你必读的预言书!圣灵的奥秘!Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT (2nd Ed.) | Must Read Prophecy Book!
《圣灵(如阿克.哈.古德西)的奥秘》是一本你必读的华美、被恩膏的预言书!这本书涵括了被赐给先知伊莉莎白.以利亚的许多预言话语!Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT (RUACH HA KODESH) 2nd Edition is a beautiful, anointed, must read book including Prophetic Words given to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah! 包括要怎么样才能与全能神有亲密的关系、要怎么样才能跟圣灵(希伯来文圣名为如阿克.哈.古德西)更亲近。How to be more intimate with GOD ALMIGHTY and closer to the HOLY SPIRIT, in Hebrew the RUACH HA KODESH! Check out these book excerpts and samples that we will be releasing on a regular basis.
所有被包括在书中的预言也都能在AmightyWind.com & AlmightyWind.com或chinese.amightywind.com的网站上被找到。All the included Propheciescan also be found on AmightyWind.com & AlmightyWind.com. If you have this book, please leave a comment below, we’d love to hear from you!
你是否想知道如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)、圣父和圣子的头衔是什么呢?是否还想知道祂们真正的圣名呢?是否想学到圣父和圣子的希伯来文圣名是什么呢?你有没有好奇过古时真正的神迹和奇事并异能都上哪儿去了呢?Do you want to learn not just titles, but the actual Name of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT), and the Hebrew Names of GOD the FATHER & SON too? Have you wondered where are the genuine signs, wonders and miracles of Old?只有通过弥赛亚亚呼赎阿(耶稣的希伯来文圣名)圣名的权柄和祂在各各他山所流的宝血,才会出现真正的神迹和奇事并异能!只有透过祂的宝血,你才能活得圣洁!在这本书里,你会得到关于走在圣洁当中(非宗教形式)的良好建议和关键要点。 Learn how these and living Holy is only possible through the POWER of the NAME of the MESSIAH YAHUSHUA (Hebrew name for “JESUS”) and HIS BLOOD shed at Calvary! You will fine advice and keys to walking in Holiness (not a form of religion). 你要敞开心门接受神所说出的这些启示!这些是仇敌不想让你知道的奥秘,但这些奥秘都在《圣经》里!阅读这本书,学习并接受古希伯来人和早期教会所知道的关于圣灵的真理,你会再次看到神迹和奇事并异象!Embrace these revelations GOD is speaking forth! Secrets the enemy doesn’t want you to know, but found throughout Scripture! Read this book, learn & receive what the Ancient Hebrews & Early Church knew about the HOLY SPIRIT, and signs, wonders, and miracles you will see again!
这本书的封面和封底都是非常精美的艺术作品,是受神的默示而发的原创作品:Front & back cover feature beautiful, original and inspired artwork:
那美得令人窒息的封面所描绘的她──是天国母亲的形象,手里捧着一只白鸽。封面所绘画的是充满荣耀的圣灵的象征,即《箴言》所提及的智慧母亲。Breathtaking front cover depicting Heavenly Being with dove in hand, a symbolic representation of the GLORIOUS HOLY SPIRIT as Proverb’s MOTHERLY WISDOM—scroll represents YAHUSHUA (Hebrew name for “JESUS”), 白鸽所含的书卷代表亚呼赎阿(耶稣的希伯来文圣名)、神的道(话语),还有被天国感动、借着亚哈威的气息、由神默示所得的预言和经文!the WORD OF GOD, Prophecy & Scripture as divinely inspired, GOD-BREATHED by YAHUVEH’S SPIRIT.
那强大生动鲜亮的蓝色插图封底──把末世的异象描绘得栩栩如生,这是圣灵全能风野火事工的徽章,是很久以前被赐给作者的一个异象。这个徽章也称印记或纹章详细地描述末世,此图也能帮助教导《启示录》一书。Back cover features dramatic red, a powerful illustration that brings to life a vision [LINKS COMING] of an End Time Seal, AmightyWind Ministries’ Crest, a vision given to the author long ago, with detailed End Time symbolism—great as a visual teaching aid for the Book of Revelation.
什么是“舍金亚荣耀”?你有没有想过《箴言》中的智慧是谁?夏娃是以谁的形象被造的?《圣经》最古老的手稿又是如何启示圣灵体现着神的女性特征?What is the “Shekinah Glory”? Ever wondered WHO is WISDOM from the Book of Proverbs? Whose image was Eve made in? How do the oldest Biblical manuscripts reveal the HOLY SPIRIT as the Feminine Aspect of GOD? 即将到来的敌基督又会如何假冒那被全世界的基督徒们所爱戴的名字“耶稣”?敌基督又会怎么欺骗他们去接受兽印呢?你受的伤是否也需要得到医治?这些伤口是因为你在世上从未体验过一位慈爱的母亲的爱、安慰和指导而产生的。Read how the soon coming anti-christ will counterfeit the Name “JESUS” loved by Christians the world over to deceive them into taking the mark of the beast! Do you need healing from wounds inflicted on you, because you never knew the love, comforts, and mentorship of a loving mother in your life? 这本书带有特别的恩膏,也带有在这末世所需的属灵保护。全能神亚哈威(耶和华神的希伯来文圣名)正带领这个事工迅速出版这些末世预言,因为最后的大灾难时期已经近在咫尺了!This book carries a special anointing also of spiritual protection during these last days. YAHUVEH (Hebrew name of GOD i.e. YAHWEH) GOD ALMIGHTY is leading this Ministry to publish these End Times Prophecies quickly because the final Tribulation period is only a breath away!
(此段是关于第二版的英文书:请注意视频中的错误,当你奉献15欧元或以上的金额时,而不是影片中所说的30欧元,你就能获得《圣灵的奥秘》英文第二版这本书,但无论你能奉献多少,我们都将感激不尽。中文版还在翻译中,请继续关注中文网站上的更新,chinese.amightywind.com。)(Please note video error, Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT is available for an offering of €15 or more—not €30 as mentioned in this video, but whatever offering you are able to make is much appreciated.)
这本书有什么内容?WHAT’S INSIDE?
此书的新特色包括:The Second Edition’s new features, include:
更容易阅读的字体,所有神的话语都被加粗以便于区分。Easier to read fonts; all GOD’S Words are set-apart by bold text.
增加了四篇被赐予使徒和先知伊莉莎白.以利亚的完整末世预言(第32篇预言《当心黄金热假复兴》和第77篇预言《新恩膏送去五旬节教会》,Four more full End Time Prophecies (32, 77, 122, 123) given to Apostle & Prophet Elisabeth Elijah (Beware of the Gold Fever Revival & New Anointing to the Pentecostal Churches), 包括最近的第122篇预言《你不能拆毁天国的门!》和第123篇预言《灾难即将来临!灾难也已经临到了!》),还有其他预言的摘录;including the most recent (You Can’t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven & Devastation is Coming, Devastation is Here), plus excerpts of others;
关于敌基督将怎样冒用被全世界所爱戴的“耶稣JESUS”之名的证据;Extensive KJV-only Bible proof texts with:
Undeniable proof of Hebraic feminine HOLY SPIRIT
Evidence on how the antichrist will counterfeit the name “J-E-S-U-S” loved world-over;
牧师伊莉莎白坐在阿爸亚哈威膝上的见证;Pastor Elisabeth’s account of sitting in ABBA DADDY YAH’S lap;
关于舍金亚荣耀的百年五旬节预言的应验;Fulfillment of a 100-year-old Pentecostal Prophecy on the SHEKINAH GLORY;
解答关于什么是“符合犹太教规洁食(Kosher)”的问题;Answers to your questions about what is Kosher;
Sneak peak and first unveiling of “Let’s Talk Hebrew” series, unlocking secrets of the Hebrew language, including:
Evidence and exclusive, near-undeniable proofs for the vowels of GOD THE FATHER’S Hebrew name;
Profound, never before published, revelations about YAHUSHUA’S name; and
Ancient Hebrew Names for the HOLY SPIRIT unknown to the modern world, revealed for the first time;
《新约》到底是什么?What really is the New Covenant?
对“受膏的数字27”更多的解释;More insight into anointed number 27;
前所未见的(给非洲和亚洲的)预言以及亚荣耀的见证;Never before seen Prophetic Words (for Africa & Asia) and Testimonies of YAH’S GLORY; and
“将临之事的预验”!“A Taste of Things to Come”