
🕎34-2Blood Moon Word

Transcript – Zombie Disease Warning:

Elisabeth: Wow. When this happens, when that new blood moon happens—I hear,“Great spiritual attacks.” But ABBA YAH in the Name of YAHUSHUA, we are covered in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA. We stand on Psalm 91. We are hidden under the shelter of your wings.

I wish you had me on record right now.

Kathrynyah: I do.

E: Oh! [Laughing with joy.] Praise YAHUSHUA! You are so smart, sis! Good because, then our web-manger can put this up—and he can warn the people. Did I—did you get the part about the windows?

K: I’m writing it down. I think I mainly—

E: [I want to] speak it. We just finished doing communion. I finished doing communion with Beloved Kathrynyah and Adam over the phone as we were led to speak with one another. I had a dream, and my dream was that I was to be covering the windows. And as we did prayer after communion, I heard that—she [Kathrynyah] saw skeletons. I heard death.

And as I prayed further in tongues, I heard, “Make sure the windows are covered with a covering—with your curtains [etc.] Make sure they are closed.” And I speak only to the Holy because the unHoly, those that aren’t following after YAHUSHUA, this won’t help you. But for those who truly follow YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, who some call JESUS CHRIST and you’re in obedience to HIM, make sure you anoint those windows, because I heard, “Great spiritual attacks” when this happens with the moon and the eclipse and it looks like it’s red. There’s great spiritual attacks.

The occult is going to use this to send some very bad things. This is what I’ve heard thus far. And we are to put this warning up on our website and those who have ears to hear will listen and all the others will remain deaf.

K: Amen.

Is there anything else ABBA YAH? Please, please tell us FATHER. Is there anything else? Now I’m hearing the words, “man’s inhumanity to man will rise up.” Is there anything else ABBA YAH?

This warning is being given on September 27th 2015 and it’s 11:08 AM.

So ABBA YAH, what else you want to tell us about this lunar [eclipse]?

K: I heard “death and disease,” so we also pray for protection from disease, any diseases they would try to [make]. [Praying:] The Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA covers us just as it did at Passover.

E: I’ve been receiving a warning. And it has to do with all the zombie dreams that’s been going on right now. Our beloved son Brad, our web manager, had it and I don’t know who else—but remember when—the zombies that I’m speaking of are the ones that were made by man. Okay?

Remember when their was a cannibal—were cannibals and they looked like zombies because it took so many bullets to shoot them and we 2:25 had it in Florida. Remember this?

Kathrynyah & Adam: Yeah. Yes.

E: And they [the media etc.] were calling them “zombies that were so hard to kill”? I have been receiving a warning—you never hear about it [so-called bath-salt zombies, via the major media] anymore—I’ve been receiving a warning from ABBA YAH—and they [the media] tried to say that it was some kind of a drug or something that people were taking—and yet those who really have ears to Heaven, really know who was behind it.

And I’ve been seeing the danger of it being put into water and food—to a mass of a population. I don’t know when this is going to happen.

And it will be cannibalism. And it will be as it [has been]—because the population was already experimented on. I can’t say who’s behind it. I won’t say who’s behind it, but those with ears to Heaven will already know.

Blood Moon Word

But just beware.

K: So our protection is to pray for our food? And our water.

E: And that’s [one reason] why FATHER said to pray over the food, and pray over what you drink. And pray for HIS blessing and pray for HIS protection.

And the Holy will be protected. I truly believe that, because we have the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA and we walk in obedience to HIM.

K: Well, the other day I saw the shed blood of YAHUSHUA was like a filter that filtered out toxins.

E: I believe that. So HE has to put life into our food because basically so many things we eat are lifeless. I mean HE said even the fruit we eat isn’t what normally fruit would have tasted [like]—so much sweeter and so much better.

So anyway, this is warnings that we have right now HEAVENLY FATHER that YOU have given and I didn’t know I was going to share that.

K: Amen.


It is YOU—YOUR Anointing that breaks our yokes and bondages. It is YOUR Anointing that sets the captives free in the Name of YAHUSHUA, and the Blood of YAHUSHUA.

Is there anything you want to show Kathrynyah?

[continues with part 2 of audio]


The Prophecy follows these instructions from Heaven. Please share with others, especially those who you know live Holy for YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS):

  • Do not look at the moon (during the eclipse – recorded footage afterward is not the danger).
  • Stay indoors (bring your pets indoors too), and be in prayer intercession for protection against satan’s agenda.
  • Close, cover and anoint your windows i.e.
  • Close your blinds and curtains. Literally cover your windows with something. If you have windows without curtains, you can cover them with cloth, or cut and tape over garbage bags. Keep windows shut, and covered.
  • Seal your windows in prayer with anointing oil. (You can use olive oil, {any oil you have or even water if you have nothing else. Just pray over it that it represents the blood of the LAMB, YAHUSHUA—similar to Exodus 12—then put some on your windows. )
  • We must take it seriously this night to anoint—ahead of time—our homes, doors, windows and take Psalm 91 prayers seriously!
  • If you are scheduled to work at your job during the eclipse, call in for a sick day if necessary, and stay home or at least somewhere indoors where you can pray. If you live in unequally yoked household, anoint yourself and the immediate area surrounding you.
  • The eclipse is 27 or 28 September depending on your time zone. Check this site for the time where you live. It begins 28 Sep UTC/GMT 00:11 (around midnight, 12:11 AM UTC) and ends 5:22 (5:22 AM UTC). The maximum eclipse is UTC 2:47 AM.
  • Even if the eclipse is not visible in your country, it does not mean the evil has not gone forth, SO BE IN PRAYER!

It will be partially visible from Europe, South/West Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica. Please be in prayer, (not watching it).


Isaiah 26:20

Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. KJV

Go home, my people, and lock your doors! Hide yourselves for a little … NLT

Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while … NIV



Elisabeth: Is there anything else HEAVENLY FATHER?

Kathrynyah: Thank YOU for the warning ahead of time.

E: Alright, alright. I’m hearing something… Am I being recorded?

K: Yes.

[Holy Tongues & Prophecy begins:]

MY children, MY children, MY children!

When you see the darkness or you hear [of] the darkness that shall cover the moon, stay indoors! For when the moon turns red, it is time for my Holy ones to raise up and intercede and pray against the darkness!

Pray against the spiritual darkness, the curses, man’s inhumanity to man—for the governments that you thought you could trust across this world that was meant to protect the people—now I give you a new command—ask for protection [from all this]. For satan has a master plan.

Be not deceived. This is NOT, I, YAHUVEH’S wrath.

This is the elite’s wrath on those they call “peasants.” The word “depopulation” is just carelessly spoken by these elite. Beware of the elite. For satan shall unleash demons to fill the elites in a new way. And their thoughts will not be to preserve mankind, and any compassion will be washed away.

Beware of the elites of this world. And you will say, “But who are the elites?” They are the wealthiest of the wealthy. They already serve satan. They say they are “better than anyone else.”

Foolish men and foolish women—you desire to have what they have! Yet you do not realize—all they have in store is hell and the Lake of Fire! Some you call “movie stars.” Some are in high government places. Some are billionaires. And many times over millionaires.

I will not name the names. I will not endanger the Prophet that speaks. I’ve just given you a glimpse of the elite: the corrupters of justice. Some even decree the very laws of the land! In high political places!

Beware of the elite!

So this moon is just a foreshadow. For my wrath to this world has not yet come, but it shall (Rev 6:16) and I, and I alone, the CREATOR of that moon, I, YAHUVEH will put another red moon when you least expect it. It shall NOT be as the scientists think.

Did I NOT stop time (Josh 10:13; Is 38:8)?
The Holy Scriptures do not lie!

‘How can you stop the revolving of the world, without everyone flying off?’

Yet I YAHUVEH, stopped time! Do you really think it’s impossible for me to bring another eclipse over the moon—and the moon shall turn into blood (Joel 2:31)!


MY rage is still building. MY MERCY is still calling (Prov 1:20; 8:1), “Come to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH while you can, for HE ALONE is the ONLY INTERCESSOR!”

It is NOT a man dressed in a dress! He clothes himself with robes, but it is not, I, YAHUSHUA’S righteousness! He has all of eternity to pay for accepting the worship of men and women. Never does he ever say, “Look up to YAHUSHUA! Look up where your TRUE REDEMPTION nears” (Luke 21:28)! You know he glorifies in [enjoys] the adoration and worship of man (John 5:41; 12:43).

Beware of the elite! Beware of the one who calls himself a “Pope”! Beware of the Vatican!

Beware of the elite. For they ARE NOT elite in MY eyes. They are the elite of satan. They belong to satan—mind, body, spirit and soul—and that is why I said to hell and the Lake of Fire, they will go!

Oh but I have MY elite. They are washed in the shed Blood of MY SON YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH. They are followers and believers and defenders of that which you call the Ten Commandments. I do not look at their financial income. They are MY elite. They are MY elite forces that stand against the darkness.

For it is “the prayers of the righteous that avails much” (James 5:16)! Not the prayers of the unrighteous!

Deuteronomy 28 are MY Words! It is your choice whether you wear the blessings of I YAHUVEH for obedience or the curses of I YAHUVEH for your rebellion and your disobedience and your refusal to live Holy!

And in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I will hear your prayers. I will forgive you. I will have mercy. So come to ME, humbly—while there is still time.

This world has legalized what I have called “abomination” (Lev 18:22). But this world is not the LAW GIVER.


E: For YOUR GLORY ABBA YAHUVEH! For YOUR GLORY YAHUSHUA! For YOUR GLORY! We rebuke the [evil] elite right now in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! The elites of satan—WE REBUKE YOU!

We ask YOU ABBA YAHUVEH to loose the curses of Deuteronomy 28! Let them wear it like second skin (Psalm 109:17-19)! We ask YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, take vengeance. For YOU said, “Vengeance is MINE, Saith YAHUVEH” (Deut 32:35; Rom 12:19), YOU will repay!

For YOUR Glory ABBA YAHUVEH. We thank YOU and we praise YOU for YOUR protection this night when the super moon comes—the eclipse and it turns blood red ABBA YAH—we thank YOU for YOUR protection from the demons that are going to be loosed. And those with the strange fire and who practice the occult, will use it to send forth their curses and do their rituals.

We rebuke it! We do NOT receive it! In the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! We stand on the Scriptures of Psalm 91 that no plague shall come nigh our dwelling! YOU have given Holy Angels to protect us! We thank YOU and we praise YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for confounding the enemy!

And instead of the so-called peasants dying, it shall be the very elite that YOU judge. That which they want to put on the innocent of this world, instead it shall come back upon the elite of this world—the elites of satan, the bride of satan, the servants and disciples of satan.

Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH! Thank YOU for protecting us! Thank YOU! Thank YOU for the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA! Thank YOU for the invisible force field—that dome that is around our homes! Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH!

For YOU said, “Go and hide yourselves MY children for a little while” (Prophecy 60, Isaiah 26:20) until YOUR wrath passes over. Thank YOU for protecting us from man’s inhumanity to man.

Thank YOU for loosing the legions of Holy Angels. As darkness covers the moon and it appears to be blood red, thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for loosing the legions of Holy Angels upon this earth to cover and protect everyone who is truly YOURS, YAHUSHUA!

I don’t ask for the covering for the lukewarm—those who pretend to be YOURS!

[Speaking under a strong anointing:]

The church of the pretenders—AWAY FROM ME, AWAY FROM ME! WE have nothing in common with you!

We are blood bought by the blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. And our sole purpose in life, is to live Holy before HIM! We’re not perfect! Only HE is perfect! But we know this, we don’t purposefully test YAH and sin.


YOU are dividing the wheat from the tares (Matt 13:24-30). And we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH that we are YOUR wheat! And not any GMO [genetically modified] wheat! We represent the Heavenly wheat.

Thank YOU for the LIGHTNESS that fills our faces, so the SWEET, SWEET HOLY SPIRIT can be seen! And not the FAKE light [of the evil ones]—for it is as a florescent light! We have the TRUE LIGHT.


And we thank YOU! We praise YOU, BELOVED YAHUSHUA for anointing us, protecting us, blessing us, guiding us—giving us discernment [of] who is good and who is evil, the desire to live righteous before YOU—to bring YOU glory. Defenders of the Ten Commandments, we thank YOU for [us] being counted as one of the elite of our BELOVED YAHUSHUA, our MASHIACH—prayer intercessors that stand against the evil of this world…That’s all.

K: Amen! [Elisabeth laughs, joyfully.]


K: You just never know…

E: This is Prophecy—wow. This is a Prophecy! [Laughs, excited and happy.] And it wouldn’t have come forth if we hadn’t done communion. If we hadn’t known, if you hadn’t called me…none of this would have happened.

K: I know.

E: On the very night, that everybody dreads, a new Prophecy has been released during the day! Well as you were speaking it, and as HE was speaking about time, I saw a grandfather clock.

E: I hope you got this recording.

K: Yes.

E: Alright. Keep going…

K: And then I saw—I felt like I among all of Heaven and they were all bowing, as HE spoke. Actually, I saw that. I saw everybody bowing.

And then, [it was] like we were at ground zero and as this was being spoken into the spiritual realm…

E: A new Prophecy came forth! “A new Prophecy came forth!” I’m sorry Kathrynyah. Keep going.

K: Amen, so I saw, you know an epicenter from an earthquake and the waves go out from there? The cracks, not cracks—vibrations. That’s what I saw. And then when YAH was saying—you were praying that the evil ones would topple. I saw that too. I saw two dark figures toppling over, falling down like a pyramid.

E: John Hagee’s one of them. John Hagee‘s one of the elite. And Joel Osteen is one of the elite.

K: Amen.

Adam: Wow.

E: Yeah, yeah. The grandfather clock. That was interesting. So you know what the GRANDFATHER is—that’s ABBA YAH!

K: Yes!

E: GRAND FATHER, GRAND HEAVENLY FATHER! That’s awesome. That is absolutely awesome. I didn’t expect this. I don’t know whether the “Asian Bride Come Forth!” now is 124 that hasn’t been released or whether—and if that’s why it’s been held up.

K: Should I keep recording or stop?

E: No keep recording for now, so people can understand. I didn’t expect this. Hahaha!

K: Well you—we never do!

E: I know, I never do! [Laughs while saying it!] I really, this really—no wonder I was under attack. 28:01 FATHER I just thank YOU and praise YOU right now for blessing my mouth. I give YOU the glory HEAVENLY FATHER! For all those [who] tried to silence me—my mouth, like YOU said HEAVENLY FATHER, only yells louder when YOU want me to in the Name of YAHUSHUA.



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...