
📒9-1三一真神的希伯来文圣名Why we use the Sacred Names of YAHUVEH,


为什么我们使用三一真神的希伯来文圣名:亚哈威、亚呼赎阿、舍金亚荣耀Why we use the Sacred Names of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and SHKHINYAH GLORY

Revised September 28, 2009

These Scriptures are out of the New King James Version Bible.

《以赛亚书》12:2 看哪!神是我的拯救;我要倚靠祂,并不惧怕。因为亚,主是我的力量,是我的诗歌,祂也成了我的拯救。Is. 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; ‘ For YAH, the LORD, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation.’”

《以赛亚书》26:4 你们当倚靠亚哈威直到永远,因为亚,主是永久的磐石。Is. 26:4 Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength.

《诗篇》68:4 你们当向神唱诗,歌颂祂的名;为那坐车行过旷野的修平大路。祂的名是亚,要在祂面前欢乐!Ps. 68:4  Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him.

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过去这些年来,我们得到了几篇预言性话语,敌基督会在大灾难里使用 ‘耶穌基督’ 的名。一旦敌基督被揭示并开始使用 ‘耶穌’ 这名后,亚哈威在那时便不会垂听任何一个奉 ‘耶穌’ 之名的祷告了。Over the last few years we have received Prophetic Words that the anti-christ will use the name Jesus Christ in the Great Tribulation. Once the anti-christ is revealed and is using the name Jesus, YAHUVEH will NOT hear any prayers said in the name of Jesus. 祂怎么能在敌基督使用这名欺骗几十亿人时承认这个名字呢?你必须在大灾难里使用亚呼赎阿和亚哈威圣名的祷告,否则你的祷告将不会被神听见。How could HE when the anti-christ is using this name and deceiving billions. You must use the Sacred Names of YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH/YAHWEH in the Great Tribulation or your prayers will NOT be heard.

我们张贴一些关于使用希伯来文圣名的预言摘录,特別解释了为什么不要在大灾难的时候使用 “耶穌基督” 的原因。We are posting the excerpts from the Prophecies that refer to the Sacred Names and especially why you don't want to use the the Name of Jesus Christ in the Great Tribulation. 你一定要阅读这篇文章,这对将来的患难时刻是非常重要的!This is a must read. This is very important for the troubled times ahead!

第77篇预言看哪!我,亚哈威,差遣妳带着新恩膏!前往五旬节教会,为了那些会信也会接受的人们!Prophecy 77 - BEHOLD I, YAHUVEH, SEND YOU FORTH

当他们呼求我儿子的时候──不单单是呼求 “耶穌基督” 的名,而是当他们荣耀我赐给祂在这地球上的产业时。因为祂来自大卫的血脉,祂作为一个希伯来人来到世上──所以去教导他们!我要祂被荣耀!我要人们以祂的圣名 “亚呼赎阿” 来称呼祂!When they call upon MY Son, not just in the name of Jesus Christ, but when they honor the heritage I gave them on this earth. For HE came from the line of David, HE came as a Hebrew, so teach them. I want HIM to be honored and called by his Name YAHUSHUA. 

我应许过,我许下过誓言。那些会顺服的人、那些自称为五旬节教派的人——你们散布在全球——这就会使撒但战慄发抖!I make a promise and I make a vow, those that will obey, those that call themselves Pentecostals, you are scattered world wide, this is what satan shudders and shakes over.倘若你们能单单接受那位弥赛亚的犹太人血统的真理,你们已把自己的生命献给了祂! If you just receive the truth of the Jewishness of the Messiah you have given your life too.

第83篇预言 我亚哈威说: “准备好,末日近了!” Prophecy 83 - I, YAHUVEH, SAY "PREPARE, THE END IS NIGH!"

所有被邀请参加羔羊婚宴的人,我现在警告你们这事:在大灾难中,那要来的会是被众人称为敌基督的人,是真正的撒旦之子、All who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, I have this warning for you, in the Great Tribulation the one coming that is commonly called the anti-christ, who is truly the son of satan, 悖逆之子──他来的时候会利用并冒用被全世界、被各族各方的基督徒们所熟知并爱慕的名字: “耶穌基督” 。the son of perdition, he will come using and counterfeiting the name that is known world wide, in every kindred and tongue the name that Christians know and love the name of Jesus Christ.


要当心!(在大灾难前)靠着 “耶穌基督” 的名仍有神迹、奇事和异象,灵魂也仍被拯救。不要怕!然而,现在还不是末日,你也只为你被教导过的事负责!Beware, signs, wonders and miracles are still done and souls are still being saved in the name of Jesus Christ, do not fear. However, it was not yet the endtime and you were only held accountable for what you were taught. 我亚哈威尊荣并恩膏了 “耶穌” 这个名字,虽然我的儿子亚呼赎阿被祂的希伯来母亲取了一个希伯来文的名字。我是祂的父亲,祂的名字应该包含我的圣名——亚!I, YAHUVEH, honored and anointed the name "Jesus," although MY Son YAHUSHUA was given a Hebrew Name by HIS Hebrew mother. And I am HIS Father; HIS Name is to contain MY Name YAH.

  “耶穌” 这个名字已除去了我的圣名(亚),超乎万名之上的圣名!我的圣名是亚哈威,亚呼赎阿这个名字翻译为 “亚拯救” ——这在每一种语言中都时刻提醒着人们—— “亚拯救” !The name of Jesus has deleted MY Sacred Name, the Name that is above all Names. MY Name is YAHUVEH and the Name of YAHUSHUA translates to a constant reminder in every tongue YAH saves! 让儿子随父亲的名难道不是你们的习俗吗?你们怎会以为你们的天父会有所不同呢?这时刻提醒你们,我亚哈威和我的儿子亚呼赎阿是合一的。Is it not your custom to name the Son after his father? Why do you think it is any different for your Heavenly Father to do the same? It is a constant reminder to you that I, YAHUVEH and MY Son, YAHUSHUA, are one.

是撒旦和牠的仆人们惧怕这个圣名──亚。但我知道我孩子们那爱慕的心。我甚至饶恕了你们弃绝我真正的安息日、饶恕了你们一次又一次地打破第四条诫命,但我不会再继续饶恕下去了!It is satan and his servants that fear the Name YAH, but I know MY Children's loving hearts. I even forgave you for forsaking MY true Sabbath rest day, breaking the 4th Commandment again and again, but I will forgive this no more. 现在你要为你所知道的事负责!你要负责警告其他人!Now you are held accountable for what you know. You are held accountable to warn others. 

在亚呼赎阿和我亚哈威的希伯来文圣名里,有更强的神圣恩膏。现在末日近了,我警告你:要去教导其他人你现在已知的真理。在我们的圣名里有更强的恩膏!There is a higher sacred anointing in the Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA and in MY Name, YAHUVEH. Now the endtime is nigh and I warn you teach others what you now know as truth. There is more anointing in OUR Holy Sacred Names. 要使用我们的圣名! 

不要再找藉口了!在大灾难期间,你必须呼求我儿子的希伯来文圣名──亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。我的圣名是亚──在祂的名字里有我的圣名亚──这是超乎万名之上的名。Use them, make no more excuses. During the Great Tribulation you must call upon MY Son's Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. MY Name YAH is in HIS Name, the Name above all Names.

你如果现在不学着用希伯来文圣名,那么在大灾难中当你奉 “耶穌” 的名祈求拯救或医治时,要记得,撒旦之子会在那时使用 “耶穌” 的名假冒为神。If you do not learn this now, in the Great Tribulation when you pray for deliverance, or healing, and you use the name "Jesus," remember that the son of satan will be using this name as God. 当你使用与撒旦之子相同的名字祷告时,又怎么能期待会得着医治、拯救或祝福呢?你会是在呼求撒旦之子的名,而自己却不知道。How can you expect to be healed, delivered or blessed by using the same name that the son of satan will be using? You will be calling upon the son of satan and know it not.

真正的医治、神迹、奇事、异象、复活只来自天国。任何其他的医治或拯救都只是假象!在大灾难期间,将会有看似 “真理” 的假象,但其实是直接来自撒旦座位的谎言。The only true healing, signs, wonders, miracles and resurrections come from Heaven, any other healing or deliverance is an illusion, and during the Great Tribulation there will be illusions that appear to be truth but are lies straight from the throne of satan. 

现在就要学习!并要警告其他人!在大灾难期间只有奉亚呼赎阿圣名——而不是奉 “耶穌” 之名——的祷告,才能带来真正的拯救、真正的医治、真正使人复活的权柄。Learn now and warn others now. In the Great Tribulation only in the name of YAHUSHUA, not the name of Jesus, will true delivering, healing, resurrection power come forth. 现在爱慕并侍奉 “耶穌” 的人们将会好奇为什么他们的祷告没有得到回应。他们的信心会遭到打击,他们甚至会为自己的信仰而死,却不明白为什么奉 “耶穌” 之名所祈求的拯救没有来临。People who love and serve "Jesus" now will wonder why their prayers are not being answered their faith will suffer and they will even die for their faith, not understanding why deliverance did not come in that name.

要警告他们!这样他们就会习惯性地使用希伯来文圣名──亚呼赎阿、亚哈威和如阿克.哈.古德西。撒旦不想冒用亚呼赎阿的圣名,因为我的圣名 “亚” 在 “亚呼赎阿” 的圣名里。Warn them now so they will become accustomed to using the Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA, and YAHUVEH and the RUACH ha KODESH. Satan does not want to counterfeit the Name YAHUSHUA with MY Name YAH in it.

所有拒绝这预言的人,即使他们声称爱 “耶穌” 、而他们却拒绝学习希伯来文圣名、安息日及神圣节日和节期——他们会继续吃奶,因为他们不想用属灵的牙齿来吃这灵粮(灵肉)。All others who deny this Word, even though they claim to love Jesus and yet refuse to learn the Hebrew Sacred Names, Sabbath, and Holy Days and feasts. They will continue to nurse on milk for they don't want spiritual teeth to eat this Spiritual meat. 在大灾难里,他们会想起他们曾经读过的预言。一些人会悔改,会知道这个事工真的来自天国。In the Great Tribulation they will remember what they had read and some will repent and know this Ministry was truly Heaven sent. 对于我的婴孩、新娘、被拣选者以及选民们,要昂首仰望!你们的救赎近了(路21:28)!你们会以这样或那样的方式再次回到天国!For MY beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, look up, your redemption draweth nigh. One way or another you will be coming back home to Heaven again.

第84篇预言 我,亚哈威说: “当心假象!” Prophecy 84 - BEWARE OF THE ILLUSION!

就算希腊人给了我儿子一个希腊名字,就算《英王钦定版圣经》一而再、再而三地重复 “耶穌基督” 这个名字,却不表示祂的名字被改变了。祂的名字永远都会是希伯来文的圣名!一个带有我亚哈威圣名的名字!Just because the Greeks gave MY Son a name, just because the King James Bible repeated the name of Jesus Christ again and again does not mean that HIS Name was changed. It will always remain a Hebrew Name, a Name that holds the Name of I, YAHUVEH. 我, (יהוה )亚哈威!!!一个用来提醒这个世界,我的儿子亚呼赎阿所必需付出的代价的圣名!I, YAHUVEH (יהוה )a Name that is a reminder to this earth of the price MY Son YAHUSHUA had to pay. 

我将会再说一次!又一次、又一次、又一次、又一次、又一次!你们可以说这位先知褻瀆了神!你们能毁谤她!你们能说她要去地狱!Again, I'll say it again and again and again and again and again, you can call this prophet blasphemous, you can slander her, you can say that she's going to hell, 但我告诉你们这事!我,创造之王、永生的圣者──告诉你们这事:祂的名字超乎万名之上,祂是以我,(יהוה)亚哈威的名字被命名的!我,(יהוה)亚哈威!!!祂圣名的涵义是 “亚的拯救” but I tell you this I, the King of Creation, I the Holy Eternal One, tells you this, HIS Name that is above all Names, is named after I, YAHUVEH. I, YAHUVEH it means 'YAH SAVES.'

什么都没有改变。就算是因为我尊荣了 “耶穌基督” 这个名字,就算是因为我恩膏了 “耶穌基督” 这个名字,就算是因为我通过 “耶穌基督” 这个名字施行拯救,就算是因为我通过 “耶穌基督” 的名施行救赎,施行神迹、奇事、异能,Nothing has changed. Because I honored the name of Jesus Christ. Because I anointed the name of Jesus Christ. Because I saved in the name of Jesus Christ. Because I delivered and did signs, wonders and miracles in the name of Jesus Christ. 就算是因为我至今仍然还通过 “耶穌基督” 的名施行奇迹——却不代表你就不用知道祂真正的希伯来文圣名了。你要知道!而你要为你所知道的事负上责任!Because I still do it in the name of Jesus Christ does not mean that you are not to know HIS True Hebrew Name. You will and you are held accountable for what you know. 

因为我至今允许你们在星期天聚会,称星期天为我的安息日——所以我做了同样的事。我允许了这件事,但这并不是我的旨意!我允许了这些事情。但在大灾难时,撒旦会让你们看见牠会以什么方式假冒神。Because I allowed all this time for you to assemble and call Sunday MY Sabbath day, I did the same thing, I allowed it. It was not MY will, I allowed it. But in the Great Tribulation satan is going to show you how he is going to counterfeit.

我再说一次,甚至是知道这个真理并非常富有的传道人也出卖了这个真理,向恶妥协了这个真理——这会领你们直入敌基督、也就是撒旦之子的怀抱中。For again I say, even the very wealthy evangelists who know this truth have sold out this truth, have compromised this truth, will lead you right into the arms of the anti-messiah, the son of satan. 而他们会说: “他就是 ‘耶穌基督’ ,你的弥赛亚,他来了。他来了,现在地球充满 “平安,平安” ,不要再担心地狱的事情了。” 为什么你们还不明白?他们不想要冒充我!And they will say, "That's Jesus Christ, that's your Messiah, he's come. He's come and now peace is all over this earth, don't worry about Hell." Why can't you see? They don't want to counterfeit ME. 

我的名字是亚!!!詹姆士王会付出代价的,詹姆士王也已经为涂抹我儿子的圣名付出了代价。要研读!要研读!要研读!要学习并使你自己得到认可(提后2:15)!世上并不只有《英王钦定版》的圣经版本。MY Name is YAH. King James will pay. King James has paid when he blotted out MY Son's Sacred Name. READ! READ! READ! Study and show thyself approved. It was not always King James, read the Holy Manuscripts. 

要阅读其他的神圣手抄本。要研读希伯来文的译本。甚至是亚兰人也知道祂的圣名。为什么?为什么?为什么你们还不相信呢?Read where the Hebrew translations are. Read where even the Aramaic know HIS Name. WHY? WHY? WHY will you not believe?

基督教教会将经历许多苦难,因为他们赶出了弥赛亚犹太教的信徒。So much suffering the Christian church is going to go through because they threw out the Messianic Jews. 

而待在弥赛亚犹太教会堂中的你们,我也同样以我的手指指着你们。你们,把我的圣名亚除去并说 “耶书阿(Yeshua)就可以” 的人,你们不想要冒犯东正犹太教徒!你们妥协了!And you of the Messianic Jewish synagogues, I point MY finger also to you. You, who took out MY Name YAH and said, "Yeshua will do." You didn't want to offend the orthodox Jews. 

你们称这位现在开口并属我的先知为 “圣名狂热者” ,你是对的!这就是为什么我恩膏的是她而不是你!You compromised. You who call this Prophet of MINE speaking a Sacred Name user, you're right, that's why I anointed her and not you. 你们胆敢把我的名字拼为 “G-d” 的人!这是什么东西?这对我来说有什么意义?你们甚至拿走了我的神格!!!你们接着却好奇 “古时的神迹都跑哪里去了?” You who dare to spell MY Name 'G-d.' What is that? What is that supposed to mean to ME? You even take away MY Deity and then you wonder, where are the miracles of old?

第89篇预言 如阿克.哈.古德西|圣灵的奥祕


当妳阅读被翻译的经文时,他们胆敢称我的儿子亚呼赎阿为 “人子” (son of man)——祂从来就不是一个男人的儿子!祂是亚哈威的儿子!祂是亚的儿子!When you read in the Word that's been translated and they dare to call MY Son YAHUSHUA, the son of man. He was never the son of a man. HE's the Son of YAHUVEH! The Son of YAH! 

当妳读到那个翻译时,我让妳哀伤了——许久,妳从未在这个翻译上得到过平安!然而妳解释说 “所有的译本都是这样翻的” 。但这不是经我的手所做的!这是撒旦的计划。When you see this in the translation, for how long now I have caused you to grieve and you have never felt peace in this and yet you explain all the translations do this. It was not by MY hand! This is by satan's plan. 虽然祂以人类的身躯出生,虽然祂在十字架上受难,但祂从来、从来、从来都不是 “人” 的儿子!祂是亚的儿子,甚至连祂的名字也向世界如此宣告!Although HE was born in a human frame, although HE suffered on the cross the pain HE was never, never, never the son of man! HE's the Son of YAH and HIS Name, even to the world proclaimed. 妳以为为什么撒旦要在翻译中企图控制祂,给祂一个人类的名字呢?我不得不允许这件事:在大灾难之前, “耶穌” 这名会继续立定……Why do you think satan in the translation, tried to regulate HIM and give HIM the name of a man. I've had to allow this and at this time before the Great Tribulation the name of Jesus will stand.

噢,但在大灾难期间,那些现在得到了拯救、在我面前活得圣洁、有我的灵住在他们里面的人——就因为你们是通过 “耶穌” 这名得救的,你们也会(在大灾难期间)继续如此呼求祂。Oh, but in the Great Tribulation those who are saved now and have been living Holy before ME, MY spirit is within them, just as you were saved in the Name of Jesus, you'd still be calling upon HIM in that Name. 不要误解了我所说的话, “耶穌” 这名(在大灾难发生之前)还有权柄,还有天国的权柄在其中,这都是因为你们阿爸亚哈威的怜悯。And do not misunderstand ME, there is power, Heavenly power to back up that Name because of the mercy of your ABBA YAHUVEH. 但是在大灾难里,许多人会(在呼求 “耶穌” 这个名字时)死去——就算他们现在得到了拯救。很多人将会好奇为什么他们的祷告没有得到答复。这不是因为我们不爱他们!(我指的不是那些会去星期天教会获得兽印的人!)But in the Great Tribulation so many shall die, even though they are saved now, so many will wonder why their prayers are not answered. It is not because WE do not love them. And I do not speak of those who will go to the Sunday churches and will take the MARK, 我对那些将会呼求 “耶穌” 这名的人,那些知道祂就是那位被钉在十字架上,又在第三天从死里复活的人说话。我在天国等着他们!I speak to those who will call out in the Name of Jesus, who know that HE was the one that was crucified and rose again from the dead and on the 3rd day did arise. Wait for them in Heaven. 

但他们必须要明白,虽然现在(在大灾难发生之前) “耶穌” 这名还有权柄,但(在大灾难期间)那时就不再拥有权柄了。But they must understand while now there is power in that Name, there will be no power then in that Name. 这不是说他们——那些在我面前活得圣洁的人——不会回到天国,但指的却是我不能(在大灾难期间)答复他们(奉 “耶穌” 的名所做的祷告)。就像我之前说过的,是我的恩膏把祷告如同飞吻般吹到阿爸亚哈威那里,这样他们的祷告就能得到答复。That doesn't mean for those who are still walking Holy before ME they will not return to Heaven, but it means I cannot answer them as I said it is MY anointing, like blowing a kiss to ABBA YAHUVEH that their prayers are answered 但在那日我无法支持他们的祷告,因为在地球上有另一个人将会说: “我是 ‘耶穌’ ” 。……but on that day I cannot back up the words they say for there will be another on the face of this earth who will say, "I am Jesus."

虽然我知道他们说的是哪一个 “耶穌” ——但因为这个名字(在大灾难期间)将会是一个诅咒,他们的祷告在那时不会达到天国,他们会好奇为什么……这就是为什么妳现在要去警告他们的原因!And although I know what Jesus they speak and call to, because that name will be as a curse, their prayers will not reach Heaven and they will wonder why. This is why you are warning them now. 〔在大灾难发生之前!〕这就是希伯来文圣名的重要性!你瞧,撒旦不想用 “亚” 这个名字——噢,我有许多仇敌们胆敢用 “亚” 这个圣名去运作他们的事工,去欺骗狼群和小羊们。This is the importance of that Hebrew Name. You see satan does not want to use the Name YAH. Oh, I have many enemies out there who now dare to operate their ministries and use the Name YAH to deceive the wolves and the lambs. 但撒旦之子不想使用圣名 “亚” ——牠想使用世人所熟悉的名字—— “耶-穌(J-E-S-U-S)” 。But the son of satan does not want to use the Name YAH, he wants to use the name that the world became familiar with and that was the name of J-E-S-U-S.

因此,虽然名字被写在羔羊生命册上的人——在大灾难期间,他们会回到天国,但也意味着〔那些坚持使用 “耶-穌” 这个名字的人〕必须牺牲自己的生命。但他们永远、永远不会进入星期天教会,否则他们的名字会被抹除。So although those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, during the Great Tribulation, they will return to Heaven. It will mean they have to give their life but they will never, ever enter into a Sunday church or their name will be blotted out. 到那时候, “耶穌” 这个名字里将不会有〔新的〕救赎,唯有 “亚呼赎阿” 的圣名里才有救赎。有些人会称祂为 “亚赎阿” ,但 “亚” 这个名字不会被遗漏。And there will be no salvations at that time in the name of J-E-S-U-S; it will only be in YAHUSHUA. Some will say YAHUSHUA. But the Name YAH will not be left out.

被恩膏的十四万四千人不会教导 “耶-穌” 这个名字。这是现在,将来就不一样了!我赐给妳这个讯息去再次警告世人。For the anointed 144,000 will not be teaching the name of J-E-S-U-S. This is now. That will be then. I've given you this message to warn again. 这就像现在(在大灾难发生之前)一样,这不是说现在所有在星期天去教会的人都不属于我或没有被我的灵充满,但指的却是在大灾难时, “星期天去教会” 这件事不会被允许,因为那是他们把自己出卖给兽的地方。That's just like now, that doesn't mean all those who attend the Sunday churches do not belong to ME, are not filled with MY Spirit, but it does mean in the Great Tribulation it will not be allowed for this is where they sell out to the Beast. 你们明白吗?〔在大灾难发生之前,〕灵魂现在还在靠 “耶-穌” 这名得着拯救,我恩膏了 “耶-穌” 这个名字,我以 “耶-穌” 的名施行医治,我以 “耶-穌” 的名施行拯救。但那时〔在大灾难期间〕就不一样了。Do you understand? Souls are saved now in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. I anoint in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. I heal in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. I deliver in the Name of J-E-S-U-S. But that will not be then.

去警告他们!我到时要怎么答复呢?我的儿子亚呼赎阿到时要怎么答复呢?Warn them. How could I answer them? How could MY Son YAHUSHUA answer them? 当他们呼喊说: “ ‘耶穌’ !帮助我!” 撒旦之子会站在那里,牠会说: “我在这里!” 他们会呼喊道 “ ‘耶穌’ 救我,原谅我的罪!” 而撒旦之子会说 “我在这里。” 你们难道不明白这是多么危险吗?!你们难道不懂吗?!When they scream out, "Jesus, help me," and the son of satan is there, and says, "Here I am." They will say, "Jesus save me, forgive me of my sins!" And the son of satan will say, "Here I am." Can you not see the danger? Can you not understand? 那些名字被写在生命册上的人——他们知道自己最好不要去星期天的教会或接受兽印——他们会逃跑、躲藏,他们会被迫交出自己的生命,因为他们会呼求 ( “耶穌” 的名) 但却拒绝呼求亚呼赎阿的圣名,你们不知道那时我会何等悲伤!You do not know the grief that I will feel when those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life, who know better than to go to the Sunday churches will run and hide, and will have to give their lives because they will be crying out and they will refuse to say the Name of YAHUSHUA.

他们会继续持守过去被教导的知识,他们会继续奉 “耶穌” 的名祷告,但他们的祷告不会达到天国,因为我不会像飞吻般吹送那些祷告。因为撒旦之子会叫喊: “我在这里。” They will hold onto what they were taught and they will say the Name of Jesus and their prayers will not reach Heaven for I will not blow them like a kiss because the son of satan will cry out, "Here I am." 这不是说他们的名字被涂抹掉了,却仅仅意味着……

我不能保全他们的性命。我不能隐藏他们。我不能餵养他们。我不能拯救他们。This does not mean their name is blotted out. It merely means I cannot save their life. I cannot hide them. I cannot feed them. I cannot deliver them.

这就是为什么我兴起了这样的事工来教导亚呼赎阿的圣名,教导亚赎阿的圣名——拼法没什么关係〔亚赎阿或亚呼赎阿两者都可以〕。许多人拒绝使用我赐给妳的(亚呼赎阿)名字的拼写方式,但 “亚” 这名不能被省略,因为祂圣名的含义是 “亚拯救!” This is why I raise up ministries such as this that teach the Name of YAHSHUA, that teach the Name of YAHUSHUA. It doesn't matter. So many refuse to speak the name the way I've given you but the Name YAH cannot be left out for even HIS Name means "YAH Saves."

我把 “飞碟来袭” 的异梦赐给了妳。牠们真的是撒旦的军队,但牠们只有权利对付那些呼求错误名字的人,因为(撒旦之子)牠会说 “我在这里。” I gave you the dream when the flying saucers come truly they are satan's army but they have a right to those who will cry out in the wrong name because he (son of satan) will claim "Here I am."

所以当心了!现在已经开始了。有一个人已经兴起了,他在世界各地都有跟随者,他自称为 “耶穌基督” ,但最关键的是他拋弃了一切的圣洁。So beware, now it has already started. There is one who has risen up. He has a world wide following and he calls himself Jesus Christ. But the key is he throws out all that is Holy. 当心那个正在前来的人!因为现在的这个仅仅只是个人类,但要当心前来的那人!因为会像是犹大再次返回一般,牠真的是撒旦之子,路西法之子。Beware of the one coming, for this one is just a mere man, but beware the one coming for it will be as Judas has returned once again and he is truly the son of satan, the son of lucifer.

现在去警告他们!万物均有定期,天下万物都有定时,妳会知道要在什么时候公布这篇预言。而以莉莎法,妳再也不会渴求母爱了,因为我已经填补了这个空虚。Warn them now. There is a time and there is a season. You will know when to let this Word go. But Elisabeth, never again will you have to crave the love of a mother for I have showed you I have filled that void.

第90篇预言 圣灵的名字是什么?如阿克.哈.古德西的名字是什么?Prophecy 90 - What Is The Name Of The RUACH HA KODESH?

以莉莎法,我是妳的舍金亚荣耀妈妈。我是那位恩膏了妳去行神迹、奇事和异能,包括说预言、用万人和圣天使的圣方言祷告的神。Elisabeth, I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY. I am the one that anoints you for signs, wonders and miracles that includes prophesying and praying in Holy tongues of men and Holy Angels. 

我是妳的舍金亚荣耀妈妈。我是那位为所有神圣孩子们代祷的神──当你们奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名祷告时,我就把你们的祷告像在空中吹了一个飞吻般送到亚哈威的宝座。I am your MOMMA SHKHINAH GLORY. I am the one that intercedes for all the Holy Children as I carry your prayers to the throne of YAHUVEH like a Kiss is blown in the air, 在现在,这也包括奉 “耶穌基督” 之名的祷告。但是你们要当心,因为在大灾难的时候,撒旦之子会冒用 “耶穌基督” 的名字。when it is done in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH this also includes the name of JESUS CHRIST for now, but beware, because the son of satan in the Great Tribulation will counterfeit the name of JESUS CHRIST. 在那时,我就不能把奉 “耶穌” 之名的祷告送往天国了,因为魔鬼之子也将会使用 “耶穌基督” 的名字。I will not be able to send the prayers at that time in JESUS' name, because the devil's spawn will also be using the name of JESUS CHRIST. 现在要教导亚呼赎阿和亚哈威的希伯来文圣名,教给所有有属灵之耳可听、侧耳而听并顺服神的人。Teach now the Sacred Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH to all who have spiritual ears to hear, listen and obey. 你们要在为时已晚前,现在就要学习使用那位被大多数人称为 “耶穌基督” 的真正的希伯来文圣名── “亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克” 。你们要告诉世人: “不要等到大灾难的时候,才从艰难的方式中学习这个真理” 。Learn and become accustomed to use the true Hebrew name of the one most call JESUS CHRIST, now before it is too late. Tell the people don't wait until the Great Tribulation to learn it the hard way.

大声呼喊直到他们听见!直到这讯息响彻全世界!在大灾难期间将会有一场大骗局。而在那时,亚哈威将再也不能答复任何奉 “耶穌基督” 之名的祷告。Shout it until they hear and the message rings around the world, in the Great Tribulation there will be a great deception and at that time, no longer will YAHUVEH be able to answer prayers in the name of JESUS CHRIST, 到那个时候,只有奉靠亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的希伯来文圣名的祷告才有医治、拯救、复活的权柄。only in the Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will hold healing, delivering, resurrection power. 因为撒旦之子会在这世界面前冒用 “耶穌基督” 的名,欺骗成百上千万的世人──施行假神迹、假奇事、假异象──如有可能的话,甚至连选民们也会被欺骗!Because the one who is called the son of satan will use and deceive millions upon millions doing false signs, wonders and miracles while counterfeiting the name of JESUS CHRIST before the world. Even the elect will be deceived if possible. 

要当心,如今有那些拥有敌基督之灵的恶者们,他们使用 “耶穌基督” 的名,但他们却厌恶希伯来文的圣名亚呼赎阿,因为希伯来文圣名持续提醒着他们:亚拯救亚呼赎阿是唯一的玛西阿克(弥赛亚)Beware, right now there are evil men with the spirit of the anti-christ and they use the name of JESUS CHRIST but they hate the Hebrew Name of YAHUSHUA for it is a constant reminder that YAH saves! YAHUSHUA is the only MASHIACH (Messiah).

* * * * * * * *

许多人写信来问他们是不是能继续使用 “耶穌基督” 这个名字祷告(因为这事工只使用亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名)。Many people have written and asked (since this Ministry only uses the name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH) if they can still use the name JESUS CHRIST. 恩膏临到了我。我写下了我们收到有关使用希伯来文圣名的所有疑问及其回答。 the anointing hit me. I wrote all the answers to questions we have received in regard to using the Sacred Hebrew Names.

问:虽然这事工只使用亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,但我是不是能继续使用 “耶穌基督” 这个名字?Question: Even though this ministry only uses the name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, can I still use the name JESUS CHRIST?

答:是的,你可以继续使用 “耶穌基督” 这个名字,但你为什么会想要这么做?因为神的预言告诉我们,如果你被留在大灾难里的话,敌基督会使用 “耶穌基督” 这个名字,因为敌基督会说他就是基督。Yes, you can use the name Jesus Christ but why would you want too? As the Prophecies tell us, if you're here for the Great Tribulation, the antichrist will come using the name JESUS CHRIST because the antichrist will proclaim to be HIM. 在大灾难里,当基督徒大声奉 “耶穌基督” 的名祷告时,敌基督就会出现,并将知道所有祷告的內容。In the Great Tribulation when Christians use the name JESUS CHRIST aloud in prayer, it will be the antichrist that appears and will know everything that is being prayed for.

当基督徒奉 “耶穌基督” 的名祷告时,就在 “耶穌基督” 这名字被大声说出的同时,敌基督会从撒但那里得到邪恶的力量,会知道基督徒躲在哪里。When the name JESUS CHRIST will be used by Christians aloud in prayer, the antichrist will have unholy powers from satan and will know where the Christians are hidden –as soon as the name JESUS CHRIST is spoken.

这就是为什么我们现在就要学习并习惯使用真正的希伯来文圣名亚呼赎阿的原因!亚呼赎阿是处女马利亚(希伯来文:米利暗)给她的希伯来孩子所取的名字。This is why now is a good time to get in the habit of learning and using the true Hebrew name the Virgin Mary (her Hebrew name is Mariam) gave to her Hebrew Baby. 不要误会了。 现在阿爸亚哈威──你们一些人称祂为 “耶和华” (JEHOVAH),天父(当你读到 “阿爸亚哈威” 时,要知道这指的是天父亚哈威)──祂满有恩慈,Please don't misunderstand, right now YAHUVEH –who you might know as JEHOVAH the Heavenly Father,and when you see the name ABBA YAHUVEH know that it means FATHER YAHUVEH— is merciful 祂知道我们所有人都只能从《英王钦定版圣经》学习,所以我们大多数人都以 “耶穌基督” 这个希腊名字称呼祂,我也不例外!and HE knows that all of us only had the King James Version of the Bible to learn from. So most of us learned “JESUS CHRIST”, the Greek name given to Him. I am no exception.

在超过二十五年前,当我在一个五旬节神召会教会里,把自己的生命和灵魂交给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克时,我是奉 “耶穌基督” 的名得救的,并奉 “耶穌基督” 的名受了洗,被圣灵充满的。When I gave my life and soul to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH 25 years ago in an Assembly of God Pentecostal Church, I was saved, baptized and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT in the name of JESUS CHRIST. 在1995年,当亚哈威拣选我在互联网上诞生这个事工时,我成了一位被按立的使徒和牧师,这也都是奉 “耶穌基督” 的名。When YAHUVEH chose me to give birth to this Ministry nearly 15 years ago on the Internet and I became an ordained Apostle/Pastor, it was in the name of JESUS CHRIST. 当我第一次开始预言时,这也是奉 “耶穌基督” 的名。我以前是以希腊文称呼这个事工的:阿拉法&俄梅戛全能风圣灵野火教会。希伯来文是阿列夫&塔夫,而不是阿拉法和俄梅戛。When I first started prophesying, it was in the name of JESUS CHRIST. I called this Ministry by the Greek name ALPHA & OMEGA ALMIGHTYWIND HOLY GHOST FIRE CHURCH; the Hebrew is ALEPH & TAV.

我本来也是组织教会系统的一份子,并不知道圣诞节不是 “耶穌基督” 真正诞生的日子、不知道复活节也不是祂真正从死里复活的日子、I was part of the organized Church system and did not know that Christmas was not the true day that JESUS CHRIST was born and that Easter Sunday was not the true day HE arose from the dead. 也不知道星期天不是真正的安息日,守安息日是我们被神命令要遵守的第四条诫命。I did not know Sunday was not the true Sabbath Day of rest –which we are commanded to honor according to the 4th commandment. 我本来在教导其他人我从五旬节教会所学到的事情,我本来相信如果我能让人作 “救恩祷告” 的话,他们就都会被神提去,而不会经历大灾难。I was teaching what I learned from the Pentecostal Churches and believed if I could just get people to say the salvation prayer, they would all go up in the rapture and not go through the Great Tribulation.

当这事工刚刚开始时,我从来没听说过犹太神圣节期──这也是我们被神命令要遵守的。也从来没听说过每一个圣节日都象征着 “耶穌基督” 。When this Ministry first started out I had never heard of the Jewish Holy Days that we are commanded to follow or that JESUS CHRIST was symbolized in each one of them. 就在这事工出生几个月后,我才明白这个事工是要被使用来接触犹太人和外邦人,教导他们我们弥赛亚的犹太人血统。Only a matter of months after the birth of this Ministry, I realized this Ministry was to be used as an outreach to both Jew and Gentile and to teach the Jewishnes of our MESSIAH.

亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克耐心待我。祂带来一位名叫温蒂的女士到我生命中,教导我如何作一个弥赛亚犹太人。YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH was patient with me; HE brought a woman named Wendy into my life who taught me what she was learning about being a Messianic Jew. 她教我以 “耶书亚” (Yeshua)作为弥赛亚的名字,因为这是她在弥赛亚犹太会堂所学到的事。我也以这个名字教导其他人,天国允许了这件事──就像 “耶穌基督” 这名也得到了天国的允许一样──直到亚哈威教了我真理。She taught me the name “Yeshua” for the Messiah, because that is the name she was taught in Messianic Jewish Temples; I taught others that name and it was allowed from Heaven –just as the name JESUS CHRIST was allowed— until YAHUVEH taught me the truth.

现在我更加了解了,因为亚哈威赐给了我一篇神圣的预言,祂说弥赛亚犹太人不想冒犯犹太人,所以他们使用 “耶书亚” 这个名字而不是 “亚赎阿” 或 “亚呼赎阿” 。Now I know better, because YAHUVEH gave me a Holy Prophecy saying the Messianic Jews didn't want to offend the Jews, so they use the name Yeshua instead of teaching the name YAHUSHUA (正统犹太教认为你若以 “亚” 称呼神,你就是在妄称主的名)。(Orthodox Jews think you're taking the LORD's name in vain if you use the name YAH). 但是经上说,比如《诗篇》91篇: “因为他知道我的名,我要把他安置在高处。” However the bible plainly says, for instance in Psalm 91, “I will set him on high because he has known My Name”. 

在圣经中, “亚” 的名字出现在大多数的地方:在《新约》里你读到 “神” 的地方就是 “亚” ,而《旧约》中每一处你读到〔用英文大写表示的〕 “主” (LORD)的地方则是 “亚哈威”。In the Bible, the name YAH was everywhere that you read the word GOD in the New Testament and YAHUVEH was everywhere you read the word LORD in the Old Testament. 《英王钦定版圣经》以及其他的圣经版本只使用了 “神” 或 “主” 的翻译,但这些都不是名字,而是头衔。The King James Bible and other versions use just “LORD” or “GOD”; these are not Names, these are titles.

然而,真相是── “亚哈威” 神的圣名,在该被保留在《圣经》里时却被刪掉了。However, the truth is the Name of GOD, YAHUVEH, was taken out of the Bible when it should have been left in. 正统犹太教徒错误地相信 “不可妄称亚哈威你神的名” 的诫命指的是 “你不能说神的名字” ,因为一些法利赛人犹太拉比这样教导他们。The Orthodox Jews in error believe that the commandment “thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain” means you can't say the Name of GOD because some Pharisee Jewish Rabbi taught them this. 正统犹太教和许多相信亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的弥赛亚犹太教的信徒,他们接着又在伤口上洒盐,把 “LORD” (主)拼为 “L-RD” ,又把 “GOD” (神)拼为 “G-D” 。To further add insult to injury the Orthodox Jews and many Messianic Jewish believers in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH spell words such as LORD as L-RD or GOD as G-D. 他们要到什么时候才会明白,他们这样的作法是进一步夺走了任何对 “在亚哈威和亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克圣名里的全能权柄” 之有效性的确证?!When will they realize this even further takes away any validation of the ALMIGHTY Power in YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH'S Name?!

大部分相信亚呼赎阿的弥赛亚犹太教信徒,被教导要把我们的弥赛亚的名字拼作 “耶书亚” 。但是 “耶书亚” 这个名字没有包含阿爸亚哈威的圣名, “耶书亚” 这个名字又要怎样荣耀亚呢? Most Messianic Jewish believers in YAHUSHUA are taught to spell the Name of our MESSIAH as Yeshua. The name Yeshua does not contain the name of ABBA YAHUVEH. How does the name Yeshua, glorify YAH? “亚” 是 “亚哈威” (也可写成 “亚威” )的简称。亚的圣名的确在《圣经》里,所以这是有神圣经文支持的:YAH is short for YAHUVEH (which can be spelled YAHWEH). The name YAH is in the Bible so it is backed up with the Holy Scriptures.

就像我说过的,我也曾犯过错,教导人们要以 “耶书阿” 称呼我们的弥赛亚。我从错误中学习……As I said, I also made the mistake of teaching Yeshua as the name for our MESSIAH. I learned through my mistakes, 当圣灵要我去买一本《亚兰文圣经直译本》时,我很惊讶地在其中看到了名字 “亚赎阿” ,我马上就知道这是正确的,要以 “亚” 来称呼我们弥赛亚的名字,以此荣耀阿爸亚哈威,and when the HOLY SPIRIT had me buy an Aramaic Transliteration version of the Bible, I was amazed to see the name YAH SHUA in it and I instantly knew that this was correct, to spell our MESSIAH'S Name with the word YAH in it glorifying ABBA YAHUVEH 这是提醒我们:亚拯救我们的灵魂——通过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名和宝血。〔亚呼赎阿会说亚兰文和希伯来文,《新约》也是主要以这两种语言撰写的〕。and reminding us that YAH saves our souls through the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. (YAHUSHUA spoke both Aramaic and Hebrew; the New Testament would have been written in those two languages).

我收到一个来自天国的命令:要开始使用真正的希伯来文圣名。我再告诉你们一次,救主的圣名可以拼成 “亚赎阿” 或 “亚呼赎阿” ,但最重要的就是永远不要拼为 “耶书阿” 。 I received a mandate from Heaven to start using the true Sacred Hebrew Name. Again it can be spelled as YAHSHUA as well as YAHUSHUA. The main thing is to never to spell it as Yeshua. 我们只为自己所知道的事情负责!我以前并不知道真正的拼法,但我奉耶书阿之名的祷告仍得到了答复,也得到过平安。但现在我知道了真理,你也是一样。We are only held accountable for what we know; there was a time I didn't know better, still my prayers were answered and I had peace in praying in the name of Yeshua. But now I know better, and you do also.

马利亚是个希伯来人,她不会给她的希伯来婴孩取一个希腊人的名字。《英王钦定版圣经》记载着,她给孩子取名为 “以马內利” (赛7:14)。但 “以马內利” 的含义是什么?以马內利的意思是 “神与我们同在” 。Mary was a Hebrew and she would not have given her Hebrew baby a Greek name. The King James Bible says she gave the baby the name Immanuel. Now what does Immanuel mean? It means “YAH with us”. 

现在,这件事很有趣:每次你在《圣经》里看到 “主” “神” 的时候,尤其是在特指父神的时候,要知道在《圣经》时代里,这些词的原本真正的字是亚、亚哈威,或是亚威。要记得,祂是神(希伯来文:以罗欣),祂是天父亚威。Now here is something interesting: everytime you see the word “God” in the bible just know that the real word back in Biblical times was YAH or YAHUVEH or some spell it YAHWEH. Remember HE is GOD the HEAVENLY FATHER.

那么,让我们回到这个问题: “为什么 ‘耶穌基督’ 这个希腊译名并不是照着字面翻译的,也没有任何含义?而希伯来文直译的译名 ‘亚呼赎阿’ 又有什么样的含义?” So let's gets back to why JESUS CHRIST (the Greek name given) has no literal translation or meaning, and what the name YAHUSHUA's literal translation from Hebrew means. 在希伯来文中, “亚呼赎阿” 字面意思就是 “亚拯救” ,这不是很棒吗?世上不是有许多父亲希望他们的儿子继承他们自己的名字吗?亚哈威也做了同样的事,让自己唯一的独生子带有祂的圣名!The name YAHUSHUA's literal meaning in Hebrew is “YAH SAVES”! Isn't that awesome? How many fathers want their sons to carry their own first names? YAHUVEH did the same for HIS only begotten Son!

现在,当我们把祂完整的希伯来文圣名全放在一起时,就是 “亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克” ,其涵义是 “亚呼赎阿弥赛亚” !Now when you put the entire name together in Hebrew, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, that translates to YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH! 每一次当魔鬼听见 “亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克” ” 的圣名时,牠就会被提醒,牠不能拥有我们这些接受亚呼赎阿作为神、主和救主之人的灵魂,Every time the devil hears the name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, he is reminded how he has no claim on our souls –we who accept YAHUSHUA as GOD, LORD and SAVIOUR— 这都因为亚呼赎阿在各各他山为我们所付的代价,也因为亚呼赎阿是亚哈威唯一的独生子,祂在所有方面都是完全的。甚至当祂在这地球上行走时,亚呼赎阿从未犯过罪,一次也没有!because of the price YAHUSHUA paid for us at Calvary, also because YAHUSHUA is YAHUVEH'S only begotten Son who is perfect in all ways, even when HE walked this earth, YAHUSHUA never sinned one time! 想到祂成为肉身时,同样的试探围绕着祂,但祂连一个罪也没有犯过,甚至连一个罪恶的想法也没有过,这是令人敬畏的!否则祂就不能成为完全无罪的赎罪血祭,来洗净我们所有人的罪!It is awesome to think HE was in human flesh with the same temptations all around HIM, and yet HE never sinned one time, not even a sinful thought –otherwise HE could not have been the perfect sinless blood sacrifice to wash all our sins away!

问:祷告和洗礼是否还能继续奉 “耶穌基督” 的名去行?

Question: Can prayers and baptisms still be done in the name of JESUS CHRIST?

答:可以, “耶穌基督” 这名仍有饶恕、医治、拯救和复活的权柄,当然奉 “耶穌基督” 之名的祷告至今还能得到回答。Yes, the name JESUS CHRIST still has forgiving, healing, delivering, resurrection power, and of course in the name of JESUS CHRIST, prayers are still answered. 但你为什么想要继续使用 “耶穌基督” 的名?当你知道你的弥赛亚真正的希伯来文圣名后,你就为你所知道的事情负责。But why would you want to use the name of JESUS CHRIST? Once you know the true Sacred Hebrew Name of your MESSIAH, you are held accountable for what you know. 从前在你不知道的时候,你是有藉口的,但现在你就没有任何藉口了。在这末时,亚哈威使用这个事工和其他人教导世人 “认识我们弥赛亚真正的希伯来文圣名” 的重要性。Before, when you didn't know, you had an excuse. Now you don't have an excuse. In these end times, YAHUVEH is using this Ministry and others to teach the importance of knowing the true Hebrew name of our MESSIAH.

亚哈威甚至使用一个异教徒演员,梅尔.吉布森(Mel Gibson)来帮助我们接触这个世界。梅尔.吉布森在他所写的电影剧本中使用 “耶书亚” 这个名字。YAHUVEH even used a heathen actor named Mel Gibson to help us reach the world as the movie script Mel Gibson wrote used the name Yeshua. 虽然梅尔.吉布森并没有使用真正的希伯来文圣名亚赎阿或亚呼赎阿,但他知道足够的历史和真理,从而没有称亚呼赎阿为 “耶穌” 。梅尔努力让这部电影尽可能地接近事实,使用在当时所用的一些真名。Even though Mel Gibson didn't use the true Sacred Name of YAHSHUA or YAHUSHUA he knew enough of history and the truth not to call YAHUSHUA "JESUS". Mel tried to make this film as authentic as possible using the true names used back then. (但很可惜,救赎信息和过圣洁生命的重要性并没有改变梅尔.吉布森的心。如果他在罪中死去,撒但定不会因他的《基督受难记》的电影而奖赏他。Isn't it sad that salvation message and the importance of leading a Holy life didn't change the heart of Mel Gibson? 我们甚至无法想像撒但在地狱里为他所预备的折磨,因所有接受亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的灵魂的缘故——因为他的电影使他们认罪悔改,将他们的灵魂交给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。We cannot even conceive of the tortures satan has waiting for him in hell because of all the souls that came to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH –because of his movie that caused them to repent and give their souls to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. 我们只能祈求梅尔.吉布森会回头观看他自己的电影,回想起亚呼赎阿在各各他山上为他的罪所付的赎价,从他邪恶的道上转离,持守圣洁,敬拜亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,而不是敬拜天主教。We can only pray Mel Gibson watches his own movie and remembers the price that was paid for his sins at Calvary and turns from his wicked ways to live Holy and worship YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH instead of the Catholic Church. 宗教是无法拯救人的,只有与亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克建立爱慕、顺服的关係才能拯救人。)There is no salvation in a religion, but only with a loving, obedient relationship with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

这事工有许多仇敌,他们胆敢自称为基督徒。然而他们憎恨我,他们从未见过我,甚至从未跟我说过话,很少人甚至写信给我过。但他们说的却是毁谤的谎话,控告我说我有骄傲的灵。There are enemies of this Ministry, who dare to call themselves Christians and yet hate me and have never met me, or even spoken to me. Few have even written to me, and yet they tell slanderous lies and accuse me of having the spirit of pride. 我知道这不是事实,那些真正认识我的人知道这不是事实,因为亚哈威通过许多不同的方式使我保持谦卑。其中一个方法,就是让其他人知道我曾被亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克慈爱地斥责过。I know this is not true, and those who know me best know it is not true, for YAHUVEH has kept me humble in many different ways. One of these ways is to let others know when I have been lovingly rebuked by YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

这是真实发生过的事,甚至在我知道我们弥赛亚的圣名后,我仍继续坚持称祂为 “耶穌基督” ,并这样告诉祂。Here is a true story in regard to me–even after I knew the truth about the Sacred Name of our Messiah—still wanting and insisted I call HIS Name JESUS CHRIST and told HIM so.

这发生在我生命出现危机的时候,我向 “耶穌基督” 呼求,向祂求问,祈求得到确证。This happened at a time when I was going through a crisis in my life, and I was crying out for answers from JESUS CHRIST. I was praying in JESUS CHRIST's Name and asking a question for confirmation. 

我记得我说: “我知道你的名字是亚赎阿,但我比较习惯称呼你为 ‘耶穌’ ,因为这是我学到的名字。I remember saying “I know your name is YAHSHUA but I am more comfortable calling you JESUS because that is what I was taught – 我唱给我孩子们的儿歌叫做 ‘耶穌爱我’ ,所以你能不能原谅我,让我称你为 ‘耶穌’ ?” and even the children's song I sing to my children is, 'JESUS loves me— so please will you forgive me as I just call you JESUS”?


我听到 “好啊,苏。” 

我说, “呃……我的名字不是苏。” All of a sudden it was as if I heard an audible voice –it was so loud and firmly spoken. I heard “Ok Sue”. I said “uhm…my name is not Sue”. 

我永远不会忘记接下来我所听到的话: “当妳知道我晓得妳的真名不是 ‘苏’ ,却又不以妳的真名称呼妳时,妳感觉如何?妳知道我真正的希伯来文圣名,但妳却说妳更喜欢称呼我为 ‘耶穌’ ,因为妳觉得比较习惯。甚至在我领妳明白真理后,妳也还这样想。妳感觉如何?The next thing I heard, I will never forget, “How do you like being called a name that is not your name –when you know that I know your true name, and it is not Sue? You know my true Hebrew name and yet you say you still want to call me by the name JESUS because you're more comfortable with it –even after I led you to the truth? How do you like it?”

我认罪悔改,告诉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克我非常抱歉。我终于意识到,我现在要为我所知道的事情负责了。而从前我不知道的时候,是处在神的恩典下。I repented and told YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH I was so sorry, and I finally understood that I am now held accountable for what I know; whereas before, I was under mercy for not knowing better. 多年后,我现在明白了教导世人亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克希伯来文圣名有多么的重要了,让那些会在大灾难里成为亚呼赎阿的信徒能明白真理。I now understood the importance of teaching the Hebrew Sacred Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH –so those who become believers in YAHUSHUA in the Great Tribulation would know the truth.

我也坚信,那些所谓的基督徒们会继续以恶言恶语攻击这个事工。他们只有敬虔的外表,却没有可以证明他们真正圣洁的生命或果子。I also firmly believe the so-called Christians that continue to attack this Ministry with the written and spoken word have a form of holiness, but no life or fruit to prove it. 这些仇敌在吃过许多苦头后,才会发现他们不配逃离大灾难——和地狱。These enemies will find out the hard way they were not found worthy to escape the Great Tribulation as well as hell. 

我坚信亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克告诉过我,会有很多被亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克鑑查过后,被发现没有资格被祂提去、也不能逃离大灾难的人。因为他们残忍地毁谤这位先知,大大伤害我。I firmly believe YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH has told me there will be many who will not be found worthy by YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, to be raptured and escape the Great Tribulation, because they have so brutally slandered and lied about this prophet and done me much harm. 他们设法毁灭这事工,通过称我为假先知,毁谤这个事工,称这个事工为邪教。全都因为这事工拒绝向罪妥协;They try to destroy this Ministry by calling me a false prophet, slandering this Ministry by calling it a cult.因为这个事工通过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克和亚哈威说出的神圣预言,被神命令要荣耀安息日和圣日(圣节期),All this because this Ministry refuses to compromise with sin, Holy Prophecies have been spoken forth from YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and YAHUVEH –with mandates to honor the Sabbath Day and the Holy Days, 这些是亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克也同样荣耀并遵守的节期;也因为这个事工使用我们弥赛亚的希伯来文圣名。 that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH honored and kept— and to use the Holy Sacred Hebrew Names of our MESSIAH.

我因为知道魔鬼憎恨这事工所教导的真理而感到欣慰。我们接触各国的灵魂,以各种不同的语言为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克接触他们。这就是为什么撒但的仆人攻击我和这个事工的原因。I have to take comfort and know that the devil hates what this Ministry is teaching. We are reaching souls in many different nations in their own languages for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. This is why the servants of satan are attacking me and this Ministry. 你们看看亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,看看祂在过去如何被人毁谤、嘲笑、被称为邪恶。所以,什么都没有改变。那些为亚哈威持守圣洁的圣民,仍会因为他们和世界的不同而遭受逼迫!Look at YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, see how he was slandered, mocked and called evil. So nothing has changed. The Holy people who live Holy unto YAHUVEH will still suffer persecution for being different than the world.

让我来告诉你一个真实的故事,关于我是怎么学到现在要为我现在所知的真理负上责任了,因为我再没有了使用 “耶穌基督” 而不奉祂真正的希伯来文圣名 “亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克” 〔也可以称祂为亚赎阿.哈.玛西阿克〕作祷告的藉口。Allow me to tell you a true story about how I learned that I am now held accountable for what I now know and there is no more excuses for me praying in the name of JESUS CHRIST instead of HIS True Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (also can be YAHSHUA ha MASHIACH). 

我通常会在祂的圣名后头加上 “哈.玛西阿克” ——因为并非只有祂的亚呼赎阿的名字是重要的——因为这也是祂的主要头衔,描述了祂是:独一无二、唯一的弥赛亚!I usually add “ha MASHIACH” because it isn't just HIS first name –it is also HIS main Title describing who HE is: the one and only MESSIAH. (这是在很久以前,当神圣的诸预言被张贴在网站上时,亚哈威教导我并让我知道我没有按神的心意去行的事:在英文里当我们谈到一个人的名字时,会把他们名字的首字大写以表示尊重,那么全能神难道不配得更多的尊重吗?I was taught long ago by YAHUVEH and convicted when the Holy Prophecies were posted on the Internet. We capitalize Names in the English language for humans. But isn't GOD ALMIGHTY worthy of more than that?

圣灵教导我要把祂们圣名的所有英文字母都以大写写下,即使在使用 “神” 这个词的时候也是一样。这表明了我荣耀亚哈威、亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克和宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西/圣灵。The HOLY SPIRIT taught me to capitalize all the letters of their Names and even if I am using the word GOD. This shows that I honor YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and the Precious RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). 其他人能不能理解跟我无关,这并不是因为 “我不懂语法结构” ,而是因为我知道全能神亙古常在者、天国所有造物的创造主,是配得这至高的尊敬!And it doesn't matter to me whether people understand that. It isn't because I don't 'know any better'. It is because I do know ALMIGHTY ETERNAL ANCIENT OF DAYS, HEAVENLY CREATOR of ALL deserves this act of high respect. 你要怎么做都随便你,但这是我的信念,我是不会以其他的方式写祂们的圣名。另外,你也永远不会看到我把 “恶魔” (devil)和 “撒但” (satan)的首字母大写。牠们不配这种尊重,就算牠们的名字是在一句句子的开头!)Do what you want but this is my conviction and I cannot write it any other way. Also you will never see me capitalize the word devil or satan for they do not deserve that respect even if it is in the beginning of a sentence!

或许阅读下面的资讯能帮助你了解为什么你也没有藉口不使用我们弥赛亚的真正圣名。Maybe reading this will help you to realize why you won't have an excuse not to use our MESSIAH's true Sacred Name either.

有一段时间我使用 “亚赎阿” 的拼写,但我现在使用 “亚呼赎阿” 的拼法,因为一位事工伙伴曾做了一个梦。他在梦中指向天空,看到亚呼赎阿骑着白马前来,大声呼喊 “亚呼赎阿要来了!快昂首观看!亚呼赎阿要来了!” I spell and pronounce the name YAHUSHUA now because a ministry partner had a dream and in that dream he was pointing to the sky and saw YAHUSHUA coming on a white horse. He shouted aloud “YAHUSHUA is coming! Look up YAHUSHUA is coming!” 我不知道这个梦境有没有被张贴在网站上,如果没有的话我们要把这个梦境放上去。在做这个梦前,他一直习惯以 “亚赎阿” 称呼弥赛亚。但在这个梦之后,他便以 “亚呼赎阿” 称呼弥赛亚。I don't know if the dream is posted on the website but if it isn't we need to get it there. He used to say YAHSHUA up until this dream, but after the dream he spelled and pronounced the name, YAHUSHUA. 我在那时告诉他,我会以 “亚赎阿” 称呼祂的,因为这是我所学到的拼法。他说他现在被神带领要使用 “亚呼赎阿” 这个拼法。

I told him I learned YAHSHUA and that is the way I would continue to pronounce it. He said he felt led to use the name YAHUSHUA now.

这就是当时所发生的事了。在我所有写下的文章里,当我奉弥赛亚的圣名祷告,或提到祂的时候,我使用的是 “亚赎阿” ,直到几篇新的预言被释放。So that is what happened and in all my writings and when I prayed or spoke the MESSIAH'S Name, I wrote and said YAHSHUA –until a new Holy Prophecy was released 当时在我奉圣方言祷告时,圣名 “亚呼赎阿” 清楚地出现了,而不是 “亚赎阿” ,圣方言也被翻译成了英文。and the name YAHUSHUA, not YAHSHUA, came forth clearly when I spoke in Holy Tongues and it was interpreted into English. 事实上,在其中一篇神圣预言里,我被神命令要称呼弥赛亚为 “亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克” ,并要把这个拼法教给其他人。In fact, in that Holy Prophecy I was told to do what he heard. Speak and teach the name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. 但这是为什么呢?我不知道——因为 “亚赎阿” 这个拼法并没有错。两种拼法都能把荣耀带给亚,然而我只是凡事顺服亚哈威而已。Why, I don't know because there is nothing wrong with the name YAHSHUA. Both names give Glory to YAH, yet I just strive to obey YAHUVEH in every way.

问:当你使用亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的希伯来文圣名时,你还是在向 “耶穌基督” 、神亚哈威唯一的独生子祷告吗?(约3:16)

答:是的,当然!Question: When you use the Hebrew Sacred Name of YAHUSHUA, are you still praying to JESUS CHRIST, the only begotten Son of YAHUVEH?

但是,要记得,我们同样要警告你,现在就要学习我们弥赛亚真正的希伯来文圣名。YES, of course! However, remember we are also warning you now to learn the true Hebrew Sacred Name of our MESSIAH because 因为如果在大灾难期间你还在这里的话,只有在你奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克或亚赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名祷告时,你的祷告才被垂听——因为敌基督将会以 “耶穌基督” 这名自称!if you are here during the Great Tribulation your prayers will only be heard when you use the name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH or YAHSHUA ha MASHIACH, because the antichrist will be claiming the name JESUS CHRIST. 

现在有多少假先知自称是 “耶穌基督” 并嘲笑所有圣洁之事?亚呼赎阿警告我们,这些事情会在祂再次回来前发生。How many now are false christs who say their name is Jesus Christ and mock all that is holy? YAHUSHUA warned us this would happen before HE would return again. 我们活在祂所预言的末时。敌基督不会想使用 “亚呼赎阿” 或 “亚赎阿” 这两个名字的,因为撒但憎恨这两个圣名的字面含义,牠討厌圣名的翻译!We are living in the End Times as HE prophesied. The antichrist is not going to want to use the name YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA because satan hates the literal meaning, translation of that name!

下面是这些经文真正的样子:This is how the following Scriptures should really be.

《出埃及记》20:7 不可妄称亚哈威祢神的名;因为妄称亚哈威名的,亚哈威必不以他为无罪。Exodus 20:7

Thou shalt not take the name of YAHUVEH in vain; for YAHUVEH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain* (KJV)

《出》20:7中 “妄称” 的希伯来文是 “שוא” (夏夫,shav',史特朗编号#H7723),意思是 “空虚、无意义、无有、说谎” 等等,也就是 “使之毫无意义” :The Hebrew word for vain in Ex 20:7 is shav' –meaning empty, meaningless, nothingness, lying etc ie to empty of meaning.

《耶利米书》8:8 你们怎么说:我们有智慧,亚哈威的律法在我们这里?看哪,文士的假笔舞弄虚假。Jeremiah 8:8 How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of YAHUVEH is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he [the scribe] it; the pen of the scribes is in vain. (KJV

《耶》8:8中 “舞弄虚假” 的希伯来文是 “שקר” (谢克尔,sheqer,#H8267),意思是 “谎言、欺骗、失望、虚假” 。The Hebrew word for vain in Jer 8:8 is sheqer – meaning lie, deception, disappointment, falsehood.

《耶利米书》23:27 他们各人将所作的梦对邻舍述说,想要使我的百姓忘记我的名,正如他们列祖因巴力忘记我的名一样。Jer 23:27

[They] think to cause my people to forget My Name […] as their fathers have forgotten My Name for Baal. (KJV)

《何西阿书》2:16-17 亚哈威说: “那日你必称呼我伊施(就是我夫的意思),不再称呼我巴力(就是我主的意思);因为我必从我民〔她〕的口中除掉诸巴力的名号,这名号不再题起。” Hosea 2: 16-17And it shall be at that day, saith YAHUVEH, that thou shalt call me Ishi [Husband]; and shalt call me no more Baali* ['my Lord']. For I will take away the names of Baalim* out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name. (KJV)

《撒迦利亚书》13:2 万军之亚哈威说: “那日我必从地上除灭偶像的名,不再被人纪念;也必使这地不再有假先知,与汙秽的灵。” Zech 13:2And it shall come to pass in that day, saith YAHUVEH, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land. (KJV)

《撒迦利亚书》13:9 我要使这三分之一经火,熬炼他们,如熬炼银子;试炼他们,如试炼金子。他们必求告我的名,我必应允他们。我要说: “这是我的子民。” 他们也要说: “亚哈威是我们的神。” Zech 13:9 I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on My Name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is My people: and they shall say, YAHUVEH is my God. (KJV)

《撒迦利亚书》14:9 亚哈威必作全地的王。那日亚哈威必为独一无二的,祂的名也是独一无二的。Zech 14:9

YAHUVEH shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD [YAHUVEH], and His Name one. (KJV)

《以赛亚书》52:6 所以,我的百姓必知道我的名;到那日他们必知道说这话的就是我。看哪,是我!Isaiah 52:6

Therefore my people shall know My Name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am He that doth speak: behold, it is I. (KJV)

《约翰福音》17:6 祢从世上赐给我的人,我已将祢的名显明于他们。他们本是祢的,祢将他们赐给我,他们也遵守了祢的道。John 17:6

I have manifested Thy Name unto the men which thou gavest Me out of the world: Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me; and they have kept Thy word. (KJV)

《诗篇》 83:18 使他们知道,惟独祢名为亚哈威的,是全地以上的至高者。Psalm 83:18 That men may know that Thou, whose name alone is YAHUVEH, art the Most High over all the earth. (KJV)



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...