
📒27-3你为自己的救赎沾沾自喜吗?Are You Smug In Your Own Salvation


你为自己的救赎沾沾自喜吗?Are You Smug In Your Own Salvation?

1998年10月4日October 4, 1998

就像人们在挪亚的日子嘲笑一样,在1998年10月4日他们仍在嘲笑,但这不会阻止亚呼赎阿回来接走祂的新娘!As in the day of Noah the people mocked and Oct. 4, 1998 they mock but this won't stop YAHUSHUA from returning for HIS Bride!

如阿克.哈.古德西和新娘说: “来,主亚呼赎阿,来!” 亚呼赎阿会为祂挚爱的新娘、祂的孩子和仆人们预留一条逃离的出路!只要相信,祂就会提供一条逃离的路!The Holy Spirit and the Bride say "Come, Lord YAHUSHUA, Come!" YAHUSHUA has a way of escape for his beloved Bride His Children and Servants! Just believe, HE will provide a way of escape!

当天空带出神亚哈威的儿子时,诸天震动并在产难中!亚呼赎阿正在前来!阅读末时的征兆!挺身昂首吧,我们得赎的日子近了!The Heavens convulse and labor as the sky brings forth the Son of GOD YAHUVEH! YAHUSHUA'S coming! Read the signs of the end-times! Look up our redemption draweth nigh! 研读第 21 篇预言 “你准备好接受震撼了吗? 加百列早已吹响了他的号角!” 。 经上说门徒们见证了亚呼赎阿怎样被云彩接到天上,我们会看到祂怎样从云彩里返回!Then read 'Get ready for a Shock, Gabriel has already blown the Shofar Horn'. The Bible says as the disciples witnessed YAHUSHUA going up in the clouds so we will see HIM return in the clouds!你准备好了吗?又或者你是亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的新娘但却在灵里沉沉地昏睡!今天就醒来吧,奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名!或者你是个假新娘! Are you Ready? Or are you part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA Messiah that is in a deep spiritual coma! Wake up today! In the NAME of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH or are you the Counterfeit Bride! 换掉你的衣服,穿上亚呼赎阿的洁白——就是祂的公义——的长袍,而非我们自己的义!经上说跟亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的完美和圣洁相比,我们的公义只是一块肮脏的破布!Change your clothes and put on YAHUSHUA'S robes of white, HIS righteousness, not ours! Our righteousness is as filthy rags the Bible says compared to YAHUVEH'S and YAHUSHUA'S perfection and Holiness!

截至目前,声波被阻隔。因为一场与撒但和牠恶魔的战争在天国里肆虐!但只是在一段指定的时间内!The sound waves have been blocked thus far! As a war with satan and his demons wage in the heavenlies! But only for an appointed time! 第一个声波是要警告先知们,只有被拣选的极少数人会听到,然后他们会告诉我或其他先知要大胆地把这事说出来!The first sound waves were to warn the prophets and only heard by a select few, who would then tell me or the other prophets bold enough to speak it forth!

下一次所有亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的新娘都会听到它!当我给另一位在夏威夷名叫巴伯(Barb)的先知通电话时,亚呼赎阿给了我一个异象:Next time all the Bride of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH will hear it! YAHUSHUA gave me a vision when I was speaking on the phone with another prophet in Hawaii named Barb, (Bobby给她的朋友:)今天是1998年10月3日,我们在恩膏下通过电话进行教会敬拜,我打电话给她。(Bobby to her friends :) This was Oct. 3, 1998 we were under the anointing and having church via the phone, I called her. 如阿克.哈.古德西给了我两个新娘的异象——一个躺在床上,她穿着白色婚纱,等待她的新郎亚呼赎阿!她因自己的芳香气息以及最好的美丽珠宝而愉悦不已。The Holy Ghost showed me a vision of two Brides...one is laying in bed and she is dressed in white bridal gown waiting for her Bride Groom YAHUSHUA! She is pleasing to the sense of smell perfumed and beautiful with her finest jewels on.

另一个新娘穿着一件褪了色的苍白的新娘礼服。她是传到亚呼赎阿鼻孔的恶臭!她也在等待,但祂不为这个假冒的新娘而来!这个就是不顺服的教会。The other Bride is in a pale off white faded bridal gown. And she is a stench to the nostrils of YAHUSHUA! She also is waiting, but HE is not coming for this counterfeit Bride! This is the disobedient church. 这个教会是不冷不热的,她想, “如果亚呼赎阿来了,祂就来了,但我真的不想听到有关祂来的事!” 这个教会认为堕胎和同性恋不会冒犯亚哈威,而亚哈威写了在祂眼里这是可憎的!This is the lukewarm, if YAHUSHUA comes, he comes, but I really don't want to hear about it church! This is the church that thinks abortion and homosexuality is not offensive in the eyes of the ONE who wrote its an abomination in YAHUVEH'S eyes! 然而,他们引用同样的经文,宣讲同样的圣经,奉亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的圣名说话,然而主亚呼赎阿说你们是到达祂鼻孔的恶臭!这些不是我说的话,而是圣灵在1998年10月3日给我的话。Yet they quote the same scriptures, preach out of the same Bible and say in the name of YAHUSHUA Messiah and yet the Lord YAHUSHUA says your a stench to HIS nostrils! These are not my words but the words the Holy Ghost gave me Oct 3, 1998.

在你们现在的这种情形下,亚呼赎阿一定不会靠近你们!你佔用奉献以满足自己个人的需要。你说自己是上帝并宣讲魔鬼的教义。YAHUSHUA will not come near you as you appear now! You take up offerings and use it for your own personal satisfaction. You call yourself a GOD and preach doctrine of devils. 你们在电波频道里,许多人是有名望的。你们宣讲说亚是一位慈爱的神,但从不谈论神在愤怒和争战中是全能的另一面。Your on the airwaves and many are famous. You preach YAH is a God of Love but never speak about the side that GOD is Almighty in wrath and war. 你们对耳朵发痒的人讲论好的事及他们想听的事,他们甚至相信天堂,但你不敢警告地狱或悔改和转离罪!牧师们,未得救之人的血会在你们手上!You speak of positive and things itching ears want to hear and even believe in Heaven but you don't dare warn of Hell or repentance and turn away from sins! Ministers the blood of the unsaved will be on your hands!

主亚呼赎阿唤醒了我、我感到哀伤,因为祂说那么少的基督徒会去听地狱网页的警告,他们以为自己不需要听这首给予我的歌,就是在地狱里的一位真实的公民在此刻所唱的歌。The Lord YAHUSHUA awoke me grieving for he said so few Christians were going and listening to the warning at the Hell site, , and they didn't think they needed to hear the song given to me of a real Citizen in Hell being sung right now. 近7年前亚呼赎阿做了那个去到地狱的财主求告亚的事,就是从地狱送回一个人到地上去警告他的兄弟地狱是何等可怕!Nearly 7 years ago YAHUSHUA did what the rich man who went to Hell asked YAH to do, and that was send back a person from Hell to warn his brothers how awful Hell is! 亚呼赎阿给了我一个开放的异象:第一层地狱!我听到了被一位堕落的亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的传教士所唱的这首歌。他是一个永远回不到亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的救赎恩典的人!YAHUSHUA gave me an open vision of the first level of Hell! I heard the song being sung by a fallen preacher of YAHUSHUA Messiah. A man that never came back to the saving grace of YAHUSHUA Messiah!

在地狱里没有一点美丽可言。甚至连利伯雷斯(Liberace)在地狱里弹琴都会走调。亚呼赎阿告诉我那事。对不起,利伯雷斯(Liberace)不在天堂。但那么少的人会听。There is no beauty in Hell of any kind. Even Liberace plays off key in Hell. YAHUSHUA told me that. Sorry, Liberace is not in Heaven. :( But how few will listen. 最好的歌手在地狱里也会唱得跑调又难听!在地狱里毫无美丽可言!在1992年3月9日这事临到我,而这首歌在我的抽屉里一直积灰直到这指定的时间!The best singer sings off key and ugly in Hell! No beauty in hell of any kind! This happened to me March 9, 1992 and the song has been gathering dust in my drawer until this appointed time!

如果你知道有人要自杀,请为他们灵魂的缘故把这个链接给他们 。If you know someone suicidal send them to this link for their souls sake. 当我求问亚哈威,当我们作为基督徒去自杀时会去哪里……他仅对我说了句我至今仍记得的话: “你将出现在一个愤怒的亚哈威(耶和华)面前!” (阅读以莉沙法的见证)YAHUVEH told me when we as Christians commit suicide, when I questioned him where the person goes...He just told me words I still remember "You will appear before an angry JEHOVAH!"(Read Elisabeth's Testimony)

亚呼赎阿说来到这里的会众会对自己的救赎沾沾自喜,并自私地认为他们没有必要听亚呼赎阿要我告诉全世界的事情。YAHUSHUA said the congregation coming here are SMUG in there own Salvation and selfishly think they don't have to hear what YAHUSHUA told me to tell the world. 但他们没有意识到,有些你认识的人将成为 “地狱的公民” 。谁会成为地狱的公民呢?是哪些朋友?你的哪些家人,甚至是哪些远方的亲戚?你的哪些邻居? But what they fail to realize, someone you know will be A Citizen In Hell." Who is it going to be? What friend? What member of your family, even distant family? What Neighbor? 在你听到这首歌以及我对所看到和听到之恐怖的解释之后,你的担子应该更重,就像我一样!The burden should be greater on you, like it is me after you hear the horror of the song and explanation of what I saw and heard!

通过圣灵的恩膏我以健康的代价给世界带来了这首歌。我病得很重,我以为我会死,仅仅是因为 “地狱一瞥” 。在第十天亚呼赎阿说, “现在唱这首歌。” I paid a price with my health to bring this song to the world through the anointing of the Holy Ghost. I became very sick and thought I would die just getting a glimpse of Hell. On the 10th day YAHUSHUA said, "Now sing this song." 你会听到我的声音像魔鬼般嘲弄!魔鬼们的嘲笑!灵魂在痛苦中尖叫!唱出我此时在地狱听到的原话。为什么没有牧师给我写信说他们会把这首歌带给他们的会众呢?You will hear my voice sound like the devil taunting! Demons mocking! Souls screaming in torment! Actual words being sung that I heard in Hell right now. Why aren't the Pastors writing me and saying they will take this to their congregation?

迄今为止,没有!我的敌人们指控我骄傲。但我告诉你,我已经被圣灵恩膏来唱歌及写福音歌曲。然而在正常的声音下歌唱的所有优美歌曲,没有任何一首能有这首歌这么大的效应。None have thus far. I am accused of pride by my enemies. Yet I tell you this, I have been given the anointing to sing and write gospel songs by the Holy Ghost. Yet not any of the beautiful songs, sung in a normal voice, has the promise that this song has. 至少有一百万人会在听到这首歌后来到亚呼赎阿面前。堕落的人会大笑并嘲笑。在羔羊生命册上永远都不会找到他们自己的名字!耶利米书6章27-30节At least a million souls will come to YAHUSHUA after hearing this song. The reprobate will laugh and mock. Their names were never found in the Lambs book of Life! Jeremiah 6: 27-30

但那些人需要的不仅仅是亚呼赎阿的爱强迫他们这么做,就如在圣经的犹大书中所描述的,一些人是因恐惧而前来!But those that need more than just YAHUSHUA's love to compel them as it states in the Book of Jude in the Bible, some cometh by fear!我不能把你吓进天国,但如果你知道有人被吓离地狱的话,就请复制并发送这解释以及这首歌给他们! I can't scare you into Heaven but if you know someone that needs scared away from hell please copy and send this explanation and song to them! 因亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的缘故我让自己看起来像一个傻瓜,这样灵魂就会被警告了,他们将不会成为地狱的公民。许多牧师不想得罪人,也不教导地狱。I have made myself look like a fool for the sake of YAHUSHUA Messiah so souls would be warned and they won't be a Citizen in Hell. Many Pastors don't want to offend and won't teach. 圣经清楚地说: “雅各是我所爱的,以扫是我所恶的!” 是的,亚憎恶一些人。法老就是为了亚哈威的愤怒而被造的!牧师们应该传讲真理,你们要负责!——但那所需要的不应该是亚呼赎阿的爱强迫他们这么做。——牧师应该传讲真理,你们要负责!The bible plainly says "Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated!" Yes YAH hated some people. Pharaoh was created for YAHUVEH's wrath! Pastors preach the truth, your held accountable.

罗伯特.舒勒(Robert Schuller),你在你的水晶大教堂,你的生活看起来就如你的微笑一样美妙,你不得罪任何人。但我告诉你,你所做的事是不讨主亚呼赎阿喜悦的!今天就悔改!Robert Schuller your in your Crystal Cathedral and life looks so wonderful as you smile, never offending anyone. But I tell you your deeds are not pleasing unto the Lord YAHUSHUA! Repent today! 换掉你的灰白袍,穿上亚呼赎阿婚礼长袍!闪闪发光的白色!你的祷告都是空洞乏味的,不管我们的政治领导人做了什么冒犯天国的事,你都祈祷祝福他们。Change your off white garment and put on the Wedding Robe of YAHUSHUA! Sparkling white! Your prayers are wishy washy and you pray blessings on our political leaders no matter what they do to offend the Kingdom of Heaven. 是的,我也为我们的领袖祈祷,但愿他们悔改,这样他们就不会去地狱。你所献的祭是到达亚呼赎阿和亚哈威鼻孔的恶臭!今天就悔改!Yes, I also pray for our leaders but its that they repent so they don't go to Hell. Your sacrifices are a stench to the nostrils of YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH. Repent today!

你们要圣洁,因为亚呼赎阿、亚哈威和圣灵是圣洁的!因为亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的大多数新娘正躺在属灵昏迷中。如果亚呼赎阿已在犹太新年回来的话,只有那么少的人会被带回家。Be YE Holy as YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH, and the HOLY GHOST is Holy! For the most part the Bride of YAHUSHUA Messiah lays in a Spiritual coma. If YAHUSHUA would have come on Rosh Hashanah how few would be taken back home. 观察诸天的征兆,因为曾在亚呼赎阿出生时,诸天呼喊着我们救主的降临。一颗星星被赐作为记号,所以要观看天空来知道此事!当我们看到所有这些事发生时都是关于:挺身昂首吧,我们得赎的日子真正近了!Watch the signs in the Heavens as once before it shouted the coming of our Savior when YAHUSHUA was born. The Star was given as a sign, so watch the sky and know this. As we see all these things come about "Look up our redemption truly draweth nigh!

圣灵在昨晚即1998年10月4日清晨向我显明:甚至 “被提” 也将被撒旦伪造。政府将利用UFO和辐射光(全息投影)制造在亚呼赎阿里面死去之人复活的假像。撒旦将兴起一支死亡军队。The Holy Spirit showed me last night Oct. 4, 1998 early morning. Even the Rapture is going to be counterfeited by satan. The Government will use UFO and radiation for the reason the dead in Christ YAHUSHUA raises. Satan will have an army of dead raising also. 阅读 第21篇预言 “你准备好接受震撼了吗?加百列已吹响了他的号角!” 会有一个时间间隔。谨防假冒的 “被提” 。Read the prophecy " Get ready for a shock Gabriel has already Blown his Horn." There is a time lapse. Beware of the counterfeit rapture. UFO是真实存在的,但它们来自地狱。绑架已经发生。下一步将是大批的人消失! 现在的时候比我们想像的更晚!UFO's are real but they come from Hell. Abductions have already taken place. Next step will be a mass amount of people disappear! Its later than we think.


Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah



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