Spiritual Warfare:
Spiritual Warefare Tactics
属灵争战在不可见的超自然领域里存在,在超自然领域里,神是全能的,而撒但是叛乱者。因为任何一个基督徒很快就会发现:虽然属灵争战是不可见的,然而它绝对是真实存在的。Spiritual warfare exists in the unseen, supernatural dimension, where God is all-powerful and Satan is in revolt. As any Christian soon discovers, although spiritual warfare is unseen, it's absolutely real.
属灵争战的战术Spiritual Warefare Tactics
1) What is the source of my depression
2) What kind of effects does depression bring about in my life?
3) Am I myself actively doing something about it?
4) What does YAHUSHUA expect me to do? (No sudden miracle from Heaven)
1) The source of depression in our lives is most likely a spiritual one; we try to obey Our Lord YAHUSHUA, satan sends his demon(s) to torment us and get us to disobey.
2) The Bible says that we have a Spirit of Power, Faith, Love and a Sound mind, The Holy Spirit. The evil spirit of depression that attaches itself to us directly attacks these fruits of the Holy Spirit.
邪灵把刚强的心变为软弱,使我们的身心灵魂极度疲劳。没有力气、没有精神、没有任何服事主亚呼赎阿的渴望。The evil spirit shapes Power into weakness -) great fatique and exhaustion of body, mind and spirit – no strength, no energy, no desire to do anything for the Lord YAHUSHUA.
邪灵把信心变为恐惧,使我们充满不信、怀疑、担忧、恐惧。没有希望、没有自信、没有安息、没有恒心、没有平安。The evil spirit shapes Faith into fear -) unbelief, doubts, worries, fears – no hope, no confidence, no rest, no stability, no peace.
邪灵把仁爱的心变为自私,使我们感到不安而产生嫉妒、容易生气、缺乏耐心,使我们难以与在亚呼赎阿内的弟兄姊妹们团契,也无法服事他们。The evil spirit shapes Love into selfishness -) jealousy through insecurity, easily offended, little patience – a hard time to fellowship with brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA, not really able to serve or minister unto others in any kind of way.
邪灵把谨守的心变为邪僻的心,没有为主亚呼赎阿控制自己的心思意念。这些邪情私欲导致更加严重的结果,行事也毫无智慧或聪明。The evil spirit shapes the Sound Mind into a sinful mind -) no captivity of thoughts for the Lord YAHUSHUA - with all the further consequences of sinful thoughts and acting without Wisdom or Understanding.
3) When we ask ourselves the question if we are doing something about it, we tend to say “yes of course, who wants to be depressed? I want help! I need prayers! I am trying! [Etc etc]”
但是,“我不想感到忧郁”的想法,并不完全是解决忧郁的方法:Well, ‘not wanting to be depressed’ is not exactly doing something about depression.
“希望得到帮助”的想法是好的,但是我们是否真的相信并意识到,我们有了最好的帮助和安慰者在我们里面呢?祂就是圣灵,如阿克.哈.古德西!’Wanting help is fine, but do we truly believe and realize that we already have the best Helper and Comforter living inside us, the Holy Spirit?
“希望其他人为自己祷告”也是好的,主告诉我们要这么做!但是我们真正想要他们祷告的是什么呢?他们所祈求的是不是就真的好?我们接下来就会找到答案。‘Wanting others to pray for us’ is fine, the Lord tells us to do so. But what do we truly want them to pray, and is that what they pray for necessarily ‘good’? We will find out in just a few moments.
有“尝试摆脱忧郁”的想法,人有两种“尝试”摆脱忧虑的方式:积极以及被动。让我们来区分一下这两种差异。‘Trying to snap out of depression.’ Well, there are two kinds of ‘trying’ to overcome depression; actively trying and passively trying. Let’s make a distinction between the two and see the difference of attitudes.
The active child of YAHUSHUA -)
当他发现自己被沉重的灵施加忧郁和压迫时,他就会明白邪灵的意图(请看答案2)。他知道凭自己的能力是无法抵挡邪灵的,When he detects depression and oppression by the evil spirit of heaviness. He understands what this evil spirit tries to do (see answer No2 above). He knows that in his own power, he is no match for the evil spirit. 他呼求亚呼赎阿不断给他增添力量,祈求智慧和聪明来应付邪灵的攻击。他把自己的挣扎,告诉他在亚呼赎阿内的弟兄姊妹,求他们为他祷告。He calls upon YAHUSHUA for an outpouring of HIS Strength and asks Wisdom and Understanding in how to deal with this demonic attack. He notifies his brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA about his struggle and asks them to pray.
他会以自己的意愿去赞美亚呼赎阿,并很荣幸能为主的缘故受苦,他不允许自己去满足邪灵的意图。Then he uses his will to thank and praise YAHUSHUA for the honour to suffer for HIS Sake and does not allow himself to feed this evil spirit on purpose.他不会向邪灵屈服,不会向疲惫和困倦屈服,他却会自己愿意比往常更早一个小时起床,去向主寻求祂的力量,花时间与主亲近。 Instead of giving in to the evil spirit by giving heed to exhaustion and fatigue, he uses his will to get up even an hour earlier in the morning to call upon the Lord for HIS strength and to spend time with HIM.
当积极主动的孩子花时间与主亲近时,他会把所有的怀疑、忧虑、恐惧留在十字架下,也会凭信心说话。当他这么做时,就已经摧毁了邪灵捆绑他的锁链中的两个环节,奉他的弥赛亚亚呼赎阿的圣名!While the active child spends time with the Lord he leaves all his doubts, worries and fears at the Cross and speaks it in faith. While the child has done this he has already destroyed two links of the chain wherewith the evil spirit bound him, in YAHUSHUA his MASHIACH’s Name!
软弱和恐惧的环节已经奉亚呼赎阿的圣名摧毁了!因此,忧郁的锁链便不能站稳住脚!力量和信心恢复了,当这个孩子寻求主,呼求祂的军装和公义时,仁爱、谨守的果实也会恢复,他会开始走在属灵之中。The links of weakness and fear are destroyed in YAHUSHUA’s Name and therefore the entire chain of depression cannot stand. Power and Faith are reinstated and as the child calls upon the Lord for HIS Armor and HIS Righteousness, the fruits of Love and a Sound Mind will follow and he starts walking in the Spirit. 并会奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名和权柄,猛烈斥责忧郁的灵,命令这个邪灵必须离开他!In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s Authority and Name he rebukes the spirit of depression agressively and the spirit must leave him.
他会穿上他的弥赛亚,亚呼赎阿里全备的军装,以开始全新的一天。没有任何阴谋能打倒他!他会充满喜乐,渴望服事主,完成他在那一天被呼召要做的工。He starts the day being fully equipped and armored in YAHUSHUA His Messiah, there is NO way he can be defeated. With joy in his heart he will desire to serve the Lord and fulfill his calling and tasks for that day.
The passive child of YAHUSHUA -)
当他发现自己被沉重的灵施加忧郁和压迫时,他就会明白邪灵的意图(请看答案2)。他试图凭自己的力气继续服事主,但最后因为沮丧、愤怒、无效而告终,他很快地意识到他被邪灵压制了。detects depression and oppression by the evil spirit of heaviness. He understand what this evil spirit tries to do (see answer No2 above). In his own power he tries to keep on serving the Lord but ends up frustrated, angry and useless as he soon realizes that he is being overpowered.他感到很凄惨,无法祷告,甚至没有把自己的挣扎,告诉他在亚呼赎阿的弟兄姊妹,一直到过了很久以后,当邪灵变得更加强大,并对他造成许多了伤害。 He feels too miserable to even pray and does not notify his brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA about his struggle until much later when the evil spirit has gained much power and has already done much damage.
当他试图祷告,并告诉他的弟兄姊妹的时候,他的精神和情绪上已经变得非常脆弱了,他开始自怜并期待一个突然出现的神迹。By the time he tries to pray and notifies his brothers and sisters he has become so weak mentally and emotionally that he has self pity and expects a sudden miracle.他向亚呼赎阿祷告,祈求祂能把他从忧郁中拯救出来,他也请他的弟兄姊妹这样为他祷告,被动地等待一个不会出现的奇迹! He prays to YAHUSHUA to just deliver him of depression and asks his brothers and sisters to pray the same. Waiting passively for a miracle that does not come,
他向疲惫和困倦屈服,决定自己需要更多的睡眠。当醒来时,他很惊讶地发现自己仍然感到疲惫和憔悴,没有精神,或与主亲近的渴望。he gives heed to exhaustion and fatique and decides he needs more sleep. Waking up he is surprised that he is still tired and exhausted, having no energy or desire whatsoever to spend time with the Lord. 他觉得自己一无是处,因为他没有完成主的工。疑惑、忧虑和恐惧日益增加,当他看着向他袭来的猛烈海浪,而不是定睛在亚呼赎阿他的弥赛亚身上时,就会陷入罪恶的念头里。He feels worthless for the things of the Lord do not get done. Doubts, worries and fear increase. While he is looking at the aggressive waves of the sea of trouble in his life instead of looking at YAHUSHUA His MESSIAH, he falls into sinful thoughts. 邪灵捆绑他的锁链还在,他完全不能为神的国所用,不能结出果子。The chain wherewith the evil spirit binds him remains; he is totally useless for God’s Kingdom and does not bring forth fruit.
主动的孩子跟被动的孩子只有一个共通点,就是他们都很认真的在“努力”。但是他们属灵定义的“努力”是不一样的。The active child and the passive child have only one thing in common, they sincerely ‘try’. However, their spiritual definition of the word ‘try’ is not the same. 事实上,他们采取的行动截然不同!我们再回去看看主动和被动的孩子的例子,要怎么在时常与忧郁之灵抗争的时候祷告呢?当其他人时常与忧郁之灵挣扎的时候,我们又该怎么为他们祷告呢?In fact they do the opposite of eachother. If we take a look at the example of the active and passive child then what should we pray when we struggle with depression on a daily and constant basis? And what should we pray for others who struggle with depression on a daily and constant basis? 我们是祷告求主教我们要怎么积极拿起祂赐予我们的武器去得胜,还是消极地蜷缩在一个角落里,求神行一个突然出现的奇迹?Should we pray to the Lord to teach us to actively pick up the Weapon HE has given us and prevail, or that HE performs a sudden miracle while we passively cower away in a corner? Should we pray to the Lord to teach our brothers and sisters to actively pick up the Weapon HE has given them and prevail, or that HE performs a sudden miracle while they passively cower away in a corner? 亚呼赎阿不喜欢消极被动的态度,祂是一位勇士,并希望我们也成为祂的勇士。祂呼召我们成为勇士而不是懦夫!YAHUSHUA is not pleased with passivity; HE is a Warrior and expects us to be HIS Warriors. HE called us to be Warriors and not wimps.
这就是在弟兄姊妹与忧郁之灵抗争的时候,我从不求神赐给他们一个突然发生的神迹的原因。我知道即使奇迹突然出现了,但邪灵很快地会以更强大的方式回来。That is one of the reasons I never pray for that sudden miracle for brothers and sisters who wrestle with depression. I know that even if that sudden miracle would happen, the demon would soon come back even stronger. 我除了奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣名,斥责邪灵并命令它离开我的弟兄姊妹外,我还会祈求亚呼赎阿教导那位弟兄或姊妹要怎么拿起祂赐给我们的武器去争战!Next to rebuking that spirit in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s Name and commanding it to flee from my brothers and sisters I pray even more for YAHUSHUA to teach that specific brother or sister to war and pick up the Only Weapon HE has given us themselves. 教导他们走出消极被动的态度,教导他们积极地争战,这都单奉亚呼赎阿的圣名!这是因为,虽然邪灵被我们斥责并离开了,但它们会迅速地再回来。这些弟兄姊妹必须知道要怎么靠自己来战胜这些邪灵,继续顺服神,摆脱邪灵的压迫。To teach them to come out of that state of passivity and to actively fight back in HIS Name Only. For although these demons are rebuked and do flee they will come back soon. The brother or sister has to know how to fight these spirits off themselves for many times we have our hands full ourselves to remain obedient and free of demonic oppression. 因为我们有很多时候太过忙碌,无法帮助他们。因此,尽管我们真诚地为弟兄姊妹祷告,并且爱着他们,但我们为他们祷告并不是一定就是好的,也不会持续长时间的好下去。我们必须在这些祷告中寻求亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的旨意!Therefore, although we sincerely pray for our brothers and sisters and love them, the things we pray for them are not always necessarily ‘good’, and certainly not always ‘good’ in long terms. We have to seek YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s Will in these prayers.
4)那么现在,亚呼赎阿希望我们怎么做呢?我不想为亚呼赎阿代言,但是我认为答案3里“积极主动的孩子”的例子,可能很接近祂希望我们与忧郁之灵争战的方式。4) Now, what does YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH expect us to do? I do not want to speak for YAHUSHUA, but I think that the example of the ‘active child’ in answer No3 might come pretty close to what HE desires from HIS Children that struggle with depression.我从没在自己的生命里或其他弟兄姊妹的生命里,看到这类突然从天而降的拯救。直到我们挣脱与邪灵的契约,奉亚呼赎阿的圣名战斗后,才能摆脱邪灵的辖制。Not in my own life, neither in the life of other brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA have I seen sudden deliverances come from Heaven until after getting out of agreement with demons and go to war in YAHUSHUA’s Name.即使是在一个人被拯救得释放后,依然还得继续争战,维护自己属灵的自由,为了保持这个自由,我们必须顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿,奉亚呼赎阿我们弥赛亚的圣名和宝血的权柄,继续与这些邪灵作战!借着亚呼赎阿的宝血和圣名,我们就得胜有余!阿们,阿们,阿们! Even after deliverance it will be a battle to remain free, and to remain free we have to obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and keep battling these spirits through the authority in the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA Our MASHIACH through which we are more than Conquerors! Amen amen amen!
属灵更新:Spiritual refreshment
我们知道自己只是微不足道渺小的人类,全都亏缺了亚哈威和我们的亚呼赎阿.玛西阿克的荣耀。这就是我们有亚呼赎阿作为洗净我们的罪的血祭和赎罪祭的原因!We all know that we are puny little human beings and come short of the glory of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA Our MASHIACH. That is why we have YAHUSHUA and that is why we have the Blood and the atonement for our sins.这也意味着特别是被动的孩子,当他发现自己没有选择的余地,只能变得积极向邪灵反击时,有时候反而不能真的克服或战胜忧郁的灵。亚呼赎阿怜悯我们,知道我们在与什么样的灵争战,需要时间适应。This means that especially the passive child will at times and certain days fail to really overcome and conquer depression when he finds out that he has no choice but to fight back and become active. YAHUSHUA is compassionate with us and knows that we are wrestling and need time to adapt. 但我们只要尽最大的努力,祂就会处理接下来的事!因为我们是软弱的人类,所以不能允许自己长时间安于失败的现状。我们需要更新我们的灵。As long as we try our best is what matters, and HE will do the rest. However, because we are human and so weak, we cannot allow ourselves to slumber on in failure for long. We need to refresh our spirits before things really get out of hand.
我们不能在这个世界里找到“属灵的更新”,也不能在我们认为会放松心情的电脑游戏里找到。在我们的灵魂没有被更新的时候,即使是我们认为能放松的方式,也不能起到放松的作用。Refreshment is not found in the world, neither in the things that we consider relaxing like computer games for instant. Even that which we consider relaxing is not relaxing anymore when our spirits are not refreshed. 也不一定是在我们被亚哈威和亚呼赎阿所呼召要做的工里找到。真正的属灵更新只能在与阿爸亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的亲密交流沟通和圣餐里找到。Refreshment is also not necessarily found in the works that we are called to do by YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Real spiritual refreshment is only found in close intimacy and communion with ABBA YAHUVEH and Savior YAHUSHUA.
在祷告中和祂们交谈,进入祂们的同在,感谢、赞美、敬拜祂们,与祂们大声阅读圣经,请祂们向我们显明未曾见过或明白的事。Residing in the shadow of Their Presence while praying and talking to Them, thanking, praising and worshiping Them, reading Their Holy Scriptures aloud with Them while asking Them to show us things we have not seen before or understood before.要在圣餐里做这些事情,当然,首先要真正的悔改,从所有的罪转离。这就是我们灵魂唯一的属灵更新。All these things combined with Holy Communion, of course first preceded by true repentance and turning away from any sins, is the only true refreshment for our spirits. 如果我们的灵魂被圣灵的能力,和亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克所流的宝血更新,那么曾经看起来很难的事情,就会突然间变得很容易,这只有在我们真的与神亲近,把祂们放在我们的生命和爱的首位上,亚哈威才会真的祝福我们为了祂所做的事情,以及与祂一起做的事情。 If our spirits are refreshed by the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH then everything else that once seemed to be so hard will suddenly seem and become so easy. It is when our close intimacy with God is truly in order and being put on the first place in our lives and love that YAHUVEH can really bless the rest that we do for HIM and with HIM. 属灵更新非常的重要,就像我们用刀前会先磨锋利刃一样,使我们为天国所做的每一件事都被更加得恩膏,更有效率的完成,因为这些工是靠着主的喜乐和力量被完成的!Spiritual refreshment is so important that it is like we are sharpening a bladebefore we use it. Everything we do for the Kingdom of Heaven will be more anointed and more effective for it will be done in the Joy of the Lord which is Strength.
属灵早餐:Spiritual Breakfast
在清早的属灵更新,对于抵挡忧郁和沉重之灵特别有效。属于亚呼赎阿并与忧郁之灵挣扎的人,永远都不应该故意忽略他的属灵早餐,Spiritual refreshment in the early, early morning is even so much more effective especially to keep depression or heaviness at a distance. The man of YAHUSHUA that really struggles with depression should never purposely skip his spiritual breakfast. 因为他如果晚一点想花时间与主在一起的话,沉重的灵就已经吸取了他的精力和与主亲密的渴望。For by the time he wants to spend time with the Lord later on that day, the spirit of heaviness has sucked his energy and desire away to spend time with the Lord. 当他凭着血气而不是凭圣灵过新的一日时,他就会慢慢地再次陷入忧郁里,这使得与主亲密的想法成了一个重担。经上说,如果我们清晨寻求主,就能寻见祂。我真的想不出比属灵早餐,能更有效对付忧郁之灵的医治良方了。Spending time with YAHUSHUA therefore becomes a burden as he slowly but surely becomes depressed again as he started out the day in his flesh instead of the Spirit. The Bible says if we seek the Lord early, HE will be found. I cannot really think of a better remedy for depression then Spiritual Breakfast.
当忧郁的人凭着自己的意志力,早早起床,跪着急切地寻求主时,他就已经得了坚固他的心和灵魂,帮助他祷告的信心。When the depressed man merely uses his will to get out of bed early in the morning to get on his knees and earnestly seek the Lord, he has already obtained confidence which will help him to fully put his heart and soul behind his prayers.当他了解到亚哈威在赞赏他,祝福他的努力,为他意志坚强的作法感到喜悦时,这就会帮助建立他的个性、他愿意事奉主跟取悦主的意志和决心。 As he realizes that YAHUVEH honours and blesses his effort and is very pleased that he uses his will, it will build up his character, his willpower and determination to please and serve the Lord.
他在早上感到的沉重感会被主的喜乐取代,并会突然发现他更有精神了,不再感到疲惫。在那时,他会发现忧郁事实上是属灵的事情,他真的需要与其抗争!Heavines will be replaced with the Joy of the Lord early on and the man will realize that suddenly he even has more energy and there is no fatique anymore. It is then that he realizes the fact that depression is a spiritual matter and that he truly needs to fight it.属灵早餐是我们一天的基础,如果失落了这个基础,那么当天的事情都会崩溃、不被祝福或不被恩膏。即使他很努力,却不会有很好的果效。 Spiritual Breakfast is the foundation of a day. When the foundation is missing, everything else that day will fall, fail or not be as blessed/anointed as could be. The efford might be there, but the performance is not excellent.
No possible defeat for the man in YAHUSHUA Our MASHIACH
除了有意犯罪或故意向试探屈服以外,我想不出能在属灵中击垮我们的方法。I cannot think of any possible way of spiritual defeat in our lives other than willful sin or succumb to temptation on purpose. 如果我们真的使用亚呼赎阿的圣名和祂的宝血,那么,想要让我们不顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的罪和邪灵的逼迫是不可能得逞的!只有在我们允许邪灵击败我们时,我们才会被击倒。There is no possible way of defeat in the form of sin or demonic oppression in such a way that we cannot obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA anymore or fulfill our calling if we truly apply the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA on our lives. Defeat is only possible if we allow it.
其中一个例子是:我们故意拒绝把房子建在坚实的基础上,在我们知道自己需要属灵的早餐时,拒绝不吃能在那天能帮助我们存活的食物(特别是忧郁的人)。An example of this might be by purposely refusing to build a house with a firm foundation (skipping Spiritual Breakfast) when we know that we need it to spiritually survive that day. (This applies especially to the depressed man)
另一个例子是:当撒但和它的邪灵以邪恶的思想攻击我们时,我们拒绝奉亚呼赎阿的圣名斥责它们,并开始鼓励这些想法,而不是把自己的心思意念降服给亚哈威。Another example might be by refusing to rebuke satan and his demons in YAHUSHUA’s Name when they attack our mind with sinful thoughts, and start to entertain these thoughts instead of holding our thoughts captive for YAHUVEH. 使自己的身心灵魂松懈、懒散、不顺服神,都是向撒但打开门,让它能进来破坏的缺口。These are all openings for satan to come in and do the damage. Simply disobedience by being lax and lazy both in body and mind.