
📒31-1逾越节的出埃及记! HE shall Deliver Once Again!




Passover teaching:

The Passover teaches us that YAHUSHUA was sinless and, as the true Lamb of YAHUVEH, gave His life so that the sins of humanity could be forgiven and the death penalty removed.

逾越节的预言有Prophecy: 31,33,34,35,36,37


3/27/2021 亚呼赎阿是我们逾越节的出埃及记!祂将再次施行拯救!

3/27/2021 YAHUSHUA is our exodus on Passover! HE shall Deliver Once Again!

在逾越节和除酵节期间,通常会从房子里取出房子里的酵母,以确保在这个至高圣节的一周内没有酵。但是,在此期间,一些国家仍处于大流行的封锁状态。During this time of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, usually yeast found in the house would be removed from the house to ensure there is no leaven during the week of this High Holy Feast. However, during this time where some countries are still under lockdown from the pandemic. 一些国家的食物稀缺。亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克告诉我,没有必要把家里的酵母扔掉。你可以选择房子里的一个地方或一个橱柜来放置它们并用胶带粘住那个橱柜。Food is scarce in some countries. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has told me that there is no need to throw out the yeast in your home. You can just choose one place in the house or a cupboard to place them in and tape that cupboard. 当然,如果你只有带酵母的面包,而这就是你能买得起的,那么请不要把它扔掉,而是把它吃掉。亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克了解你的心,不会反对你。Of course, if all you have is bread with yeast in it and that is all that you can afford, then please do not throw it away but eat it. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH knows your heart and will not hold it against you. 我们都必须确定的是,酵母(也称为罪)不允许进入我们的家中,我们的殿。What we must all be sure of is that the yeast also known as sin is not allowed entry in our homes, our temples. Walk and live Holy for YAH.

对于那些买不起羊肉的人,欢迎你吃任何你买得起的肉/家禽/鱼,甚至罐头肉都可以。在这神圣的日子里尽量不要吃猪肉,但是,如果这是你所拥有和负担得起的,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克知道你的心和情况。For those of you who cannot afford Lamb, you are welcome to eat any type of meat/poultry/fish that you can afford even canned meat will do. Try not to eat pork during this holy time, however, if that is all you have and can afford, 亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克成为那无瑕疵的神圣献祭羔羊,以便我们的罪得赦免。他了解我们的心,他知道你能负担得起什么。YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH knows your heart and situation. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH became that Holy sacrificial lamb without blemish so that we may be forgiven of our sins. HE knows our hearts, HE knows what you can afford.

先知以利沙法.以利亚呼,想要每一个人都记住,在这个逾越节期间,在摩西的时代,当亚哈威指示以色列的子民们,以前亚哈威透过摩西开口说了话,I want everyone to remember during this Passover, during the time of Moses when YAHUVEH instructed the children of Israel, before YAHUVEH spoke forth out of Moshe (Moses), 摩西指示了亚哈威里面的信徒们要宰杀一只羔羊并把羔羊的血涂在门框上(进入他们家的门框上)。he instructed the believers in YAHUVEH to slay a lamb and put the blood on the door posts (the entrance to the door of their home). 这血只是象征着真正纯洁、圣洁的献祭羔羊——祂既是属灵里的神,也是成肉身的人。This blood was just a symbol of the true pure, holy sacrificial lamb that was both GOD in the spirit and man in the flesh.

当我们庆祝逾越节以及除酵节的时候,在这个期间亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克很多次都被忘记了。YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is forgotten many times during this time when we celebrate Passover and the feast of unleavened bread. 以色列的子民之所以能够得到保护免受所有的十灾,是因为他们顺服了亚哈威透过圣经中的摩西所赐给他们的指示。The children of Israel were protected from all the 10 plagues because they obeyed the instructions YAHUVEH gave through the biblical Moshe (Moses). 我要做的事是提醒你我们敬爱的阿爸亚哈威在那个时候就赐给了我们出埃及,虽然灾难临到了埃及人身上,但是那些灾难从来没有碰触过一个亚哈威的敬拜者。What I am going to do is remind you that our beloved ABBA YAHUVEH gave us exodus back then, and although the plagues came down on the Egyptians, they never touched a worshiper of YAHUVEH.

亚哈威已经赐给了我们一个新的血约,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克就是那个新的血约。亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克成为了那只献祭的羔羊。经上说:若不流血,罪就不得赦免了。若不流血,罪就不得赦免了。YAHUVEH has given us a new blood covenant and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is that new blood covenant. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH became that sacrificial lamb. Scripture says without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. 亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,噢,我们赞美祢!祢成为了那只献祭的羔羊,祢如此圣洁完美,祢在每一个方面都是无罪的,因此祢成为了那个新血约。YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, oh we PRAISE YOU! YOU became that sacrificial lamb, so holy and perfect, and sinless in every way as you became the new blood covenant. YOU gave us an exodus in a new way. 祢用一个新的方式赐给了我们出埃及。祢为我们罪的赦免而赐给了我们出埃及。祢借著成为那唯一的道路、真理和生命而赐给了我们出埃及。YOU gave us an exodus for the remission of our sins. YOU gave us an exodus by being the only WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE (John 14:6).

祢甘愿放下了祢自己的生命,在祢33岁的时候,祢代替我们被钉了十字架。祢为我们的罪而去接受了惩罚。YOU willingly laid down your life, and at 33 years old you were crucified in our place. YOU paid the penalty for our sins. 噢,亲爱的亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,当再次与祢联合在一起时,祢的新娘与宾客都会在羔羊婚宴上。一切都因为祢甘愿在各各他山所付出的代价(祢在各各他—意为髑髅地—被钉了十字架)。

Oh, beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, both the bride and the guest will be at the marriage supper of the lamb as we are united with YOU once again. All because you were willing to pay the price at Calvary (You were crucified at Golgotha - meaning skull).

我们现在有亚呼赎阿,祢如何遭受折磨,祢如何被嘲笑的见证。We now have the testimony of how YAHUSHUA, YOU were tortured, YOU were mocked. 钉子钉在了祢的手和脚上,整整3个小时祢遭受着无法言喻的痛苦,如此我们才能在祢的新血约之下,阿爸亚哈威才会赐给我们那位中保(代祷者),这样我们才能接近祂的宝座。Spikes pierced your hands and feet, and for three hours you suffered untold agony so we would be under YOUR new blood covenant and ABBA YAHUVEH would give us that intercessor so we could approach HIS throne. 只有一种方式能做到那一点。透过祢的圣名和祢的宝血。因为祢付出了代价,成为了我们罪孽的救赎血祭。There is only one way to do it. Through YOUR Name and YOUR blood. For you paid that price for the blood atonement for our sins.

在以色列时间的下午三点,当以色列大祭司在宰杀献祭羔羊的时候,那就是当祢说 “成了” 并死去的时刻。When the high priest in Israel was killing the sacrificial lamb, at 3pm Israeli time, it is when you said it is finished and you died. 噢,但是,哈利路亚!祢没有待在那个坟墓里,但是祢彰显了祢是全能主神!亚哈威唯一的独生子,在第三天祢证明了:在第三天祢借着那复活的权柄再次复活了。Oh, but HALLELUYAH! YOU did not stay in that tomb, but YOU showed that YOU are LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! The only begotten SON of YAHUVEH and on that third day you proved that you rose again on that third day with that resurrection power.

这些是祢的话语, “我就是唯一的道路、真理、生命;若不借着我的圣名,没有人能到阿爸亚哈威那里去” 。单单透过祢为我们所流的宝血,而且祢成为了亚哈威那只圣洁,无罪,而又完美的献祭羔羊,那是亚哈威祂所要求的羔羊。These are YOUR words, “I am the only WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. No one can go to ABBA YAHUVEH except through MY name” and it is only through the blood that you shed for us and became that holy, sinless, perfect sacrificial lamb of YAHUVEH that HE required.

圣灵全能风事工(Amightywind Ministry)是一个新血约事工。我们不是一个旧血约事工。旧血约无法拯救任何人。感谢祢成为我们的出埃及,正如我们现在所说的,我们已经为我们所有的罪祈求了饶恕。Amightywind Ministry is a new blood covenant ministry. We are not an old blood covenant. The old blood covenant cannot save anyone. Thank you for becoming our exodus as we say now, we have asked forgiveness for all of our sins. 我们已经承认了我们的罪。我们已经从邪恶中转离了,我们还决心成为诫命遵守者。我们已经请求祢透过我们活出祢的生命,我们敬拜祢,我们承认祢是唯一的弥赛亚。We have confessed our sins. We have turned away from evil and we are determined to be commandment keepers. We have asked YOU to live YOUR life through us and we worship YOU and acknowledge YOU as the only MESSIAH.


于是龙向妇人发怒,去与她其余的儿女作战,就是与那些遵守神命令、为亚呼赎阿作见证的(原文直译: “有亚呼赎阿的见证的” 。)

17 And the dragon was enraged over the woman, and went away to make war with the rest of her seed, those keeping the commandments of YAHUVEH, and having the testimony


我们赞美祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,因为祢洗净了我们的罪,因为行走在这个地球上的人没有一个人是完美的,除了祢亚呼赎阿,我们亲爱的弥赛亚以外。We PRAISE YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as YOU wash us clean of our sins, for there is no one perfect who has ever walked this earth that is perfect other than YOU YAHUSHUA, our BELOVED MESSIAH. 因着新血约而感谢祢,亲爱的亚呼赎阿。祢的每一位敬拜者如今都在这新血约之下。Thank YOU, beloved YAHUSHUA, for the new blood covenant. That every worshiper of you is now under. 感谢祢亚呼赎阿,祢没有撇下我们为孤儿,但是祢把保惠师/安慰者,宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西,我们的伊妈亚就放在了我们的身体里面,这样当我们做错的时候我们就会被敦促知罪,我们会听到那个声音说, “悔改” ,在祢亚呼赎阿面前。Thank YOU YAHUSHUA you did not leave us alone, but you placed the comforter, the sweet RUACH HA KODESH, our IMMAYAH right inside our bodies so when we do wrong we will be convicted and we will hear that voice say, “Repent” before YOU YAHUSHUA.

噢,亲爱的亚呼赎阿,这个世界不是我们的家。撒旦在这个时候统治着这个世界。噢,但是我们等候着亚呼赎阿,因祢会再次来临,因祢会再次统治管辖这个地球。Oh, beloved YAHUSHUA, this world is not our home. Satan rules it at this time. Oh, but we wait for YAHUSHUA, for YOU to come again, for YOU will rule and reign over this earth. 我们感谢祢亚呼赎阿,我们透过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名和宝血而再次重生了。We thank YOU YAHUSHUA that we are born again through the name and blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. 我们感谢祢,亲爱的亚呼赎阿,当我们重生时,老我就死去了,我们是在亚呼赎阿里面的新创造,透过我们活着的不再是我们,而是祢。We thank YOU beloved YAHUSHUA, when we are born again, the old is passed away and we are a new creation in YAHUSHUA and it is not we that live but it’s YOU that lives through us.

亲爱的亚呼赎阿,在逾越节这个时候,我们铭记祢是那真正的逾越节、阿爸亚哈威唯一会作为一个赎罪祭而接受的圣洁而完美的献祭羔羊。Beloved YAHUSHUA during this time of Passover, we remember that YOU are the true Passover, holy, perfect sacrificial lamb that only ABBA YAHUVEH would accept as a sin offering. 噢,亚呼赎阿,当如阿克.哈.古德西/伊妈亚把祢放在了一个名叫米利安(马利亚)的以色列处女之子宫里时,借着完美的受孕使祢成为了肉身的神。Oh, YAHUSHUA it took YOU, GOD in the flesh, with immaculate conception as the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH placed you in the womb of a virgin, Israelite woman named Mariam (Mary).

亲爱的亚呼赎阿,祢在以色列生活了33年,而且祢从未在思想、话语或行为上犯过一次罪,即便经文说撒旦企图引诱了祢。Beloved YAHUSHUA, for 33 years you lived in Israel and YOU never once sinned in thought, word or deed, although scripture says satan tried to tempt YOU. 亲爱的亚呼赎阿,在这个逾越节的时刻,我们拒绝迷失在旧血约里,而且我们还要因着新血约而欢喜快乐。经上记着说:如果只是我们当中的一个人,祢也仍然会已经作为我们罪孽的救赎血祭而去了那个十字架。Beloved YAHUSHUA, at the time of Passover we refuse to get lost in the old blood covenant and we rejoice in the new blood covenant. It is written that if it had been only one of us, YOU would have still gone to that cross as the blood atonement for our sins.

感谢祢赐给了我们这个出埃及。因为祢成为了初熟的果实,阿爸亚哈威最好的果实,我们敬拜祢,我们赞美祢,我们爱慕祢,我们仰慕祢。Thank YOU for this exodus. As YOU became the first fruit, the best fruit to ABBA YAHUVEH, we Worship you, praise YOU, we love YOU, we adore YOU. 我们请求祢透过我们活出祢的生命,用祢所流的宝血洗净我们。为了祢的赞美、尊贵和荣耀而使用我们,去告诉其他人关于祢的见证、亚呼赎阿的福音、以及祢为了使罪得到饶恕而所付出的代价。We ask you to live your life through us, to wash us clean with your shed blood. Use us for YOUR PRAISE HONOR and GLORY, to tell others of YOUR testimony at the gospel of YAHUSHUA, the price that you paid for the forgiveness of sins.

我们知道亚呼赎阿,祢已经赐给了我们指示要变得圣洁,要活得圣洁,要成为祢在这个地球上的榜样。We know YAHUSHUA YOU have given us instructions to be holy, to live holy, to be examples of YOU on this earth. 我们知道我们不应该去蓄意犯罪,我们应该成为诫命遵守者,因为祢已经说过 “你们为什么称呼我‘主啊,主啊’却不顺服我呢?” 其他的版本说 “你们为什么说你们爱我,却不顺服我?” We know that we are not to premeditate sin, we are to be commandment keepers, for you have said “Why do you call ME LORD GOD, and not obey ME?” Other versions say “Why do you say you love ME, and not obey ME?” 我们内心的渴望就是去证明我们多么爱祢,而那就是透过遵守那被赐给摩西的十诫,亚哈威亲自用祂的手指把十诫刻在了石板上。我们应该成为诫命遵守者而不是诫命违背者。The desire of our hearts is to prove how much we love YOU and that is by obeying the 10 laws given to Moshe that were inscribed by YAHUVEH’s own finger. We are to be commandment keepers and not commandment breakers.

亲爱的圣灵全能风事工的会众们,我只是一次又一次不停地听到这个逾越节就是我们的出埃及时刻。Beloved AMIGHTYWIND congregation, I just keep hearing again and again, this Passover is our time of Exodus. 想想亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克所付出的一切代价,祂成为了我们的出埃及,如同在摩西的时代,当他们面对红海以及敌人——其就是那过来追赶他们的邪恶法老时,阿爸亚哈威行了一个又一个的神迹。Think of all the ways that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH paid, he became our exodus as in the time of Moshe when they faced the red sea and the enemy who was the evil Pharaoh came chasing them, miracle after miracle ABBA YAHUVEH did. 在四十年里,摩西和以色列的子民绕圈而行,他们受到了严峻的考验。但是阿爸亚哈威想要证明祂行神迹的权能。In the 40 years Moshe and the children of Israel walked in a circle and they were so tested. But ABBA YAHUVEH wanted to prove HIS miracle working power.

似乎看起来没有任何方式能逃离那些追赶他们以杀害他们的敌人,在那个时候,摩西被指示要把他的杖放在水里,因为那里是红海,并且他们无法再往前走了。It looked like there was no way out away from the enemy who pursued them to kill them, at the time, Moshe was instructed to put his staff in the water, for there was a red sea there, and they could go no further. 当亚哈威,亚呼赎阿以及甜美的如阿克.哈.古德西(因为要记得祂们全部三位是合而为一的神),把红海朝左右分开,当中只留下(海底)沙地以便让以色列人迅速地穿过红海时,那是一个何等伟大的神迹。

What a miracle it was when YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the sweet RUACH HA KODESH, for remember all three are one, parted the way on the left and the right to where only the sand was there for the Israelites to quickly cross the red sea.

接着当士兵追赶他们时,因为他们企图穿过那条相同的海底道路,巨大的波涛从左右席卷而来,因为红海真的就是从中间被分开的。这些仇敌们,阿爸亚哈威祢没有允许海浪为他们而被分开。Then when the soldiers were pursuing them as they tried to go through that same path as huge waves from the left and right, as it was literally parted in the middle. These enemies ABBA YAHUVEH you did not allow for the waves to part for them. 相反,他们被淹没了在红海里面,因为海浪撞向了他们,以色列子民从邪恶法老王以及那些撒但设置去追赶他们的人那里拥有了一个出埃及。Instead, they were drowned in the red sea as the waves crashed down on them and the children had an exodus from the evil Pharaoh and those whom satan set to chase after them.

现在你们处在新血约之下,而且我们还在红海面前,我们当中每一个属于亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的人,我们都被祂的宝血洗净并赎买了,因为我们已经被嫁接进入了祂的血统里面。Now you are under the new blood covenant and we are at a red sea, every one of us who belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who are blood washed and blood bought, as we have been grafted in to HIS bloodline. 我们敬拜并且事奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,祂没有承诺会再次把红海的海浪朝左右两边分开,反而,亚呼赎阿证明了这事,证明了祂是全能的主神。We worship and serve YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who does not promise to part the waves of the sea again on the left and right, instead YAHUSHUA proved it, proved that HE is LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

当暴风雨来临的时候,祂命令了彼得,当他们在一艘船里出行在水上的时候,到祂身边来。祂当时在水面上行走,彼得应该要定睛在亚呼赎阿身上,如同我们应该要定睛在亚呼赎阿身上一样。When the storms arose, HE commanded peter, as they were out in a boat, to come to HIM. As HE was walking on top of the water, and peter was to keep his eyes on YAHUSHUA, as we are to keep our eyes on YAHUSHUA. 当我们面对那红海时,因为我们所有的人都有我们自己的红海,我们同样也要透过亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血成为水上行走者。When we face that sea, as all of us have our own red seas, we are also to be water walkers through the name and the blood of YAHUSHUA. 只要我们没有做彼得所做的事,把我们的目光从亚呼赎阿身上移开并定睛在狂风海浪上,如果我们那样做,我们就会下沉并被淹没在绝望中。因为这就是当彼得把眼睛从亚呼赎阿,唯一的拯救者身上移开时,在彼得身上所发生的事。As long as we don’t do what Peter did and take our eyes off YAHUSHUA and put our eyes on the stormy water, if we do, we will sink and we will drown in despair. For this is what happened to peter, he took his eyes off of YAHUSHUA, the only deliverer. 不要定睛在那些威胁要淹没你的狂风海浪上,不要定睛那些威胁来追赶你的仇敌们身上,就像以色列人那时被威胁一样。我们要成为有信心的水上行走者, 第116篇预言 “你们必须成为有信心的水上行走者!” Do not put your eyes on the stormy seas that threaten to drown you, on the enemies that threaten to pursue you, like the Israelites that were threatened. We are to be faith water walkers [Prophecy 116 “You must be faith water walkers!”].

但是哈利路亚!这就是在逾越节里的时刻,就像我们所有的人在某个时候都有邪恶法老追赶我们一样,我们知道透过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名和宝血,义人多有苦难,但是我们的主神亚呼赎阿救我们脱离这一切。But HALLELIYAH this is the time in Passover, just like we all have evil pharaohs at some time pursuing us, we know that through the name and the blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, many are the afflictions of the righteous but our LORD GOD YAHUSHUA delivers us of them all.

在这个逾越节的时候,你要建立在那段经文上。我们祈求阿爸亚哈威击倒被弃者仇敌们,就像祂系到了穿过红海的以色列子民的仇敌们一样,他们会被淹没在那个红海里,因为亚说,报应在我,亚哈威说,因为我将回报。You stand on that scripture at this time of Passover. We ask ABBA YAHUVEH to strike down the reprobate enemies like he did the children of Israel who crossed the red sea, they will be drowned in that red sea as YAH says vengeance is mine says YAHUVEH, for I will repay.

作为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的敬拜者,总是会有以扫,总是会有哈曼,总是会有耶洗别,不管他们是男人还是女人,他们将会试图以某种方式摧毁我们,特别是在这末世。As worshipers of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, there will always be Esau’s there will always be Hamans, and there will always be Jezabels whether they be a man or a woman who will try to destroy us in some way, especially during these end times. 在2021年3月27日这个逾越节,我们不但要谨记在新血约之下亚呼赎阿的见证,亚呼赎阿成为了神圣无罪的献祭羔羊,祂赐给了我们出埃及,一条到达天国的道路,一种让我们的天父亚哈威透过亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血聆听我们的祷告的方式。During this Passover March 27th 2021, we are not only to remember under the new blood covenant the testimony of YAHUSHUA who became that holy sinless sacrificial lamb, who gave us an exodus, a way to get to heaven, a way for our Heavenly father YAHUVEH to hear our prayers through the name and the blood of YAHUSHUA.

逾越节就是当我们透过亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血,透过不管撒但送给我们作为逼迫的什么东西拥有出埃及的时候。Passover is the time when we have an exodus through the name and the blood of YAHUSHUA, through whatever satan has sent at us to be a persecution. 就如同哈曼一样,魔鬼对这个网上事工的二十六周年非常愤怒,我已经收到了成千的视频和鼓励邮件,我想要感谢每一个给我发送视频或鼓励邮件的人,It will be as a Haman, the devil is furious with the 26th year of the birth of the ministry online with thousands of videos and encouraging emails I have received and I want to thank everyone who has done this, 因为它们在我们需要鼓励的时候来到了,亚呼赎阿证明了这个事工的果实是好的,因为这个事工属于神圣的三位一体真神。as it comes at a time when we need encouragement and YAHUSHUA proves the fruit of this ministry is good for it belongs to the HOLY TRINITY.

要记住每一个阅读这篇讯息的人在他们的生活中都需要某种形式的出埃及,我们已经得到了应许:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克若使你们自由,你们就真自由了。Remember everyone reading this needs some kind of an exodus in their life, and we have been promised who YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has freed, is free indeed. 我们只是要有信心去成为水上行走者并且不要定睛在那围绕着我们的风暴上。所以,在这个逾越节期间,要谨记亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。It just takes our faith to be a water walker and to not keep our eyes on the storm that surrounds us. So, remember YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH during this Passover.

这些是伊妈亚,甜美的如阿克.哈.古德西赐给我的指示,亚呼赎阿告诉了我要从圣灵全能风事工的会众们当中呼求帮助,让他们加入我的声音去一起平息互联网上的恐惧。These are the instructions given to me by IMMAYAH the sweet RUACH HA KODESH. YAHUSHUA told me from Amightywind Ministry congregation, call for help to join with my voice to calm the fears on the internet.

但是我赞美亚呼赎阿。我们信心的试验比金子更为宝贵,这只是另外一个试验,我配被称为亚呼赎阿的新娘吗?我是一个真正的先知吗?我愿意把每一件事都放在牺牲祭坛上吗?我已经证明了那一切。But I praise YAHUSHUA. The trials of our faith are more precious than gold and this is just another test, am I worthy to be called a bride of YAHUSHUA? Am I a true prophet? Am I willing to lay everything down on the altar of sacrifice? And I have proven that I have.

圣灵全能风的每一个会众,谢谢你们的爱。谢谢你们成为盾牌战士,复盖并保护着圣灵全能风事工。谢谢你们用祷告复盖着我,特别是你们那些圣洁的男人们。Everyone in Amightywind congregation, thank you for your love. Thank you for being shield warriors and covering and protecting Amightywind Ministry. 谢谢你们那些资助这个事工的人。谢谢你们那些世界各地的五十万(500, 000)亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们。谢谢你们,圣灵全能风事工的会众们。Thank you for covering me with your prayers especially you holy men. Thank you for the financial supporters of this ministry. Thank you for the 500,000 YAHUSHUA’s demon stompers who are all over the world. Thank you, Amightywind Congregation.

你们在天国的祝福是极大的,祂不会允许任何诅咒临到我们身上。我们必不致死,乃要存活,去宣扬亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的作为、见证和福音。我亲爱的圣灵全能风会众们,蒙福的逾越节快乐!Great are your blessings in heaven, HE will not allow any curses to come upon us. We shall live and not die to declare the work and the testimony and gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. HAPPY BLESSED PASSOVER my beloved ones of Amightywind Congregation. 噢,我多么向往在天国与你们相见,亚呼赎阿会在天国奖赏你们每一个人,因为你们通过了另外一个试验,就像我正在做的一样,并把所有的荣耀都归给亚呼赎阿。Oh, how I look forward to meeting you in heaven YAHUSHUA will reward each and every one of you in Heaven for passing another test as I am doing and giving all GLORY to YAHUSHUA.

因为唯独只有祂才是我们的胜利,所以在这个逾越节要谨记这一点。这是我最喜欢的经文之一,我想要分享给你们。在这末世,这就是我们要坚立的经文,我们要坚立在这两处经文上,跟我一起来相信这些经文:For HE alone is our victory so remember this on this Passover. This is one of my favourite scriptures I want to share with you. This is what we stand on during these end time, we stand on these two scriptures and believe them with me:

以赛亚书43:1, 2, 4

雅各啊,创造你的亚哈威,以色列啊,造成你的那位,现在如此说: “你不要害怕,因为我救赎了你;我曾提你的名召你,你是属我的。Isaiah 43:1,2,4: But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel:“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

你从水中经过,我必与你同在;你趟过江河,水必不漫过你;你从火中行过,必不被烧,火焰也不着在你身上。因我看你为宝为尊,又因我爱你,所以我使人代替你,使列邦人替换你的生命” 。When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.


Since you are precious and honored in my sight,

and because I love you,


我们四面受敌,却不被困住;心里作难,却不致失望;遭逼迫,却不被丢弃;打倒了,却不致死亡;2 corinthians 4:8-9:

“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;”

现在享受你的逾越节,享受你的逾越节餐宴,我所预言过的事已经成真,都为了阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿和我们的伊妈亚,甜美的舍金亚荣耀的尊荣和荣耀!Now enjoy your Passover, enjoy your seder, what I have prophesied has come to pass for the PRAISE HONOR and GLORY OF ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and our IMMAYAH SWEET SHIKHNYAH GLORY!



In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’s name and shalom,

Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu

利未记 23:5-8 

 “正月十四日,黄昏的时候,是亚哈威的逾越节。这月十五日是向亚哈威守的无酵节;你们要吃无酵饼七日。Leviticus 23:5-8 In the fourteenth day of the first month at even is the YAHUVEH LORD'S passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD YAHUVEH: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.

第一日当有圣会,什幺劳碌的工都不可做;要将火祭献给亚哈威七日。第七日是圣会,什幺劳碌的工都不可做。” In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD YAHUVEH seven days: in the seventh day is an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein.

路加福音 22:15-16 

亚呼赎阿 哈 玛西阿克对他们说: “我很愿意在受害以先和你们吃这逾越节的筵席。我告诉你们,我不再吃这筵席,直到成就在亚哈威神的国里。” 

Luke 22:15 -16 And YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer:

For I say unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of GOD YAHUVEH.

出埃及记 12:11 -12

你们吃羊羔当腰间束带,脚上穿鞋,手中拿杖,赶紧地吃;这是亚哈威的逾越节。Exodus 12:11 And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the  YAHUVEH LORD'S passover.

因为那夜我要巡行埃及地,把埃及地一切头生的,无论是人是牲畜,都击杀了,又要败坏埃及一切的神。我是亚哈威。For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the YAHUVEH LORD.



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...