
📒23-1什么是沙夫幼特节/五旬节?WHAT IS PENTECOST?



Pentecost (Shavout) teaching

五旬节告诉我们亚呼赎阿来建立祂的教会。 初熟的果子是那些将在亚呼赎阿再来时获得救恩的人。The Feast of Pentecost teaches us that YAHUSHUA came to build His Church. The firstfruits are those who will be given salvation at the return of YAHUSHUA.

关于五旬节的预言:Prophecies regarding Pentecost

Prophecy: 85,86,90,98,99,136,150,153.

什么是沙夫幼特节/五旬节?WHAT IS PENTECOST?

这正是先知约珥所说的: This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

 “亚哈威神说、在末后的日子、我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的.你们的儿女要说预言.你们的少年人要见异象.老年人要作异梦.And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith YAHUVEH, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 在那些日子、我要将我的灵浇灌我的仆人和使女、他们就要说预言。” And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy.

彼得在回答完这些人的问题后,进入了他所要说的主题──就是亚哈威在22至36节中所说的话。五旬节的讯息到底是什么?After Peter answered their question about what was happening, he got into his message--YAHUVEH's message to Israel in v. 22-36. What was the message of Pentecost? 彼得在这个主题的重点,是要指出亚呼赎阿的确是以色列的弥赛亚。彼得使用事实证明亚呼赎阿的确是弥赛亚。Peter's point in the message is that YAHUSHUA is the Messiah of Israel. Peter uses four facts to prove that YAHUSHUA was the Messiah:

• 祂所施行的奇迹证明祂是由亚哈威所派来的(22节)

- His miracles prove that He was sent by YAHUVEH. (v. 22)

• 祂的死亡也是根据亚哈威的计划(23节)

- His death was according to YAHUVEH's plan (v. 23)

• 祂的复活在旧约中被预言过,这证明了祂是弥赛亚(24-32节)- His resurrection was prophesied in the Old testament and proves that He is the Messiah (v. 24-32

• 祂升入天国。祂会倒出如阿克.哈.古德西的事情也在圣经中被预言过,这证明了祂正是那位弥赛亚(33-35节)- His ascension into heaven and his pouring out of the RUACH HA KODESH was prophesied and proves that He is the Messiah (v. 33-35)

沙夫幼特节Shavuot/五旬节Pentecost是庆祝如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)降在使徒和亚呼赎阿女性门徒身上的节庆记念,这在亚呼赎阿升天的十天后星期四发生。Pentecost/Shavuot is a feast that commemorates the descent of the RUACH HA KODESH (Holy Spirit) upon the Apostles and women followers of YAHUSHUA, ten days after Ascension Thursday.

犹太人的五旬节日,希伯来文为 “沙夫幼特” (Shavuot),也被称为:The Jewish feast of Pentecost, or Shavuot, is also called:

七七节(申命记16:10)The Feast of Weeks (Deuteronomy 16: 10)

收藏节(出埃及记23:16)The Feast of Harvest (Exodus 23: 16)

初熟节(民数记28:26)The day of first-fruits (Numbers 28:26)

五旬节是圣经里,唯一一个没有确切指出庆祝日子的节庆。人们反而要数算七个星期。 “从安息日的次日、献禾捆为摇祭(俄梅珥/Omer)的那日算起、要满了七个安息日” 。Pentecost is the only festival for which no specific date is given in the Bible. Rather, the people were instructed to count seven weeks "...from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf [omer] of the wave offering.


你们要从安息日的次日、献禾捆为摇祭的那日算起、要满了七个安息日。Lev. 23:15 "You shall count seven full weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering.

这个节日通常落在公历的五月或六月份里。这是第一个小麦种植季节的圆满结束,以及 “律法” 、妥拉(Torah)在西乃山所赐下的记念节日。This holiday occurs in the months of May or June on the Gregorian calendar. It is the successful conclusion of the first wheat-growing season and the anniversary celebration of the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai.

关于沙夫幼特节/五旬节最基本的理解是,这是把初熟的麦子献给亚哈威的节日。The most basic understanding of Pentecost is that it is when the firstfruits of the Wheat Harvest are offered unto YAHUVEH. 不过更相关的是,沙夫幼特节/五旬节是神的 “律法” 、妥拉(Torah)在西乃山所赐下的记念节庆,五旬节也是亚呼赎阿首次以圣灵和火洗礼的日子(使徒行传)。But, more relevent is that Shavuot/Pentecost is the feast that commemorates the giving of the "Law" or Torah at Mt Sinai (Exodus) AND this is when YAHUSHUA first baptized with the Holy Spirit and Fire (Acts).


2 Corinthians 3:3-6

3你们明显是亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的信,借着我们修成的。不是用墨写的,乃是用永生神亚哈威的灵写的;不是写在石版上,乃是写在心版上。3You show that you are a letter from YAHUSHUA, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living YAHUVEH, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

4我们因亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,所以在神亚哈威面前才有这样的信心。5并不是我们凭自己能承担什么事;我们所能承担的,乃是出于神亚哈威。4Such confidence as this is ours through YAHUSHUA before YAHUVEH.5Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from YAHUVEH.

6祂叫我们能承当这新约的执事,不是凭着字句,乃是凭着圣灵/如阿克.哈.古德西(精意);因为那字句是叫人死,圣灵/如阿克.哈.古德西(精意)是叫人活。6He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.


Sometimes the word "Torah" is a reference to:

-作为亚哈威全部话语的代称(亚哈威的话语,也就是 “圣经” ,以及所有的预言话语,那真正出自亚哈威的话。见但以理书10:21)。

-the entire sum of the Word of YAHUVEH (meaning the "Bible" as well as all prophetic words etc. that are truly from YAHUVEH see Daniel 10:21),

-但更多时候, “妥拉” 指的是圣经的前五经(Chumash,这是希伯来文的 “五” ,或Pentateuch,希腊文的 “五” )。这两者指的都是圣经的前五本书,也是这篇文章里的使用方式。-but most of the time "Torah" is used to describe just the Chumash (from the word meaning five in Hebrew) or Pentateuch (from the word meaning "five" in Greek). The Chumash/Pentateuch is the first five books of the Bible. That is how it is used here.

妥拉没有比喻。妥拉是亚哈威确实说出的话,不是透过一个异梦、异象、或启示。妥拉是以亚哈威肉耳可听的声音跟摩西所说的话,它具有特别的重要性。The Torah is without parallel. YAHUVEH actually spoke it. It wasn't through a dream, vision or inspiration. It was dictated to Moses by the audible voice of YAHUVEH. It has special significance.

妥拉是来自亚哈威的属天启示之书。祂正以此书指示你要怎么活得像一个信徒。祂正以此书教导你。摩西把祂的话完全地写下了,根据经文,把他从亚哈威听见的事完整写下了。Torah is the divine inspired book of revelation from YAHUVEH. He is revealing to you how you need to live as a believer. He is teaching you. Moses wrote it down perfectly, according to scripture, just as he heard it from YAHUVEH.

约翰福音1章记载着,律法借着摩西传的,而恩典和真理则来自亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。通常律法这词指的是妥拉(有时称为摩西五经/Pentateuch)。这是摩西在西乃山40天被赐予的法律。In John 1 it says that the Law came through Moses, but Grace and Truth came through YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Often the word law is used to reference the Torah (also sometimes called Pentatuach). This is what was given to Moses at Sinai for 40 days. 

我们知道以色列有一段很长的时间没有妥拉的指示。在约西亚得到权力前,以色列人没有妥拉。当约西亚找到妥拉时,他们马上就守了逾越节。We know that for a lengthy amount of time Israel was without the Torah. For a period of time before the reign of Josiah, the Israelites were with out the Torah. When Josiah found it, they immediately kept the Passover. 如果当时有口授妥拉之事的话,应该早就会庆祝了。因此我们知道,口授妥拉这传统是毫无根据的。这是人的传统,If there had been an Oral Torah they would have been celebrating it. Therefore, we know, the Oral Torah tradition has NO BASIS. This is the traditions of men that YAHUSHUA spoke about. 亚呼赎阿在马太福音15:6曾经说过: “你们借着遗传、废了亚哈威的诫命。……他们将人的吩咐、当作道理教导人、所以拜我也是枉然” 。Matthew 15:6 "Thus you nullify the word of YAHUVEH for the sake of your tradition. [...] 9They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men".

另外一件事是,塔木德亵渎了亚呼赎阿。很不幸的是,有一些弥赛亚教的会堂,还在使用口授妥拉。口授妥拉是属魔鬼的垃圾。Another thing to keep in mind is the Talmud blasphemes YAHUSHUA. Unfortunately some Messianic congregations use the Oral Torah, which is demonic garbage.

圣经中最重要的经文是形容亚呼赎阿与真妥拉的关系,马太福音5章。在此章祂指出几个妥拉的要点:The most important passage in the Bible that describes YAHUSHUA's relationship to (true) TORAH is Matthew 5 (read it). Here, He makes several points about Torah: -never be abolished (never cease to exist). 

— 妥拉是永远不会被废掉的(永远不会消失)。妥拉是亚哈威赐给人类最基本的启示。The Torah is the foundational revelation of YAHUVEH to mankind. — 亚呼赎阿来到世上为要成全它。根据希伯来思想,祂是绝对的,具有最终解释妥拉的权柄。-YAHUSHUA came to fulfill it. This means in Hebraic thought that He has absolute, final authority to interpret it.

经文通常是神学家透过希腊和罗马的哲学来诠释其含意的,这是绝对错误的Scripture is often interpreted by theologians through Greek and Roman philosophy…that is totally wrong. (经文应该总是以亚呼赎阿所做的方式被解释。你记得 “WWJD?—— 耶稣会怎么做?” 这句名言吗?我们应该改成, “WWYD?—— 亚呼赎阿会怎么做?”  )。(It should be interpreted always as YAHUSHUA did. Do you remember the popular "WWJD?"…we will have to change that to "What Would YAHUSHUA Do?").恩典以及真理来自亚呼赎阿。恩典──祂是我们救恩的道,真理──祂来向我们揭示天父亚哈威的心。 Grace and Truth come through YAHUSHUA. Grace, HE is our Way of Salvation and Truth HE reveals FATHER YAHUVEH.




HE speaks HIS Word and HIS intent does not change (Num 23: 19). YAHUSHUA is the only way to the FATHER (Jn 14:6) and only YAHUSHUA makes YAHUVEH known to us (John 1:19). 

所以我们必须像亚呼赎阿一样以正意解释 “律法” ,也要像祂一样实践律法(马太福音10:24-25;约翰福音13:15-16;路加福音6:40;腓立比书2:5;彼得一书2:21;约翰一书2:6)。So, we should interpret the "Law" as YAHUSHUA did and practice it as he did (Mattthew 10:24-25; John 13:15-16; Luke 6:40; Philippians 2:5; 1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6). 

在祂活在世上时,祂守了每周的安息日,以及圣安息日(路加福音4:16;希伯来书4:15;约翰一书3:4),我们也会在未来的千禧年守这些节日(以赛亚书66:23)。以赛亚书的预言这些事会在末代复兴。He kept the weekly Shabbat as well as High Holy Day Shabbats throughout His entire life (Luke 4:16; Heb 4:15; 1 Jn 3:4) and we will also do so during the Millenium (Isaiah 66:23). The book of Isaiah prophecies that this will be revived in the last days.

你是作为以色列家的一份子,因为你已经被嫁接近来了。阅读罗马书11章,特别是16至21节。所有与以色列立的约,透过亚呼赎阿的宝血也是与你所立的约了。You are a member of the house of Israel, because you were grafted in. Read all of Romans chapter 11, especially v16-21. All of the covenants made with Israel are yours through the Blood of YAHUSHUA.


沙夫幼特节/五旬节的一个特别名称叫七七节,数算俄梅珥是决定七七节的日期。Counting the Omer is a special name for determining the date of Weeks – Pentecost/Shavuot

这些都是同一个亚哈威的圣日的不同名称,可在利未记23:15-22、和妥拉其他处读到。(圣经没有明确告诉我们五旬节的特别日期,我们得从逾越节或初熟节结束时开始算起)。...all of those are different names for the same Holy Day of YAHUVEH found in Lev 23: 15-22 and elsewhere in the Torah. (The Bible doesn't explicitly tell us when the specific date of Pentecost is. Instead, we have to count off from Passover or Firstfruits).

逾越节和初熟节是除酵节的一部分,这是列在出埃及记23:14-17的三种主要的节庆(1.除酵节,2.五旬节,3.收藏节)Passover and Firstfruits are a part of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is the first of three major festivals listed in Exodus 23:14-17 ([1] Unleavened Bread, [2] Pentecost & [3] the Ingathering). 。所有这些节日都与收获有关(路加福音10:2、约翰福音4:35)。这些收获和节日,都是将临之事的影儿,有些当初已经发生,有些则还没发生。All of these have to do with bringing in the Harvests...think Lk 10:2 or John 4:35. These harvests and feasts are all patterns and foreshadows of things that were (and some things that still are still) to come.

人们决定初熟节(也就是沙夫幼特节/五旬节)的日期,得到了三个自相矛盾的日期。亚哈威不是一位制造混乱的作者。People determine the date of Firstfruits (and therefore Pentecost) and generally get 3 contradicting dates. YAHUVEH is NOT the author of chaos. 算节庆的日子其实很简单。我必须要打出来,但另一方面来说也是有些乏味的。你所需要的是拿你的圣经出来,看我所写的是否跟经文吻合,怎么样?不错吧?This is actually quite simple. I have to type it up...that on the other hand is tedious. All you have to do is get a Bible, make sure you use it and see if what I write lines up with the Word... sound good?


当你阅读此文时,要记得圣经中的 “一日” 是以 “晚上到早晨” 为一日的。每一日都由黄昏开始,至黄昏结束(见创世记1章)。

As you read this keep in mind that in the Bible a day is "evening and morning"; days start and end at twilight also called sundown (see Genesis 1)!

圣经并没有给我们初熟节或五旬节的准确日期,却让我们知道要怎么从逾越节开始算起。逾越节的预备日是尼散月的14号。The Bible doesn't directly give us the specific numerical dates for Firstfruits or Pentecost, but instead gives us the date in relation to Passover. Passover's "Preparation Day" is the 14th of Nisan. 逾越节则是尼散月15号(逾越节从尼散月14号的日落开始)。逾越节是无酵饼节的第一日(是为期七天的节日)。The actual Passover Day (begins at sundown Nisan 14, but) is the 15th of Nisan. Passover is the 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (a one week long festival).

圣经告诉我们初熟节是 “安息日的次日” (利未记23章)。

The Bible tells us that Firstfruits is "the day after the Shabbat" (read Leviticus 23).

无酵饼节的首日和终日都各是圣安息日(神命令我们要在圣安息日休息。我使用 “圣” 安息日的原因,是因为这能与普通的安息日作区别)。The first day and last day of the Feast of unleavened bread are both {High} Shabbats. (By {High} Shabbat, I mean a Holy Day on which we are commanded to rest. I'm using the word High with Shabbat in order to distinguish it from the weekly, 7th day, Saturday Shabbat).


From the context of the chapter, Firstfruits must be the day after one of 3 different Shabbats:





[1] the weekly, Saturday Shabbat;

[2] Passover Day, a {High} Shabbat;

or [3] the last day of the Feast of unleavened bread, also a {High} Shabbat.

There is a lot of debate over which of these is correct.

初熟节正确的日子,是尼散月15号的次日。尼散月15号是无酵饼节的第一天,初熟节是尼散月16号(无酵饼节的第二日)。但是我们要怎么知道初熟节是逾越节的次日呢?The correct day for Firstfruits is the day after Nisan 15; Nisan 15 is the 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Firstfruits is Nisan 16 (the 2nd day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread). How can you know for sure (you say) that Firstfruits is the day after Passover Day?

约书亚记5:10-11有我们要找的答案:Well Joshua 5:10-11 has our answer:

经文上说 “逾越节的次日、他们就吃了那地的出产.正当那日吃无酵饼、和烘的谷” ,这段经文清楚地说了是 “逾越节的次日” ,特别强调是以色列人吃烘的谷的那一天。It says that on "And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn." This verse clearly says that on "the morrow after the passover", emphasizing "that very day" the Israelites ate some roasted grain.

利未记23:14提到初熟节所要献的祭……Leviticus 23:14 talking about the Firstfruits Offering…

14 无论是饼、是烘的子粒、是新穗子、你们都不可吃、直等到把你们献给神的供物带来的那一天、才可以吃.这在你们一切的住处、作为世世代代永远的定例。14 And ye shall eat neither bread, nor parched corn, nor green ears, until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your God: it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings. (KJV)

在利未记23:14中, 亚哈威禁止祂的子民吃烘的榖, “直等到把你们献给亚哈威的供物带来的那一天” 。In Lev 23:14, YAHUVEH prohibits HIS people from eating roasted grain "until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto YAHUVEH". 我们在约书亚记5:10-11学到以色列人照着利未记23:4-8所写的,守了逾越节餐宴,他们在逾越节的次日吃了烘的榖。And in Joshua 5:10-11 we learn that the Israelites kept the Passover seder (diner) as commanded in Leviticus 23:4-8 AND the day following Passover, "in the selfsame day" they ate some roasted grain.

约书亚记5:10-11Joshua 5:10-11

10 以色列人在吉甲安营.正月十四日晚上、在耶利哥的平原守逾越节。11 逾越节的次日、他们就吃了那地的出产.正当那日吃无酵饼、和烘的谷。10 And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho.11 And they did eat of the old corn of the land on the morrow after the passover, unleavened cakes, and parched corn in the selfsame day.


Remember Passover starts as 14 Nisan ends (at twilight), but Passover Day (the first day of the Feast of unleavened bread) is 15 Nisan. So the day after Passover is the 2nd day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. That is the correct day for Firstfruits.


利未记23章这样记载着关于 “数算俄梅珥” :

Leviticus 23 says the following about "counting the omer":

15 你们要从安息日的次日、献禾捆为摇祭的那日算起、要满了七个安息日。16 到第七个安息日的次日、共计五十天、又要将新素祭献给亚哈威。15 And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete: 16 Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto [YAHUVEH].

亚哈威的意思是,从初熟节开始数算7周,那天便是五旬节的日子(15节),YAHUVEH is saying is that from the day of Firstfruits count of seven weeks, that day is the date of Pentecost (in verse 15)...又或者从逾越节开始算起,然后再加一日,也就是五旬节的日子(16节)。以15节的作法做,会比16节的作法容易。OR...from the day of Passover count off seven weeks and then add one day, that day is the date of Pentecost (in verse 16). Doing it the verse 15 way is more simple than verse 16 way.


亚呼赎阿的新娘……那些被亚呼赎阿和你天父全能的亚哈威所爱的人,要期待比从前更强大的恩膏和如阿克.哈.古德西的充满!BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA...those beloved by Him and your Heavenly Father, Almighty YAHUVEH...more than ever before...EXPECT A GREATER ANOINTING and INFILLING OF THE RUACH HA KODESH!

你们能看见世上的时间和事件快速地流逝,很快地,死亡、毁灭和恐怖会侵袭所有的国家,包括美国。You can see by worldly events than time is quickly running out and very soon a day of death, destruction and terror will overtake all nations, including America. 当世界变得更加邪恶时,亚哈威的子民会变得更加圣洁,全心全意寻求祂,拒绝罪,并努力走在完全顺服亚哈威的诫命和律法的道上。As the world becomes more evil, the people of YAHUVEH are becoming more HOLY, seeking Him with all their heart, foresaking SIN and endeavoring to walk in complete OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH'S commandments and statutes.

这可能是亚呼赎阿的新娘在地球上庆祝最后一个五旬节的年份。This may be the LAST PENTECOST celebrated on earth by the Bride of YAHUSHUA. 我们要相信并祈求亚呼赎阿会在这次的犹太新年来临,但无论祂有没有来,我们每日都要活得更圣洁,继续顺服祂们!We are believing and praying that YAHUSHUA comes for His Bride this coming Rosh Hashanah. But no matter when He comes, we are to seek HOLINESS in our lives each day, and remain OBEDIENT no matter what!

要每天把魔鬼揍得鼻青脸肿!但要怎么做呢?就是要继续顺服亚哈威!仇敌使用各种诡计,尝试使亚哈威子民分心,离开活在圣洁和顺服神的呼召中。GIVE THE DEVIL A BLACK EYE EVERY DAY! How? Keep walking in OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH! The enemy is pulling out all stops trying to distract YAHUVEH'S people from a calling of HOLINESS and OBEDIENCE. 不要担忧属世的忧仇,或担心来自你的朋友和所爱的人的攻击。要为你所知为正确的事情站立,不要允许仇敌使用任何人来使你感到恐惧,向恶屈服了。Don't be distracted by worldly concerns or attacks coming against you from friends and loved ones. Stand up for what you know to be right and don't allow the enemy to use anyone to intimadate you into compromise!

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在亚呼赎阿升天后,使徒进入了耶路撒冷的一间楼上房间里,他们在那里等待亚呼赎阿所应许的如阿克.哈.古德西。After the ascension of YAHUSHUA, the apostles having retired to a house at Jerusalem, they there waited for the RUACH HA KODESH, which YAHUSHUA had promised.

五旬节指的是当亚呼赎阿的信徒相信如阿克.哈.古德西降下的时候,正如使徒行传2:1所记载的,使信徒更新、使人感到印象深刻的经验──"The Pentecost" refers to the historical event when, according to YAHUSHUAian belief, the descent of the RUACH HA KODESH —a transformative and profound experience, as described in the Book of Acts 2:1:—occurs:


2:2忽然从天上有响声下来、好像一阵大风(a rushing mighty wind)吹过、充满了他们所坐的屋子。1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.


2:4他们就都被圣灵充满、按着圣灵所赐的口才、说起别国的话来。3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

接受亚呼赎阿、在五旬节得到如阿克.哈.古德西的信徒,是得着亚呼赎阿在十字架上的救恩的 “初熟之果” 。The followers of YAHUSHUA who received the RUACH HA KODESH on the Day of Pentecost constituted the 'first fruits' of the redemption paid for in the crucifixion of YAHUSHUA!


Three Physical signs occurred showing the coming of the RUACH HA KODESH.

A. 风吹的声响。

A. Sound of Blowing Wind

B. 舌头降在他们每一人身上的异象。如火焰的舌头降在信徒的身上,这象征神的显现(肉眼可见的亚哈威的显现)。B. Vision of tongues of Fire that rested on each of them. The tongues of Fire which descended on the disciples represents a theophany (a visible manifestation of YAHUVEH). 这代表权柄继承的象征,由亚呼赎阿交接给领引信徒的如阿克.哈.古德西。It represents the dynastic succession of power from YAHUSHUA to the RUACH HA KODESH who guides the believers.

C. 以各国不同的语言向其他人说话。这是非常重要的,这也是散布福音的关键。如阿克.哈.古德西作为翻译者,使福音可以以每个人懂得的语言传播出去。C. Spoke to each other in tongues/different languages. This was important in that it was key for the spread of the gospel. The RUACH HA KODESH acted as a translator so that as the preaching occurred everyone there comprehended the message in their own native language.

 “以后、我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的.你们的儿女要说预言.你们的老年人要作异梦.少年人要见异象。” 约珥书2:28

"And it shall come to pass afterward [or in the 'latter days'] that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions." (Joel 2:28)



The Feast of Pentecost was instituted, first, to oblige the Israelites to repair to the temple of the Lord, and there to acknowledge his dominion over their country, and their labors, by offering to him the first-fruits of all their harvests.

第二点,来记念并感谢亚哈威在他们出埃及后的第五十天,在西乃山上把律法赐给他们。Secondly, to commemorate, and to render thanks to YAHUVEH for, the law given from the mount Sinai, on the fiftieth day after their coming out of Egypt.

五旬节是在尼散月16号的第五十天庆祝的节庆,尼散月16号也就是逾越节的第二天(利未记23:15, 16)。以色列人称之为七七节(出埃及记34:22),因为五旬节是在逾越节的七个礼拜后庆祝的。

It was a feast celebrated the fiftieth day after the sixteenth of Nisan, which was the second day of the feast of Passover (Leviticus 23:15,16). The Israelites it the feast of weeks (Exodus 34:22) because it was kept seven weeks after the Passover.

以色列人把他们在当时收成的初熟之物献上(申命记16:9, 10)。初熟之物是加酵、烤成两个摇祭的饼,或5品脱或各4磅的祭。(利未记23:16, 17)They then offered the first-fruits of their wheat harvest, which at that time was completed (Deuteronomy 16:9,10). These first-fruits consisted in two loaves of unleavened bread, of five pints of meal or 4 pounds each (Leviticus 23:16,17).



class="videoYT img-responsive" Do no work as is expected for a Shabbot. Pray for and expect a GREATER ANOINTING. Spend more time in YAHUVEH'S WORD. Spend more time PRAISING and WORSHIPPING YAHUVEH. HALLELUYAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...