
📒7-2 紧急异梦 他们想要按下红色按钮They Want to Hit the Red Button,


紧急异梦 - 他们想要按下红色按钮,竞相发动核战爭!They Want to Hit the Red Button, Race to Nuclear War!

在2016年9月11日,也就是纽约世界贸易中心大厦倒塌15周年的纪念日,我从这个异梦中醒来。I woke up from this dream on September 11th 2016, the fifteenth year anniversary of the World Trade Center falling.


我看到了三个看上去像是 “总统的” 讲台的东西,的确就是讲台。希拉里·克林顿在左边的讲台。在右边(讲台的)那个男人我没认出来。在中间的讲台上,是一个红色的按钮。I saw what looked like three ‘presidential’ podiums, actually lecterns. Hillary Clinton was at the one on the left. There was a man I didn’t recognize at the right. And on the middle podium, was a red button.

〔希拉里〕克林顿和右边的那个男人正在角逐看谁能最快按下那个红色按钮!Clinton and the man at the right side were racing to see who could hit the red button soonest!

异梦结束End of Dream

我知道右边那个人不是唐纳德·特朗普/川普。(如果是他的话)我会认出他的。我知道中间的红色按钮会触发一个核武器。I know the man at the right was not Donald Trump. I would have recognized him. I know the red button in the middle would trigger a nuclear weapon. 右边的那个男人是代表其他好战的美国政治家,或者我相信是代表其它核武器大国,如俄罗斯、巴基斯坦、中国和朝鲜等?Does the man at the right represent other war hungry American politicians or, I believe, other nuclear world powers like Russia, Pakistan, China and North Korea?


这些是来自事工伙伴们的解释。请在写信给我们amightywindasianbranch@tutanota.com留言写下任何外加的解释、分辨或只是想法。Here’s interpretation from ministry partners. Please leave any additional interpretation, discernment or just thoughts in the comment sections below. 我们盼望收到你的回应,我们需要认真地将这个异梦和这个异梦的信息带入祷告中!We love to hear from you, and we need to take this dream and it’s message seriously to prayer!

冷战时期的核军备竞赛,是前苏联(苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,现为俄罗斯)与美国以及双方的盟国之间爭相获取核武器的竞赛。The nuclear arms race of the Cold War, was a race between the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, now Russia) and the USA and their allies to acquire nuclear weapons. 然而,现今却正如这个异梦所表明的,这是一场看谁会是二战后第一个向另外一个国家引爆核弹而发动第三次世界大战的国家的竞赛。However nowadays as the dream demonstrates, it’s a race to see who will be the first country, post-WW2, to detonate a nuclear bomb against another nation and start WW3.

美国和俄罗斯的〔2016年〕现任总统分別是奥巴马和普京。我们应该祈祷希拉里不要取代奥巴马,而应该祈祷取代奥巴马的会是唐纳德·特朗普/川普,他已经和普京有了更好的关係。The current presidents of the USA and Russia are Obama and Putin. We should pray Hillary does not replace Obama, but rather Donald Trump who already has better relations with Putin.

2009年3月6日,时任美国国务卿的希拉里.克林顿向俄罗斯外长谢尔盖.拉夫罗夫(Sergei Lavrov)赠送了一个红色按钮,她称之为 “重启按钮” ,该按钮本应象征着开启两国间友好关係的一个新的和平开端。March 6th of 2009, Hillary Clinton as then US Secretary of State presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button that she called a “restart button” that was supposed to symbolize a new and peaceful start to good relations between the two nations.

然而,它的英文读作 “RESTART 重启” ,俄文的翻译词是 “PEREGRUZKA” 。问题是这个俄文词的意思是 “OVERCHARGE 超量负载” ——意思完全相反。这么做难道是故意的吗?However, it read “RESTART” in English, and “PEREGRUZKA” in Russian, meant to be a translation. The problem is this word means “OVERCHARGE”—the complete opposite. Was this done intentionally?

毫无疑问,俄罗斯和美国作为世界上拥有核武器的主要国家,它们正在竞爭看谁将发动第三次世界大战。而希拉里·克林顿会为此全力以赴,正如这个异梦所警告的那样,而且她的外交政策记录也证实了这一点。There is no question Russia and America, as the world’s major nuclear states, are in a race to see who will start WW3. And Hillary Clinton would fully engage, just as this dream warns and her foreign policy record demonstrates.

美国科学家联合会估计的核弹头库存Estimated Nuclear Warhead Stockpile acc. Federation of American Scientists

我们知道这只是时间上的问题,但我们需要祷告核战爭不会在亚哈威所定的时间之前发生,以及唐纳德·特朗普/川普将当选並就任美国的总统——他不会像希拉里·克林顿和巴拉克.奥巴马那样成为一个战爭贩子. We know it is just a matter of time, but we need to pray nuclear war doesn’t happen ahead of YAH’S timing, and that Donald Trump will be elected and take office as US President—he will not be a war monger like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. 我们还需要祷告,反对在美国实行军事管制,反对取消选举。We also need to pray against martial law being instituted in the US, and against the elections being canceled.

相反地,特朗普/川普会宁愿做最符合美国人和世界人民利益的事情,包括寻求与俄罗斯建立更好的关係。Rather, Trump would do what is in the best interest of the American and the world population, including pursue better relations with Russia. 愿有更多相对和平的时间,使更多的人在启示录的第四印被揭开之前,能够接触到福音並被警告。 这将是地球上一个可怕的死亡和毁灭的时间(阿摩司书5:18-20)。亚呼赎阿(耶穌的希伯来圣名/耶穌的原名)真的将是唯一的安全避难所。May there be more time of relative peace so more people will be reached with the Gospel and warned before the 4th seal of Revelation is loosed.It will be a time of terrible death and destruction on Earth (Amos 5:18-20). YAHUSHUA (Hebrew/original name of JESUS) truly will be the only safety.



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