亚哈威和亚呼赎阿神圣的希伯来文圣名The Sacred Names of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
请注意,我们所熟识的名字 “约书亚” (英文:Joshua),事实上是 “约赎阿” (YOSHUA)或 “亚呼赎阿” (YAHUSHUA)。因为在希伯来文里是没有英文字母 “J” 的发音。英文字母 “J” 只出现了约五百年,甚至没有被包括在最初版1611年的《英王钦定版圣经》里。Note that Joshua = Yoshua or Yahushua because there is no "J" sound in Hebrew. The letter "J" is only about 500 years old and isn't even found in the original 1611 King James version.
弥赛亚亚呼赎阿不是亚哈威。现代基督徒认为弥赛亚亚呼赎阿是以某种形式存在的。有人说祂是麦基洗德,有人说祂是 “亚哈威天使天军的领袖” (书5:14),YAHUSHUA the Messiah is not Abba YAHUVEH. Modern day Christians believe that YAHUSHUA the Messiah pre-existed in some form or another. Some say he was Melchizedek, some say he was "the captain of the host of YAHUVEH" (Josh.5:14), 有人说祂是天使长米迦勒,还有人说他是 “亚哈威的使者” 。也许最错误的观点是,亚呼赎阿是《旧约》中的 “亚哈威” 。some say he was the archangel Michael, others say he was the "angel of YAHUVEH". Perhaps the most erroneous view is that YAHUSHUA was the "YAHUVEH" (LORD) of the Old Testament. 写下这篇教导的目的是希望所有读过这篇教导的人都最终能明白,亚哈威是创造天地的全能创造者,弥赛亚亚呼赎阿是祂的儿子,正如文中所写的那样。This study is written in the hopes that all who read it will finally understand that YAHUVEH is the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth, and that YAHUSHUA the Messiah is His Son, as it is written.
谁是亚呼赎阿的父亲?Who is YAHUSHUA's Father?
圣经是怎么描述 “天父” 的?赛63:16 亚伯拉罕虽然不认识我们,以色列也不承认我们,祢却是我们的父。亚哈威啊,祢是我们的父;从万古以来,祢名称为 “我们的救赎主” 。Who does scripture say is the Father? Is.63:16 says, "Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O YAHUVEH, art our father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting." 亚哈威是圣父。但一些人或许会说,这段经文说的是亚哈威是以色列的父,而不是特指亚哈威是亚呼赎阿的父。既然如此,我们就需要留意另外两节经文。YAHUVEH is the Father. Yet, some might claim that this scripture says YAHUVEH is the Father of Israel, not of YAHUSHUA. In that case we need to note two other verses. 首先是希伯来书1:5 “所有的天使,神从来对哪一个说: ‘祢是我的儿子,我今日生祢’ ?又指着哪一个说: ‘我要做祂的父,祂要做我的子’ ?” The first is Heb.1:5; "For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?" Who said these things? 这些话是谁说的?所有人都会同意这是亚呼赎阿的父亲所说的,因为祂在说亚呼赎阿是祂的儿子。All would agree that YAHUSHUA's Father said them since He is referring to YAHUSHUA as His Son. 希伯来书1:5是直接引用了诗篇2:7所记载的: “受膏者说:我要传圣旨。亚哈威曾对我说:祢是我的儿子,我今日生祢。” 这第一个 “我” 指的是亚呼赎阿,祂通过预言开口并宣告亚哈威是祂的父亲。Heb.1:5 is a direct quote from Ps.2:7; "I will declare the decree: YAHUVEH hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee." The first "I" here refers to YAHUSHUA speaking through prophecy in which he declares that YAHUVEH is his Father!
我们先前也看到亚呼赎阿说: “〔我的〕父是比我大的” 。事实上祂也是在说 “亚哈威是比我大的” ,祂以此告诉我们,祂不是亚哈威。We also previously saw that YAHUSHUA said, "My Father is greater than I." In reality he was also saying, "YAHUVEH is greater than I", thereby teaching us that he is not YAHUVEH. 所有相信亚呼赎阿就是亚哈威的人,必定也相信了亚呼赎阿是天父。这是非常荒谬的,也难以用经文来证明这种观点。Anyone who believes YAHUSHUA is YAHUVEH must also believe YAHUSHUA is the Heavenly Father. That is even more absurd and more difficult to prove in the light of scripture.
天父的圣名The Father's Name
在出埃及记23:13,我们被命令 “不可提別神的名” 。但是,因为现代的英文译者对我们的圣经所作的处理,大多数人已很少或难得提到我们神的圣名。In Exodus 23:13 we are commanded not to mention the names of other gods; however, because of what the modern English translators have done with our Bibles, it is the name of our God that is seldom, if ever, mentioned by the majority of our people. 《英王钦定版圣经》是这样翻译第三条诫命的:The King James Version of the Holy Bible renders the Third Commandment as follows:
“不可妄称你主你神的名,因为妄称主名的,主必不以他为无罪。” Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. (Exodus 20:7) *
但这样的翻译不是神的圣灵所希望被写下的方式。被神启示的第三条诫命应该是:However, that is not how GOD's Holy Spirit intended for it to be written. The inspired Third Commandment is as follows:
“不可妄称亚哈威你神的名,因为妄称亚哈威名的,亚哈威必不以他为无罪。” Thou shalt not take the name of YAHUVEH in vain; for YAHUVEH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
妄称圣名Making Vain the Name
英文译者出于他们自己的判断,以其他完全不同的名字替代了神的圣名。何等傲慢!神所启示的事——没有任何一个人类有权改变或移除,不管他们有多好的藉口!所罗门王宣告说:The English translators on their own volition replaced God's name with something entirely different. What arrogance! What God inspired, no human translator has the right to change or remove, no matter how good the excuse sounds. King Solomon declared:
祂名叫什么,祂儿子名叫什么,你知道吗?神的言语句句都是炼净的……祂的言语不可加添。恐怕祂责备你,你就显为说谎言的。"... what is his [God's] name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? Every word of God is pure... Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar." (Proverbs 30:4-6)
但这正是大多数英文译者们所做的事,他们移除并加添了神的经文,以大写的英文词语 “主” 、 “神” 或混合词 “耶和华” (Jehovah)来取代神的真名 “亚哈威” 。Yet that is exactly what most English translators did. They took away and added to God's Word by replacing His personal name YAHUVEH with the capital letters LORD and GOD or with the hybrid word Jehovah.
英文译者们通过扭曲经文而实实在在地犯了第三条诫命,因为他们妄称了神的名,也就是,使神的圣名变得毫无权柄。In perverting the text, the English translators actually broke the Third Commandment since they made the name vain, that is, of none effect The word vain, “妄称” (vain)一词出现在第三条诫命之中,是希伯来词 “שוא” (夏夫,shav,史特朗编号#H7723)的翻译。威廉.杰森纽斯(William Gesenius)把英文词汇 “vain” 定义为 “空虚、无有、无益……无价值” 。as found in the Third Commandment, is translated from the Hebrew word shav (Strong's #7723). William Gesenius defines it in part as "emptiness, nothingness, vanity ... 同样的词也被摩西用在第九诫里并被译为 “假的” :worthlessness."(2) It is the same word used by Moses in the Ninth Commandment translated false:
“不可作假 “שוא” (夏夫)见证陷害人” (申5:20;出20:16[43])。
Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.
(Deuteronomy 5:20)
换句话说,我们不能错误使用神的名或为神的圣名作假见证──也就是以其他令人误解的头衔以及不是来自圣灵启示的替代名来取代神的圣名:我们不应该把神的名字变成一个没有意义的名字。In other words, we are not to use YAHUVEH's name falsely or bear false witness to it by replacing it with misleading titles and uninspired substitutions.
这就已经宣告说,第三条诫命与神的字面名字无关,却跟祂圣名里所含有的权柄有关。权柄是第三条诫命的本质。然而,要从这条诫命中除去神的名字依然是不可能的。It has been declared that the Third Commandment has nothing to do with the literal name of YAHUVEH, but rather with the authority of His name. Authority is intrinsic to the Third Commandment; however, it remains impossible to exclude God's personal name from this commandment. 比如说,一名罗马士兵凭凯撒的名义行使权力,但他如果使用尼布甲尼撒的名义的话,就没有任何权力。For example, a Roman soldier's authority was in the name of Caesar, however, had he presented himself in the name of Nebuchadnezzar, his authority would have been nullified.
请仔细思考下面这段强调了神亲自加上祂的圣名的经文:Consider the following emphasis that YAHUVEH Himself put on HIS name:
“神又对摩西说,你要对以色列人这样说: ‘亚哈威你们祖宗的神〔…〕打发我到你们这里来。’ 亚哈威是我的名,直到永远;这也是我的纪念,直到万代。” (出3:15)And YAHUVEH said more over unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the Children of Israel, YAHUVEH God of your fathers ... hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:15)
因此,我们已被神命令要记住、要纪念,要怀念祂的圣名。但是大多数现代译者却做了相反的事,几乎把神的圣名从祂子民的记忆中抹去了。Consequently, we have been charged to remember, to commemorate and to memorialize His name. Yet, most modern translators have done just the opposite and have nearly wiped YAH's sacred name from the memory of HIS people.
虚妄的藉口Empty Excuses
《修订標准版圣经》(Revised Standard Version)的译者们在承认
“〔根据古希腊文手抄本〕,神圣名最初的发音几乎就是 “亚威” ,但不是很确定” After admitting that
"While it is almost if not quite certain that the Name was originally pronounced 'YAHUVEH,'"
之后,便为他们从经文中完全抹除神的圣名的处理——在此版本中,用世人更为熟知的《英王钦定版圣经》的用法替代神的圣名(即:以 “主” 或 “神” 代替 “亚哈威” )——作了以下的藉口:the translators of the Revised Standard Version provide the following excuse for the elimination of YAHUVEH's personal name from the Scriptures:
“耶和华” (Jehovah)这个词并没有确切代表任何曾经在希伯来文中使用过的名字形式;并且, 使用独一真神的任何适当的名字〔…〕在基督教时代之前的犹太教中就已停止了,并且对拥有一致信仰的基督教教会来讲,是完全不适当的行为。 the word 'Jehovah' does not accurately represent any form of the name ever used in Hebrew; and the use of any proper name for the one and only God ... was discontinued in Judaism before the Christian era and is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church.
这是多么放肆!又是谁给了任何人和任何组织权力来支配神?只有神知道什么是最好的,也只有祂知道什么对众信徒的真正的基督教教会来说是不恰当的。What audacity! What gives any man or any group of men the right to overrule YAHUVEH? YAHUVEH alone knows best what is and what is not appropriate for the Christian Church.
《新美国標准版圣经》(New American Standard Bible)编辑委员会作了以下的宣言:The editorial board of the New American Standard Bible made the following admission:
“犹太人没有使用过〔亚哈威〕的这个名字的发音……因此,这被一贯地翻译成了 ‘主’ 。” This name [YAHUVEH] has not been pronounced by the Jews.... Therefore, it has been consistently translated LORD. (4)
但犹太人是否使用这名字的发音,跟亚哈威在祂的经文中所启示的事毫无关係,也应该是没有任何关係的。But what the Jews pronounce, or do not pronounce, has nothing to do (or should have nothing to do) with what YAHUVEH inspired in His Word.
史密斯(Smith)和顾斯比(Goodspeed)所翻译的译本,大概在这件事上算是最坦白的了:The Smith and Goodspeed translation is probably the most frank:
“我们在这译本中遵循正统犹太人的传统,以 ‘主’ 取代 ‘亚哈威’ 的名字,以短语 ‘主神’ 取代短语 ‘主亚哈威’ 。” In this translation we have followed the orthodox Jewish tradition and substituted "the LORD" for the name "YAHUVEH" and the phrase "the Lord GOD" for the phrase "the Lord YAHUVEH." (5)
根据《马太福音》15:3,英文译者们没有任何能以其他的名词取代神圣名的藉口:In light of Matthew 15:3, there is no excuse for what the English translators did:
“亚呼赎阿回答说: ‘你们(犹太人)为什么因着你们的遗传,犯亚哈威的诫命呢?’ ” But he [YAHUSHUA] answered and said unto them, Why do ye [Jews] also transgress the commandment of YAHUVEH by your tradition?
救主的圣名The Savior's Name
犹太人的传统、基督教的传统或任何其他人造的传统都不在全能神亚哈威的诫命之上。下面是不使用 “耶穌” 这个名字,而使用希伯来文圣名 “亚呼赎阿” 的几个理由:Following are seven reasons for using the Hebrew name YAHUSHUA instead of the English name Jesus:
可纪念的名字The Memorial Name
神选择 “亚哈威” 作为祂被所有世代永远纪念的名字(诗102:12[48]):God chose YAHUVEH or its shortened form Yah to be His memorial name to all generations
只有 “亚呼赎阿” 的名字(不是耶穌或耶书亚)才能纪念 “亚哈威” 的名。Exodus 3:15. Only the name YAHUSHUA memorializes that name.
万名之上的名The Name Above All Names
圣子的名字是万名之上的名。,就如经上所说:The Son's name is the name above all names - Ephesians 1:20-21;
《腓》2:9-11. 为什么?什么名字如此特殊,是超乎万名之上的名呢?Philippians 2:9. But what name specifically is above all other names?
《尼》9:5-6你们要站起来称颂亚哈威你们的神永世无尽。亚哈威啊,祢荣耀之名,是应当称颂的,超乎一切称颂和赞美。祢,惟独祢是亚哈威。... Stand up and bless YAHUVEH your God for ever and ever: and blessed be Thy glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise. Thou, even thou, are YAHUVEH alone.... (Nehemiah 9:5-6)
既然超乎万名之上的名是 “亚哈威” ──因为独有祂的名被尊崇──那也只有 “亚呼赎阿” 才能作为救主的名字。Since the name above all names is YAHUVEH, only YAHUSHUA can be the Savior's name.
一个更尊贵的名字A More Excellent Name
圣子继承一个 “更尊贵的名” ,如《希伯来书》1:4所说的: “祂所承受的名,既比天使的名更尊贵,就远超过天使。” 但圣子是从谁那里继承了祂的名字?The Son inherited a more excellent name - Hebrews 1:4. From where did the Son inherit HIS name? 当然,是从父亲继承的。因此,祂只能继承父亲所拥有的名字。天父的名字是在 “耶穌” 的名里还是在 “亚呼赎阿” 的名里呢?From the Father, of course. Consequently, He could only inherit from the Father what the Father Himself possessed. Did the Father possess the name Jesus or YAH?
答案是显而易见的,尤其是当人们记住旧约中以缩写的圣名 “亚” 称呼圣父49次。《诗篇》68:4就是一个例子: “你们当向神唱诗,歌颂祂亚哈威的名;为那坐车行过旷野的修平大路。祂的名是亚哈威,要在祂面前欢乐!” 亚的圣名不能在 “耶穌” 这个名里被找到——亚的圣名只在希伯来文圣名 “亚呼赎阿” 里。The answer seems quite apparent especially when one keeps in mind that the Father is addressed by the abbreviated name YAH forty-nine times in the Old Testament (Psalm 68:4; etc.), which can only be found in the Hebrew name YAHUSHUA.
奉亚哈威的名前来的圣子The Son to Come in the Name of YAHUVEH
我们的救主在世上时,向众人显明了父的名,使众人知晓了圣父的名。因为亚呼赎阿将父的名说了出来:Our Savior manifested or made known, the Father's name while here on earth
《约》17:6John 17:6, 26.
在新约中,只有在三段经文里,我们发现圣子实际上介绍了祂自己的圣名。第一次是描述使徒保罗归信的时候:In only three New Testament passages do we find the Son actually introducing Himself. The first time is found in the account of the Apostle Paul's conversion in Acts 9. 第二次和第三次是《使徒行传》第22章和第26章保罗向众人重述当时的过程:The second and third times are found where Paul was recounting the same event in Acts 22 and 26.
《徒》26:14-15我(保罗)就听见有声音,用希伯来话向我说 “扫罗,扫罗,为什么逼迫我?你用脚踢刺是难的。” 我(保罗)说, “主啊,祢是谁?” 主说, “我就是你所逼迫的亚呼赎阿。” ... I [Paul] heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue.... And I [Paul] said, Who are thou, Lord? And He said, I am YAHUSHUA.... (Acts 26:14-15)
救主若是使用 “耶穌” 之名的话,就不能显明父的名是亚哈威了!Had the Savior used the English name Jesus, He would not have been manifesting the Father's name.
既然家族的名字 “亚” 在圣父和圣子的名字里都能被找到,亚呼赎阿说得就很恰当了, “我奉我父的名来。” (约5:43)Since the family name YAH is found in both the Father's and the Son's name, YAHUSHUA could appropriately say:
"I am come in My Father's name...." (John 5:43)
在《约翰福音》12:12-13,某些耶路撒冷的居民宣告说: “和散那,奉主名来的以色列王,是应当称颂的!” In John 12:12-13, certain Jerusalem residents proclaimed: Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the LORD.
(这是引用《诗篇》118:26 “奉亚哈威名来的是应当称颂的!我们从亚哈威的殿中为你们祝福。” 在此处的经文中,神的名亚哈威被 “主” 替代了。)This is a quotation from Psalm 118:26 in which the tetragrammaton (the Hebrew letters YHWH) was substituted with the uninspired words "the LORD." 说得更直白些,也就是,藉着这则旧约预言的最终应验,那些以色列民众在宣告弥赛亚是 “奉亚哈威的名来的” 。只有奉亚呼赎阿的名——而不是耶穌——才能说救主是从字面上奉亚哈威的名而来的。In other words, in fulfillment of this Old Testament prophecy, those Israelites were proclaiming the Messiah as having come in the name of YAHUVEH. Only in the name of YAHUSHUA could it be said that the Savior came in the name of YAHUVEH.
圣子名字的意思是 “亚哈威拯救” The SON's Name Was To Mean "YAHUVEH Saves"
当马利亚〔希伯来文是米利暗〕怀着神的儿子时,约瑟被告知要给她的孩子取个名字,那个名字的意思是: “祂〔亚哈威〕将拯救祂的百姓” (太1:21)。When Mary was pregnant with the Son of YAHUVEH, Joseph was told to give her offspring a name that meant:
"He [YAHUVEH] shall save his people." (Matthew 1:21)
“耶穌” 这个名字不能成就这句经文,因为 “耶穌” 这名是一个希腊文和拉丁文的混合字,在各个语言中也都没有任何含义。The English name Jesus does not fulfill that (as it has no meaning in any language, being a Greek/Latin hybrid); 不过,这句经文确切指出 “亚呼赎阿” 这个圣名的涵义。 “亚呼赎阿” (יהושוע,希伯来文从右到左阅读)的史特朗编号是H3091,其字根源自编号H3068的 “יהוה” (亚哈威)however, that is precisely what YAHUSHUA means. YAHUSHUA in Strong's Concordance is #3091 which is defined as coming from #3068 - YAHUVEH, 和编号H3467的 “ישע” (亚沙,yasha), “ישע” (亚沙)意指 “他拯救、救赎、救援” 等等。把 “יהוה” (亚哈威)和 “ישע” (亚沙)合在一起,就成了 “יהושוע” (亚呼赎阿),意思是 “亚哈威拯救” !and from #3467 - yasha, which means "to save.(6) " Together YAHUVEH and yasha, or YAHUSHUA, means YAHUVEH saves.
根据《使徒行传》提供的证据,我们得知:门徒们并没有仅仅套用在马太福音28:19所提到公式 “奉圣父、圣子、圣灵的名” 施洗,而是奉一个特指的名字施洗来履行那个公式:New Testament Baptism was to be in The Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From the evidence provided in the book of Acts, we know that the disciples did not baptize using the formula "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19).
他们使用了一个能准确代表所有三位:圣父、圣子、圣灵的名字受洗。是什么名字能成就这个伟大使命呢?对于圣父的名字,我们有哪些选择?Rather they baptized in one specific name - Acts 2:38, etc., a name that accurately represented all three. What name fulfills the conditions of the Great Commission? What choices do we have for the Father's name? 无论是希腊文还是英文,都没有可与天父的圣名相提并论的名字。 “主” 和 “神” 都不是名字,而是头衔。 “耶和华” (Jehovah)则是一个在十六世纪才出现的混合词变体。There are no Greek or English equivalents for the Father's name, LORD and GOD are not names but are titles and Jehovah is a 16th century hybrid corruption. 而另一方面,我们知道神的个人名字亚哈威(或亚威)——以 “亚” 的简称形式,在旧约里出现了49次。On the other hand, it is known that GOD's personal name is YAHUVEH - shortened to YAH forty-nine times in the Old Testament.
对于圣子的名字,我们又有哪些选择呢?有希腊文的 “Iesous耶穌” 、英文的 “Jesus耶穌” 、或希伯来文的 “亚呼赎阿” 这几种选择。这些名字中,哪一个名字能够同时用于圣父和圣灵呢?只有 “亚呼赎阿” 这个名字!What choices do we have for the Son's name? Given the options of Iesous (Greek), Jesus (English) or YAHUSHUA (Hebrew), which of the three can also be used for the Father and the Holy Spirit? Only YAHUSHUA.
使徒保罗引用《约珥书》2:32(根据正确的翻译)宣告说: “凡求告亚哈威名的就必得拯救。” (罗10:13)The Apostle Paul quoting Joel 2:32 (properly translated) declared:...whosoever shall call upon the name of YAHUVEH shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)
人要怎么呼求亚哈威的圣名呢?在新约中只有一处告诉我们这是如何被成就的:How does one call upon the name of YAHUVEH? In only one place in the New Testament are we told how this is accomplished:
当亚拿尼亚跟保罗说:现在你为什么耽延呢?起来,求告祂的名受洗,洗去你的罪。[Ananias speaking to Paul] And now why tarriest thou? Arise, and be baptized and wash away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord. (Acts 22:16)
就在三天前,救主用希伯来话向使徒保罗显明祂的圣名──亚呼赎阿。Just three days prior, the Savior had manifested His name to the Apostle Paul in Hebrew as YAHUSHUA. 那么,你认为保罗是奉哪一个名字受洗的呢?他又是奉哪一个名字来成就《约珥书》2:32,和《罗马书》10:13上所记载的事呢?是奉圣父、圣子和圣灵的名! “亚呼-赎阿” 的圣名带着主亚的名!So what name do you suppose Paul was immersed in or that he called upon in fulfillment of Joel 2:32 and Romans 10:13? The name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! The name YAHUSHUA!
亚呼赎阿的神格The Deity of YAHUSHUA
最后,也是最重要的,我们应该使用我们救主的希伯来文发音,因为希伯来文圣名能证明亚呼赎阿的神格!Lastly, and most importantly, the Hebrew pronunciation of our Savior's name should be used since the deity of YAHUSHUA is proven therein. 如果希伯来文圣名被完好地保留在经文里的话,要说服人反对亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的神格就会困难许多了。If the Hebrew names had been left intact in the Scriptures, it would be much more difficult, if not impossible, for a person to be persuaded against the deity of YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH.
仔细思考指着亚哈威的旧约预言,它们都是归于亚呼赎阿的预言。比如说,施洗约翰是为谁预备道路?Consider the Old Testament prophecies regarding YAHUVEH that were attributed to YAHUSHUA. For example, whose way was John the Baptist to prepare? 是谁被三十两银子出卖了?是谁的肋旁被刺?谁是被匠人所弃的石头,又成了房角的头块石头?Who was to be betrayed for thirty pieces of silver? Whose side was to be pierced? Who was the stone that the builders rejected, and who was to become the chief corner stone? 如果你对这些问题的回答是 “耶穌” 的话,那么你最好再重读那些预言!If your answer to these questions is Jesus, you had better look at those prophecies again! 在那些经文中,神的四字圣名 “亚哈威” (יחוה)被刪除了,被 “主” 或 “耶和华” 这些词所替代。In those passages **, YAHUVEH was removed and replaced with the words "the LORD."
当你把神的圣名还原在经文里时,经文的意思立刻就清楚地显明了,那些指着亚哈威的预言都应验在了亚呼赎阿的身上!Restore GOD's personal name YAHUVEH and it becomes immediately apparent that those prophecies were about YAHUVEH fulfilled in YAHUSHUA.
不仅如此,而且当我们使用我们救主的希伯来文圣名时,就清楚表明了经文所描述的,不是单纯地某个人的作为、或某位先知的作为、甚或是另一个异教神的作为。Not only that, but when we use the Hebrew name of our Savior, it clearly describes not simply what some man is doing or what some prophet is doing or even what another god is doing. 但却描述的是万神之神、伟大的 “自有永有” 亚哈威的作为!因为亚哈威和亚呼赎阿都是神!It describes what the GOD of gods, the great "I AM", what YAHUVEH is doing! 我们救主是以希伯来文 “亚呼赎阿” 被取名的,因为这个名字的含义是 “亚哈威拯救” !Our Savior was named in Hebrew YAHUSHUA because it means YAHUVEH saves. (另外,我们救主也被称作 “以马內利” (עמנואל),希伯来文意思是 “神与我们同在” ,这也同样为神的救恩作见证!)Additionally, our Savior was named in Hebrew Immanuel, meaning YAH with us, which testifies to the same.