
📒25紧急不要买被诅咒的珠宝!在你买之前要祈祷!URGENT Don’t Buy Cursed Jewelry! Pray before You Buy!


紧急不要买被诅咒的珠宝!在你买之前要祈祷!URGENT Don’t Buy Cursed Jewelry! Pray before You Buy!

是 “可爱精致的施华洛世奇水晶十字架银项炼” ——还是被诅咒的首饰?那个十字架或许看起来像是送给你的基督徒母亲或朋友的可爱礼物,但请再想一想!“LOVELY DELICATE SILVER SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL CROSS NECKLACE”—or cursed jewelry? That cross may look like a lovely gift for your Christian mother or friend, but think again! 事情并不总是第一眼看它们的时候所呈现的那个样子。別误会,我喜欢拥有一个十字架吊坠的项炼。Things are not always what they appear at first glance. Don’t get me wrong, I like having a cross pendant necklace.

昨天我亲爱的姊妹凯瑟琳亚给我发了一个在易趣网(Ebay)上所列出的一些十字架吊坠的链接。是的,特写图像的那个(吊坠)。我一直在寻找一个新的十字架(吊坠)来代替我之前戴了好多年的那个(十字架吊坠)。Yesterday my Beloved Sister Kathrynyah, sent me a link to an Ebay listing for a cross pendant. Yes, the one in the featured image. I’ve been looking for a new cross to replace my previous one that I wore for years.

也许你以前就已考虑过这一点,——也许没有——关于购买二手首饰可能带来的危险。(你们有些人可能在笑。)Maybe you’ve thought about this before—maybe not—about possible dangers in buying used jewelry. (Some of you may be laughing.)

我说的不仅仅是可能偷来的赃物,还有巫术的恶行。事实比小说还要离奇,这就是我们所处的世界和时代。I’m not just talking merely about possibly stolen goods, but the evil of witchcraft. Truth is stranger than fiction, and this is the world and times we live in.

圣灵/如阿克.哈.古德西告诉我,这篇博文可以挽救生命,所以请继续读下去!The HOLY SPIRIT has told me that this post could save a life, so read on!


这并不是说任何用过的东西都有问题,但你不知道是谁用过它,也不知道它是怎么被使用的!这并不意味着你不能购买任何用过的东西。这确实意味着亚呼赎阿(耶穌的希伯来圣名)的信徒和跟随者们必须要为着有属灵分辨力祷告,不要对任何事想当然!It’s not that anything “used” is a problem, but you don’t know WHO used it or HOW it was used! It doesn’t mean you can’t buy something used. It does mean believers and followers of YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS) must pray for discernment and take nothing for granted!


我回复凯瑟琳亚, “谢谢姊妹想要给我买个十字架。我确实喜欢它,但它被用过。如果卖家把它佩戴得很好的话,那么她看起来不喜欢我想要戴她曾经戴过的十字架。”  I wrote back to Kathrynyah, “Thanks sis for wanting to buy me a cross. I do like it but it’s used and if the seller wore it well she doesn’t look like I’d want to wear a cross she wore.”

我们祈求亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的圣洁宝血来遮盖这里的所有图像,来遮盖和保护我们自己和观看者。We plead the Holy Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH over all images here and over ourselves and viewers for protection.

圣灵让我看卖家照片的背景。我一看,就听到了这些话: “女巫,撒旦崇拜者。死亡之灵附在那十字架上,这是针对(亚呼赎阿的)信徒的。这将是〔献给撒旦〕的祭物。” The HOLY SPIRIT had me look at the background of the seller’s pictures. And as soon as I looked, I heard the words: “witch, satan-worshipper. The spirit of death is on that cross and is meant to be for a believer. It will be a sacrifice [to satan].”

我又写信给凯瑟琳亚: “你看见墓碑了吗?” 

I wrote Kathrynyah again, “Did you see the tombstones?”


经进一步调查,诚然,这的确是墓碑!凑近了,你可以清楚地看到这个女人甚至坐在一个(墓碑的)顶端!谁会坐在人的坟墓上照相?只是为了易趣网(而拍照)!Upon further investigation, yes it was indeed tombstones! And close up, you can clearly see the woman is even sitting on top of one! Who sits on someone’s grave for pictures? For Ebay!我告诉凯瑟琳亚,藉着她给我看吊坠,她被使用来帮助挽救生命。然后亚哈威对我说话,而现在我就可以与你们分享这一切。 I told Kathrynyah that she was being used to help save a life by showing me the pendant, then YAH spoke to me and now I can share all this with you.

后来,我们还看到了她站在人们的坟墓上拍的照片!这让你联想到她可能是从哪弄来的那个十字架……Later, we also saw pictures of her standing on people’s graves! It makes you think about where she may have gotten that cross from…

凯瑟琳亚和我昨晚把此事带到了进一步的祷告中。正当我们祷告的时候,她听到了这是一个女巫的确证: “行邪术的女人,不可容她存活” 正如出埃及记22:18所说的。Kathrnyah and I took this to further prayer last night. As we did, she heard confirmation this is a witch: “Suffer not a witch to live” like Exodus 22:18 当然我们绝不纵容把那样的东西交到你们自己的手中,而是竭力地挽救生命——警告要提防她所施在那个吊坠上的死亡咒诅!and of course we’re not condoning taking that into your own hands, but rather trying to save lives—warning against a death curse she has placed on that pendant!

凯瑟琳亚后来在一个异象中看到了一个三明治,象徵着这个女巫(Witch)将被亚哈威的怒火吞噬,这是亚哈威所为。也许这是个双关语——我们相信她是一个 “沙子-女巫Sandwich” (英文的沙Sand和女巫Witch这两个词合起来正好构成三明治这个词),尽管我们以前从未听说过这样的事。

Kathrynyah later saw in a vision, a sandwich, symbolic that this witch will be consumed by YAH’S Wrath, an act of GOD. And perhaps a pun—we believe, she is a “sand-witch” although we had never heard of such a thing before.

当我们求问亚哈威(神的希伯来圣名), “我们是否应该在博客上对此发出警告?” 的时候,我不断地一次又一次听到, “如果你不告诉他们,他们又怎么会知道呢?” When we asked YAH (Hebrew Name of GOD), “Should we warn of this on the blog?” I kept hearing again and again, “How else are they going to know, if you don’t tell them?”


我们快速搜索了一下。一些类型的巫术显然在仪式中使用坟墓的沙子或尘土。也许这就是为什么她能成为一个沙子-女巫(Sand-witch)(合起来就是三明治Sandwich这个词)。In preparation for this post, some research was done and shared with me: We did a quick search. Some types of witchcraft apparently use sand or dust from graves in rituals. Perhaps this is why she could be a “sand witch.”


在加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)有一些民间传说,有关女巫们把在海滩的沙里裸滚作为一种入会仪式,这也让我们想起了海洋巫术。And in Catalonia there is some folklore about witches rolling nude in sand at a beach as an initiation, which also reminds us of marine witchcraft. 我不知道这个女人是否住在沿海,但她的商品被列为从靠近海岸的加利福尼亚州索尔万格(Solvang)发出的货物。I have no idea if this woman lives near the ocean, but her items are listed as shipping out of Solvang, Cali near the coast. 不管怎样,这个地方是在大约100年前由丹麦移民建立的,那里有一个 “小美人鱼” 雕像的复制品,这个雕像的原型来自哥本哈根(丹麦首都)。In any case, it was founded about 100 years ago by Dane settlers and has a replica of “The Little Mermaid” statue, the original from Copenhagen (Denmark’s capitol). 迪斯尼制作的卡通片使得这个源于丹麦的故事家喻户晓。最初的童话故事和卡通片都是以海洋女巫(sea witch)为主角。或许这就是沙子-女巫(sand-witch)的同义词。Disney made this, originally Danish story, famous with their cartoon. Both the original fairy tale and cartoon feature a “sea witch” and perhaps this is synonymous with sand-witch.

真让人不安。我怎能不惊讶呢?甚至还有更多: 我们还发现了一些关于索尔万格的更有意思的事。他们每年都会举行一次为期几周的白色圣诞活动,会以焚烧大量的圣诞树,也就是点篝火作为结束。That’s pretty disturbing, buy why am I not too surprised? There was even more: We also found a few more interesting things about Solvang. They have a yearly Yulefest event for a few weeks that ends with a mass burning of Christmas trees i.e. a bonfire. 最后一点,丹麦和索尔万格也有相当普遍的巫术崇拜者的存在和(巫术崇拜者的)社团,虽然并非那么显而易见。Lastly, Denmark and Solvang also have a fairly large wiccan presence and community, although not easily apparent.

索尔万格也被许多森林复盖区包围——这个女人在易趣网(Ebay)上所发佈的许多照片似乎都体现了这一特色。Solvang is also surrounded by many forrested areas—and seem to be featured in many of the pictures this woman posted on Ebay.

这些 “神秘兮兮的小树林” ,特別是在树下,是巫术崇拜民间传说中常见的祭祀场所。所以她这样坐在树下并非巧合……这符合阿爸亚所告诉你的,她正在寻找一个祭物。These “Sacred groves,” especially under trees, are common places for sacrifice in wiccan folklore. So it’s no coincidence she’s sitting under the tree like this…it fits with what ABBA YAH told you, she is looking for a sacrifice.

后来我们注意到看起来像是一个巨大的粉红色石英晶体坐落在某种特殊的盘子上(如右图所示)。像这样的大宝石或金属经常被用于巫术崇拜仪式,而且可以被进一步证实—更不用说她所偏爱的服装款式了(如她的店铺的照片所示)Later we noticed what appears to be a large rose quartz crystal sitting on some special kind of plate [pictured right]. Large gemstones like this or metals are often used in wiccan rituals and can be further confirmation—not to mention her favored clothing styles [pictured in her store]…

我能说什么?所有读到这篇博文的人,要祈祷这吊坠不会卖给除了某个被弃者之外的任何一个人!What can I say? To all who read this, pray this pendant will not sell to any person except to someone reprobate!

圣经在许多地方都警告我们:不可把任何一件与行秘术相关或已被用于秘术的受咒诅的物件带进我们的家里, “不然,你就成了当毁灭的,与那物一样。The Bible warns us in many places [LINKS COMING] not to bring a cursed object that has been associated with or used in occult practices into our homes, “lest thou be a cursed thing like it: 你要十分厌恶,十分憎嫌,因为这是当毁灭的物” (申命记7:25-26)如我先前所说,亚呼赎阿(耶穌的希伯来圣名)的信徒和跟随者们必须为着有属灵的分辨力祷告,对任何事都不要想当然!but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing” (Deut 7:25-26). As I said earlier, believers and followers of YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS) must pray for discernment and take nothing for granted!

我辨別出这是邪恶,邪恶的女巫在寻找祭物。这是如此的嘲弄,卖家甚至自称为 “天国的金发女郎” 。这是她在易趣网(Ebay)上的名字!I discerned this is an evil, evil witch looking for a sacrifice. It is such a mockery, the seller even calls herself “blondesinHeaven.” That’s her name on Ebay! 甚至那个帐户名的选择一定也是有目的的。是否有施过诅咒和行过巫术仪式来吸引(亚呼赎阿的)信徒来(购买)这个吊坠?Even that account name must be chosen for a purpose. And were curses and rituals were done to attract believers to this pendant?

我不知道,除了他们吸引了两个他们不想要吸引的人——两个被圣灵充满的信徒,两位也都是聆听来自天国声音的先知!而现在人们将受到警告!I do not know, except they attracted two they didn’t want—two HOLY GHOST filled believers, who are also both prophets who hear from Heaven! And now people will be warned!

后来,我继续在易趣网(Ebay)上购买一个独特的十字架。我在找一些含有红色宝石的,或石榴石或红宝石的吊坠,其长度为2-3英寸。我找到了一个漂亮又复古的,非常便宜的!我真的很喜欢它!Later, I continued shopping for a unique cross on Ebay. I was looking for something with red gemstones, either garnet or ruby, a pendant between 2 -3 inches in length. I found one that was beautiful and vintage, at a great low price! I really liked it!

于是我祷告: “这是(你)为我选择的十字架吗?” 我真的希望是如此。它甚至是用真正的红宝石做的。我在祷告中求问, “我能买这个吗?我真的觉得它很美!” So I prayed, “Is this the cross chosen for me?” I really hoped it was. It was even made of genuine rubies. I asked in prayer, “Can I buy this? I really think it’s beautiful!”

我清楚地听见: “不!继续找!” I heard clearly “NO! Move on!”

我被提醒了,只有亚哈威知道哪些人曾拥有过这十字架以及他们的属灵状况。我不知道它是否是从尸体上取下来的,还是被偷来的,多得举不胜举!I’m reminded, only YAH knows who owned the cross and their spiritual condition. I don’t know whether it was removed from a corpse or stolen and the list could go on! 我们不知道它去过哪里,也不知道它上面附着什么诅咒和魔鬼,无论是故意置于其上的,还是通过其它的罪所导致的,所以我们必须要信靠亚哈威来指引我们。我没问, “为什么?” 因为我知道这话 “继续找” 以及 “不” 就是意味着 “不要问!” We don’t know where it’s been or what curses and demons are upon it whether intentionally placed or through other sins, so we must trust YAH to lead us. I didn’t ask, “Why?” because I know the words “Move on” and “NO” mean “Don’t ask!”

戴十字架提醒我,我们要背起我们的十字架来跟随亚呼赎阿。我不戴亚呼赎阿受难像的十字架,因为亚呼赎阿不该重新被钉十字架!Wearing a cross reminds me, we are to pick up our cross and follow YAHUSHUA. I don’t wear a crucifix because YAHUSHUA is not on the cross to be crucified anew!尽管如此,一个简单的十字架仍然是我信仰的标志。每当我拿着十字架祈祷的时候,便受到安慰。如今这却令我悲伤Nonetheless, a simple cross is still a symbol of my faith. I feel comforted as I hold a cross at times when I pray. Now it grieves me, 我知道当撒旦的崇拜者和背弃者,如麦当娜(Madonna)、奥兹.奥斯本(Ozzy Osborne)之流佩戴十字架,却褻渎十字架的真意的时候,整个天国也是如此悲伤!and I know all of Heaven, when the satan-worshipers and reprobate, like Madonna, Ozzy Osborne and others, wear and defile the very meaning of the Cross!

被弃者和异教徒穿衣服。但这并不是停止穿衣服的理由!他们呼吸空气!那么难道我们就应该停止呼吸吗?The reprobate and heathen wear clothing. But this is not a reason to stop wearing clothes! They breath air! Should we then stop breathing? 也许这就是他们想要的,但我绝对不会允许他们剥夺我的生命,我的信仰和我信仰的标志。Maybe that’s what they would want, but certainly I will not allow them to deprive me of my life, my faith and symbols of my faith.

这是可怕的悲哀,异教徒如何把十字架作为服装配饰和纯粹的时尚配饰戴在身上。然而,我不会仅仅因为那些被弃者异教徒把十字架当作仿冒品和一种嘲弄而佩戴在身上就停止佩戴它!就像我说的,他们穿衣服。It’s terribly sad how the heathen wear crosses as costume jewelry and mere fashion accessories. Yet I’m not going to stop wearing a cross just because the reprobate heathen wear it as a counterfeit and mockery! As I said, they wear clothes. 那么难道我们就应该反其道而行之,光着身子到处走吗?他们呼吸。那么难道我们就应该屏住呼吸然后死去吗?绝不!Should we then walk around naked instead? They breath. Should we then hold our breath and die? No way!

我之所以想要一个石榴石或红宝石的十字架,是因为新血约,亚呼赎阿(耶穌的希伯来圣名)的救赎宝血,是红色的(马太福音26:26-29)。The reason I want a garnet or ruby cross is because it’s color is red for the Redeeming Blood of YAHUSHUA (Hebrew for JESUS), the New Blood Covenant (Matt 26:26-29).



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...