A Biblical Analysis of Halloween
A. Introduction
尽管万圣节仅在过去的两到三代中才在美国变得很重要,但它的起源却是古老的。万圣节最初被称为“ Samhain”-专注于死亡的异教徒凯尔特人庆祝活动。Though Halloween has become prominent in America only within the past two or three generations, its origins are ancient. Halloween was originally called "Samhain" - a pagan Celtic celebration that focused on death. 居住在不列颠群岛(尤其是爱尔兰)和西欧部分地区(尤其是法国)的异教徒凯尔特部落居民认为,10月31日,鬼魂和其他精神生物访问了萨姆海因夏娃的住所,因此他们向他们那天晚上。The heathen Celtic tribesmen, who lived in the British Isles, especially Ireland, and parts of Western Europe, especially France, believed that ghosts and other spirit-beings visited the land of the living on Samhain Eve, October 31, so they presented offerings to them on that night.
B. Samhain / Halloween:古代异教徒庆典
B. Samhain/Halloween: An Ancient Pagan Celebration
1.萨姆海因庆祝凯尔特人新年,标志着凯尔特人从夏女神到冬至的有角神的过渡。1.Samhain celebrated the Celtic New Year and marked the transition from the Celts’ summer goddess to the horned god of the winter solstice.
2.一个死者的节日——凯尔特人认为死者的灵魂和其他灵魂存在(恶魔)是他们的Samhain(万圣节)庆祝活动的参与者。2.A festival of the dead-the Celts believed that the spirits of the dead and other spirit-beings (demons) were participants in their Samhain (Halloween) celebrations.
3.庆祝万圣节的凯尔特部落德鲁伊教士。根据古代基督教传教士的说法,人类的牺牲是他们崇拜的一部分。3. Druids-priests of the Celtic tribes who celebrated Halloween. According to ancient Christian missionaries, human sacrifices were part of their worship.
4. Pagan origin of familiar Halloween practices
a. 实行不给糖果就捣蛋的家庭会把食物投给鬼魂和恶魔,以免伤害他们。a. Trick-or-treat-families would put out food for the ghosts and demons so they would not harm them.
b. 南瓜灯最初是雕刻的精神存在图像。最初,是在萝卜或土豆雕刻一张丑陋的面孔,然后在里面上放一个灯。b. Jack-o’-lanterns-started out as carved images of spirit-beings. Originally, a light was put into a turnip or potato which had an ugly face carved into it. 南瓜灯的目的之一可能是要吓退那些被认为在万圣节之夜入侵大地的灵魂,并让它们回到死者世界。One purpose of the jack-o’-lanterns was probably to frighten the spirits who were thought to invade the earth on Halloween night into going back to the world of the dead.
C. 篝火——看字典会发现该作品的起源是“骨头大火”——指含有骨头的大火。为什么是篝火?是为了帮助太阳在冬天“生存”;吓坏恶魔;用于动物,也可能用于人类的献祭。c. Bonfires-a look at the dictionary will reveal that the origin of this work is "bone-fire"-referring to large fires containing bones. Why bonfires? To help the sun "survive" the winter; to frighten off evil spirits; used for animals, and possibly human sacrifices.
d. 咬苹果在最初是作为一种占卜技术。在某些地区,这种传统仍在继续。d. Bobbing for apples-began as a technique of divination. In some areas, this tradition continues.
e. 奇怪的服饰——凯尔特人在万圣节期间将自己隐藏在可怕的伪装中,以便徘徊的鬼滚将它们误认为是自己的同类,以防意外发生。e. Bizarre costumes-The Celts hid themselves in ghoulish disguises at Halloween so that wandering spirits would mistake them for one of their own and pass by without incident. 戴着面具的村民们代表死者的灵魂,他们还试图通过组队游行来欺骗鬼魂,并将鬼魂们带到城镇边界。Masked villagers representing the souls of the dead also attempted to trick the spirits by forming a Parade and leading them to the town limits.
f. 骨骼,头骨和尸体——这些自然地属于万圣节,是庆祝死亡的节日。f. Skeletons, skulls, and corpses-these naturally belong to Halloween as a festival celebrating death.
g. 蝙蝠和猫头鹰自古以来就与万圣节有关。异教徒凯尔特人认为猫头鹰能够与死者交流。g. Bats and owls-have been associated with Halloween since ancient times; the pagan Celts believed owls were able to communicate with the dead.
h. 地精,恶魔,鬼魂,食尸鬼——古代凯尔特人的异教徒认为它们具有特殊的自由,在万圣节时可以在人间自由活动。h. Goblins, demons, ghosts, ghouls-these were thought by the ancient Celtic pagans to have special freedom to travel about among the living at Halloween.
C. Halloween and the Christian Church
1.强烈反对万圣节——古代基督徒拒绝并憎恨他的偶像崇拜节日。1. Strong opposition to Halloween-The ancient Christians rejected and detested his idolatrous festival.
2.万圣日和万灵节作为万圣节的替代品——为了提供基督教的替代品,教堂与异教徒一起在同一时间开始庆祝万圣节或万圣节和万灵盛宴假日。2. All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days as alternatives to Halloween- To provide a Christian alternative, churches began to celebrate the Feast of All Hallows, or All Saints, and the Feast of All Souls at the same time of year as the pagan holiday. 萨姆海因(Samhain)从“万圣节”的盛宴中取了“万圣节”的名字,但这从来都不是基督徒的假期。实际上,许多受欢迎的万圣节活动都来自异教徒和对邪魔的崇拜。Samhain picked up the name "Halloween" from the feast of All Hallows, but it has never been a Christian holiday. Many popular Halloween activities actually come from paganism and demon-worship.
D. Halloween in America
1. Why do Americans celebrate Halloween?
许多父母对万圣节这一令人毛骨悚然的方面感到不舒服,但他们却不情愿剥夺孩子的假期,这似乎是美国人生活中不可或缺的一部分。Many parents are uncomfortable with the gruesome aspects of Halloween, but feel reluctant to deprive their children of a holiday that seems so much a part of American life. 但是,万圣节根本不是真正的美国假期。小朝圣孩子们从来没有学会说“捣蛋!”But Halloween is not really an American holiday at all. The little Pilgrim children never learned to say "Trick or treat!" 当他还是个男孩的时候,乔治·华盛顿从未在10月31日出去寻找糖果,亚伯拉罕·林肯曾经打扮成海盗或强盗来庆祝万圣节。When he was a boy, George Washington never went out hunting for candy on October 31, and Abraham Lincoln ever dressed up as a pirate or a robber to celebrate Halloween. 这个假期直到1800年代中期才为全国所知,直到那时,来自欧洲凯尔特人地区的一大批移民带来了古老的万圣节习俗。This holiday was not nationally known and observed until the middle of the 1800’s, when a large wave of immigrants from Celtic areas of Europe brought the old Halloween customs with hem.
2.在美国南方,伏都教和Santeria的神秘活动影响了万圣节的常见习俗。2. In American South, the occult practices of voodoo and Santeria influenced common Halloween practices.
3. Changing American Halloween practices and attitudes
a. 多年来,万圣节变得越来越暴力,直到1920年代,社区领导人才开始非常关注“万圣节问题”。a. Halloween became more and more violent over the years, until in the 1920’s community leaders became very concerned about "the Halloween problem."
b. 为了应对万圣节恶作剧的破坏性,重新引入了古老的万圣节“捣蛋”习俗。我们知道的万圣节——一个儿童假期——很大程度上是1950年代的产物。b. In response to the destructiveness of Halloween pranks, the ancient Halloween custom of trick-or-treating was reintroduced. Halloween as we know it-a children’s holiday-is largely a creation of the 1950’s.
Halloween Today
A. Introduction
我们中的许多人都被认为是女巫是神话人物,只有在童话故事和卡通片中才能找到。这很接近事实。直到本世纪下半叶,美国对巫术的兴趣很少。Many of us were raised to think of witches as mythological characters, found only in fairy tales and cartoons. And that was close to the truth. Until the last half of this century, there was little interest in witchcraft in the U.S. 不幸的是,情况不再如此。一些万圣节女巫是真实的!实际上,对于女巫来说,万圣节是一年中最重要的日子之一。Unfortunately, this is no longer the case. Some Halloween witches are for real! In fact, Halloween is one of the most important days of the year for witches. 因此,在派遣小孩子与信奉魔法的女巫庆祝之前,先停下来思考一下:实际的女巫正在认真地庆祝同一假期。So before you send your little ones off to celebrate with make-believe witches, pause to reflect: actual witches are celebrating the same holiday in earnest.
B. 与今天的万圣节有关的神秘实践
B. Occult Practices associated with Halloween today
每年10月,全国各地的报纸文章都在作证,现代女巫热衷于庆祝万圣节。As newspaper articles from around the country attest each October, modern witches are deeply devoted to the celebration of Halloween. 一些女巫渴望将万圣节“恢复”为一个严肃的宗教节日,致力于与死者和其他神秘活动相通。Some witches are anxious to "reclaim" Halloween as a serious religious holiday devoted to communion with the dead and other occult practices.
万圣节是撒旦教徒最重要的两个“邪恶时期”之一。 Halloween is one of the Satanists’ two most important "unholy days."
新异教徒有时会通过参与女权主义或环境激进主义而进入神秘主义,他们通常也将万圣节视为他们两个最高假期之一。Neo-pagans, who sometimes enter occultism through involvement in feminism or environmental activism, often also consider Halloween one of their two highest holidays.
每个万圣节都会进行认真和广为宣传的与死者接触的尝试。Serious and well-publicized attempts to contact the dead are held each Halloween.
C. Violence and Terror
1.我们社区中的暴力行为——最近的万圣节报导指出,暴力行为是纽约市和美国其他许多社区的年度万圣节传统。1. Violence in our communities- Violence is an annual Halloween tradition in New York City and many other communities across the country, as newspaper reports from recent Halloweens indicate. 需要额外的警察巡逻;学生有时会因为害怕暴力而害怕在万圣节上学。Extra police patrols are needed; students are sometimes afraid to go to school on Halloween for fear of violence.
2.有毒的糖果,苹果中的剃刀刀片等。“将零食装在袋子中,直到孩子们回家。切开并检查所有水果。扔掉所有未包裹的糖果。2. Poisoned candy, razor blades in apples, etc- "Keep treats in the bag untilchildren get home. Cut and examine all fruit. Throw away all unwrapped candy. 记得,有些医院提供免费X射线检查万圣节糖果的服务。” 给予父母的万圣节警告,《纽约时报》。Remember that some hospitals X-ray Halloween candy free." From a Halloween warning to parents, The New York Times.
3.与万圣节有关的事件,例如“恶作剧之夜”和“恶魔之夜”,在全国范围内传播了暴力和破坏。3. Halloween-related events, such as "Mischief Night" and "Devil’s Night," spread violence and destruction across the country.
D. Secular responses to the dangers of Halloween
已建立了特别警察部队,以与父母讨论万圣节;十月份某些警察局提供了万圣节“该做”和“不该做”的特别小册子。Special police units have been created to talk to parents about Halloween; special pamphlets on the "do’s" and "don’ts" of Halloween are available at some police stations in October.
E. Halloween is increasingly an adult holiday that encourages youngsters to drink
反对滥用毒品的积极份子抱怨说,目标人群为成人的万圣节广告(如酒精饮料等)对于儿童有破坏性影响。Anti-drug-abuse activists have complained about the destructive influence on children of Halloween advertising (for alcoholic beverages, etc.) supposedly aimed at adults.
F. Halloween is a time when it is easy to introduce children to drug abuse and other harmful practices
警方警告说,在万圣节,孩子特别容易被诱使或诱骗,因此父母应注意陌生人或毒贩。Police have warned that children can be especially easily lured or swayed at Halloween, so that parents should be on the lookout for strangers or drug dealers.
The Lure of the Occult
A. Extent of Occult beliefs among young people
在对13至17岁青少年进行的一次疾驰调查中,有29%的人表示他们相信巫术。In a Gallop poll of teenagers ages 13-17, twenty-nine percent said they believed in witchcraft; 22%的人表示他们相信幽灵;一半的受访者表示对ESP的相信。twenty-two percent indicated that they believed in ghosts; fully half of the respondents expressed belief in ESP.
B. Growing Occult influences on children
通过电影和音乐,超自然现象已成为青少年文化中越来越多的部分,As the supernatural has become an increasing part of teen-age culture through movies and music, 并且青少年对神秘主义的兴趣日渐浓厚,越来越多的美国青少年似乎在拥抱病态的异教徒习俗万圣节。and as interest in occultism has mushroomed among teenagers, a growing number of American teenagers appear to be embracing the morbid, pagan rituals of Halloween year-round.
C. Halloween’s cumulative influence on children
参赞温德尔·阿姆斯图兹(Wendell Amstutz)说:“我知道人们会说,'这是一年一次,或者仅仅几个星期。'Counselor Wendell Amstutz remarks, "I know that people will say, ‘It’s once a year, or just for a few week.’ 作为一名辅导员,我知道在短短几周内可以学到很多东西,而且学到了很多。一年又一年的重复,几周的万圣节庆祝可能会产生重大影响。”As a counselor, I know much can be and is learned in just a few weeks. Repeated year after year, the few weeks of celebration of Halloween can leave a significant impact."
Halloween: How To Respond
1.理解圣经所说的Understanding what the Bible says
2.仇恨邪恶-不要以邪恶为乐。上帝认为巫术和所有其他神秘活动都是邪恶的:Hate evil-don’t delight in it. God views witchcraft and all other occult activities as evil:
“行邪术的女人,不可容他存活。” 出 22:18
"You shall not permit a sorceress to live." Ex. 22:18
“ “你们不可转向那些交鬼的和行法术的;不可求问他们,玷污自己;我是耶和华你们的神。” 利19:31
"Give no regards to mediums and familiar spirits; do not seek after them, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God ." Lev 19:31
““如果有人转向交鬼的和行法术的,随从他们行淫,我必向那人变脸,把他从他的族人中剪除。” 利20:6
"And the person who turns after mediums and familiar spirits, to prostitute himself with them, I will set my face against that person, and cut him off from his people." Lev 20:6
“……又占卜、行邪术、用法术、交鬼和通灵;作了很多耶和华看为恶的事,惹他发怒。 ” 历代志下 33:6
"....he practiced soothsaying, used witchcraft and sorcery, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger." 2 Chron 33:6
“ 肉体所行的都是显而易见的……拜偶像、行邪术、仇恨、和类似的事……行这些事的人,必定不能承受神的国。” 加5:20
"Now the works of the flesh of evident, which are ......idolatry, sorcery, hatred.... and the like.......that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." Gal 5:20
Halloween: This Trick is NO Treat!
埃里克·巴格(Eric Barger)和大卫·贝努瓦(David Benoit)
By Eric Barger & David Benoit
当我们还是孩子的时候,我们总是期待万圣节。我们不知道它是如何开始的,或者它背后的含义是什么。我们所知道的是,我们可以打扮得有趣,穿行在附近,人们会给我们糖果。When we were kids growing up, we always looked forward to Halloween. We knew nothing about how it began, or what the meanings were behind it. All we knew was that we could get dressed up funny and go through the neighborhood and people would give us candy.
您将收到的信息是为了帮助您了解万圣节的严重性。这不是要破坏您的乐趣,而是要问一个问题:我们作为基督徒,是否应该参加一个历史和习俗都是为了死者的节日?The information you are about to receive is to help you understand the seriousness of Halloween. It is not to spoil your fun, but to ask the question: Should we, as Christians, join in a festival whose history and practices are for the dead? 如今,万圣节在零售业中的营业额仅次于圣诞节,是仅次于圣诞节的十亿美元业务,因此很少有人了解这种神秘庆祝活动的真正本质和历史基础。 Today, with Halloween being a billion dollar business second only to Christmas in retailing, few understand the true nature and historic foundations of this occult celebration.
Origin of Halloween
“万圣节”一词实际上起源于天主教堂。它来自“万圣夜”,“万圣节”或“諸聖节”。The word "Halloween" actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from the words "All Hallows Eve," "All Hallows Day," or "All Saints Day." 这一天是为纪念圣徒而设的。这个假期的建立是为了设法让人们将注意力从每年10月这一天发生的异教习俗转移开。This day was set aside to honor saints. The holiday was founded to try and divert attention away from the pagan practices taking place on this day each October. 尽管可能是出于好主意,但尝试将异教徒的做法“基督教化”永远不会令上帝满意,万圣节可能是最生动的例子。一些人认为,在1840年代逃离马铃薯饥荒的爱尔兰移民可能将万圣节的起源带到美国。Though perhaps well intentioned, trying to "Christianize" pagan practices can never be pleasing to God, and Halloween may be the most vivid example of this. Some believe Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine may have brought its origins to America in the 1840s.
在神秘和巫术界,10月31日代表着称为Samhain(发音为sow-en)的礼拜日。这是凯尔特人的新年。历史告诉我们,凯尔特人是地球神,林地精灵和太阳神的崇拜者。In occult and witchcraft circles, October 31 represents a day of worship called Samhain (pronounced sow-en). This is the Celtic New Year. History tells us that the Celtic people were worshipers of earth gods, woodland spirits, and sun deities. 一位传奇人物解释说,在萨姆海因礼拜日上,这年里死人的灵魂都会回来寻找下一年要附身的身体。One legend explains that on Samhain the spirits of all those who had died throughout the year would come back in search of living bodies to possess for the next year.人们相信这是他们进入来世的唯一希望。这也是活人与死者交流的日子。这种做法称为死灵法术。 It was believed to be their only hope for entering the afterlife. It was also the day that the living were to communicate with the dead. This practice is called necromancy.
申命记18:11告诉我们,上帝认为这种作法是邪恶的。我们在电影《第六感》,《 狮子王》和《鬼魂》等电影中看见死灵法术的例子, 仅举几例。Deuteronomy 18:11 tells us that God considers this practice evil. We see examples of necromancy portrayed in movies like The Sixth Sense, Lion King, and Ghost, to name a few. 无论仪式的开始地点或方式如何,都可以确定一件事——除非是圣灵,否则上帝禁止与任何精神/灵魂接触!Regardless of where or how the ritual practice started, one thing is certain—God forbids contacting any spirit unless it’s the Holy Spirit!
Symbols of Halloween
不给糖就捣蛋。Trick or Treat.
Here are three of the possible origins of present day "trick or treating":
a.在万圣节的早期练习中,人们害怕灵魂伤害他们的房屋,因此他们会把零食放在房屋外,让它们保持愉快。a. In the early practice of Halloween, people were afraid of spirits doing harm to their home, so they would leave treats out side their homes to keep them happy.
b. 欧洲人试图通过称其为“灵魂化”来使这一异教仪式“基督教化”。他们会出去收集灵魂蛋糕。您收到的蛋糕越多,您为死去的亲戚所发出的祈祷就越多。b. The Europeans tried to "Christianize" this pagan ritual by calling it "souling." They would go out and collect soul cakes. The more cakes you would receive, the more prayers you would send up for your dead relatives.
c. 为了庆祝收成,凯尔特人会向众神献祭食物。他们经常挨家挨户收集食物捐献给神灵。c. In celebration of the recently completed harvest, Celts would give offerings of food to the gods. They often went from door to door to collect food to donate to their deities. 历史告诉我们,在万圣节前夕,凯尔特人会恐吓农村和平民,屠宰牲畜,并以此取悦他们的神灵。History tells us that on Halloween the Celts would terrorize the countryside and populace, butcher cattle, and take it as spoil to please their gods.
今天的“不给糖就捣蛋”包括从一家到另一家,并从所有邻居那里接收糖果。Today’s trick-or-treating consists of going from house to house and receiving candy from all the neighbors. 即使万圣节完全无害且没有异教徒的传统,我仍然会担心带着孩子挨家挨户和从我可能不认识的人那里拿糖果。Even if Halloween were totally harmless and free from pagan tradition, I would still be concerned about taking my children door-to-door and taking candy from people that I may not know. 在这一年的剩余时间里,我们教我们的孩子不要从陌生人身上取任何东西。但是在万圣节,我们违反了自己的规则!!!Throughout the rest of the year, we teach our children not to take anything from a stranger. But on Halloween we break our own rules!!!
南瓜灯。The Jack o’Lantern.
10月31日前夕,生活在如今的英国和法国北部的凯尔特人会提着灯笼。The Celts that lived in what is now Great Britain and northern France would carry a lantern when they walked on the eve of October 31. 这些灯笼是用大萝卜雕刻而成的,被认为可以避开邪灵。孩子们在萝卜上雕刻了面孔,称它们为“jack o’lanterns”。人们后来开始使用南瓜来承载更大的光线。These lanterns were carved out of big turnips and the lights were believed to keep the evil spirits away. Children carved faces in the turnips calling them "jack o’lanterns." People later started to use the pumpkin in order to carry a bigger light.
杰克灯笼(南瓜灯)的背后的神话是,一个名叫杰克的人与魔鬼缔结了协定,只能在黑暗中漫无目的地游荡,他只有一块从地狱来的煤块,放在大萝卜中引导他。The myth behind the jack o’lantern was that a man named Jack made a pact with the Devil and had to wander aimlessly through the darkness with only a piece of coal from hell in a turnip to guide him.
许多人相信如果一个人与魔鬼缔结了条约,就永远不能成为基督徒。这不是真的。There are many people who believe that a person can never become a Christian because they have made a pact with the Devil. This is not true. 在一个人接受基督之前,他们已经属于魔鬼。亚呼赎亚在约翰福音8:44a中告诉我们:“ 你們是出於你們的父魔鬼,你們父的私慾你們偏要行。”Before a person accepts Christ they already belong to the Devil. In John 8:44a Jesus tell us, "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do."
但是邀请亚呼赎亚进入他们的心中会让人们自由!那么,魔鬼为什么要和本来就属于它的人打交道呢?如果您呼求上帝原谅您——无论您的过去如何,祂今天都会听到您的声音。But inviting Jesus into their hearts sets men free! So, why would the Devil make a deal with someone when they are already his? If you call on God to forgive you—no matter what your past was like—He will hear you today.
大卫和埃里克在小时候,总是被告知巫婆是虚构的。但是,女巫是真实的。圣经在几段中谈到了它们。When David and Eric were growing up, they were always told that witches were make-believe. But, witches are real. The Bible talks about them in several passages. 今天,巫术已成为我们美国青年中非常流行的宗教。谁会想到,密歇根州底特律的一名17岁的荣誉学生可以起诉她的学校,要求有佩戴五角星的权利,这是她维肯宗教的象征。Today witchcraft is a very popular religion among our youth in America. Who would have ever thought that a seventeen-year-old honor student in Detroit, Michigan, could sue her school for the right to wear her pentagram, which is a symbol of her Wiccan religion. 根据1999年2月10日的《芝加哥论坛报》,这正是Crystal Seifferly所做的。This is exactly what Crystal Seifferly did, according to the Chicago Tribune, February 10, 1999.
Wiccan宗教不信仰魔鬼或撒旦。他们相信五种元素,它们是力量的假神。五个元素是土,风,火,水和精神。The Wiccan religion does not believe in the Devil or Satan. They believe in five elementals, which are the false gods of forces. The five elementals are earth, wind, fire, water, and spirits. 女巫不自称是魔鬼的崇拜者。巫婆不相信圣经是真实的,所以他们不会接受圣经中的人物来崇拜。许多女巫将躲藏在环保主义的后面,作为对盖亚(Gaia)崇拜的掩盖,盖亚被称为“地球母亲”。Witches do not claim to be Devil worshippers. Witches do not believe the Bible is true so they will not accept a character from the Bible to worship. Many witches will hide behind environmentalism as a cover-up for the worship of Gaia, the goddess called "Mother Earth."
黑猫。The Black Cat.
长期以来,黑猫一直与巫术有关。关于猫,许多迷信都得到了发展。人们认为,女巫可以变成猫。有些人还认为猫是死者的灵魂。The black cat has long been associated with witchcraft. Many superstitions have evolved about cats. It was believed that witches could change into cats. Some people also believed that cats were the spirits of the dead. 死去的亲戚和朋友通常会回来,他们的灵魂居住在一种动物(通常是黑猫)中。黑猫至今仍是万圣节的象征。Friends and relatives who had died would often return, with their souls inhabiting an animal—often a black cat. Black cats have remained a symbol of Halloween to the present. 据信,在新年除夕(10月31日)前夕,萨姆海因召集了所有死者。死者会采取不同的形式,恶魔会以动物的形式出现,而最邪恶的人则以猫的形式出现。On the eve before their New Year (October 31), it was believed that Samhain called together all of the deceased. The dead would take different forms, with the evil spirits taking the form of animals—the most wicked taking the form of cats.
相信人们从死里复活并不是基督教的信仰。这种信念被称为轮回。圣经教导说,人只死一次。“按著定命,人人都有一死,死後且有審判。”(希伯来书9:27)。The belief in people coming back from the dead is not a Christian belief. That belief is called reincarnation. The Bible teaches that man dies only once. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).
穿着服装。Dressing in Costumes.
在萨姆海因(Samhain)节期间,会有一个火祭来纪念死神。在山顶上点燃神圣的篝火,以纪念假神。During the festival of Samhain, there was a fire festival to honor the god of death. Sacred bonfires were lit on the tops of hills in honor of the false gods. 历史告诉我们,在萨姆海恩篝火之后,人们害怕在黑暗中回家。他们担心被灵魂占据。History tells us that after the bonfire to Samhain, people were afraid to walk home in the dark. They were in fear of being possessed by spirits. 因此,他们穿着盛装打扮,并在火炬的身上雕刻出恐怖的面孔。他们希望灵魂会被吓走而不会打扰他们。So they dressed up in costumes and carved scary faces in their fire holders. They hoped that the spirits would be frightened and not bother them.
他们自己都不知道,当今社会的孩子们穿着各种服装,是在继续这种异教徒习俗。南瓜现在是雕刻面孔的首选对象。全世界在恶魔崇拜中仍戴着死亡面具。Without even knowing it, children in our society today continue this pagan practice by dressing up in various costumes. Pumpkins are now the objects of choice to carve faces into. The wearing of death masks is still used around the world in demon worship.
In Conclusion…
在申命记18:10-12中,上帝给了他的子民九个他们要远离的东西。许多做法与万圣节的传统息息相关,并直接违背了上帝的圣言。In Deuteronomy 18:10–12, God gave His people nine things they were to stay away from. Many of the practices go hand in hand with the traditions of Halloween and go directly against God’s Word.
1.人类牺牲:在远古时代,他们会将孩子献给虚假的火神。篝火由敬拜火神的异教徒使用,如巴力。为了安抚这些神灵,他们会在火中献上孩子。1. Human sacrifice: In ancient times, they would offer children to false gods of fire. The bonfire was used by pagans who worshipped fire gods, like Baal. To appease these gods, they would offer children in the fire.
2.占卜/算命:如果您看很多电视,您将不会错过心理学家和那些想知道自己未来的人的广告。圣经谴责这种做法。2. Divination/fortune telling: If you watch much TV, you can’t miss the advertisements of psychics and people who are suppose to know your future. This practice is condemned in the Bible.
3.时代的观察者:这是占星术。基督徒不相信星星可以指引他们的生活。基督徒相信上帝会通过他的话语来指导我们的生活。3. Observer of times: This is astrology. Christians do not believe that the stars can guide their life. Christians believe that God will guide our lives through His Word.
4.附魔:使用咏唱咒语的人。4. Enchanter: A person who uses chants to cast spells.
5.女巫:女巫不是虚构人物。出埃及记22:18说:“行邪术的女人,不可容他存活。” 5. Witch: Witches are not make-believe characters. Exodus 22:18 says: "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." 尽管新约基督徒当然不容忍旧约处死女巫的做法,但事实是他们已成为当今我们文化中的公认成员。Though New Testament Christians certainly do not condone the Old Testament practice of executing witches, the fact is they have become accepted members in our culture today.
6.魅惑:某人为保护您或诅咒他人而制造的物品。6. Charmer: Objects that are made by someone to protect you or curse others.
7. 顾问或者使魔:使魔是一种模仿死者的灵魂。7. Consulter of familiar spirits: a familiar spirit is a spirit that impersonates a person who is dead.
8.巫师,魔术师或巫师:使用魔术控制人或使用神秘实践诱使人们使用巫术的人。8. A wizard, magician, or sorcerer: a person who uses magic to control people or uses occult practices to entice people into witchcraft.
9.死灵法师:声称与死者联系的人。9. Necromancer: someone who claims to contact the dead.
申命记18:10–12说:10“你们中间不可有人使儿女经火,也不可有占卜的、观兆的、用法术的、行邪术的、11用迷术的、交鬼的、行巫术的、过阴的。Deuteronomy. 18:10–12 says: "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12凡行这些事的都为亚哈威所憎恶;因那些国民行这可憎恶的事,所以耶和华 ─ 你的神将他们从你面前赶出。”For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee."
您可能还有另一个问题:我该如何处理生活中与巫术有关的事情?遵循使徒行传19:18-20,其中说:You may have another question: What should I do with those things in my life that are associated with witchcraft? Follow Acts 19:18-20 which states:
“那已经信的,多有人来承认诉说自己所行的事。平素行邪术的,也有许多人把书拿来,堆积在众人面前焚烧。 "And many that believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: 他们算计书价,便知道共合五万块钱。主的道大大兴旺,而且得胜,就是这样。”and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed."
那么,我们这个开放性问题的答案是什么?基督徒应该参与异教徒的万圣节假期吗?不!So, what is the answer to our opening question—should a Christian be involved with the pagan holiday of Halloween? No! 以弗所书5:11说:“ 那暗昧无益的事,不要与人同行,倒要责备行这事的人;” 基督徒不仅不应该参与邪恶,我们还要揭露它!Ephesians 5:11 says, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." Not only should a Christian not partake in evil, we are to expose it!
But there is a more important question . . .
基督要我们服从,但首先他要我们的心。Christ is asking for our obedience, but first He wants our hearts. 祂愿意任何呼唤祂名字的人都可以得到拯救,并从黑暗中拯救出来。巫婆,撒旦主义者,凶手。。。没关系,祂可以并且会原谅你!赞美神!He is willing that anyone who calls on His name can be saved and be delivered from darkness. Witch, Satanist, murderer . . . it doesn’t matter, He can and will forgive you! Praise God!
救赎的步骤很简单。The steps to salvation are simple.
•您必须承认自己犯了对上帝的罪行。“因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了神的荣耀;”(罗马书3:23)。• You must admit that you have sinned against God. "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
•您必须明白,罪的刑罚是死。“因为罪的工价乃是死;惟有神的恩赐,在我们的主基督亚呼赎亚里,乃是永生。”(罗马书6:23)。• You must understand the penalty for sin is death. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
•无论您做什么,都需要了解上帝爱您。 “惟有基督在我们还作罪人的时候为我们死,神的爱就在此向我们显明了。” (罗马书5:8)• You need to understand that God loves you no matter what you have done. "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8)
•您必须承认亚呼赎亚基督是真正的弥赛亚,并得到他的救恩。“你若口里认耶稣为主,心里信神叫他从死里复活,就必得救。• You must confess that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah and receive His gift of salvation. "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 因为人心里相信,就可以称义;口里承认,就可以得救。”(罗马书10:9-10)。For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation" (Romans 10: 9–10).
Ten Reasons Christians Should Not Celebrate Halloween
克比·安德森(Kerby Anderson)
Kerby Anderson
我们现今社会中许多人认为,万圣节无非是让孩子们收集糖果的无害节日。但真的是这样吗?Many in our secular society believe Halloween is nothing more than a harmless festival that allows kids to collect candy. But is it? 它的起源深深扎根于神秘学,基督徒应该远离。以下是十个原因。Its origins lie deeply rooted in the occult, and Christians should stay away. Here are ten reasons why.
1. 10月31日早已被称为“亡灵节”。凯尔特部落和他们的祭司德鲁伊庆祝这活动,以标志由生向死的转变。1. October 31st has long been known as "The Festival of the Dead." The Celtic tribes and their priests the Druids celebrated this day as a marker for the change from life to death.
2. 现今的万圣节通常是由巫术的信奉者执行的,他们使用黑夜作为仪式。女巫将万圣节视为“女巫节”并庆祝,这是巫术年的第一个盛宴。2. Halloween today is performed usually by adherents of witchcraft who use the night for their rituals. Witches celebrate Halloween as the "Feast of Samhain," the first feast of the witchcraft year. 作为死者的节日,万圣节是女巫试图通过各种占卜与死者交流的时候。Being a festival of the dead, Halloween is a time when witches attempt to communicate with the dead through various forms of divination.
3. 基督徒不应参与超自然实践或占卜。注意申命记18中上帝关于占卜的命令。3. Christians should not be involved with occultic practice or divination. Note God's command against divination in Deuteronomy 18.
4. 神秘学家相信万圣节是生与死之间过渡的时期。一些神秘的修行者练习了占卜,并相信如果躺在坟墓上,就能够聆听死者的信息,从而学习生活和智慧的秘密。4. Occultists believe Halloween is a time of transition between life and death. Some occult practitioners practiced divination and believed you could learn the secrets of life and wisdom by lying on a grave and listening to the messages from the long-departed.
5. 神秘学家还教导说,灵体和鬼魂会在今晚离开坟墓,在它们生前的住所寻找温暖。5. Occultists also taught that spirits and ghosts left the grave during this night and would seek out warmth in their previous homes. 村民恐怕前人的幽灵可能拜访他们,他们会盛装打扮,以吓走路上的灵魂。Villagers, fearful of the possibility of being visited by the ghosts of past occupants, would dress up in costumes to scare the spirits on their way.他们还将食物和其他零食留家中门前,以安抚鬼魂,使它们不会破坏自己的房屋或庄稼,而是继续前进。They would also leave food and other treats at their door to appease the spirits so they would not destroy their homes or crops but instead move on down the road. 这就是如今的孩子以服装打扮,挨家挨户寻找美食的真正原因。 That is the real reason why kids dress up in costumes today and go door-to-door seeking treats.
6. 神秘学家还试图通过在南瓜上雕刻出一张恐怖的面孔来吓退灵魂。透过南瓜上可怕的容貌,能够将鬼魂转移到另一个房屋或村庄,使该房屋免遭破坏。6. Occultists also would try to scare away the spirits by carving a scary face into a pumpkin. This horrible visage would hopefully move the spirit on to another home or village and spare that home from destruction. 有时,村民会点燃蜡烛并将其放在南瓜中,然后用作灯笼(因此得名Jack-o-Lantern南瓜灯)。这就是在万圣节雕刻南瓜的起源。Sometimes the villagers would light a candle and place it within the pumpkin and use it as a lantern (hence the name, Jack-o-Lantern). This is the origin of carving pumpkins at Halloween.
7. 在某些巫术之约中,结束仪式包括吃一个苹果或参加生育仪式。在圣经中(创世记3章),吃了一块水果就给世人带来了罪恶和死亡。7. In some witchcraft covens, the closing ritual includes eating an apple or engaging in fertility rites. In the Bible (Genesis 3), eating a piece of fruit brought sin and death into the world. 在巫术中,吃一个苹果象征着生命。咬苹果的习俗汇集了两种异教徒的传统:占卜和生育仪式。In witchcraft, eating an apple is symbolic of bringing life. The practice of bobbing for apples brings together two pagan traditions: divination and the fertility ritual.
8.学校正在从圣诞节(通常称为寒假)和复活节(春假)中消除任何宗教含义。然而大部分公立学校依然庆祝万圣节,这个超自然背景的节日,这不是很讽刺吗?8. Schools are removing any religious significance from Christmas (often called winter break) and Easter (spring break). Isn't it ironic that most public schools still celebrate Halloween even though it has occultic origins?
9.参加万圣节将提倡一个关于女巫,占卜,鬼屋和其他神秘主义活动的节日。9. Participating in Halloween gives sanction to a holiday that promotes witches, divination, haunted houses, and other occultic practices.
10.基督徒应避免万圣节,并开发有创意的替代方法。教堂可以举办秋季欢乐节和/或庆祝宗教改革日(也是10月31日)。他们不应该认可或宣传万圣节。10. Christians should avoid Halloween and develop creative alternatives. Churches can hold a Fall Fun Festival and/or celebrate Reformation Day (also October 31). They should not endorse or promote Halloween.