
🕎31-3AmightyWind’s mini Haggadah


AmightyWind’s mini Haggadah

with all 15 Steps of the Passover Seder


with all 15 Steps of the Seder

Haggadah means narration (of the Passover Story). This is the longer version of our “Passover Made Simple”, also found here, followed by commentary on the 4 cups of wine & cup of Elijah; print this for your Seder. Along with a Bible, it may be used in place of a Haggadah. For a simplified Seder & the minimal Biblical requirements for a Seder see “Passover Made Simple” in this booklet.


Seder is pronounced “say-der” (Ashkenazi) or “seh-der” (Modern) and it means “order”, in this case, of the Passover Seder – which is a festive meal that commemorates not only the Exodus from Egypt but also the Redemptive Work of the Messiah, YAHUSHUA, HIS death, burial and resurrection. Most of the elements of the Modern Seder are based on the commandments in the Bible concerning the Passover, but the order of the Seder as we know it today, was not set until after YAHUSHUA had been on earth. The steps given here are adapted from the Modern Jewish liturgy, but with the added recognition and emphasis on YAHUSHUA as the Lamb of GOD.

This mini-Haggadah is meant as a guide only – to loosely follow or altogether skip unnecessary steps. It is not always possible to follow everything given here, although this is an already shortened outline of a more full Haggadah. We’ve included notes throughout showing which steps, or parts thereof are entirely optional. We recommend skipping steps or parts of steps as you see fit. GOD judges the intentions of the heart, not the elaborations of our Passover Seder. The Seder is meant to be interactive and memorable, not boring.

Before the Seder it is customary to light Festival candles, in the same fashion as Shabbat Candles. In Modern Judaism an official Seder contains these 15 steps, given in a Hebrew rhyme which is often sung to start a Seder: “Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, Maggid, Rachatz, Motzi, Matzah, Maror, Korech, Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Barech, Hallel, Nirtzah”. The literal translation is “Sanctify and Wash, Greens, Break, Tell/Narrate, Wash, Bring Forth, Matzah, Bitter Herbs, Sandwich/Wrap, Prepared Table, Hidden, Blessing, Praise, Acceptance”.

Throughout the Seder, four types of Redemption are represented by the “Four Cups” of wine, which are emphasized throughout this booklet in red. Therefore, we’ve incorporated Holy Communion into this Haggadah. The “Lord’s Supper”, part of a Passover Seder, was a communion. See the explanation on the four cups later in this booklet. This is not drinking to intoxication. GOD warns strongly against this! After the Seder it is customary to discuss the Exodus, Passover observances or recite/study Scriptures such as the Song of Solomon in particular. The hand washing element is also seen in the Last Supper, but as YAHUSHUA washing the feet of others, instead of the hands. You may want to incorporate washing of the feet into your Passover Celebrations. Before or after the Seder is most ideal, but also remember that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also did this to teach the disciples humbleness as HE said to them that HE came to serve, not to be served and the HE himself came to pay the ransom with HIS life for the lives of many (Matt 20:28, Mark 10:45). If we want to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven, we must learn to become servants of YAH.


Part I: Remove leaven...

Usually, you would remove the leaven from the house however, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has made it clear that the main leaven we want removed is sin. Our homes being our bodies/temples. HE understands that due to the pandemic also people cannot afford to throw out food and if bread or food with leaven is all you have to eat than HE understands, you do not need to remove it. Also you can set a cupboard in the house or a room to place anything with yeast there during the feast if you would like, but there is no need to throw out your food especially during these times where there is a shortage in food in different parts of the world. Leaven symbolizes sin and corruption. (I Cor. 5:6-8).

Part II: What you will need

Days before Passover, make sure you have all the items you will need. In the afternoon before the Seder begins, the table should be arranged with these items, including having the table set for dinner. Remember it is the meaning behind the seder and what it represents that matters. You do not have to have a specific Passover plate that has separate compartments, you can even use paper plates for the seder if that is all you can afford and all you have.

1. Haggadahs OR (as we prefer) Bibles, and Seder lists (like this one) for everyone, or at least, one for whomever leads the Passover Seder and enough to share.

2. *Optional 2 candles or oil lamps to be used as Festival/Shabbat candles

3. *Optional hand washing bowl(s) and cloths. (No soap – use only water).

4. Wine (or Juice) & Glasses, 1 per person (wine is poured 4x) + 1 extra glass for “Elijah”

5. 3 Pieces Matzot or Unleavened Bread wrapped in a cloth and may also be placed on its own platter/plate. Larger groups need more matzot placed nearby. (Matzah = one, and matzot = plural, more than one matzah). It doesn’t have to be dry plain tasting matzot, you can make some with herbs and spices also.

6.Seder Plate” (any clean plate can be used) with the following:

i. *Optional Green Vegetable (Karpas) i.e. Celery or Parsley

ii. Bitter Herbs (Maror): Romaine Lettuce is okay or Horseradish (Chazeret)

iii. *Optional Homemade Charoset*–It is usually made of apple pieces & wine, variations on the recipe may add honey, fruit, nuts and spices. A basic recipe is cut an apple into chunks, 1 TB chopped nuts, dash of wine or grape juice, 1 tsp cinnamon.). Invent your own recipe, or search for one you like online.

iv. *Optional Lamb Bone* (Z’roa) – only for display

v. *Optional Roasted egg* (may be hard boiled) – to be eaten at the end of step #10, starts step #11

7. *Optional Salt Water in a small dish (mix water w/table salt) for dipping of Karpas.

8. *Optional lamb-based Dinner with dinnerware. (Or use whatever meat you can afford whether it may be chicken or fish, beef etc. If possible, try not to eat pork but if pork is the only thing that you can afford and have available in your country than YAHUSHUA knows your heart and your situation)

*We suggest using all these items for a full experience, but some are listed as optional because the Bible does not absolutely command the use of the bone and egg, neither the eating of Charoset and Karpas dipped in saltwater. The Torah does not command the use of wine/grape juice, but we know by example to use it because in the gospels YAHUSHUA took wine at least twice, once before and once after the Last Supper.

Part III: Celebrate the Passover

If you would feel overwhelmed by following the more detailed instructions of the Haggadah, follow the instructions here, under “Passover Made Simple” for a shorter Seder. Otherwise, review the below, but also look further to the “Mini Haggadah” for a more detailed re-telling of the Passover with a focus on YAHUSHUA and Communion being highlighted.



To meet the Biblical requirements for a Seder, only steps 1, 4, 5, 8, 12-15 as given below must be included but the 2nd & 3rd cups and Elijah cup are optional. (In other words, you may skip steps 2-3, 6-7, & 10-11; the 2nd & 3rd cups and Elijah cup may also be skipped. The order of some of the steps may also be changed).

Note: each “cup” of wine does not need to be a full cup. An alternative is to pour only a tablespoon or so each time, or dilute the wine in a pitcher - ready to pour.

Opening Steps 1-4:

Sanctify the Evening and Prepare for Maggid

1. Begin Seder with prayer and wine blessing:

a. Pour 1st cup of wine or grape juice. (Don’t drink yet)

b. Begin with a prayer of thanks to our Heavenly FATHER ABBA YAHUVEH for all HE has done for us and will do for us, HIS Children, as HE protects us and watches over us through all the trials of our life and to HIS SON YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH and soon coming BRIDEGROOM for HIS Salvation for us on Calvary and to IMMAYAH our Heavenly MOTHER who watches over us and guides and leads us in every step we take if we but obey.

c. Say the blessing over the wine. Example: “Blessed are YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, our Heavenly FATHER and CREATOR of the universe, CREATOR of the fruit of the vine. YOU have made us Holy through the shed Blood of YOUR SON YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. YOU have brought us safely thus far and we thank YOU for guiding and leading us every day of our lives. We give YOU all Praise, Honour and Glory now and forever! Blessed be the Name of YAHUVEH GOD ALMIGHTY! The Name of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH and IMMAYAH, MOMMA SHKHINYAH GLORY, our Beloved RUACH HA KODESH, the only QUEEN of Heaven!” (Please add your own prayers.)

d. Drink wine or grape juice.

2. Wash/rinse hands

3. Dip parsley into salt water and eat explaining that the salt water reminds us of the tears the Jews cried in Egypt and the greens are a symbol of the coming of Spring which brings hope.

4. Break middle Matzah in two, saying, this is the body of the Lord broken for us. (Usually none is eaten now. Save the larger broken piece for “afikomen” in step # 12, put the rest back).

Body of the Seder, Steps 5-11:

Telling the Story and Eating the Food of the Exodus

5. Introduce and tell the Story of Passover over 2nd cup of wine:

a Hold up matzah saying, this is the bread of affliction which our forefathers ate in the land of Egypt.

b Pour and pray blessing over 2nd cup. (Don’t drink yet)

c Tell the Passover Story. (or you may list the 10 plagues [see Exodus 7:14 –ch 11] and then read Exodus 11 – 15).

d Optional: read Psalm113-114

e Drink 2nd cup.

6. Wash hands again. You may say a blessing.

7. Say general prayer over food.

Blessed are you YAHUVEH our GOD, King of the Universe,

Who brings forth food from the earth

Blessed are You, YAHUVEH our GOD King of the Universe,

Who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us to eat the matzah/unleavened bread and maror/bitter herbs for Passover.

8. Eat matzah, explaining the matzah, or unleavened bread is also a reminder of the haste with which the Jews left Egypt on the night of Passover because the bread did not have time to rise.

9. Eat bitter herbs, explaining the Egyptians “embittered” or made bitter, disagreeable, the lives of the Jews who we are also as we are grafted into the vine through YAHUSHUA. (Rom. 11:17-19) “And they embittered their lives with hard labour: with mortar and bricks, with every kind of work in the fields; all the work which they made them do was rigorous.” (Ex. 1:14)

10. Eat maror and matzah together. This is usually dipped in the charoset.

11. Eat egg dipped in salt water and then eat dinner. The egg may be eaten at the beginning of the Passover meal or by itself if you are not eating a meal. It is a symbol of the suffering and oppression in Egypt. Everything else in boiling water becomes soft or disintegrates but an egg becomes hard like the Israelites. The more it is boiled, the harder it becomes. An egg also symbolizes new life. Additionally, YAHUVEH has revealed to Prophet Elisabeth Elijah that the 3 parts of the TRINITY are like the egg – each is distinct and yet part of the whole. As ABBA YAHUVEH has said to Elisabeth, “Which part of the egg is the egg? Is it the shell? The white or the yolk?” Of course it is all three – each distinct and yet each making up the whole, the egg. Amazing, isn’t it?

Closing, Steps 12-15:

Seal the Seder with Praise and Prayer

12. Return afikomen and eat of it remembering it represents the Lord’s body.

13. Pray over 3rd cup of wine:

a Pour 3rd cup.

b Read Psalm 126 “Those who sow in tears, will reap with joy unceasing!...”

c Pray Grace after Meals (an abbreviated version is okay)

d Bless and drink 3rd cup.

e Pour the 4th cup and the cup of Elijah. (Do not drink yet). Pray for the prayer of Elijah: GOD to restore all things, to hasten the coming of YAHUSHUA and take vengeance on HIS enemies.

14. Praise.

a Praise session. Optional: read Psalm 115-118. Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for the victory over all the things in our lives that are not of YOU in the Name of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH!

b Bless and drink the 4th cup.

More praise and prayer that GOD accepts the Seder and is pleased.



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...