
📒28救赎祷告Salvation Prayer


救赎祷告Salvation Prayer

原本的祷告Original Prayer

请阅读下面的祷告,接受亚呼赎阿作为你的主和救主进入你的心!然后再次阅读这篇祷告,这次你不只要用头脑里的知识理解,而且要用全心全意去理解!Read the following prayer and accept YAHUSHUA (‘JESUS’) into your heart as your LORD & SAVIOR. Then read the prayer again, this time not with head knowledge but with all your heart. 你要凭信心相信〔这篇祷告的权柄〕,也要记得亚呼赎阿不只是神,祂也是你最好的朋友!祂非常关心你,祂非常爱你,祂爱你现在的样子。祂厌恶罪,但祂爱身为罪人的你!Believe it in faith, and remember YAHUSHUA is not only GOD but HE is your BEST FRIEND! HE cares so much for you. HE loves you so much just the way you are. HE hates sin, but HE loves you, the sinner!

你需要向亚呼赎阿承认你的罪,把你所有一切过去犯的罪和现在还在犯的罪都列出来,向祂道歉,祈求祂的饶恕。YAHUSHUA paid the PRICE for your sins. Now you don’t need to feel guilty or condemned anymore! 从此以后,你要竭力照亚哈威的旨意生活,竭力追求圣洁的生命。亚呼赎阿为你的罪付出了赎价,现在你再也不需要有负罪感或觉得被定罪了。Confess your sins to YAHUSHUA. Name them. Then tell HIM you’re sorry. Ask HIM to forgive you all your past and present sins.

罪就是一切违背神律法的行为,就是你所做过的或你现在正在做的任何不讨神圣的亚哈威喜悦的事。没有人是完美的,要记住那一点! A sin is anything you have done or are doing that displeases a HOLY YAHUVEH. No one is perfect! Remember that!

亲爱的亚呼赎阿,YAHUSHUA (‘JESUS’), 

我现在接受祢作为我的主和救主,祢是我所爱的神。我相信祢在各各他山付出了我犯罪的赎价,祢死去并在第三天复活。我请求你进入我的心,原谅我和我所犯的罪,洗涤我所有的不义。I accept YOU now as my LORD & SAVIOR, YOU are the GOD I love. I believe YOU paid the PRICE for my sins at Calvary. YOU died and arose from the dead on the third day. I ask YOU to come into my heart, forgive me of my sins, wash me clean of all unrighteousness. 我很抱歉我犯了罪,我愿意离开这些罪。谢谢祢以祢的圣灵/如阿克.哈.古德西充满我,让我有终生事奉祢的渴望,把祢的生命放在我里面,亚呼赎阿,使祢可以被荣耀!I am sorry I have sinned, and I turn away from those sins. Thank YOU for filling me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT and giving me the desire to serve YOU all the days of my life and live YOUR life in me, YAHUSHUA, so YOU will be glorified! 谢谢祢赐给我渴望来阅读祢的圣经,赐给我智慧来了解经文的含意。谢谢祢爱我,拯救我的灵魂,使我的信心增长,让我终有一天能在天国与祢在一起!

Thank YOU for giving me the desire to read YOUR Bible and giving me the Wisdom to understand it. Thank YOU for loving me and saving my soul, causing my faith to grow so one day I will be with YOU in Heaven. 现在请用祢的圣灵充满我,奉祢的圣名亚呼赎阿,我祈求祢拯救我脱离恶者!Fill me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT now and deliver me from the evil one in YOUR NAME YAHUSHUA I pray!

帮助我,亚呼赎阿,让我记得「每一个人都犯了罪,并亏缺了亚哈威的荣耀」,祢来是为了拯救我们这些罪人,所以祢被称为我们的救主。阿们!Help me YAHUSHUA to remember, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of YAHUVEH” (Ro 3:23), and YOU came to save us sinners. That’s why YOU’RE called our SAVIOR. Amen.

你要阅读《新约》来更加了解亚呼赎阿,如果你不确定要从哪里开始的话,可以先阅读我们的《信仰声明》。Read the New Testament and get to know WHO YAHUSHUA is. If you are not sure where to start, you can read our Statement of Faith! 经上说,你必须认祂作为你的主和救主,让祂在天父亚哈威面前也承认你。The Bible says you must confess HIM as LORD & SAVIOR so HE will confess you before the FATHER (Mt 10:32). 不要以亚呼赎阿为羞耻,因为祂不以你为羞耻!今天就去告诉其他人你接受了各各他山的拿撒勒人亚呼赎阿!天国的众天使都在欢呼!Don’t be ashamed of YAHUSHUA. HE is not ashamed of you! Tell someone you have accepted YAHUSHUA OF CALVARY & NAZARETH this day and all the angels in Heaven are rejoicing!

让我们一同与你欢乐!欢迎来到亚呼赎阿的家庭!如果我们没机会在这个世上与你见面,我们就期待与你在天国相见Let us rejoice with you! Welcome to the family of YAHUSHUA! We look forward to meeting you in Heaven if not on Earth!

新救赎祷告开始Prayer Anew Begins


This prayer was recorded via audio. Here is a transcription.

最挚爱的亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我现在就把我的生命献给祢。我请求祢透过我活出祢的生命。我请求祢在我里面造一颗清洁的心(诗篇51)。DEAREST BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I give my life to YOU now. I ask that YOU live through me. I ask that YOU create in me a pure heart, Psalm 51.

我现在就接受祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,成为我生命的掌管者,我的弥赛亚和救主。祢就是我所敬拜、爱慕、我所需要、我所渴想、我所渴慕的那位神。I accept YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, now, as the RULER of my life and my MESSIAH and SAVIOR. YOU are the GOD that I worship and love, I need and I want and I desire!

请饶恕我的罪,因为我知道所有人都犯了罪,亏欠了我们创造主的荣耀。亚呼赎阿,请饶恕我,请洗净我,洗净我。Forgive me for my sins! For I know all have sinned and fell short of the GLORY of our CREATORS (Ro 3:23). Forgive me YAHUSHUA! Wash me clean! Wash me clean! 我如今就在祢面前承认我的罪,我把它们放在各各他山的十字架脚前,在那里祢被钉了十字架,被折磨,在三个小时里祢死去。I confess my sins before YOU now—I lay them at the foot of the cross of Calvary, where YOU were crucified and tortured and where YOU died in 3 hours (Mt 27:45-46).

后来祢说: “成了!” 然而祢并没有一直死去,而是在第三天,祢在众多见证人面前复活了,而且祢还在这个地球上行走了四十天,直到祢在众多的见证人面前升天回到了天国。YOU said, “It is finished” (Jn 19:30) and yet YOU didn’t stay dead (Acts 2:24; Heb 7:16). On the third day YOU did arise before witnesses (Acts 2:32; 1Cor 15:4), and for 40 days YOU walked this earth (Acts 1:3; 1Cor 15:3-8), until you ascended back to Heaven before witnesses (Acts 1:9).

亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,有些人称祢为耶稣基督,在大灾难来临之前,我现在就宣告祢的希伯来文圣名。YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH WHOM some call JESUS CHRIST, I declare YOUR HEBREW NAME now, before the Great Tribulation comes. 当他们说 “耶稣基督” 时,那个名字被用作一个咒诅词,并且他们不敢把穆罕穆德、阿拉、佛陀、甚或撒但当作一个咒诅词来说,但是他们却咒诅万名之上的名,神圣的三位一体真神的其中一位,The Name is used as a curse word when they say “JESUS CHRIST” and they do not dare to say that as a curse word of muhammad, or allah, or buddha or even satan—but they curse THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES, ONE OF THE PARTS OF THE HOLY TRINITY.

因为祢是亚哈威和如阿克.哈.古德西唯一的独生子,祢们就是神圣的三位一体真神,再无别神。祢们是协同创造者,祢就是成了肉身的道(话语)。For YOU are THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF ABBA YAHUVEH & THE RUACH HA KODESH (and YOU are THE HOLY TRINITY and there is no other; YOU are THE CO-CREATORS). YOU are THE WORD THAT WAS MADE FLESH (Jn 1:14).

噢,亚呼赎阿,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,弥赛亚,请饶恕我。那被挂在十字架上面的字句 “以色列的王” ,他们不能将它拿下来,因为祢要再次回来治理掌权。O YAHUSHUA, forgive me! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, THE MESSIAH! Above that cross hung the words “KING OF ISRAEL”—and they couldn't take it down (Jn 19:18-22), because YOU are coming back again to rule and reign (Is 9:7; Mt 25:31; Rv 1:7)!

噢,亚呼赎阿,亚呼赎阿的新娘说: “来,亚呼赎阿,快来!” 。但并不是每个人都适合成为亚呼赎阿的新娘,所以祢在《启示录》里说: “凡被请赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了!” 。And O YAHUSHUA, the Bride of YAHUSHUA say, "Come YAHUSHUA, come…" (Rv 22:17, 20) but not everyone is fit to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA, and so YOU say in the Book of Revelation, “Blessed are all who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB” (Rv 19:9).

噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,请饶恕我的罪,洗涤我,用唯一纯洁的神圣血祭洗净我。O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, forgive me of my sins! Wash me!

当祢在这地球上行走了33年时,祢从未有过一个犯罪的念头,祢从未有过一次犯罪的行为,虽然祢被每一种罪试探。Wash me clean with THE ONLY PURE, HOLY BLOOD SACRIFICE! When YOU walked this earth for 33 years, YOU never had a thought of sin (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 3:5), YOU never had an action of sin (1 Pt 2:22), although YOU were tempted with every sin (Heb 4:15). 祢告诉了魔鬼要退去,牠在祢里面是毫无所有,在我说了这个救赎祷告之后,牠在我里面也是毫无所有。YOU told the devil to get lost (Mt 4; Lk 4; Mk 1:12-13)—he had no claim on YOU (Jn 14:30). And he will have no claim on me (1 Jn 5:18) after I say this Salvation Prayer.

噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我相信祢在各各他山为我的罪付出了赎价。O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I believe YOU paid THE PRICE for my sins—at Calvary—祢被钉了十字架,祢受了折磨,祢被人嘲笑,祢遭人唾弃,祢的衣服从祢身上被扒下来,因为甚至连兵丁们都为祢的里衣拈了阄。YOU were crucified, YOU were tortured, YOU were mocked, YOU were spit upon (Mk 15:16-19), YOUR clothes were stripped off of YOU (Mt 27:28), as soldiers gambled even for the clothes on YOUR Back (Jn 19:23-24).

噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,请饶恕我,并把祢的如阿克.哈.古德西,圣灵放在我里面,让我知道何时做对了,何时做错了。O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, forgive me! And put YOUR RUACH HA KODESH, THE HOLY SPIRIT within me! So let me know when I do right and wrong! Send the COMFORTER. 

请差遣保惠师前来,让保惠师现在就进入我里面,因为我知道祢没有一直死去,而是在第三天,祢又再次复活了,Let the COMFORTER come in me now (Jn 14:16). For I know YOU are not dead, but YOU arose again on that third day, 就当那块大石头被滚开的时候。那块大石头是兵丁们放在那里把守坟墓的。但是它没有阻挡祢在第三天复活。那块大石头被滚开了。as that big boulder was rolled away that the soldiers had placed there—and guarded (Mt 27:65-66)—but that did not stop YOU on that third day; the boulder rolled away (Mt 28:1-7; Mk 16:1-11; Lk 24:2).

我请求祢进入我的心,我请求祢饶恕我诸般的罪。我现在就向祢承认我的每一个罪,我把这些罪都列出来,而且我还要转离这些罪,因为我一切的不义以及这个世界(加在我身上)的所有污秽都已经被洗净了。I ask YOU to come into my heart, to forgive me of my sins. I confess every sin to YOU now and I name them! And I turn away from them!—because I've been washed clean of all the unrighteousness, all the filthiness of this world.

我把我的生命和我的爱都献给祢;我不会否认祢。噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,祢说过哪怕只有一个人,哪怕只有我一个人呼求怜悯,祢都会饶恕,东离西有多远,祢就使罪离我有多远。I give my life and my love to YOU. I will not deny YOU. O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOU said that if there had only been one, if there had only been me who would cry out for mercy...YOU would forgive and the sins would be as far as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12).

祢说过有一种罪不得赦免——那就是亵渎如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵。YOU said there is only one sin that could not be forgiven, and that is the blasphemy of the RUACH HA KODESH, THE SWEET HOLY SPIRIT (Mt 12:32).

噢,亲爱的亚呼赎阿,如果我是一个亵渎神的人,那么我现在就不会说这个祷告了,除非这个祷告是个嘲弄,但我没有嘲弄。我全心全意真地相信,O BELOVED YAHUSHUA, I would not be saying this prayer now if I was someone who was of blasphemy, unless it was a mockery. And I do not mock. I truly believe with all of my heart and I will not doubt.

我毫不怀疑只有唯一的真理、道路和生命能通往天国,只有一位中保,阿爸亚哈威,圣父甚至只会垂听奉靠唯一一个名字的祷告——那就是借着祢的圣名亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的祷告)。There is but ONE TRUTH & WAY & LIFE to get to Heaven! There is ONLY ONE INTERCESSOR! ONLY ONE NAME that ABBA YAHUVEH THE HOLY FATHER will even listen to a prayer, and that is through YOUR NAME, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Tim 2:5).

我非常抱歉,我非常抱歉,我大大地得罪了祢。但是我要起来,我不会一直保持跌倒/保持堕落。I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I have sinned against YOU so greatly, but I rise up—I’m not staying fallen.

我要起来,我要来到祢跟前,我要紧紧抓住那祢在各各他山的十字架,祢在那里为我而死,祢在那里说过: “成了” 。And I rise up and I come to YOU and I hang on tight to the cross at Calvary where YOU died for me and where YOU said it was finished.

我要转离每一种罪。我斥责撒但以及所有那些属于牠的一切。我斥责所有的不圣洁,亚呼赎阿的圣名和宝血必持续挂在我的唇上,我必按着正意分解真理的道,竭力得蒙喜悦。I turn away from every sin. I rebuke satan and all those who are part of him! I rebuke the unholiness in THE NAME & THE BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—shall constantly be on my lips. And I shall study and show myself approved (2 Tim 2:15). 我必会阅读新约,我必会阅读并且我必将知道祢就是妥拉,从起初到末后的律法,从《创世记》到《启示录》的律法。And I shall read the New Testament; I shall read and I shall know YOU are the Torah, the Law from the beginning to the end, from Genesis to Revelation (Rv 22:13).

我感谢祢现在就用祢的圣灵,如阿克.哈.古德西,伊妈亚,甜美、甜蜜的舍金亚荣耀,就是亚哈威的同在来充满我!I thank YOU now for filling me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, THE RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH, THE SWEET, SWEET SHEKHINYAH GLORY, THE VERY PRESENCE OF YAHUVEH. 我也感谢祢赐给我渴望终生侍奉祢。感谢祢赐给我渴望在我里面活出祢的生命。噢,亚呼赎阿,请透过我活出祢的生命。And thank YOU for giving me the desire to serve YOU all the days of my life. Thank YOU for giving me the desire to live YOUR Life in me.

O YAHUSHUA, live YOUR Life through me.

我把我的生命和我的灵魂都献给祢,我的心思和我的身体都属于祢。我非常感恩自己有一位弥赛亚。I give my life and my soul to YOU. My mind and my body belongs to YOU. I am so grateful I have a MESSIAH!

有一个血祭,如经上所记: “若不流血,罪就不得赦免。” ,(若不流血就)没有罪的饶恕,There is a BLOOD SACRIFICE! For as it is written, ‘Without the shedding of blood there is no remission—no forgiveness for sin’ (Heb 9:22; Lv 17:11). 在旧血约里动物的血被献为祭物,旧的血约再也不能令阿爸亚哈威满意了。And the blood of the animals that were sacrificed in the Old Testament, in the Old Blood Covenant, would not satisfy ABBA YAHUVEH anymore (Heb 10:4-10). 因为罪孽如此深重,以至于祂不得不差遣祂唯一的独生子前来,这样 “凡信祂的,不至灭亡,反得永生”。For the sin was so great HE had to send HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to ‘whomsoever believeth in HIM' —'should not perish, but have Everlasting Life’ (Jn 3:16).


Thank YOU for filling me with faith to believe and never doubt.

Oh, let YOUR NAME be glorified through these lips in everything I do from now on. Show me how I can serve YOU. 向我显明我怎样能侍奉祢,向我显明我怎样能荣耀祢,向我显明我怎样能尊崇祢。谢谢祢救我脱离每一个瘾癖,感谢祢救我脱离每一种罪,虽然我不会完美,我仍要感谢祢,Show me how I can glorify YOU. Show me how I can exalt YOU.

Thank YOU for freeing me from every addiction. Thank YOU for freeing me from every sin! And although I won’t be perfect, thank YOU, 噢,感谢祢让我能够说,能够再次向祢伸出手说: “亚呼赎阿,我已经跌倒了,请饶恕我!” 但是我不会预谋犯罪。我不会故意像那样伤害祢。oh thank YOU that I'm able to say, and reach out to YOU again and say, “YAHUSHUA, I have fallen, please forgive me!” but I will not premeditate sin. I will not hurt YOU like that purposely.

感谢祢赐给我阅读圣经的渴望,特别是阅读关乎祢的每一件事情。谢谢祢帮助我明白以莉莎法.以利亚呼正在教导我作为一个弥赛亚犹太人所应该知道的事。Thank YOU for giving me the desire to read the Bible, especially everything about YOU. Thank you for helping me to understand what Elisheva Eliyahu is teaching as a Messianic Jew.

她正在教导圣经经文的希伯来根源,妥拉是从《创世记》到《启示录》,祢的圣名就在那里,如果他们只要懂得希伯来语,他们就会明白,She is teaching the Hebrew Roots of the biblical Scriptures and the Torah is from Genesis to Revelation—YOUR NAME is there, if they only knew Hebrew, they would see—因为祢告诉过以莉莎法,祢教导过她:妥拉,旧约都只是祢将要来临之事的预表。祢将会有一个更好的计划。as YOU told Elisheva Eliyahu, YOU taught her that the Torah, the Old Testament, was only a foreshadowing of when YOU would come. YOU would have a better plan (Heb 8:6-12).

摩西做了他该做的事,因为那时还不是祢降生的时候。但是甚至在那个时候被抹在门框上的献祭羔羊的血,也都是祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,Moses did what he was to do. For at that time it was not yet for YOU to be born, but even the blood, that was over the doorposts, of that sacrificial lamb (Ex 12:7) was a foreshadow of YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH— 当祢的宝血会施行拯救之时的预表,迫使死亡天使不去触碰那些待在屋子里的人,咒诅无法临到他们,因为他们那时真正敬拜了阿爸亚哈威。when YOUR BLOOD would save and the angel of death would be forced not to touch those inside and the curses could not come upon them for they truly worshiped ABBA YAHUVEH.

感谢祢赐给我智慧去明白神圣经文以及祢透过圣灵全能风事工所说出的神圣预言。Thank YOU for giving me the wisdom to understand the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Prophecies that YOU have spoken forth through AmightyWind Ministry.

谢谢祢爱我并拯救我的灵魂。祢说过哪怕只是为了我,祢也会愿意去各各他山的十字架,祢也会愿意被折磨,祢也会愿意受鞭打,祢说过因祢的鞭伤,我便得了医治。Thank YOU for loving me and saving my soul. YOU said if it had only been me, YOU would have went to the cross at Calvary, YOU would have been tortured, YOU would have been beaten. And by YOUR stripes, YOU said, I was healed (Is 53:5).

祢并没有止步于单纯的拯救,祢还允许撒但进入了那个拷打者里面,他鞭打了祢39次,他用的不是普通的鞭子,而是一根由铅和石块制成的鞭子,YOU did not stop at just salvation, but YOU allowed satan to go into the torturer that beat YOU 39 times, with no ordinary whip, but a whip with bits of lead and stone, 任何一次鞭打都能把祢的皮肤撕成碎片,直到把祢打得几乎不成人样,随后还强迫祢背着几百磅重的十字架,上各各他山。and anything that could rip and tear YOUR Skin in shreds, till YOU barely even looked human (Is 52:14; 53:3) and then forced YOU to carry hundreds of pounds of a cross up the hill of Golgotha (Jn 19:17).

噢,亚呼赎阿,请帮助我的信心每日加增,噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,这样我有一天将会在天国与祢在一起,祢将会拥抱、在亲吻中覆盖我。O YAHUSHUA, help my faith to grow each day, O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, so one day I will be with YOU in Heaven and YOU will embrace me and cover me in kisses.

我会出席羔羊的婚宴。我不会否认祢,哪怕到时候成了事实:他们说你必须放下自己的性命,就像他们将会要求人们成为殉道者一样,I will be at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. I will not deny YOU even when it comes to the fact that they say you have to lay your life down— like they will demand—for people to become martyrs. 只有亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘将会得着像以诺一样的明证,所以,请帮助我在祢里面变得刚强。And only the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH will have a testimony as unto Enoch. So help me to be strong in YOU.

现在请用如阿克.哈.古德西,圣灵充满我,请救我脱离那个被称为撒但的恶者,奉靠祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。Fill me overflowing with the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT, now and deliver me from the evil one called satan in YOUR NAME YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! 让恶魔们现在就从七个不同的方向逃跑,因为当我说出这个祷告时,我属于祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,并且我说这个祷告,我将会每天继续说这个祷告,直到这些话进入我的灵、我的灵魂、我的心思和我的身体。Let the demons flee now in 7 different directions, as I belong to YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, as I say this prayer, and I pray it and I will continue to pray it each and every day, until it gets in my spirit and my soul, and my mind and my body.

噢,亚呼赎阿,请帮助我,亚呼赎阿,去牢记:所有人都犯了罪,亏欠了父神亚哈威的荣耀。祢来是要拯救我们这些罪人,这就是为什么祢被称为我们的救主,我们的玛西阿克。O YAHUSHUA, help me, YAHUSHUA, to remember all have sinned and fallen short of the GLORY of the FATHER YAHUVEH (Ro 3:23). YOU came to save us sinners and that's why YOU'RE called our SAVIOR, our MASHIACH. 祢就是那唯一通往天国的道路。祢的圣名就是拯救, “亚拯救” 。祢的名字不是耶书阿(Yeshua)!那个名字夺去了祢圣名的神性,祢是以天父的圣名被取名的,祢父亲的圣名在祢的圣名里。You are THE ONE & THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN (Jn 14:6). YOUR NAME IS SALVATION —“YAH SAVES.” It is not Yes-shua! That takes away the Divinity of YOUR NAME. YOU’RE named after the FATHER, and the FATHER’S NAME, YAH, is in YOUR NAME. 这就是今日我被教导的事。阿(Yeshua)!请帮助我,噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,虽然没有人与我同行,但我仍会跟随祢。请帮助我,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,因为我知道我将会为祢圣名的缘故受逼迫。This is what I've been taught this day. Help me, O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Though none go with me, still I will follow. Help me, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! For I know I will be persecuted for YOUR NAME’S sake (Jn 15:20).

请帮助我,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。我永远不会放弃对祢的信心。今天我蒙了重生,我被宝血洗净了,我被宝血赎买了!我的灵魂是非卖品!Help me, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I will never give up my faith in WHO YOU are. This day I am born again, I am BLOOD-washed, I am BLOOD-bought! My soul is not for sale!

我属于祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,因着这点,我现在可以对撒但说,如经上所记: “你们要顺服亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。务要抵挡魔鬼,魔鬼就必离开你们逃跑了。” I belong to YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and because of it I can now say to satan, as it is written, ‘Submit yourself’ unto the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and then ‘resist the devil, and he shall flee’ from me (Jms 4:7). 

 “顺服” 意味着:我会服从祢。我将会遵守十条诫命;And ‘submit’ means I will obey YOU. I will obey the Ten Commandments; 我将会遵守亚哈威为要把荣耀带给神圣的三位一体真神——阿爸亚哈威,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,和如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵——而设立的神圣节期。I will obey the Holy feasts that ABBA YAHUVEH has set in place to bring honor to the HOLY TRINIT —ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH & THE RUACH HA KODESH, SWEET HOLY SPIRIT. 我会记念安息日,守为圣日,安息日不是那个星期天的谎言(译注:真正的安息日是从星期五日落到星期六日落,并不是星期天)。I will honor the Shabbat day and I will keep it Holy (Ex 20:8; Heb 4:9), and it is not the lie of a Sunday.

天父,请帮助我,去捍卫圣灵全能风事工的真理以及诸预言里面的真理。不要让我变成一个被弃者仇敌。Help me, HEAVENLY FATHER, to defend the truths of AmightyWind Ministry and the truths in the Prophecies. Let me not turn in to a reprobate enemy.

噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我敬拜祢,我赞美祢,我爱慕祢,我崇拜祢!感谢祢进入我的心。O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I worship, I praise, I love and I adore YOU. Thank YOU for coming into my heart.

我凭着信心相信每一个瘾癖都已经逃离我了,现在每个要犯罪的试探都已经离开了,当我被试探的时候,请提醒我呼求亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。我敬拜祢!By faith I believe every addiction has fled from me. Every temptation to sin right now is gone. And when I am tempted, remind me to call upon the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I worship YOU.

噢,阿爸亚哈威,我现在已经借着亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名来到了祢这里,我来到祢的宝座前,我请求祢的帮助。O ABBA YAHUVEH, I've come now through the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and I come before YOUR Throne and I ask for YOUR help.

因为亚呼赎阿以前告诉过我,若不借着亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名和宝血,就没有人能到祢那里去,也没有一个祷告能蒙答复。For YAHUSHUA has told me that before: None could come to YOU and have a prayer answered, unless it’s through the NAME and the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jn 14:6, 13-14).

我会念出这个祷告,我会聆听这个祷告。因为这个祷告是在恩膏下被说出来的,以莉莎法.以利亚呼甚至都不知道她下一句话要说什么,I will read this prayer and I will hear this prayer. For it was spoken underneath the Anointing. And Elisheva Eliyahu did not even know one word from the next of what she would speak. 因为祢把这个新的祷告放进了她的口中。因为甚至连旧的祷告都已经过去了,变成了新的,而且我不会用头脑知识来说这个祷告,而是用我的全心去说这个祷告。(For YOU put the new prayer in her mouth. For even the old prayer has passed away and become new.) And I will say it not with the head knowledge, but with all of my heart.

我凭着信心相信它,我将会记住:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克不仅是我的神,我的主,很快将临的以色列的王,亚哈威唯一的独生子。而且祂是我的弥赛亚!I believe it in faith and I will remember, that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is not only my GOD and my LORD—& THE SOON COMING KING OF ISRAEL & THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF YAHUVEH—HE is my MESSIAH! 祂是我的医治者,我的拯救者,我的复活主!祂也是我最好的朋友,祂永远不会离开我,也不会离弃我!HE is my HEALER, my DELIVERER, my RESURRECTOR! And HE is my BEST FRIEND, WHO will never leave me nor forsake me (Dt 31:6; Mt 28:20)!

虽然我行过死阴的幽谷,也不害怕任何邪恶,因为祂与我同在!Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for HE is with me (Ps 23:4)!我要持守诗篇91,我也要持守诗篇23。因为我知道:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,祢非常地爱我,祢非常地爱我,祢把我领到了这个祷告所在之处。 I hang on to Psalm 91, and I hang on to Psalm 23. For I know, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOU love me so much!

YOU love me so much YOU led me to where this prayer is. 祢按我现在的样子爱着我。祢非常地爱我,祢说过 “现在我将要使你变得更好,现在我将要兴起全新的真实圣灵在你里面,这样我就可以说你是蒙我悦纳的,我就不再称你为作孽之人。” YOU love me just the way I am. YOU love me so much that YOU said, “Now I will make you better, now I will raise up anew, the true spirit within you, so that I can say that you are pleasing unto ME, and no longer call you a worker of sin.”

亚呼赎阿,祢为我的罪付出了赎价,现在我不需要再有负罪感或被谴责感了!YAHUSHUA, YOU paid the PRICE for my sins, and now I don’t need to feel guilty or condemned anymore! 因为我已经在祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克面前承认了每一种污秽的罪,我已经列出了那些罪,并且我也为这些罪流下了痛悔的眼泪,我已经告诉了祢 “我非常抱歉” ,祢也已经说过: “我的孩子,我原谅你了。For I have confessed every filthy sin before YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I have named them and I have cried tears over them and I have told YOU that I am so sorry, and YOU have said, “MY child, I forgive you. 现在你必须有信心,信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。” 就算我不能像先知以莉莎法.以利亚呼那样听见祢的声音,我也知道祢垂听了我的祷告,Now you must have faith” and “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen” (Heb 11:1). And even if I don’t hear your voice like Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, I know that YOU hear me! 我知道祢看着我,我知道我是一个属于阿爸亚哈威、祢—亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,以及妳—宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西,圣灵,伊妈亚的孩子!我一切的罪现在都已经被饶恕了!I know that YOU see me, I know that I am a child of ABBA YAHUVEH, YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, AND YOU, PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH HOLY SPIRIT, IMMAYAH!

All of my sins are now forgiven! 

在那里有 “禁止垂钓” 的标志,唯一能去到那里的人就是如果我选择记起我过去的罪并再次重新为以往的罪感到肮脏污秽,And there is [a] “no fishing” sign there. The only one that can go there, is if I choose to remember my past sins and feel dirty about them all over again, 或者如果我选择允许撒但去那里垂钓并说: “记住你过去的样子和你以前所做过的事!” or if I choose to allow satan to go fishing there and [allow him to] say, “Remember what you used to be and do!”

亚呼赎阿,那时祢已告诉过我,要我去告诉撒但说: “我被饶恕了,我的灵魂属于亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!” 当牠提醒我的往事时,我则要提醒牠的将来,那就是永恒的无底坑和火湖。And that’s when YOU have told me, YAHUSHUA, that I am to tell satan, “I am forgiven! My soul belongs to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!” and as he reminds me of the past, I will remind him of the future [for him], and that is the bottomless pit for eternity and the lake of fire.

我现在知道:罪就是我所做过的任何令圣洁的阿爸亚哈威,祢亚呼赎阿,还有妳如阿克.哈.古德西不高兴的事。I now know that sin is anything that I have done, that displeases HOLY ABBA YAHUVEH & YOU YAHUSHUA & YOU RUACH HA KODESH. 我知道我们都要恐惧战兢做成自己得救的工夫,不管在天国那场对抗路西法的战争中进行了怎样的争战,那场战争已经被带到这个地球上来了,我将会与牠争战!I know that we all work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12), and whatever was done in the war in Heaven against lucifer, the war has been brought down here on this earth (Rv 12:12-17) and I will fight him!

我将会与撒但、所有跟牠在一起的恶者以及所有的被弃者们争战,我将会与他们争战!不是倚靠我的力量,不是倚靠我的能力,而是倚靠如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏!I will fight satan and all of the unholy ones with him, and all of the reprobates, I will fight them! Not in my strength, not in my might, but in the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (Zec 4:6)!

我将会认识祢是谁,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,因为约翰福音3:16,圣经告诉我:我必须承认祢是我生命的掌管者,我的主,我的救主,我的弥赛亚,这样祢就会在圣父阿爸亚哈威面前承认我。I will get to know WHO YOU are, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. For John 3:16 [is the gospel message]—the Bible tells me that I must confess YOU as my RULER of my life, my LORD, my SAVIOR, my MESSIAH, so YOU will confess me before the HOLY FATHER, ABBA YAHUVEH (Mt 10:32).

我必须牢记:永远不以亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名为耻,永远不以我将要被教导的真理和启示为耻,因为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克不以我为耻。I must remember never to be ashamed of the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, never be ashamed of the truths and the revelations I will be taught. For YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is not ashamed of me.

我将会告诉某个我能信任的人,说今天我已经做出了关乎我生命的决定,这是我的生日——就是我用我的全心、我的全意、我的全身、我全部的灵魂来说出这个祷告的日子,我的灵魂属于亚呼赎阿。I will tell someone that I can trust that today I have made the decision of my life.

This is my birthday, the day I say this prayer with all of my mind, with all of my heart, my body and my soul—and my soul belongs to YAHUSHUA.

我接受了祢——各各他山和拿撒勒的亚呼赎阿,祢在伯利恒出生,祢在灵里是神,在肉身里也是神。但那被挂在各各他山十字架上的既是肉身,也是灵。I accepted YOU, YAHUSHUA of Calvary and Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, both GOD IN THE SPIRIT & GOD IN THE FLESH. But it was flesh, and spirit, that hung on the cross at Calvary.

今天,我知道在天国里所有的天使们都在欢喜快乐!他们在欢喜快乐,他们在快乐歌唱,如果在这个地球上没有人因我(的得救)而欢喜快乐,And this day I know that all the angels in Heaven are rejoicing! They are rejoicing and they're singing with joy, 如果我觉得从来没有人因我是谁而爱我或接受我,我知道祢们欢喜快乐,我知道所有的天使都欢喜快乐,因为这就是圣经所说的。and if no one ever rejoices over me on this earth if I feel no one ever loves me or accepts me for who I am, I know that YOU rejoice and I know all the angels rejoice. For this is what the Bible says (Lk 15:10).

我知道这位使徒先知牧师以莉莎法.以利亚呼,现在为我欢喜快乐。她已经说过,如果我需要牧师,那么我就会有一位牧师,我知道amightywind.com圣灵全能风网络事工欢迎我,这个事工正以51种不同的语言在全世界传递真理,这个事工向祢呼求。And I know this Apostle Prophet, Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, rejoices over me right now. And she has said, if I need a Pastor, then I have one, and I know I am welcome by AmightyWind.com online ministry that is in 51 different languages, around this world, that call upon YOU.

我们并不孤单,他们大家都告诉我他们欢迎我,他们都在等着我给以莉莎法.以利亚呼写信并告诉她我已经接受了祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,哪怕我曾经是一个正统犹太教徒We are not alone. And they all tell me that I am welcome, and they all wait for me to write Elisheva Eliyahu and tell her I’ve accepted YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and even though [if applicable] I was an Orthodox Jew (我现在对那些将会成为正统犹太教徒的人说,也欢迎他们来到亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克这里,就像我今天已经来到了祢这里一样),(and I speak [in the spirit] now to those who [are] Orthodox Jews, they too are welcome to come to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH the way I’ve come to YOU this day)—

噢, 亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,我期待祢拥抱我,紧紧地抱着我,亲吻我的脸颊。我期待羔羊的婚宴!无论我将会是新娘还是宾客,我都会和祢一起跳犹太舞!And oh I look forward, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, for YOU embracing me and hugging me so tight and kissing my cheeks. I look forward at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB! Whether I will be a Bride or a Guest, I will dance the Jewish dance with YOU. 


O YAHUSHUA! Thank YOU for forgiving me. I feel so clean now. Thank YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Help me to grow quickly in YOU! 

请帮助我,赐给我更多的分辨力,外面有那么多的假先知,许多人声称是基督徒,然而他们是不冷不热的,祢将会把他们从祢的口中吐出来,从祢的口中呕出来,就像启示录里所说的那样。Help me! Give me more discernment. There’s so many false prophets out there (1 Jn 4:1), so many who claim to be Christians, and yet they're lukewarm that YOU’RE going to spit out of YOUR mouth, vomit out of YOUR mouth as the Book of Revelation says (Rv 3:16).

噢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,请把另一个信徒带给我,这样我就不会独自一人走这条路,但是如果我必须一个人走这条路,那就让我一个人走。因为我不会独自行走,我与祢——我新的最好的朋友,我的弥赛亚,我的主神,我的救主——同行。我有祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, bring another believer to me so I will not walk this walk alone, but if I must, so be it. For I don’t walk alone, I walk with YOU, my new BEST FRIEND, my MESSIAH, my LORD GOD, my SAVIOR. I have YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

感谢祢赐给我永生的礼物,我就在今天刚刚继承了永生,知道我的名字被写在了羔羊生命册上。Thank YOU for the Gift of Eternal Life that I just inherited this day, to know my name is written in the LAMB’S Book of Life. 请让我的名字一直被保持在那里,决不要让它被涂抹掉,那是我的祷告,不要从我收回如阿克.哈.古德西,圣灵。反而,请在我里面增加恩膏。Please, keep it there, and never let it be blotted out (Rv 3:5), is my prayer, and take not the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT, from me (Ps 51:11). Instead, increase the Anointing within me.

这就是我的祷告。就在今日,在我真正的生日,我祈求,我说了这个救赎祷告。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,This is my prayer I ask this day, on my true birthday. I said this Salvation Prayer—in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S NAME—我知道在这世上恨我的人比爱我的人更多,就像如果祢现在行走在这个地球上,他们会因为祢的圣洁而恨祢一样。I know that I will be hated more in this world than I am loved, just like if YOU were walking this earth right now, they would hate YOU for YOUR Holiness.

感谢祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克,因为我知道当撒但憎恨我的时候,当魔鬼和被弃者们憎恨我的时候,当他们叫我疯子的时候,我知道我真正属于祢,亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。Thank YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. For I know when satan hates me, and the demons and the reprobates hate me, and they call me crazy, I know I truly belong to YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jn 15:18-19).




📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...