
🕎34-16Psychiatric Hospital Hell?


Psychiatric Hospital Hell?

First of all, I do not condemn or judge anyone who has to resort to medication and psychiatric help and those who need it should not avoid it. I know there are good psychologists out there.

Each one of us is unique and I am convinced that each Prophet in the Bible must have struggled at some time or another with depression in their lives. And we’ll be posting more about depression in the coming days.

However, I only warn you if you try to share your faith with most psychologists—or share fears about these End Times or hell, or your belief that GOD still speaks today, and HE even speaks to you and leads you—they will label you mentally ill!

“The natural man receiveth not the things of the SPIRIT OF GOD: for they are foolishness unto him” -1 Corinthians 2:14-

So if you are seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist, don’t try to share what they will not understand. Be careful who you share your faith and beliefs with! Even family or friends—if they do not agree—may label you mentally ill!


There is a woman, a dear sister, who has been with this Ministry since nearly the beginning! She has been a great blessing to me and to this Ministry. I will not use her real name, so I will just call her “Reena.” She knows who she is. You are loved. We greatly appreciate all you have done!

This dear woman wanted to get the word out about the Prophecies and so she went to the 700 Club (you know with Pat Robertson)—she couldn’t get in to see Pat Robertson, but she gave the Prophecies to a staff member who was close to him and said he would get them.

(I don’t know if Pat Robertson was already a mason at the time, but this is what happened shortly after…)

I warned her in advance (and it was a “Thus saith the LORD”) that she was not to tell her Jehovah’s Witness parents, whom she visited after the 700 Club—she was not to mention this Ministry or the Prophecies because her parents were not of the same spirit.

They are Jehovah’s Witnesses. I’m not saying all Jehovah’s Witnesses would never receive the truth, but at least her parents wouldn’t and they didn’t. YAH knew it in advance.


YAH is giving a similar warning to all of us for these End Times. “There is coming a day very soon when you will have to pray and discern, should you witness to this person or will it be a trap of the government?” (Prophecy 92). We may not always know all the reasons behind something YAH tells us, but HE does and we’d better obey.

As I said, Reena was visiting her parents. She was ending her marriage and staying with her parents because of an abusive relationship with her husband—and she just needed to get away to somewhere she could have peace with her children.

So her parents place was a safe haven in that way, yet she was warned not to try to share the Prophecies with them. There is a time and place for everything (Eccl 3), including witnessing.

Unfortunately, Reena disobeyed YAH and paid a price for it—a huge price for it. Upon arrival to her parents, one of the first things she did was share the Prophecies, speak about this Ministry and her relationship with GOD. I don’t know if you can imagine what happened next.

That night they forced her into a psychiatric unit.


I was utterly shocked when she called me from the psychiatric hospital and told me her parents had told her to admit herself. She had to go to a psychiatric hospital! This chain of events happened soon after I received my pastor’s license and I really did not know what to do when she called collect and told me!

Of course I told her there was nothing wrong with her mentally. The only thing she had done wrong was disobey YAH’S warning not to so openly share her religious beliefs with her parents.

Although she was never a threat to herself or anyone else, they had signed the papers to have her committed. Let me tell you. This woman is highly intelligent. She is also a veteran of the navy and worked in a highly skilled profession. She was in the medical field herself.

Through psychiatric hospital hell, she stayed in contact with me.

This is the message I want to get through to you—why she had to go through this: GOD knew ahead of time what these psychiatrists and her parents would do. YAH tells me, “All this would have been avoided if she had just obeyed!”

These are things she doesn’t talk about, but it will bring her healing to do so. I’ve already contacted her and she has given permission to me to post about this and she has also been writing about it.

I’m sorry dearest Reena if I’ve got anything wrong. These are all memories I try to block out because I feel like I’ve lived through it with you. I have tears in my eyes even remembering this.

I remember the doctors told her never pray, never mention GOD at all!

I know all this as it happened because Reena continued to stay in touch calling me collect many times a day—to tell me what she was doing and even how she tried to bring souls to YAHUSHUA in that mental hospital.

Again, I gave a warning to her from YAH to stop. YAHUSHUA knew her heart and she didn’t need to do this. I gave her warnings that she was being watched. The witnessing she was doing in the mental hospital was not helping her to get out of there, but she disobeyed. She didn’t need to do this for YAHUSHUA will HIMSELF reach each soul that is meant to be HIS!

Reena fought to be able to leave and she asked me what she should do. I even tried to hire Attorney Jay Sekulow, frequent guest at the time of the 700 Club. (They had been taking donations to represent Christian cases.) I personally called Virginia or West Virginia not sure—personally got in touch with the lawyers who were supposed to take Christian cases for free.

Truly she did reach souls for YAHUSHUA, yet none of the attorneys would take the case. Sadly, I must have called 5 different ones. When I called Jay Sekulow’s office they said they do not take cases like this.

Reena didn’t do anything to deserve this and YAH tried to warn her so all this could be avoided.

It is sad because, if she had committed murder she would have had a lawyer to represent her but if you sign yourself into a mental hospital, it is nearly impossible to get a lawyer to represent you.


Remember, Reena exhibited no signs of danger to herself or to others! She merely suffered some depression and her parents used that as an excuse—along with her belief that GOD spoke to her, having a personal relationship with YAHUSHUA! What every born-again Christian believes!

Yet for this, the psychiatrist branded her as mentally insane! This story doesn’t end there.

As I mentioned she had been part of the navy, but they would only pay for her to stay there for a certain time—so when the money ran out, when the government refused to pay any longer, she was then committed to a state hospital. If you know anything about this in America—these are the worst.

These psychiatrists, without her signed signature, were going to force shock treatments on her… There is so much of this story that I have personally blocked out, because I felt totally helpless in any way to help her.

Every time I told her YAH told her not to do something she would do just the opposite. I told her no longer mention GOD and not to mention her relationship with GOD because it was only making things worse. But she didn’t obey.

She felt like she had to do this, but she didn’t. As I said earlier, YAHUSHUA will HIMSELF reach each soul that is meant to be HIS! Our job is just to obey day to day.

How can a pastor protect YAHUSHUA’S flock when they don’t listen and instead do the opposite of what YAH is saying?

YAH has said the time is coming shortly when those we consider our loved ones will betray (Matt 10:36; Micah 7:6), and offer us up when asked, “Where are they?” (Prophecy 102, Matt 24:9; Matt 10:17, 22; John 16:2; Lk 21:12, 16, 17; Dan 11:33). Beloveds, please learn from this.

I don’t remember if Reena actually had the shock treatments. I do know that the psychiatrist told her that they could.

They even told her that if they had the authority, they would commit her pastor! We are living in dangerous times and soon they will have legal authority to lock up whomever they and the government want to lock up!

It’s only a matter of time.

Weigh your words carefully.

[G]et used to looking over your back

for even those you love

if they’re not saved, will attack […].

Guard your tongue.

Such were the days of old.

Sad to say these days have come for some.

For others it will come later.

(Prophecy 102 YAHUSHUA Says, “It’s Only a Matter of Time.”)

Rina kept calling me even after the psychiatrist gave her a “warning.” They told her not to be in touch with her pastor any more because anyone who says they hear from GOD are branded mentally insane, especially a prophet. This is what the doctors told her.

This is why they tried to force shock treatments on this young woman.

This is why her life has never been the same.

This is why we must obey YAH in these End Times and be careful who we share our religious beliefs with!

If this was dangerous for Reena so many years ago, how much more is it dangerous today? How much more dangerous will it be in the Great Tribulation? It’s only a breath away. That’s why we must obey.

in YAHUSHUA’S service,

your Pastor Elisabeth



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...