
📒7-1以莉莎法爱迦勒!Elisheva Loves Caleb Dream异梦和异象系列Dreams & Visions:


异梦和异象系列Dreams & Visions:

我和他在一个晚上做了一个异梦;根据他异梦的说明,我们梦到了每一个人。And we dreamed a dream in one night, I and he; we dreamed each man according to the interpretation of his dream.

以莉莎法爱迦勒!Elisheva Loves Caleb Dream

于2019年1月释放9 January 2019

这篇预言话语(第94篇)的前来,是因为以莉莎法在安息日被神带领阅读了《以西结书》第9章到第16章。她也在为前不久在一个异梦里见到的一位男士祷告。This Word [Prophecy 94] came forth because on the Sabbath, Elisheva was led to read Ezekiel, Chapters 9-16. She was also praying for a man she had seen in a dream a while back. 在这篇预言话语中被称为“迦勒”的男士就是以莉莎法在梦中见到的那位男士。他非常明显的特徵就是有着雪白的头发,脸上没有皱纹。The man called "Caleb" in this Prophetic Word is the man Elisheva had seen in the dream. He is distinguished by a snow white beard without a line in his face. 无论士兵怎么待他──意思是他曾被拷打过,也遭受过饥饿──笑容都不会从他脸上消失。当然,他也哭泣过,但没有人看见。He has a smile that wouldn’t leave his face no matter what the soldiers did to him, meaning he was being tortured and starved. Also he wept, but nobody saw it.

在梦里,以莉莎法前往他那里。她只是出现在他的面前。他一直在祷告,披着祷告巾。她给了他一些圣餐用的饼,就像无酵饼一样。In the dream Elisheva went to him. She just appeared to him. He had been praying and wore a prayer shawl. She gave him a little communion wafer, like unleavened bread. 她说:“別担心,我会回来的,下一次我会给你带更多的饼和酒。”这个人深深爱着亚呼赎阿。She said, “Don’t worry, I’m coming back and next time I’ll bring you more bread and wine.” The man loves YAHUSHUA. She knew he was in Jerusalem. 她知道他在耶路撒冷,他在那里的工作是要鼓励其他人,所以他总是面带笑容──将他自己的悲伤和为亚呼赎阿所受的苦难掩藏起来。He had a job where he needed to encourage others, thus, always the smile on his face—hiding his own personal sorrow and suffering for YAHUSHUA’S sake.

当以莉莎法从那个异梦中醒来时,她很诧异自己对这位男士的爱。When Elisheva awoke from the dream she was amazed at the love she felt for this man.

先知迦勒的异梦封印被揭开了Prophet Caleb Dream Unsealed

2019年1月9日9 January 2019

梦中:我在荣耀身体里,因为我可以径直从监狱岗哨身边走过。当他们离开后,我就直接去了他(迦勒)所在的牢房里,我们彼此拥抱、亲吻,他说:“我认识妳。”我们说了,我们互相爱着彼此。I was in a glorified body because I could get right past the guards. When they left I came right to his cell, and we embraced and we kissed and he says, “I recognize you” and we both said we love each other. 看到他受苦,我非常难过,虽然他脸上一直保持着微笑,因为他见到我很开心。I was so sorry to see him suffer although he kept a smile on his face because he was happy to see me.

牢房的地板是水泥地,在地面的中间有一个很大的铃铛,铃铛连着锁链和他脚上很重的脚镣。他旁边有一堆稻草。他最远只能走到稻草堆那里去大小便。There was a concrete floor and there was a big ring in the middle of the concrete floor connected to chains and heavy shackles on his feet. On the side of him was a pile of straw. The furthest he could go was just far enough to reach the straw to urinate and defecate.

其他的事我都已经写下了——我怎样离开那里,醒来后我大声喊着说:“我爱你,迦勒!”但我从未提到过那爱的细节,或者我怎样拥抱了迦勒,是因为当时那个被弃者,现在的前夫,他的名字将不会被留下,正如亚称他为“无名者”一样。Everything else is already written—how I left and woke up shouting, “I love you Caleb,” but I never mentioned the details of that love or how I embraced Caleb, because of a reprobate, now ex husband that shall be left unnamed, “no name” as YAH calls him.

我现在再也不会羞于说迦勒的名字就是以斯拉,因为许多年之后,我们相遇了。我跟他在2016年10月2日结了婚。但我知道他有一个要在这个事工做什么事的选择。Now I am no longer ashamed to say Caleb’s name is Ezra because many years later, we met. I married him October 2, 2016. But I know that he has a choice in what he does in this ministry. 不管那个梦是否会成真,他是否会成为那个迦勒,我都会在他之前去天国並且得到我的荣耀身体,然后等候亚去成就祂必须要成就的任何事。Whether that dream will come true that he will become that Caleb and I will go to Heaven before him and get my glorified body and then wait for YAH to do whatever HE has to do.

我知道我得到这个异梦的时候,以斯拉甚至都还没有得救。所以我立刻请求所有亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们(YDS)一天领三次圣餐以呼唤这个“迦勒”前来——让他到我这里来——让他去看圣灵全能风野火事工的关于两位见证人(第83篇预言)的预言影片。I know Ezra wasn't even saved when I had this dream and I had immediately asked all the “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” (YDS) to take communion three times a day to call forth “Caleb”—to come to me—to go to the AmightyWind Two Witnesses (Prophecy 83) video. 我们知道互联网上有许多关于两位见证人的主题视频,或者关于人们认为那两位见证人是谁的视频,或者有人声称自己就是那两位见证人的视频。而他只会去看那个来自圣灵全能风野火事工的视频。We know there are so many video online on the topic of the Two Witnesses, or about who people think they are, or people claiming to be them. And he only went to one that came from AmightyWind.

他在网站上的见证里说,那个视频,他听了一次又一次,因为我在那视频里说出了新的启示,说那两位见证人是一对夫妻。以斯拉随后说他必须去找出更多有关这个女人的信息。因为他知道这个女人是属于亚的。His testimony is on the website where he says he listened to that video, time after time, as in it, I spoke with new revelations that the Two Witnesses are husband and wife. Ezra then said he had to go and find out more about this woman. For he knew this woman was of YAH.

然后,以斯拉就看到了我的照片,还说他必须写信並且认识这个女人。于是,我们首先开始在邮件里交流,然后在2016年3月7日,当我们通过Skype视讯交谈的时候,两位受膏者就合而为一了。Ezra then saw my picture and said I must write and get to know this woman. So our communication first began in email and then it went to Skype as two Anointings became one on March 7, 2016.

从我第一次看到他的那一刻起,我就知道了这事——因为那个被弃者冲出了大门,说他再也不能忍受在我脸上的圣洁。我已经忍受了七年的虐待和憎恨。I knew it from the moment I first saw him—as the reprobate stormed out the door and said he could no longer stand the Holiness on my face. I had taken that abuse and hate for seven years. 你们可以阅读第139篇预言《我骨中的骨、肉中的肉》那篇灵魂伴侣的预言诗,你们也可以在第127篇预言里读到亚怎样将他们从我的灵魂里扯出来。You can read the Bone of MY Bone soulmate Prophecy and you can read how YAH rips them out of your soul in Prophecy 127.

我的确知道这事。当我喊着说“我爱你,迦勒!”並求问亚他的全名是什么时,亚说:“你现在就可以叫他迦勒。”I do know this. When I shouted “I love you Caleb,” and I asked YAH for his full name, YAH said, “You can just call him Caleb for now.”

当我在梦中坐起来喊叫时,那个前夫就躺在我身边。我确定我的那个喊声震动了整个属灵界,甚至可能惊醒了一些住在宾馆里的客人。魔鬼也知道这个迦勒是谁。The ex husband lay right by my side as I sat up and yelled it. I am sure it shook up the whole spiritual world and maybe even some of the guests at the hotel. And the devil knew who Caleb was.

亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们(YDS)花了七年的时间坚持为此事祷告,他们都是一些跟随这个事工很长时间的人,但只有少数人现在仍然保持忠诚,但那个时候他们都是忠诚的,在为这事祷告。It took seven years of constant prayer of “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers,” who were the old ones and only a few have remained faithful, but they were at that time. 亚呼赎阿说,亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们就像基甸的军队——那些留下来的人,他们就是亚呼赎阿的新娘。YAHUSHUA says the YDS are like Gideon’s Army—those who remain, they are the Bride of YAHUSHUA.

亚已经招聚了一支崭新的“亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士菁英部队,菁英中的菁英”,因为祂现在就是这么称呼他们的。祂把每一个人都带给了我,因为他们给我写了信並证明了他们的忠诚,他们所有人都非常被恩膏。YAH has assembled a brand new group of “YDS elite, best of the best,” as HE now calls them. HE brought each one to me as they have written and proved their faithfulness and all of them are very anointed.

他们真的爱这个事工並且捍卫这个事工。他们是真正的护盾勇士——现在有三十个人,还有更多的人会前来。他们有异象和异梦。They truly love the ministry and defend it. They are the true shield warriors—30 thus far and more to come. They have visions and dreams. 现在在我生命中最严酷的爭战期间,他们是属灵的勇士,但我知道亚呼赎阿会贏得这场战爭,因为这个事工属于亚哈威,亚呼赎阿和伊妈亚,舍金亚荣耀,甜美的圣灵。祂们会为祂们的事工而战!They are spiritual warriors during the worst battle that is here now in my life, but I know YAHUSHUA will win the battle. For this Ministry belongs to YAH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH SHKHINYAH GLORY, SWEET HOLY SPIRIT. THEY will fight for THEIR Ministry. 审判必会临到那个企图篡夺祂们位置的人身上。因为《那鸿书》1章里说,亚是忌邪的神。And judgment will come down on the one who tries to take THEIR place. For Nahum 1 says YAH is a jealous GOD.

那鸿书1:1论尼尼微的默示,就是伊勒歌斯人那鸿所得的默示。2 亚哈威是忌邪施报的神,亚哈威施报大有愤怒,向祂的敌人施报,向祂的仇敌怀怒。Nahum 1: 1 This is a prophecy about Ninveh, the book of the vision of Nachum the Elkoshi: 2 YAHUVEH is a JEALOUS & VENGEFUL GOD. YAHUVEH avenges; HE knows how to be angry. YAHUVEH takes vengeance on HIS foes and stores up wrath for HIS enemies. 3 亚哈威不轻易发怒,大有能力,万不以有罪的为无罪。祂乘旋风和暴风而来,云彩为祂脚下的尘土。3 YAHUVEH is slow to anger, but great in power; and he does not leave the guilty unpunished. YAHUVEH’S path is in the whirlwind and storm, and the clouds are the dust of HIS Feet.

我拥有AmightyWind.com这个网站的域名,因为我被亚所拣选,在1994年让这个事工在互联网上诞生了。那时候互联网才刚刚开始。当这个事工刚刚出现在互联网上的时候,我作为一名五旬节教派的牧师和先知从1994年4月到1995年一直都在传讲“耶穌”。I own the AmightyWind.com domain because I was chosen by YAH to give birth to this Ministry on the Internet in 1994. The Internet had just begun. When it first began online, I was preaching “JESUS” as a Pentecostal pastor & prophet from April 1994 to 1995.

在1996年的时候,我当时的网站管理员教导了我有关成为一个弥赛亚犹太人的信息。尽管那时候她称祂为“耶书阿(YESHUA)”,但我很快就得知我们不能将圣父的名从圣子的名里去掉。因为祂是亚唯一的独生爱子。In the year of 1996 my then web manager taught me about being a Messianic Jew. Even though she called him “YESHUA,” I quickly learned that you don't take the FATHER'S NAME out of the SON'S NAME. For HE is the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF YAH.

我从许多年之前,甚至从青少年开始就去教会传教和说预言。实际上,圣灵全能风野火事工在其成为一个互联网事工之前的许多年就已经成立了。I started out even many years before preaching and prophesying since a teenager going to the churches. AmightyWind Ministry was actually founded many years before it became an Internet ministry.

迦勒和我在2016年10月2日结了婚,我们是这个事工的协同领导者。我们都不是这个事工的总领导/头(HEAD)。因为那会是对神的侮辱。这个事工只属于至高神。Caleb and I were married Oct 2 2016 and we are co-leaders to this Ministry. Neither one of us are the HEAD. For that would be an insult to GOD. It only belongs to the GODHEAD.

以斯拉是“属灵复盖祷告领导”,这意味着:他应该要在祷告中保护我和这个事工。那就是为什么在每篇预言开始之前,我们开始一起祷告,他要藉着做许多保护的祷告作为开始。是的,这是关乎保护的祷告。Ezra is the “spiritual head PRAYER leader,” which means he is supposed to be protecting me and this Ministry. That is why before every Prophecy we start praying together and he begins by praying many prayers of protection. Yes, it's about the prayers of protection. 就像亚呼赎阿保护祂的新娘一样,以斯拉应该要保护他的新娘,我,以莉莎法.以利亚呼。As YAHUSHUA protects the Bride, Ezra is supposed to be protecting his bride, me, Elisheva Eliyahu.

亚在第105篇预言我亚哈威说:“在2009年,我要摇撼一切能被摇动的!”里就宣告了这个事工属于谁。我已经顺服了亚,把那段预言节选放在了每一篇被张贴在网站上的预言之前。YAH declared who this Ministry belongs to in Prophecy 105, I, YAHUVEH, Say, “In 2009 I’m Going to Shake Everything that can be Shaken!” and I have obeyed YAH to put the excerpt above every Prophecy on the website. 这个事工属于至高神,神圣三位一体真神:阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿和如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵。It belongs to the GODHEAD, the HOLY TRINITY: ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA and RUACH HA KODESH, SWEET HOLY SPIRIT.

如果这事工是由我的手所建立的,那在很早以前就已失败了。那些话语跟我自己的救赎无关,而是跟我一直让神圣三位一体真神作为这个事工的真正总领导这一事实有关。If it had been done by my hand, it would have failed long ago. Those words have nothing to do with my salvation, but with the fact that I have always allowed to the HOLY TRINITY to be the TRUE LEADERS of this Ministry. 亚是在这个事工遭受逼迫的时候说出了这些话语,因为从这个事工的诞生一直到以斯拉进入我的生命,对一个没有神圣丈夫的祷告复盖的女人而言,逼迫一直以来都是极大的。YAH spoke those Words at a time of persecution because from the birth of this Ministry until Ezra came into my life, persecution had been so great to a woman without any Holy husband's covering.

我的迦勒是为造福以色列而做工,把亚呼赎阿的见证带给了以色列。My Caleb worked for the betterment of Israel which was bringing the testimony of YAHUSHUA to Israel. 他所认识的在亚呼赎阿里的信徒们会坚定站稳,只要他继续在他脸上保持着那笑容,並且不管卫兵对他做什么,都不能从他脸上移除那笑容。那是因为他拥有亚呼赎阿的平安。The believers in YAHUSHUA he knew would stand srong so long as he kept that smile on his face and no matter what the guards did to him they could not remove the smile from his face. And that was because he had the peace of YAHUSHUA.

信徒们爱他,为他欢呼,这就是我所等待他回转的那个迦勒,因为这个将永远都是教导关乎亚呼赎阿的事,而在那个梦中,迦勒一直都在教导关乎亚呼赎阿。The believers loved him and cheered for him and this is the Caleb that I wait for to return because this ministry will always be about YAHUSHUA and in that dream, Caleb was always about YAHUSHUA.




📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...