
📒26-2每天睡前和醒来的祷告Daily Prayers before sleeping & upon awakening


每天睡前和醒来的祷告 Daily Prayers before sleeping & upon awakening

你去睡觉前的祷告:Before you go to sleep:

1.奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,我捆绑并斥责所有那些会搅扰我梦境的:外星人、墮落天使、狼人、恶魔/邪灵、分身、邪恶势力、模仿的灵、海洋魅惑的灵,思想控制的灵,I bind and rebuke away from me all aliens, fallen angels, demons, dopplegangers, evil principalities, familiar spirits, marine spirits, mind controlling spirits, 蜥蜴人、性欲的灵、不敬虔的恐惧之灵、睡眠瘫痪的灵、女妖的死亡咒诅和吸血鬼都离开我!reptiles, sexual spirits, spirits of unGodly fear, sleep paralysis, the banshee death curse and vampires, that would interfere with my dreams in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.*

2. 奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,我请求祢,阿爸亚哈威,今晚就释放烈火战车围绕这房屋,释放火马巡逻海岸和水域,并捆绑所有海洋魅惑力量,除去任何会在夜间被释放出来跟踪我的媒介/间谍/代理人。I ask YOU ABBA YAHUVEH to release chariots of fire around the house this night and to release horses of fire to patrol the shore and the waters and bind up all marine powers and cancel any agent that will be released in the night hours after me in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

3. 奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,阿爸亚哈威,我请求祢差派神圣的连环作战天使们来保护我,并在这房屋(或房间)周围竖起一道敌人不能通过、不能导航、不能翻越的神圣火墙。ABBA YAHUVEH I ask YOU to send Holy linking warring angels to protect me and to erect a Holy wall of fire around this house (or room) that the enemy cannot go through, nor navigate around, nor climb over in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

4. 奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,我请求祢,阿爸亚哈威,差派圣天使们去抓捕并彻底毁灭所有攻击我梦境的女巫和术士们。I ask YOU ABBA YAHUVEH to send angels to arrest and utterly destroy all the witches and warlocks attacking my dreams in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

5. 我捆绑并斥责所有的捕梦者、吃梦者、梦境进入者、梦境擦除者、梦境倒卖者(梦境贩子)、夺梦者、梦境授精者离开我!奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。I bind and rebuke away from me all dream catchers, dream eaters, dream enterers, dream erasers, dream scalpers, dream snatchers, and in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

6. 我祷告能记住我(来自祢阿爸亚哈威、亚呼赎阿和伊妈亚的)梦境。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。I pray to remember my dreams in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

7. 我请求祢,阿爸亚哈威,关闭那扇仇敌能发送任何东西到我梦境的门;打开那扇祢,阿爸亚哈威,要送来任何事物到我梦境来的门。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。I ask you ABBA YAHUVEH to close the door to my dreams from anything sent from the enemy and to open the door to my dreams for anything sent by YOU ABBA YAHUVEH in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

8. 我祈求亚呼赎阿我们玛西阿克的宝血遮盖我的梦境。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。I plead the Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH over my dreams in the Name of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH.

9. 我祷告抵挡试图阻止我睡觉的任何事或任何人。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。(如果需要,也可以捆绑失眠的灵)I pray against anything or anyone that would try to prevent me from sleeping in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. (also could bind the spirit of insomnia if desired)

10. 阿爸亚哈威,我请求祢使我在属灵界隐形,不让仇敌看见。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。ABBA YAHUVEH I ask YOU to make me invisible and unseen by the enemy in the spiritual realm in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

11. 阿爸亚哈威,今晚请将祢更强烈的恩膏浇灌在我身上。愿伊妈亚引导我进入一种跟祢阿爸亚哈威,救主亚呼赎阿和圣洁的伊妈亚,智慧妈妈更亲密的关係,ABBA YAHUVEH please pour forth a greater Anointing of YOUR RUACH HA KODESH in me tonight. May 1MMAYAH guide me into a greater relationship with YOU ABBA YAHUVEH and SAVIOUR YAHUSHUA and Holy IMMAYAH, MOMMA WISDOM 愿我今晚默想祢的妥拉/律法。我所做的这些祷告都是奉靠亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。and may I meditate on YOUR Law this night. I pray all these prayers in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

12. 我捆绑并斥责沙人/睡魔,牠的“金”沙和魔法光束离开我,并且请求祢,阿爸亚哈威用一阵大能的风把牠刮走。我斥责这个敌基督的灵和强烈错觉的灵今晚离开我!奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。I bind and rebuke away from me the sandman, his "golden" sand, and magic beam and ask YOU ABBA YAHUVEH to blow him away with a mighty wind. I rebuke this spirit of antichrist and strong delusion away from me this night in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Name.

13. 奉亚呼赎阿.玛西阿克的圣名,我捆绑并斥责精灵粉尘和仙女粉尘离开我!I bind and rebuke away from me pixie dust & fairy dust in the Name of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH.

睡前祷告Bedtime Prayer

阿爸亚哈威,请原谅我今天每一个没有取悦祢的想法、每一句没有取悦祢的话语或者每一个没有取悦祢的行为。ABBA YAHUVEH, please forgive me of every thought, spoken word or deed I did today that was displeasing to YOU. 破除每一粒要么被自我施加或者任何恶魔来源加在我身上的种子;破除任何针对我所说出的不是出自于祢的事物。Break every seed that was placed on me either self-imposed or put upon by any demonic source and anything spoken over me that was not from YOU. 咒诅每一粒今天被种在我里面的败坏种子,命令它枯干并死亡,这样祢公义的种子将会为了祢的荣耀而生长并且结出果实。奉亚呼赎阿我们玛西阿克的圣名。Curse every corruptible seed that was implanted in me today and command it to wither and die that YOUR righteous seed will grow and bear fruit for YOUR glory in YAHUSHUA our MASHIACHS Name.

我捆绑每一个在今晚以任何方式可能企图前来折磨我的邪灵、骯脏的灵或不洁净的灵。我缄默陌生人的声音,并给如阿克.哈.古德西开出道路以让她在我里面流淌,当我睡觉时赐给我异梦、异象、健康和休息。I bind every evil, foul, or unclean spirit that may try to come and torment me in any way tonight, I muzzle the voice of the stranger and open the pathway for the RUACH HA KODESH to flow through me giving me dreams, visions, health and rest as I sleep.

求祢差派祢的爭战和服事教导天使前来在我睡觉的时候看顾我并服事教导我。Send YOUR Warring and Ministering Angels to watch over me and minister to me as I sleep.




*注: Note:

分身(dopplegangers)是魔鬼制造的我们的复制品,牠们与我们完全相反,并在属灵界被使用,我相信牠们作为我们的“活”巫毒玩偶被使用,对牠们所做的事或者牠们被制造来做的事,然后那些事试图临到我们身上。的灵(familiar spirit)是一个伪装成我们认识之人的恶魔Dopplegangers are alter egos, also known as personal demons. A familiar spirit is a demon assigned to a person. They also can masquerade as the spirit of a dead person invoked by a medium to advise or prophesy. 模仿

外星人、异形人(Alien)来自魔鬼。我不确定牠们到底是什么,但我相信牠们可能是魔鬼与人类交配的产物,就像那些外星人绑架案中,人类的种子(精子)或卵子被拿走可能是为了繁殖的目的。Aliens are from the devil. I'm not sure what they are but believe they may be from the devil mating with humans, as in those alien abductions where peoples' seed or eggs are taken probably for the purpose of reproduction. 

海洋魅惑之灵(Marine spirits)通常是诱惑的灵(spirits of seduction)。 很多传说的确都是关于海洋魅惑的灵,比如海妖(sirens)、人鱼(mermaids)等,Marine spirits are Mien spirits of seduction. Much lore is really about marine spirits such as sirens, mermaids, etc.牠们常常在男人和女人们的梦中设法勾引男人和女人。女梦淫妖(incubus)和男梦淫妖(succubus)的邪灵是恶魔的性欲之灵,牠们试图在人们睡觉的时候分別临到女人和男人们身上。who seek to seduce men and women, often in their dreams. The spirits of incubus and succubus are demonic sexual spirits that try to come upon women and men respectively in their sleep.

醒来时的祷告:Upon Waking:

1. 亲爱的如阿克.哈.古德西,请妳修复我在睡眠中所受到的伤害。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。Beloved RUACH ha KODESH fix every damage that was done in my sleep in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

2. 阿爸亚哈威,求祢差派天使们去那个地方,并逮捕在背后做工的权势或恶魔们。把牠们带到亚呼赎阿打发牠们去的地方,待在那里,直到牠们的审判时候。ABBA YAHUVEH release angels to that place and arrest the powers or demons behind the work. Take them to the place where YAHUSHUA sends them until their time of judgment. 求祢降火临到牠们身上,并派遣天使们去折磨拷打牠们。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。Send fire upon them and angels to torment them in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

3. 我把所有被分派过来抵挡我生命的咒诅都用火和属灵毒药包裹着送回到那些发送者身上,愿那些发送者们遭受七倍更糟的咒诅,愿那些发送者们穿着这些咒诅就像第二层皮肤。我奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名祷告祈求。send all curses assigned against my life back to the senders wrapped in fire and spiritual poison and may they return to the sender 7 times worse and may they wear these curses like second skin I pray in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

4. 我取消所有梦境合约/协议,奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。cancel all dream covenants in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

5. 我祈求如阿克.哈.古德西的烈火毁灭每一个在我睡觉时可能已经发生的不纯洁、玷污或污染。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。ask that the fire of the RUACH ha KODESH destroy every impurity, pollution or contamination that could have occurred while I slept in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH'S Name.

6. 我祈求亚呼赎阿的宝血冲走所有可能在夜间被释放进入我系统里面的属灵污秽,奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。I ask that the Blood of YAHUSHUA flush out all spiritual impurities that could have been released into my system in the night in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH'S Name.

7. 阿爸亚哈威,我悔改并从我在睡梦中所犯的一切罪转离。奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名。ABBA YAHUVEH I repent and turn away from any sins that I have done in my sleep in the Name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

8. 阿爸亚哈威,我为祢所赐给我的这一天而感谢祢。今天我作出这个有意识的选择,把我的生命完全降服与祢。请帮助我今天与祢同行,不要按我的方式行/不要走我自己的路。ABBA YAHUVEH I thank YOU for this day that YOU have given me. I make this conscious choice to completely surrender my life to YOU this day. Help me to walk with YOU this day and not on my own ways. 今天,请拿着我的生命,并为了祢的尊贵和荣耀来使用它,把我当作一个祝福那些属于祢之人的器皿来使用。也请帮助我今天向老我死去。Please take my life and use it for YOUR honor and glory this day and use me as an instrument of blessing to those that are YOURS. Help me to also die to self this day. (当我们得救后,我们不仅要凭信心请求弥赛亚亚呼赎阿进入我们的心和生命,而且也要将我们的生命交讬给祂。透过每一天向老我死亡,我们在重申我们的生命不再属于自己,而是属于祂。(When we get saved, we not only ask MESSIAH YAHUSHUA into our heart and life by faith, but we give our very lives to Him. In dying to self each day, we are reaffirming that our life doesn't belong to us any longer, it is HIS. 不要让魔鬼在我们的睡眠中攻击我们。当我们奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名做这些祷告并把我们的睡眠索要回来的时候,我们就能在我们的生命中得胜!The devil attacks us in our sleep. We can gain victory over our lives when we pray these prayers and claim our sleep back in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH'S Name! 这些祷告是由一个来自非洲加纳的祷告同伴教导给我们的。我们必须要学习这些祷告以便在非洲的属灵领域里爭战。绝不要低估敌人的力量。每天做这些祷告非常重要。千万不要放弃。魔鬼没有放弃,那么我们也绝不能放弃。)These prayers were taught to us by a prayer partner from Ghana, Africa. We had to learn them to battle in the spiritual realm in Africa. Never underestimate the power of the enemy. It is important to pray these daily. Do not give up. The devil doesn't so we mustn't either.



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...