羔羊的血使逾越节成为了可能(出12章)。我们知道亚呼赎阿的宝血,因为他是神的真正羔羊,已经赎买了我们的自由,它是我们唯一的救赎。The Blood of the Lamb made the Passover possible (Exodus 12). We know that YAHUSHUA’s Blood, as HE is the true Lamb of GOD, has bought our freedom and it is our ONLY Salvation. 在最后的晚餐上,亚呼赎阿教导了我们:逾越节的葡萄酒象征着祂的宝血,新血约的宝血,为多人的罪得到赦免而被倾倒;每逢我们喝的时候,我们就应该谨记祂的牺牲。At the Last Supper, YAHUSHUA taught us that the Passover wine was a symbol of HIS Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, poured out for many for the remission of sins; that as often as we would drink of it, we should remember HIS Sacrifice.
在逾越节餐宴期间要花些时间唱传统的逾越节歌曲,然而唱有关亚呼赎阿宝血的传统歌曲和赞美诗也是绝对值得的。Taking time during the Seder to sing traditional Passover songs, but also traditional songs and hymns about the Blood of YAHUSHUA is definitely worthwhile. 比如 “宝血中有能力” , “现在看啊,那羔羊” , “惟有宝血” , “有一个泉源” , “宝血永远不会失去它的能力” 等等这种关于十字架和宝血的歌曲都是很好的选择。Songs such as “There is Power in the Blood”, “Now Behold the Lamb”, “Nothing but the Blood”, “There is a Fountain”, “The Blood will Never Lose it’s Power” among others about the Cross and the Blood are good choices. 你可以在晚上自然而然地把歌曲加入你的逾越节餐宴中。我们建议在饮 “四杯葡萄酒” 的任何一杯或每一杯的过程中添加这样的歌曲。(详见本手册后面关于 “四杯葡萄酒” 更多的内容)。You may spontaneously add songs into your Seder through the night. We suggest adding such songs while going over any or each of the “Four Cups”. (See more on the Four Cups later in this booklet).
THE FOUR CUPS and the cup of Elijah
传统上在逾越节餐宴中,在整个餐宴期间要喝四杯葡萄酒或葡萄汁,尽管这不是亚哈威的命令,然而亚呼赎阿被记载已使用了葡萄酒作为他逾越节餐宴的一个完整组成部分。Traditionally in the Passover Seder four cups of wine or grape juice are consumed throughout the Seder though this is not mandated by YAHUVEH, but YAHUSHUA is recorded as having used wine as an integral part of HIS Seder. 在这里,我们必须补充说明神永远不会让你去喝醉,必须要避免醉酒。如果存在喝醉的问题的话,我们建议把葡萄酒全部换成葡萄汁。Here, we must add GOD would NEVER tell you to get drunk, intoxication must be avoided. We suggest replacing the wine altogether with juice if there is an issue.
据说这四杯葡萄酒代表着四种不同的拯救,阿爸亚哈威在描述犹太人出埃及的时候使用了那四种不同的拯救,正如出埃及记6:6-7所记载的。这四杯葡萄酒也代表着亚呼赎阿的宝血。The Four Cups are said to represent the four types of redemption ABBA YAHUVEH uses in describing the Jews’ exodus from Egypt as written in Ex. 6: 6-7. These four cups also represent the Blood of YAHUSHUA. 因此,我们强烈建议,不要倒满满的四杯葡萄酒,而是要么就在 “四杯” 中的每一杯倒进象征性的小份量(比如1汤匙),要么就把葡萄酒在水罐中稀释成可以随时被倒出来的葡萄酒。稀释的葡萄酒或葡萄汁可能比普通的葡萄酒更好。Therefore, instead of full cups, we highly suggest either giving small symbolic portions (like 1 tablespoon) for each of the “Four Cups”, or dilute the wine in a pitcher - ready to pour. Watered down wine or grape juice may be preferable to regular wine. (古时的葡萄酒没有今天的酒精含量,古代的罗马人、希腊人和以色列人的习俗是把他们的葡萄酒反复稀释好几次。还要记住,在逾越节期间酵母是受到禁止的,酵母给了葡萄酒高含量的酒精。(Ancient wine did not have the alcohol content it has today and it was the custom of the Ancient Romans, Greeks and Israelites to dilute their wine several times over. Also remember that yeast, which is prohibited during Passover, is what gives wine a high alcohol content).
*在众福音书中,亚呼赎阿被记载至少喝了两次葡萄酒,分别是在逾越节宴席之前和之后。*In the gospels, YAHUSHUA is recorded as taking the wine at least twice, once before and after the Passover meal. 重要的是要认识到,对一个弥赛亚犹太人而言,参加逾越节餐宴包含领圣餐,你必须要省察你的内心,正如你平时所做的那样。It is important to realize that participating in a Passover Seder for a Messianic Jew contains the elements of communion and you must examine your heart as you would otherwise do.
还有第五杯葡萄酒叫做 “以利亚之杯” 。这杯酒被倒出来,但是不喝这杯酒,门要开着以期待以利亚先知前来宣告弥赛亚,亚呼赎阿的来临。There is also a 5th cup of wine called, “The Cup of Elijah.” This cup is poured but not drunk and the door opened in anticipation of the coming of Elijah the Prophet to announce the MESSIAH, the MASHIACH, YAHUSHUA. 先知以利亚被认为是喜乐和平安的好消息的信使,而 “以利亚” 这个名字与玛西阿克的再临有关系,以利亚要宣告玛西阿克的再临。The Prophet Elijah is considered the bearer of good tidings of joy and peace. The name of Elijah is associated with the coming of the MASHIACH, whose advent Elijah is expected to announce. 我们读到: “亚哈威大而可畏之日未到以前,我要差遣以利亚先知到你们那里去。他必使父亲的心转向儿女,儿女的心转向父亲;” (玛拉基书4:4-6)We read: “I will send you the Prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers;” (Malachi 4:4-6a)
根据犹太传统,以利亚会在逾越节餐宴时拜访每一个犹太人的家庭并且喝一小口他们所准备的酒。当以色列在外流亡时,他们把酒倒满以利亚之杯,不过他们不喝这一杯酒。Jewish tradition has it that Elijah visits every Jewish home at the Seder and sips the cup. When Israel was exiled from the land, the cup of Elijah was filled, but not drunk. 这杯酒要留在餐桌上,作为阿爸亚哈威将来要更新弥赛亚应许的记号。亚呼赎阿在马可福音9:13和马太福音11:14这么说过:It remains on the table as a sign of ABBA YAHUVEH’S further Messianic promise of renewal. YAHUSHUA said of John the Baptist in Mark 9:13 & Matthew 11:14:
他们就问亚呼赎阿, “文士为什么说、以利亚必须先来?” 亚呼赎阿说, “以利亚固然先来,复兴万事。 “And they asked HIM (YAHUSHUA), ‘Why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?’
YAHUSHUA replied, ‘To be sure, Elijah does come first, and restores all things. 经上不是指着亚哈威之子说,他要受许多的苦,被人轻慢呢?我告诉你们,以利亚已经来了,他们也任意待他,正如经上所指着他的话。” Why then is it written that the SON of YAHUVEH must suffer much and be rejected? But I tell you, Elijah has come, and they have done to him everything they wished, just as it is written about him.’” “因为众先知和律法说预言、到约翰为止。你们若肯领受、这人就是那应当来的以利亚。有耳可听的,就应当听!)” “For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him hear.”
“以利亚已经来了” 这的确是事实──在两千多年前亚呼赎阿来到地球上的时候,施洗约翰就预告了祂的来临。“Elijah has come” - This was true in the person of John the Baptist who heralded YAHUSHUA’S coming when HE came to earth 2000+ years ago. 圣经应许正如施洗约翰带着以利亚的恩膏被差遣为主亚呼赎阿的第一次来临预备道路一样,以利亚也会前来为主的再临预备道路。Scripture promises that as John the Baptist was sent with the anointing of Elijah to prepare the way for the LORD YAHUSHUA’s First Coming, Elijah would also come to prepare the way for the Return of the LORD. 谁是末代的以利亚呢,一个戴着古时第一个以利亚的披风/恩膏的人,就像施洗约翰一样?Who is this End Time Elijah, a person, with the mantle of the first Elijah of Old, like John the Baptist?
你们当记念我仆人摩西的律法、就是我在何烈山为以色列众人所吩咐他的律例典章。“Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. “看哪、亚哈威大而可畏之日未到以前、我必差遣先知以利亚到你们那里去。他必使父亲的心转向儿女、儿女的心转向父亲、免得我来咒诅遍地。See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that Great and Dreadful Day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” (Malachi 4).
新以利亚?Elijah of New?
先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼,被亚哈威使用来诞生这个圣灵全能风事工,她不仅有着跟古时先知以利亚相同的姓,也有着与古时以利亚一样的恩膏:使亚哈威子女的心转向祂;Prophet Elisabeth Elijah, whom YAHUVEH used to birth this ministry, not only carries the same birth name as the Prophet Elijah of Old, but also carries the same anointing: calling YAHUVEH’s children back to HIM; 以祂的圣名,亚,呼求主神,而不只是单单称Ba'al (主);祂提醒我们要记得摩西的律法,主要就是这两条最大的诫命:先要爱神,其次要爱人如己;calling on the LORD GOD by HIS NAME, YAH, rather than as Ba’al (“Lord”) only; reminding us to remember the Law of Moses primarily as seen the Two Greatest Commandments: to love GOD first, and to love our fellow man; 祂要使我们回归神的十诫,包括神的安息日;就像施洗约翰一样,为亚呼赎阿预备道路,让祂的子民为祂的再临预备好,否则他们便要面对祂的愤怒。你可以阅读以下在2004年被赐给她的一篇预言的摘录:returning us to all the 10 Commandments including GOD’s Shabbats; and like John the Baptist, preparing the way for YAHUSHUA and preparing a people to be ready for HIM, or else, face HIS Wrath. Here you may read an excerpt of a prophecy given to her in the year 2004:
重新阅读所有的预言,而你会发现许多年以来,我一直都称呼以莉莎法为 “我的新以利亚(希伯来文:新以利亚呼)” 。是的,她的合法娘家姓是以利亚(以利亚呼),但那并不是我做这事的理由。Re-read all the Prophecies and you will see for many years I have called Elisabeth MY Elijah of New. Yes, her legal maiden name is Elijah, but that is not the reason I have done this. 她直到最近才明白这原因,而这不只是为了差她前去撒勒法寡妇们那里去考验她们。但她们并不知道这事,因为她们的饥荒还未临到,也不仅仅是这个在我透过她开口说出的许多预言里所声明的原因。She only recently learned the reason and it is more than sending her to the widows of Zarephath to test them. And they know it not for their famine has not yet come, it is not just this reason as stated in many of the prophecies I have spoken through her. 在逾越节,四月五日(她生日的次日),我以肉耳可听的声音告诉她,并以她当时不能明白的话语唤醒她,而唯有透过这篇讯息她才能更加完全明白我当时说的——‘妳是我的鸣警使女’。I audibly spoke to her on Passover, [that year falling on] April 5 (one day after her birthday) and told her, awakening her with the words she did not understand and only through this message will understand more fully “You are MY Ring maiden.”
我实实在在地告诉她和你们有属灵之耳可听并且听从的人。我,亚呼赎阿称她为 “我的新以利亚” ,并揭示这些直接从天国被赐给她的奥秘启示,来祝福她以及亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的真新娘。Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I, YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New and reveal these secret revelations given to her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well as the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. 就像古时的以利亚知道何时要期待亚哈威的火马拉着火战车前来接他去天国一样,他知道确切的时间和日子,并且准备好了,还预先警告了以利沙要观看他。Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in advance to watch him. 古时的以利亚就是将要发生在新娘身上的事情的影儿,那么我为什么会对亚呼赎阿的新娘做得更少呢?Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?(预言76-亚呼赎阿挚爱的新娘们,兴起,预备妳自己,因为妳的新郎来了!) (Prophecy 76, “Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA, Arise and Prepare Yourself for Your Bridegroom Doth Come!”)
那篇预言在2004年被赐予,而在接下来的数年里,以莉莎法.以利亚呼并不知道那事:When that Prophecy was given in 2004 and for the years following, Elisabeth Elijah did not know that: 根据研读那几本新约福音书以及旧约利未记的圣殿祭司服事交替,施洗约翰也是在逾越节期间出生。一些人相信施洗约翰是在逾越节期间,亚达月14-15日出生。John the Baptist was also born during the Passover season according to the study of the New Testament Gospel accounts coupled with the Old Testament Levite Temple service rotation. Some believe he was born during the Passover, the 14th-15th of Adar; 以莉莎法也没有意识到犹太人的长期传统:在这个时候等待以利亚的'返回',就正如在那个传统中体现的一样,为以利亚开着自家一扇门,在逾越节餐宴时倒满并祝福第五杯酒,恢复之杯,以利亚之杯。neither was she aware of the long standing tradition of the Jewish People to await Elijah’s ‘return’ during this time, as displayed in the tradition of opening a door for Elijah during the Passover Seder as the Fourth Cup, the Cup of Restoration, and the Cup of Elijah are poured and blessed.
以莉莎法.以利亚呼也是在逾越节的时候出生,恰巧的是圣灵全能风事工也在同一个时候被创建。以莉莎法.以利亚呼并没有声称自己是什么特别的人,她将总会是第一个说 “我是众人中最弱的那一个” ,因为神也如此说了她。Elisabeth Elijah was also born during Passover time and coincidentally, AmightyWind Ministries was also founded at the same time. Elisabeth Elijah does not claim to be anyone special and will always be the first to say “I’m the weakest of the lot” as GOD has also called her this. 但是我们知道神使用最谦卑的器皿,使之成为祂最强大的器皿。我们没有声称以莉莎法.以利亚呼是古时以利亚的转世,古时的以利亚事实上没有返回。But, we know GOD uses the most humble, the most powerfully. We do not claim Elisabeth Elijah is the reincarnation of Elijah of Old, he has not literally returned. 然而,我们的确相信以莉莎法.以利亚呼是末代的先知,戴着古时以利亚的披风,就像在她之前施洗约翰所做的那样。因此,神称以莉莎法为祂的 “新以利亚” 。请阅读这些年以来被赐予的关于 “新以利亚” 的预言话语:However, we do believe Elisabeth Elijah is a significant end time prophet, and carries Elijah of Old’s mantle, just as John the Baptist did before her. Therefore, GOD calls her HIS “Elijah of New”. Read Prophetic Words concerning an “Elijah of New” given throughout the years:
我已经藉由这位预言使女警告过了,就如同我告诉古时的以利亚去说出来、并直面巴力的众先知一样,所以我现在使用我的 “新以利亚” 去做同样的事情….我的新以利亚讲出了我的话语(预言34-耶利哥的城墙会再次倒塌!)。I have warned through this prophetic handmaiden as I told Elijah of Old to speak forth and confront the prophets of Baal so I now use MY Elijah of New to do the same... MY Elijah of New speaks forth MY Words (Prophecy 38 – The Walls of Jericho will Fall Again).
我是亚哈威,我恩膏了古时的以利亚,正如我已恩膏了我的这位我所称为 “我的新以利亚 ” 的使女一样。你会为你是对她的一个祝福还是一个诅咒而负上责任。I am YAHUVEH and I anointed Elijah of Old as I have anointed MY handmaiden who I call MY Elijah of New. You will be held responsible whether you are a blessing or a curse to her. 我正在恩膏她开口去说出没有几个人因怕人嘲笑而敢说的预言讯息,但那些胆敢嘲笑并否认这是我 “自有永有” 正在说话的人,要知道这事:你已经把一个手指戳进我亚哈威的眼睛里。I am anointing her to speak forth prophetic messages that few would dare to speak in fear of ridicule, but those who dare to mock, and deny this is "I AM" speaking know this, you have stuck a finger in I, YAHUVEH's eye. 不相信我,就只是继续等待观看,看看我所预言的是否会成真,随后那就会太迟了,对于那些现在诅咒并拒绝她的人,那些胆敢试探我亚哈威的人,你们有祸了!(预言58)Don't believe ME just wait and watch and see if what I have prophesied comes to pass, then it will be too late, for those that curse and deny her now, woe unto those that dare to test I, YAHUVEH (Prophecy 58)!
到现在我已差遣妳出去很多年了,把妳作为我的 “新以利亚” 差遣前往美国和全世界的撒勒法寡妇们那里,他们不知道自己是贫穷的,因为时候还未临到,但是贫穷很快就会临到他们。I have sent you forth for years now and send you as MY Elijah of New to the widows of Zarephath in America and around the world and they knew not they were destitute for the time had not come but now it will soon be upon them. 那些在商店里不喜欢妳的人,他们没跟妳一同祷告、也没有帮助妳,他们反而嘲笑我所赐给妳的讯息,当邪恶以前所未有的方式临到这个地球的时候,他们就是那些会遭受痛苦的人。(预言66)The ones in the store that did not like you and did not pray with you, nor help you, instead mocked the messages I have given you will be those that will suffer when the evil befalls this earth in a way it has not been shown before (Prophecy 66).
当你在不久的将来站立在我,亚哈威面前时,你的借口会是什么呢?你已经被警告过了;那些祝福这位犹太使女的人不但祝福了她,而且也祝福了我,亚哈威和我的儿子亚呼赎阿。以莉莎法就是那位我称为我的新以利亚的人。What will be your excuse when you stand before I, YAHUVEH in the not too distant future? You have been warned; those that bless this Jewish Handmaiden bless not only her but I, YAHUVEH and MY SON YAHUSHUA. Elisabeth is the one I call MY Elijah of New. 我,亚哈威已经差遣她前往撒勒法的寡妇们那里,他们还不知道。你们那些拒绝在这个遍及全世界的收获禾场里提供帮助的人,你们现在没有任何财务需求,但你们必将会有。I, YAHUVEH have sent her to the Widows of Zarephath and they know it not. You who refuse to help in this worldwide harvest field have no financial needs now, but you shall. 我差遣了古时的以利亚前去成为一个寡妇的祝福,虽然那地因干旱和饥荒到处都是寡妇。I sent Elijah of Old to be a blessing to one widow, though the land was full of widows from the drought and famine. 我事先已知道:那个寡妇会需要一个祝福而且也愿意与一个名叫以利亚的先知分享她的最后一餐,虽然她曾相信她和她的儿子会吃那顿饭然后死去。I knew in advance of a widow that would need a blessing and was willing to share her last meal with a prophet named Elijah even though she believed she and her son would eat it and die. 她活了下来,还得到了资财上的祝福,她的油瓶没有流干。我,亚哈威渴望为你做同样的事。你已来到这个事工并且现在正阅读这些话语,这不是偶然的。(第75篇预言–我,亚哈威将使你成圣,并在你的住棚里与你相见!)She lived and was financially blessed and her cruse of oil did not run dry. I, YAHUVEH desire to do the same for you. It is no accident you have come to this Ministry and are reading these words now (Prophecy 75).
听啊,噢,以色列、耶路撒冷和全世界,就像经文上所写的,你们称为施洗约翰的那位先来为我儿子亚呼赎阿预备了道路,这也必会再次发生,因为我的新以利亚在为亚呼赎阿的再临,在地球上统治管辖预备道路,就像祂现在在天国统治管辖一样(预言87)。Hear O' Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, as it is written, the one you call John the Baptist prepared the way for MY Son YAHUSHUA so it shall be again as MY Elijah of New prepares the way for the return of YAHUSHUA to rule and reign on earth like HE did in Heaven (Prophecy 87).
耶洗别尝试杀害我的众先知,但她失败了,并且会永远失败。就像古时的以利亚一样,我有脱逃的路,同样的,我会保护我的新以利亚!(预言92)Jezebel tried to kill all MY Prophets and failed, and will always fail. Just as Elijah of Old I made a way of escape, so too I protect MY Elijah of New (Prophecy 92).
在2008年【以及以后】会发生前所未有的大激战。In 2008 [and beyond] the Prophetic Messages that will come forth will only grow stronger, with stronger meat for the Holy to eat. [Starting]真正的神圣先知们会像以利亚一样兴起,古时的以利亚呼站了出来,发出了预言,揭穿并毁灭了巴力的众先知。 in 2008 there will be a war like none other for it will be the true Holy Prophets standing just like Elijah did, Elijah of Old did and prophesying and exposing and destroying the prophets of Baal. 这就是为什么我呼召了妳,以莉莎法。虽然妳的姓是以利亚,我称呼妳为 “我的新以利亚呼” ,因为我透過妳预言,就像古时的以利亚呼的时期一样,巴力的众先知会被毁灭!This is why I called you Elisabeth, although your last name is [also] Elijah, I call you MY Elijah of New because I prophesy through you and just as Elijah of Old, the prophets of Baal shall be destroyed.
就算这件事〔译注:假先知被毁灭的事〕没有以妳肉体所期望的方式发生,却不要以为这事没有发生!不要那样想!因为我把真相告诉妳:他们没有一个人逃脱了亚哈威的审判!Just because it doesn't happen in the way your flesh thinks it should be, think not for I tell you true, not one of them has escaped YAHUVEH's Judgment. 如果他们能和妳对话,他们就会把发生在他们身上的事告诉妳。每一个敌挡了我所说出的预言的人,他们会把充满灾祸的故事告诉妳。If they could speak to you, they would tell you of the things that happen to them. Everyone who has spoken against the Words I have spoken through these Prophecies, they would tell you a tale of woe. 噢,他们会说这是 “坏运气” ,但却是惨难临到了他们身上。(预言93)Oh they would call it, "bad luck" but the tragedies that have befell them (Prophecy 93).
如果我们在听从的话,亚哈威就已经说得很清楚了。祂已经差遣了以莉莎法.以利亚呼去宣告祂儿子亚呼赎阿的再临!YAHUVEH is speaking very clearly if we are listening. HE has sent Elisabeth Elijah to herald the return of HIS SON YAHUSHUA! 我们向阿爸亚哈威献上感谢和赞美!我们听闻祂已经差遣了 “以利亚” !来宣告以色列的圣者,亚呼赎阿我们的玛西阿克的再临!来,亚呼赎阿,快来!祢的新娘说,快来!We give thanks and praise to ABBA YAHUVEH that in our hearing HE has sent “Elijah”! To announce the coming of the Holy ONE of Israel, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Come YAHUSHUA! Come! YOUR Bride says, Come!
亚哈威会守护属灵的以色列,就像当物质界的以色列顺服祂并把祂放在她生命和爱的首位的时候,祂守护了物质界的以色列一样。YAHUVEH will protect Spiritual Israel just as HE protected physical Israel when she obeyed HIM and put HIM first in her life and love. 愿我们所有人都把亚哈威、亚呼赎阿和伊妈亚,如阿克.哈.古德西放在我们生命和爱的首位。May we put YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH, the RUACH ha KODESH first in our life and love. 愿我们都满怀期待地活着,知道亚哈威事实上已经差遣了新以利亚,我们玛西阿克即将再次来临!愿我们每一天都带着我们的玛西阿克即将来临的期盼活着!阿们!阿们!阿们!
May we live with great anticipation that YAHUVEH has in fact sent Elijah of New and the coming of our MASHIACH is on the horizon! May we live with anticipation each day at our MASHIACH’s soon coming! Amen! Amen! Amen!