Happy 20th Birthday AlmightyWind.com!
祝Almightywind.com镜像网站生日快乐!她诞生于1996年3月17日,Almightywind.com是Amightywind.com的姊妹网站,Amightywind.com网站是在1995年4月4日诞生的。Happy Birthday AlmightyWind.com! Born on March 17th, 1996, AlmightyWind.com is the sister site of AmightyWind.com, which was born the year before April 4th 1995.
你会与我们一起庆祝吗?通过在你的祷告高举这个事工,为亚呼赎阿已经成就的和将要成就的善工而欢喜快乐来庆祝!赞美亚呼赎阿!Will you celebrate with us by lifting up this ministry in your prayers, and rejoicing for the good work that YAHUSHUA has done and all that HE has yet to do! Praise YAHUSHUA!
当这个事工最初在27年前开始时,我根本就没有想到它会成为一个国际事工,以如此多不同的语言去接触这个世界!我也根本不知道我们会在网络上,甚至都不知道将会有互联网这样的东西!When this ministry first started out over 27 years ago, I had no idea it would become an international ministry reaching the world in so many different languages! I had no idea we would be online or that there would even be such a thing as the Internet!
请在宾客留言簿留下你鼓励的话语,分享这事工是怎样地祝福了你!Please leave an encouraging comment below to share how this ministry has blessed you, and if you haven’t already, please leave a comment in our guestbook.
你们要为耶路撒冷的和平祷告,为我们即将来临的王,和平之君亚呼赎阿的归来而祷告!我们知道在亚呼赎阿归来之前,这个世界将会看到一个充满巨大的苦难和灾难的时期。祷告祈求亚对地球的四极以及以色列耶路撒冷的旨意被成就!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for our coming KING, YAHUSHUA to return as PRINCE OF PEACE! We know before that time, this world will see a time of great troubles and tribulation. Pray YAH’S will be done to the four corners of the earth and in Jerusalem, Israel!