul II died. At that time I heard from Heaven that his death would “herald the beginning of horrors to come upon the world unlike any ever seen throughout history.”

 “通告” 是一个先驱,代表某事即将发生。本笃十六世是若望.保绿二世死亡后的先驱通告,但最新的教皇又是如何呢?最为恐怖的事情会在豪赫担任教皇的时候发生呢?还是之后继任的那一位教皇?只有亚知道。A herald is a forerunner, meaning a sign or indicator of things to come after. Benedict was the forerunner heralded by John Paul II’s death. But what about the newest pope? Is pope Jorge, the final pope or just the beginning of horrors before a final pope? YAH knows.

It was at that same time and season in early April 2005, I received Prophecy 78. This is exactly a year after YAH first called me HIS Ringmaiden.

第78篇预言现在被封印住,这篇预言包括赐给圣徒们的讯息…也有给异教徒的讯息。一旦预言被说出,世上没有人能够逃离这篇预言的影响。Prophecy 78 is sealed for now and does not just contain a message for the Holy…but also for the heathen and once it is spoken forth, not one person on earth will escape it’s effects. 经上说不要渴望这样寻求,那会是 “黑暗没有光明” 的日子(摩5:18-20)。当这篇预言终于被说出时,《启示录》6章的第四印会被揭开。The Bible warns no one should long for this because it is as a day of “darkness and not light” (Amos 5:18-20). When it is finally spoken forth, the 4th seal of the scroll in the Book of Revelation Chapter 6 will be loosed.

这是一件让人忧郁的事,很严肃,不是我们该向往发生的事,尽管那是一篇会震动撒但、地狱和这个世界各个王国的预言。It is a very somber thing, a very serious thing. It is not something to look forward to, although it will be a Prophecy that will shake satan, hell and the kingdoms of this world!

亚呼赎阿告诉我: “不再延迟了!” 我知道预言被释放只是时间上的问题。经上所写的事情必被成就!YAHUSHUA has told me recently, “No more delay!” I know it is just a matter of time before it is released. Everything written of in the Scriptures, must be accomplished!

或许对亚的子民们来说,关于大灾难的重要预言是我接下来收到的第79篇预言,《我,亚哈威说: “世人,你们搞错了重点!” 》我也付出了很大的代价。Perhaps the most important Prophecy for YAH’S people about the Great Tribulation, was the one I received next, 79,I, YAHUVEH, Say, “People, You are Missing the Point!” This also came at a high price.

去阅读那篇预言、警告将临的兽印、与星期天教会的关连和欺骗──星期天是亚哈威真正的安息日(周五日落─周六日落)的仿冒品。Read that Prophecy, warning against the coming Mark of the Beast-Sunday connection & deception, which counterfeits YAHUVEH’S true Sabbath Day (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown). 当然,你可以想像──魔鬼恨死了这篇预言!这篇预言详细地揭开了魔鬼的计划!你要防范每一个提倡人为安息日星期天的人,尤其是所谓的先知!Of course as you can imagine, the devil hates this Prophecy for it reveals his plans in a detailed way! Beware of anyone, especially any so-called Prophet, who promotes the man-made-sabbath Sunday!

To be forewarned is to be forearmed for such a time as this for YAH’S People!

在将来的日子里,我会慢慢告诉你们魔鬼是怎么阻碍这些预言的到来(76-79)。在我看来,预言能出生是个奇迹!In the coming days, allow me to tell you just a little bit of how the devil fought these prophecies (76-79) in particular. In my opinion, it was a miracle they were even able to come forth! 所有的颂赞荣耀与尊贵都归给亚哈威和亚呼赎阿,以及宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西,在祂们凡事都能!在人这是不能的,在神凡事都能。(太19:26)All Praise, Honor and Glory to YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA, and the PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH for through THEM all things are possible. “With men this is impossible: but with GOD all things are possible” (Matt 19:26)!

是的,仇敌也很生气当时即将发生的事,企图阻止事情的发生…但是亚呼赎的子民更加愤怒!我且这样说:魔鬼,你小心点!今年年初亚通过我预言,亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士在今年会茁壮成长!要准备好!Yes, the enemy is also angry at what was and is about to happen and he is trying to prevent it…but YAHUSHUA’S people are even angrier and all I can say is—watch out, devil! Earlier this year, YAH prophesied through me that the Y.D.S. are going to have a growth spurt this year. Get ready!

服事谎言之父的你们:如果你继续试图与亚呼赎阿的子民争斗的话,你就有祸了!你是在与亚呼赎阿争斗!谁有胆子触碰祂眼中的瞳人?And to those who serve the father of lies: Woe unto you if you continue trying to battle YAHUSHUA’S People because it is as if you were coming against YAHUSHUA HIMSELF! Dare to touch the Apple of HIS Eye?

我与其按照时间发生的顺序解释事情的发生,我会以事情给我的影响和我所经历的事情解释。这样对你跟我都会比较简单一些!我会从亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士出生前的几天前开始说…Instead of explaining the battles that were to come in chronological order, the order that they happened, I will explain it the way it impacted me and how I experienced everything. It will be much easier that way, for me and for you! I will start with the days right before the Y.D.S. were born…



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...