
📒35-2《我骨中的骨,肉中的肉》“Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh” Poem


第139篇预言 赐给灵魂伴侣预言诗—《我骨中的骨,肉中的肉》





Prophecy 139

“Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh” Poem

Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Received October 23, 1999, Sabbath Saturday
Re-released January 11, 2019

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《创世纪》Genesis 2: 18,23


And the LORD YAHUVEH GOD said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. […]

亚当说:这是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以称她为“女人”,因为她是从“男人”身上取出来的。 And Adam said, This is now Bone of my Bones & Flesh of my Flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

这首诗是一篇预言,也是给我在亚呼赎阿内的姊妹们的承诺。This poem is a Prophecy and is a promise to my sisters in YAHUSHUA (‘JESUS CHRIST’)—她们虽然把自己的身、心、灵、魂都交给了亚呼赎阿,却仍被囚禁在被虐的婚姻中,或仍被过去被虐待的记忆所折磨,这些是地狱指定的婚姻。who although they gave their mind, body, spirit, and souls to YAHUSHUA, they are still held captive in abusive marriages or held captives by memories of of an abusive marriage that were ordained in hell. 只有亚呼赎阿能从那些大大伤害或伤害过妳的身、心、灵、魂的人那里拯救妳。这是赐给妳的承诺,也是赐给我的承诺。Only YAHUSHUA can set you free from those that inflict or had inflicted great wounds to your mind, body, spirit and soul. This is your promise and my promise, 妳曾经若碰到过最糟糕的男人,那么就会在将来遇见最棒的男人!where you have known the worst you shall know the best.

首先,我从睡梦中醒来听到这些话语:“我差遣哈利.雷根牧师去妳那里,作为确证,他为了让妳可以听见而禁食了40天。”I awoke with the LORD YAHUVEH speaking these Words to me, “I sent you Pastor Harry Regan. In four seasons you will know as confirmation. He fasted so you would hear…”

之后,阿爸亚哈威在梦中跟我说话,告诉我要写下这首诗,并以下面这首诗唤醒我。The LORD told me to “Get up and write them down.” ABBA YAHUVEH gave me this poem to write, as GOD spoke to me in a dream, 我从睡梦中醒来听到主在说这些话,主告诉我,“起来,把这些话写下。”我本以为这些话语只是给我的承诺,awakening me with the Words of the poem below. I thought these Words were just a promise to me. 但现在我知道,这也是给我所有在亚呼赎阿内,跟我有着同样经历的姊妹们的承诺。Now I know they are for ALL my sisters, in ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH), who have walked in the shoes I have walked.

这是神赐给我的承诺之诗,现在我与那些等待神所按立的最好的丈夫的姊妹们分享。她们在过去碰到过来自地狱的最糟糕的男人。This is a promise from GOD given to me, and I now share it with those who wait for the best in a GOD ordained husband, where they have known the worst sent from hell. 请阅读这首诗,并宣告这首诗也是给妳的承诺。 Read this and claim this as your promise.

被神按立为这些女性伴侣的男人们,要知道这事!你碰见的这位女性,活着从火窑中走了出来,她们比精金还纯。The men who are ordained for these women know this: you have a woman coming that has survived the fiery furnace and came out purer than gold. 她将会比其他没遭受过同样痛苦的女人更珍视你,她珍视的方式是我们应该要正确对待属神丈夫的方式。She will appreciate you in ways a woman who has never suffered in the ways we have could appreciate a godly husband. 如果你要分享这首诗的话,请写信给我并让我知道。这首预言诗包括录音,我只请求不要做任何改动!颂赞、尊贵并荣耀都归亚哈威!If anyone wants to share this at their websites just write me and let me know. To YAHUVEH be the praise, honor & glory!

牧师以莉莎法.以利亚呼Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

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《我骨中的骨,肉中的肉》“Bone of My Bone, Flesh of My Flesh”


没有任何一个男人、女人或来自地狱的邪灵能阻止神所预先按立的结合。ALL will know it is “I AM”—that has joined you both together and NO man, or woman—or demon from hell, can stop what GOD has preordained. 虽然有时你们会紧张不安,但要知道,我“自有永有”准确地计划了你们第一次见面的时间、地点与方式。Though at times you both will fuss and fret, just know that “I AM” planned the exact time, and place, and how you first met.

我为妳带来一个只懂得属神平安的男人,与一个从未经历过这种平安的女人结合。I bring you a man who only knows MY Peace, to join together with a woman who has never known this Peace....然而这个男人充满着我的怜悯、我的爱,拥有我的忍耐、我的恩膏,能指导她、教导她如何去获得最棒的属天祝福。他会迫切地为她祷告,她也会同样迫切地为他祷告,只会更热切地祷告而不会冷却。And yet, this man is full of MY Compassion & MY Love, has MY Patience, MY Anointing, to show and teach her to stretch for Heaven's best, praying for more for her, and her for him, and not for less.

我为妳带来一个只懂得我的喜乐和我的欢笑的男人,与一个他必须要教导并分享我的喜乐的女人结合。他要教她一同欢笑。I bring you a man who only knows MY Joy & MY Laughter… to join with a woman, he will have to teach and share MY Joy and how to laugh with her.

我为妳带来一个不会惧怕的男人,与一个多年来在恐惧中挣扎生存的女人结合。I bring you a man who knows no fear, to join with a woman who, for oxygen, has breathed fear for all her years. 我为你带来一个只知道各种恐惧、各种被利用、各种虐待的女人,与一个拥有我的恩膏去保护她,消除她的痛苦的男人结合。I bring you a woman who has only known every kind of terror, use and abuse, to join with a man who has MY Anointing to protect 他能擦去她在一切虐待和控告中所流的泪水。他会揭开真理,抵挡仇敌的谎言!and wipe the pain and tears from her eyes from those that accuse and all those that abuse, exposing the truth and denying the enemies lies!

我为你带来一个从未获得安全感的女人,与一个只获得属我的安全感的男人结合。I bring you a woman who only knows insecurity, to join with a man who only knows MY Security. 我为你带来一个从未得着属世安慰的女人,与一个懂得我属世和属灵安慰的男人结合。I bring you a woman who has known no earthly comfort, to join with a man that knows MY Earthly as well as MY Spiritual Comfort.

我为你带来一个不知爱为何物的女人,与一个拥有我的爱与他自己的爱融合的男人结合。他会教导她和其他人真爱的含意。I bring you a woman who doesn't know what it’s like to be loved, to join with a man that has MY Love combined with his love that will teach her and others the meaning of True Love.我为你带来一个不想再继续活着的女人,与一个每日充实度过的男人结合。他请求我能让他们一同度过更多的岁月。I bring you a woman who has had no desire to live, to join with a man who lives each day to the fullest and asks for more years for ME to them to give.

我为你带来一个自认毫无美貌的女人,与一个会欣赏她外表和内在属灵美貌的男人结合。I bring you a woman who thinks of herself as no beauty, to join with a man that will appreciate not only her physical beauty but her inward spiritual beauty. 他会向她揭示仇敌不想要她看见的事情,这只会使她更亲近我和这个男人!He will show her what the enemy has not allowed her to see and this will only draw her closer to him and ME!

我为这个男人带来一个在这些年来流尽了心碎之泪的女人,我使她与一个拥有我圣灵恩膏的男人结合。I bring this man a woman who only has known heart breaking tears, through all of her years, to join with a man who has MY HOLY SPIRIT ANOINTING to erase them all away, 他会擦干她所有的眼泪,消除她所有的恐惧、内疚的回忆、羞耻、孤独、痛苦和指责。along with all of her fears and memories of guilt, shame and loneliness, pain and blame.

我为你带来一个不相信任何男人的女人,她只懂得要怎么与他们争战,只学到要怎么靠着肉体来保护自己,我使她与一个证明自己配称为属我的男人结合。I bring you a woman who distrusts all men. —she learned to war with them she learned in her flesh to defend— to join with a man to prove he is worthy of being called MINE. 我赐给她安慰的明证:这个男人会在我的恩膏大能中一次次地守护她,甚至如果必要的话,愿意为我按立为他妻子的人牺牲自己的性命。I give her this comforting sign: In MY Anointing Power he will defend her time, after time, if need be, willing to sacrifice his life for the one I have ordained as his wife.

我为你带来一个从未受过爱的双臂安慰的女人,与一个会支持她、鼓励她、使她不受任何伤害的男人结合。他会以充满我恩膏的双臂托住她、守护她,给她毛皮般的庇护。I bring you a woman who has never had the comfort of loving arms, to join with a man who supports, encourages and keeps her from all harm, to join with a man who has MY Anointed Arms to hold, protect and shield her like a fur. 然后,她最终会明白她的神想要她知道的事。她会知道当他们两个身心灵魂合一时,是什么样的感受。Then, she will at last know what her GOD wants her to know what it is like when the two of them are one mind, body, spirit, and soul.

他们会完全地合一,一起在我里面和谐流动。 In perfect harmony, together, they will flow in ME.

我为你带来一个虽然被亲吻过,却不明白爱的激情的女人,与一个即使在他的拥抱和亲吻中,也被我爱的恩膏充满的男人结合。I bring you a woman, who although has been kissed, she knows not the loving passion she misses, to join with a man who even has MY Anointing Love in his caresses and kisses.我为你带来一个只经历过性爱中的丑陋、玷污和虐待的女人,与一个被恩膏的丈夫结合。I bring you a woman who only knows the ugliness, defilement, abuse of sex, to join together with an anointed husband他明白当两个被神所按立的人身、心、灵、魂结合时,便可享受被神恩膏的安息之美,若缺一人,恩膏便不再相同。 who knows the beauty of an anointed rest where two minds, bodies, spirits, souls have been GOD ordained and without one another will never will be the same.

当这对男女一起前来在我里面合一时,他们会感受到我的爱、我所祝福的平安的信任与和谐。This man and woman will see as they come together in a union with ME, MY Love & Blessed Peaceful Trust & Harmony. 这对夫妻会真的在我里面合而为一,他会除去她在过去虐待的记忆中所受的痛苦和污辱。This husband and wife will truly become one in ME—He erasing the pain, defilement from her abused memory.

我为你带来一个内心长久渴望并寻求,但拒绝接受男人教导的女人,与一个我所恩膏能教导她的男人结合。这个男人会充分教导她从未触及的新恩膏之爱。I bring you a woman who refuses by a man to be taught, yet all along this is what she yearned for and sought, to join with a man I have anointed him to her to teach, for fullness of a new anointed love she had not yet reached.

我为你带来一个非常特别、纤细、敏感、易碎和善感的女人,她如同一只翅膀支离破碎的蝴蝶,I bring you a woman so delicate, sensitive, fragile, emotional as a butterfly with broken, torn shredded wings, 与一个拥有我圣灵恩膏的男人结合。他的话语充满医治、爱、怜悯、平安和喜乐,I bring you a woman so delicate, to join with a man who has MY HOLY GHOST ANOINTING to speak Healing, Love, Compassion, Peace & Laughter, 他会借着我的恩膏,医治她破碎的翅膀,使她能在我所赐给他的恩膏歌声里,在空中高高翱翔。and in MY Anointing, mend her torn wings —so she can fly, high, in the sky—with the anointed songs I will give him to sing.

我为你带来一个度日如年的女人,因为她认为自己在这些年里从未真正活过,而拒绝数算自己的年龄。I bring you a woman who counts the minutes and hours as though they were years, always refusing to count the age of her years For she feels she has not even lived.我现在把她和一个不计算年龄或时日,只会认定全然为我而活的男人结合。I now give, to join with a man that knows not the concept of age or time and only knows each age of his years, has been all MINE.

我为你带来一个有时缺乏信心的女人,与一个只懂得信任我的男人结合。I bring you a woman who, at times, lacks faith, to join with a man who only knows MY Faith. 我为妳带来一个走在丰满恩膏里的男人,与一个正在学习要被我的恩膏丰富充满的女人结合。I bring you a man who walks in the fullness of the Anointing to join with a woman who is being taught the fullness of MY Anointing.

我为你带来一个只知道要以她的嘴争战的女人,与一个使用他的祷告争战,以祷告击碎仇敌大门的男人结合。I bring you a woman who has learned with her mouth how to war, to join with a man who uses his prayers to war, to break down the enemies’ doors. 

我为你带来一个不傲慢、不骄傲的女人,与一个能用谦逊支持她的男人结合。I bring you a woman who knows no arrogance and pride, to join with a man that can use the humbling to stand by her side. 我为妳带来一个被世人称为天才的男人,与一个能叫自以为有智慧的人羞愧的女人结合!I bring you a man that is a genius in man's eyes, to join with a woman that confounds even those who think themselves wise!

我为你带来一个会让你花更多时间待在我脚前的女人,你会每日挣扎着来理解她,而我的儿子却只有在我的恩膏下敬拜我,向我唱诗赞美并祷告的时候才会得到答案!I bring you a woman who will keep you more at MY Feet, as you struggle to understand her more each day, only getting the answers under MY Anointing when MY son to ME worships, sings praises and prays!

我为你带来一个被仇敌一次次击打在地、只遭受过挫败的女人,与一个只知道胜利在亚呼赎阿的圣名里的男人结合。I bring you a woman who has only known defeat, as enemies have knocked her again and again off her feet, to join with a man who only knows Victory in YAHUSHUA'S NAME. 我所结合的他们不会再跟从前一样!What I have joined together will never be the same!

我为你带来一个有着累积多年的血淋淋的伤口和伤疤的女人,与一个拥有我放在他里面的外科医生之手的恩膏的男人结合。I bring you a woman with a lifetime of bloody, open wounds and scars, to join with the Anointing of MY Surgeon’s Hands I place in this man. 我为你带来一个从未得到自由、被隐形的铁栏囚禁、只承受过沉重负担和捆绑的女人,I bring you a woman who has never been free, imprisoned behind invisible bars—heavy-laden— burdens and bondage is what she has seen, 与一个会教导她如何在我里面得自由的男人结合!to join with a man who will teach her what it's like to be free in ME!

我为你带来一个拥有罕见圣灵恩膏的女人,与一个会教导她要如何为我的颂赞、尊荣并荣耀而使用这种恩膏的男人结合!I bring you a woman with a rare kind of HOLY GHOST ANOINTING, to join with a man to teach her how to use it for MY Praise, Honor & Glory! 我为你带来一个不知休息为何物的女人,与一个只会待在我充满恩膏的同在之中得享真正安息的男人结合!I bring you a woman who knows not the meaning of rest, to join with a man who only stays in MY ANOINTED PRESENCE where there is true rest! 他会教导她如何得着平安,如何得着神的祝福!He shall teach her how to stay in peace and stay blessed!

我为你带来一个不知健康为何物的女人,与一个只拥有我完美健康的男人结合。I bring you a woman who has known not good health, to join with a man who only walks in MY Perfect Health; 

他知道这才是真正的财富!He knows this is true wealth!

他会帮忙守护并保护妳的身、心、灵、魂,他会奉亚呼赎阿的圣名祷告,他会祷告要行走在我绝对的属灵权柄中。He will help guard, protect your mind, spirit, soul and body, praying in YAHUSHUA'S NAME and in walking in MY Spiritual Authority, it is plain…

我赐给你们两个一份礼物,使你们能从各种虚弱、苦痛、贫穷和疾病中得自由!A gift I give both of thee, to set you free from all manner of infirmities, sickness and poverty and disease!

我为你带来一个托管我权杖的女人,与一个托管我圣竿的男人结合。我为你带来一个急性子的女人,与一个沉得住气的男人结合。I bring you a woman I have entrusted MY Rod to join together with a man I have entrusted MY Staff. I bring you a woman who has the short fuse to join with a man who holds the match. 我为你带来一个会为我接触这个世界的女人,与一个拥有另一半恩膏的男人结合。他们两个只会看见胜利而不会被打败!I bring you a woman who will touch this world for ME to join with a man whose anointing is the other half and both shall see victory and not defeat! 

若是缺少其中一人,你们就不会在我按立你们为我的荣耀所作的事上成功,你们也就无法把属天的新鲜吗哪带给众人了!Without one another you would not succeed in what I have preordained for you to do for MY Glory —bringing Fresh Manna from Heaven! 我差遣你们去喂养我的绵羊和我的羔羊,在我的恩膏下带他们饮水、喂养他们。他们会饱尝灵奶、新酒和灵粮。I send you out to feed MY Sheep & My Lambs, to water and feed them under MY Anointing. Milk, New Wine & Meat they will feast and eat.

我现在劝导你们,不要听其他人的话。虽然他们的本意是好的,但他们却不知道,当我创造了你们的灵魂时,是为了你们彼此而创造的。I counsel you both now. Listen to no other. For although well meaning, they don't understand. When I created your souls, I created them for one another. 没有其他的拼图能成功拼合。你们虽然焦虑不安、吹毛求疵,因为你们还不想做出改变,No other pieces of the jig saw puzzle shall fit, although you fuss, feud and nitpick. For you don't want to change things yet, 但我所爱的,日期早已被立定了。这是为了成就我神圣的旨意。你们不会失败。but my dear ones, the date has already been set. This is for MY Divine Purpose. You won’t fail.

我把你们带在一起恩膏会用我的爱和圣灵恩膏的胶把你们黏在一起!I bring together you two. The ANOINTING will stick you together with MY LOVE and the HOLY SPIRIT’S ANOINTED GLUE! 只为了证明我“自有永有”是时常使有智慧的人羞愧的神。Just to prove “I AM” is a GOD that constantly confounds the wise. 要记住,在神凡事都能,你们是绝对不会否认这个事实的。Remember, with GOD all things are possible. You will never this, deny.

每一天,当你们拥抱彼此时,你们会感到对我的爱在不断加增。你们会一起感受到的。Every day when you hold one another you will experience a new measure of love for ME. Together you shall see.

我已经预先按立了你们第一次相遇的时候,你们将会知道,也会看到我预先告诉你们的应许。I have preordained when your eyes shall first meet. You will know and behold, the promise I have foretold. 我已经预先按立了你们的心相印、手牵手的时候,这会是两个恩膏合而为一的时候,恩膏会开始无极限地不断涌流。I have preordained when your heart and hands do meet. For that is when the two Anointings join together as one and will start unlimited measure to flow.

我向你们这样保证,我将必须给“快速”这个词语一个新的解释。虽然你们现在都对这事不以为然,但你们会是点亮彼此油灯的火柴。I promise you this. I shall have to give a new meaning of the word “quick” —for although you both scoff now— you will be as a match lighting the other’s oil lantern’s wick.

我把你们带在一起来接触这个世上失丧和受伤的灵魂。总有一天你们会明白许多我还没有告诉你们的事情。只要你们一同站立便不会有难成的事。I bring you together to reach this world for the sake of lost and hurting souls —one day you will understand, for things are yet to you both untold. Nothing will be impossible if together you stand;当你们其中一人软弱时,另一个人一定要强壮,无论是女是男!要给对方我所立定的私人空间,永远都不要允许你们对彼此的爱,取代你们对我的爱。when one is weak the other must be strong,be it the woman or the man! Give each other space as I have decreed and never allow the love of each other to take the place of the love for ME.

我把你们带在一起,现在也同时劝诫你们:要注意自己的脾气,你们的脾气不是为了与彼此斗争而被造的! I bring you together and admonish you now. Watch your tempers! They were not made to war against one another! 你们的灵、魂、恩膏、祷告、心、眼睛、双手、耳朵和身体都是为彼此而造的,但不是脾气,也不是争吵,这是从地狱送来的。Your spirits, souls, anointings, prayers— hearts, eyes, hands, ears, bodies were created for each other. But not your tempers, not your arguments! They are from hell sent.

我已把受膏的勇士之灵放在你们俩个里面,勇士之灵不是要你们用来抵挡彼此,而是要用来敌挡你们的仇敌撒但!Your anointed warrior spirits I have instilled in both of thee. These warrior spirits are not to be used against one another, but reserved for satan, your enemy! 我永远不会允许你们使用舌头来摧毁彼此。你们必须要跪拜在我面前,在恩膏的祷告下把所有的争执带给我。NEVER will I allow your tongues to destroy one another. All disagreements must be taken to anointed prayer on your knees to ME.

你们要一起把问题交给我,永远不要说出憎恨彼此的话语!Together the issues you take! NEVER speaking words of hate! 我“自有永有”是唯一的裁判,我的审判是最后的决定,我已经立定了。为了我们的缘故,不能起争执!For “I AM” is the ONLY REFEREE. And MY Judgment is final and I have decreed. NO arguing for ALL our sakes!

我不会允许你们让圣灵哀伤,因为这婚姻和这事工会成为我所按立的样式,而不会变成你们所认为甚或希望的样式。I will NOT allow the HOLY SPIRIT for you to grieve! For this Marriage & Ministry will be as I have decreed, And NOT done the way you think or even want it to be! 当其中一人生气时,你们必须在那天日落前彼此在我的爱和平安里亲吻,与对方和解。When one is angry, NO sun must be allowed to set Until in MY Love & Peace you have together kissed and met.

我为你带来一个非常有恩膏的女人,我为妳带来一个行走在我恩膏里的男人。永远不要难为或恶待我的恩膏,I bring you a woman that is very anointed. I bring you a man that walks in MY Anointing. NEVER dare touch, do the ANOINTING any harm! 因为这会拉响圣灵的警报!如果你们不希望我以这种方式体罚你们,就最好悔改,在当日请求彼此的原谅!For that will set off the HOLY GHOST warning alarm! If you don't want ME to spank you in such a way, you better repent and ask forgiveness of each other that very day!

不要延迟!Don't delay! 

我“自有永有”是唯一能断定谁对谁错的神!我“自有永有”是唯一能看见前后的神!“I AM” is the ONLY ONE WHO determines who is wrong or right! “I AM” is the ONLY ONE WHO has both front and rear hindsight! 我知道初的开始与终的结果,我“自有永有”现在命令你们俩个,顺服我“自有永有”的旨意,虽然你们两人都固执,你们却要顺服我,归向我的旨意,你们两个都要屈服!I know the beginning from the end and “I AM” commanding you both. To “I AM’S” Will—although you are both stubborn, you shall obey ME and to MY Will, you shall both bend! 两个人永远都不能比较彼此的属灵阶级!因为是我“自有永有”恩膏了你们,我“自有永有”会把那个自以为义、自夸、傲慢的你击倒!NEITHER must ever think they are on a higher or lower spiritual level! For it is “I AM” that anoints you and “I AM” that will knock you right off of that self-righteous, boastful, arrogant pedestal!

我把这首诗赐给这位使女,你们要一起学习、研读。你们在很久以前接受我在各各他山的礼物时,就将你们的生命交给了我。I have given this handmaiden this poem for you both to study and read, for long ago you gave your lives to ME, when you accepted MY GIFT at Calvary. 我希望你们每一天都要读这首诗,也要祷告你们能成为完全由我所立定你们要成为的形象,要竭力,不要延迟。

I want you each day to read this and pray, that you will be ALL I have ordained you to be, working on this without delay.

你们会是彼此在世上最好的朋友和伴侣。要记得这不是你们的计划,所以甚至不要试图去理解。You will become on Earth each other’s best friend and mate. Remember this was not your plan so don't even try and understand. 我“自有永有”为了你们而决定了你们的命运。你们在一起会祝福我,这个世界会知道我“自有永有”不会犯错。It was for you “I AM” destined your fate.Together you shall bless ME and this world shall see! “I AM” doesn't make mistakes!

你们不能向彼此隐瞒秘密。你们应当相互信实、忠诚,就像你们对待我一样,否则我“自有永有”会向另一半揭开你尝试隐瞒、封藏的事。NO secrets from each other you shall keep. You shall be truthful and loyal, as you are to ME, or “I AM” will speak and to the other reveal what you try to hide and seal.现在,要为得着最高呼召的赏赐而奔跑!要靠着我圣灵的恩膏,要快速,赶快行动!NOW, run for the prize of the most high calling race! Under MY HOLY SPIRIT’S ANOINTING, quick, make haste!

不要再继续否认你们知道的真理。因为一次又一次的,我已经告诉了你们,NO more denying what you know to be true for again and again, I have told you:

我为你带来一个女人,她就像被诅咒过一样只遇到过最糟的男人。I bring you a woman who in man has known the worst like a curse. 我为妳带来一个男人,我“自有永有”知道对她来说是最棒的男人。这个女人是为了这个男人在所有的世人中被拣选出来的。I bring her a man who “I AM” knows for her is the best and she was chosen for him from all the rest. 我为你带来一个女人,我“自有永有”立定要你把爱献给她,要她把爱献给你,不只是现在,而是直到永远。I bring you a woman who “I AM” has decreed —your love was meant for her and her love was meant for thee— NOT only now, but for ALL eternity!

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Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH

1999 年10 月23 日 星期六 安息日 午夜十二点


Through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Received October 23, 1999, Sabbath Saturday
Re-released January 11, 2019



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以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...