
📒36-2亚哈威说: “我的百姓是硬着颈项的百姓” YAHUVEH Say's, "MY People Are A Stiffnecked People


亚哈威说: “我的百姓是硬着颈项的百姓” YAHUVEH Say's, "MY People Are A Stiffnecked People."

2008年3月10日给予西尔(Syl.)弟兄的话语A Word Given to Brother Syl
March 10, 2008

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愿你们被祝福,弟兄姐妹们。今天我感觉到亚哈威有话要 “说” ,伊妈亚叫我拿出纸和笔,让这些话流淌而出。我对将要出来的话语一无所知。Be blessed brothers and sisters, today I had a feeling that YAHUVEH just wanted to "talk" IMMA asked me to take paper and a pen, and let it flow. I had no clue what would come out. 所有的颂赞、尊贵、荣耀、智慧和知识都归给亚哈威,、亚呼赎阿和伊妈亚、舍金亚荣耀,直到永永远远,阿们。All Praise, Honour, Glory, Wisdom and Understanding belongs to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMA SHKHINYAH GLORY


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我的百姓是硬着颈项的百姓,就如圣洁的已变得更圣洁,邪恶的已变得更邪恶一样,我硬着颈项的百姓也变得更加顽梗。MY People are a stiffnecked People, as the Holy have become more Holy and the evil ones have become more evil, so have MY stiffnecked People become more stiffnecked.

我会审判这硬着颈项的百姓。我,亚哈威憎恶硬颈顽梗。我蔑视硬着颈项的男人和女人。Stiffnecked people I shall Judge, stiffneckedness I, YAHUVEH abhor. The stiffnecked man and woman I despise.

硬着颈项的人是既不热也不冷的温吞水,我会从我的口里吐出不冷不热的人,他们也许会说: “你的亚哈威在哪呢?你们见证的神在哪呢?” The stiffnecked is neither hot nor cold but lukewarm.

The lukewarm I spew out of MY mouth, that they may say; where is your YAHUVEH? where is the God you testify of?

是的,我告诉你们,那灭亡之子对我硬着颈项的百姓而言,就会像一只铸造的金牛犊。我,亚哈威会让他们━是的,他们那些叛乱违背我诫命的人━遭受强烈的迷惑!Yea I tell you, the son of perdition will be like a molten calf of gold unto MY stiffnecked people.

I, YAHUVEH shall bring strong delusion over them, yea, them that rebel against MY Commandments.


They shall desire to give praise to that which cannot see nor hear, to give honour to gods they have not known,

and they shall give glory to the creation instead of the Creator.

知悉我经文的━就不该转而跟随其他的假基督,也不该听信那被咒诅之人说的话: “看哪,基督在那里。” Knowing MY scripture, that they should not turn after other Christs, neither give heed to the acursed man that speaks; "Lo, there is the Christ"

他们会寻求神迹和形像,也会敬拜那兽的像,会因此接受一个并非属我的灵。They shall seek after a sign and an image, and shall worship the image of the beast which will receive a spirit that is not of ME.

守我的诫命并为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克作见证的,你们都当壮胆,接受我的平安,接受我的众圣者。Be of good courage and accept MY peace, MY Holy Ones, the Ones that keep MY Commandments

and the testimony of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, 因为我,亚哈威你们的神让那些有眼却选择不去看的人眼盲,让有耳却选择不听的人耳聋,如此一来,他们所有不相信真理,却喜欢不义的人都可被咒诅。

for I, YAHUVEH your GOD take away the sight of them that have eyes but choose not to see, and deafen the ears of the ones that have ears but choose not to hear, that they all might be DAMNED, that believeth not the Truth, but hath pleasure in unrighteousness.


复仇属我,我,亚哈威说,我必报应!I, YAHUVEH will catch these in a snare of strong delusion, that they might believe the lie.

Vengeance belongeth to ME, saith I, YAHUVEH, I will recompense.

他们让你昼夜叹息哭泣,我的耳的确听见了,我的眼的确看见了,我的圣天使的确写下了,在亚哈威可畏的日子过后,这些书册都会被打开,每个人都会根据他所作的工被审判。Them that make you sigh and weep day and night, MY ears surely hear and MY eyes surely see, MY Holy angels surely write, and after The Terrible Day of YAHUVEH the Books shall be opened, and every man shall be Judged according to his works.

那些试图把虚假的轭和重担放在我的圣洁余民、我神圣的以色列身上的埃及人们都有祸了!Woe unto the Egyptians that seek to lay false yokes and burdens on MY Holy Remnant, MY Holy Israel.

那些试图把绊脚石放在我百姓面前、阻挠我的百姓靠近我、敬拜我的人有祸了!Woe unto the ones that seek to lay stumbling blocks before MY People, hindering MY People from drawing near to ME and worshiping ME.

因为我,亚哈威,你们的神,是一个忌邪的神,我的手会施行审判。我会向我的众仇敌施行报复,因为他们受痛苦的烟将会往上冒,直到永永远远。(启14:10-11 )For I, YAHUVEH your GOD, am a jealous God and MY hand will take hold on Judgment. I will render vengeance to MY enemies, as the smoke of their torment will ascend up for ever and ever.

我会粉碎折断他们的尸骨,是的,那些违背我的诫命并将其践踏在脚下的人的尸骨。我,亚哈威会粉碎这些尸骨,就像摩西摔碎那两块石版一样。I will break carcasses, yea the carcasses of them that break MY Commandments and trample them under feet. I, YAHUVEH will break carcasses like Moses broke the two tablets of stone.


I AM YAH, besides ME there is no other.


Pray MY Holy Ones, Pray that I take the sight away of them that have eyes but do not see, that I may give it to the blind that desire to see. The ones that have been with ME from the very beginning.

要昂首守望,你们得赎的日子近了!你们每一个人,在你们的心里和灵里知道你们在我里面的身分。Look up and watch, your redemption draweth nigh. Each and every one of you, know in your hearts and spirits who you are in ME.



Watch and pray, for you neither know the day nor the hour of the Lord.

I will render vengeance to MY enemies, and will reward the lukewarm that hate ME.



Strong delusion is what I shall send, to all the ones that will receive the beast and his image. Pray that you will be accounted worthy to watch this right by MY side in the Kingdom of Heaven, safe and secure.

不要为一些你们 “所爱之人” 心存妄想了,因为他们所有人都没有任何借口。我把众先知和众信使赐给了他们。Do not become delusional about some of your "loved ones", for they will all be without excuse.

I have given them the Prophets, the Messengers,

我,亚哈威已经在他们眼前揭露了被路西法所启明的政府。我,亚哈威正向这世界展现我的道(话语)会如何 “例上加例,律上加律” 地在他们眼前应验。 I, YAHUVEH have exposed the governments inspired by lucifer right before their very eyes, I, YAHUVEH am showing the world how MY Word gets fulfilled line upon line, precept upon precept, right before their very eyes.


Are they listening? Are they preparing? As in the days of Noah, stiffneckedness is what I see, and the stiffnecked will pay.

他们一生都在寻求他们自己情欲和欲望,不顾一切地设法填满那个空虚━这是我,亚哈威所创造的空虚,只有我,亚哈威能填补这空虚。他们用各种不是神的 “神” 和不是出于我的各种事物来填补那空虚,藐视一切神圣的事。They are seeking their own lusts and desires a whole lifetime,

desperately trying to fill a gap that I, YAHUVEH created, and only I, YAHUVEH can fill. Filling that gap with gods that are no gods, and everything that is not of ME, despising all that is Holy.



The ones that love the world, and everything in it, will perish with the world. I AM no respecter of persons, the lake of fire is what they shall see.

很快地,我挚爱的,你们会明白我做出的选择。因为在你们的荣耀身体里再也没有智慧和知识的局限了。所有的奥秘都将会被启示给我忠诚的子民。Soon MY Beloved Ones, you will understand the choices I make,

for there shall be no limitations to wisdom and knowledge anymore in your Glorified Bodies. ALL secrets will be revealed to MY Faithful People.

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*西尔是亚呼赎阿在圣灵全能风野火事工,www.amightywind.com和www.almightywind.com,里使用的其中一位圣先知。*Syl is one of the Holy Prophets YAHUSHUA uses in Amightywind Ministry, www.amightywind.com and www.almightywind.com. 我们鼓励你们分享这些预言,但这些话也必须一同附上。我们不会随便张贴任何先知的话。We encourage you to share these Prophecies but these words must be attached. We do not casually just post any Prophet's Words. 圣灵全能风野火事工必须知道这果子是从哪来的,而这些先知已经被考验和测试过并证明了有好的果子。Amightywind ministry must know which fruit it comes from and these Prophets have been tried and tested and proven to have good fruit. 我们不只是像其他事工那样只是做普通的代祷。我们有神圣的代祷者,因为 “义人的祈祷是大有功效的。” (雅各书5:16)We do not have just ordinary prayer intercessors as other ministries. We have Holy prayer intercessors because, "The prayers of the righteous availeth much." (James 5:16)



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