
📒40-1住棚节的教导 Feast of Tabemades


Sukkot-Feast of Tabemades


这是一个伟大的庆祝时刻,这是我们至爱的弥赛亚,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克诞生的时刻,这是阿爸亚哈威给这个世界带来的最大祝福。This is a time of great celebration for, this is the time when our Precious Beloved MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born, the greatest blessing ABBA YAHUVEH ever brought to this world. 住棚节,也被称为修殿节/住棚节,为期 7 天。住棚节是一年中最后一个也是最重要的圣日。Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated for 7 days. The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holy day of the year. 从历史上看,它是为了纪念以色列人在旷野中迷茫的四十年期间住在旷野的帐篷里。Historically it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wondering in the desert. 苏卡的建造是为了纪念阿爸亚哈威如何将他们从埃及拯救出来,以及他如何在旷野中为他们提供和保护他们。Sukkahs were built to commemorate how ABBA YAHUVEH delivered them out of Egypt, and how HE provided for them and protected them in the wilderness. 阿爸亚哈威会在祂的帐幕中与他们同住。然而在新的血之约中,我们是阿爸亚哈威住在我们里面并永远与我们同在的帐幕。ABBA YAHUVEH would dwell with them in HIS tabernacle, however in the new blood covenant we are the tabernacle in which ABBA YAHUVEH dwells within us and is with us always.

正如这些苏卡/棚屋象征着临时住所一样,我们的身体和这个世界对我们来说是我们临时的家,Just as these Sukkahs/booths symbolize temporary dwelling places, our bodies and this world to us is our temporary home 因为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克已承诺去准备一个地方让我们与阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克和珍贵的如阿克哈古德西住在一起到永恒。as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has promised to go and prepare a place for us to dwell with ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all of eternity. 这个世界不是我们的家,我们只是路过,这个世界上物质的东西不会永远存在。This world is not our home, we are only passing through, the materialistic things of this world will not last forever.

約翰福音 14

3 我若去为你们预备了地方、就必再来接你们到我那里去.我在那里、叫你们也在那里。John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”

所以,在住棚节的这段时间里,邀请阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克和珍贵的如阿克.哈.古德西进入你的住棚节,庆祝吧!So, during this time of Sukkot, invite ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH into your sukkahs, celebrate! 因为这是我们挚爱的亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克诞生的时候。亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克生日快乐!For this is the time when our Beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! 我们为我们的救恩赞美,我们感谢,阿爸亚哈威,我们之间不再有分离,We Praise YOU for our salvation and we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH that no longer is there a separation between us,  但现在我们可以公开地与三位一体同住,神亚哈威和祂的子民之间不再有分离,but now we can openly dwell with the HOLY TRINITY, there is no longer a separation between GOD YAHUVEH and HIS people,但那面纱是撕裂,以便我们能够交流和居住在的存在中,这完全是因为唯一的儿子亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!but that veil was torn in order for us to be able to commune and dwell in YOUR Presence and it was all because of YOUR Only BEGOTTEN SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!

我们赞美,我们以亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的全能和圣名荣耀。愿我们永远是的居所,居住在其中,愿永远在我们心中的宝座上,阿爸亚哈威,We Praise YOU, we Honor YOU in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name. May we always be YOUR tabernacle to dwell in, to live in, may YOU always be on the throne of our hearts ABBA YAHUVEH, 因为宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西住在我们里面,只要我们继续在面前过圣洁和公义并且在顺服中,为了,哦,阿爸亚哈威,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,和珍贵的如阿克.哈.古德西只会居住和生活在圣殿中,for YOUR Precious RUACH HA KODESH lives within us, so long as we continue to live Holy and Righteous before YOU always and in Obedience, for YOU Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH will only dwell and live in a Holy temple, 不能居住在被玷污和不洁的圣殿中,所以我们祈祷在面前永远是圣洁的,以各种方式取悦。YOU cannot dwell in a temple that is defiled and unclean so we pray to always be holy before YOU, pleasing YOU in every way.

欢迎来到以莉莎法.以利亚呼(אלישבע אליהו)  的住棚!

Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Sukkah!

利未记23: 39-44

39 “你们收藏了地的出产,就从七月十五日起,要守亚哈威的节七日。第一日为圣安息;第八日也为圣安息。Leviticus 23: 39-44

39Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when ye have gathered in the fruit of the land, ye shall keep a feast unto YAHUVEH seven days: on the first day shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath.

40第一日要拿美好树上的果子和棕树上的枝子,与茂密树的枝条并河旁的柳枝,在亚哈威-你们的神面前欢乐七日。40And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before YAHUVEH seven days.


42你们要住在棚里七日;凡以色列家的人都要住在棚里,41And ye shall keep it a feast unto YAHUVEH seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. 42Ye shall dwell in booths seven days; all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths:

43好叫你们世世代代知道,我领以色列人出埃及地的时候曾使他们住在棚里。我是亚哈威-你们的神。” 44于是,摩西将亚哈威的节期传给以色列人。43That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am YAHUVEH. 44And Moses declared unto the children of Israel the feasts of YAHUVEH.

住棚节是一个为期一周(七天)的秋收节。这搭建临时房屋的庆祝方式也是作为收割节(Ingathering),木棚节(Booths),结茅节(Sukkoth),疏割节(Succoth),住棚节(Sukkot)为人所知。The Feast of Tabernacles is a week-long (7 days) autumn harvest festival. Tabernacles is also known as the Feast of the Ingathering, Feast of the Booths, Sukkoth, Succoth, or Sukkot

(根据希伯来文的发音 “Sue-coat” 翻译而有拼写的差异)。接下来的两天假期节日是分开的,Shemini Atzeret(第八日严肃会)和Simkhat Torah(辛赫妥拉节),但通常都被认为是住棚节的部分。 (variations in spellings occur because these words are transliterations of the Hebrew word pronounced “Sue-coat”). The two days following the festival are separate holidays, Shemini Atzeret and Simkhat Torah, but are commonly thought of as part of the Feast of Tabernacles.

住棚节是一年里最后也是最重要的节期。这个节期的重要性表现在这经文的陈述上 “这是永远的定例” ,这是神圣的宣告, “我是亚哈威你们的神” 以此作为这七月份节期的定论。The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holiday of the year. The importance of this festival is indicated by the statement, “This is to be a lasting ordinance.” The divine pronouncement, “I am the Lord your God,” concludes this section on the holidays of the seventh month. 住棚节是在赎罪日过后的第五天开始,也就是提斯利月(犹太历的七月)十五日(在公历的九月或十月)。这是节期之间变换最大的,从一个一年里最庄重的节日转换到一年里最快乐的节期。The Feast of Tabernacles begins five days after Yom Kippur on the fifteenth of Tishri (September or October). It is a drastic change from one of the most solemn holidays in our year to one of the most joyous. 疏割Sukkoth的意思是 “木棚” 指的是临时的居所,就是命令犹太人在这节期要住在临时的居所里,就像犹太人曾住在旷野里。The word Sukkoth means “booths,” and refers to the temporary dwellings that Jews are commanded to live in during this holiday, just as the Jews did in the wilderness. 住棚节持续七天,在希伯来历的提斯利月的21日(3×7)结束,也是以色列的七月份。The Feast of Tabernacles lasts for seven days and ends on the twenty-first day (3×7) of the Hebrew month of Tishri, which is Israel’s seventh month.

这个节期有双重的含义:历史性的和农业性的(就像逾越节和五旬节一样)。历史性是表现在,遵守这节期是为了纪念以色列的孩子在沙漠流浪的四十年期间住在旷野的帐篷里。This holiday has a dual significance: historical and agricultural (just as Passover and Pentecost). Historically, it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wandering in the desert.

这在利未记23:42-43里阐明了: “你们要住在棚里七日;凡以色列家的人,都要住在棚里,好叫你们世世代代知道我领以色列人出埃及地的时候,曾使他们住在棚里。我是亚哈威你们的神。” It is expounded in Leviticus 23:43 That your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your YAHUVEH.


What were they to remember?


Matthew Henry’s commentary explains,

1. 亚哈威预先告诉过那百姓说,他们起初时会被苦待,地位低下,孤独无助,而亚哈威却使他们脱离了这一切。1.) The meanness of their beginning, and the low and desolate state out of which YAHUVEH advanced that people. 

注解:那些现在安然居住的人,应当常常想起他们从前居无定所的状况,那时在他们自己眼中他们只是微小的。Note: Those that are comfortably fixed ought often to call to mind their former unsettled state, when they were but little in their own eyes.

2. 亚哈威对他们的怜悯,当他们住在帐篷里的时候,亚哈威不仅为自己建造帐幕在他们中间,还给他们无微不至的照顾。2.) The mercy of YAHUVEH to them, that, when they dwelt in tabernacles, YAHUVEH not only set up a tabernacle for Himself among them, but, with the utmost care and tenderness imaginable, 用帐幕罩着他们,甚至云也遮蔽他们免受太阳的暴晒。亚哈威先前怜悯我们和我们的父辈,这是我们永远要纪念的。hung a canopy over them, even the cloud that sheltered them from the heat of the sun. YAHUVEH’s former mercies to us and our fathers ought to be kept in everlasting remembrance. 第八天是这个节期的大日,因为他们在那一天再次住回他们自己的房屋,纪念他们怎么样在旷野的帐篷里住了很长时间后,终于来到了应许的美地,住进美好的居所里。The eighth day was the great day of this holiday, because then they returned to their own houses again, and remembered how, after they had long dwelt in tents in the wilderness, at length they came to a happy settlement in the land of promise, where they dwelt in goodly houses. 当他们在帐篷里住了七天后,更能感觉到他们自己的房屋的舒适和方便,也会更懂得感恩和珍惜。这对那些生活富足的人有时候学习怎么过艰难的日子是有好处的。And they would the more sensibly value and be thankful for the comforts and conveniences of their houses when they had been seven days dwelling in booths. It is good for those that have ease and plenty sometimes to learn what it is to endure hardness.

他们遵守这个节期是为了感谢亚哈威在这一年所增添他们一切所需;然而,重点是体现在以色列人被救赎后得享安息,它最终的含义是罪得赦免。They were to keep this holiday in thankfulness to YAHUVEH for all the increase of the year; however, the emphasis is that Israel’s life rested upon redemption which in its ultimate meaning is the forgiveness of sin. 这个事实把这个节期跟邻邦的收割节区别开来了,因为他们的节日的根源是源于他们的神话活动。第一个感恩节是庆祝住棚节吗?This fact separates this holiday from the harvest festivals of the neighboring nations whose roots lay in the mythological activity of the gods. Was the first Thanksgiving a Feast of Tabernacles Celebration?

很多美国人,第一次看到装饰好的棚舍,常常会谈论这棚舍是如何让他们想起感恩节。美国的朝圣者,是感恩节的原创者,是笃信宗教的人。Many Americans, upon seeing a decorated sukkah for the first time, remark on how much the sukkah (and the holiday generally) reminds them of Thanksgiving. The American pilgrims, who originated the Thanksgiving holiday, were deeply religious people. 当他们尝试用一种方式来表达他们幸存下来并获得丰盛的供应的感激时,他们很可能是看了圣经(利未记23:39),作为他们庆祝和感谢的方式,把他们的节日建立在住棚节的圣经依据里。As they were trying to find a way to express their thanks for their survival and for the harvest, it is quite possible that they looked to the Bible (Leviticus 23:39) for an appropriate way of celebrating and based their holiday in part on the Feast of Tabernacles.

注释:美国政府设立的每年十一月第三周的星期四庆祝感恩节并不一定是最初朝圣者们遵行的时间。Note: celebrating Thanksgiving on the third Thursday of November was established by the American government and may not necessarily coincide with the pilgrim’s first observance.

YAHUSHUA Celebrate



YAHUSHUA celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. He taught in the Temple on the Feast of Tabernacles. 尽管祂的门徒们没有预料到亚呼赎阿会参加这个节庆,许多听说过祂的从远方来的朝圣者都指望他们能在耶路撒冷见到祂。Although His disciples had not expected YAHUSHUA to attend the feast, the vast majority of the pilgrims from afar who had heard of Him entertained the hope that they might see Him at Jerusalem. 他们没有失望,因为祂很多次在所罗门的走廊里教训人,也在圣殿的其他地方教训人。这些教训都是官方记载的,也是正式向犹太人和这世界宣告亚呼赎阿的神性。They were not disappointed, for on several occasions He taught in Solomon’s Porch and elsewhere in the temple courts. These teachings were really the official or formal announcement of the divinity of YAHUSHUA to the Jewish people and to the whole world. 亚呼赎阿冒着生命危险去参加住棚节,但无所畏惧的亚呼赎阿出现在耶路撒冷的公众面前,祂的仇敌极为惶恐;因为他们没有预备好应对到如此大胆的挑战。YAHUSHUA risked His life to go to the Feast of Tabernacles, but the audacious boldness of YAHUSHUA in publicly appearing in Jerusalem overawed his enemies; they were not prepared for such a daring challenge.

在节期的最后一天(犹太拉比们倒水的那天),是最大的日子。亚呼赎阿站起来(为了唤起人们要特别注意听祂的消息),宣告祂自己就是那活水的泉源(约7:37-38)。这是住棚节的属灵的教训。On the last day and greatest day of the Feast of Tabernacles (the day the Rabbis poured the water) YAHUSHUA stood (calling special attention to his message) and proclaimed Himself the very fountain of living water in John 7:37-38. Spiritual Lessons from the Feast of Tabernacles

亚哈威是我们的避难所YAHUVEH is Our Shelter

这个节日提醒我们不要对物质上的东西抓得太紧,我们生活在物欲横流的时代。This holiday reminds us not to hold too tightly to material things. We live in a very materialistic age. 当以色列民在沙漠流浪的时候,他们都住在帐篷里,无论贫富都一样。物质财富会控制和操纵我们;他们就会成为我们的神或偶像。When the Israelites were wanderers in the desert, they all lived in tents–rich and poor alike. Material possessions can control and manipulate us; they become gods, or idols, over us. 我们要记住今生只是暂时的。我们也在通往应许的永生之地的旅程上。我们要寻求亚哈威的国,不是这地球上的舒适。We must remember that this life is only temporary. We are also on a pilgrimage to a Promised Land in eternity. We need to seek YAHUVEH’s kingdom, not earthly comfort. 当我们首先求亚哈威的国时(路12:31),亚哈威就是我们的避难所。As we seek first the Kingdom of YAHUVEH (Luke 12:31), YAHUVEH is our shelter. 当强暴人催逼人的时候,如同暴风直吹墙壁,你就作贫穷人的保障,作困乏人急难中的保障;作躲风暴之处,作避炎热的阴凉。(赛25:4)For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall (Isa. 25:4).


YAHUSHUA is the Living Water

我们属灵的干渴没有任何东西能止住,唯有亚呼赎阿能止住。 “人若喝我所赐的水,就永远不渴;我所赐的水,要在他的里头成为泉源,直涌到永生。” (约4:14)Our spiritual thirst cannot be quenched with anything less than YAHUSHUA. But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:14).


YAHUSHUA Washes Away Our Sins

亚呼赎阿是真正的活水,用祂的宝血把我们从罪里洗净。 “若山羊和公牛的血,并母牛犊的灰,洒在不洁的人身上,尚且叫人成圣,身体洁净;YAHUSHUA is the true living water cleansing us from sin through His blood. For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: 何况亚呼赎阿借着永远的灵,将自己无瑕无疵献给亚哈威,祂的血岂不更能洗净你们的心,除去你们的死行,使你们侍奉那永生亚哈威。” (来9:13-14)

How much more shall the blood of YAHUSHUA, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to YAHUVEH, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living YAHUVEH (Heb. 9:13-14).

YAHUSHUA is the Light of the World

住棚节的灯光照亮整个城。学者们认为,当亚呼赎阿说出众所周知的话 “我是世上的光…” (约8:12)时,祂所指的就是这个节期的惯例。也可以读约翰福音1:1-9和9:5。The light from the Feast of Tabernacles lamps illuminated the whole city. Scholars suggest that YAHUSHUA referred to this custom when he spoke those well-known words, “I am the light of the world…” (John 8:12) Also see John 1:1-9 and John 9:5.



YAHUSHUA is Preparing Our Permanent Home

我们现在的身体只是我们临时的居所。我们的身体是虚弱的,都会开始渐渐衰退的。生命很短暂。我们的盼望不是这个世界能给的,而是在亚哈威已经给我们的永生里。These physical bodies we now occupy are only temporary dwelling places. Our bodies are frail, and will eventually begin to deteriorate. Life is short. Our hope is not in what the world has to offer, but in what YAHUVEH has already provided for us for eternity. 我们永恒的家正在被预备着。亚呼赎阿在约翰福音14:2-3里说: “在我父的家里有很多住处。若是没有,我就早已告诉你们了,我去原是为你们预备地方。Our permanent home is being prepared for us in eternity. YAHUSHUA said in John 14:2-3, In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 我若是去为你们预备了地方,就必再来接你们到我那里去;我在哪里,叫你们也在哪里。” And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


As the Israelites Left Bondage, We Leave the Bondage of Sin

亚哈威把以色列的子民带出束缚他们的埃及地,给他们自由。对于基督徒来说,我们可以庆祝亚哈威把我们从被罪捆绑的生命中拯救出来,带我们进入祂亚哈威国度的自由。YAHUVEH brought the Children of Israel out of the bondage of their Egyptian taskmasters into freedom. For Christians, we can celebrate that YAHUVEH redeemed us from a life of bondage to sin and brought us into His freedom in the Kingdom of YAHUVEH.

Was the Birth of YAHUSHUA during the Feast of Tabernacles?


Many scholars believe YAHUSHUA was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states:

很多人都相信我们应当称颂的救主是很可能在这个节期诞生的;祂离开祂高天的居所,住在我们中间(约1:14),住在棚屋里。It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John 1:14), and he dwelt in booths. 撒加利亚书14:16里预言了在新约下,所有的人都要敬拜亚哈威,并守住棚节。And the worship of YAHUVEH under the New Testament is prophesied of under the notion of keeping the feast of tabernacles, Zec.14:16. 亚呼赎阿的福音教导我们要住在棚里,忽视这个世界,因为这里本没有长存的城,只凭信心、希望和圣洁轻看属世的东西,出到营外,跟随亚呼赎阿去。(来13:13-14)For, [1.] The gospel of YAHUSHUA teaches us to dwell in tabernacles, to sit loose to this world, as those that have here no continuing city, but by faith, and hope and holy contempt of present things, to go out to YAHUSHUA without the camp, Heb. 13:13, 14. [2.] 福音还教导我们要在主我们的亚哈威前喜乐。那些受真割礼的真以色列人,一直都在亚呼赎阿里喜乐(腓3:3)。我们越脱离这属世的欲望,我们就越会常常喜乐。

It teaches us to rejoice before the Lord our YAHUVEH. Those are the circumcision, Israelites indeed, that always rejoice in YAHUSHUA, Phil. 3:3. And the more we are taken off from this world the less liable we are to the interruption of our joys.

圣经里没有特别地说到亚呼赎阿的出生日期。但我们知道不会是在冬季,因为当时牧羊人还在放牧羊群(路2:8在伯利恒之野地里有牧羊的人,夜间按着更次看守羊群。)。The Bible does not specifically say the date of YAHUSHUA’ birth. We know it was not during the winter months because the sheep were in the pasture (Luke 2:8). 研究施洗约翰的受孕时间表明他大概是在犹太历的三月(西弯月Sivan)30日,第11周的时候受孕的。A study of the time of the conception of John the Baptist reveals he was conceived about Sivan 30, the eleventh week.

当撒加利亚在殿里侍奉的时候,他收到了从亚哈威那里来的宣告:他将要生一个儿子。是在第八次亚比雅班次侍奉的时候,正是撒加利亚的侍奉周,是从西弯月的12日到18日。When Zechariah was ministering in the temple, he received an announcement from YAHUVEH of a coming son. The eighth course of Abia, when Zekharya was ministering, was the week of Sivan 12 to 18 (Killian n.d.). 因为普通的怀孕周期是40周,这就表明施洗约翰大概是在逾越节期间出生的(尼散月Nisan14日)。我们知道约翰受孕6个月后,马利亚(Mary)从如阿克.哈.古德西感孕了亚呼赎阿(路1:26-33).Adding forty weeks for a normal pregnancy reveals that John the Baptist was born on or about Passover (Nisan 14). We know six months after John’s conception, Mary conceived YAHUSHUA (Luke 1:26-33). 因此,亚呼赎阿可能是在约翰受孕六个月后的基斯流月(Kislev,犹太历9月)感孕的。基斯流月25日是光明节(哈努卡节Hanukkah)。

Therefore, YAHUSHUA would have been conceived six months later in the month of Kislev. Kislev 25 is Hanukkah. 

 “世上的光” 是在光明节的时候受孕的吗?

Was the “light of the world” conceived on the festival of lights?

从光明节(哈努卡节,修殿节,献殿节)开始,也就是基斯流25日开始持续八天。再加上马利亚怀孕的九个月,亚呼赎阿出身的时间大概就是在住棚节期间了(早秋时节)Starting at Hanukkah, which begins on Kislev 25 and continues for eight days, and counting through the nine months of Mary’s pregnancy, one arrives at the approximate time of the birth of YAHUSHUA at the Festival of Tabernacles (the early fall of the year).

在住棚节期间,亚哈威要求所有的犹太男丁都要到耶路撒冷去朝拜。有许多朝圣者去耶路撒冷过节,他们遍布整个城镇(伯利恒在离耶路撒冷大概五英里的地方)。During the Feast of Tabernacles, YAHUVEH required all male Jews to come to Jerusalem. The many pilgrims coming to Jerusalem for the festivals would spill over to the surrounding towns (Bethlehem is about five miles from Jerusalem). 约瑟和马利亚在那时候找不到客栈的房间住,因为那期间许多的朝圣者涌入耶路撒冷城和它的周围小镇。他们就被安排住在一个木棚里,就是为庆祝为期七天的住棚节临时搭建的。Joseph and Mary were unable to find a room at the inn because of the influx of so many pilgrims. They may have been given shelter in a sukkah, which is built during a seven-day period each year accompanying the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. 由于旅途上有诸多的艰难,因此,地方官在节庆的时候申报纳税的时间是很平常的事(路2:1)Due to the difficulties during travel, it was common for the officials to declare tax time during a temple Feast (Luke 2:1).

我们知道我们的弥赛亚来到地球上时,是以一个暂时的肉身显现的。祂是不是也有可能被放进一个临时的居所呢?在丰收的季节,田野里到处都布满了星星点点的木棚作为临时收容动物的地方。We know our Messiah was made manifest into a temporary body when He came to earth. Is it possible He also was put into a temporary dwelling? The fields would have been dotted with sukkoths during this harvest time to temporary shelter animals. 在希伯来语里 “马棚(stable)” 是被称作 “棚屋(Sukkoth)” (出33:7)The Hebrew word “stable” is called a sukkoth (Gen. 33:17).

她(马利亚)生了她的长子,把祂包在襁褓里,并放进马槽里;因为那时客栈里没有空余的房间给他们(路2:7)And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7).

约瑟和马利亚带着孩子逃往埃及并呆在那里,直到他们被亚哈威告知希律死了。Joseph and Mary took the child and flew to Egypt and remained there until they were told by YAHUVEH that Herod was dead. 约瑟和马利亚带着还是婴儿的亚呼赎阿,在祂40天的时候回到耶路撒冷,因为马利亚的洁净礼和孩子的奉献礼Joseph and Mary brought the baby YAHUSHUA into Jerusalem forty days from His birth for Mary’s purification and the child’s dedication (根据妥拉,这必须在生了男孩四十天内行的礼──没那样行的话,就被认为是一种罪)。(according to Torah this had to be done within forty days of the birth of a male child–not doing so is considered a sin). 这就表明希律是在同样的那四十天内死去的。因为只要希律还活着,他们就不会出现在殿里。This indicates that Herod died within the same forty days, because as long as Herod was alive, they could not appear at the Temple.(根据史学家约瑟夫斯的计算法,希律是在公元前4年的秋季死去的) (According to Josephus’ calculations, Herod’s death occurred during the Autumn in the fourth year before the Common Era 4 b.c.e.).

在祂以后的生活里,亚呼赎阿带着祂的三个门徒在一座山上庆祝祂的生日。跟生日聚会相比而言,就像希律的生日,拿杀人当成娱乐消遣。亚呼赎阿的生日是庆祝生命。Later in His life, YAHUSHUA celebrated His birthday on a mountain with three of His disciples. In contrast to birthday parties, such as Herod’s, where people were killed for entertainment, His was a celebration of life. 在住棚节的时候,从过去的世纪里,代表着妥拉和先知的摩西和以利亚呼(以利亚)显现并和亚呼赎阿谈话。On the Festival of Succoth, Moshe and EliYahu (Elijah), from centuries past, representatives of the Torah and the Prophets, appeared and talked with YAHUSHUA. 一个门徒,矶法(彼得),建议为亚呼赎阿,摩西和以利亚搭三座棚,因为是那个节日所要求的,One disciple, Kepha (Peter), suggested building three succoth for YAHUSHUA, Moshe, and EliYahu, because it was required for the festival, 但他不知道,他们三位正在成全这个节期所象征的:他们住在他们的肉体的住棚里(暂时的帐幕),等待他们永恒复活的殿(Killian nd)。but he did not understand that these three were fulfilling that which the festival symbolized: they were dwelling in their succoth (temporary tabernacles) of flesh, awaiting their eternal resurrection temples (Killian n.d.)

一些基督徒在住棚节期间庆祝亚呼赎阿的诞生,用彩灯等装饰棚屋,有生日蛋糕,还有音乐来庆祝亚呼赎阿的诞生。A number of Christians are celebrating YAHUSHUA’s birth during the Feast of Tabernacles, complete with decorations and lights on the sukkah, a birthday cake, and music celebrating YAHUSHUA’ birth.

亚呼赎阿在三次布道中宣称祂是 “世上的光” ,这三次都可能是在每年冬季(12月)的哈努卡节/光明节(Hanukkah)期间宣讲的。

YAHUSHUA preached three sermons in which he declared himself the “light of the world,” and all three would be during the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) in the winter of the year (December).

Prophetic Significance

这些秋季的节庆显明了将来的时候,当人类再次和亚哈威住在一起,那时祂要居住在他们中间,祂们要和祂同住(启21:3)。These fall festivals speak of a future time when men will again tabernacle with YAHUVEH, when He will dwell with them and they with Him (Rev. 21:3). 他们说到,有一天列国都会聚集到耶路撒冷They speak of a day in which all nations will gather to Jerusalem (Zech. 8:22; 14:16).

很好奇,到那时候,圣经预言告诉我们,从列国来的百姓都要和犹太人一起在耶路撒冷庆祝住棚节(亚14)。舞台正在搭建,预言正在成就。Curiously, even in the days to come, Bible prophecy tells us that people from the nations of the world will come up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles with the Jewish people in Jerusalem (Zech. 14). The stage is being set and prophecy is being fulfilled. 现在来自一百多个国家的大量的犹太人正在上到以色列(Aliyah-阿利亚,希伯来语,上去),还有基督徒们,他们的来访的人数刷新着纪录。绝大多数已经去以色列参观的朝圣者是基督徒!The “coming-up” (aliyah, in Hebrew) is taking place now in Israel with the massive influx of Jews from over a hundred nations. Christians, also, are already visiting the land in record numbers—the majority of pilgrims coming to Israel are Christians!我们相信所有这些都是在预备和营造将来圣经里预言的事件。耶路撒冷会继续成为亚哈威在地球上的典范和计划的焦点。因为最终弥赛亚要回到耶路撒冷掌权。(瓦格纳1996) We believe this is all in preparation and building for future scriptural events. Jerusalem continues to be the focus of YAHUVEH’s earthly pattern and plan, for ultimately it is to Jerusalem that Messiah is coming (Wagner 1996).

亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克是亚哈威的圣幕或居所。在祂里面居住着亚哈威一切的丰盛(约1:14),亚哈威借着亚呼赎阿住在我们中间。YAHUSHUA Ha Mashiach is the tabernacle or dwelling place of YAHUVEH. In Him dwelled the fullness of YAHUVEH (John 1:14, Col. 2:9), and YAHUVEH dwells in our midst through YAHUSHUA (Matt. 18:20). 这就可能是在亚呼赎阿第二次来临的时候最终成全住棚节的全部含义。行星地球和其上所有的居民将会有一个字面意义上的安息。到那时,我们的心里就能够得享安息。It may be that YAHUSHUA will ultimately fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles at His second coming. There will be a literal rest for planet earth and all its inhabitants. Until then we can find rest in our souls.


The Beginning of the Millennium

大部分的圣经学者都认同,帐幕代表千禧年的开始。我们应该热切期待着住棚节的到来,就像我们期待弥赛亚的来临一样,祂会带来祂的政府,祂的国度和祂的律法。Most Bible scholars agree that Tabernacles represents the beginning of the Millennium. We should look forward expectantly to the Feast of Tabernacles, just as we look forward to the coming of the Messiah, to bring His government, His Kingdom, and His laws. 但在末后的日子,这必应验:亚哈威殿的山必坚立,超乎诸山,高举过于万岭;万民都要留归这山。But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it. 必有许多国的民前往,说: “来吧!我们登亚哈威的山,奔雅各神的殿。主必将祂的道教训我们,我们也要行祂的路;因为训诲必出于锡安,亚哈威的言语必出于耶路撒冷。And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the YAHUVEH of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 祂必在多国的民中施行审判,为远方强盛的国断定是非。他们要将刀打成犁头,把枪打成镰刀。这国不举刀攻击那国,他们也不再学习战事。(弥4:1-3)

And HE shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more (Micah 4:1).

住棚节和逾越节是千禧年敬拜里提到的仅有的节期(结45:21-25)要指出的是,尼散月(Nisan)和提斯利月(Tishri)之间的天数总是一样的。Tabernacles and Passover are the only holidays mentioned in the millennial worship (Ezek. 45:21-25; Zech. 14:16). Note that the number of days between Nisan and Tishri is always the same. 正因为如此,从第一个重要的节期(在尼散月的逾越节)到最后一个重要节期(提斯利月的住棚节)的时间总是一样的。这和亚呼赎阿在住棚节出生和在逾越节的死会有什么联系吗?Because of this, the time from the first major festival (Passover in Nisan) to the last major festival (The Feast of Tabernacles in Tishri) is always the same. Could this have any connection to YAHUSHUA’s birth during Tabernacles and His death on Passover? 逾越节是在宗教日历里的第一个月,而住棚节是在民用日历的第一个月。何西阿书6:3里解释说亚呼赎阿会像春雨和秋雨般临到我们。Passover is in the first month in the religious calendar and Tabernacles is in the first month of the civil calendar. Hosea 6:3 explains YAHUSHUA will come as the latter and former rain. 我们务要认识亚哈威,竭力追求认识祂,祂出现确如晨光,祂会如甘雨一般临到我们,像春雨和秋雨一般临到。春季的节期是在春雨期间,秋季的节期是在秋雨期间。Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. The spring holidays are during the former rain and the fall holidays are during the latter rain.

撒加利亚书14章里介绍了千禧年。这章讲述了耶路撒冷的解放和弥赛亚会怎样在全地作王。最终的结局是列国都遵行至高者的律法。Zechariah chapter 14 introduces the millennial age. The chapter tells of the liberation of Jerusalem and how the Messiah will be king over the whole earth. It ends with all nations keeping the laws of the Most High. 住棚节──最大的节庆,是象征着弥赛亚亚呼赎阿的存在(他是 “亚哈威的圣幕” ),会被世上的列国遵守。The Feast of Tabernacles–that great feast which symbolizes the very presence of YAHUSHUA the Messiah (He is the very “Tabernacle of YAHUVEH”), will be kept by all the nations of the world. 撒加利亚先知告诉我们,凡拒绝差派代表到耶路撒冷守住棚节的列国,都会有可怕的刑罚和瘟疫严惩他们。The prophet tells us that fearsome punishments and plagues will be meted out on nations that refuse to send delegates to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles.

到那日,必有活水从耶路撒冷出来,一半往东海流,一半往西海流;…亚哈威必作全地的王。And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: … And the Lord shall be king over all the earth; 那日亚哈威必为独一无二的,他的名也是独一无二的。这预言会应验,所有来攻击耶路撒冷列国中剩下的人,必年年上来敬拜大君王万军之亚哈威,并守住棚节。in that day shall there be one Lord and his name one … And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came up against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. 地上万族中,凡不上耶路撒冷敬拜大君王万军之亚哈威的,必无雨降在他们的地上。埃及族若不上来,雨也不降在他们的地上;And it shall be that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; 凡不上来守住棚节的列国人,亚哈威也必用这灾攻击他们。这就是埃及的刑罚和那不上来守住棚节之列国的刑罚。there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles (Zech. 14:8-19).

搭建棚屋Building A Sukkoth

圣经里说 “搭棚” 。拉比们在教导如何搭棚时,增添了关于棚屋的大小,用的材料,选的地方等等。The Bible says “Build a sukkah (or booth).” Rabbis have added all details about size, materials, location, etc. 你可以使用任何你可以利用的建筑材料的边角料,搭起你的帐篷,或用旧的床单为你的孩子创造一次 “冒险经历” (在屋顶或秋千上用蹦极绳索系牢帆布当作蹦蹦床)。You might want to use any scrap lumber you have available, pitch your tent, or use old sheets to create an adventure for your children (attach tarps with bungee cords to your deck or swing set). 如果家里有生病的孩子,那就可以在客厅用旧床单给他们作一个棚位。在里面吃饭,他们偶尔也睡在那。重要的是让每个节期都有一个美好的回忆──不要太在意惯例。One family had sick children and made a booth out of old sheets in their living room. Meals were eaten in it and they occasionally spent the night. The importance of this and each holiday is making a memory – not getting hung up on customs.

搭建和装饰棚屋是家里一件很有趣的规划。来自耶路撒冷的 “平安之桥” 的吉姆(JimGerrish)描述了搭建棚屋的计划:Building and decorating a sukkah is a fun family project. Jim Gerrish, with Bridges for Peace in Jerusalem, describes one plan for building a sukkah:

事实上这不是件很难的工作。你需要事先开始计划,最好在赎罪日(YomKippur)后就尽快开始你的规划。Actually it is not such a difficult job. You will need to start planning early though, in order to begin your construction as quickly as possible after Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. 在以色列,一些虔诚的犹太人在赎罪日当天日落后就开始搭建棚屋,就是住棚节开始的四天前。In Israel some devout Jews begin construction as soon as the sun is down on Yom Kippur, four days before the Feast of Tabernacles starts.

因为住棚不是一个结构复杂或永久的建筑,可以用最便宜的材料。Since the sukkah is not to be an elaborate or permanent structure, the most inexpensive materials may be used. 你需要四根坚固的柱子作为棚屋的四个角落,四根小一点的杆作屋顶。所有的木料要大约7-8英尺(2.5米)长。You will need 4 sturdy posts (2 x 4s in the U.S.) for the corners, 4 smaller poles (2 x 2s) for the roof. All of these boards should be approximately 7 or 8 feet (2.5 meters) in length. 屋顶还需要几根小木板可以用来支撑覆盖在屋顶上面的轻树枝。棚屋的四周,用旧床单围住看起来就不错,用其他材料,比如帆布、藤席或胶合板也很好。To cover the roof you will need several slats or small boards capable of holding up light tree branches. For the sides, old bedsheets seem to work well. Other materials like canvas, cane matting or even light plywood are also fine. 你需要足够多的材料来围住三面 “墙” ,用一个帘子作入口。房屋的顶部你只需要从后院修剪下来的一点树枝遮住就好了。You will need enough to enclose three sides, with a drape for the entrance. For the top you simply need to trim a few trees in the back yard.

现在实际上搭建的棚屋,可以建成有足够大的空间能让人坐在里面,建议长、宽、高都有2.5米,因为这样的话,还可以有空间容纳客人Now for the actual construction. The tabernacle can be almost any size so long as it is large enough to sit in. A seven foot cube (2.5 meters) is recommened, since this will allow plenty of room for guests (如果你被祝福有一个大的家庭,那要搭建更大的棚屋)。(make a larger Sukkah if you are blessed with a big family).

首先,你要在地上凿出四个洞来放置四根杆作为棚屋的四个角落。你可以用其他方法代替来固定这四个角。First, you will need to sink four holes in the ground for the four upright corner poles. In lieu of this, you may anchor the uprights in the holes of stacked concrete blocks, or design other sturdy legs for them. 如果你想用简单的方法,你可以用现有建筑的作为你的棚屋的一面墙。If you want to do it the easy way, you may use an existing building for one side of your sukkah. 一旦柱子立稳在固定的位置上,你就需要在沿着屋顶放置平衡木。完成这些步骤后,你就可以在屋顶放置木板支撑屋顶。Once the uprights are firmly in place, then attach the horizontal rods at the top along the outside. With this finished, you can now place the slats or other small support boards on the roof.

下一个步骤是在四周悬挂旧床单或其他的遮盖材料。在棚屋前面,可以用一根线系着布帘作成一个可移动的门。最后把树枝放在屋顶上,如果你喜欢看星星的话,就不要把屋顶遮盖得太厚。The next step is to drape the bed sheets or other coverings around three sides. In the front, a bed sheet attached on a wire track works well for a door. Finally, place the tree branches on top, but if you like to see the stars, don’t make the roof too thick. 棚屋的装备可以依据你的喜好去设置。必备的是一张桌子和椅子。你也许希望用图片或经文来装饰你的墙面。The sukkah can now be outfitted to your own taste. A table and chairs are a must. You may wish to decorate the walls with pictures or Bible verses. 也可在屋顶悬挂水果;让孩子们也一同参与进来,用你们的想象力和方法去装饰你们的棚屋。Fruit may be hung from the ceiling; paper chains and other decorations may be hung on the walls. Use your imagination, and by all means, let the children participate.


It is customary to decorate the inside of the sukkah with pictures, hangings, and the agricultural produce for which Israel is famous: wheat, barley, grapes, figs, olives, dates, and pomegranates.

接下来就是欢乐的时刻了,邀请你的朋友来看你的杰作和你一同欢乐。尝试在棚屋里就餐,或晚上在那过夜。这会是个难忘又蒙福的经历。All that is left now is the enjoyment. Invite your friends to see your masterpiece and rejoice with you. Try a meal out in the sukkah, or even spend the night there. It will be an unforgettable and blessed experience.


What to do in a Sukkah

透过祷告赞美亚哈威。唱赞美诗赞美亚哈威。邀请亲戚、朋友或邻居和你一起庆祝。摇棕榈枝。吃、喝、放松、小睡。Praise YAHUVEH through prayer.Praise YAHUVEH by singing praise songs.Invite relatives, friends, and neighbors to celebrate with you.Wave the Lulav. Eat, drink, relax, nap.

从 “住棚节弥赛亚的意义” 里读题为 “亚哈威是我的避难所” 和 “亚呼赎阿在预备我们永恒的家Read the section titled “YAHUVEH is Our Shelter” and “YAHUSHUA is Preparing Our Permanent Home” from the “Messianic Significance of Tabernacles.”

唱歌庆祝亚呼赎阿的诞生。比如 “欢乐颂”  “平安夜”  “马槽圣婴”  “第一首圣诞圣歌”  “哦,小城伯利恒” 等等。Sing songs to celebrate the birth of YAHUSHUA. Such as “Joy to the World,” “Silent Night,” “Away in a Manger,” “The First Noel,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” etc.

住棚节的灯光照亮整座城。用灯装饰棚屋。读经文亚呼赎阿是我们的光相关经文(约1:1-9&约8:12&约9:5)The light from the Feast of Tabernacle lamps illuminated the whole city. Decorate the sukkah with strings of light. Read Bible verses about YAHUSHUA being our light (John 1:1-9; 8:12; 9:5).

布置一个亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克诞生的场景,读路加福音里亚呼赎阿诞生的故事,或任何一本福音书。把水倒在地面上,读亚呼赎阿在约翰福音7:37里的宣告。Set up a nativity scene. Read the story of YAHUSHUA’s birth in Luke or one of the gospels.Pour water on the ground and read YAHUSHUA’ proclamation (John 7:37).

约翰福音7:37节期的末日,就是最大之日,亚呼赎阿站着高声说: “人若渴了,可以到我这里来喝。John 7:37 Now on the High day, which is

the last of the feast1 , Yahshua was standing and He cried out and said, If a man thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.



Read aloud the verses explaining this feast (Lev. 23:34-43 Deut. 16:13-15, and Num. 29:12-40).Read John 7:2-39 about YAHUSHUA celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles.


Many Bible prophecies tell of the Messiah’s reign over all nations. Read some of them aloud to your family (Psalms 2, 47, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 110, and 126).Tell Bible stories.

开始吧,每年一次,玩得开心点。每天至少在棚屋里用餐一次。花时间单独和亚哈威在一起。小孩子会想玩 “过家家” 的游戏,那也很好。因为以色列人曾经 “住在棚里” 四十年之久。Get started, evaluate each year, and have fun. Plan to eat at least one meal in your sukkah, and use it for your time alone with YAHUVEH, perhaps. Younger children will want to “play house” which is alright since the Israelites were “housed” in them for forty years.

住棚节(Sukkot)的圣经习俗The Biblical Institution of the Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot

与犹太新年和赎罪日的严肃气氛相比较,第三个节期是一个纯粹欢乐的时候。这反省和探寻的时刻,现在给被称为 “我们欢乐的季节” 的节日让路了。In contrast to the somber tone of Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur, the third feast is a time of pure joy. The time of introspection and searching now make way for the feast called; "The season of our rejoicing."

节期的名称The Names of the Feast

住棚节或棚屋节:这个名称来源于希伯来文——Sukkot,意思是帐篷、棚屋。它源自利未记23:42-43里的命令(利未记23:42-43)。The Feast of Tabernacles or Booths: The name comes from the Hebrew - Sukkot; meaning - tabernacles, booths. It comes from the command in (Lev 23:42-43). 这些用树枝搭建的临时居所,是要提醒以色列人在他们旷野流浪四十年期间,神亚哈威的信实,会幕象征着人需要依靠亚哈威所提供的食物、水和住处。The impermanent leafy shelters were to remind the Israelites of God's faithfulness during their forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The tabernacles symbolized man's need to depend on YAHUVEH for His provision of food, water, and shelter.

收藏节The feast of Ingathering

命令以色列人在每年最后收获季节的时候搭建临时棚屋并住在里面,所以 “收藏节” 也被用来作为节日的名称。The command to build tabernacles and dwell in them coincided annually with Israel's final harvest of the season, and so the name "Feast of Ingathering" was used of the holiday as well. 我们在利未记23:34和申命记16:13里能看到使用这个节期的称呼。重点是与秋季最后收获农作物相关。We see this being applied to the feast in Lev 23:34; Deut 16:13. The emphasis is on the relationship to the holiday to the final gathering of the crops in the fall. 古时的以色列的经济是农业,以季节引导以色列的生产活动。每个季节丰富的物产都带来新的宽慰和感恩,这样他们就不会挨饿,Ancient Israel's economy was agrarian. The seasons guided Israel's activities. Each season's plentiful harvest brought a renewed sense of relief and thankfulness that they would not go hungry 因为亚哈威再次的供应了他们。就是这个节期给朝圣者庆祝第一个感恩节提供了圣经基础。for YAHUVEH had once more provided for His people. It is this feast which provided the Pilgrims with the Biblical foundation for the first Thanksgiving observance.

我们欢乐的季节——Simcha 欢乐The Season of Our Joy - Simcha

农耕的一年结束了,庄稼都收进粮仓,工作已经完成,收割也结束了。The agricultural year was at an end, the crops were gathered into the storehouses. The work was done the harvest was over. 神给以色列设定七天的节庆,让他们能抛开一切的世俗忧虑来感谢和赞美祂丰富的供应。这也是我们自己感恩庆祝节日的目的。GOD gave Israel seven festive days to set aside all worldly cares to thank and praise Him who had provided in abundance. That too was the intention behind the institution of our own thanksgiving celebration

盛宴The Feast

这个节日对以色列人的影响是如此重大,以至于住棚节当作 “亚哈威的节期” 而为人所知,远不只是单纯的 “节期” 。The impact of the holiday upon the Israelites was so significant that the feast of Tabernacles came to be known as the "Feast of the Lord" or more simply "The Feast." 希伯来语在这个节期后面的词语是 “哈各Hag” ,实际上是指跳舞或欢乐。这是一年周期中的高潮——这是一场盛宴。The Hebrew word behind the term feast is "Hag" in fact means to dance or to be joyous. It was the high point in the yearly cycle - it was the feast.

命令要庆祝The Commanded Observances

在为期七天的住棚节期间,犹太人到底被命令要做什么?要搭建棚屋。以色列人被命令要收集成捆的树枝(Lulavs)在亚哈威面前摇一摇,并用茂密的树枝搭建棚屋作为七天的居所。What exactly were the Jewish people commanded to do during the seven days of Sukkot? The building of Tabernacles. The Israelites were commanded to gather bunches of boughs (or Lulavs) to wave before YAHUVEH and build leafy tabernacles in which to dwell for seven days. 住在棚屋里不仅是提醒在旷野流浪时的居无定所,还提醒他们在旷野里的食物、照顾和保护都蒙亚哈威所赐。先知以赛亚表明了这个态度(赛4:6)。Living in tabernacles was a reminder not of an unsettled time in the wilderness but, of the sustenance, care, and protection given by YAHUVEH in the desert. The prophet Isaiah reflects this attitude in (Is 4:6). 树枝使以色列人想起他们卑微的出身和亚哈威对他们的照顾方式。这些帐篷提醒我们:只要他们听从亚哈威的话,祂就会庇护祂的子民,给他们食物。The foliage reminded the Israelites of their humble origins and of the way YAHUVEH cared for them. The tabernacles were a reminder that YAHUVEH would shelter His people and give them food as long as they were obedient to Him.

命令要喜乐The Command to Rejoice

我们读申命记16:13-14 “你把禾场的谷、酒醡的酒收藏以后,就要守住棚节七日。14守节的时候,你和你儿女、仆婢,并住在你城里的利未人,以及寄居的与孤儿寡妇,都要欢乐。” 这个节期最重要的是要在亚哈威里欢乐。与赎罪日和犹太新年相反,住棚节是一个欢乐的时刻。以色列人要在亚提供的日常饮食和属灵生命的供应里欢乐。We read in (Deut 16:13-14) the key aspect of the Feast was rejoicing in YAHUVEH. In contrast of Yom Kippur and Rosh haShanah, Sukkot was to be a time of rejoicing. The Israelites were to rejoice in YAH'S provision for their daily bread and their spiritual lives.

依据圣经里的时间庆祝住棚节Celebration of Sukkot in Biblical Times

犹太人没有被要求上耶路撒冷去过犹太新年和赎罪日,但他们被要求上耶路撒冷去过住棚节。那时耶路撒冷的(依附于大建筑物的)住棚屋星罗棋布。The Jewish people were not required to go up to Jerusalem for the feast of Rosh haShanah or for Yom Kippur, but they were required to do so for Sukkot. Jerusalem was dotted with thousands of lean-tos. 我们看到在亚呼赎阿的时代,除了要求搭建棚屋和在亚哈威面前喜乐之外,还加上了两个庆祝的习俗。We see in addition to the commandments of building tabernacles and rejoicing before YAHUVEH; two customs had been added to the celebration by YAHUSHUA'S time.

汲水的仪式The Ceremony of the Water Drawing

犹太传统描述了住棚节的重大仪式,称为浇灌仪式,在希伯来语里称——Nissuch Ha-Mayim(汲水),是根源于节日的天然农业特征。

The Jewish tradition describes a major ceremony of Sukkot, called the Ceremony of the water drawing - in Hebrew called - Nissuch Ha-Mayim, and is rooted in the agricultural nature of the feast.


Rain was a prominent feature in the celebration of Sukkot.

汲水仪式是一个欢乐的场面。利未祭司拿一个专门的金罐到西罗亚池子里取水,很多人会跟他一起通过水门返回圣殿。The water-drawing ceremony was a joyous occasion. The Levitical priest would draw water from the pool of Siloam in a special golden pitcher. He would be joined by a crowd of people who would return with him to the Temple - through the water gate.

当祭司到达时,会吹响羊角号,然后他把取来的水倾倒在大祭台上。浇灌仪式的意义远远大于农业的影响。As the priest arrived - shofars would sound and he would pour the water on the great altar. The ceremony of the water-drawing held a significance much deeper than the agricultural implications. 雨水代表如阿克.哈.古德西(如阿克.哈.古德西), 根据先知约珥说的,取水所指的是那个日子,亚哈威要将祂的灵浇灌以色列(约珥书2:28-29)。The rain represented the RUACH ha KODESH, and the water drawing pointed to that day, when according to the prophet Joel, YAHUVEH would rain His Spirit on Israel (Joel 2:28).当亚呼赎阿参加住棚节庆典并宣称祂不会让灵魂饥渴时,这个仪式就有更重大的意义。(约翰福音7:37-39) This ceremony took on an even greater meaning when YAHUSHUA attended the feast in (John 7:37-39) and proclaimed that He would quench the thirsting of the soul.

圣殿的照明The Illumination of the Temple

住棚节的另一个仪式是圣殿的照明仪式。Another ceremony of the Feast of Tabernacles was the Illumination of the Temple.

在节期的第一天结束时,祭司和利未人会下到妇女所在的场地,点燃四个金烛台上的四个金碗,烛台上的光是如此的明亮,At the end of the first day of the feast, the priests and Levites went down to the Court of the Women. Four golden candlesticks were set up in the court with four golden bowls placed on them - and would be lit. 以至于在犹太传统里说: “耶路撒冷没有哪个庭院不被这光照亮。” 这是非常欢乐的节日气氛,人们会手持妥拉唱歌跳舞颂赞亚哈威直到深夜。The light emanating from the candlesticks was so bright that the Jewish tradition says; "There was no courtyard in Jerusalem that was not lit up with the light" (Sukkah 5:3). The mood was very festive, people would dance well into the night holding torches and singing songs of praise to YAHUVEH. 光的意义在于象征殿里曾经充满亚哈威的荣耀。当亚呼赎阿站在圣殿里宣告祂是世上的光(约8:12),The meaning of the lights was to symbolize the Shkhinah Glory of YAHUVEH that had once filled the Temple. Again this whole ceremony took on a new and greater meaning when YAHUSHUA stood in the Temple (John 8:12) 因为祂里面充满了亚哈威的荣耀(西1:19), 这整个庆典仪式就再次赋予了一个新的、更为重大的意义。在亚呼赎阿里我们看到了住棚节的成就(约1:14)。and declared that He was the Light of the world, for in Him dwelt all the fullness of the glory of YAHUVEH (Col 1:19). In YAHUSHUA we see the fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles (John 1:14). 亚哈威是神,住在人的帐幕里。很有意思的注意到 “居住” 这个词暗指临时的居所—— 一个棚屋。YAHUSHUA is GOD tabernacling among men. It is interesting to note that the word "dwelt" implies a temporary dwelling - a sukkah booth.

未来的住棚节The Future Sukkot

先知撒加利亚写了将来住棚节的庆典。亚哈威命定这个节期非常重要,以至于列国都要遵行守节的命令(撒加利亚书14:16所有来攻击耶路撒冷列国中剩下的人,必年年上来敬拜大君王-万军之亚哈威,并守住棚节)。The prophet Zechariah writes of a celebration of Sukkot in the future. YAHUVEH deems this feast as so important that the Gentile nations are commanded to observe it as well - (Zech 14:16).

住棚节普遍的主题Universal themes in the Feast of Tabernacles

以色列的犹太族裔在世界的救赎中所起的作用是一个重要的主题。In Jewish sources Israel's role in world redemption is a major theme. 在(诗篇109:4)评述中说道: “在住棚节的时候我们为七十个国家献上七十只公牛(作为赎罪祭),我们祷告雨水会为他们降下。” 以色列被认为是为列国的罪代祷的国家。In commenting on (Ps 109:4) it is said; "At the festival of tabernacles we offer up seventy bullocks (as an atonement ) for the seventy nations, and we pray that rain will come down for them." Israel is considered a nation of intercessors for the sins of the Gentiles.

撒加利亚书里预言的涵义The Meaning of the Prophecy in Zechariah

先知撒加利亚论到了末后的日子,当以色列和列国一起庆祝住棚节时。The prophet Zechariah spoke of the end of days, when Israel and the nations would together celebrate the feast of Tabernacles. 那会是在雅各遭难(耶30:7),或是在新约里的大灾难(太24:21)之后的恢复时期。属灵界和物质界的以色列都会恢复。This day of restoration will take place after the time of Jacob's distress (Jer 30:7), or in the New Covenant, the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21). Israel will be restored, both spiritually and nationally. 她的仇敌会被毁灭,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克将会掌权,不单单在以色列掌权,也在地球上所有国家掌权(亚14:9)。亚会命令列国的信实的余民到耶路撒冷庆祝住棚节(亚14:16)。

Her enemies will be crushed, and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will reign, not over Israel alone but over all the nations of the earth (Zech 14:9). YAH will command the faithful among the Gentiles to come to Jerusalem and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles (Zech14:16).

为什么亚哈威选择住棚节,而不是其他重要的节日,作为试验外邦人是否顺服呢?许多学者相信,住棚节也被称为收藏节,正是神为祂的国聚集人类果实的时候。Why did YAHUVEH choose the Feast of Tabernacles, and not one of the other major festivals, as a test of obedience for the Gentiles? Some scholars believe that Sukkot, as the feast of ingathering, is the most appropriate time for God to gather the human fruit for His kingdom. 最终,整个地球将会成为亚哈威的帐幕,祂会永远掌权(启示录21:3-4)Ultimately, the whole earth will become the sukkah booth of YAHUVEH, and He will reign for all eternity (Rev 21:3-4).



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...