
📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

2005年10月23日October 23, 2005

Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA!

我正在住棚节的第六天晚上写这篇信息,根据日历,住棚节是从(2005年)10月17日开始的。I am writing this on Sukkot evening of the 6th day, according to the calendar that started the Sukkot on the 17th day of October.

事工的网站www.amightywind.com被骇客入侵,里面的文件也被删除了。我们在安息日发现了这件事。The Ministry Site at www.amightywind.com was hacked into and files deleted. We discovered this on the Sabbath. 谢谢你们所有那些写信给我并且告诉我网站打不开,有些文件也打不开的人。亚呼赎阿已经让你们站岗照看网站因为随着我搬入一个新的地方,我可能不会如此迅速地发现此事。Thank you to all who wrote me and told me that there was a problem with accessing the site and certain files. YAHUSHUA had you on guard duty because with moving to a new land, I might not have discovered it so quickly.

在互联网上十年期间,这是第一次发生这样的事情。对我们而言它是一个要更换网络供应商的征兆。亚哈威的忿怒会降在已经做了此事的仇敌们身上。如果亚哈威的忿怒如果还没有开始发生在那些仇敌的身上,我会感到很惊讶。This is the first time in ten years on the Internet this has happened. It is a sign to us to change web providers. YAHUVEH'S wrath will fall on the enemies who have done this. I would be surprised if it hasn't begun to happenalready. 你们那些仇敌只适合毁灭,所以亚哈威允许了你们骇客入侵了事工网站。同时它也是一个那些企图毁灭这个事工和缄默这位先知的仇敌们是多么邪恶的标志。You are only fit for destruction, so YAHUVEH allowed it. It is also a sign just how evil the enemies are that are trying to destroy this ministry and silence this prophet.

我们正在让主机供应商查看你们是否留下了自己的痕迹,他们会找出谁做了这事,但是我认为我知道,亚哈威说祂让你做了这事,来给你足够的余地去吊死你自己,就如同犹大吊死了自己一样。呀!天哪!We are having the host provider see if you left your tracks and they will find out who did this, but I believe I know, and YAHUVEH said HE let you do this, to give you enough room to hang yourself just as surely as Judas did. YIKES! OY VAY! 你现在确实正走向诅咒和地狱!你可能很惊讶于我们这么快就发现了你的痕迹因为你就留下了空文件夹。你多么邪恶,因为你甚至都删除了链接到圣经的网页以及诸预言的链接。天哪!

You are heading for damnation and hell now for sure! You are probably amazed we discovered your tracks this quick for you left the empty folders. How demonic you are, for you even deleted the pages to the Bible as well as links to the Prophecies. Oy vay!

你删除的不是我的话而是在如阿克. 哈. 古德西的恩膏下被说出/写下的亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的话语。It is not my words that you deleted, it is YAHUVEH'S and YAHUSHUA'S words under the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) anointing.

我不想要待在你的处境当中,因为审判必会临到那些胆敢借着入侵而进入这个互联网上的圣所之人。I would not want to be in your shoes, for Judgment shall come upon those that dared to enter by breaking into this this Holy Sanctuary on the Internet. 你会看到亚哈威的忿怒临到你自己以及所有那些帮助你做了此事的人之身上,从我在互联网上以来的这十年期间,从未有人做过此事。You will see the wrath of YAHUVEH come upon you and all those that helped you do what never has been done before in the 10 years I have been on the Internet.

以下只是其中两个处理我们两个仇敌的方式,是亚哈威,我们的创造主,正在为这个事工申冤报复!Below are just two of the ways our two enemies are being dealt with and it is YAHUVEH our Creator who is taking vengeance for this ministry.

要记住:当我曾告诉你我用肉耳可听的声音听见了亚哈威的怒吼以及祂所说的话语,因为祂说过,祂在吞吃自己的仇敌之前会怒吼!Remember when I told you I audibly heard YAHUVEH ROAR and the Words HE spoke as He said HE roars before HE devours HIS enemies! 仇敌们,如果你有任何得到亚哈威饶恕的希望,如果你的名字在羔羊生命册里被找得到,你就会阅读下面的内容,并且在畏于亚哈威的忿怒之恐惧中战竞,因为当亚哈威对你进行报复时,你的名字就会被放在互联网上。Enemies, if you have any hope of forgiveness of YAHUVEH and IF your name is found in the Lamb's Book of Life, you will read what is below and shudder in fear of YAHUVEH'S WRATH, for your name will also be going up on the Internet when YAHUVEH takes vengeance on you.

在2005年10月23日我就听到亚哈威说, “妳的仇敌们现在会像多米诺骨牌一样倒下。” 我什至都不玩多米诺骨牌,我对其知道得很少,但是我知道它对那些把自己设定为这个事工以及这位牧师的仇敌们而言不可能是件好事。I heard YAHUVEH say on October 23, 2005, “Your enemies will fall like dominos now." I don't even play dominos and know little about them, but I know it can't be a good thing for those who have set themselves up as enemies of this Ministry and Minister.

目前为止,我们仇敌当中的两个在毁谤这个事工和我的人正开始遭受他们邪恶的后果。一个正被撒但主义者利用的女人,假装自己是基督徒,现在写信给我们并且说, “替我祷告,我患有脑瘤。” Thus far two of our enemies who are slandering this ministry as well as me are beginning to suffer the effects of their evil. One woman who is being used by the satanists, pretending to be Christians, now writes us and says, "Pray for me, I have a brain tumor." 她的名字是塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario), 她一直以来都被泽夫(Zeph),弗兰基(Frankie),理查德. 凯尔特纳(Richard Keltner)以及其他人利用来透过互联网以及在无线电波上对我进行毁谤并说各种各样的邪恶谎言。Her name is Tari Demario, and she has been used by Zeph, Frankie, and Richard Keltner, among others, to slander and tell all manner of evil lies against me through the Internet and on the radio airwaves.

我们正在研究启动广播电台的程序,再一次,广播电台只会在恩膏下被使用,只是这一次[另外一个],我将会是广播电台的主持人。请为这事祷告。一位姐妹已经就这事而奉献了钱。We are looking into the process of starting the radio station where it will be used again under the anointing, only this time [another one] and I will be the hosts of it. Please keep this in prayer. One sister already donated money toward this. 谢谢妳,凯西(Kathy),妳知道自己是谁。我们相隔半个世界,我们现在所生活的地方大不一样。这里就好像另外一个世界。我必须得重新学习很多很多的事情,并忘记我以前所住的家的样子。Thank you, Kathy, you know who you are. We are half a world away and things are so different where we are living now. It is like another world here. I have had to relearn so many things, and forget the way my homes use to look like.

我根本就不知道我们会旅行多远,当时我想着我们要去另外一个地方,亚哈威在我的睡梦里对我说,结果我们来到了另外一个地方,一个我怀疑在我的这一生当中是否会来的地方,因为我知道只有靠着神迹我才会来这里。I had no idea how far we would travel when I thought we were going to one place, YAHUVEH speaks to me in my sleep and we ended up in another place, a place I wondered if I would ever get to in this lifetime, for I knew it would take miracles.哦,我们得到了奇迹,都是因为一位在芬兰的女人,她为这个奇迹的发生播下了丰盛的种子。 Well, we got the miracles, and it was because of a woman in Finland who sowed abundant seed for this miracle to take place. 诸如像泽夫(Zeph),弗兰基(Frankie),理查德. 凯尔特纳(Richard Keltner)这样的仇敌们怒气冲冲,他们要人们告诉他们我们在哪里。问问你自己……除了撒但主义者之外,谁会要求知道我们所在的地方?The enemies like Zeph Daniel, Frank,and Richard Kelter are furious and asking people to tell them where we are at. Ask yourself…who but satanists would demand to know?

我已经被亚呼赎阿告知要允许这些人说话,因为亚哈威命定了,因为祂说他们只适合于祂的毁灭之烈火,他们正在用自己的舌头挖掘坟墓!这事开始的证据被写在下面。I have been told by YAHUSHUA to allow these people to speak as YAHUVEH decreed because HE said they are only fit for the fire of HIS destruction and they are digging a grave with their own tongues! Proof of the beginning of this is written below. 一个来自加利弗尼亚州名叫塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario)的女人,我们知道她是被一个撒但邪教派过来的,一个充满成群恶魔的女人。我们当时想要试图在逾越节帮助她得到拯救。A woman from California named Tari Demario, who we know was sent from a Satanic Cult, is full of a legion of demons. We tried to help her get deliverance on Passover.

这就是当恶梦开始的时候。她在2005年10月21日,住棚节期间写了信给我们,她说自己刚刚发现患有脑瘤。塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario),妳已经被警告过了,但是妳拒绝听从警告。This is where the nightmare began. She wrote us on October 21, 2005, during Sukkot and said she just discovered that she has a brain tumor. Tari Demario, you were warned and you refused to listen. 我写这篇信息警告我们其他的仇敌们,亚哈威是如此有怜悯。祂总是在审判之前差遣众先知去警告。它已经开始了。I am writing this to warn our other enemies that YAHUVEH is so merciful. He always sends the prophets to warn before the Judgment. It has begun.

塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario)是我所遇到过的或者我试图帮助过的最为精神错乱(癫狂)的人。很快,亚哈威现在告诉我,祂会差我去讲述关于塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario)是谁,谁派她来摧毁这个事工以及她要如何摧毁这个事工的完整故事。Tari Demario is the most mentally insane person I have ever met or tried to help. Very shortly now YAHUVEH told me HE will release me to tell the full story of Tari Demario and who sent her to destroy this Ministry and how she was to do it.我给了她一个机会去悔改,因为亚哈威告诉我,她不能说我没有给她时间去悔改。塔莉,时间到了,很快这个世界必会读到关于妳到底是谁的真相。 I gave her a chance to repent because YAHUVEH told me that she can't say I didn't give her time to repent. Time is over Tari, very shortly the world shall read the truth about who you really are.

一直以来都承受着仇敌们的攻击而不去开口说话并反击是非常艰难的事,但是亚哈威告诉我要 “站着不动并且观看亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的救赎。” It has been very hard to take the blows of their attacks and not speak up and fight back, but YAHUVEH told me to "Stand still and see the salvation of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA." 在住棚节期间,我得到了这个确证:亚哈威在信守祂的话语,祂的报应已经开始了,我知道祂会对泽夫(Zeph),弗兰基(Frankie),理查德. 凯尔特纳(Richard Keltner),哈恩特(Hunter), 史帝文.汉森(Steven Hanson)还有其他的仇敌们做同样的事,他们胆敢自称为先知。During Sukkot I got this confirmation that YAHUVEH is keeping HIS word and HIS vengeance has begun, and I know HE will do the same on Zeph, Frank, and Richard Keltner, Hunter, Steven Hanson, who dares call himself a prophet, among other enemies names. 亚哈威知道每一个试图使用巫毒和秘术,试图并差派恶魔来杀我,并摧毁这个事工的巫婆,巫师,撒旦主义者,萨满教徒。YAHUVEH knows every witch, warlock, satanist, shaman, that try and use Voodoo and the occult and try and send demons to kill me, and destroy this Ministry.

要记住这个事工不是以女人,男人或组织教会命名。反而,它是以创造主亚哈威以及唯一的弥赛亚亚呼赎阿(希腊名:耶稣基督)而命名的。Remember this Ministry is not named after a woman or man or a organized Church. Instead it is named after the Creator YAHUVEH and the only Messiah YAHUSHUA. (JESUS CHRIST) in Greek.

如果为时还不太晚的话,仇敌们唯一的希望就是那被称为的——悔改。他们需要在亚哈威和亚呼赎阿面前跪下双膝。也许祂会怜悯你并且给你时间去尝试挽回你所造成的伤害。The only hope for the enemies is called REPENTANCE, if its not too late. They need to fall on their knees before YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Perhaps He will have mercy on you and give you time to try to redeem the damage you have done.

这个名叫塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario)的女人以及另外一个名叫安吉.雷(Angie Ray)的女人正在收割自己所播下的。她们将会是第一个遭遇亚哈威审判之手的人,不是任何我所做过的或将要做的事。The woman named Tari Demario and the other named Angie Ray are reaping what they have sowed. They will be the first to go by YAHUVEH'S own hand of Judgment, and not anything I have done or will do. 亚哈威是全能慈爱之神,也是全能争战之神。祂不但施予祝福,而且还予以诅咒。如果你不同意,请阅读申命记28章。YAHUVEH IS ALMIGHTY IN LOVE AND ALMIGHTY IN WAR. HE NOT ONLY BLESSES BUT CURSES. Read Deuteronomy 28 if you don't agree.

就如同祂应许过的,亚哈威理所当然会对我们的仇敌们施行报应。对于你们那些圣洁的人而言,你们现在正因为捍卫亚哈威的圣洁以及亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的真理而遭受着不公正的攻击,你们要鼓起勇气。YAHUVEH most certainly takes vengeance on our enemies like HE promised. For those of you who are Holy and being unjustly attacked for standing up for Holiness of YAHUVEH and YAHUVEH'S and YAHUSHUA'S truths, take courage.同一位正在为这个事工和我辩护的亚哈威神也会对付你的仇敌们。The same YAHUVEH that is vindicating this Ministry and me will deal with your enemies also.

Word Network(Word联播网)的安吉.雷(Angie Ray),许多人已经给我写了信,他们跟我一样认同她是一个巫毒牧师,假装自己有一个基督徒拯救教会,一直以来都让她成千上万的会众禁食并祈求我的死亡、毁灭以及这个事工的毁灭。Angie Ray of Word Network, who multitudes of people have written and agreed with me is a voodoo minister pretending to have a Christian Deliverance church, has been having her congregation of thousands fast and pray for my death, destruction, and the destruction of this ministry. 她已经把这个事工的网站给了她的会众们,他们每天都会来浏览这个网站。但是她的策略适得其反,因为当恩膏透过被赐予我的预言讯息临到他们身上时,She has given them the website and they come here daily. But it is backfiring on her, for when the anointing hits them through the prophetic messages given to me, 他们当中的一些人就被释放得到了自由,他们写信给我,向我显明他们已经从安吉.雷的谎言和邪恶的咒语里获得了拯救!他们斥责了这个女歌利亚,并从她那里逃离了。〔请从这里阅读更多关于安吉.雷的信息some of them are set free and they writing me and revealing to me that they have been delivered from her lies and evil spells! They are rebuking and running from this Goliath of a Woman. [Read more about Angie Ray Here]

有人需要写信给Word联播网或者给他们打电话让他们知道。Someone needs to write Word Network or call them and let them know. 她教会的一位前执事给我写了一封电子邮件,告诉我她一个星期的每天都会开一辆不同的豪华车!花着她那些贫穷会众的钱下,她过着奢华的生活,她的女儿们也同样如此。I was written an email by a former deacon of her church and told she has a different luxury car for every day of the week! She lives in luxury and so do her daughters at the expense of her poor congregation. 继续吧,安吉.雷(Angie Ray),妳也许拥有这个世界的财富,但是我的财宝被积攒在天上,天上没有虫子咬,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷!Go head, Angie Ray, you may have the wealth of this world, but my treasures are stored up in Heaven where moth cannot corrupt and theives cannot break in! 在妳最后一口气之后妳所拥有的全部就是地狱和永远的火湖,因为在我看来妳已经把自己的灵魂出卖给了撒但,其他人也认同这一点。All you have after your last breath is hell and the lake of fire for all eternity because you sold your soul to Satan in my opinion, and others agree.

在2005年10月21日,一位亚呼赎阿里亲爱的姐妹刚刚给我写了信,让我知道她已经不再是安吉.雷事工——被骄傲地称为ARM——的会众了。A dear Sister in YAHUSHUA just wrote me on October 21,2005, and let me know she is no longer a member of Angie Ray's Ministry proudly called ARM. 甚至连事工的那个名字都向你们表明了安吉.雷认为自己的力量来自她的名字,因为她所谓的拯救事工的名字是她自己名字的缩写!ARM就是安吉.雷的手臂!Even that name shows you that Angie Ray thinks her power comes from her name, for the name of her so-called deliverance ministry is initials of her name! The ARM is Angie Ray's arm!

我唯一依赖保护、恩膏并祝福我以及这个事工的手臂是亚哈威的手臂,亚呼赎阿的手臂以及如阿克. 哈. 古德西的盔甲!那必会向每个人都显明安吉.雷真正的灵。The only ARM I rely on to protect and anoint and bless me and this Ministry is the ARM OF YAHUVEH AND ARM OF YAHUSHUA AND THE ARMOR OF THE RUACH HA KODESH! That should show everyone the true spirit of Angie Ray. Word联播网在对待安吉.雷这件事上要么没有任何分辨力,要么他们就是她邪恶的一部份,要么就是他们处于她的巫毒咒语之下!还有另外的解释吗?

Word Network either has no discernment when it comes to her or they are part of her evil or they are under her voodoo spells! What other explanation is there?

安吉.雷越是要她的会众祷告抵挡我以及这个事工,亚哈威的忿怒越是会降临在她和那些祷告抵挡我以及这个事工的人身上。The more Angie Ray has her congregation pray against me and this ministry, the more wrath of YAHUVEH is falling on her and on those praying against me and this Ministry. 连她自己的会众所不知道的最大的秘密,我现在就要讲的,就是这位姐妹告诉我安吉.雷在住院——这位姐妹以前警告了我安吉.雷正在做的事——没有人应该要知晓这件事。The big secret her own congregation doesn't know and I am telling now, is I am told by this sister who warned me what Angie Ray is doing, that Angie Ray is in the hospital and no one is suppose to know this. 对于那些会阅读这篇讯息的密探们而言…她是否在你阅读这篇信息之时出了院,为什么你不去找出这是否属实呢?For the spies who will read this…if she is out by the time you read this, why don't you find out if this is true?

任何一个认为他们能诅咒这个带有合法的娘家姓 “以利亚” 的犹太使女——我妈妈的娘家姓是以利亚斯(Elias)——并认为他们能攻击这个以阿列夫塔夫(希腊文是阿拉法俄梅戛),Woe be unto anyone that thinks they can curse this Jewish Handmaiden with the legal maiden name of Elijah--my mother's maiden name is Elias--and think they can attack this Ministry named after the Aleph and Tav, in Greek the Alpha and Omega, 就是亚哈威和亚呼赎阿,如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)就是在事工里面的烈火(FIRE)……所命名的事工!who is YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA…and the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) is the FIRE in it!

我就像一个尼希米一样,我拒绝从这座在互联网上的墙上下来,并且会继续在这座墙上集合军队,那就是亚呼赎阿的新娘!我们做着工作,亚哈威和亚呼赎阿为我们争战!I am like a Nehemiah and I refuse to come off this wall on the Internet and will continue to assemble the troops on this wall, which is the Bride of YAHUSHUA! We do the work and YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA do the fighting for us!

任何攻击这个事工的人就是攻击神圣的三位一体真神, 因为在这个事工的任何地方都找不到我的名字,我只是被用作亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的代言人。Anyone attacking this Ministry is attacking the Holy Trinity, for my name is no where in this Ministry and I am only used as the mouthpiece for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. 我的仇敌们已经把自己设定为亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的仇敌了,因为我只是在传讲和教导亚呼赎阿的方式,并且还按照亚呼赎阿的方式生活,而不是照我的方式!My enemies have set themselves up as YAHUVEH'S and YAHUSHUA'S enemies, for I only preach, teach, and live according to YAHUSHUA'S way, not my way! 毁谤这个事工的安吉.雷和其他人,你们正被撒但利用来攻击我,而我只是在捍卫亚哈威的真理和圣洁,Angie Ray and the others slandering this Ministry, you are being used by Satan to attack me, just for standing up for YAHUVEH'S truth and Holiness, 如果你们不迅速悔改,你们肯定必会来到亚哈威忿怒和审判的重手之下,并会为你们所正在试图做的事情而死亡。and if you don't repent quickly you shall surely come under the heavy hand of YAHUVEH'S WRATH AND JUDGMENT and die for what you are trying to do.

奉靠亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,我祈祷那个自称为牧师安吉.雷的女人以及其他那些自称为基督徒而行事不像基督徒的仇敌们会向亚哈威悔改,要给我写信并道歉,还要迅速从这件恶事转离,公开道歉,In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S name, I pray that the one who calls herself Pastor Angie Ray, and the other enemies who call themselves Christians, but are not behaving like Christians, will repent to YAHUVEH and write me and apologize and turn away from this evil quickly, publically apologizing, 因为你们已经让自己的手攻击了一个圣洁的事工也攻击了一位被恩膏的亚呼赎阿的清洁器皿,她被亚呼赎阿所流的宝血洗净了,她正为亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的荣耀而被使用来成为警告的代言人。for you have set your hand against a Ministry that is Holy and a woman that is an anointed clean vessel of YAHUSHUA, washed in the shed blood of YAHUSHUA, who is being used for YAHUVEH'S and YAHUSHUA'S glory to be a mouthpiece .

是如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏断开轭和捆绑,我什至能听到来自亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的唯一理由并不是我任何炫耀自己的资本。It is the anointing of the Ruach ha Kodesh that breaks the yokes and bondages, and the only reason I can even hear the messages from YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA is not anything of me that I boast on. 没有亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血,没有如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏,我毫无权能。Without the Name and blood of YAHUSHUA and the anointing of the Ruach ha Kodesh, I am powerless. 真正的先知们是被用来宣布祝福,也宣布诅咒。阅读你的圣经,甚至连亚呼赎阿都诅咒了那棵无花果树因为它没有结出果子,无花果树凋萎并且枯干了!True Prophets are used to pronounce Blessings as well as curses. Read your Bible, even YAHUSHUA cursed the fig tree because it did not produce fruit, and it withered and dried up!

我没有行巫术,从来没有行过巫术。我得到了救赎、成圣、把自己奉献给了神并且被圣灵充满已经三十年了。我一直被用来揭露那些说他们是基督徒而他们却不是基督徒的人。I am not in the occult, nor never have been. I have been saved, sanctified, consecrated, and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT for 30 years. I have been used to expose those who say they are Christian and yet are not. 那些指控我行巫术的人恰恰就是那行巫术的人。这些人对我很愤怒,然而……如果这个事工不警告他们,那么谁还会警告选民这样他们就不会被欺骗了呢?Those accusing me of this are the ones in the occult. These people are furious with me and yet…who will warn the elect so they won't be deceived if this Ministry doesn't warn them?

你们那些已经碰触一个充满恩膏的圣洁事工和先知的人有祸了!你们将要品尝我的阿爸亚哈威的忿怒!Woe be unto you people who have touched an anointed, Holy Ministry and prophet. You are getting a taste of my Abba YAHUVEH'S wrath! 我在这个世界是一个孤儿,我从来都不知道一个属世父亲、母亲、姐妹或弟兄的爱,甚至都不明白阿姨、叔叔或祖父母的爱。天哪!我什至都不知道有一个表亲是什么感觉!I am an orphan in this world, I have never known the love of a earthly Father, or Mother, Sister, or Brother, not even so much as an aunt or uncle, or grand parents. Oy Vay! I don't even know what its like to have a cousin!

但是我确实有一位保护并且祝福我的天父。我确实有一位无人能比地在捍卫我的弥赛亚和即将来临的新郎。祂的圣名是亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!希腊文里被称为耶稣。But I do have a Heavenly Father YAHUVEH who protects and blesses me. I do have a Messiah and soon coming Bridegroom that defends me like none other. HIS name is YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! In Greek pronounced JESUS. 亚哈威说伤害孤儿的人有祸了!亚哈威尤其保护着我们。YAHUVEH says woe to the one that harms an orphan. YAHUVEH especially protects us.

对于所有那些被利用来攻击这个事工和我的人,你们最好对亚哈威和亚呼赎阿悔改并且乞求怜悯,否则诅咒、死亡、地狱和火湖将会是你们的命运!To all those being used to attack this Ministry and me, you had better repent to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and beg for mercy, or damnation, death, Hell and the Lake of Fire will be your fate! 我单单坚信这段经文, “凡为攻击我造成的器械,必不利用;凡在审判时兴起用舌攻击我的必定他为有罪,因为这是亚哈威仆人的产业。” I only stand on the scripture, "No weapon formed against me shall prosper, every tongue that riseth against me shall be condemned, for this is the heritage of the saints."

这个事工的仇敌们,要记住我不但是一个属灵的犹太人,而且我生来就是一个犹太人,你们就像一个决意要诅咒以色列的巴兰!Enemies of this Ministry, remember I am not only a spiritual Jew but a biological Jew, and you are like a Balaam determined to curse Israel! 亚哈威在住棚节期间告诉了我这件事。我的仇敌们就像个耶洗别,要记得亚哈威对企图杀害古时以利亚的耶洗别做了什么?YAHUVEH told me this during Sukkot. My enemies are like unto a Jezebel, and remember what YAHUVEH did to Jezebel for trying to kill Elijah of old? 撒但正在利用你们阅读这篇讯息之人当中的许多人,而你们甚至都不知道此事,但是不久之后,当审判降临、并且亚哈威不听你们呼求帮助的祷告时,你们必会了解到这一点。Satan is using so many of you reading this and you don't even know it, but you shall shortly when Judgment falls and YAHUVEH is deaf to your prayers for help.

在为时已晚之前,今天就悔改!所有其他阅读这篇讯息并观看着这个压迫对准这个事工的人,要记住这事……如果你们没有做任何事来帮助这个事工,你们仍然会被亚哈威和亚呼赎阿要求负上责任,因为你们是一个阻碍而不是一个帮助。Repent today before its too late. All others reading this and watching this persecution aimed at this ministry, remember this ....if your doing nothing to help this Ministry, you will still be held accountable by YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA for you are a hindrance and not a help. 当你们需要帮助时,没有人会在你们有需求的时刻帮助你们。这么多的人正在接受考验,因为他们要选择站在哪一边。你们是撒勒法的寡妇,你们却不知道,因为你们现在还没有缺乏。When you need help, no one will be there to help you in your hour of need. So many are being tested as they choose sides. You are widows of Zarepheth and know it not, for you have no lack right now.

让我解释一下。十年前,当我第一次在互联网上开始说预言时,你们不能找到其他女先知们。当时互联网上大部分都是男人的天下。Let me explain. Ten years ago, when I first started prophesying over the Internet, you couldn't find women prophets. It was a man's world for the most part. 我当时遭到了身为先知和使徒的男人们的逼迫。我在那个时候几乎要放弃了。I was persecuted by the men who were prophets and Apostles and even threatened and called false because women were not allowed to prophecy on the Internet. I almost gave up at that time. 一个名叫安德鲁.斯特罗姆(Andrew Strom)的男人特别为难我,他把我放在了他那有成百上千的邮件名单上,攻击我说没有真正的 “主如此说” 这回事。One man named Andrew Strom particularly made it rough on me, He put me on his email list on hundreds of names and blasted me, and said there was no such thing as a true 'thus sayeth the LORD.' 我当时受到了摧残,而且我在属灵争战方面也不成熟,就像我所说过的,我想要转开并逃离。但亚哈威只是增强了我里面的恩膏以及要说出祂的话语的渴望。I was devastated and not very seasoned in spiritual warfare and, like I said, I wanted to turn and run. But YAHUVEH only increased the anointing in me and the desire to speak forth HIS messages.

亚哈威告诉了我:永远都不要称我自己为女先知,因为那是男人想要女人带有的标签以便区分性别。当如阿克开口说话时,如阿克.哈.古德西并不在意你是男人、女人、男孩或女孩。YAHUVEH told me never to call myself a prophetess, because that is a label man wanted a woman to carry to separate genders. When the RUACH speaks forth, the RUACH HA KODESH doesn't care if you are a man, woman, boy or girl. 天哪!男人们为那事生气了吗?甚至当他们不得不承认我已经从亚哈威那里收到了一篇预言时,他们会写信给我,说, “妳是不是一位先知,妳是一位女先知!” 我拒绝妥协,我会继续做亚哈威和亚呼赎阿所说的事。Oy Vay! Did the men get mad at that. Even when they had to admit that I have received a prophecy from YAHUVEH, they would write and say, "You're not a Prophet, your a Prophetess!” I refuse to compromise and I will continue to do what YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA say. 我只会在这个世间的丈夫的话与亚哈威和亚呼赎阿所说的话语相符之时,才会顺服他!妻子们,这些是直接从天国被赐予我的命令,我把这命令传递给妳们:I will only obey a husband of this world, as long as it lines up with what YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA say! Wives, these are orders given to me straight from Heaven, and I pass this unto you. 如果那个丈夫,不管他得救了还是没有得救,他给妳一个命令而那个命令跟经文不相符,那就斥责他,并让他知道妳顺服妳的首爱。只有在他要妳做的事跟亚呼赎阿要妳做的事相符,妳才要顺服!If that husband, whether he is saved or not saved, gives you an order and it doesn't line up with scripture, REBUKE HIM and let him know you obey your FIRST LOVE. Only if he asks you to do something that lines up with what YAHUSHUA wants you to do will you obey!

亚呼赎阿告诉我有使徒的职分,我要使用那个头衔,因为那会鼓励其他女人,她们也有那个使徒的职分以行走在那个恩膏里。YAHUSHUA tells me that I have the office of an Apostle and I was to use that title because it would encourage other women who also have the Apostolic office to walk in that anointing. 男人们已经站出来告诉我说:没有一个女人能成为使徒。把那事告诉马利亚.抹大拉吧,她是第一位使徒,也是亚呼赎阿的挚爱。使徒行走在所有五重职分里:1—使徒,2—先知,3—牧师,4—传福音的,5—教师。Men have reared up and told me no woman can be an Apostle. Tell that to Mary Magdalene who was the first Apostle and beloved of YAHUSHUA. An apostle walks in all five offices which are 1-Apostle, 2-Prophet, 3-Pastor, 4-Evangelist, 5-Teacher. 男人们曾试图把我放在一个盒子里,并问, “妳在哪个职分里?” 我不适合于任何一个盒子里,因为如阿克的所有恩赐正均等地流出。随后亚呼赎阿透过一个又一个的确证告诉了我有使徒的职分。Men use to try and put me in a box and ask, “Which office are you in?” I didn't fit in any one box, for all the gifts of the Ruach are equally flowing forth. Then YAHUSHUA told me through confirmation upon confirmation I had the office of an Apostle. 女人们需要再次被鼓励。不要让妳们的丈夫销灭妳们里面的恩膏。不要允许任何男人做这事,即使他自称为牧师或拉比!The women need to be encouraged again. Don't let your husbands quench that anointing in you. Don't let any man do this, even if he calls himself a Pastor or Rabbi!

哇!那从哪里来的呢?有些阅读这篇讯息的人必定早就需要那个鼓励了。Wow! Where did that come from? Someone reading this must have needed that. 我当时只是在回信给快乐(Joy)姐妹,关于逼迫的异梦,我接下来所知道的事情就是恩膏正临到我,现在我也有一封给聚集在这个全能风事工互联网圣所城墙上之会众的公开信。I was only writing back Sister Joy, in regards to persecution dream, and the next thing I know the anointing is hitting me and now I have also a new open letter to the Congregation that assembles on this AlmightyWind Internet Sanctuary Wall.

在十年前,我就被亚哈威告知:祂要派我前往撒勒法的寡妇那里去,虽然他们还不知道因为他们现在有漂亮的房子,财产,这个世界的奢华以及工作。I was told by YAHUVEH 10 years ago that HE sends me forth to the widows of Zarepeth though they know it not, for they have the beautiful homes now, and possessions, luxuries of this world, and jobs. 但是祂会像差遣古时的以利亚一样差遣我前去考验人们:他们是用什么金属制成的。But HE would send me forth like he did Elijah of old, to test the metal of the people.

如果撒勒法的寡妇没有跟古时的以利亚分享她认为那是她儿子和她最后一顿的食物,那会已经发生了什么呢?What would have happened if the Widow of Zarepeth had not shared with Elijah of old what she thought was going to be her son and her last meal?她将会已经错过了供应的神迹,即:她永远都不会挨饿,她也永远都不会再次贫穷,她甚至后来都结了婚。 She would have missed the miracle of provision, where she never went hungry again, and also she wasn't poor ever again, and she even married later.

她将会已经错过了来自亚哈威透过古时的以利亚的造访,现在我被差遣前往这个世界,因为亚哈威称我为祂的 “新以利亚” ,亚呼赎阿称我为祂的 “鸣警使女” 。She would have missed her visitation from YAHUVEH through Elijah of Old, and now I am sent to the world as YAHUVEH calls me HIS "Elijah of new" and YAHUSHUA calls me HIS "Ring Maiden."

亚哈威正在考验所有那些现在阅读这篇讯息的人……你将会怎么对待这个 “新以利亚” 和亚呼赎阿的 “鸣警使女” 呢?你会选择称为对这个事工的祝福还是诅咒呢?这是你的选择。YAHUVEH is testing all those reading this now…what will you do with this "Elijah of new" and YAHUSHUA'S "Ring Maiden"? Will you choose to be a blessing unto this Ministry or a Curse? The choice is yours. 我只是一个被亚哈威使用的器皿来考验你是用什么金属制成的。当我告诉你们亚哈威差遣我前去显明你们已经被考验了,你们就是耶利米书6:27-30所描述的人时,一些阅读这篇讯息的人会很愤怒。I am nothing more then a vessel that YAHUVEH uses to test what metal you are made of. Some reading this will be furious when I tell you that YAHUVEH sent me to reveal to you that you have been tested and you are a Jeremiah 6:27-30.


我使你在我民中为高台(或译:试验人的),为保障,使你知道试验他们的行动。他们都是极悖逆的,往来谗谤人。他们是铜是铁,都行坏事。Jeremiah 6:27-30

I have set thee for a tower and a fortress among my people, that thou mayest know and try their way. They are all grievous revolters, walking with slanders: they are brass and iron; they are all corrupters. 风箱吹火,铅被烧毁;他们炼而又炼,终是徒然;因为恶劣的还未除掉。人必称他们为被弃的银渣,因为亚哈威已经弃掉他们。The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away. Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the LORD hath rejected them.


拿一个号码,排队站好!To all my enemies that gnash their teeth and want me dead. I have this to say to you.Take a number and stand in line!

我在这个地球上的工作就是:我被如阿克.哈.古德西恩膏要去做的事还没有完成,所有都是为了亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的荣耀,我不会返回天国直到我完成了自己的工作。我决定只有当亚呼赎阿来接祂的新娘时才离开这个地球。 My job on this earth that I am anointed by the Ruach ha Kodesh to do isn't finished yet, all for the Glory of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I won't go back to Heaven until it is. I am determined to only leave this earth when YAHUSHUA comes for HIS BRIDE. 直到那个时候之前,我都被隐藏在亚哈威膀臂的庇护之下,如同诗篇91里面所说的那样,我还被浸入和隐藏在亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克——我挚爱的弥赛亚,我生命的首爱——所流的宝血里面。Until then I am hidden under the shelter of YAHUVEH'S ARMS as in Psalm 91, and plunged and hidden in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, my beloved Messiah and first love of my life. 我决定要总是把亚哈威和我的弥赛亚亚呼赎阿放在我生命、爱、婚姻以及这个事工的首位!我的生命、灵魂和这个事工都靠着这个。I am determined to always put YAHUVEH and my Messiah YAHUSHUA first in my life, love, marriage and this Ministry! My life and soul and this Ministry depends on this.

噢,我的确祈祷亚呼赎阿会在2006年来接祂的新娘,因为那是下一次犹太新年会在安息日的时候。我对跟这个世界里的仇敌们作战这事已经变得精疲力尽了。我们必会看见所有亚呼赎阿新娘聚会的亲爱成员们。Oh, I do pray that YAHUSHUA comes for HIS Bride in 2006, for that is the next time Rosh Ha Shanah falls on a Sabbath. I am so weary of fighting with the enemies in this world. We shall see Beloved members of the Bridal party of YAHUSHUA. 直到那时候,让我们坚持挺身昂首,知道我们得赎的日子确实近了(路加福音21:28)!让我们不要说在我们离开这个地球时,我们没有奉靠亚呼赎阿的圣名打那美好的仗抵挡撒但和它的仆人们!Until then, let's keep looking up and know our redemption truly draweth neigh! Let us not say we left this earth without fighting the good fight in the name of YAHUSHUA against satan and his servants! 让我们定意为了亚呼赎阿而变得勇敢无畏,不管代价是什么!让我们拒绝妥协我们所知道为真理的事。神圣经文不能说谎!Let us determine to be bold for YAHUSHUA no matter what the cost! Let us refuse to compromise what we know to be true. The Holy Scriptures cannot lie! 让我们定意为了亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的荣耀而变得圣洁和顺服!靠我们自己我们不能做这事。但是透过如阿克.哈.古德西,我们靠着那加给我们力量的亚呼赎阿能做所有的事情。Let us determine to be HOLY and obedient for the Glory of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! By ourselves we cannot do this. But through the Ruach ha Kodesh we can do all things through YAHUSHUA who strengthens us. 圣经说, “如果你爱我,你就会遵守我的诫命。” 那句话还要多清楚明了?The Bible says, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." How much plainer can that get?

我的仇敌们扭曲我所说的话。不是我们做的善事让我们进入天国,只有透过亚呼赎阿的圣名以及透过祂所流的宝血我们才得到救赎。My enemies twist what I say. It is not our goodness that gets us into Heaven, it is only through the name of YAHUSHUA and through HIS Shed blood we get salvation. 然而,让我们不要利用恩典这个词去故意犯罪并找借口犯罪,因为我们难道不是想要像以诺那样取悦亚哈威吗?However, let us not use the word grace to purposely sin and make excuses to sin, for don't we want to be found pleasing unto YAHUVEH the way Enoch was?

最后一件要对那些正在嘲笑并对亚呼赎阿践踏恶魔勇士们发送诅咒之人说的事:亚呼赎阿最近告诉了我亚呼赎阿践踏恶魔勇士们是亚呼赎阿的新娘!谁会更好地被恩膏去践踏那些恶魔们呢!One last thing to the enemies that are mocking and sending curses against YAHUSHUA'S DEMON STOMPERS. YAHUSHUA recently told me that YAHUSHUA'S DEMON STOMPERS are the BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA! Who is better anointed to stomp those demons! 接招吧, 塔莉.德曼里奥(Tari Demario),安吉.雷(Angie Ray)以及其余撒但的子孙们。亲爱的人们,那些被称为亚呼赎阿践踏恶魔勇士们,也被称为亚呼赎阿新娘的人,谢谢你们的爱的支持和鼓励!Take that, Tari Demario, Angie Ray, and the rest of Satan's children. Thank you beloved ones called YAHUSHUA'S DEMON STOMPERS also called the BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA for all your loving support and encouragement. 我是多么地爱着你们每一个人。即便我没有在这个地球上对你们所有的人说过话,我们必会在天国里彼此的豪宅里相聚。那将会是多么欢喜快乐的一天!阿们,细拉。How dearly I love each of you. Even if I don't speak to you all here on earth, we shall gather at one another's mansions in Heaven. What a day of rejoicing that will be! Amen, Selah.


Offending some who refuse to listen, and enlightening others who embrace the truths of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, given through the prophetic messages given to this Ring Maiden of YAHUSHUA.

使徒以莉莎法. 以利亚呼2005年10月23日

Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah



预言第75篇Prophecy 75

你害怕冒犯谁,是怕冒犯我亚哈威,还是怕冒犯你的邻居们呢?你真地在乎别人对你的看法过于在乎什么会取悦我亚哈威和亚呼赎阿吗?Who are you afraid of offending I, YAHUVEH, or your neighbors? Do you really care what others think of you more than what would please I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA? 你难道不知道 “我的子民被称为—特做属神的子民,因为他们不会按照这个世界的声音行走,而是按照天国的声音行走” 吗?你为什么会为这事而感到羞耻呢?我的小不点,因为这将会是一个为了亚哈威的荣耀而为我作的见证。Do you not know that MY People are called the peculiar people, for they walk not to the sound of this world but to the sound of Heaven. Why would you be ashamed of this, MY little one, for this would be a witness unto ME for YAHUVEH’s Glory? 要祈祷你的邻居们会注意到,这样你就能把你为什么出于记念我的话语而建造一个住棚的故事告诉他们。对于那些在他们邻舍面前为我作这个见证的人,这会取悦我,并且我要求你们做同样的事。Pray that your neighbors will take notice so you can tell them the story of why you build a Sukkot in remembrance of MY Word. This would be pleasing unto me for those who do this witness for ME before their neighbors and I ask you to do the same. 倘若你把棚子藏在你的浴室里,你又怎么能为我作见证并成为你信心的一个例子呢?How can you witness for ME and be an example of your faith if you hide your Leanto in your bathroom?

住棚应该要在室外你能看到天空的地方。犹太人甚至还没认识到为什么住棚顶上有一个开口。这是为了应验经文 “你们当挺身昂首,因为你们得赎的日子近了,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克会从东方的天空前来!” (路21:28;太24:27),The Sukkot is to be outdoors where you can behold the Sky. The Jewish people don’t even realize why the Sukkot has a opening in the roof. It is to fulfill the scripture “Look Up your redemption draweth nigh for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will come in the Eastern Sky” 你不需要惧怕仇敌伤害你,因为我,亚哈威将会祝福并保护那些属于我的人,我还会让那些自以为聪明的人困惑不解,因为他们对这个邪恶世界的方式视而不见,他们对仇敌们的窃笑视而不见。You need not fear the enemies harming you for I, YAHUVEH, will bless and protect those who are MINE and confound those who think themselves wise, as they ignore the ways of this evil world and ignore the snickers of the enemies. 


I shall mock those that mock you in their time of trouble.

预言第91 篇Prophecy 91

我神圣的风,我的灵,宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西,正在横扫这片土地!在一分钟内,我前后走着,我在住棚节以我自己的双眼观看。并不是我眼盲,我从天国就看到了地球,但我想要走在这个地球上。所以,我亚哈威在27日这么做了。MY HOLY WIND, MY SPIRIT, the Precious RUACH ha KODESH, is sweeping this land! In less than a minute, I walked to and fro’, with MY own eyes I beheld on Sukkot. It is not that I am blind, I saw it from Heaven, but I wanted to walk this earth and so I, YAHUVEH, did this on the 27th.

你们这些在过住棚节的犹太人如此地充满骄傲,说: “我的住棚比你的住棚更好。我的食物比你的更好。我读妥拉(Torah)的时间比你更长” 。You Jew’s on the days of Sukkot, so full of pride, “My sukkot is better than your sukkot. My food is better than yours. I read the Torah longer than you.” 你们当中所有人都失去了重点,只有一些余民,那么少的人建造他们的住棚,他们是最谦卑的人,他们真正打动了我的心,因为他们这么做不是出于仪式,他们这么做不是出于骄傲。那些人打动了我的心,他们在那些夜晚寻求亚呼赎阿。All of you lost focus. Only a remnant few built their sukkots and they were the humblest and they truly touched MY heart for they didn’t do it as a ritual; they didn’t do it out of pride. And those that touched MY heart, looked for YAHUSHUA those nights. 我有属于我的弥赛亚犹太人,其中有一些就是亚呼赎阿的新娘,他们就坐在耶路撒冷里面,他们打动了我的心。我不向那些寻求我儿子、等待着、并因还不是〔祂〕到来的时候而忧伤的人生气。我是在对那些只把这个神圣日子当作一个仪式来遵守的人生气。I have MY Messianic Jews, some of the very Bride of YAHUSHUA sits in Jerusalem and they touched MY heart. I’m not angry at those that watched for MY Son, waited and grieved for it was not the time to come. I’m angry at those who only did this Holy Day as a ritual.

预言第102 篇Prophecy 102

瞧,我成为那被杀的羔羊只有一次!我让仇敌打我的脸,但那只有一次!我戴过荆棘冠冕!我承受了这个地球的羞辱!但那只有一次……See, I was only that slain LAMB once. I let the enemy strike MY face. But that was only once! I wore the crown of thorns! I took the humiliation of this earth! But that was only once… 我被挂在了十字架上!我曾被殴打至面目全非!我为你们干渴!我为你们的不义干渴!我为你们忍受饥饿!我被嘲笑,我被藐视!I hung on that Cross! I was beaten beyond recognition! I thirsted for you! I thirsted for your unrighteousness! I hungered for you! I was mocked and I was scorned! 住棚节是我在这地球上的生日!但甚至只有那么少的人承认〔住棚节是我的生日〕并献上感谢?!他们把献给另一个异教徒(宁录王──他直接来自地狱深坑)的一个异教节日拿来,把那个生日给我?!This (Sukkot) is the time of MY birth on this earth! And how few even acknowledge it! They’ll take a heathen holiday dedicated to another heathen (King Nimrod) straight from the pit of hell and they gave ME that birthday? 但在这个住棚节的日子,只有那么少的人荣耀我?只有那么少的人荣耀我所付的代价?……But on this time of Sukkot, how few honor ME? How few honor the price I paid?…

预言第115 篇Prophecy 115

不要忘了住棚节近了,尽你的全力庆祝它。如果你只能睡在地上,以毯子搭成帐篷。我知道你的心,我知道你能做的,我会荣耀它,我会祝福你。Don’t forget Sukkot is coming. Do the best you can to observe it. If you can do nothing more sleep on the floor and make a tent with a blanket. I know your heart. I know what you can do and I will honor it and I will bless you.

预言第116 篇Prophecy 116


Explanation on how this Prophecy came forth:

那时亚当正跟以莉莎法在通电话。他们开始为亚当和凯瑟琳亚在住棚节前来跟以莉莎法见面的旅行安全祷告。Adam and Elisabeth (Elisheva) were speaking on the phone. They started praying for travelling mercy for Adam and Kathrynyah’s trip to see Elisabeth (Elisheva) for Sukkot.



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...