雅各天梯!100层阶梯!Jacob’s Ladder! 100 Levels Up!
1月5日是我一个亲爱的儿子的生日,但我们那段时间一直很悲痛。我祈祷着问要送给他什么礼物才好,亚呼赎阿(耶稣的希伯来文圣名)赐给了我一个礼物的应许,这个礼物不仅仅会祝福这个儿子,也会祝福其他人。It was a birthday of a dearly beloved son of mine on January 5th, but we had been in a time of mourning. I prayed what gift to give him. YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS) gave me a promise of a gift that would not only bless this son, but many others.
亚呼赎阿的新娘和所有那些会参加羔羊婚筵的人,我们所有人很快地将会在一起庆祝婚礼!我在我的灵里听到了一首名为“祂即将到来” 的歌曲的大合唱:We all will be celebrating soon, as the Bride of YAHUSHUA and also all those who will attend the Marriage Supper of the LAMB! I heard the chorus of a song in my spirit, called “HE’S Coming Soon”:
“祂即将来临!毫无疑问!一声大喊,我就要离开这个世界!” 一直到2016年1月7日,我一次又一次地听到了这首歌。我在睡梦中不停地听见这首歌。“HE’S coming soon. There’s no doubt. I am going to leave this world with a shout!” Again and again I heard it as I went to be on January 7th, 2016.
当我在1月8日醒来的时候,我的脑海里还在出现歌词和曲调,就像我整晚一直都在唱这首歌一样!I heard this song non-stop in my sleep and when I awoke on the 8th, the words and tune were in my head, as if I had been singing it all night!
这首歌鼓励了我,所以我祷告求问:“要怎样才能达到100%呢?要怎么才能使自己配得被提接去天国?” 接着,在2016年1月10日,我有了这个异梦。This song encouraged me and so I was praying, asking, “What will it take to reach 100%—to be accounted worthy to be taken up in the Rapture?” Then on the 10th of January, 2016, I had this dream.
攀登雅各的天梯Climbing Jacob’s Ladder
I dreamed about an elderly man. As if I was him, I walked in his shoes and experienced what he experienced. I know the elderly man was like unto Elijah of Old, who represents the Revelation or Rev 14 Bride of YAHUSHUA, HIS Firstfruits Bride.
在我梦里的这个男人是100岁,但他必须要爬100层的阶梯!他的仇敌不想要那个男人继续往上爬。This man in my dream was 100 years old and he had to climb up 100 flights of stairs! His enemies didn’t want the man to go up higher and higher.
对这位老人来说,爬那么高的阶梯是一件很可怕的事。他们不停地奚落他说:“你爬不上去!你没有力量的!你老了!你没办法的,你的身体太老了!” 他们还威胁了他的生命。It was a fearful thing for this old man. They kept taunting him with words like, “You will not make it! You will not have strength! You are old! You will give out! You’re body is too old!” They also threatened his life.
(他们让我想起了我的仇敌们也威胁了我的生命,其中有一个名叫“罗杰Roger” 的人和另一个自称“模仿者Mimic” 的人。)
(They reminded me of enemies of mine who have also threatened my life, one named “Roger” and another calls himself after the word “Mimic.”)
但那老人宣告说:“不,我会爬得更高!我必不致死,乃要存活!” 然后,他爬上去了!即使是100岁,他仍旧爬上了第100层阶梯!这个阶梯层层往上──通向天空,直达天国!我在想这个梯子是否跟雅各的天梯类似。But the elderly man declared, “No. I’m going higher! I shall live and not die!” And he made it! He made it to the 100th level even at the old age of 100! It was a staircase that went up and up—all the way to the sky, to Heaven! I wondered if it was like Jacob’s ladder.
当他每爬上一层阶梯时,他的仇敌们就会喊叫:“你是爬不上另一层阶梯了!你太老了!你会死!你最好现在就下去!现在下去!你会死的!” Each time the man went up another level, his enemies would call, “You will not make it one more level. You are too old! You will die! You better come down now! Now! You will die!”
当他越往高处走时,他的身体变得更强壮更年轻了,并没有因为高龄或是因为在爬梯时消耗体力而变得虚弱或软弱。当他到达阶梯的顶部时,仇敌们想要伤害那个老人,但当然伤害不了他。As he went higher and higher, his body became even stronger, more youthful—not weaker or frail with age or exertion. When he made it to the top, they wanted to hurt the elderly man, but of course they couldn’t.
在那里有一只狗,仇敌们一直在努力试图破坏老人爬到顶部的使命,但无论他们做什么都没有任何办法阻止老人。There was a dog. The enemies had been trying without results to command it to do this or that to sabotage the old man’s mission to climb to the top, but the dog refused. And so of course this didn’t work in any way to stop the old man.
所以,他们说:“因为你爬到了阶梯的顶端,这就是我们所给你的惩罚!” 他们于是砍掉了狗的一只半耳朵。So now they said to the man, “Because you made it to the top, this is what we’re going to do to punish you” and they proceeded to cut off half of one of it’s ears.
(虽然我不知道狗的具体品种,但我知道那只狗是古罗马或古时餵养的犬种。)(Although I can’t name the specific breed, I know somehow it was a dog breed of the ancient world and of Rome.)
梦境结束。End of Dream.
我知道这个异梦不但是赐给我的也是赐给所有爱圣灵全能风野火事工之人的梦境。我知道那个男人身为100岁和有100个阶梯的楼层指的是100%,这是赐给我们所有人的讯息。I know this dream was not just for me, but for all of you who love AmightyWind Ministries. I know the 100th year, the man’s age, and the 100th level of stairs means 100% percent. This is a message for us all from YAHUVEH (GOD’S Hebrew name, i.e. YAHWEH).
要记得,当我达到完整百分比时,那也是所有启示录14章的新娘达到完整百分比的时候。启示录7章的新娘也必须要准备好,因为他们需要新的恩膏。我不知道会怎么发生,但只知道他们也必须要准备好。Remember, when I get to the top level of percentage, I know so will all Rev 14 Bride. I am thinking Rev 7 has to be ready also, because they need the new Anointing. I do not know how that will work, but just know they must also be ready.
当我醒来时,我发现在我的枕头底下有张去年的光明节贺卡,里面的一段问候语说“要提升你的信心” !这就是给我的异梦的确证!
When I awoke, I found I had a previous years’ Hanukkah card at the edge of the bed, under my pillow with a greeting inside that mentioned the “elevation of your faith”! Confirmation!
The funny part is I didn’t realize it, but the ones who gave me the card later told me it was quoting part of a Prophetic Word given to me. (See below.)
我不是古时的以利亚,也没有一个年迈男人的身躯,亚却称我为祂的“新以利亚” 。古时的以利亚是一个年老的男人,几乎过着如山洞里隐士般的生活,但他却奇蹟般地跑在了战车的前面(王上18:46)!这让我想起了我的异梦。I’m not Elijah of Old and don’t have an old man’s body, but YAH calls me HIS “Eliyah of New.” Elijah of Old was an older man and he even lived almost like a hermit in a cave, yet miraculously he could outrun chariots (1 Kings 18:46)! This reminds me of my dream.
当然,我不指望自己活到100岁,因为我相信我会活着被接去作为亚呼赎阿的新娘与亚呼赎阿在空中相会。我不把活着被提视为理所当然,反倒每天祈求自己能配得被称为亚呼赎阿的新娘!Of course, I also do not expect to reach age 100 because I believe I will be caught up alive to meet YAHUSHUA in the air as HIS Bride. I do not take this for granted, but pray daily to be accounted worthy!
预言话语摘录Prophetic Word Excerpt
I Take You to a New Elevation of Your Faith
现在,我的孩子们,我把你的信心提到一个新的高度。你要看着自己在乘电梯往上升,记得你最初的起点,当你越来越接近天国时,我会把你带到一个新层次,我把你的信心提升到一个新的高度。Now, MY children I take your faith to a new level. See yourself on an elevator. See yourself where you first began and the closer you get to Heaven I take you to a new floor, a new elevation of your faith.
我在教导你们每一个人,我是你们每一个人个别的老师,你们每一个人都有属我的耳朵,有属我的眼睛。你所要做的,就是把你的生命交给我,说:“我不想以自己的方法去做事。”I AM teaching each of you. I AM your INDIVIDUAL TEACHER. Each one of you have MY ear, have MY eye. All you have to do is surrender your lives to ME and say, “I do not want to do this my way.”
我知道你们的每一个恐惧,你们不能向我隐藏,那就向我坦白,让我来缓解那些恐惧,I know each one of your fears. You cannot hide them from ME so you might as well confess them so I can alleviate those fears.
不要为恐惧而感到羞耻,除非这个恐惧阻挡了你去做我告诉你要去做的事。不要为哀伤感到羞耻,除非这个哀伤阻挡了你去做我告诉你要去做的事。[…] There is no shame in fear unless it stops you from doing what I have told you to do. There is no shame in grief, unless it stops you from doing what I have told you to do. […]
有些人只有在剩最后一口气时才会悔改去天国。但我的新娘,你不在其内。你的奖赏会跟随着你,因为你忠诚地事奉我。There are those that will only make Heaven with their last dying breath. But MY Bride you are not counted amongst those. You have rewards that follow you, for you serve ME so faithfully. […]
我是活的膏油!没有人能夺走我的生命!是我心甘情愿地把生命放下,又把生命十起来,再次复活。[…][….] I AM THE LIVING OIL! And no man can take MY life! I willingly laid it down and I picked it back up and lived again. […]
哦,我亲爱的!把你的信心放在我身上,允许我以你尚未经历的方式来增强你。[…] Oh MY darling ones! Put your faith in ME. Allow ME to stretch you in ways you’ve not been yet. […]
当我第一次做这梦时,我对梦中出现的狗所指的含义毫无头绪,直到我与其他人分享这梦寻求分辨为止,以下是来自几位圣灵全能风野火事工的夥伴和代祷者们解梦的汇总:When I first had the dream I had no idea what the part with the dog meant, until I shared it with others for discernment, which is below—a compilation from several AmightyWind Partners and Prayer Intercessors:
Loyal & Faithful
这是关于异梦中出现的狗的辨析。异梦中的狗指的并不代表真实的狗,而是狗为众人所知的品质:忠诚,忠心。Here is the discernment regarding the dog. It doesn’t represent an actual dog, but what pet dogs are known for: faithfulness, loyalty.
妳上得阶层越高,邪灵和恶者就会更加惩罚或试图惩罚那些对妳──先知伊莉莎白、启示录14章的新娘和这事工忠心耿耿的人。哦,他们会极力地尝试!The higher you go, the more the demons and evil ones will punish or attempt to punish those loyal & faithful to you Prophet Elisabeth, the Rev 14 Bride and this Ministry. Well they will try.
如果仇敌不能阻止我们往前,就像梦中显现的,那么他们就会通过攻击我们最亲近的人──那些忠心耿耿的人──来阻挡我们!If the enemy can’t stop us physically, like in the dream, then he tries to stop us emotionally by attacking those we are closest to, those that are faithful and loyal.
仇敌知道妳是多么地爱护也关心那些爱妳和这事工的人,这是其中一个仇敌在现在以及将来会聚焦其上的攻击领域,尤其是在被提发生时和被提临近的时候。The enemy knows how much you love and care for those that love you and this Ministry and that is one area he will focus his attacks now and in future, especially at the time of the Rapture and as it approaches.
信心的提升Elevation of Faith
我读到关于“信心的提升” 的预言话语,我认为这话语显明了部分梦境的含义。I was reading the Word about Elevation of Faith and I think it shows part of the dream’s meaning.
〔以莉莎法〕妳提到过,妳之前正祈祷求问要怎么达到100%,然后妳就有了这个异梦。You mentioned you were praying what will it take to reach 100%? Then had dream.
这个光明节,信心提升的预言话语里说到亚知道我们的恐惧,但一切都在亚呼赎阿的掌控之下。在梦里,爬上100层阶梯对那位老人而言是一个挑战,凭着信心爬这么高是很不容易的事。This Hanukkah, Elevation of Faith Word says YAH knows what we fear, but YAHUSHUA is in control. In the dream, this was a challenge for the old man. It was not easy to have the faith to do this.
我们需要信任亚呼赎阿,即使我们面临着极大的恐惧,即使面对着死亡,即使面对着即将到来的危险、战争时,或是在我们从新闻里听见的报导,看见写在《马太福音》24章正在应验的事情时──我们要相信亚呼赎阿,即使我们面临着极大的恐惧!We need to trust YAHUSHUA even with our greatest fears, even in the face of death. Even in the perilous times that are soon coming, times of war, things we hear in the news, Matthew 24 being fulfilled etc, we trust YAHUSHUA even in the face of our greatest fears etc.
这篇预言话语说,新娘不会在他们只剩最后一口气时才去带去天国,因为新娘甚至不会看到死亡!我们坚立在这个应许上!This Word says the Bride will not make Heaven with they’re last dying breath BECAUSE the Bride will not even see death. We stand on that promise.
在这篇话语中,亚说我们应该允许祂来把我们推到极限。也许这就是问题的答案,“要怎么样才能达到100%呢?” In this Word, YAH says we should allow HIM to stretch us. Maybe that is the answer to the question, “What does it take to get to 100%?”
在梦中,妳像这100岁的男人必须不断地在每一个需要信心的阶梯上把自己的信心推向极限!我们继续顺服并坚持着走得更高,一次走一步。 In the dream, you as the 100 year old man constantly had to stretch his faith more and more at each level of faith! We just keep obeying and striving to go higher, one step at a time.
罗马帝国The Roman Empire
但撒但会愤怒地将怒气发洩在许多忠诚于亚呼赎阿的宾客身上。当我们敌挡撒但时,牠会把气撒在那些遵守诫命但尚未被提的人身上(但11:30)。But satan will be angry and unleash his wrath against many guests who will be loyal to YAHUSHUA. When we oppose him, he will take it out on those who keep the commandments but were not yet raptured (Dan 11:30).
至于“罗马狗” ──罗马帝国,早被预言过了(第48、64、67篇预言),罗马帝国会再次迫害亚的子民。所以这部分的梦境,让我想起那些目前正在或是未来将被相同的罗马帝国之灵迫害的人。Regarding Roman dogs—the Roman empire, it has been prophesied (Prophecies 48, 64, 67), will persecute YAH’S people again. So this part of the dream reminds me of those who are and will be persecuted again under the same spirit of the Roman empire.
当我们在快速查考古代的狗时,我发现最古老的人类驯养狗的证据出现在以色列(恩·马拉哈Ain Mallaha):有一位老人跟他的小狗一起被葬在墓中!这让我想起了这梦!While quickly looking up dogs of the ancient world, I found the oldest evidence of a domesticated dog with man was discovered in Israel (at Ein Mallaha), at grave site of an old man with his small puppy! It reminds me of the dream!
“罗杰” (Roger)可用作“重复” 、“收到指令” 之意(Roger That!电台对讲的传统用语),而“模仿者” (Mimica)也同样有“模仿/重复” 之意。罗马帝国在过去所做的事,在将来也会再次发生。
Roger can be used like “Roger that” (repeat) and Mimica is also the same (mimic/repeat). What the Roman Empire did in the past, it will do again.
“罗杰” (Roger)在德语中的意思是“着名的矛” …所以我想,这也是希特勒的灵。希特勒癡迷有着敌基督、邪术力量的“朗吉弩斯枪” 。Roger, in German means “famous spear”…so I think also of spirit of Hitler, who was obsessed with the “spear of Longinus” that’s supposed to have antichrist, occult powers.
(他们声称是这支罗马长矛杀死了亚呼赎阿,尽管事实是,在亚呼赎阿的心脏被刺穿前,祂就自己放下了自己的生命。)希特勒所做的,敌基督在将来也会再做一次。(They claim this Roman spear killed YAHUSHUA, although the truth is HE gave up HIS life before that even pierced HIS heart.) What Hitler did, so too will the antichrist do again.
一个应许A Promise
在同一篇预言话语也谈到了亚呼赎阿是怎样心甘情愿地献出了自己的生命,又再次把祂的生命取回来(约10:17-18)。This same Word talks about how YAHUSHUA willingly laid down HIS life and took it back up again (John 10:17-18).
就像亚伯拉罕所信的,亚伯拉罕知道如果必要,亚会让以撒从死里复活(来11:19)。我们都拥有同样的应许,甚至所有的殉道者都拥有这个应许,他们必会复活。Just like Abraham’s faith, Abraham knew YAH would raise Isaac back up from the dead if necessary (Heb 11:19). We all have the same promise. Even all the martyrs have the promise, they will be raised again.
仇敌们不能夺走你的性命,就像他们不能夺走在梦中的那个男人的性命一样!他们就是办不到!The enemies cannot take your life just like they couldn’t take the man’s like—the man in the dream! It just wouldn’t work!
心理战Battle in the Mind
Nearly everything the enemies did in this dream was all psychological torment. YAHUSHUA said no man took HIS life. HE gave HIS life. The enemies want us to believe they have the power to take our lives, but that is all a bluff.
In reality they don’t. You will not see death, for you are called to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA. So this is more of a psychological battle.
仇敌们有他们在掌权的错觉。撒但主义者以恐惧为食,所以如果有人向他们表现出恐惧或痛苦的话,那才是他们获得权柄的唯一方法。老人用尽全力不表现出任何恐惧,反而说:“不,我会爬得更高!我必不致死,乃要存活!” The enemies have a false sense of being in control—satanists feed off of fear, so if someone shows them fear or pain, that is the only way they gain power. The old man did his best not to show any fear and instead said, “No. I’m going higher! I shall live and not die!”
他们非常残忍,冷笑着,嘲笑着,觉得他们自己像神一样控制着老人的生命。当某些人在类似的情况下扮演着神的角色时,他们相信自己有能力让你存活或夺走你的生命。他们自以为能决定你的生死,但事实上并不能做出任何决定。They are very sadistic, smiling, mocking, feeling in control of the old man’s life as if to play GOD. When some plays GOD in a situation like this, they believe they have the power to keep you alive or take your life. They think they decide that, but they do not.
这只狗的耳朵被割下了,我相信有双重的意思,甚至是三重。我同意狗代表忠诚和忠心,The dog having its ear cut I believe has a dual meaning, even triple? I agree that the dog represents the faithful and loyal,
我也相信狗代表那些转身吃其呕吐物的人,正如《圣经》所说,“愚昧人行愚妄事,行了又行,就如狗转过来吃牠所吐的。” (箴言26:11)那些曾忠诚又忠心但后来却重返罪恶的人。and I also believe it could represent the dog who returns to its vomit as the Scripture says “As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly” (Proverbs 26:11)—those who were faithful and loyal, but later return to sin.
The ear is for hearing and the ear being cut in half represents that they no longer can hear from YAH or that the enemies attempt to attack our faith and ability to hear the truth.
(剪动物的耳和断动物的尾指的是出于美容目的,在违背狗的意愿的情形下,修剪/部分切除狗的耳朵或尾巴。但这是很痛的,一般也没有必要,也许与宗教的灵有关联。(Ear cropping and tail docking is when a dogs ears or tail are trimmed/partially removed against their own will for cosmetic reasons, but it is painful and generally unnecessary Perhaps this is related to the spirit of religion,
敬虔的外表和形式,实际上并不会带来圣洁或对灵与魂有益,反而弊大于利。)and appearances, forms of godliness, which do not actually produce Holiness or benefit the spirit and soul, but do more harm than good.)
阶梯的层次也能代表特别针对你的攻击等级,包括针对你的心智意念的攻击。The levels can also represent the specific attacks that have been levelled against you, including attacks on the mind.
The evil ones couldn’t kill the old man, but were laughing at his struggle and pain. The old man was protected, but the enemies still live to torment, but they will be defeated in the end.
我祈求阿爸亚哈威,在您愤怒的大酒醡中完全剪除并碾碎如此残酷的人!奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名把那些抵挡《启示录》14章新娘所发出的咒诅都返回到发咒之人的头上!I pray ABBA YAHUVEH, YOU completely annihilate and crush such sadistic ones in the WINEPRESS OF YOUR WRATH and those curses sent against Rev 14 return back unto their own heads in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH’S Holy Name!
I want to encourage you today! The devil may send persecution or try to knock us down or slow us down at times, but getting knocked down for righteousness sake is not a sin. Staying down, giving up and not getting back up by taking YAHUSHUA’S hand is the sin!
我们必须努力,就像在这个梦里一样一步步前进,变得更加圣洁取悦亚呼赎阿!当你再次站起来时,当你奉亚呼赎阿的圣名,借着祂的宝血和祂的力量再次站起来时,你会比以前更强大!We must strive, step by step as in this dream, to become more Holy and pleasing to YAHUSHUA! When you get back up again, you will be stronger than before when doing it in YAHUSHUA’S Name through HIS Blood and HIS Strength.
没有祂,我们什么也做不了!没有我们的好牧人亚呼赎阿,我们只会成为撒但狼群的另一个盘中餐而已!We can do nothing without HIM! Without our GOOD SHEPHERD YAHUSHUA, we would just be another meal for satan’s wolves!
我们会像彼得一样看到巨浪滔天,但我们要成为有信心的水行者,一直定睛在亚呼赎阿身上,而不是定睛在四面袭来的惊涛骇浪上!阿爸亚、亚呼赎阿、妈妈伊妈亚非常爱你们!We shall see the stormy water like Peter, but we will be faith water-walkers and keep our eyes on YAHUSHUA, not on the stormy seas that hit on all sides! ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA, IMMAYAH LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
即使在哀悼期间、试炼期间或灾祸中,我们都要庆祝这个事实。我们要庆祝并持守那首歌和这个梦被赐给我的应许,We celebrate this fact even during times of mourning or trials and tribulations. We celebrate and hold onto the promise given to me in the song and this dream.
这个应许是给所有真正努力把亚呼赎阿放在首位之人的应许!即使在我们遭受迫害期间,也被应许了喜乐和胜利!It is a promise for all who truly strive to put YAHUSHUA first. We are promised joy and victory even in times of persecution!