YDS 神圣祷告勇士 ——亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士(YAHUSHUA’s demon Stompers)
I Touched the Wings of an Angel on May 24th 2005!
以莉莎法.以利亚呼撰写 by Elisheva Eliyahu
圣天使长米迦勒和其他天使一起,来到我这里,站在我的床边唤醒我。我当时在经历着一场非常激烈的爭战,长达三天,精疲力竭,然后我看到圣天使们站在我旁边。Michael the Holy Archangel came to me, with other angels, and stood over my bed awakening me. I had been in a very fierce battle for 3 days, exhausted, then I saw Holy Angels standing next to me. 米迦勒巨大的翅膀,悬掛在床头,我像个小孩子一样伸出手去触摸那翅膀,用两个手指触摸着它,惊叹于它的柔软,美丽,发出色彩斑斕的光芒。Michael's wing was hanging over the bed and I reached out to touch it and stroked it between my two fingers like a child would, marveling at the softness of the wing, and beauty of the gems that sparkled all through it. 当我碰到天使长米迦勒的翅膀时,我感到非常惊讶!赞美亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!I was amazed when I touched Archangel Michael's wing. PRAISE YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH!
我也从其他圣天使那里,被赐予了一则讯息。他告诉了我说:“整个天国都在欢呼快乐,并且在为亚呼赎阿的新娘做准备!”下一次天使来探望我的时候,将会是作为宣告亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘的时候!I was also given a message from the other Holy Angel. He spoke to me and said, "All of Heaven is rejoicing and preparing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA!" The next time the Angel visits me will be to tell me when YAHUSHUA is coming for the Bride (因为我是亚呼赎阿的鸣警使女/指环使女(Ringmaiden),所以我将会知道,就像五位聪明童女的比喻中那位呼喊者所做的那样。)(since I am the Ringmaiden of YAHUSHUA I will know, just as the crier did with the parable in the 5 wise virgins)! 圣天使也告诉我说,亚呼赎阿想要我生出事工的一个新分支,它被称为“亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”。Also the Holy Angel told me that YAHUSHUA wants me to give birth to a new branch of the Ministry and it is to be called "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers."
他们将会是“与众不同/独特的神圣祷告勇士!”(并且作为一个团队,他们复盖这个事工,一天24小时,在不同时区里各自祷告,每人各自每天祷告一小时或更多时间)。They are to be "Holy Prayer Warriors like none other" (and as a group they cover this ministry in prayer 24 hours a day in different time zones and individually each pray for one hour a day or more). 我们称他们是我们的属灵儿子和女儿们,我们非常爱他们!我们的YDS前线祷告勇士们是非常被恩膏的神圣祷告勇士,他们知道怎样做属灵爭战祷告,他们把所有的颂赞都归给亚呼赎阿,我们的玛西阿克。We call them our spiritual sons and daughters and love them very much! Our YDS front line prayer warriors are very anointed Holy prayer warriors they know how to do spiritual warfare and they give all Praise to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. 我很荣幸的被他们称为鸣警使女妈妈(Momma R.m.),虽然我只有25岁,哈哈哈哈。I am honored to be called Momma R.m. by them even though I am only 25 years old, LOL.
2005年5月在YDS诞生之后的几天的一次节目录音摘录Excerpts from a May 2005 Radio Show Days After the Birth of the YDS
愿亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克祝福你们以及所有的听众。YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH bless you and all the listeners also.
嗯,是这样的,你们知道,你们为我祷告了,世界各地的人——甚至都不明白这个事工所遭受的攻击——它是阿列夫和塔夫全能风如阿克.哈.古德西烈火事工,这个名称本身有些拗口,Well, here's what it is, you know, you prayed for me, people all over the world—didn't even understand the attacks that this Ministry—it's the Alef & Tav AlmightyWind RUACH HA KODESH Fire Ministry, which is a mouthful in itself; 但我们是一个弥赛亚犹太事工,教导亚呼赎阿的犹太特性,因此我说祂的圣名是亚呼赎阿,就像你们说的那样。but we are a Messianic Jewish Ministry teaching the Jewishness of YAHUSHUA, so I say HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA, as you do.
这事正发生在最圣洁的,那些此时此刻......正在听的人身上,他们已经在纳闷为什么突然之间,看起来似乎他们已在输掉一些战役,他们一度能贏得那些战役——It's happening to the most Holy, those that are listening right now and they've wondered why all of a sudden it seems like they've been losing some battles where they used to be able to win them—我们俯伏在亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的面前,一天24小时,呼求在各个领域里得到拯救。and we're on our face before YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA 24 hours a day, crying out for deliverance in various areas.
现在最圣洁的人正遭受攻击,当我求问亚呼赎阿为什么的时候,因为在5月20日——祂真的赐给了我一篇还未被释放的话语,The most Holy people right now are under attack, and when I asked YAHUSHUA why, because on May 20th—literally gave me a Word that I held onto, 但你们要知道魔鬼,这就是我想让人们明白的事情——撒旦正埋伏等候着,说:啊哈,现在我抓住了她。but you see the devil and this is what I want people to understand—satan was just laying in wait and saying aha, now I got her.
所以不知道——我仍然不知道发生了什么——我所知道的全部就是我已经遭受了严峻,严峻的攻击,世界各地的人开始祷告,So without knowing—I still don't know what happened—all I know is I'd come under severe, severe attack and people all over the world started praying, 而好事从这日〔5月24日〕出来了,因为那就是“亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士!”而且是一个事工的诞生在5月25日〔第二天被宣佈了〕,亚呼赎阿告诉我,“他们是特种精英部队。”and something good came out of this [May 24th] because it's "YAHUSHUA'S DEMON STOMPERS!" And it was the birth of a ministry [announced the next day] on May 25th and "they are"—YAHUSHUA told me, "They are the special elite forces."
如果正在听的人相信他们属于那支特种精英部队——他们就是那些能直视撒旦的面而不会逃跑的人!And if people who are listening believe they belong to that special elite forces—they are the ones that can look in the face of satan, and not run! 因为透过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的宝血和圣名,我们确实有权柄践踏那些恶魔!明白吗?!Because through the BLOOD & the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, we DO have the authority to STOMP those demons! Okay?!
情况是——我所知道的全部就是,世界各地的人当时都在给我写信并说“我会为妳祷告”,几天前我甚至都没有〔任何办法〕在电话上交谈。What it is—is, all I know is all over the world people were writing me and saying, "I will pray for you," I didn't even have [any way] to talk on the telephone days ago. 他们说,“我会为妳祷告,但是我告诉妳,我正遭受最极端的攻击,”并且他们说“我们从未见过这样的攻击。”这是——从来没有,我从未遇到过〔这样的攻击〕——我只想要服侍,但那不关乎主题。And they said, "I will pray for you, but I'm telling you, I'm under the most extreme attack," and they said,"We've never known such attacks." This was—never, I have never known [such attacks]—I just wanted to minister, but that's off the subject.
最主要的是恶魔的攻击已经如此极端,我从未见过像这样的攻击,人们当时在给我写信,“是的,我会为妳祷告”然后我知道的下一件事,他们在说“请复盖我。The main thing is the demonic attack had been so extreme and I'd never seen it like this, and people were writing me,"Yes, I'll pray for you" and then the next thing I know, they're saying, "Please cover me. 当我开始为妳祷告的时候,我遭到了猛烈的攻击,”〔笑〕仅仅能“一瘸一拐地离开前线”这样有人可以复盖,你们知道。When I started praying for you, I come under heavy attack," barely able to [Laughs] 'limp off of the front lines' so somebody could cover, you know.
现在特种精英部队最好正在兴起。那些是特种精英部队成员的人——要知道,你们不能仅仅说你们是特种精英部队成员〔然而〕却害怕直面撒旦,Now the special elite forces had better be raising up. Those that are—see, you can't just say you're special elite force and [yet] afraid to face satan in the face 因为圣经上说;不要忽视撒旦的诡计(林后2:11)——你们最好正行得圣洁!你们最好言出必行!阿们!because the Bible says be not ignorant of satan's devices (2 Cor 2:11)—you better be walking Holy! You better be walking the talk! Amen!
而且他们是亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘!他们是启示录第14章〔和第7章〕 的新娘。And they are the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! They are Revelation 14 [& 7]. 这些是当亚呼赎阿来时祂要接走的人,他们是——特种精英部队,不要以为撒旦不知道他们的名字,因为此时此刻牠正瞄准他们,但是人们,我们得胜了。These are the ones that YAHUSHUA is going to come for when HE comes and they are—special elite forces and don't think satan don't know their names because right now he is zeroing in on them, but people, 因为籍着亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我们就得胜有余了!祂是我们的主,我们的弥赛亚,我们的万王之王!we have the victory because we are more than a conqueror through YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,our LORD, our MESSIAH, our KING OF KINGS (1 Tm 6:15; Rv 17:14; 19:11-16)!
祂正前来,但是首先要打仗!我们必须得愿意像大卫王一样,追击歌利亚并砍掉歌利亚的头!你们知道吗?HE is coming, but there is warfare to do first! We have to be willing to be like a David and go after Goliath [spiritually] and CHOP the Goliath's head off! You know what?
这是最多的——这真是太奇怪了。你们知道——那些在听的人大部分都不在美国?你们要知道来到我们事工网站正得到拯救的最多数量的灵魂——This is the greatest—this is what's so very strange. You know who—the people who are listening the most are not in America? You know the greatest souls that are getting saved that come to our Ministry site—他们来自印度,他们来自非洲,他们是印度尼西亚人,——他们来自芬兰,they're from India, they're from Africa—they're Indonesia, they're Finland,他们来自香港——在香港我们有那么多,那么多的人得救了——一个接一个去参加香港婚礼的异梦,在这些遥远的地方我们有最忠诚的伙伴。你们明白吗?they're Hong Kong—we have so, so many people getting saved in Hong Kong— dream after dream of going to a wedding in Hong Kong. And we have the most faithful partners in these far away places. You understand?
噢!我必需得再给你们一篇话语!我们被赐予了一篇话语,那是关于亚呼赎阿新娘的话语。We love you guys. I love all of you who have offered me invitations to come. Oh! I have to give you one more Word! We were given a Word and that is about the Bride of YAHUSHUA.
你们知道这都是关乎以斯帖。以斯帖认为——她真的不知道自己配得被称为王后,直到最后一刻,直到他放下那个权杖。有——许多人正被预备成为王后。记得吗?You know this is all about Esther. Esther thought that—she really didn't know until the last moment that she was worthy to be called the queen,until he took off that scepter. There was—many being prepped to be queen. Remember?
再说一次,亚呼赎阿的新娘就像以斯帖一样。明白吗?那就是所有关于它的一切——我们此刻正在被预备着Again, the Bride of YAHUSHUA is like Esther. Alright? And what it's all about it—we are being prepped right now.
而且祂说过这事——祂〔对所有的新娘〕说过这事,“你此刻正被考验着。即使当我不允许你贏得每一场爭战的时候,你还会对我保持忠诚吗?And HE said this—HE said this [to all the Bride], "You are being tested right now. Will you stay loyal to ME even when I don't allow you to win every battle? 当我允许疼痛难忍的痛苦临到你身上时,你还会对我保持忠诚吗?”明白吗?那就是它所关乎的全部,就是忠诚。Will you stay loyal to ME when I allow pain to come on your body that racks so bad—" Okay? And that was what it was all about, is loyalty.
我们此刻正被考验着——如果我们,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘,正被考验着,其他人要经受更多怎样的考验呢(彼前4:12-19)?And we are being tested right now—and if we, the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHAICH, are being tested, how much more are the others (1 Pt 4:12-19)?
〔约伯和他的'朋友们'一起受考验〕,我称他们为“约伯的安慰者”。我不需要任何一个约伯的安慰者,谢谢你们(讽刺)(笑)因为那些人不是朋友。[Job was tested with his 'friends'], I call 'em "Job comforters." I don't need none of the Job comforters, thank you [Sarcasm] because those were not friends. 最后他不得不为那些人祷告,因为他们已因着他们所说的反对他的话而处在了亚哈威的忿怒之下。And he ended up having to pray for those because they'd come under the wrath of YAHUVEH for the things they said against him.
以下是在此期间祂赐给我的另一个警告,那警告就是这事,祂说,“不会有约拿。在这支特种精英部队里没有约拿,”祂说,“要阅读有关约拿的信息。”Here's another warning that HE gave me during this time, and that is this, HE said, "There'll be no Jonahs. There's no Jonahs in this special elite forces," and HE said, "Read about Jonah."
你们知道约拿想要按照他自己的方式行事。约拿说神啊,我已经知道祢要做什么了,而作为先知,我不想去那里。等等,等等,等等诸如此类的。对吗?约拿们会坚持要按照他们自己的方式行事。You see Jonah wanted to do it his own way. Jonah said I already know what you're gonna' do GOD, and as a Prophet I don't wanna go there and blah, blah, blah. Right? Jonahs will insist on doing it their way.
嗯,当我读约拿书时,我真的很惊讶,我意识到经上从未说过约拿怎样了。从来没有——我甚至都不知道我们是否会在天国里看见约拿。你们知道约拿的结局吗?因为我不知道。Well I was really amazed as I read the book of Jonah and I realized it never said what happened to Jonah. It never—I don't even know if we will see Jonah in Heaven. Do you know the end of Jonah? Because I don't.
我知道这一点。我毫无疑问地知道这一点,因为祂不但透过我已经预言了这一点,而且我已得着了一个接一个的异梦,〔其他的执事〕也是如此。I know this. I know this beyond the shadow of a doubt, because not only has HE prophesied it through me, but I've had dream upon dream and [other ministers] also. 我知道我们亲爱的亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克正要在一个犹太新年回来;我不知道哪一个犹太新年。I know our BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is coming back on a Rosh Ha Shanah; I don't know which one.
我知道亚呼赎阿会在那个日子回来接那些是祂的新娘的人:那些已经经历了火炼的人;那些已经成为祂最强大勇士的人;那些已经愿意把一切摆在牺牲的祭坛上的人,I know that it will be for those that are HIS Bride: those that have been tested in the fire; those that have been HIS mightiest warriors; those that have been willing to lay EVERYTHING on the altar of sacrifice 他们甚至还说,“如果这是我的时间,那么就取走我的生命。我准备回家了”——因为你们看,那就是最终结果;你们和我,我们只是作成回天家的工夫。and even say, "If it's my time, take my life. I'm ready to go home"—because you see, that is the end result; you and I, we are only working our way Home.
我们必须要去做我们已被呼召要做的工,在听的人也是一样——我们都已被差遣到地球来做一份工作,〔一个呼召〕。我们的身体将要改变。我不知道是否是今年的这个犹太新年!We have to do the job that we've been called to do and the people listening also— we all have been sent to earth to do a job, [a calling]. And our bodies are going to change. I don't know if it's this Rosh Ha Shanah now!
哦,我要双膝跪下,乞求,恳求,并祷告——我祷告在今年这个犹太新年,你们要和我们相聚一起,因为那就是我所在之处:每一个犹太新年,我要说,“噢,亚呼赎阿,求祢来,来。”你知道的!Oh I'm going to be on my knees, begging and pleading and praying— and I pray that you're with us on this Rosh Ha Shanah because that's where I am: Every Rosh Ha Shanah, I am [saying], "Oh please YAHUSHUA, come, come." You know!
但我知道这事,我们都将得着一个荣耀的身体——会有…如果我可以,真的很快,只要说这事,那就是天使来到了我的身边,正如我所说的...他在恩膏下明白了我对于所发生之事的录音,我在他的〔应答〕机上留了语音。But I know this. We're going to have a glorified body—there is going to be... If I may, real quickly, just say this and that is angels came to me as I told... he's got [my voicemail] under the Anointing if he kept it on his [answering] machine.
天使们在5月24日来到了我的身边。我触摸了天使的翅膀!天使们过来传递了一个消息。我想告诉你们天使的翅膀是什么样的——真的很快。它们镶嵌着金子。And angels came to me on May 24th. I touched the wings of an angel! The angels came to give a message. I want to tell you what the angels' wings are—real fast. They were guilded in gold. 它们柔软无比。它们看起来有宝石正从其上闪闪发光。我触摸了天使的翅膀,在那翅膀里有医治〔所有新娘的恩膏〕!They were so soft. They were—looked to have jewels just radiating off of them. I touched the wings of an angel and there was [an Anointing for all the Bride of] healing in the wings!
天使们的讯息是这样的:“人们,某件非常重大的事情就要准备发生了。为了我们那些圣洁的人。潮流要转向了!And the angels' message is this: People something so BIG is ready to happen.For those of us that are Holy. The tide is gonna turn! 有一种新的恩膏即将来临!它是——那会是一种恩膏,我们将会赞美亚哈威和亚呼赎阿,因为我们确实得胜了!”There is a new Anointing comin'! It is—that is gonna' be an Anointing that we are going to be praising YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA for because we DO have the VICTORY!"
所以,不要放弃!So don't give up!
我们要团结在一起!我们不能孤军奋战。祂总是两个两个的差遣祂的门徒们出去,We are in this together! One of us can't do it alone. HE always sends HIS disciples out two by two, 但现在我们需要靠着亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名聚集在一起!阿爸亚哈威,我们奉靠亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名祈求胜利。but now we need to gather together in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH! ABBA YAHUVEH we ask in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for victory!
为了每一个正在倾听的人,天父——那些一直被打击,被践踏的人!他们〔曾经感到〕或者认为撒但已经踩在了他们身上。For each and every person that is listening HEAVENLY FATHER—those that have been beaten down, [down] trodden! Who[ever feels or] thinks that satan has been stompin' on 'em. 行,现在就是那时候,天父帮助我们〔从地上〕站起来,现在就是那时候,我们要成为“亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”!Well NOW is the time FATHER for us to get up off [that ground & on] our feet and now is the time for us to be "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers"!
奉靠亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,透过亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克所流的宝血,我们就得胜了!In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH through the SHED BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, WE HAVE THE VICTORY!
奉靠亚呼赎阿的圣名战胜疾病!战胜财产损失和贫穷!战胜魔鬼——在牠能击打我们的每一个方面——我们都得胜了!Victory over sickness in the NAMEOF YAHUSHUA! Victory over financial losses and poverty! Victory over the devil—in every way that he can hit us—we have the victory!
现在,阿爸亚哈威,我们感谢祢,因为是恩膏折断各样的轭和捆绑(赛10:27)!And we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH right now, because it is the Anointing that breaks the yokes and bondages (Is 10:27)!
让如阿克.哈.古德西的〔神圣〕野火恩膏临到每一个那些,现在正在倾听并且圣洁的人身上,以及那些一直在呼求更强烈恩膏的人身上!——Let the [Holy]Wildfire Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH come upon each and every one of those that are listening and that are Holy right now and that have been crying out for a greater Anointing!—因为这是我的祷告;我不祈求得着更多属于这个世界的智慧。我祈求——我活在这个世界上的每一天——〔我祈求〕得着如阿克.哈.古德西/圣灵更强烈的恩膏。because this is my prayer; I don't ask for more wisdom of this world. I ask for—each and every day I live on this world—[I ask] a greater Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH/THE HOLY SPIRIT.
那里有我们奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名所得到的胜利。那是我们唯一的武器:亚呼赎阿的圣名,宝血和祂的恩膏。这是我为每一位倾听者所作的祷告。In that lies our victory in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. That is our only weapon: THE NAME, THE BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA & HIS ANOINTING. And that is my prayer for everyone listening.
请给我写信。让我知道你是否属于特种精锐部队。我们需要彼此!Please write me. Let me know if you're part of the special elite forces. WE NEED ONE ANOTHER! 我真的很期待收到你们的来信因为我想知道圣洁的新娘都分散在世界的什么地方你们在哪里?我们需要你们。我们现在需要彼此。And I would really look forward to hearing from you because I want to know where the Holy Bride is scattered around this world. Where are you? We need you. We need one another right now.
2015年对YDS的爱的呼喊2015 Shoutout of Love to the YDS
(今天是)5月24日而我只想大声呼喊——我想要发出爱的呼喊对宝贵的“YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们”。[It's] May 24th [2015] and I just want to give a shoutout—I want to give a shoutout of love to the precious "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers." 我想告诉你们我多么爱和感激你们每一个人。你们的脸没有出现在公众面前。你们有些人的脸出现在公众面前,但你们大多数人都是被隐藏的。I want to tell you how much I love and appreciate each one of you. Your faces are not before the public. Some of them are, but most of you are hidden.
你们如此宝贵,如果亚呼赎阿没有兴起你们,并差来圣天使赐给我最圣洁代祷者们的名称的话,并差来圣天使赐给我最圣洁代祷者们的名称的话,You are so precious and without YAHUSHUA raising you up, and bringing the Holy angels togive me the name of the most Holy prayer intercessors, 我真地,全心全意相信,若不是因为你们的话,若不是因为圣洁的祷告复盖的话,现在就不会有这个事工。I really, with all my heart and soul believe, if it hadn't been for you, if it hadn't been for the Holy prayer covering, there would be no Ministry right now.
这一切是怎么发生的?How Did it All Happen?
因为时间关係,先知以莉莎法没能在最后的录音里说完全部的细节,Due to a lack of time Prophet Elisheva wasn't able to fit all details into the last recordings, 所以她请求由一个经历过这个属灵体验的女儿,这次代表她朗读这讯息。so she asked that the following be recounted for the 2020 anniversary celebrations on her behalf by a daughter who went through this spiritual experience with her at the time.
米迦勒,神圣的天使长和另外两名天使,一起去了先知以莉莎法那里,站在她的床头,唤醒她——大天使加百列给了她一则来自亚呼赎阿的讯息。哈利路亚!Michael the Holy archangel came to Prophet Elisheva with two more angels, stood over her bed awakening her—and Archangel Gabriel gave her a message from YAHUSHUA. Hallelu YAH!
她当时在经历着一场非常激烈的爭战,长达三天,尽管实际上那爭战早在几个星期之前就开始了。She had been in a very fierce battle for three long days, though actually it began weeks before. 她被邀请作为一个广播节目的嘉宾(她总共参加了3个广播节目)但这次结果是撒但的密探们企图渗透,亚迫使他们看到,他们的所有计划和咒诅都适得其反!She had been invited as a guest to a radio show (she's had been on 3 other radio shows so far total) but this time it turned out to be satanic plants trying to infiltrate and YAH forced them to see ALL their plans and curses backfire!
在2005年春季,世界各地的事工伙伴们一直在给先知以莉莎法写信说他们也处于极端的属灵爭战中——但是,魔鬼图谋为邪恶的事情,亚呼赎阿都反转了过来,为了良善以及祂的荣耀!In Spring of 2005, ministry partners around the world kept writing to Prophet Elisheva that they too were under extreme spiritual warfare —but what the devil meant for evil, YAHUSHUA turned around for good and HIS glory!那就是所发生的事,当魔鬼来行偷窃,杀害和毁灭之事——当我们侍奉亚呼赎阿时,祂反而赐给我们丰盛的生命! That is what happens when the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy—when we serve YAHUSHUA, HE gives us life abundantly instead!
那时候以莉莎法也不太明白,这是一场为了让“YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”诞生的爭战,一直以来,米迦勒都在诸天中爭战前行。Little did Elisheva know at the time that this was the battle for the birth of "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers," all that time, Michael warring his way through the Heavenlies. 以莉莎法,在经历过她前所未有的最严重的攻击之后,她已经精疲力竭,突然之间,她看见了圣天使就在她的臥室里,站在她的旁边!Elisheva, exhausted after the most serious attacks she had yet experienced, all of a sudden, saw Holy angels standing next to her in her bedroom!
当然,现在我们都知道这场爭战,就是这个事工新分支的产前阵痛。在2005年5月24日,“YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”!Of course, now we all know this battle was the labor pains of a new branch of the Ministry on May 24th 2005, "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers"! 也是为了预言过的500,000五十万人上前来并以更强大的方式站在城墙上!(因为在1997年,先知以莉莎法连续做了重复的梦,在梦里亚告诉她:“召集军队到城墙上,”And also for the prophesied 500,000 to come forth and stand on the wall in a greater way! (For in 1997 Prophet Elisheva had had a back to back, repeating dream where YAH told her, "Gather the Troops on the Wall," 她还看见他们都身穿白衣,从世界各地而来,数目是500,000五十万人。圣灵会用这个事工来召集他们。and she saw them all dressed in white from around the world, the number being 500,000. The HOLY SPIRIT would gather them with this Ministry.
当我们在恩膏里联合,一起欢呼胜利的时候,这就会如同耶利哥的城墙再次倒塌——又像大卫再次击杀歌利亚!As we unite in the Anointing, shouting together in victory, it would be as the walls of Jericho come tumbling down again—and like David slaying Goliath again!
数年后,亚又告诉她:“这些是与这个事工站在一起的伙伴,去帮助完成所有事工被命定要完成的事,”Years later, YAH also told her, "These are the partners who stand with this Ministry to help accomplish all it has been ordained to do," 这就意味着他们不仅仅是财务伙伴,也是那些相信并尽百分之百全力与事工站在一起的帮助者们,meaning not financial partners only, but those helpers who believe and stand with the Ministry 100% helping, 然而,亚在带领,为要把亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的好消息和诸预言带到地球的四个角落!这事已经开始了——跟YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们一起!)however YAH leads, to take the good news of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and theProphecies to the four corners of this earth! And it has already begun—with "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers"!)
以莉莎法被三位圣天使唤醒。米迦勒巨大的翅膀,悬掛在床头,她像个孩子一样伸出手去触摸那翅膀,惊叹于它的柔软,美丽,发出色彩斑烂的光芒。虽然她没有直接看见宝石。Elisheva was awakened by three Holy angels. Michael's very large wing hanging over the bed, she reached out to touch it like a child, marveled at the softness, and beautiful, shimmering embedded iridescent colors though she saw no gems directly.
就在那一瞬间,她立刻感受到了那场爭战,感受到了分娩的结束。三天不间断的爭战被解除了,当她抚摸了他那镶嵌着宝石的翅膀,接受了他翅膀里一种新的属灵医治恩赐,为了所有的新娘。At that very moment, she immediately felt the battle and birth labor end. The three days of non stop warfare lifted as she touched his finely jeweled wing and received a new spiritual gift of healing in his wing for all the Bride.
赞美亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我们的弥赛亚,主,神和救主!所有的天使们都非常兴奋!Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Our MESSIAH, LORD, GOD & SAVIOR! All the angels were so excited!
随后天使长加百列说,他从书卷上念给以莉莎法听,列出了代祷勇士们的名字以及这个团队的名称,“YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”,Then Archangel Gabriel spoke, reading to Elisheva from a scroll, listing the names of the intercessory prayer warriors and the name of the group, "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers," 告诉她说亚呼赎阿想要她生出事工的这个新分支他们将会是“与众不同/独特的神圣祷告勇士!”telling her YAHUSHUA wanted her to give birth to this new branch of the Ministry who would be "Holy prayer warriors like none other!"
他还告诉了她说:“整个天国都在欢呼快乐,并且在为亚呼赎阿的新娘做准备!”下一次他来到她这里的时候,将会是作为宣告亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘的一部分。(帖前4:16)He also told her, "All of Heaven is rejoicing and preparing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA!" and that the next time he would come to her, would be as part of the announcement of YAHUSHUA'S return for HIS Bride (1 Th 4:16).
随后,每一个人,包括仇敌们,都不得不听她的声音,她还活着,而且更加兴旺—— 每一个咒诅都被反转了——用她全部的心、意、体、灵魂和灵赞美亚,用她的一生和完美的健康赞美亚!Later everyone, including the enemies, had to hear in her voice that she was alive and thriving—every curse reversed— praising YAH with all her heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, with all her life and perfect health! 他们不得不听她见证亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的荣耀,她实实在在的触摸了一位天使的翅膀,They had to listen to her testify for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S glory that she had literally touched the wings of an angel 还有这些圣天使怎样传递了一个特別的讯息,就是后来她甚至在之前提到过的广播节目中所分享的讯息。and how these Holy angels had delivered a special message which she would even share later on the radio show mentioned before.
所有那些仇敌们都在愤怒中咬牙切齿,因为他们从未真正计划过要让先知以莉莎法上广播节目。既然他们想让她死,但是当然她却比以往任何时候都更有恩膏。All those enemies were gnashing their teeth in rage as they never really planned to have Prophet Elisheva on air since they wanted her dead, but of course she was MORE ANOINTED THAN EVER. 他们不得不听,不止听一遍,她见证亚刚刚赐给了我们胜利而他们当时却假装戴着基督徒的面具——即便是那样,也只是在亚允许这事的时间范围內,在面具被扯下来之前!They had to listen, more than once, to her testifying of the victory YAH had just granted us while they were pretending to wear the mask of Christian —but even that, only for as long as YAH allowed it before the masks were ripped off!
那反响太强烈了!The response was so overwhelming!
因为代祷请求已经被发出了,以莉莎法感受到了所有的祷告和爱,因为人们屈膝并开始为她和其他执事们代祷。As the request for prayer had gone out, Elisheva felt all the prayers and love as people went to their knees and began interceding for her and the fellow ministers.
YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们,在2005年5月24日被宣告给了以莉莎法,次日在网络上〔被〕宣告给了全世界,5月25日那天,亚呼赎阿对她说:The YDS, "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers" were proclaimed to Elisheva May 24, 2005, and announced online to the world the next day, May 25th when YAHUSHUA spoke to her.
“这些是我的特种精锐部队,他们将会夺回撒但所偷窃的,因为靠着亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名和宝血,你们就有权柄践踏那些恶魔!"These are MY special elite forces who will take back what satan has stolen because in the NAME & BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you have the authority to stomp those demons! 你们将会给我带来极大的荣耀,透过向仇敌,懒惰的人,倒退的人,不冷不热的教会显明,我的子民所能做得事情,当他们在我面前行走得顺服的时候,那些爱慕我的成熟勇士们,You are going to bring ME great glory by showing the enemy and the lazy, back-slidden, lukewarm Church just what MY people can do when they walk before ME as obedient, mature warriors who love ME, 他们彼此相爱,他们会行我的旨意——无论要付出什么代价”而且,“你们将会以一种你们以前从未看见过的方式看仇敌——不再好奇某人是站在哪一边的。”who love one another, and who will do MY will—no matter the cost" and also, "You are going to see the enemy in a way you've not ever seen before —no longer to wonder what side someone is on."
亚呼赎阿正赐予更大的分辨恩赐和胜利。“如果你能抓住它,相信它并且接受它,潮流将会转向……哪里有疾病,哪里就有健康,YAHUSHUA is giving greater gifts of discernment and victory. "The tide will turn if you can get a hold of it and believe it and receive it… Where sickness was, there is health, 哪里有压迫,哪里就有拯救,哪里有贫困——相信我——你就不再有缺乏。”为了亚呼赎阿的新娘,为了所有那些行走得圣洁的人!where oppression, there will be deliverance, where poverty"—believe me—"you will no longer be in lack" for the Bride of YAHUSHUA and for all those who are walking Holy!
到那时,互联网不得不回听所有这些信息,亚呼赎阿赐给以莉莎法那些,关于YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士和500,000五十万人的启示。The Internet had to listen to all this back then, the revelations YAHUSHUA gave Elisheva for the YDS and the 500,000 during 在2005年沙夫幼特节/五旬节,那个数算俄梅珥相同的季节里,当她在恩膏下传道并说出预言,抵挡魔鬼和牠的奴僕们碰巧就是那个广播节目的人!that same season of the counting of the omer of Shavu'ot/Pentecost 2005, as she preached and prophesied under the Anointing against the devil and his servants who happened to be of that radio show!
她当时收到的另一篇话语,则是YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们也像大能的基甸军队。就如士师记第7章里记载的那样,亚哈威把军队从10000一万人精简到了300三百人。Another Word she received at the time was that the YDS is also like unto a mighty Gideon's army. As it is written in Judges chapter 7, YAHUVEH weeded out the troops from 10,000 to a mere 300.
亚告诉了她YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们将会被考验,而那些留下来的人则是亚呼赎阿的新娘。YAH told her that the YDS would be tested and those who remain, are YAHUSHUA'S Bride. 将不会有约拿,犹大或瓦实提,能留在YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们里面,亚呼赎阿已说过很多次:“新娘没有一点骄傲。”There would be no Jonahs, Judases or Vashtis able to remain in the YDS, and many times YAHUSHUA has said, "There's no pride in the Bride."
很久以前她就收到了另一则话语,在一篇预言里被说了出来,甚至在她还没有出现在互联网上之前,那就是:犹大们会来,并试图加入这个事工,但是当他们这么做时,他们将会有着犹大的命运。Another Word she received long ago, spoken in a Prophecy before she was even on the Internet, was that Judases will come and seek to join with the Ministry but when they do they will have the fate of a Judas
世界各地有许多YDS 亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士,有些人,我们甚至都不知道他们的名字,但是亚知道,他们也在被试炼着,看看谁一直保持忠诚,谁会配得成为亚呼赎阿的新娘。There are MANY YDS around the world, some that we don't even know their names, but YAH does, and they also are being tested to see who is faithful to REMAIN, who will be counted worthy as YAHUSHUA'S Bride. 但是要记住,在我们来到地球之前,我们已经选择了我们将要行走的呼召,选择了我们愿意付出怎样的代价。But remember before we came to earth we chose the calling that we would walk in, what price we are willing to pay.
亚呼赎阿付出了最高的代价,这样我们才能够跟祂在一起,回到我们的阿爸亚哈威那里,回到天国。And YAHUSHUA paid the HIGHEST PRICE just so we could be with HIM and return to our ABBA YAHUVEH and Heaven.
只要能参加羔羊的婚宴,就很荣幸了。因为圣经里说:“凡被邀请参加羔羊婚宴的人有福了。〔…〕这些是神真实的话”(启19:9)这是给所有那些已经接受了亚呼赎阿在各各他山十字架上的救赎恩赐之人。It's an honor just to attend the Marriage Supper of the LAMB for the Bible says,"Blessed are all those invited to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB […] these are the true Words of GOD" (Rv 19:9). And it is for all those who have accepted YAHUSHUA'S GIFT OF SALVATION at Calvary's Cross.
世界各地的人一起前来跟我们聚集在一起并与试图毁灭这事工的邪恶的群体爭战。We have people all over the world that come together and fight the hordes of evil that try to destroy this Ministry. 我们收到很多电子邮件,人们在邮件里说他们正在祷告中复盖这个事工。虽然他们没有被正式称为“亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”,但他们是我们神圣复盖的一部分,我们非常爱他们,也非常感激他们的祷告。We receive emails where people are covering this Ministry in prayer andeven though they are not officially known as a "YDS," they are part of our Holy covering and we love and appreciate their prayers so much.
我们所爱的人,我们不再像以前那样等待属灵的攻击,要在亚呼赎阿的带领下,我们要保卫。Beloved ones, we no longer wait for spiritual attack before, with YAHUSHUA leading, going on the defense. 就像先知以莉莎法所说的:在属灵领域,连同YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们,我们现在发起进攻——敌人的防御措施必不能站得住!怎么进攻?As Prophet Elisheva has said, in the spiritual realm, with the YDS, we now go on the offense—and no defense that the enemy mounts will stand! How?
经上的话是怎么说的?我们要不住地祷告(帖前5:16-18)!What does the Word say? We are to be in prayer continuously (1 Th 5:16-18)!
不要等到紧急的事情发生才进入祷告。每次你都要思考这事,为“YDS-亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士”的安全和亨通祷告,也为所有神圣的代祷者们祷告,捆绑仇敌的势力,Don't wait for an emergency to occur before going into prayer. Every time you think about it, pray for the safety and well-being of "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers" and all the Holy intercessors. 用路加福音10:19里赐给你们的权柄,并且感谢阿爸亚完全战胜了,敌人甚至想要向我们投掷的每一样东西!Bind up the power of the enemy with the authority given you in Luke 10:19 and thank ABBA YAH for complete victory over everything the enemy even thinks of throwing at us!
这就是最好的防御!魔鬼只是在做牠的工,但是靠着亚呼赎阿,我们就有胜利,透过祂的圣名和祂的宝血,透过行走在圣洁里!奉靠亚呼赎阿的圣名,我们是战士,不是懦夫!This is the best defense! The devil is just doing his job, but with YAHUSHUA we have the victory, through HIS NAME & HIS BLOOD, by walking in Holiness! In YAHUSHUA'S NAME, we are warriors, not wimps!
Happy birthday "YAHUSHUA'S demon Stompers"!