
📒24-2庆祝光明节还是圣诞节? Celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) or Xmas?





What is the TRUE ORIGIN of Christmas? Where did it come from? Who is 'Santa Claus' really?

庆祝光明节还是圣诞节? Celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) or Xmas?


YAHUSHUA Was Born During Sukkot Not On Christmas

住棚节是一个为期七天的犹太圣节日。许多弥赛亚犹太人相信住棚节也是亚呼赎阿降生的日子。Sukkot is a Jewish Holiday that lasts for 7 days. It is also the time many Messianic Jews believe YAHUSHUA was born so we say in reverence 所以我们怀着崇敬和喜悦的心情说:祝亚呼赎阿,我们的玛西阿克,生日快乐!我们敬拜祢!我们爱慕祢!我们渴慕祢,我们事奉祢,直到永永远远!and joy HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA OUR MASHIACH! WE WORSHIP, LOVE, ADORE YOU AND WILL SERVE YOU FOR ALL ETERNITY!

阅读《为什么光明节不只是圣诞节的替代品》以及为什么大多数圣经学着们同意亚呼赎阿的生日,实际上,根本没有在十二月里发生。Read why YAHUSHUA was not born on Christmas and why most biblical scholars agree that YAHUSHUA's birth, in fact, did not take place in December at all.

在亚呼赎阿诞生时,牧羊人在他们的野地里看守羊群,这不可能发生在冬天。实际上它可以表明,弥赛亚是出生在西元前4年的住棚节(会幕节)。When YAHUSHUA was born the shepherds were at watch in their fields (Lk. 2:8) which could not have been in the Winter. In fact it can be shown that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot (Boothes/Tabernacles) in 4 B.C.E..

计算弥赛亚诞生日的关键是路加福音1:5,从中我们得知撒迦利亚,约翰的父亲,是亚比雅班的祭司。The key to calculating the date of the birth of YAHUSHUA is Luke 1:5 where we learn that Zechariah the father of Yochanan was a priest of the course of Abijah.

祭司人数变得众多,在神殿服事的人数总是太多,所以他们被分为24个班次(历代志上24章)。每个班次每年服事两周,一周在前雨季(上半年),一周在后雨季(下半年)。The priests became to numerous to all serve at the Temple all the time, so they were divided into 24 courses (1Chron. 24). Each course served for two weeks each year, once in the former rain (first half of the year) and once in the latter rain (second half of the year). 还有三个星期是所有的祭司都被要求去服事,就是三个圣节期——除酵节、七七节、住棚节。24乘以2等于48,加上3等于51。51周等于357天,正好与360天月历年契合。There were also three weeks in which all the priests were required to serve, these were the three pilgrimage festivals (Dt. 16:16). 24 times 2 is 48 plus three is 51. 51 weeks is 357 days fitting nicely within the 360 day lunar year.

亚比雅班是第八个班次(历代志上24:10)在一年的前雨季的第十个星期服事(这是因为在逾越节和七七节(五旬节)所有祭司在一起服事。申命记16:16)。The course of Abijah is the eighth course (1Chron. 24:10) which serves the tenth week during the former rain portion of the year (this is because during Passover and Shavuot (Pentecost) all fo the priests serve together Dt. 16:16). 撒迦利亚在第十个星期亚比雅班次的服事期间,得到了他的异象(显然,他是在他的第一个班次服事期内,而非在他的第二个班次的服事期内,随着我们的研究,这将被显明)。Zechariah had his vision while serving in the course of Abijah in the tenth week (It will become apparent that he was serving his first course not his second as the timing will show as we progress). 因此撒迦利亚的异象发生在那一年的第十个星期(宗教年是从尼散月(Nisan)/亚笔月(Abib)的逾越节前14天左右开始的)。由于洁净的律法,在约翰(Yochanon)被受孕前,我们必须加上额外的两周Thus Zechariah's vision took place during the 10th week of the year (The religious year beginning at Nisan/Abib around 14 days before Passover). We must add two additional weeks before Yochanon (John) could be conceived, due to the purity laws

所以约翰(Yochanon)是在那年的第十二周被受孕的。他在40周之后,就是在那年的第52周(12+40=52),这就把我们带到了逾越节。因此约翰是出生在逾越节,根据犹太传统,恰是以利亚被认为会出现的时间。So Yochanon was concieved in the 12th week of the year. He was born about 40 weeks later during the 52nd week of the year (12 + 40 = 52) which brings us to Passover. Thus Yochanon was born at Passover, the very time that Elijah was, according to Jewish tradition, supposed to appear.

亚呼赎阿是在约翰受孕的6个月后(约第25周)被受孕的。这意味着亚呼赎阿是在第37周光明节前后受孕的。这将意味着世界的光是在光明节期间受的孕。YAHUSHUA was conceived 6 months (about 25 weeks) after Yochanon's conception. This means YAHUSHUA was conceived around the 37th week around Chanukah. This would mean the light of the world was conceived during the festival of lights.

亚呼赎阿在受孕40个星期之后出生(约第77周,第二年的第25周)这就把我们带到了秋季圣节期的时间(住棚节)。YAHUSHUA was born 40 weeks later (around week 77 that is week 25 of the following year) this brings us to the time of the fall feasts.

有几个关于亚呼赎阿出生在住棚节的线索: There are several clues that YAHUSHUA was born at Sukkot:

1.伯利恒“客满”。这不是由于发生在那年的人口普查时期所致。而是每个犹太人都被要求来耶路撒冷过住棚节。在耶路撒冷以及五英里之外的伯利恒都挤满了人。1. Bethleham was "booked solid." This would not have been due census which would have taken place over the period of a year. Every Jew was required to come to Jerusalem for Sukkot (Dt. 16:16) this would have over run Jerusalem as well as Bethleham just five miles away.

2.亚呼赎阿出生在一个马棚里。“马棚”在希伯来文里是“Sukkah”(创世记33:17)。所以亚呼赎阿很可能出生在一个棚子或亭子里。2. YAHUSHUA was born in a stable. The Hebrew word for "stable" is "sukkah" (as in Gen. 33:17) so it is likely that YAHUSHUA was born in a Sukkah/booth.

3.如果亚呼赎阿是在住棚节的第一天出生,那么祂会在“第八天的圣日”住棚节随后的一个节日受割礼。3. If YAHUSHUA was born on the first day of Sukkot then he would have been circumcised on the "eighth great day" a festival following Sukkot. 这天就是原本的西赫妥拉节“Simchat Torah”(欢庆律法节Rejoicing of the law),就是现在在拉比犹太教里接着要庆祝的日子。所以亚呼赎阿就在“妥拉节”那天缔结了盟约。This day was the original "Simchat Torah" (Rejoicing in the Torah) which is now held the following day in Rabbinic Judaism. So YAHUSHUA would have entered the covenant on the day of "rejoicing in the Torah."


4. When the angels appeared to the shepherds they made a statement which closely echos the ancient Sukkot liturgy "...behold, we have come to declare to you glad tidings of great joy." (Lk. 2:10-11)


5. Sukkot is symbolic of God dwelling in a "tabernacle" (body?) with us.

在马太福音2章7-8节和16节里,希律王杀死了所有两岁以及两岁以下的婴孩。事实是,他实行如此大规模的屠杀表明了他并不知道弥赛亚到底已经出生了多久。Now in Mt. 2:7-8, Herod kills all the children two and under. The fact that he killed such a wide range indicates that he did not know quite how long ago Messiah had been born. 亚呼赎阿在地上的父母带着祂逃到埃及,直到他们听到希律王死了。之后他们回到伯利恒,在玛利亚洁净期间,并且亚呼赎阿在出生40天后去圣殿奉献。(路加福音2章22-38节)。YAHUSHUA's parents fled to Egypt until they heard Herod was dead. They were back in Bethleham in time to perform Miriam's (Mary's) purification and YAHUSHUA's dedication on the 40th day after YAHUSHUA's birth (as required by Torah) (Luke 2:22-38).

在这时希律王必定死了,不然他们不会回到耶路撒冷的圣殿里。希律王必定在亚呼赎阿诞生的40天内死去,而祂在出生40天之后在圣殿奉献。By this time Herod had to be dead or they could not have come to the Temple in Jerusalem. Herod had to have died during the 40 days between YAHUSHUA's birth, and his dedication 40 days later. 已知希律王是在公元前4年的九月死亡。所以亚呼赎阿必须是在秋天出生(这指出如果撒迦利亚是在亚比雅班每年的第二个班次期间服侍的话,Herod is known to have died in September of 4 B.C.E. So YAHUSHUA had to have born in the fall (this rules out that Zechariah could have been serving during Abijah's second course of the year, 从那开始亚呼赎阿就会在春天诞生,那希律王在祂出生40天后的秋天死去就不合情理了。)这同样告诉我们,亚呼赎阿出生的年份是西元前4年。since that would place YAHUSHUA's birth in the Spring and not allow for Herod's death during the 40 days after his birth in the fall). This also tells us that the year of YAHUSHUA's birth was 4 B.C.E.

亚呼赎阿会怎么做…庆祝光明节还是圣诞节? What Would YAHUSHUA Do...Celebrate Chanukah (Hanukkah) or Xmas?

(为何在圣诞老人〔SANTA〕的名字里能拼写出撒但〔SATAN〕的名字?)(Why Would Satan Be Spelled Out In The Name of Santa?)

亚呼赎阿会要我们怎么做:跟他一样庆祝光明节还是庆祝圣诞节?What Would YAHUSHUA Want Us To Do, Celebrate Chanukah Like Him Or Xmas?

为何要庆祝光明节?什么是光明节?我对如何庆祝光明节的一些建议。Why Celebrate Chanukah? What Is Chanukah? My Ideas How To Celebrate Chanukah.

我们一直相信着一个大谎言,我们必须要悔改。谁在12月25日出生,为什么不是亚呼赎阿而是宁录?谁是宁录王及其母亲?什么是陀螺?为何光明节要玩陀螺?We Have Believed A Lie and Must Repent. Who Was Born On December 25 and Why It Wasn't YAHUSHUA but Nimrod?

Who Was King Nimrod and His Mother?

What Is A Dreidel? Why Is This Toy Used On Chanukah?

光明节的灯台 Oil Burning Menorah

当你在光明节使用灯台时要考虑用油而不是蜡烛。出于相同的理由要考虑使用油芯来迎接安息日。油代表如阿克.哈.古德西,而蜡烛的蜡却不行!WHEN YOU USE THE MENORAH FOR CHANUKAH consider USING OIL INSTEAD OF CANDLES. Also consider using oil wicks to welcome in the Shabbat for the same reasons. OIL represents the RUACH ha KODESH, not candle wax!

寻找灯油 Looking For Oil Menorah

要记住:5个聪明的处女带的是油灯而不是蜡烛。事实上,使用橄榄油会更好——因为在马加比一书、二书里发生的奇迹是橄榄油。很多犹太书店甚至都出售那些一套套装在一次性杯子里提前量好的油。Remember, the 5 wise virgins were not carrying candles but oil lamps. Actually, it is even better to use olive oil -- since the miracle of the Maccabees [Book 1 Book 2] occurred with olive oil. Many Jewish bookstores even sell kits of pre-measured oil portions in disposable cups.那些杯子可以被轻易地放进任何标准的灯台里。如果你找不到这些油,那就使用蜡烛,我可能也会被迫使用蜡烛。我们今天会出去看看,但在山区里找到这油的机会是微乎其微。 These cups can simply be placed in the candle holders of any standard menorah. If you can't find these, USE the candles, I may be forced to do the same. We are going out looking today but the chances of finding this in the mountains are slim.

圣经译本 Bible Translations

当我学习其它译本的圣经并拿它们跟英王钦定版圣经(KJV)做比较时,我的灵里感到了一种忧伤。一直以来我都是依赖英王钦定版圣经来寻求真理,它也确实包含真理,但为什么有些经书被故意从英王钦定版圣经里删除了呢?I have a grieving in my spirit as I study and compare other translations to the King James Bible. I have always relied on this version for the truth and it does contain the truth but why were books purposely omitted from the KJV Bible?

比如,在《新耶路撒冷圣经》里你会读到那些遗失的《诗篇》、《马加比书》以及《犹滴传》,只是举些例子。For instance in the New Jerusalem Bible you will read the missing Psalms as well as read the book of Maccabees and Judith, to just name a few. 事实上是希腊人,也就是被称之为的罗马人,折磨我们的弥赛亚亚呼赎阿,亦被称为耶稣基督,并把他钉十字架。Isn't it ironic that the Greeks who are also called Romans were the ones that actually crucified and tortured our Messiah YAHUSHUA also called by the name JESUS CHRIST.是希腊人企图夺走犹太人敬拜神的自由;现在我们却依赖英王钦定版圣经来教导我们关于犹太人的真理,当然还有关于亚呼赎阿是谁的真理。这是不是很讽刺呢? It is the Greeks that tried to take the Jewish peoples freedom of worship away. Now we rely on King James to teach us the truth about the Jewish people and of course who YAHUSHUA is. 詹姆斯国王拒绝将一些经书比如以诺书放进英王钦定版圣经里的事,是已被证实了的。It is proven King James refused to allow some books like Enoch in the KJV bible.

当我思考并好奇为什么詹姆斯国王要故意审查圣经里的先知们时,我听到圣灵对我说,“圣经的名字是什么?”When I was pondering about this and wondering on why King James would purposely censor the prophets of the Bible, I heard the HOLY SPIRIT say to me "What is the name of this Bible?"我大声说因为我知道我会得到一个新启示...在2002年11月19日,名字是“詹姆斯国王”的启示突然临到了我! I said aloud for I knew I was getting a new revelation..."King James!" On November 19, 2002 all of a sudden it hit me! 胆大妄为的詹姆斯国王以他自己的名字为圣经命名,他自己只是一个人,而且还是一个也许靠着恩典得救或者根本没有得救的罪人!成了肉身的道永远不应该被放进一本以人的名字命名的书里!The audacity of King James to name a bible after himself, a mere man and a sinner who may or may not have been saved by grace! The word that was made flesh should never have been enclosed by a book with a mans name on it!

有多少圣经的封面是黑色的?这一点总是让我里面的如阿克忧伤因为神圣的经文里没有黑暗。我好奇詹姆斯国王会不会在审判日因为去掉那些没被包括的经书以及我们的造物主和弥赛亚的圣名而付出代价。How many bibles have covers that are black. This has always grieved the Ruach in me for there is no darkness to the Holy Scriptures. I wonder if King James will pay a price on Judgment day for omitting the missing books and sacred names of our Creator and Messiah.我鼓励你们去阅读那些没被包含在英王钦定版圣经里的经书,并问问为什么它们没有被包含在里面。我也才刚刚开始阅读那些经书。 I encourage you to read the missing books of King James and ask why they were not included. I have only just begun.

我鼓励你们去学习从希伯来文或亚兰文翻译过来的圣经。在以色列,特别是亚呼赎阿. 哈. 玛西阿克也都说这些语言。I encourage you to study Hebrew translations and Aramaic for these were the languages spoken in Israel and especially by YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. 亚呼赎阿是一个犹太人,为什么他会在耶路撒冷或以色列说希腊文呢?为什么詹姆斯国王把耶稣这个希腊名字给了一个希伯来婴孩呢?YAHUSHUA is a JEW why would HE have spoken Greek in Jerusalem or Israel? Why did King James give a Greek name of JESUS to a Hebrew baby?事实上在英王钦定版圣经里的名字是以马内利,其意思是神(亚哈威)与我们同在。有没有其他人想过那个名字是怎么变为耶稣或耶稣基督的呢?The actual name given in the bible of KJV is Immanuel which means God (YAHUVEH) is with us. Has anyone else pondered how that name got changed to JESUS or JESUS CHRIST?我知道基督的意思是受膏者,但那个对我而言仍无法解释为什么詹姆斯国王要在他的译文中将以马内利的名字改为耶稣或耶稣基督。 I know CHRIST means anointed but that still doesn't explain to me why King James did this in his translation.

希伯来文圣名被移除 Sacred Names Removed

而且为什么那些翻译者们被命令要移除亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的希伯来文圣名呢?在圣经里有很多次提到了“那些呼求我名的人”,然而英王钦定版圣经却将希伯来文圣名移除7,000次,用通用的名字比如“主”和“神”替代那些希伯来文圣名。Also why were the transcribers ordered to remove the sacred names of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA? How many times does it say in the Bible "those who are called by my name" and yet KJV has taken the sacred names out of the bible 7,000 times and replaced them with generic words like Lord and God. 不要以为《新国际版NIV》的圣经是可以接受的,因为在它里面被更改的内容比英王钦定版圣经更多。Please don't think the NIV is acceptable for it has been more altered than the KJV. 是否有其他人问过为什么撒拉称亚伯拉罕为“主”呢?“主”这个字对我而言意味着在所有的事上有绝对的权利,我唯一的主和救主的名字是亚呼赎阿,意味着亚拯救或亚哈威拯救!Has anyone else ever questioned why would Sarah call Abraham lord? The word Lord to me means ownership having full rights in all ways that's my only Lord and SAVIOUR who's name is YAHUSHUA which means YAH SAVES or YAHUVEH saves!在亚呼赎阿的希伯来文圣名里甚至都有救赎和拯救的权柄,我们天父亚哈威的名字“亚”在亚呼赎阿的名字里。那就是为何亚呼赎阿教导:父在我里面,我们合而为一。 The saving and delivering power is even in his Hebrew name and the name YAH, the name of our Heavenly Father YAHUVEH is in YAHUSHUA'S name. That is why YAHUSHUA taught, The father is in me and we are one.

好了,现在我已经完成了。我唯一祈求亚哈威的一件事就是不要让我去教导别人,因那些人会曲解我所说出的话的或者是我及这个事工的仇敌们,会诋毁我并捏造各种谎言。Well now I have done it, the very thing I asked YAHUVEH not to have me teach the people, for those that will misinterpret what I am saying, or the enemies of mine and this ministry will slander me and tell all manner of lies. 事实再次证明了我是在如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏下说出并教导亚哈威要我说的话语,即使那意味着会有更多的仇敌们前来。我必须记住争战属于亚呼赎阿而不属于我!Proof again that I speak and teach what YAHUVEH tells me to say under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH even if it means more enemies will come. I must remember the battle is YAHUSHUA'S not mine!我的职份是使徒,那涵括所有五重职事包括教师,现在我必须教导你们真理,怎么对待真理完全取决于你们自己。不能因为你不喜欢真理就意味着那就不是真理。 I have the office of an Apostle and that encompasses all 5 fold offices including teacher and now I must teach you the truth, what you do with it is up to you. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true.

使用英王钦定版圣经(KJV) Use the KJV

在我收到邮件的猛攻之前,让我先回答这个问题,“我是否使用英王钦定版圣经?”我的答复是——用!Before I get an onslaught of email let me answer the question," Do I use the KJV" and the answer is yes. 我确实使用英王钦定版圣经,但我也把它跟其它译本比较,那些译本不仅仅是从希腊文翻译成英文,而且还从希伯来文和亚兰文翻译成英文。I do use the KJV but I also compare it with other translations that have not only the Greek but Hebrew and Aramaic that are translated in English.如果有人能告诉我从哪里可以找到一本研读圣经,里面用大字印着所有这些来自希腊文、希伯来文和亚兰文的译本,我就会认为这是来自天国的礼物!If anyone can tell me where I can find a Study Bible in large print with all of these translations I would consider this a gift from Heaven! 如果有人想要把这样的圣经作为礼物送给我,我会好好珍藏它,还要用它来按着正意分解真理的道,用它来教导别人。If anyone wants to give me this as a gift I would treasure it and use it to not only study and show myself approved but to teach others.我没有想着要写这些,但因为我是在如阿克. 哈. 古德西的恩膏下书写,真理再次出现了。请记住我只是一位把讯息传递给你们的使女。  I had no intentions of writing any of this, but since I am writing under the anointing of the Ruach ha Kodesh the truth is out once again. Please just remember I am just the handmaiden bringing you the message.

亚呼赎阿想让我们做什么:像他一样庆祝光明节还是庆祝圣诞节?What Would YAHUSHUA Want Us To Do, Celebrate Chanukah Like Him Or Xmas?

阅读这篇文章,让真理使你们得到释放!你们当中许多人已写信问我,“如果我们都要庆祝圣诞节了,你会什么时候写教导?”Read this and let the truth set you free! Many of you have written and asked me when I would be writing if we are to celebrate Xmas.我一直在尽可能地拖延,知道这件事甚至都会让我们的事工伙伴感到十分气愤。我不会对你们撒谎,这件事也让我感到不开心,因为我也怀念以前圣诞节的传统习俗。 I have stalled as long as I can knowing how angry this would make even our partners. I will not lie to you this isn't pleasant for me either for I also miss the old Xmas customs.

2002年11月21日凌晨四点,恩膏临到了我身上,我有一种出乎意料的平安。现在我可以自由跟你们分享并教导你们我所学到的。On November 21, 2002 at 4:00 a.m., the anointing hit me and a peace that passes all understanding came upon me. NOW I am free to share with you and teach you what I have learned.在你读完这篇教导后,如果你仍然爱我的话,能否请你给我发封邮件?送我一张光明节快乐的电子贺卡如何?如果你想邮寄一封信给我,我会理解它迟来的原因。 If you still love me after you read this will you please drop me an email ? How about a Happy Chanukah email card? If you want to send a letter by postal I will understand when its late.

你仍然可以赠送礼物 You Can Still Give Presents

要欢喜快乐!因为亚哈威是我们的供应者,祂会在亚呼赎阿的圣名里赐下所有的祝福。Rejoice for YAHUVEH is our provider and the one whom all blessings flow in the Name of YAHUSHUA. 我现在可以听到一些唉声叹气。我知道那些听到了亚哈威和亚呼赎阿声音以及如阿克.哈.古德西恩膏的人、还有我们亲爱的事工伙伴们会服从亚。但他们会说,“我们给孩子们和其他人买的圣诞礼物该怎么办呢?”有好消息!I can hear the groans now, for I know those that hear the voice of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH and our beloved partners will obey, but they will say "What about all the Christmas gifts we bought the kids and others?" Here is the good news! 在光明节的时候把礼物给他们,教导他们光明节的真实故事!相对只能准备圣诞晚餐而言,你可以有八天的时间去计划举办宴会或派对!Give the presents to them on Chanukah and teach others the true story of Chanukah! You have 8 days to plan, instead of one Christmas dinner have a CHANUKAH feast or a Party!

我们亲爱的这个事工的朋友们,如果你们想送给我们圣诞礼物,我知道这个通知会很仓促,但是送我们光明节的礼物如何呢?既然我给你们的通知很晚,礼物即使在光明节时没有被送到也没有关系,我们会因此而知道那是光明节的礼物。For our beloved friends of this ministry who want to send us Xmas gifts I know its short notice but how about CHANUKAH gifts? Since I am giving you late notice it doesn't matter if it doesn't arrive on CHANUKAH just so we know you meant it for that day. 做为我们送给你们的光明节礼物,我们会在接下来的日子里张贴更多关于怎么庆祝光明节的教导。We will be posting more on how to celebrate CHANUKAH in the coming days ahead as our CHANUKAH present to you.

还有一件事情,我的儿子在他的床上早就挂了所谓的圣诞节的灯,但我们叫它光明节的灯。猜猜怎样?它们能亮整整一年!这灯提醒我们谁是这个世界上最美丽的指引明灯。亚呼赎阿是祂的名字。One thing more my son already has what is called Xmas lights up in his bedroom but we call them CHANUKAH lights and guess what they stay up ALL year long! The lights remind us who is the most beautiful guiding light in the world. YAHUSHUA is his name!因为光明节是一个灯/光的节日,我们就用灯来装饰。如果世人称它们为圣诞节的灯,我也毫无办法,但我们称它们为光明节的灯!因此,你们那些同样想要用灯装饰的人,尽管自由地用彩灯和犹太饰品去装饰。 Since this is the festival of lights we decorate with lights! Now I can't help it if the world calls them Xmas lights, we call them CHANUKAH lights! So those of you who want to do the same feel free and decorate with colorful lights and Jewish decorations.

不要播放圣诞节的歌曲例如:“红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫”,“铃儿响叮当”,“圣诞老人进城来”,等等,取而代之,要播放犹太弥赛亚的歌曲,以及基督教节日的歌曲以荣耀亚哈威以及亚呼赎阿!Instead of playing Xmas music like 'Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer,' 'Jingle Bells,' or 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town,' etc., play Messianic Jewish music and Christian Holiday music glorifying YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! 在自己家里熬鸡汤,买或做些土豆煎饼,在上面加些优酪乳油、苹果酱或黄油。好吃!早点准备好那顿特殊的圣诞晚餐,邀请亲戚们来庆祝光明节!Make that homemade chicken soup and buy or make potato pancakes topped with sour cream, apple sauce or butter. YUM! Fix that special Christmas dinner early and invite the relatives for CHANUKAH!

告诉他们提早来领取他们的礼物,如果你们想交换礼物的话。只是让他们知道你不再参加圣诞节的活动,让他们知道你发现了圣诞节跟亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克一点关系也没有,也不是祂的生日!Tell them to come get their presents early if you want to exchange gifts. Just let them know you no longer take part in XMAS for you found out that it has nothing to do with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH for that is not his birthday!宁录王在地狱,现在所庆祝的圣诞节是他的生日,宁录王是马槽里的婴儿!哎呦,这确实很痛心,但是我会向你证实是真的。 King Nimrod is in hell and that is who's birthday that is really being celebrated, King Nimrod is the babe in the manger! OUCH, that hurts but I will prove to you its true.

我最近跟一位正统的犹太男士谈了话,因为一个生命被拯救的奇迹,他的母亲在肖恩出生后的几天将她的生命献给了亚呼赎阿。你稍后会读到他很简短的见证。肖恩教导我,我们确实应该在安息日里点燃油灯而不是蜡烛。I spoke with a man recently that was born an orthodox Jew but because of a life saving miracle his mother gave her life to YAHUSHUA days after Sean's birth. You will read his testimony very shortly. Sean taught me we really should be lighting oil lamps not candles on Shabbat. 油代表如哈克.哈.古德西,那蜡烛代表什么呢?我开始思考那10位处女,以及她们如何在她们的油灯里预备了油,虽然有5位处女的油用光了并错过了到来的新郎。The Oil represents the RUACH ha KODESH, what does the wax of a candle represent? I got to thinking about the 10 virgins and how they had OIL in their lamps although 5 ran out of oil and missed the coming of the bridegroom.

我们不会再庆祝圣诞节,但是我们会庆祝光明节,当我们点燃第一个光明节的蜡烛〔shamash〕时,把剩下的也点燃,它提醒我们亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克应该是照亮我们道路的唯一指引明灯。光明节的故事应该告诉要孩子们,要在圣诞节之前。We will not be celebrating Xmas but we do celebrate Chanukah and when we light that first candle [Shamish] that lights the rest what it reminds us should be how YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is the only guiding light that lights our path. The Chanukah story should be told to the Children not 'Twas The Night Before Xmas.'

要停止对你的孩子们说谎 Stop Telling Lies To Your Children

父母们,当你们的孩子们发现根本就没有圣诞老人时,你们在教导他们不信任你们!我的儿子在十岁时就察觉到了,他从他口里说出来的第一句话是:Parents you are teaching your children to distrust you when they find out there is no Santa Claus! My son found out at the age of 10 and the first words out of his mouth was,

“妈,你是个先知,你对我撒谎!”那是我告诉我儿子的第一个谎言,我们当中很多人都被孩子们揭穿了那个谎言。这些是我唯一告诉我孩子们的谎言并且我们当中很多人都被孩子们揭穿了。"Mom you're a prophet and you lied to me!" That was my first lie I told my children and from there how many of us were exposed. These are the only lies I told my children and how many of us are exposed. 然后他说的下一句话也是正确的。“我想应该也没有复活节兔子或者牙仙”?(我的儿子很快就18岁了,他从来就没有忘记那天。)And the next words he said rang true."I suppose there is no Easter bunny either or tooth fairy"? (My son will shortly be turning 18 and he has not forgotten that day.) 哎呦,很让人伤痛。父母们,我知道在我向亚呼赎阿请求宽恕的时候,这罪已经被亚呼赎阿的宝血洗净了。但是很悲伤的是,因为我们跟从异教的习俗并因为这样做而落入了撒但的陷阱。OUCH, that hurts. Parents, I know this sin is washed away with the shed blood of YAHUSHUA for I have asked for forgiveness but how sad for we followed the customs of the heathens and fell into the trap of satan by doing so.父母们,我们所看到的是一个无伤大雅的谎言,相信我,它不是无害的。孩子们永远也忘不了这事。 Parents, what we see as a harmless lie, trust me, it is NOT harmless. The child will never forget this.

我儿子说的最后一件事重重地伤到了我,“我想也许上帝也不是真的?”“当然,亚哈威和亚呼赎阿是真的!”我说!他看着我说:“我知道,妈妈,但你在那些年里说的关于圣诞老人的谎言,别人的父母也在做同样的事情。”The last thing my son said to me hurt so bad. "I suppose God isn't real either?" "Of course YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA are real," I said! He looked at me and said "I know that mom, but you lied all those years about Santa Claus and the other parents are doing the same." 接着我们的儿子得到了一个启示,他说圣诞老人(santa claus)是“撒但的魔爪satan's claws”!从这个男孩先知以利亚的婴孩口中说出的是真理!我们中有多少人通过对这些信任我们的无辜孩子们说这些谎言而让撒但的爪子进入我们当中?Then our son had a revelation, he said Santa Claus is "satan's claws"! Out of the mouth of babes this prophet boy Elijah spoke the truth! How many of us have satan's claws in us by speaking these lies to innocent children that trust us?

我知道我曾说神亚哈威让祂最好的礼物亚呼赎阿来到地上成为我们的救主,所以现在亚呼赎阿派圣诞老人去给他们送礼物。这是一个多大的谎言!我对我自己感到非常羞愧,但是我也感激自己得到了亚呼赎阿的饶恕。I know I used to say God YAHUVEH gave his best gift YAHUSHUA to come to earth to be our Saviour and so now YAHUSHUA sends Santa Claus to bring them gifts. What a lie! I am so ashamed of myself but grateful I am forgiven.

光明节的故事是有圣经依据的 The Chanukah Story Is Biblical

这不是谎言!这个故事是讲希腊人强迫犹太人去顺从他们的习俗。希腊人禁止他们在安息日里自由敬拜。It is not a lie! It is a story of how the Greeks forced the Jews to conform to their ways. The Greeks forbid them their freedom of worshipping on the Shabbat.希腊人禁止他们学习并阅读妥拉律法。希腊人玷污了神的圣殿。他们用猪献祭,如此就玷污了圣殿,并嘲笑一切圣洁。因为依据经文,猪是不洁净的动物。 The Greeks forbid them to study and read the Torah. The Greeks defiled the Temple by sacrificing a pig thus defiling the Temple and mocking all that is holy, for that is an unclean animal according to the scriptures.

当犹太人能夺回他们在圣殿敬拜神的自由时,在圣殿里他们有的只是够油灯燃烧一天的油,他们没有时间去制作更多的油。When the Jews were able to get back their freedom to worship in the temple they only had enough oil to light the oil lamp for one day in the Temple, they had no time to make more oil. 奇迹出现了,亚哈威让那油成倍增加,让灯燃烧了八天而不是一天!亚哈威是我们的供应者,当我们在祂的儿子亚呼赎阿的公义中行走时,祂为我们所做的会远远超乎我们的想像!The miracle is YAHUVEH multiplied that oil to last for 8 days instead of 1 day! YAHUVEH is our provider and how much more will He do for us when we come to Him in the righteousness of his Son YAHUSHUA!

请从今年开始就考虑庆祝光明节,避开异教的谎言。亚呼赎阿不是在12月25日出生,因为牧羊人不会在冬天牧养他们的羊群!亚呼赎阿在被称为住棚节的节日里出生,馬廄是个单坡棚。Please consider celebrating Chanukah this year and shun the pagan lies. YAHUSHUA was not born on Dec. 25 for the shepherds would not be tending their flocks in the winter! YAHUSHUA was born on what is called Sukkot and the manger was a Lean-to. 为何要在一个错误的日期庆祝祂的生日呢?当你在庆祝时,你是在庆祝宁录的生日!其他人称他为王。基督徒被诡计哄骗,相信并推销这个谎言。Why celebrate His birthday on the wrong day? When you do this you are celebrating Nimrods birthday! One who others called a king. Christians have been tricked into believing and promoting a lie.

《耶利米书》中说到,就算是装饰树木也是禁止的。我们将张贴关于此事的更多证明。现在请欢喜快乐并和我们一起庆祝光明节!Even the trimming of the tree is forbidden in Jeremiah. We will be posting more proof of this. For now please rejoice and celebrate Chanukah with us! 是的,你甚至可以交换礼物,只要记得你这样做是在纪念亚哈威给犹太人的礼物——那一天他倍增了油。Yes you can even exchange presents as long as you remember your doing this in remembrance of the gift YAHUVEH gave the Jews that day as he multiplied the Oil. 愿如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏在每个庆祝光明节的人成倍增长,并激起你们里面的恩膏。愿亚哈威在申命记28章赐给顺服之人的祝福临到你们并成倍增长。May the RUACH ha KODESH anointing be multiplied and stirred up within each of you who celebrate Chuanukah. May the blessings of YAHUVEH in Deut. 28 for those that obey be yours and multiplied.

如果可能的话,在灯台中使用油而不是蜡烛,在迎接安息日时也要这样做!要想从橄榄中提取最好的油,必须要用力压榨它。所以同样的,犹太人在他们承受压力时才展现他们最好的一面。Use Oil not Candles in the Menorah if at all possible and for welcoming in the Shabbat! To get the finest oil from an olive, you've got to press it very hard. So too, the Jewish people are at their best when they are under pressure.我承认彩色的小蜡烛有时是美丽的,但是按照经文,使用彩色蜡烛是不正确的。橄榄油才是被采用的燃料。 I admit there is something pretty about the tiny colored candles, However colored candles are not scripturally correct. Olive oil was the fuel that was used.

光明节灯油的奇迹 The Miracle Of The Menorah Oil

在耶路撒冷原本的灯台上用的是橄榄油,因为它能产生一种美丽的火焰,橄榄油是光明节灯台的最佳选择。Olive Oil was used in the original Menorah in Jerusalem because it produces a beautiful flame, olive oil is the best choice for the Chanukah menorah. 我们被命令要记住这个奇迹——当犹太人从希腊人手中夺回圣殿后,他们做的第一件事就是点亮金灯台。他们的油只够燃烧一天,新的油要用七天的时间才能准备好。We are commanded to remember this miracle when the Jews recaptured the Holy Temple from the Greeks, the first thing they did was light the golden Menorah. They had only enough oil to last for one day, and new oil would take seven days to prepare.

但是奇迹发生了。灯台的灯油持续燃烧了八天而不是一天。如今,我们点亮我们的光明节灯台8天来回忆这个奇迹,并记住亚呼赎阿是从天国送来的永恒的光以照亮我们的道路。But a miracle happened. Instead of burning for one day, the Menorah stayed lit for eight days. Today we light our menorahs for eight days to recall this miracle and to remember that YAHUSHUA represents the eternal light that was sent from Heaven to light our path. 我们也要记住,通过亚呼赎阿的圣名,在祂丰盛的荣耀里会供应我们一切的所需。我们将像古时那样被保护、被祝福,战胜所有亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的仇敌...如果我们有信心相信的话。Also we remember that through YAHUSHUA'S name all of our needs will be supplied according to His riches in glory. We will be protected and are blessed as in the days of old, having Victory over all of YAHUVEH'S and YAHUSHUA'S enemies...if we can have faith to believe.

来自仇敌的恶意攻击 Vicious Attacks From The Enemy

这事工、我以及我们的网站管理员都遭到来自我们仇敌的恶意攻击。攻击这个事工的原因是:它代表着圣洁并且顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿。This ministry, have come under vicious attacks from our enemies. Attacking this ministry, for it stands for holiness and obedience to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. 我们相信我们会在这次光明节得着全面的胜利,正如在敌人把猪放在祭坛上玷污圣殿的马加比时代,祂给了马加比胜利一样。We are believing for TOTAL VICTORY during this time of Hanukkah, just as surely as He gave victory to the Maccabees during the time the enemies defiled the temple and put a pig on the alter. 今天,2005年11月27日,我在恩膏下祷告时,亚哈威通过我说出了话语。Today, on November 27th, 2005, YAHUVEH spoke forth a word through me during an anointed prayer.

仇敌企图再次玷污这事工。阅读马加比书,有关在祭坛上献了一头猪的部分。仇敌差遣了第一头“猪”塔莉.德玛理奥做这事抵挡这事工。其他跟随而来的,也企图做同样的事情。The enemy seeks to defile this ministry again. Read Maccabees about the descrecation of the altar with a pig. He sent the first 'swine' to do this against this Ministry, Tari DeMario. The rest followed, attempting to do the same. 亚哈威揭露了他们,因为他们就是猪。就像那些不洁净的动物,他们吃垃圾(错误的教义),并以谎言和亵渎的形式吐出来。亚哈威不久将永远缄默他们,使他们永远从空气中消失。YAHUVEH is exposing them for the swine they are. Just like those filthy animals, they eat garbage (false doctrine) and spew it out in the form of lies and blasphemies. YAHUVEH will soon silence them once and for all and take them off the air permanently.

犹太人的起义 Revolt Of The Jews

希伯来文Chanukah(哈努卡)的意思是“奉献”。在公元前2世纪,希腊安提阿哥的叙利亚—希腊政权企图把犹太人从犹太教中拿走,并希望将他们同化到希腊神话和希腊文化中。The Hebrew word Chanukah means "dedication". In the 2nd century B.C. the Syrian-Greek regime of Antiochus (pictured) sought to pull Jews away from Judaism, with the hopes of assimilating them into Hellenism and Greek culture. 安提阿哥立法禁止犹太人遵行其各种习俗,包括学习妥拉律法,以此开始削弱犹太人的生活和行为的奠基。Antiochus outlawed aspects of Jewish observance, including the study of the Torah which began to decay the foundation of Jewish life and practice. 在此期间,许多犹太人开始被希腊文化同化,使用希腊名字,与非犹太人联姻,并遵守和保持异教徒的风俗习惯。During this period, many of the Jews began to assimilate into Greek culture, taking on Greek names and marrying non-Jews also observing and keeping the pagan customs.

在这样的形势下,一群犹太定居者采取住在犹太山区的方式,公开反抗这种对犹太人生活方式的威胁。由玛他提亚胡领导,之后由他的儿子犹大马加比(铁锤、锤子),这一小群虔诚的犹太人领导了反抗叙利亚军队的游击战。In response, a band of Jewish settlers took to the hills of Judea in open revolt against this threat to Jewish life. Led by Matitiyahu, and later his son Judah the Maccabee ("The Hammer"), this small band of pious Jews led guerrilla warfare against the Syrian army. 安提阿哥派遣了数千名全副武装的部队去镇压叛乱,但马加比们成功地把外邦人从他们的土地上赶了出去。Antiochus sent thousands of well armed troops to crush the rebellion but the Maccabees succeeded in driving the foreigners from their land.

犹太战士们在公元前164年12月进入了耶路撒冷。圣殿里一团糟,遭到了外邦士兵们的玷污和亵渎。他们洁净了圣殿,并在犹太基斯流月(Kislev)的第25天开始重新奉献。Jewish fighters entered Jerusalem in December, 164 B.C. The Holy Temple was in shambles, defiled and desecrated by foreign soldiers. They cleansed the Temple and re-dedicated it on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev. 当到了重新点燃灯台的时候,他们搜寻了整个圣殿,但发现只有一小瓶灯油完好地盖着大祭司的纯净封印。神奇的是,这一小瓶灯油燃烧了整整8天,直到新补给的油被带来。When it came time to relight the Menorah, they searched the entire Temple, but only one small jar of oil bearing the pure seal of the High Priest could be found. Miraculously, the small jar of oil burned for eight days, until a new supply of oil could be brought.

从那以来,犹太人一直庆祝8天,纪念这历史性的胜利和灯油的奇迹。From then on, Jews have observed a holiday for eight days in honor of this historic victory and the miracle of the oil. 如今,庆祝光明节最重要的部份是点燃特制的光明节灯台,用中间的(Shamish)的蜡烛点燃所有8盏蜡烛,每天晚上多点燃一盏蜡烛。Today, the observance of Chanukah features the lighting of a special Chanukah menorah with eight branches plus the Shamish [center] candle used to light them all, adding one new candle each night. 其他的习俗包括转陀螺(在各个面上有希伯来字母),吃油炸的食物比如土豆饼(煎饼)和sufganiyot(内夹果酱的甜甜圈),以及给孩子们光明节硬币(gelt) 。圣诞节只有一天,但光明节的庆祝则持续8天!Other customs include spinning the dreidel (a top with Hebrew letters on the sides), eating "oily" foods like potato latkes (pancakes) and sufganiyot (jelly donuts), and giving Chanukah gelt (coins) to children. Christmas is only one day but Chanukah the celebration goes on for 8 days!

圣诞节不是基督徒的节日 Christmas Is Not A Christian Holiday

要求我们这些敬拜亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的信徒家长们向这个世界教导真理并从外邦异教仪式中逃离,是否真地太过于苛刻呢?Is it really too much to ask for us as parents and worshippers of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA to teach this world the truth and flee from the pagan rituals of the heathen?外邦人教导我们说圣诞节是荣耀亚呼赎阿我们的主耶稣基督,而那些基督徒唱的圣诞节歌曲里,又有多少歌里真的有耶稣的名字呢? The heathen taught us that Xmas was honoring YAHUSHUA our Lord JESUS CHRIST when really how many of those Christian songs sung at Christmas even have the name of JESUS in it?

当圣诞节拿走了CHRIST (基督)的名,而以XMAS的方式开始被写下时,我开始感到了如阿克.哈.古德西(也被称作圣灵)的哀伤!I started feeling the grieving of the RUACH ha KODESH also called the HOLY SPIRIT when XMAS started being written and taking out the name of CHRIST in CHRISTMAS!当我读了我是如何——通过在一棵砍伐的树上装饰金银来模仿异教的习俗时,我再次感到羞愧。我知道我已经被饶恕,所以你也将会被饶恕。如果你读了以下的文章并悔改,就像我做的那样。不要效法异教徒的方式。 When I read how I had copied the heathens customs by decorating a tree with gold and silver that was cut down, again I felt shame. I know I am forgiven and so will you be, IF you read the below and repent as I have done. Follow not the ways of the heathen!

我也曾爱过圣诞节(Xmas),我一直在与放弃12月25日作斗争,但我知道什么是正确的,我也知道什么是错误的。现在也要对你现在知道的事和正在读的内容负上责任。I also loved Xmas, but now I know what is right and I know what is wrong. Now you also are held accountable for what you now know and read.

我们怎么还能再否认这事呢,因为耶利米已经在经文中警告过我们了。How can we deny this any longer for Jeremiah warned us in the scriptures.

警告反对敬拜偶像 Warning Against Idol Worship


以色列家啊,要听亚哈威对你们所说的话。亚哈威如此说:“你们不要效法列国的行为,也不要为天象惊惶。1 HEAR THE word which the Lord speaks to you, O house of Israel.2 Thus says the Lord: Learn not the way of the [heathen] nations and be not dismayed at the signs of the heavens, though they are dismayed at them,众民的风俗是虚空的,他们在树林中用斧子砍伐一棵树,匠人用手工造成偶像。3 For the customs and ordinances of the peoples are false, empty, and futile; it is but a tree which one cuts out of the forest [to make for himself a god], the work of the hands of the craftsman with the ax or other tool.

他们用金银装饰它,用钉子和锤子钉稳,使它不动摇。4 They deck [the idol] with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers so it will not fall apart or move around.

它好像棕树,是旋成的,不能说话,不能行走,必须有人抬着。你们不要怕它,它不能降祸,也无力降福。”5 [Their idols] are like pillars of turned work [as upright and stationary and immobile as a palm tree], like scarecrows in a cucumber field; they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it possible for them to do good [and it is not in them].

好了,我亲爱的在亚呼赎阿里的弟兄姐妹们,让我们再次研读以上的经文。Ok my beloved sisters and brothers in YAHUSHUA lets take the verses one at a time above.

1.这些都是给以色列家的话,我们就是以色列家。因为我们属于亚呼赎阿并且被嫁接到祂的葡萄树上的枝子。1. These are the words for the house of Israel and WE are the house of Israel for we belong to YAHUSHUA and are grafted into the branch as his vines.

2.不要效仿外邦的方式!哎呀!没有人能说我们是从如阿克.哈.古德西(也被称为圣灵)那里学到圣诞老人的,现在我们还能说吗?我们不能说这是有圣经依据的,或者这是在妥拉或是在塔纳赫里的,现在我们还能说吗?2. LEARN not the ways of the heathen! OUCH! none of us can say we learned about Santa Claus from the RUACH ha KODESH also called the HOLY SPIRIT now can we? We can't say this is biblical or in the Torah or Tanakh now can we? 在神圣经文中,哪里有说过亚呼赎阿的生日是12月25日?没有,因为不是那天!Where does it say the date of YAHUSHUA'S birthday was December 25 in the Holy scriptures? It doesn't because it is not there. 我们曾经一度相信并宣传这个谎言!撒但是谎言之父,所以要悔改,像我所做的那样,从宣传或参与这谎言中转离,不要再宣传或参与这谎言,为了你们灵魂的缘故!We have believed and promoted a lie! Satan is the father of liars so REPENT as I have done and turn away from promoting or taking part in this lie anymore for your souls sake!

圣诞树的问题在哪里? What's Wrong With A Christmas Tree?

3.我曾经和我的孩子们一起去让他们挑选圣诞树,难道你们不也是那样做的吗?我不认为它是一位神,但因其以金银装饰、特别是将金银箔挂在圣诞树上时的美丽而感到骄傲。3. I use to go and let my kids pick out the Christmas tree, haven't you also done that? I didn't think it was a god but took pride in its beauty as it was all decked out in gold and silver ornaments especially the gold and silver tinsel on the Christmas tree. 我们中有多少人还把天使放在树顶上?我们认为这代表圣洁的天使,对吗?但事实是,当我们这样做时,我们是在跟从异教徒的习俗,我们在讨撒但的喜悦,而它曾是最美丽的天使!How many of us put an angel atop the tree? We thought it meant the Holy angels right? But the truth is when we do this and we are following a heathen custom we were pleasing satan who once was the most beautiful angel of all! 最糟的是,就在我们砍下这棵树时,我们便在慢慢弄死这棵树,虽然我们试图把它放在装满水的盆子里让它保持活力,但我们知道它正在慢慢死亡。Worst of all we slowly killed the tree the minute we had it cut down although we tried to keep it alive with water in the pot knowing it was dying.

好,你或许会说你用的是人造树,所以你没有弄死树木。让我们一起来探讨,因为我也这么做过,除了可以赤脚踩在(人造树的)松针上或把其松针扫起来的痛苦不等同于松树的味道之外,现在还有什么不同呢?Ok, you may say you used an artificial tree so your not killing a tree. Lets examine this for I did the same thing, besides the stepping on the pine needles in bare feet or the pain of sweeping them up wasn't worth the pine smell, now was it?为什么撒但要我们砍伐一棵活树呢?谁是生命树?为什么亚呼赎阿是树枝,而我们是葡萄呢,对吗?亚呼赎阿被钉在什么上面,是一棵树!Why would satan have us cut down a live tree? Who is the tree of Life? Why YAHUSHUA is the branch of the tree and we are the vines right? What was YAHUSHUA crucified on, a tree! 为什么撒但要我们装饰一棵象征着十字架的树,而我们挚爱的弥赛亚被挂在这十字架上,被折磨并死在十字架上?噢,当我们这么做并且不知道什么是更好的时候,我们是如此令亚哈威和亚呼赎阿哀伤! Why would satan want us to decorate a tree that symbolizes the cross our beloved Messiah hung on, was tortured on and died on ? Oh how we grieve YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA when we did these things and did not know better.

4.还记得那个绿色或红色的圣诞树底座支柱吗?你们当中多少人有着同样的圣诞树底座支柱呢?我们不必用钉子把树固定,我们用螺丝把树固定,这样它就不会倒下,它会站着死去,是吗?我们不想让圣诞树移动,对吗?4. Remember that green or red tree stand? How many of you have the same tree stand? We don't have to fasten the tree down with nails, we use the bolt to screw the tree so it won't topple and it will die standing up straight, right? We don't want the Christmas tree to move, do we?尤其是当我们的孩子们在12月25日宁禄生日那天,兴奋贪婪地抓取他们的圣诞礼物的时候!你问谁是宁禄?我待会儿给你答案。Especially when our children greedily grab for their Christmas presents excitedly on December 25, Nimrods birthday! Who is Nimrod you ask? I will get to that later.

圣诞树是对亚呼赎阿的嘲弄 The Tree Is A Mockery Of YAHUSHUA

这是在我与网站管理员一起审核这页内容的时候,被赐给我的一个启示。Here is a revelation given to me while going over this page with my site manager. 圣诞树是对亚呼赎阿在十字架上死去的一种嘲笑,因为两者都是用钉子(或是圣诞树底座支柱)使其保持直立。两者都是被保持直立。亚呼赎阿死去的时候他的手中被钉着钉子。The Christmas tree is a MOCKERY of the death of YAHUSHUA on the cross, because both use nails (or a stand in the case of the tree) to hold them up. Both are held upright. YAHUSHUA died with nails in his hands. 也许,在被放进底座支柱之前,树已被钉子钉住,这样它们就得以直立。Perhaps, before the stand, trees were nailed down so they would stand up. 不管是树,还是当亚呼赎阿在十字架上的时候,都不允许移动。撒但嘲笑亚呼赎阿被钉十字架。现在,当你知道这事,你仍然想要在你的客厅里放棵树并装饰它吗?Neither the tree, nor YAHUSHUA when He was on the cross, are allowed to move. Satan mocks the crucifixion. Now, knowing that, do you STILL want to have a tree in your living room and decorate it?

5. 你离弃这个异教徒的圣诞欢庆,唯一会愤怒的将只有撒但!我不会把基督的名CHRIST放在这个异教的庆典中,这是一个谎言,圣诞节不是为了纪念基督,就是我们所侍奉的我们的亚呼赎阿! 5. The only one that will be angry that you have forsaken this pagan celebration of Xmas will be satan. I will not put the name of CHRIST in this pagan celebration for it is a lie it is not about the CHRIST we serve our YAHUSHUA!

你们有没有注意到,甚至是股市也会评估那一天你们买了多少玩具和礼物?你们有没有注意到,自杀的灵攻击人们,那一天发生的自杀事件和得抑郁的人要比一年当中的任何一天都要多吗?Have you ever noticed even the stock markets is gauged on how many toys and presents you bought that day? Have you noticed suicidal spirits hit people and more commit suicide and are depressed on that day then any other time of the year? 也许现在你会明白这些人是在被撒但折磨着,它试图把他们作为祭物,犹如邪恶的宁禄王被杀死一样。如果你正打算自杀,请阅读泰德(Ted)的故事。Maybe now you will understand these people are being tormented by satan and he is trying to sacrifice them just like the evil king Nimrod killed.

If you are contemplating suicide, please read Ted's Story.

宁录出生的故事 The Nativity

现在我将告诉你宁录是谁,在12月25日出生在马槽里的婴儿的真实身份,以及宁录的母亲是谁,还有她是如何与12月25日有牵连的。Now I will tell you who Nimrod is and what that babe in the manger on December 25 really is all about as well as who Nimrod's mother is and how even she is connected to December 25.

耶利米书Jeremiah 2:20

我在古时折断你的轭,解开你的绳索,你说“我必不事奉亚哈威。”因为你在各高岗上、各青翠树下、屈身行淫。For of old thou hast broken thy yoke, [and] burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not serve. For upon every high hill, and under every green tree, thou bowest down, playing the harlot.

我知道会有许多基督徒读到这篇文章后,会对我胆敢写这篇反对圣诞节的文章感到非常震惊。然而,研究事实。巴比伦人敬拜“婴孩王child-king”。伟大的国王宁录在他母亲的怀里,是他们在冬至庆典的核心。I know that many Christians reading this will be alarmed that I will dare to write against this. However, study your facts. Babylon worshiped the child-king. The great king Nimrod in his mother's arms was center to their celebration at the solstice.现在事实是,亚哈威非常爱我们,祂将祂挚爱的儿子,我们的弥赛亚作为礼物赐给我们,祂的名字是亚呼赎阿,也被称为耶稣基督,我们为此而心怀感激。Now it is true that YAHUVEH loves us so much that He gave the gift of His beloved son our Messiah named YAHUSHUA also called Jesus Christ and that we are thankful for that. 然而,如果亚呼赎阿(也被称作耶稣基督)降生而且从没有死去,那么对我们又有什么益处呢?如果祂没有复活,我们还会被拯救吗? However, if YAHUSHUA also called Jesus Christ were born and never died, what profit would it be to us? If he had not resurrected, would we still be redeemed?

我要说的是祂的出生本身是开始而不是结束。我们高举祂的降生甚于祂的死亡,那是完全错误的!我们得到永恒的生命是靠着祂的死亡和复活。What I am saying is his birth itself was the beginning not the end. We rate it higher than His death and that is just plain wrong. It is by his dying and being raised that we have eternal life. 请记住这个真理:并不是出生在马槽里的婴孩被折磨并被钉在十字架上,而是一个33岁的犹太人,藉由名叫玛利亚的处女怀孕降生,祂也是我们的创造主、天父亚哈威唯一的独生子。Remember this truth it was not the babe in the manger that was tortured and nailed to the cross it was a 33 year old Jewish man that was born from a virgin named Mary and HE is also the only begotten SON of YAHUVEH our Creator and Heavenly Father.

玛利亚(米利暗)被高举是没有圣经依据的 Mary [mariam] Unscripturally Elevated

我们如此高调地庆祝祂诞生的唯一原因是,因为天主教在努力高举玛利亚作为神的母亲,The only reason that we celebrate His birth so highly is because the Catholics in an effort to elevate Mary as the mother of God, 沿袭异教徒崇拜婴儿的传统以进一步推行他们的计划,胆敢把玛利亚作为三位一体神格的一部分,高举她,被天主教徒敬拜,作为天主教徒在亚哈威面前祷告时的中保。adopted the pagan tradition to worship the baby to further their agenda as to dare to put Mary as part of the GODHEAD, the HOLY TRINITY elevating her to a place where she is worshipped by Catholics and prayed to as the intercessor before YAHUVEH.

圣经告诉我们,玛利亚自己也称亚呼赎阿为主。玛利亚也需要一位救主,她也亏缺了亚哈威的荣耀,否则就会是玛利亚作为亚哈威无瑕疵的羔羊为我们罪的赦免而被钉死在十字架上。Mary herself the Bible tells us called YAHUSHUA, her Lord. Mary also needed a SAVIOUR she also fell short of YAHUVEH's glory otherwise it would have been Mary that was crucified as that spotless lamb of YAHUVEH for the remission of our sins. 玛利亚从来不想要被敬拜。除了蒙福之外,圣经里没有哪一处提到了玛利亚因为怀孕生亚呼赎阿而认为自己高高在上。Mary never intended to be worshipped. Nowhere in the bible does it state that she thought of herself any higher than being blessed to have given birth to YAHUSHUA.圣经清楚地表明,只有一条路可以到达我们唯一圣洁天父神亚哈威面前,就是通过亚呼赎阿的圣名和亚呼赎阿的宝血。祂是我们唯一的中保! The Bible clearly states there is but one way to our ONLY HOLY FATHER GOD YAHUVEH and that is through the name of YAHUSHUA and the BLOOD of YAHUSHUA, HE is our only intercessor!

光明节是持续八天的赞美、敬拜、餐宴和乐趣的节日! CHANUKAH is 8 days of Praise, Worship, Feasting and FUN!

点亮光明节灯台(Menorah),交换礼物,餐宴,最好是分享我们称为旧约的妥拉(TORAH)和塔纳赫(TANAKH),尤其是摩西五经。Lighting the Menorah, exchanging presents, feasting and best of all sharing the TORAH and TANAKH we call it the old testament. Especially the first 5 books in the Bible. 这是一个大人和孩子们互相分享的日子。大人们不必再说谎,假装有圣诞老人。This is a day both adults and children can share in and the adult doesn't have to lie and pretend there is a Santa Claus.

什么是陀螺(DREIDEL)? What is a Dreidel?

给自己买一些陀螺,开始转它们玩。现在陀螺不容易找到,如果在你附近没有弥赛亚犹太商店,你可以去基督教书店试试。Buy yourselves some dreidels and start having fun spinning them like tops. Now it isn't that easy to find Dreidels, if you don't have a messianic Jewish shop near you try a Christian bookstore. 我还没有买到。我会问住在纽约的西恩(Sean)看是否可以给我们买一些。比赛看谁的陀螺转得时间最长,但在这么做的时候要明白有关这陀螺的历史。I still haven't bought any for us. I am going to ask Sean who lives in New York if he can get us some. Have contests and see who's top spins the longest but realize when your doing this the history of the dreidel.

在犹太教中,即便是简单的像“抽陀螺”这样的游戏也实在不是孩子可以玩的游戏。在马加比时期,犹太人因学习妥拉的“罪”而被囚禁。在监狱里,这些犹太人会聚集在一起玩陀螺。In Judaism, even something as simple as "spinning a top is really not a child's game. During the time of the Maccabees, Jews were imprisoned for the "crime" of studying the Torah. While in jail, these Jews would gather together to play dreidel. 在虚度他们光阴的幌子下,他们可以讨论妥拉,从而抵抗犹太教的敌人们,籍著高举和赞美我们的创造主亚哈威的圣名,抵抗敌人!Under the pretense of wasting away their time, they would have Torah discussions and thus defy the enemies of Judaism defy the enemies as the name of our Creator YAHUVEH was lifted up and praised!

每一个陀螺有四个面,每个面上有一个希伯来文字母。每个字母是一个词的首字母。四个字母是:“Nun”:NES的首字母,意思是“奇迹”;Every dreidel has four sides with one Hebrew letter on each side. Each of these letters begins a word. The four letters are: - Nun - the first letter of the word nes, which means "miracle" “Gimmel”:Gadol的首字母,意思是“伟大的”;“Hey”:Haya的首字母,意思是“是” ;以及“Shin”:Sham的首字母,与Haya合在一起的意思是“那里”。- Gimmel - the first letter of gadol, which means "great" - Hey - the first letter of haya, which means "was" and - Shin - the first letter of sham, which means "there" When taken together, these letters proclaim "A great miracle happened there." 这些字母宣告“一个伟大的奇迹在那里发生。”“陀螺游戏”提醒我们要永远地反对任何想将犹太人和妥拉(律法)分开又想将造我们的神亚哈威与祂的儿子我们的救赎主亚呼赎阿分开的人。The "game of dreidel" reminds us of our eternal defiance of anyone who tries to stand between a Jew and the Torah as well as stands between the God of our Creation who is YAHUVEH and his Son the God of our SALVATION who is YAHUSHUA.

怎么玩陀螺 How to Play

在光明节期间,每个人都喜欢玩转陀螺。比赛看谁的陀螺可以转得时间最长,或者是看看谁能同时转动最多的陀螺。On Chanukah, everyone loves spinning the dreidel. Have contests to see who can spin it the longest or who can get the most dreidels spinning simultaneously. 当然,著名的光明节陀螺游戏,“Gelt”表示如果你没有垄断的钱币,使用硬币或其他任何东西;“Nun”表示没有人赢;“Gimmel”表示旋转者拿走所有赌注;“Hey”表示旋转者拿走一半赌注;“Shin”表示旋转者匹配赌注。And of course, there's the famous dreidel game played for Chanukah "gelt:" if you don't have monopoly money use pennies or anything else. Nun - no one wins Gimmel - spinner takes the pot Hey - spinner get half the pot Shin - spinner matches the pot.

赠送礼物时,你可以八天都送礼物,而不是一天送礼物!当你把这一切解释给你的孩子们的时候,你会发现你真的不用担心他们要牺牲很多。When giving presents you can give a present for eight days instead of one day! When you explain all of this to your children you will find they really won't think they are sacrificing that much. 利用这段时间学习妥拉,因为你每个孩子也包括大人都能从中受益,是的,甚至包括你未得救的亲戚!这或许是你唯一一次可以用这种方式向他们作见证。Use this time to teach the Torah for every child will benefit from this as well as the adults and yes even your unsaved relatives! This may be the only time you can witness to them in this way.

给我们的属灵教训 A Spiritual Lesson for Us

除了亚哈威供应我们所有的需求和加倍祝福外,我们从光明节中还能学到哪些属灵教训呢?道德和伦理是犹太人的遗产,那就是我们为什么不以军队游行来庆祝光明节的原因。What spiritual lesson can we learn from CHANUKAH besides YAHUVEH will provide for all of our needs and multiplies blessings? Morals and ethics is the Jewish legacy, and that is the reason we do not celebrate Chanukah with a military parade.我们尊重大卫王,并非因为他是一名战士,虽然尽管如此。他不能建圣殿,虽然他很渴望能这么做,因为他的手流了人血,就算他只有在得到亚哈威的命令时才会争战。 We esteem King David not because he was a warrior, but in spite of it. He could not build the Temple even though he desired to because his hands were bloodied. And this even though he fought only at the command of YAHUVEH.

他的儿子所罗门,和平之人,适合建圣殿。米德拉什引用亚哈威告诉大祭司亚伦的话:“点亮灯台,作为你们给犹太子民永远的贡献。”His son Solomon, the man of peace, was fitting to build the Temple. The Midrash (Parshat Be'halo'secha) quotes YAHUVEH telling Aaron the High Priest: "Lighting the Menorah will be your eternal contribution to the Jewish People." 我们问“只有当圣殿坚立的时候点亮灯台才能被成就。所以“点亮灯台是永恒的!”这句话对于今天的我们而言又意味着什么呢?We ask "Lighting the Menorah was done only while the Temple was standing. So what does it mean for us today that "lighting the Menorah is eternal?!"

答案是,我们从妥拉所学的真理是永恒的。尤其当社会因伦理问题的导向性而日趋绝望时妥拉的真理比以往任何时候都更显宝贵。The answer is that the truths we learn from Torah are eternal. Particularly as society grows increasingly desperate for direction on ethical issues, the truth of Torah is precious today more than ever.在一个充满诸如克隆、安乐死、无家可归、堕胎、同性恋、死刑、贫困和性道德观念问题的世界里,On a world full of issues like cloning, euthanasia, the homeless, abortion, homosexuality, the death penalty, poverty, and sexual morality, 妥拉表明了通过亚哈威的神圣经文去平衡智慧与来自亚哈威的启示之间那条薄薄的界线,也让我们意识到世界经过教育教导我们的知识可能是错的。the Torah shows the thin line of balancing wisdom and revelation from YAHUVEH through His Holy Scriptures and realizing when what the world teaches us in educated knowledge can be wrong .妥拉教导我们智慧是亚哈威的方式而不是世界的方式,证明我们不能侍奉两个主。因为我们会恨恶这个爱那个。  The Torah teaches wisdom is YAHUVEH's way and not the world's way proving we cannot serve two masters for we would hate one and love the other.

就如所罗门王在箴言6:23所说的,这是给予我们有关光明节的讯息。《和合本圣经》箴6:23经文:因为诫命是灯,法则是光;训诲的责备是生命的道。As King Solomon says in Proverbs 6:23, and this is our message for Chanukah. KJV says 23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life.

圣诞小饼干 Christmas Cookies

小饼干留在壁炉旁以取悦他神。这个传统可以追溯到耶利米时代。Cookies were left for the hearth god to appease him. This tradition goes back to the days of Jeremiah. “孩子捡柴,父亲烧火,妇女抟面做饼,献给天后,又向别神浇奠祭,惹我发怒。”(耶利米书7:18)"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger." Jeremiah 7:18



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...