President Donald Trump
President Trumps Reads From His Favorite Book
Even though he talks about Christmas and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS birth, he does not know that YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot. He is only held accountable for what he knows. That being said, he still acknowledges the birth of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH JESUS CHRIST and what he considers the real reason for the season.
YAH'S Fire Hose Still Popping Like Popcorn
Watch the updated version of Prophecy 131 with updated graphics. On June 29 2016 I prophesied 5 months before elections that Donald J Trump would become President. Once again we are praying and voting that he will once again win the 2020 Presidential elections. Today is the last day of voting so if you have not voted yet, please vote all red for Donald Trump. In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's name and love, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu.
Vote Donald J Trump For President!
I prophesied in 2016 that Donald J Trump would become President and it came to pass. Recently Donald Trump spoke and said, “We still need help from the BOSS.” He acknowledged to the entire world who the most famous person was. He said, “The MOST FAMOUS PERSON is JESUS CHRIST!”
If MY people, who are called by MY NAME, will humble themselves and pray and seek MY Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land - 2 Chronicles 7:14
So, everyone who acknowledges ME before men, I also will acknowledge before MY FATHER WHO is in Heaven - Matthew 10:32
He was not afraid to acknowledge YAHUSHUA before thousands of people at his rally as well as the millions watching him from around the world. President Trump is a baby Christian still learning what Holy beliefs are pleasing to YAHUSHUA and what are not. Please continue to keep President Trump in your righteous Holy prayers of protection. Please go in person to vote all red for Trump! For he is being raised and appointed at this time by ABBA YAHUVEH. Voting for anyone else will be like voting for satan.
So please stand in agreement with us all in prayers for President Trump to win the elections. If you live outside of America, please pray and cast your vote in Heaven for President Donald J. Trump in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, for the prayers of the righteous avails much in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME Amen! Pray against the evil ones who would try to manipulate the voting system to take his votes away. Pray that all their evil plans will fall apart in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and for the protection of President Trump and his votes.
Below is the video of President Trump acknowledging JESUS CHRIST and the Prophecy I prophesied in 2016 Popping Like Popcorn. Let us stand together as we cast our votes for President Trump! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME and love, Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
“The BOSS…. The most famous.. JESUS CHRIST”
Prophet Elisheva:
Shalom. This is your- well, you know who I am:
Apostle, Prophet, Pastor [Elisheva] and to some I'm so honored to be called "Momma" (Jgs 5:7; 1 Co 4:5; 2 Co 12:14b-15).
I'm sorry I'm not late in giving you a new year greeting. The truth is I was told not to say, "Happy new year!"
Instead, today January 3rd],I am told to say to everyone who comes here and listens to my voice, that I am to say, that I pray for you: all those in AmightyWind congregation and those who are visitors, those who maybe first time visitors even.
I am to say that if your name is written in the LAMB'S Book of Life (Rv 20:12), and also [including] those who are the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Guests, who will be the Guests in the Marriage Supper of the LAMB (Rv 19:9) -I am to say, I pray that you that you will be blessed exceedingly and abundantly (Eph 3:20) more than you dare dream or ask for in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that you will walk in the blessings of Deuteronomy 28.
For David said this, "I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed out begging for bread" (Ps 37:25) and I've not ever received one email that has told me that they have gone hungry or they have gone without shelter. YAHUSHUA cannot lie.
I'm warning you with all my heart, don't take those shots! I'm warning you even against the way they find out whether you have it or not.
I've got to be very careful here [how I say this] You see I have a Prophecy 154 and a Prophecy 155 now. And the 155 is full of encouraging news for all of you who belong to ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH & THE RUACH HA KODESH.
And 154-is such a strong warning, I don't know how I will get it past YouTube.
And we do have a remake of [115,] "Beware of the Totalitarian Dictatorship" and we've had to do things… And I'm moving things over to Rumble now, just to let you know.
I have been in deepest intercession [more] than anyone can believe.If you think I've been quiet, it's because I've had the ear [of Heaven] and I'm speaking with my mouth, from the morning that… whenever it is that I wake up and whenever it is that I've gone to sleep, there is not one time that I am not praying for President Donald J Trump.
I don't care whether or not we now have 52 languages! I didn't say it [before].Sometimes you don't want the attention, but we, because for obvious reasons the government makes the people to think that we are each others' enemies when it's the governments of this world (Ps 2:2) who make the people the enemies.
I'm not talking about the reprobates. I'm not talking about the servants of satan. I'm talking about because you're in a different country and they have proclaimed war on that country, so therefore we should not [be friends according to them]... or we should 'fear to have contact with that country.
I am the leader of the branch of this Ministry, of the Asian community, congregation. I love 'em with all my heart! Those Chinese people are not our enemy (Rv 7:9). They are when they've come to YAHUSHUA-they are so loving and kind.They are so loving and kind What if I tell you that we even have, remember when I said, I wanted to reach the Children of Ishmael.
I have Prophecies for that that are being interpreted, but with what's going on now with the freedom of speech, I don't know how much longer I can let's put it this way, I do not, I do not know how much longer we will have freedom of speech on the Internet.
I only know this, with all of my heart and soul, you've got to take this seriously, whether he's your president or whether he's not. There's only communism and socialism that's left in the entire world. There was only one place. that was called "freedom, and it was the United States of America, and President Trump has done everything he can to be a blessing to that nation.
He humbled himself and I showed you in videos, I'm praying for him. I'm interceding. There's Jericho marches, there's fasts you do not know how much intercession's going on. And you will never convince me that there's not one who voted Democrat, knowing that they were voting for abortion, that you will find them in Heaven if they do not repent of this quickly.
YAHUSHUA'S coming! And HE'S testing (Dt 8:2; Ps 262, 139:23; Jms 1:3) the Bride more than HE ever has before. And everyone who's name is written in the LAMB'S Book of Life (Rv 13:7-8), HE will not miss one (Jn 6:39), but I am warning you ahead of time about these shots. You see, our President, he's not a scientist! He trusts, these doctors, what they are putting in its And there's so many different variations right now and Israel is giving it out by the millions!
Our president I'm going to say "our. (You can take me out of America, but you can't take the American out of me. I've learned that.) -Five months before he became president, GOD had to change my heart. YAHUSHUA said it in a Prophecy and humbled me, and admitted how much I hated that man is how much I would love him! You could hear the emotion in my voice.
I'm telling you with all of my heart and soul YAHUSHUA will not forsake you. For those who do not know WHO YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [is], WHO you call JESUS CHRIST, please give your life to HIM now before it's too late, before you find yourself in the midst of the Great Tribulation (Lk 21:36)!
Learn the SACRED NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Don't say the name of "'Yes'hua" anymore! I'm begging you! The NAME YAH is in HIS NAME (Jn 5:43; 17:11)!
Am I excited today? Well maybe that will turn some of you off, but you see I know, I know what's going on.
You have to pray for the president. You have to pray-harder than you you ever have before and pray in tongues (Acts 2:4)!
There's been more states that have been for the president look there is-I'm telling you not 75 million, not 80 million, but YAH told me there was 100 million, 100 million who wanted the president to continue, our President Donald J. Trump.
He confessed before the whole world the name of JESUS CHRIST (Mt 10:32). He confessed before the whole world the name of JESUS CHRIST (Mt 10:32). He doesn't know the HEBREW NAME. It's okay.
We're only held accountable for what we know (Jn 15:22)! He told the birth [story of YAHUSHUA], and you heard me say that this is his favorite book, that Bible He's relying in faith that the ONE HE calls "JESUS CHRIST" will not let him down!
It's the prayers of the righteous that avails much (Jms 5:16)!
Please hear me.
I truly need this male co-leader to come forth. He will start out as a friend. And the name 'Asa Mikaiyah' -that is his mantle; that means that's his anointing when the two Anointings become one, but he is [indeed] from the Tribe of Judah. I've had those right, but I'm sorry if you can't meet those qualifications of having a pure heart. It cannot be someone newly saved (1 Tim 3:6).
There's a brand new video up right now of four more dreams that a prophetic dreamer (Dt 13:1) who dreams in advance and sees the future who dreams in advance and sees the future and she is my Gracie. She's under my mentorship and she's an, also, associate minister, so young and yet YAHUSHUA has given her wisdom and understanding, and gifts, prophetic gifts (Ro 12:6).
I pray you have a blessed, I pray you have a I pray you are hidden underneath the Wing of YAHUVEH. I pray that any betrayers you must be careful who you call friend! I don't care if it's your mother, your father, your sister or your brother (Mt 10:21-23), you trust no man, no woman unless you know they belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH And you know that you know that you know!
You know already YAHUSHUA said, Who is My mother, who is My father, who is My sister, who is MY brother? It's those who do the will of MY FATHER (Mt 12:48-50)!
I believe he was [12] years old when He was in the Temple at that time (Lk 2:42, 46) when HIS mother went looking for HIM-when HIS birth mother, HIS birth mother Maryam (Miryam), Mary is HIS birth mother. HIS HEAVENLY MOTHER IS MOMMA WISDOM(Lk 1:35; 7:35), THE RUACH HA KODESH! In a Prophecy, HE calls her, [Miryam], a "birth mother. She is honored for that. She was chosen for that, but even she called HIM LORD (Lk 1:43, 11:27-28; Jn 2:5).
You've never heard a message like this before and I'm going to keep it short. I'm very full of emotion right now.
I'm full of emotion-what's going on in Washington DC and how they even try to stop millions from coming and protesting and standing up for the President of the United States. You're going to have to take interest in this! No matter where you are in this world! If you can get there, then go there on January 6th! And back our president up!
Please. I cannot release Prophecy 154 yet, nor 155 yet. It's in YAH'S timing, I will (Ec 3:1). There's such responsibility on these shoulders right now.
I've asked not just for my sons to stand up. I've asked for the anointed sons, who call me "Momma" (Mt 12:50), but I'm asking for my brothers who are Prophets and my brothers who are prayer intercessors, anointed, appointed and chosen to join with me, to write me! I'm asking for those of you who have received salvation, who are my new-who are new to what you've learned here, write me and let me know.
You see so many are being taken off of YouTube right now for those who preach the Gospel, the true Gospel of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, the biblical, true Gospel (Mt-5:10-11). Pray for my YouTube channels.
Pray for me. You see YAHUSHUA sends them out two by twos. HE did not send them out one by one (Lk 10:1), and he never meant for me at this time to have to stand alone like this as the leader. THEY are the HEAD, ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, and THEY have made me the leader, and the RUACH HA KODESH, and THEY have made me the leader, so there can be a balance here.
And I know it's going to happen, and I know that the FATHER calls him "Asa Mikaiyah!" [Laughs] I told you what the names mean. If you go and you look at my videos on my YAHSladyINred [channel], you will see when I'm blowing that shofar horn,. I'm already that's what a Prophet does, is foretell in advance…but this does not mean that is his name, but GOD calls him that, YAH calls him that. He is honored to have that mantle.
It is going to be greater than any Caleb because he already has the Caleb Anointing (Nm 14:24; 1 Jn 2:20). That means pure heart. You see for the 7 years before Ezra Erez Yotam came, YAH told us to start praying and for me to call him forth all because of a dream and then when he came, he couldn't keep…He couldn't remain a Caleb. He had to go into the Kabbalah. He had to betray, first YAHUSHUA, and then betray me, but oh I've had dreams [of Asa Mikaiyah] and I know all about him.
I have held his hair in my hands in a dream that is so real, so when you see an image of it in one of our videos-and the back of the head [of Asa Mikaiyah], that's the way his hair looks. I've seen his shoulders so broad.
Gracie has seen him. She wants to draw him. I've had a woman from Asia She could behold his face, but she can't draw.
I've had so much confirmation. You will have a balance of this Ministry, but I'm not responsible for how long someone [Ezra] stays, but I will tell you this: YAH spoke to me in a dream.
It was actually a Prophet that was prophesying over me in a dream, and I'm going to put it in a video, but I want to encourage you as YAH spoke these Words and said, "The first one, you HE'S talking to me, "Elisheva," and HE says, "The first one you buried, the second one you buried but the third one you will not have to bury!"
That's my promise from Heaven.
I have asked for the most anointed man in the world! The strongest, the bravest! Full of courage! He knows how to spiritually fight. He knows how to physically fight.
He's a prophet and together we will prophesy [side by side]. And if it's still allowed, even in live streaming, you will see it happen. I've had men come forth, but they're not they're not him.
That's why GOD had to give me a name to call forth! Asa Mikaiyah, come forth! You say, "But that's not my name. I fit all of the qualifications and I feel led, and I'm really convicted. I know your face. I know this Ministry."
But… I didn't say that was your full name.
I will be shocked if it was, because we don't want the reprobate (Heb 6:4-6)-serpent, serpents (Mt 3:7; 12:34) and that means servants of satan to know that name just like with Erez. I didn't know I called him from the start "Ezra" and I didn't even know the meaning of that word. [Ezra means helper.]
I didn't know Hebrew, but that was the Caleb that I called forth in my dreams 7 years before he turned up -but remember he's one. toe away from blasphemy --but I'm not married [now], I'm single.
And I want to thank you I always wanted a family. I never knew what it was like to have a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, an aunt, uncle, grandma, grandpa -none of it, all of it… Did I say aunt and uncle? I've NEVER known what it was like.
I've only known my family in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH It will be 27 years in April that this Ministry has stood -and only grew stronger -only because of the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH, only because it lifts up the NAME of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, only because the Anointing. the Anointing, the Anointing, the Anointing that breaks the yokes and bondage (Is 10:27).
Pray like you never have before for President Donald J. Trump.
We need a Red Sea miracle! BUT HALLELU YAH!" This [miracle],
I can promise you if you will but just obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and when you fall down, if you will but get up again and say, "YAHUSHUA, forgive me for I have sinned"
You know, I receive these emails from you, various people and I thank you for telling me of your -and confessing your sins one to another (Jms 5:16) and you tell me, "Please pray I don't do this sin anymore,'
but I'm not responsible for whether or not you sin That's between you and YAHUSHUA. I pray that you remain-[and be] stronger!
YAHUSHUA'S coming back for a Bride without spot or wrinkle. Look, if it's too hard
for you to obey the Ten Commandments, then just know this, you're not the Bride That's it.
The Ten Commandments are not hard to keep! Love YAH, YAHUSHUA & THE RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT more than you love anyone else in the world-is the first, number one with all of your heart, and your mind and your body, your soul and your spirit. Put HIM first in your love and your life. Is that so hard to do?
And all the other commandments…
And you who insist on the Sabbath being a Sunday, and you know the truth, but you're just going to go along with it anyway 'Honor the Sabbath day and keep it Holy' (see Ex 20:8) is not about religious traditions. Love HIM, honor HIM everyday, but [especially] on the Sabbath day, Friday sunset to Saturday Sunset, and the beautiful feasts HE'S given to us as a blessing why in the world would you want to even teach about Santa Claus to your children when you know it's a lie.
When they grow up, it's going to come back and bite you real hard 'cause they'll turn to you and they'll say, "Did you lie to me about there being a SAVIOR, a MESSIAH, a GOD also?"And the Easter Bunny is not funny and Halloween is the unholiest of days. I've taught you all of this.
I am just promising you this YAHUSHUA will not leave you nor forsake you, if you do not leave nor forsake HIM and you do not betray HIM Even if it means you have to lay your life down, don't take any [vaccination shots. Don't allow anyone to do any kind of tests. This is not normal.
Can you see how upset I-am? I'm looking for that man to come forth that'll say, "Don't worry Elisheva. Everything's going to be alright."
He's coming, but please remember I may not introduce him right away. We have to get to know one another and become friends and he has to know everything this Ministry stands for and if I'm right he already, and I believe I am, already has a Ministry. He already knows what it's like to be a leader --and the people, you don't come alone and he brings other people with him.
YAHUSHUA'S coming.HE'S doing the sifting right now (Is 30:27-28; Am 9:9)..
HE'S allowed the wheat and the tares to grow together (Mt 13:24-30). I call it the wheat and the weeds and you know what weeds do to a beautiful flowers. They tangle around and they try to strangle any beautiful plant (Mt 13).
Please play for the President Donald J. Trump Pray these [false] electoral votes will be thrown out. How many assassination attempts has been done against this president? Pray that none of them will succeed. I pray for him from the morning I can't count the number of times I pray for him.
I know that YAH anointed, appointed and chose him. I know the fervent prayers of the righteous avails much (Jms 5:16).
Oh I look forward to being able to release these Prophecies to you.
Look, I know that he -we are not saying that he is a righteous man..
He's a 'baby' in YAHUSHUA. Okay? Remember, when you were a baby [in the LORD], and you only knew the name Jesus Christ.' Did you know then what you know now? Of course not. Did I know nearly-well I'll still say 26 years ago, but remember the Ministry's been online it'll be 27 in April. And I started out as a young teen ministering, prophesying.
You know I don't know what to do with the new book. We have to we, in Polish we are going to release, in the most beautiful way, the Polish prophecies, but in English, I was supposed to have a testimony of a Jew -that would be able to reach Israel's heart-of repentance.
And him and I would be together, and he would be able to have a testimony that as he repented and accepted YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH And when he comes from the tribe of Judah, as I know that he must, it is going to be a testimony -to be able to [reach them]
And he's not going to have ever been in the Kabbalah. He's going to know that all that is wrong. There's no man or no woman that's a god.
I'm going to encourage you. I'm going to tell you: You stand on Psalm 91. You hold it as tight as you can. "No weapon formed against you shall prosper, every tongue that rises against you shall be condemned for this is [the] heritage of the Saints" (Is 54:17). You pray you don't, you don't walk in any snare of the trap of the fowler (Ps 91: 3; 124:7),
You pray for President Donald J Trump (I'm not asking you to pray because he is righteous this is just a baby [in YAH]) and he's surrounded by 'spiritual advisors', and some of them are into witchcraft. This poor man. He doesn't understand, even his spiritual advisors that stand round him lie to him, cast curses on him.
Abortion. Argentina you're going to regret! For what you have done!
They are rejoicing right now in Argentina, because the abortion laws have finally been passed. I asked YAHUSHUA why was any of them born?
Taking the life-infanticide taking the life of a nine month old child [in the womb]. Not only if it's inside the mother anymore, but let's lay it out and let's see if it dies within two days'!
Donald J Trump, our president, what he did -he passed an executive order and it said if the child, the child must be tended to to: that survived in an abortion, no matter the medical cost For two days you battle for the life of that child! That's his executive order.
He called Jesus Christ his BOSS, before the whole world. He read of the birth of our SAVIOR. He just had the wrong day, December 25th. He doesn't know about HE was born on the first day of Sukkot, but his heart was right-and Rudy Giuliani, he is your brother in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH And I had a dream where he was right up there. (And he was very bad at one time when he was young, but now look at him!) He confesses Jesus Christ and he reads even the birth [story] of the LORD &SAVIOR. On December 25th- you can see this [later posted] in my YouTube channel. Please go see it.
Please don't forget to subscribe again and also thumbs up. YouTube has been taking subscribers away from me and well [Sigh] this is a battle between good and evil. President Donald J. Trump is hated by the evil in this world, the evil people in, I'm telling you, if you would just believe me I don't know if it's half or if it's even gone over half, but they are not human. They wear the body suits of a human.
Why do you think they want you to wear masks? When you really know that's not going to protect you? There's been enough evidence of well-known doctors who say that, that a mask isn't going to help. You don't see the shapeshifters no more on the videos, do you? You used to see them.
I definitely saw them. How can you when the face is covered up? How do you know, whether, what their expression is on their face?
Look we're meant to breathe oxygen, not carbon dioxide. You need the oxygen-this will weaken your immune system.
And if you have to lay down your life not to get a [vaccine] shot,
then just know at least you'll be in Heaven and you won't have to be concerned about the mark of the beast, you know. I'm just telling you this.
That's why they're saying Please don't blame the President Trump for this. He doesn't understand. He's a baby [in YAH]. He was deceived. Oh Fauci is so evil, beyond evil!
Pray tribunal-trials will begin. The Supreme Court won't-listen.
He's done it the Constitution's way.He's gone through all the lower courts. What do you do when you have so much evidence and the court won't receive it? It's better for [the] Insurrection Act as long as the military is truly on his side.
Listen to attorney Lin Wood, He is full of the HOLY SPIRIT and he's given a warning.
Listen to Sidney Powell and I don't mean go to any mainline media. Don't trust them. OAN is President Trump's favorite news channel] right now.
Please, please help me -I'm calling out-to AmightyWind congregation, please help me. We are in a battle in the White House. We need the millions and millions of people to show up in Washington DC on January 6th. If I could be there I would but instead all my prayers go there nearly [Laughs], so close to 24 hours a day.
The reason he is HATED is because he truly, truly is a last stand against communism and socialism and satanism!
Don't judge him from who he used to be. Judge him as a born again HOLY SPIRIT filled, doing the best he knows how to be, for lack of better words, a "Christian," for him. For he doesn't understand a "Messianic Judaism."
He confessed HIM. He confessed JESUS CHRIST before the whole world. He's never called anyone a boss before but he confesses WHO GOD is. And to put your faith in HIM! That's all I have to say.
I just want you to know this:
You stand on those Holy Scriptures. You stand on the NEW BLOOD COVENANT Scriptures. Starting with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, you get to know WHO YAHUSHUA is.
The Prophecies will be released, 154 and 155, just give me-it must be in YAH'S timing. I'm giving you an encouraging Word.
Our YAHUSHUA is on the way. Why do you think it's getting this bad right now? For those who say, "Oh, but the, the shot cannot be any kind of, of-have anything to do with the mark of the beast," well let me put it this way -not the first one, but it sure isn't going to put healing into you.
I remember the swine flu [pandemic, 2009]. I remember the Ebola. Gosh I don't know-we've been through so many, so many I don't know what to call them, diseases. Polio, we all had to have a polio vaccine-remember, how many got polio because of it?
And the "Gates of Hell" shall not prevail (Mt 16:18b) against the believers of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH You hold on to that and you don't let go, and don't let go! Don't listen to the negative news. Instead when you hear negative news, rebuke it! Declare and decree, it's a lie! -straight from satan and you don't receive it! Pray for the encouragement. Pray for the courage.
Pray that our president and I say "our,"because as the leader of the ministry, he's-it's an "our," no matter where you live.
Pray Donald J. Trump will continue to be president and he will have a vice-president standing by his side that will truly be his best friend and not betray him or in any way…
Oh there's so much I want to say, but I need to get this message out. Remember I'm calling forth, as a prophet, blessings on all of you whose name -who's written in the LAMB'S Book of Life Not only in 2021 but until I see you in Heaven!
Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH come forth! Write me now! Anointed brothers in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, anointed sisters in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Prophets write me now!
Go up there to the contact [form, under] the Info [button on the site menu]. Come on, you can find me. Just look!
I too need your encouragement and I thank you for...the one who does the Hindu [language, Hindi]. We have Prophecies in Hindi, lifting up the NAMES OF ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH/ HOLY SPIRIT, IMMAYAH. I have Prophecies being done in...the sons of Ishmael -and you know what that is. I'm just going to say, I look forward to meeting you in Heaven.
Every day you pray you're counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH I've told you this once, and I'm the only Ministry teaching it, but there is a Revelation 14 Bride of YAHUSHUA of 144,000 and there is a Revelation 7 Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH of 144,000. And the Elder Bride, that I may not have told you, are the Two Witnesses, one man and one woman.
There's Prophecies that I've not given you. One part of the sealed Prophecy [78] I've not spoken it forth but I've had the dream of it. Another time I will tell you, Please go to my channel. Please subscribe again. Don't let them take my subscriptions away. And please thumps up these videos my darling ones… I need you.
I thank YAHUSHUA. No matter what the financial situation, HE has made sure that every need of this Ministry is provided for exceedingly and abundantly more than I dare dream or ask for (Eph 3:20), because He knows what goes in this Ministry is poured forth unto others.
Please pray for the Asian congregation. Please pray for all of the languages we have. There's even if I would...see I...I hesitate to even tell you the languages right now."The people" are not our enemies.
You know in Lebanon, that was the biggest Christian community [in the Middle East]? Do you know that? And YAHUSHUA said HE has Bride in Lebanon and Israel bombs them. And when you see that one bride standing there [Beirut, August 2020], and you see the bomb coming down the street, I… don't know what I'm going to do with this Word, (but you see they are in the SRTS [subtitles] now, which means that... you see the words appear)
You're going to see me [intentionally] misspelling words. I'm going to have to speak in parables and Prophecies the way YAHUSHUA did.
And only those with...who ask the HOLY SPIRIT/RUACH HA KODESH, who ask YAHUSHUA, "What does she mean? What are YOU speaking forth right here?" -are going to be able to understand. I'm forced to do this right now all because of a congress that refuses to take the… a protection of the "230" away from Google and Facebook and Instagram and all of them -it should have been taken.
The president Donald J Trump, how is he getting his messages across to the people? This was the biggest… Has anyone been watching to see how big of a...I'll use the word, fake.
This has been I believe with all of my heart I'm standing with the Prophets who are prophesying. I asked for a Prophecy about him and all I had for my President is this: He is not to give up. He is not to quit. He is not to succumb You,
you [Gasps]-for you Democrats out there, to the sound of my voice right now, you better repent or just as surely -you laid that baby down and you just slaughtered it…
And then today -I forget which… oh I forget, they lowered the some state in America that now they can....the children, (and you're just a child when you are 16 years old) now 16-year olds can have abortions in some [new] state in America. I forget where. I'm sorry.
The most evil of evil has come upon us. We have our only chance YAHUSHUA has given us -is if President Donald J. Trump remains a president?
Please, I'm begging you,, everybody get a hold of the Congress, [especially] get a hold of your Senators, and you tell them to throw the [false] electoral votes out. You warn them and that means to Democrats and Republicans.
You know, I don't like any of this. The government is upon YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Shoulders (Is 9:6) It says in the KJV version Bible (only it says "Jesus-Christ"), but HE still has to put somebody to be the one who speaks for HIM and makes these laws. All the beautiful executive orders, all the beautiful ways that the President tried to protect America… Do you understand?
Biden will undo all of them, and there'll be no one to even stand against them. And even though you vote Republican, they are betrayers, the majority of them [in Congress]. There shouldn't even have to even be -every single Republican should have stood up for the President of the United States of America, but they were "Republican In Name Only," [RINOS] and even the judges that he appointed, 300 of them. They betrayed him: Supreme Court Justice-Amy Coney Barrett… She could have been like an Esther. She betrays him.
How many prayers, how many intercessors! You don't know what I'm involved in. I'm in Heaven's business, but ABBA YAH cares what goes, on this earth -and you don't even know what is going to come from space so that's all I have to say right now.
Exceedingly, abundantly blessings upon each and everyone that receive my voice in love and who believe the words that I have spoken.. I will be seeing you in Heaven.
I just want to tell you about anything injected in your body, it changes your brain too, eventually. What is a man who developed a software, (who really didn't even develop it-stole it) -"the 'Gates' of hell," he's not a scientist what is he doing?
He, himself, even said it was about depopulation and now you're seeing YouTube take those videos down. I've got to see if we've got a copy of it, so we can get ours back up again.
You see, it will change your brain waves. It'll take away any feelings that GOD even… for you to desire to even pray, and take away your faith -and without faith,
it's impossible to please GOD/YAHUVEH (Heb 11:6).
The devil wants to take your faith away more than he wants to take your life (Eph 6:11; 1 Pt 5:8-9)-did you know that? -because without faith, you cannot even believe that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH will forgive you or HE will save your soul from hell. You will not even believe there's a GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO RULES AND REIGNS AND IS SUPREME -and no, the devil didn't knock HIM off HIS Throne! Nor can he ever!
Hang onto that! HE rules. HE reigns. HE is supreme, our YAHUVEH! THE FATHER OF CREATION! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, HE is our only MESSIAH. HE is our only BLOOD ATONEMENT for sin.
And on Purim you remember when the king offered that… had to have that scepter come up, before Esther could approach the throne, or she would have been killed immediately. We cannot approach the FATHER GOD YAHUVEH without the SCEPTER being held out and that is the HOLY, ANOINTED BLOOD OF THE LAMB, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, WHO took all of this sin, except for blasphemy [of the HOLY SPIRIT], and woe be unto you [blasphemers], but you won't be listening anyway if you're in blasphemy and if you do, you're just casting curses on me; it's gonna return back to you.
And so yeah, I take that back. I get listened [to] by those in the occult, especially in the Kaballah believing you're a god or calling a man a god! It will never happen and I'll lay my life down if need be, but it's sure, no one's gonna inject-nothing in me.
I only want the injection of truth, life, righteousness, more faith! That's what we need to be praying for.
I remind you in 2021 to those who are listening now: When Daniel was thrown. in the lions' den-can you imagine! Those lions hadn't eaten for days!
Can you imagine! Daniel, he prayed to YAHUVEH and our YAHUVEH closed the mouths of those hungry lions. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in the fiery furnace and the king had said, "Make it 7 times hotter!" we cannot even imagine the raging inferno, the fire. And Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow the knee.
That would have made him a "god," that king.
They said, "Even though our GOD slay us, we will not bow, we will not kneel to you [the king]," and they were thrown into that furnace-can you imagine them leaping and dancing with joy! As the king looks in and he says, "Wait, did we not throw 3 men in? How come I see the FOURTH MAN' there?" (Dn 3:25)!
It is because it's YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! That's why HIS Feet in Revelation is called the color of burnished bronze, to remind us no one's going to take your life unless your job on earth is done. And then Hallelu YAH, we go to Heaven!! We're only passing through, we're only visiting this earth and it's on a mission from Heaven.
-satan sent his, he has a bride of satan and they're on a mission to make sure that you don't get to Heaven, to make sure you lose your faith. Hold on tight! I'm going to say one last thing.
Remember when the Israelites, remember Moses, remember when there was no food anywhere in the desert and they didn't know what they were going to eat. He had millions with him, (responsible for them]) saying "We're hungry, what are we going to eat?"
And he prayed and remember the Manna, Heaven's food can you imagine eating what angels eat? It's supposed to be like a honey bread, was just a little…
It looked like like dew on the grass. HE said gather it up (Ex 16) And he-gathered enough for each family, not greedy but for each family. YAH knew exactly how much food, to put on that ground, called Manna from Heaven, And there was enough.
They did not have to do anything. And they made the breads, but they didn't have to do any cooking. Remember how hard it was back then to cook. [Laughs] They had to kindle the fire, and oh they had a lot of things to do before they could cook, and on Shabbat, they were not allowed [to work, to gather the Mannal It was gone, there was no more Manna there! It was gone!
And I want to say one last thing and that has to do with the fact please, please, don't get into the [ways of Orthodox Judaism] we are in the NEW BLOOD COVENANT now. We have new technology now. Do not think that turning on a knob on a stove to be able to cook [or heat food] on your Shabbats (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), do not think of that as work-how could that be work? To reheat your food!
I don't use a microwave, not anymore. For everything that's going on in this world! I mean, it's what I prophesied: Your food, your water, the air you breath, the clothes you wear, this device I use in my hand right now, radiation's all around and Fukushima, that radiation is still going around.
So if you use a microwave you just want to melt butter or something that's up to you, but I'm trying to tell you technology has changed.
You know there's some Orthodox Jews that will not even turn on. a light switch on the Shabbat? Do not, do not get into the traditions of man. This is silly. Back then, it was a lot of work to go through what they had to go through to prepare a meal, to kindle a light.
The man who's coming from the tribe of Judah, who will be the male co-leader, who will be my dearest best friend and he will be a Prophet that will stand by my side. And you'll not just hear my voice prophesying, you'll hear his and believing in faith, in streaming audio because in a Prophetic dream, our Gracie has seen us. [Laughs]
And he's got a sense of humor and he's got laughter along with it. I take things so serious, but he's got a balance-the laughter and the humor. And I've already seen it, and I will share some dreams with you also, but not right now.
And I just want to say this I love you. I truly love each and every one of you whose names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life. We are one family and the different Bride that I've mentioned, (Revelation 7 and 14 is, and the Elder Bride, who are the Two Witnesses, a husband and a wife), they (Rv 14, 7 etc) are just different in ascension times. (You haven't heard about the Elder Bride. I know that...but it's real.)
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH bless you. I pray with all of my heart and soul blessings of Deuteronomy 28. Go read them, because you only have two choices: you do not receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for HOLY, ONLY HOLY BLOOD ATONEMENT for your sins and HE said, "Why do you call ME LORD and not obey ME?" (Lk 6:46) Another version says, 'Why do you say you love ME and not obey ME' (Jn 14:15-23, 15:10 1 Jn 5:3). Are you doing the best to obey HIM?
When you say you're sorry, do you name your sins to HIM and say, "Please forgive me and give me the strength not to do this again!"? -but you have a will. We all have a choice.
Why do you think the Bible says, we all "work out" our own "salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil 2:12)? Our souls already know what choice we have made (Eph 1:4-6). I will always know that I know that I know, I will return to Heaven. If you do not know you're going to Heaven, please listen to this salvation prayer that you will find not only on my YouTube channel but also should be on all… It was re-written after 25 years.
And if you cannot say that you know that your next home will be Heaven, then there's something wrong with your relationship with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
Even if you come here and you call HIM “Jesus Christ, just remember that in the Great Tribulation, they will be saying that name that is known above any other name in this world and that's Jesus Christ. The devil hates the NAME YAHUSHUA. The NAME "YAH" is in HIS NAME and it means "YAH saves. It's a constant reminder.
The devil hates that NAME-they rather say the name 'Yes' hua (Ims 2:19) cause there is no FATHER GOD named 'Yes'!
The "Yes and Amen" (2 Cor 1:20) is to all of us who receive. HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON WHO was sent to this world as that PERFECT, HOLY, LAMB OF YAH on Passover HE laid HIS Life down for everyone who can believe this and on the third day, HE did rise again, after HE took the keys of hell and death and the grave. You see, no one can put you in the grave unless it's time for you to go.
I look forward to meeting you in Heaven if I don't meet you on earth, You just remember, hang on tight! You start memorizing Scriptures that you need to memorize! Hide 'em-into your soul! So like something that's been canned and preserved you can remember. They can't take that away from you even if they succeed in banning the true Bible, and remember, you need to get the older versions of the Bible.
Do not get the newer versions. They've taken things out. They've changed words that never should have been changed.
And if you can get a hold of the Scriptures that also show the Hebrew along with English, then get it for the Old Testament and the New.
I know this world is full of "Sodom and Gomorrah" right now, but I'm telling you there is a "Boiling Black Blood" plague coming.
This world will be cleansed and I know this the reason why YAHUSHUA wants President Donald J. Trump because he confessed HIM before the whole world as "the BOSSs. as GOD. That's his word…"Boss" is a word for GOD, to our President. That was humbling.
They're trying to take... but I'm telling you this and I promise you this. YAHUSHUA is gonna' ROAR like the LION FROM THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. HE is gonna ROAR all over this world and you're going to see things in 2021 that you NEVER, EVER dreamed of, but we already had a 2020,
And when you say, "But Elisheva Where? Where was anything redeemed?" The redeemed were those who survived and lived to be able to see 2021. For the salvation reports of not only Rudy Giuliani! I had a dream about him.. I have to put the new one up. He's given his life to YAHUSHUA. How many death threats had come at him?
And Attorney Lin Wood, he is your brother in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!
DON'T listen to the mainline media news, just…it's called One America News, I think, but it's just abbreviated as 'OAN.' [They expose] these voting machines that of course we're created by the devil himself to steal all the votes, to steal votes from the President. I know that I know that I know that the plans that YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH, THE RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT has for all of you who receive this message in love, and whose name is written in the LAMB'S Book of Life the plans for you are for good and not for evil.
We can trust THEM just like the 3 examples I gave you, just like the Red Sea opening. That's the last example I'm going to give you. There was Moses. He faces the Red Sea. There is our President Donald J. Trump. He faces the Red Sea.
Only YAHUVEH can open it for him now. Pray that it opens now.
People put so much pressure on that White House [i.e. the government] right now! Send those emails, especially when you in the United States, but send them. And you who are not in the United States cause this is international, send them.Tell them you know what socialism and communism is and this was all… and you looked up to America, because it was the only place of the land who still had freedom of speech.
You see, if you can't cast your vote in America (they would have stolen it most likely anyway), but if you can't cast it there, there's one place they can't steal and it's Heaven.
So vote for President Donald J. Trump in Heaven. Say, "Here YAHUSHUA. Here's my vote!" and "Here's my prayers that back it up!" Some things only go by fasting and prayer.
I'm asking you to pray more and harder than you ever have before.
[Sigh] ...and Biden?! and Clintons?! They cannot get this [office]... they cannot do this.
Our President has promised to protect against foreign and domestic enemies of the United States. Any information, remember America, that is given to Biden-will be given to the CCP. You see the Chinese people are not your enemies. I love them so much. I have my children who are… I love them so much, oh my, and when they hear the truth, they receive it and they rebuke the lies of the devil.
Do you know how many are put in prison? All over the world because of WHO, what GOD they believe in and what they believe. There's only one place left of freedom of speech, and they are even taking that away.
Congress did not approve what our...and they 'vetoed' what President Donald J. Trump tried to do, what our...and they 'vetoed' what President Donald J. Trump tried to do, and that's give [preserve] freedom of speech to ALL who speak. Can you imagine?
I warned you in a Prophecy When you didn't care that others' freedom of speech was taken, cause you didn't agree with it, YAHUSHUA warned you, just wait until they come and take your freedom of speech away.
Pray for him to have wisdom, knowledge, understanding to hear straight from the RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT'S Mouth what he should do, who he should trust.
The gift of discerning of spirits (1 Co 2:10) is so important, so we will not be betrayed anymore!
We're going to see a miracle! -I'm believing in faith! that the mouth of the roaring lion of the devil (1 Pt 5:8) is going to be shut against President Donald J. Trump.
Will you believe with me? Will you have faith with me? Will you join your faith with me? Will you believe that 'Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego ' though thrown in the fiery furnace although it looks so bad right now the 'FOURTH MAN' (Dn 3) walking with our President Donald J. Trump is YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH HIMSELF!
Will you believe with me? Will you join your faith with me and the other true Prophets?
And Pat Robertson, MAY YOU BURN IN HELL Pat Robertson of "700 Club," unsubscribe to him. How dare him telling him to give in and give it to Biden!
After giving a Prophecy the president would win again!
Where is he? Where did Pat Robertson go? I was raised on his teaching.
I became saved and I listened to him. So much good is in there [in some of his past work] and so…but why isn't his own son rebuking him?
Do you know half of the evangelists have tried to tell him to back down, to give in and give it to Biden. [Gasps ] Biden! Do you know what he stands for? And it isn't even him [to be the head], it's Harris, who is a witch. Clinton goes to Haiti. She's in voodoo.
My LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the pedophilia! Oh people, the children, the children, the children! What they're doing to the children! What they've done to the children!
My constant prayer to YAHUSHUA and ABBA YAHUVEH, "Don't YOU care about the children? What about the children?"
You who are mothers and fathers, even if you've not been do you know the torture they put these children through? Just to drink their blood, thinking it's a fountain of youth! And EAT their body!
Do you know Kate Perry said the leanest meat that Hollywood has now is human meat? Hell or Hollywood? No I wouldn't...that isn't what I call it. I call it "Hellywood."
Hollywood or Hellywood?
Anyway it's in one of the Prophecies I give the warning, and I give you the evidence of the man speaking. You who don't believe there's going to be a famine (Mt 24:7; Lk 21:11; Rv 6:6) and you think you can go to the grocery store tomorrow and just keep ordering groceries, well, what are you going to do when you can't do that anymore?
I warned you to have a flee bag ready. warned you through Prophecies again and again to make sure you're stocking up and have provisions.
If you don't believe it, then read the Book of Revelation about the famines and the 4 horsemen who will ride (Rv 6). You who don't believe it, remember in the Prophecy it says-I think in 153, I'm not sure it warns you that the locusts (that was so thick you could not see the sky) they laid eggs! What do you think GMO mosquitoes are going to do? Well they're unleashing them. They're going to take your blood.
They're not just releasing them for one purpose either. It's going to put diseases in you.
You better know HIM now cause if you don't you better find out real quickly WHO HE is and for you who have faith, put your faith in HIM. Put your faith in the ONE WHO WAS CRUCIFIED and hung on that cross for three hours in the most unimaginable pain that any one could ever imagine, until HE finally said, "It is finished." Remember, the old Blood Covenant is the Old Testament, is the Torah, is the Tanakh (it's also called), but it was a foreshadow of when YAHUSHUA would come and the New Blood Covenant would come. HALLELU YAH!
Because YAH said, 'No longer will I be satisfied [by animal sacrifices] with the sins of these people (see Heb 10:1-14; Is 40:16; Ps 50:9-15, 69:31; Mi 6:7-: and HE told Moses there's a NEW BLOOD COVENANT coming (Dt 18:15-19; Acts 3:22). For away with your burnt offerings (Am 5:22-23; Is 1:11)! I want no more of them.
So Israel has no blood sacrifice covenant and woe be unto them when they build that Third Temple. They will be sacrificing once again when the son of satan sits there, but they will be giving offerings up to Molech-that means, children. (A pig will not suffice. That's just like having a barbeque. No, the Jews would not be horrified by that. They know people still eat pork. Yes, even in Israel. They're not all Orthodox Jews. They're more secular than anything else.)
They will be horrified when they've seen a baby being burnt as a sacrifice.
Now I've told you something that nobody else has said. Take that as a revelation from Heaven from this Apostle, Prophet, Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, who has one desire of her heart right now in 2021, to have the biggest harvest we've ever had of souls to be brought to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, for the Gospel to be heard all over the world; for the White House to be the LIGHT House to this world; and for YAH to use those lips of President Donald J. Trump; and those who will
surround him will truly be so at least four more years, the true Gospel of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Gospel can be preached around this world.
Please, please, please, please. Please, pray like you never have before! That President Donald J. Trump stays president on January 20th!
And he will not, not one hair on his head will be harmed! -or that of his family. Pray,
Now I have to get this to the one who will make this into [an animation of] me speaking it, so it will entertain you; otherwise I would just leave the audio right there. I think that's what I'm going to do right now, is just going to put an audio, urgent audio. Listen, and then you can be entertained and you can watch me speak.
And I love it when YAHUSHUA stands next to me [in the animation], but don't forget to pray for that male co-leader to come and prophesy by my side. Please, so it no longer will be one leader, it will be two. And we will be in complete agreement and the two Anointings will be one. And he will not carry the sins of Judah like the other one did.
I'm hanging on, because I know "without faith it is impossible to please YAH" (Heb 11:6). And I know that HE'S not a man or a woman that HE can lie (Nm 23:19; Tit 1:2). HE is the FATHER OF CREATION! There's not anything impossible for HIM!
Not anything! So no matter what you see in 2021, just-Remember the parting of the Red Sea! Remember the manna! The very angels bread that they eat! Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego! Remember YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH WHO died and arose again on the 3rd day!
Oh I could give you so many miracles!
Remember when you read the New Testament, look at the blind eyes that were opened and the deaf that could hear, and the dead who were raised! Lazarus was in the tomb FOUR DAYS! Until YAHUSHUA went and HE said, "Lazarus, come forth!" And that was HIS best friend, and yet HE waited another day, an extra day, just to show the miracle.
Come on my beloved, come on, AmightyWind congregation! And you who I know, and you who I don't know, who are visitors, come on!
You fought this hard! Don't give up now. Don't give up! "Hang on to the Hem of YAHUSHUA'S Garment!" Go read that Prophecy I know I have to do it in video again. It will be done, and pray for more workers to come forth.
For the harvest is great, and the laborers are few (Mt 9:37) that I can trust. The key word is "trust."
You see, if they were with us-they really weren't with us, because they would still be with us (1 Jn 2:19). Be careful, be cautious! You who live in other countries, and you want to bring souls to YAHUSHUA, be cautious!
Really pray if you should tell-not everybody is…
oh my beloved Chinese children, I love you so much. I weep for them, day and night, for Taiwan and Hong-Kong, for Australia. China wants Australia just like China and I'm not talking about the people, I'm talking about the CCP, the government. They want New Zealand. They want the USA.
What's going to happen to the European Union? They want Africa, but they're not going to get everything they want, because we have a YAH WHO will say, "No!" NO to the devil!
ABBA YAHUVEH, end this with a prayer.
I thank YOU and I praise YOU for all those who have heard this right now. I PRAISE YOU, ABBA YAHUVEH, in this year of 2021! I praise YOU, ABBA YAHUVEH [that, us praying] -our faith is going to come in agreement, and you promised us that "the prayers of the righteous avail much" (Jms 5:16).
YOU promised us; FATHER! EL-SHADDAI! I call upon YOUR NAME, EL SHADDAI. For EL SHADDAI also means the DESTROYER of the wicked plans of the evil enemies! I thank YOU and I praise YOU for YOUR consuming wrath (Dt 32:22)! -that will burn 'em up, just as surely as when Elijah of Old, Eliyahu of old, and he prayed and the fire consumed (2 Ki 1:10) the soldiers who were doing their job (but nevertheless, they were consumed by YOUR fiery burst of flames they thought came from Heaven, but was really fire of [spontaneous] combustion).
I thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH. For David said, "Should I not hate those that hate YOU? Yes, I should hate them with perfect hatred" (Ps 139:22). Those are the reprobates! Those are the ones who are called 'serpents' and 'vipers,' when YAHUSHUA said, "I AM from above and you are from below, and your father is the devil!" (Jn 8:23, 8:44).
ABBA YAHUVEH, we thank YOU and we praise YOU for the great harvest to come! That's why we're praying again, not because of President Donald J. Trump and his righteousness -he is just a "baby," oh he's just a baby [in YAH].
Have mercy on him is our prayer!
Increase his faith, increase his courage. Deafen his ears to those who say, "Give up." YOU anointed, YOU appointed, YOU chose him. And for the billionaires! -ABBA YAHUVEH, YOU told me, YOU laugh in their faces!
O ABBA YAHUVEH! For the 'Gates' of hell" [shall] not prevail against the believers of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! I don't say of 'the church'. There was no such word as 'church' back then. It was the assembly of the believers of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
There's been fasting! There's been prayers! There's been Jericho marches!
Let the wall of Jericho come down right now! On the White House and the Congress, [only] of those who are trying to betray, ALL who are trying to betray President Donald J. Trump!
Give him the wisdom to know what to do. ABBA YAHUVEH, he never would harm anyone. He wouldn't.
They tried to take the roar out of him, but YOU raised him up to be more than just a mere man! but YOU raised him up to be more than just a mere man! Let the ROAR of the LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH roar out of his mouth! Not that he is GOD, but that YOU are gonna' put the WORDS in his mouth! -to know how to reach the hearts of the people, and to be able to know how to WAR for the peoples war for those 100 million or more who voted for him and now, through my message, are voting in Heaven.
And they're going to do what I have asked, and they're going to take some of this burden off of me and those of the other prayer intercessors, and those of the
Prophets who've stood firm Oh precious ones, beware of the false prophets. Not every one is a true Prophet.
I've got proof behind the Prophecies, and we have so much. We have SO MUCH proof, and I'm not talking about what's [revealed now] in the news; I'm talking about MANY years ago!
See, "Judgment Starts at the House of the LORD (1996) was the first one and judgment has started at the house of the LORD (1 Pt 4:17), YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH I name which GOD I serve. Beware of somebody who, [doesn't name their god], only says "Lord of Hosts" or "Most High" or even the word "Lord." You know satan-satanists even call the devil "lord."
No, not this Prophet. And I don't have this Ministry named after my name. It's named after THE ALEPH & THE TAV, THE BEGINNING & THE END, and it's AMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH [Ministry]. It's named after the HOLY SPIRIT, the RUACH HA KODESH HOLY FIRE-not strange fire!-Ministry.
You won't find my name anywhere there.
If I could, I wouldn't even have my face ANYWHERE, but YAHUSHUA said they must see the face of the one who speaks forth. ( And no videos [of myself filmed)], because way back i 1994, I was already given a warning, ) in '95 I was given a warning [and] whenever YouTube was born, I was given the warning that I wasn't to stand alone in any video like this, but already a dream has come by this prophetic dreamer Gracie…
Listen to the newest video that I have just put. up on my YouTube channel I don't even think it's up on the front page yet [on January 3rd] (cause I have to take things down to be able to put things up so the front page will load quicker) but she saw me in streaming audio and she's seen me with the male co-leader.
And I'm not saying that if he hears this, he's immediately in love with me like that kind of romance that he was showing, but we were laughing. And we laughed together, we prophesied together. He loves this Ministry and all the truths in it. He's a Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
So ABBA YAH, I call now forth the blessings on all who are hearing my voice and all whose names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life.
And I pray nothing but pure conviction, raw conviction on everyone who voted Democrat. I pray they get on their knees and they will ask YOU to redeem what they have done to hand America over to communism of the worst form and satanism.
For they didn't know what they were doing. They didn't understand. And I pray ABBA YAHUVEH more people will be on YouTube now. They will go there. They will have to hear the truth. Where else are they going to hear it? It's not on the mainline media news and Facebook refuses it.
Instagram! Where else are they going to hear it in this age of social media?
YOU have to do it. YOU are GOD, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! YOU are EL SHADDAI! YOUR wrath is as great as YOUR love! YOU gave YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON and watched HIM crucified and tortured for three hours because YOU loved humans that much.
And YOU know that no one is perfect. We can even sin by omission, like right now, praying for the- I have to remember that the sinkholes are supposed to be under every abortion clinic, every one, every place that they got satanic rituals, where they're taking the blood of the children and drinking it and eating the flesh of humans.
That's a sin of omission [that happens] because there's so much to pray! And I pray for the congregation and each and every one of their needs!
They will quickly hear from YOU! They will know what to do and where to go and how to feed their family. Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, they will know how to avoid any kind of injection! They will know not to take these tests! They will know ABBA YAHUVEH what to do.oh BELOVED YAHUSHUA have mercy. Have mercy. Have mercy on America by keeping President Donald J. Trump President of the United States and [have mercy, protect] those like I said Attorney Lin Wood: He is my brother. He's giving a warning. He's telling you who not to trust.
And Sidney Powell is my sister in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! She is YOUR Queen Esther right now. She's battling and she's battling hard like a Deborah of Old And truly it's the women, who are out there right now, the anointed women of YAHUSHUA's right now, who are prophesying and warning.
Men! Anointed Goliath Slayers come forth! (in '95 I was given a warning) Where are you? I'm tired of this, of waiting! When are you going to get tired of being a Barak over there and standing in a corner and letting Prophet Deborah of old do all the work?! And have a woman be the one to kill Captain Sisera? The enemy. You know Deborah celebrated for two weeks with a song -and ABBA YAHUVEH we want to celebrate!
We want to celebrate and write songs of victory! When YOU once again prove that there is no change of President! It is our President Donald J. Trump- and YOU are going to put in the vice presidency the one that YOU know that YOU can trust. I'm not going to say anything more on that.
If they go and they listen to what Attorney Lin Wood L-I-N-W-0-0-D says, they will understand on how they must pray. they will understand on how they must pray.
Woe be unto the Supreme Court for YOU gave so, so long ago, Prophecies (11, 15, 21558, 73, 8) that warned that YOU alone ABBA YAHUVEH-are the Supreme Court YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH YOU said, "I will show the Supreme Court WHO [alone] is supreme!" (Dt 10:17; Prophecy 21). YOU warned-four different Prophecies-YOU warned and that was so long ago.
I know for 2000 and I think 1997, but I'm not sure of all of them and I could not understand why YOU were giving this warning. They are the ones who passed the abortion laws in the first place.
Now they will not even listen, as all the pile of evidence comes up of this machine called demon I'll call it a demon machine -steals the votes of our President.
YOU'RE not going to let the devil do this yet ...he's trying to go before YOUR timing. Where is the "peace"?
The Bible says, [people will say,] "Peace, peace" and the end will come (1 Th 5:3). I say unto YOU then where is the peace," if the end is here?
We worship YOU our MAJESTY! We worship YOU! We worship YOU, O MAJESTIC ONE! O ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH & RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT! We worship YOU! We praise YOU! We love YOU! We adore YOU!
We thank YOU for protecting us not only in the year 2021, but until YOU come and YOU take us in our glorified bodies to Heaven and I speak of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH but for the guests who will be here, for the guests in the Marriage Supper of the LAMB (R 19:9), we thank YOU for keeping their faith strong.
We thank YOU for the great harvest in the year 2021. We thank YOU for more people coming to AmightyWind Ministry. I'm not going to be on Sid Roth. I'm not going to be on other people's ministry shows that YOU showed me thus far because this Ministry, thus far, has not been told to join with any other one other than the one who is coming.
And then he will be called the male co-leader and he will be a Prophet that will prophesy right by my side. He will be a prayer intercessor! I asked for the most anointed man in the world! I don't…and I've asked for it and I believe it! I don't want anything less!
It is the Anointing that will yoke us together. It is the Anointing of our prayers, where the two [Anointings] become one, that will be, even be a greater blessing to the Ministry, who admits before the whole world that YOU are the HEAD of this Ministry --and that I just take YOUR instructions as a leader and pass them onto the congregation.
And YOU the RUACH HA KODESH, O IMMAYAH! YOU are the MOTHER OF CREATION (Pr 8-9)! YOU are MOTHER WISDOM (tk 7:35)! Without YOU, we would not even have been drawn into the Loving Arms of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH YOU are the ONE that compels men, women, little children to come unto YOU, to come unto YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. YOU are the ONE WHO was in the Upper Room.
YOU are the ONE in the Image [that] Eve was made of."Come and let US" (Gn 1:26) make humanity-it should have said not man, "Come and let US make humanity in OUR IMAGE." That was a "man" and that was a "woman" [i.e. the image of the male and the female].
So in WHOSE IMAGE was Eve made in? I've already taught you what other Ministries do not want to say, but even, when there used to be "Ezra," he knew right away and the Jews know WHOSE Image Eve was made in.
So they're not surprised, but they won't speak it.
So thank YOU for listening to our prayers. Thank YOU for opening the Red Sea for our President Donald J. Trump. Thank YOU that no betrayer is going to succeed. Thank YOU that YOU will rescue him, just as YOU did Daniel in the lion's den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego [from the fiery furnace].
Thank YOU. We praise YOU ahead of time. We're putting our faith into action because we know, without faith it's impossible to please YOU (Heb 11).
Thank YOU for this encouraging Words to let them know that, YAHUSHUA, YOU will lead and guide them. YOU are the ONLY GOOD SHEPHERD, and if they will listen to YOU and pray to YOU --and people you must PRAISE HIM!
We PRAISE YOU! We PRAISE YOU! We enter into YOUR courts, of praise, with thanksgiving on our lips (Ps 100:4), for all that YOU have already done! And if YOU had never done anything else, YOU did it all at the Cross, BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, when YOU said "It is finished" (Jn 19:30).
YOU are the NEW BLOOD COVENANT we walk in. The Old Blood Covenant has passed away (Heb 8:13) YOU gave us the NEW BLOOD COVENANT. For none is perfect that walk this earth, but YOU (Ro 3:10; Heb 4:15 7:26; 1 Pt 2:22; DJn 3:5).
We thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for the Bride of YAHUSHUA coming forth and they will write me. They will contact me. I will know that I know that I am speaking to a Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, be it a man or a woman.
And I just want to assure you, you who are the BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When you go up [raptured], as long you are equally yoked in that household, they all go up at the same time -your family, the ones that live in your households That was another revelation given to me.
If you're living in an unequally yoked household and that means that you are living with a -you women who are married to a man who is not worshipping YAHUSHUA not obeying HIM, I'm sorry to tell you this, but YAHUSHUA said you must separate.
HE is the ONE WHO brings division, not me (Mt 10:35).HE HIMSELF said do not be deceived (Mt 24:4). HE brings a Dividing Sword (Mt 10:34-35; Heb 4:12) and if you continue then you will miss being the BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA. Harsh words but they're not mine.
I back every word up with Scripture.
So YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH bless you! To all who have listened! And this is going be just in a little audio right now. Give us time to be able to get it where it can entertain you as well as inform you, the way that YAH told me in 1994, I must entertain as well as inform this hardened, end time generation and that is what we have done.
The most beautiful anointed video creators they pay a price for each and every video. They pray over every graphic and we make them animated.
For YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, even HIS very Words that are just transcribed, written down -you will see as you reread them and you believe them Words will leap right off the pages that you never even saw before!
How do I know this?
It's because people will just send me excerpts of a Prophecy and I will forget that it was I who had even spoken it forth and I'll say, "This person is a real Prophet" and then, "Who wrote this?"
And they'll say, "It came from Prophecy=" (and they'll give me the number), "and it was you, Momma. YAHUSHUA spoke it through you."
Try it. You'll see. And ask YAHUSHUA, because there's a 153 prophecies here, "Which one am I to read?" and HE'll show you.
Oh how I love each and every transcriber who takes these words of English and will take them and put them in your own language. Thank you. Every video maker, thank you. Every associate minister, thank you. Every prayer intercessor, thank you. You who sends your offerings, thank you.
I thank you. I love you. We will be in a realm of Heaven.
"YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers" all over the world. we don't just have mansions, we have a realm. You will and I will be visiting your mansions.
Oh what a day of rejoicing Heaven shall be!!! But none of us can leave here until our job is done. And YAHUSHUA will not miss one, all written in the LAMB'S Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Think about that!
And whatever was done in Heaven those who fought on YAH & YAHUSHUA'S side or betrayed THEM and went to lucifer's side, we're working out our own salvation right now with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12). For our soul already knows what choice we made.
If you betrayed HIM or went on lucifer's side at the Great War [in Heaven] that's gonna end here on earth (Rv 12), then you will betray HIM on earth (Jude 1:4) even if you started out looking like you were a sheep you'll turn into a wolf. That's sad.
I can't count how many betrayals I've had to those I've said how much I loved them and I truly did with all…I loved them with all [that's] within me. As [for] a child, I loved them. I had to give up someone I called husband who I truly at one time believed, with all of my heart and my soul, he would never betray YAH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH and then he allows others to call him a "god," return to the Orthodox Judaism, [and now] one toe away from blasphemy [of the RUACH HA KODESH].
I no longer I have nothing in common with this man and neither do ANY of you! Don't even write me about him. He's one toe away from blasphemy. And I still believe on his death bed, he will cry out to YAHUSHUA, "Forgive me for what I have done" and he will leave video evidence for all to see, "Forgive me for what I have done" and he will leave video evidence for all to see, so I can show you through all of the evil that he did in the ending of 2018, he still [eventually] asks forgiveness of me, of you, but most all of YAHUSHUA HA-MASHIACH ABBA YAHUVEH and the RUACH HA KODESH.
For he even taught a false goddess, [he added a fourth to the HOLY TRINITY).
I was not aware of any of this. It all ended on December 3rd, 2018. YAH said HE decreed a Holy divorce decree.
It was over with on this [last] Shavu'ot-is when I really knew, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to see him in Heaven…only 5 years old from [conversion from] an Orthodox Jew, raised in Kaballah.
That's occult. That's mysticism. Don't even look it up. It's so wicked. It's so dangerous! Please. Don't look it up If you do, you could very well be on your path to hell and won't come out of it. So I'm ending it right now.
I'm saying again exceedingly and abundantly all blessings upon all who received this message in love, whose names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life and especially exceedingly and abundantly I pray ABBA YAH for everyone who takes the time to write me, especially my anointed brothers, anointed prayer intercessors, anointed (whether you be married whether you're not, just let me know; and I'm not talking about that being that one special man who'd be the male co-leader because of course he is single, but I mean) I need your prayers.
I need your prayers for this Ministry. I need your prayers for my, the YouTube channels I need your prayers over everyone who minsters in this Ministry. For don't ever think that I am doing this alone.
I'mone pearl. Picture a pearl necklace. I'm one pearl. Without the web managers, without the video makers, without the translators, without the…I mean... [Laughs] and all the prayer intercessors around the world in all the different languages, I'm just one. I'm one tiny pearl.
They are the rest of the beautiful, genuine rarest of pearls that are anointed straight from Heaven. And I am so grateful that for all eternity we will be together.
They were chosen, appointed and anointed to stand by my side. And for those who say, "It's too hard. I'm outta here!" well, you never were meant to stay. Only for a time and a season.
And YAH knew you'd betray To all the haters out there, just keep on hating! That's what you do! That's your job, you know?! To tell lies about me and to try to chase the sheep away that's because you're doomed!
ABBA YAH said, "Jacob I loved. Esau I hated!" (Ro 9:13). Well those who of a reprobate soul are unsaveable (Heb 6:4-6) Even with the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA that HE gave for you, you wouldn't receive it. You betrayed HIM.
This is HIS Ministry and I only lift up the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. You're never gonna see I never want a picture of me alone. I always want YAHUSHUA [pictured], as a reminder, HE'S right by my side.
When his picture is replaced, it's because it's the image of a man [ordained by GOD called Asa Mikaiyah] that may not exactly fit the exact image, except I positively know HE has dark hair, because I've run my fingers through it, in a dream that's so real. I still know what it feels like, and his laughter and his voice and the love!
And we were prophesying together. And the sense of humor! And yes, he will even sing. There's not one blessing YAH will leave out. And he will LOVE this congregation! He will be a blessing unto you and to me, but most of all to the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, ABBA YAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT/IMMAYAH.
shalom! Now I can say I have finally given the message that has held [been back until this time and this hour. I love you and don't you ever, ever doubt it. I look forward to hearing from you.
Please anointed ones come forth. Anointed Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, contact me please. Be you a man or a woman, contact me in YAHUSHUA'S NAME.
Oh we worship YOU, YOUR MAJESTY! We worship YOU! We worship YOU! We worship YOU! We thank YOU! We thank YOU!
We thank YOU for all the blessings YOU have.. the plans from YOU that will be for good and not for evil (Jer 29:11). Hide us underneath the Shelter of YOUR WINGS ABBA YAHUVEH! Cradle us in YOUR Arms BELOVED, BELOVED RUACH HA KODESH!
Let us hear from YOU clearly. Don't let us be deceived is my prayer.
Hallelu YAH! AMEN!