
🕎34-4Holy Asian Lovebirds Engagement: Soulmate Prophecy Word


Holy Asian Lovebirds Engagement: Soulmate Prophecy Word

Holy Asian Lovebirds Word

2014 December 22 – 5th Day of Hanukkah via Crescent New Moon, Biblical Hebrew Calendar

Prophet Elisabeth: ABBA—I’m just going to now just pray in tongues. I’m going to see what FATHER has to say to both of you.

ABBA YAH, we just come to you in the mighty name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH with thanksgiving and praise. Because you have brought everyone together there. There is not one that YOU meant—everyone YOU got safely to that destination for YOUR purpose and YOUR purpose alone. And YOU have brought forth these precious ones right now that I seek a Word for. And I’m asking right now ABBA YAH, in the Name of YAHUSHUA, what is it that YOU want to speak to YOUR Asian Lovebirds?

And I do not want—I seal my lips with the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA. I know that you are the ONE that created these lips and I will not speak one word from my flesh. I know the awesome responsibility that YOU have given me as YOUR Ringmaiden, as YOUR Prophet, YOUR Apostle and as Pastor of this Ministry. And I do not take that responsibility lightly.

When you bring someone together—a male and female—for your divine purpose and they are soulmates, I wait on YOU to give me further instructions. And right now I call upon YOU. And I ask in the Name of YAHUSHUA, please speak forth a Word for YOUR Beloveds here. And I thank YOU for it.

Did anyone do any warfare before I called?

Kathrynyah: We did, when we did communion.

E: Well again, I’m going to repeat it—satan you have no part of this—in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—we rebuke you, we bind you, and any and all demonic spirits, back off—the Blood of YAHUSHUA is against you—anyone who would eavesdrop on this conversation who is not supposed to hear right now, weather it be in the spiritual realm or the physical realm, we deafen you by the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Back off devil, you have no claim over anyone in that household or anyone in this household. We belong to our ABBA YAHUVEH, our BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, our PRECIOUS RUAHC HA KODESH, IMMAYAH.

What is it DADDY YAH? What is it ABBA? What is it PAPA YAH that you want to say to these Two Asian Lovebirds?

And Kathrynyah—ABBA YAH, in the Name of YAHUSHUA, I ask for an Anointing on Kathrynyah, on Talia, on anyone else in that household, on Grye-Hege, anyone FATHER, when I am praying right now that hears any Words for these two right now. I ask in the Name of YAHUSHUA, they will speak forth. And again, their lips are sealed with the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA, but they will boldly speak forth I they hear anything during this time when I am praying in Holy Tongues for these two.

K: When you first called and you said something about a Word, I saw music notes, and I saw two pink overlapping hearts. Then as you started to pray in tongues, I saw a hammer coming down. Because you said to say what we see—that’s why I’m doing this.

E: Keep going.

K: Okay. And then I saw two overlapping rings like wedding rings.


E: I see two birds on a perch. I hope Ann Linn knows what a perch is and Jessie—it goes in a bird cage—you know—where they sit on. And they are the [Holy] Asian Lovebirds. And they are kissing birds.

[Warring tongues.]

I’M so pleased with you two—your faithfulness, your love, your obedience. I YAHUVEH, say—speak forth this blessing upon you!

Where you were two—you shall be one.

I, YAHUVEH, decree! It is I, your BELOVED FATHER. It is YAHUSHUA, your BELOVED MESSIAH. It is I, your BELOVED IMMAYAH that has watered you with the LIVING WATER that has poured forth the ANOINTING OIL that saturates you both from the crown of your head to the souls of your feet. It is OUR Love that draws the two hearts together to become one!

And I YAHUVEH have watched—as I have done a knew meaning to the word “quick”—as both of you feel so unworthy of the blessings that you have received and both of you say, “Who me?”

Yes, I have decreed this day—that you are to marry and have a Bone of My Bone Wedding Service. I know your hearts. I know this has been a desire.

I know the fear you felt—when you have to depart and not see one another’s faces—but it is not MY intention for it to be so. You will not have a worldly, fancy wedding. But you will have a Heaven-ordained Wedding.

And Ann Lin, there is a little girl—Jessie’s daughter that I give unto you—that you will love as your own.

And you shall have the Cloud of Witnesses behold this Wedding. And although you must have the legal paper work done elsewhere, this Bone of My Bone Wedding shall be recorded in Heaven on that day!


MY Beloved Daughter Jessie, it is I that looks at you through Ann Lin’s eyes with [MY] Love, combined with his love. Ann Lin, when you look into Jessie’s eyes—and this goes for both of you—when I speak of I, I speak of the HOLY TRINITY—it is I, that looks through her eyes and you behold that Love.

The past is the past. This is a new beginning. Your faith honors me. It is I that places the desire already in your heart to be one. This comes as no surprise to you.

You only waited for confirmation from Heaven. But as Elisabeth beheld your first video, Ann Lin, and she saw the image of Jessie in your eyes. And Jessie, when she behold your face in a video, it is your laughter—it is your eyes that I fill with the Love that Ann Lin sees.

All of hell tries to rage against this message, but keep speaking forth.

For when I said “Behold MY Asian Bride”—you two shall come together in a Marriage as symbolic of all MY Asian Bride I AM calling forth. As you two were baptised there, it symbolically stood in for all of MY Asian Bride that could not be there.

As you are blessed, so too, they will be blessed. And I have called you forth to stand and sit side by side to reach not only the English speaking [people], but also my Asian Guests and Bride. You have pleased me.

Always remember this. There is no wedding on the face of this earth that can take the place of the Wedding that I and all of Heaven have decreed for both of you. When you return to your homelands, and your families say, “Let’s do it again. And let’s do it our way!” You are to refuse. For it has already been done.

This is the blessing that I have reserved for you. Will you receive this gift—before witnesses—I ask you now. Ann Lin, do you desire to take Jessie as your wife?

A:Yes I do.

E: Will you promise to love her daughter as though she was your own?

A: Yes.

In your own words now, ABBA YAH says, look into Jessie’s eyes, hold her tenderly by the face, and tell her what she means to you.

E: Please speak it in English, so I can hear it also.

A: Jessie to me is—she is my blessing. She is just like the blessing to my mind, body, soul, spirit—just like sweet aroma to my mind, body, soul, spirit. And I love her with all my heart in YAHUSHUA HA MACHIACH’S Holy Name.


That aroma, MY Son, that you speak of is the ANOINTING OIL that pours forth. For she, like you, are a fragrance, an aroma that comes before MY Nostrils and great is the ministry I have ordained for both of you.

And now MY Beloved Daughter Jessie, you take your Ann Lin’s face, tenderly and tell him in your own words, what he means to you. And if you will accept becoming his wife.

J: (I’m Shy…) Beloved Ann Lin, praise YAH to bring you to me! Thank you so much! I love you. ABBA YAHUVEH, I really praise YOU and thank YOU so much. I want to say I love this man you ordained to [be] my soulmate, my husband. I want to be his wife in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Name. Amen.

E: You are so precious. You are so precious! You are so precious! I hear all of Heaven applauding. You are so precious!

And you shall have a wedding ceremony. And Jessie, without you knowing it, it has already been planned. Everything was already pre-ordained. FATHER has already set it up. This is your Hanukkah Gift from Heaven.



E: My heart is just overflowing right now because of the Joy that’s in Heaven. I don’t even know how I can speak combined with all of our own joy as we watch what GOD has brought together. And I cannot tell you how honored that I am to even have a small part. Thank you. Thank you ABBA YAH for this miracle that you have done as you take two soulmates and they become one.

So my darlings, all I have to say is, get ready for a Bone of My Bone Wedding!








E: I hope Ann Lin is smiling. Is he smiling? I want that—ABBA wants you to smile. You have to take those ‘happy pills’ (Prov. 17:22) because Jessie is going to feed them to you morning, noon and night. That’s what ABBA says. [Laughter.] Well ABBA says, “It’s going to be contagious.” And HE has brought the other with one who constantly smiles and constantly laughs. For HE knows the importance of humor. And the ministry [work] that you are called to is very serious, very serious. But there has to be a balance Ann Lin. Get used to smiling and get used to laughing, because these are instructions that are coming from Heaven! Okay?

K: You can’t be serious all the time. Has to be balanced. GOD wants you to laugh more.

E: And smile!

Ann Lin: Okay, okay [Laughter.]

E: Adam I don’t know if I ever told you, but when you first came to us, I [thought], “I wonder if we can get him to laugh. I wonder if we can get him to smile.” Because when you first came to us, you were very, very serious. And you didn’t understand all of our sense of humor, but again, HE brought you your Beloved Kathrynyah. And Kathrynyah—is like Jessie—and has the greatest sense of humor and laughs and smiles and just radiates the best personality. And look Adam, it was contagious! You have caught the gift of laughter and the gift of humor! And always smiling!

Adam: A miracle happened in my life—and miracle will happen in Ann Lin’s life…

E: It’s a perfect match! All of you! Sylvester and Beloved Talia—and I can’t even go down the list of everyone that GOD has put together in the Bone of My Bones [Ministry]. What one lacks, what one doesn’t have—there’s a balance and FATHER will somehow balance it out—HE’S going to use it.

But Ann Lin, ABBA YAH says, “You are to take Jessie’s happy pills—and that means her laughter and her smile and her ‘think happy thoughts.’ And you are NOT to worry about anything!” Okay, Ann Lin?

Ann Lin: Yes!

E: […] There’s legal papers [like marriage papers] that have to be done because I can only do this spiritually—marry you—because, of course, I’m not from Taiwan or China. But I’m guessing, it’s going to be Taiwan. You will know more as you come together, I don’t know the laws of your land. I only know what FATHER tells me.


E: [Ann] Your baptism was beautiful. I couldn’t understand when you were speaking Chinese. But I know that Heaven did. I could just feel the love overflowing and whatever Words you spoke in Chinese. It was so anointed and it will touch many hearts. Your tears are the tears of YAHUSHUA, because HE desires for the Asian Bride & Guests to come forth… So never, never be ashamed of those tears, my son. They literally were anointed tears from Heaven for the sake of the salvation of souls. And your baptism was so Holy and so beautiful.


And Adam, when you did that baptism—oh my! It was so beautiful. I can not even describe. I mean, I’m able to do what I have to do tonight—cause I have something to do with another Bone of My Bone Marriage over there that’s about to take place…



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