What is the TRUE ORIGIN of Christmas? Where did it come from? Who is 'Santa Claus' really?
1 satan's Claws (santa Claus)
圣诞树 The Christmas Tree
把那棵松树砍下来圣诞柴被烧掉之后的早上,异教徒会立一棵树并装饰它,在它周围放上礼物。这代表他们“婴孩王”的新生命。在“冬青王”死去的几天后,他以“橡树之王”的身份再次归来。Give that ol' tree the boot! The morning after the Yule log was burned, pagans would erect a tree and decorate it and surround it with presents. This represented new life to their Child-king. A couple of days after the "Holly kings" death, he came again as the "Oak King". 这种做法可以追溯到古巴比伦时代,如耶利米所说:亚哈威如此说:“你们不要效法列国的行为,也不要为天象惊惶,因列国为此事惊惶。This practice dates back to ancient Babylon as Jeremiah states: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.
众民的风俗是虚空的,他们在树林中用斧子砍伐一棵树,匠人用手工造成偶像。他们用金银装饰它,用钉子和锤子钉稳,使它不动摇。”耶利米书10:2~5 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. Jeremiah 10:2-5
在北半球,一年中有最短的白昼以及最长的黑夜那一天是在12月21日或12月22日,人们称之为“冬至日”。In the Northern hemisphere, the shortest day and longest night of the year falls on December 21 or December 22 and is called the winter solstice. 许多古代人相信太阳是一位神,每年冬天将临的原因是因为太阳神生病而变得虚弱。他们在冬至日庆祝是因为这天意味着太阳神最终开始康复。Many ancient people believed that the sun was a god and that winter came every year because the sun god had become sick and weak. They celebrated the solstice because it meant that at last the sun god would begin to get well. 常青树枝提醒他们当太阳神强壮的时候,所有的绿色植物会再次生长,夏天会回来。Evergreen boughs reminded them of all the green plants that would grow again when the sun god was strong and summer would return.
古埃及人敬拜名叫Ra的神,它有鹰的头,它头顶的冠冕有着如同发光的圆盘一样的太阳。The ancient Egyptians worshipped a god called Ra, who had the head of a hawk and wore the sun as a blazing disk in his crown. 在冬至日那天,当Ra开始从疾病中逐渐恢复时,埃及人用绿棕榈枝铺满他们的家,这些棕榈枝对他们而言意味着生命战胜死亡的胜利。At the solstice, when Ra began to recover from the illness, the Egyptians filled their homes with green palm rushes which symbolized for them the triumph of life over death.
在斯堪的纳维亚凶猛的维京人认为常青树是太阳神巴尔德(Balder)的特别植物。所以圣诞树的起源是深深扎根于敬拜太阳的某种形式。The fierce Vikings in Scandinavia thought that evergreens were the special plant of the sun god, Balder. So the origin of the Christmas Tree is deeply rooted in the worship of the sun in some form or another.
亚哈威对这件事的感受如何呢?要特别留意祂告诉祂的先知以西结的话:How does YAHUVEH feel about this? Take special notice of what he told his prophet Ezekiel...
以西结书8:15-18Ezekiel 8:15-18
祂对我说:“人子啊,你看见了吗?你还要看见比这更可憎的事。”他又领我到亚哈威殿的内院。Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these." And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house, 谁知,在亚哈威的殿门口、廊子和祭坛中间,约有二十五个人,背向亚哈威的殿,面向东方拜日头。"and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east.
祂对我说:“人子啊,你看见了吗?犹大家在此行这可憎的事还算为小吗? Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? 他们在这地遍行强暴,再三惹我发怒,他们手拿枝条举向鼻前。for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.
因此,我也要以忿怒行事,我眼必不顾惜,也不可怜他们,他们虽向我耳中大声呼求,我还是不听。”Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them." - KJV
如果我们真的想要取悦亚哈威,我们还会想要和一个会大大羞辱亚哈威的习俗沾上一丁点关系吗?If we are truly concerned about pleasing YAHUVEH would we want to be associated at all with a custom that brings so much dishonor to him?
12月25日 December 25
这是传统庆祝宁录生日和冬至的日子。有几个理由说明这一天不是耶稣出生的日子。首先,牧羊人当时在夜晚露营照顾他们的羊群。这不可能发生在天气恶劣的冬季。This was traditionally the celebrated birthday of Nimrod as well as the winter solstice. It cannot be when Jesus was born for a couple of reasons. First of all, the shepherds were tending their flocks at night. This would have been impossible due to inclement winter weather. 其次,普查和收税发生在秋天而不是冬天。那么我们为什么还要在12月25日这天庆祝呢?当康斯坦丁大帝在位期间,基督徒与异教徒一直在争战。他试图通过融合两种信仰以给他的国家带来和平。 Second, the census and taxation happened in the fall not the winter. Why do we celebrate on Dec 25th then?When Constantine (pictured) was emperor Christians and pagans were always fighting. He tried to bring peace to his kingdom by merging the beliefs of the two. 异教宗教在12月21日到25日期间庆祝冬至。所以他设立了一个新的节日,允许基督徒在同样的日子里庆祝耶稣的诞生。这样他的王国里每一个人都能庆祝节日。The pagan religion celebrated winter solstice between the 21st and the 25th of December. So he made a new holiday that allowed the Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus on that same day so everyone in his Kingdom would be celebrating.
常青树枝 Evergreen Boughs
这象征着太阳神再次强壮,夏天会再来临。日尔曼民族也会在他们的家中放置冬青或其他常青树来保护他们远避邪灵或冬天的坏天气。This was to symbolize that when the sun god was again strong summer would return. Also the Teutonic peoples placed holly and other evergreens inside their houses to protect from evil spirits and bad winter weather.
礼物 Gifts
许多基督徒声称:赠送礼物是源于智者给婴孩基督送礼物,或上帝把耶稣作为礼物送给世界。东方三博士(智者)赠送礼物不是因为那是耶稣的生日,而是因为祂是一位王,因为他们是在祂出生之后很久才抵达的。Many Christians claim that gifts originate either from the wise men giving gifts to the Christ child, or God's gift to the world of Jesus. The Magi [Wise Men] gave gifts not because it was Jesus' birthday for they arrived long after his birth, but because he was a king.在那些日子里,每次你们去王前觐见,你们都会给礼物。这是习俗。赠送礼物可以追溯到古罗马的农神节、罗马古历的元月初一。这两个节日当然也在12月底期间被庆祝。Every time you came into the presence of a king in those days, you gave a gift. This was the custom. Gift giving dates back to the festivals of Saturnalia and Kalends. These both of course were celebrated during the end of December.
早期的礼物可以是从神圣的树林里折下的祈福树枝也可以是食物。之后,礼物变得越来越精致,如蜡烛或他们的假神雕像。The early gifts ranged from twigs from sacred groves for good luck to food. Later they became more elaborate like candles, or statues of their gods.
The custom of gift-giving on Christmas goes back to Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Kalends. The very first gifts were simple items such as twigs from a sacred grove as good luck emblems.
很快就升级为食物、小首饰、蜡烛、假神的雕像。在早期教会,在这个时候〔罗马的农神节和罗马古历的元月初一〕馈送礼物是异教的遗俗,因此被严重唾弃。然而,人们没有舍弃它。Soon that escalated to food, small items of jewelry, candles, and statues of [false] gods. To the early Church, gift-giving at this time was a pagan holdover and therefore severely frowned upon. However, people would not part with it."
我们已经讨论了异教的农神节是非常谬误的宗教。但请注意,当基督徒首次采用这种做法时,教会对此极为不满,认为这是异教的起源。We've already discussed how false religious the heathen festival of Saturnalia was. But notice that when Christians first adopted the practice the Church severely frowned upon it recognizing how pagan its origins were. 但为什么教会最后同意了呢?是因为他们认定它不是出于异教或不会侮辱神吗?不!仅仅是因为人们不愿舍弃它。And why did the Church finally consent? Because they decided it wasn't pagan and God dishonoring? No, but because the people simply would not part with it. 我们有没有可能也犯了同样的罪──因为我们发现侮辱神的异教徒习俗和巫术这些事情令我们愉悦而固执拒绝舍弃呢?Could we be guilty of the same stubborn refusal to part with God dishonoring, pagan practices and witchcraft because we find them enjoyable too?
槲寄生 Mistletoe
对古代的凯尔特德鲁伊人而言,神圣橡树的槲寄生是特别神圣的。在每个月的第六个晚上,身穿白袍的德鲁伊教祭司会用一把金色的镰刀砍下橡树中的槲寄生。两只白色的公牛会在祷告者中间被献祭,祈祷槲寄生会繁荣。he mistletoe of the sacred oak was especially sacred to the ancient Celtic Druids. On the sixth night of the moon white-robed Druid priests would cut the oak mistletoe with a golden sickle. Two white bulls would be sacrificed amid prayers that the recipients of the mistletoe would prosper. 在圣诞节用槲寄生装饰房间的习俗是德鲁伊教和其它在基督教之前的宗教的遗俗。这是另一个关于圣诞节与其它虚假宗教、异教习俗有很强关联的例子。The custom of using mistletoe to decorate houses at Christmas is a survival of the Druid and other pre-Christian traditions." It was yet another instance where Christmas has strong ties with false religious, pagan practices.
亚哈威在2005年11月27日赐给了我另外一个启示:当你在槲寄生下亲吻某人的时候,你是在诅咒你与那个人的关系,如果你本来想让他们成为所爱的人,或者他们已经是你所爱的人。Here is another revelation given me on the 27th of November, 2005 by YAHUVEH: When you kiss someone underneath mistletoe, you are cursing your relationship with that person if you want them to be a loved one, or if they already are.
你把诅咒带到了这个关系上,这是一个德鲁伊教的习俗,然而所谓的基督徒们也参与其中。You bring a curse upon the relationship, for this is a Druid custom and yet so called Christians are partaking in it.
圣诞柴/圣诞节原木形蛋糕 THE YULE LOG
The custom of burning the yule log began with the ancient Scandinavians who once a year burned a huge log in honor of their god Thor. After they became Christians, they made the yule log an important part of their Christmas ceremonies.
燃烧这块原木是为了荣耀他们的婴孩神,在燃烧圣诞柴的第二天,他们会装饰一棵树,并且在树周围放上礼物。这代表新的生命。 我想这很显然,索尔是一个异教的神,与他相关的任何联结都是与虚假宗教相关的联结。This was burned in honor of their child-god and the next day after the burning of the log they would set up a tree decorated and surrounded with presents. This represented new life.
I think it is obvious that Thor is a heathen god and any ties to him are ties to false religion.
冬青树 Holly
一年中的这个时期是异教徒哀悼他们的“冬青王”在12月21日左右死亡的时间。同样日尔曼民族在他们的房间里安置冬青树和其他的绿色植物,以求保护他们远避邪灵跟糟糕的冬季天气。This time of year for the pagans was to mourn their "Holly king" who died around the 21st of December. Also the Teutonic peoples placed holly and other evergreens inside their houses to protect from evil spirits and bad winter weather.
你认为乔利.圣尼克怎么样?他纯真高兴,真的吗?以圣尼古拉斯为名,是吗?好吧,如今的圣尼克仅有两个地方与现实中的圣尼古拉斯相匹配,就是他的名字和对孩子们的仁慈。And what of Jolly St. Nick? He is an innocent happy, jolly being right? Names after patron saint St. Nicholas right? Well, the only two things that modern St. Nick can claim from the real St. Nicholas are his name and his kindness to children.
除那两点以外,被加上的神话与习俗绝大部分都取材于异教的神索尔(Thor)。索尔居住在北方,在极地的世界最高处。它涉雪履冰地来到我们的世界。From there, the rest of the myth and tradition was added to mostly from the pagan god Thor. Thor lived up north at the top of the world in the Polar Regions. He battled ice and snow to come to our parts of the world. 它有一个用山羊驾驭的雪橇。它惩罚坏孩子们,并赠送礼物给好孩子们。(会知道你是否顽皮或乖巧)He had a sleigh that was driven by goats. He doled out punishments to bad children and presents to well behaved children. (Knows if you have been naughty or nice)
它两只驯鹿的名字来自于异教的神。丘比特(性爱之神)和唐纳(雷神)。很多异教的文化:崇拜灶神,其身穿红色,从烟囱进入房间,祝福那些取悦它的人并诅咒那些不取悦它的人。Two of his reindeer are named after pagan gods. Cupid (god of sexual love) and Donner (god of thunder). Many pagan cultures worshiped a hearth god who wore red, entered the house through the chimney, blessed those who pleased him and cursed those who didn't. 食物被存留以取悦这个神。台湾依然还有灶神,它在12月份的24日出现,向天国报告人类的状况。 在树下把牛奶与饼干留给圣尼克可追溯到很久很久以前,就是以西结先知警告抵挡它的时代…Food was left to appease this god. Taiwan still has a hearth god that appears on the 24th day of the 12th month to report the status of mankind to the heavens.Leaving the milk and cookies to St. Nick under the tree dates back far enough that Ezekiel warns against it...
以西结书6章13节Ezekiel 6:13
他们,,就是各高冈、各山顶、各青翠树下、各茂密的橡树下,乃是他们献馨香的祭牲,给一切偶像的地方。That they offered sweet savours to their idols under every green tree."
花环 Wreaths
花环是异教徒的传统表明生生不息:诞生与死亡。同样日尔曼名族放置冬青树和其他绿色植物在他们的房间里以求保护他们远避邪灵与糟糕的冬季天气。The wreath was a pagan tradition indicating the circle of life: Birth and death. Also the Teutonic peoples placed holly and other evergreens inside their houses to protect from evil spirits and bad winter weather
当很多基督徒面对这些真相时,说好吧,但因为他们使用这些东西并非出于那些目的,那个习俗现在已经属于基督教了,我们把它拿过来并改变了它的涵义。他们用这些来敬拜耶稣并庆祝祂的生日。Many Christians when faced with these truths state that it is okay though because they don't use these things for those purposes, that the item is now Christian, that we took it over and changed it's meaning. They use them to worship Jesus and celebrate His birth.
对此我要说,“为何你们不带上一串五角星项链,说它提醒你们伯利恒之星呢?或在你家里倒挂一个十字架,就是你颠倒说没有耶稣,那个倒置十字架提醒了你那一点?To this I say, "Why don't you wear a pentagram necklace, say that it reminds you of the star of Bethlehem or hang upside down crosses in your house saying that you are upside down without Jesus and it reminds you of that.或者通过树开始与耶稣交谈,毕竟神是无所不在的,所以祂在树里?”这是个极其愚蠢的争论。 Or start talking to Jesus through trees, after all since God is omnipresent then he is in the Trees." That argument is insane.
你的朋友会认为你发狂了,并且在一些教会里你甚至都不允许进门。大概就是现在。这对你们大多数人而言是荒谬的,因为他们是清晰的异教标志,Your friends would think you were nuts and in some churches you would not even be allowed to enter the doors. Probably rightly so. This is preposterous to many of you because they are clearly pagan symbols,然而你们接受使用其它异教标志,仅仅是因为其他基督徒们的软弱并在你们面前跌倒。我们不能拿着从撒但那儿来的标志,并且给这标志戴上一个基督教的面具,说它是好的。 yet you accept the use of these other pagan symbols simply because other Christians were weak and fell before you. We can not take a symbol that is from satan and put a mask of Christianity over it and call it good.
金牛犊 The Golden Calf
要记住在出埃及记32章中金牛犊的故事。总而言之就是人们变得疲乏担忧,因为摩西离开的时间太长了,所以他们让亚伦做了一个金牛犊,这样可以有些东西让他们敬拜。Remember the story in Exodus 32 of the Golden calf. To summarize the people grew tired and worried because Moses was gone too long so they had Aaron make a golden calf so they would have something to worship. “亚伦看见金牛犊,就在它面前筑坛,且宣告说:“明日要向亚哈威守节。”,"And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it; and Aaron made proclamation, and said, "Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord." 这样他把偶像变成了代表上帝的事物,“又将他们所铸的牛犊用火焚烧,磨得粉碎,撒在水面上,叫以色列人喝。”(出埃及记32:20)Exodus 32:5 so he turned an idol into something for the Lord "And he took the calf which they had made, and burnt it in the fire, and ground it to powder, and strewed it upon the water, and made the children of Israel drink of it. Exodus 32:20
亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的神圣教会,是时候站起来了。是时候告诉世界:我们不会参与她的邪恶。是时候说:“不会再有”异教的庆典了。Holy Church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, it is time to take a stand. It is time to tell the world that we won't be partakers of her evil. It is time to say; "No more" to the celebrations of the pagans.
所以我们还会在这个圣诞节说: “我们祝你圣诞快乐”吗?亚哈威神禁止这样做!并且我们要停止称之为“圣诞节”而玷污基督亚呼赎阿的圣名。让我们称它真正所指的——猎人宁录(Nimrod)或布罗米利尔德(Bromeliad宁录的罗马名字)的节日。So shall we say: "We wish you a Merry Christmas" this Christmas? YAHUVEH God forbid! And let us stop calling it "Christmas" for such defiles the name of Christ YAHUSHUA. Let us call it what it really is, The Festival of Nimrod or Bromeliad (the Roman name). 你会希望对别人祝福说“宁录节快乐”或“布罗米利尔德节快乐”吗?Would you wish anyone a "Happy Nimrod" or a "Happy Brumalia"?
12月25日是谁的生日?是亚呼赎阿的生日还是。。。邪恶的宁录王的生日?Who's Birthday Is December 25th? YAHUSHUA's Or...Evil King Nimrod's?
圣诞节/基督弥撒(CHRISTMAS) Christmas
新教徒应该抵挡这个词本身。当然,这词出自基督的弥撒(Christ's mass)。弥撒是一种罗马天主教的服侍形式,难道我们真的想要庆祝天主教的服事——弥撒吗!你们真的想要庆祝巴力儿子的节日吗?是谁开始敬拜撒但的?The word itself should be offensive to Protestants. It comes of course from Christ's mass. Mass being a Roman Catholic service, do we really want to celebrate a Catholic service a mass! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO CELEBRATE THE SON OF BAAL? WHO STARTED SATAN WORSHIP?
亚呼赎阿不会为了不顺服的新娘而来。你不能说这个事工没有警告过你真理。你是否允许真理释放你得自由是你的选择。YAHUSHUA isn't coming for a disobedient bride. You can't say this ministry did not warn you of the truth. It is your choice whether you allow the truth to set you free.
宁录的故事,因为它涉及到圣诞节/基督弥撒(Christmas)和复活节(Easter) The Story Of Nimrod, As It Relates To Christmas And Easter
12月25日是宁录的生日。从这个神话里,我们找到了圣诞树的原型——由一个与地球上有史以来最邪恶的男人有着乱伦关系的女人制造而出。December 25th was the birthday of Nimrod. It is from this myth, created by a woman living in an incestual relationship with one of the most wicked men that ever lived on the earth, that we get the original Christmas tree.
宁录建造了巴别塔,最初的巴比伦、古尼尼微和其他许多城市。他建立了这个世界上的第一个帝国。宁录的名字,在希伯来文中是源自“马拉德(Marad)”,意思是“他背叛”。Nimrod built the tower of Babel, the original Babylon, ancient Nineveh, and many other cities. He organized this world's first kingdom. The name Nimrod, in Hebrew, is derived from "Marad," meaning "he rebelled."从许多古代文献中可以相当多地了解到这个人,是他开始极大地组织性的属世背叛神,那个背叛一直到如今都在主导这个世界。From many ancient writings, considerable is learned of this man, who started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. 宁录是如此地邪恶,据说他娶了自己的亲生母亲,其名叫塞米勒米斯(Semiramis)。在宁录过早离世之后,他所谓的母亲-妻子塞米勒米斯,宣传邪恶的教义:宁录以另一种灵的形式存活着。 Nimrod was so evil, it is said he married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod's untimely death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being.
她声称从一个死去的树里一颗绿色树通宵长大,象征着从死亡的宁录长出新的生命。在宁录的每个生辰纪念日,她声称,宁录会造访常青树,并且把礼物留在上面。12月25日就是宁录的生日。 She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life the dead Nimrod.On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. December 25th was the birthday of Nimrod. 这确实是圣诞树的起源。通过她的策划和阴谋,赛米勒米斯变成了婴孩巴比伦人的“天后”,而宁录,在各种名字下,成为“神圣的天国之子”。This is the real origin of the Christmas tree. Through her scheming and designing, Semiramis became the Baby Babylonian "Queen of Heaven," and Nimrod, under various names, became the "divine son of heaven."
在她死后,塞米勒米斯作为“天后”被敬拜,而宁禄,以不同名字,被称为“神圣的天国之子”。After her death, Semiramis was worshipped as the "Queen of Heaven", and Nimrod, under various names, became the "divine son of heaven".
母与子 Mother And Child
通过世世代代的这种偶像敬拜,宁录也变为了假弥赛亚,太阳神巴力的儿子。在这个虚假的巴比伦体系中,“母子”(赛米勒米斯与宁录重生)成为主要的敬拜对象。Through the generations, in this idolatrous worship, Nimrod also became the false Messiah, son of Baal the Sun-god. In this false Babylonian system, the "Mother and Child" (Semiramis and Nimrod reborn) became chief objects of worship. 对这对“母子”的敬拜传遍世界各个地方。在不同国家和不同语言中以不同的名字出现。在埃及叫伊西斯与欧西里斯。在亚洲,叫西布莉与德利厄斯;This worship of "Mother and Child" spread over the world. The names varied in different countries and languages. In Egypt it was Isis and Osiris. In Asia, Cybele and Deoius. 在异教的罗马则是福耳图那与朱庇特。甚至在希腊,中国,日本,西藏都能找到类似玛当娜(Madonna)的人物,远远早于基督的诞生。In pagan Rome, Fortuna and Jupiterpuer. Even in Greece, China, Japan, Tibet is to be found the counterpart of the Madonna, long before the birth of Christ!
因此,在第4~5世纪时,当罗马世界的异教徒开始“接受”新流行的“基督教”时,成千上万的异教徒带着他们异教的旧习俗与信仰,Thus, during the fourth and fifth centuries, when the pagans of the Roman world were "accepting" the new popular "Christianity" by the hundreds of thousands, carrying their old pagan customs and beliefs along with them, 只是把它们冠以了听起来像基督教的名字,玛当娜及其“母与子”的主意也变得流行起来,尤其是在圣诞节的时候。merely cloaking them with Christian-sounding names, the Madonna and "Mother and Child" idea also became popularized, especially at Christmas time. 每一个圣诞节日,你就会听到被吟唱和赞颂很多次的赞美诗“平安夜,神圣夜”及其熟悉的“母与子”的主题。Every Christmas season you'll hear sung and chanted dozens of times the hymn "Silent Night, Holy Night," with its familiar "Mother and Child" theme. 我们这些出生在如此罪恶的巴比伦世界里的人,我们一生都被教导并耳濡目染这些事,被教导要把这些事作为圣洁与神圣的事来敬畏。我们从来就没有问过这些事是从哪来的——它们是否来自圣经,还是来自异教徒所崇拜的偶像!We, who have been born in such a Babylonian world, reared and steeped in these things all our lives, have been taught to revere these things as holy and sacred. We never questioned to see where they came from -- whether they came from the Bible, or from pagan idolatry!
被隐藏的真相 Truth Being Hidden
我们震惊于所学到的真相——不幸的是,一些人反对抵挡这些纯粹的真相。但是神命令祂忠实的传道者们,“大声呐喊,竭尽全力,像喇叭一样提高你的声音,向我的子民显明他们的罪!”We are shocked to learn the truth -- some, unfortunately, take offense at the plain truth! But God commands His faithful ministers, "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression!" 与这些真相同样令人震惊的是,它们只是历史和圣经上的纯事实!圣诞节真正起源于古巴比伦。它建立在一个精心组织的背叛中,欺骗了世界很多世纪!Shocking as these facts are, they are the plain facts of history and the Bible! The real origin of Christmas goes back to ancient Babylon. It is bound up in the organized apostasy which has gripped a deceived world these many centuries! 在埃及,人们同样相信伊希斯之子(埃及名为“天后”)出生在12月25日。异教庆祝这世界著名的生日有好几个世纪之久,早于基督出生以前。In Egypt, it was always believed that the son of Isis (Egyptian name for "Queen of Heaven") was born December 25th. Paganism celebrated this famous birthday over most of the known world for centuries before the birth of Christ.
12月25日不是亚呼赎阿(耶稣基督)的生日!使徒们与早期真正的教会从来没有在任何时候庆祝过亚呼赎阿的生日。圣经中没有命令或指示要庆祝祂的生日!December 25th is not the birthday of YAHUSHUA (Jesus Christ)! The apostles and early true Church never celebrated YAHUSHUA's (Jesus Christ's) birthday at any time. There is no command or instruction to celebrate it in the Bible!
古代拜偶像的“占星秘术”是由这个宁录王的妻子创立的。占星秘术这个异教的信仰通过听起来像基督教的名字被传递下去。冬青花环、槲寄生、圣诞柴的起源。现在,我们是从哪得到关于槲寄生的习俗呢?The ancient idolatrous "Chaldean Mysteries," founded by this wife of Nimrod, have been handed down through the pagan religions under new Christian-sounding names. Origin of Holly Wreath, Mistletoe, Yule Log. Now, where did we get this mistletoe custom?
在古代异教徒中,槲寄生在冬至日的节日中被使用,因为对太阳而言它被认为是神圣的,那是因为它被认为应该有不可思议的治疗力量。Among the ancient pagans the mistletoe was used at this festival of the winter solstice because it was considered sacred to the sun, because of its supposed miraculous healing power. 在槲寄生下亲吻的异教习俗过后,下一步便是在晚上狂欢与醉酒——庆祝死去的“老太阳”以及在冬至诞生的新太阳。槲寄生,在异教节日里是被视为神圣的,是个寄生虫!The pagan custom of kissing under the mistletoe was an early step in the night of revelry and drunken debauchery--celebrating the death of the "old sun" and the birth of the new at the winter solstice. Mistletoe, sacred in pagan festivals, is a parasite!冬青树酱果同样也被认为对太阳神而言是神圣的。圣诞原木,实际上是“太阳原木”。“原木”是“轮子”的意思,是太阳的异教象征。然而今天自称为基督徒的人说是“神圣的圣诞节的季节”! Holly berries were also considered sacred to the sun-god. The yule log is in reality the "sun log." "Yule" means "wheel," a pagan symbol of the sun. Yet today professing Christians speak of the "sacred yule-tide season"!
即便是作为一种基督教仪式的点火和点蜡烛也只不过是一种异教习俗的延续,鼓励当其进入南方的天空最低处时变弱的太阳神!Even the lighting of fires and candles as a Christian ceremony is merely a continuation of the pagan custom, encouraging the waning sun-god as he reached the lowest place in the southern skies! 美国百科全书说“冬青树,槲寄生,圣诞柴……是基督教之前时代的遗迹。”是属于异教的!The Encyclopedia Americana says: "The holly, the mistletoe, the Yule log ... are relics of pre-Christian times." Of paganism!《问题的答案》由弗里德里克.哈斯金斯攥写,可以在公共图书馆被找到,其中写道:The book "Answers to Questions", compiled by Frederick J. Haskins, found in public libraries, says: “关于圣诞花环的使用,权威人士相信这可以追溯到在异教徒节日中装饰建筑物和敬拜场所的习俗,这节日与圣诞节时间相同。” "The use of Christmas wreaths is believed by authorities to be traceable to the pagan customs of decorating buildings and places of worship at the feast which took place at the same time as Christmas.
圣诞树源自埃及,它的起源远远早于基督时代。是的,甚至是圣诞老人!但亲爱的老圣诞老人确实不是从异教出来的产物吗?但他的确是诞生于异教,并且他真正的个性并非像很多人猜想的那样仁慈与神圣!The Christmas tree is from Egypt, and its origin dates from a period long anterior to the Christian Era." Yes, and Even Santa Claus! But surely dear old Santa Claus is not a creature of pagan birth? But he is, and his real character is not so benevolent and holy as many suppose!
“圣诞老人”的名字,是“圣尼古拉斯(Santa Claus)”名字的败坏,他是一个生活在5世纪罗马天主教的主教。The name "Santa Claus" is a corruption of the name "St. Nicholas," a Roman Catholic bishop who lived in the 5th century. 查看《大不列颠百科全书》第11版,19卷,第648-649页,在那里你会读到:“圣尼古拉斯,米拉城的主教,在12月6日被希腊人和拉丁人所尊崇的圣徒。Look in the Encyclopedia Britannica, volume 19, pages 648-649, 11th edition, where you'll read: "St. Nicholas, bishop of Myra, a saint honored by the Greeks and Latins on the 6th of December.相传一个关于他给一个贫穷人的三个女儿秘密赠予嫁妆的传说据说起源了是在圣尼古拉斯日前夕〔12月6日〕秘密赠予礼物的古老习俗,A legend of his surreptitious bestowal of dowries on the three daughters of an impoverished citizen is said to have originated the old custom of giving presents in secret on the Eve of St. Nicholas [Dec. 6], 随后转移到了圣诞节那日。”此后圣诞节就跟圣诞老人联系了起来。subsequently transferred to Christmas day." Hence the association of Christmas with Santa Claus.整整一年,父母们因为他们的孩子们说谎而惩罚他们。然后,在圣诞节的时候,他们自己却告诉他们的小孩这个“圣诞老人”的谎言! Through the year, parents punish their children for telling falsehoods. Then, at Christmas time, they themselves tell their little children this 'Santa Claus' lie!
当许多小孩子们长大并且学到真相后,开始相信神也是虚构的时候,这还会有什么觉得不可思议的吗?一个小家伙,哀伤地觉悟到了有关圣诞老人谎言的事,对一个玩伴说:“是的,我也要进去调查这个“耶稣基督”的事!”Is it any wonder many of them, when they grow up and learn the truth, begin to believe God is a myth, too? One little fellow, sadly disillusioned about Santa Claus, said to a playmate, "Yes, and I'm going to look into this 'Jesus Christ' business, too!"是不是基督徒教导了孩子们神话与谎言呢?神说,“不可作假见证陷害人!”(出20:16)它似乎是对的,可以用人类的理由去辩解,但是神说:“有一条路人以为正,至终成为死亡之路。” Is it Christian to teach children myths and falsehoods? God says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness!" It may seem right, and be justified by human reason, but God says, "There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof re the ways of death!"
“古时尼克”同样是一个为恶魔的术语!这有关联吗?撒但假扮“光明天使”来行骗!"Old Nick" also is a term for the devil! Is there a connection? Satan appears as an "angel of light," to deceive! (II Corinthians. 11:14; Rev. 12:9.) 同样,当我们检验事实的时候,我们吃惊地学习到——庆祝圣诞节根本不是真正的基督教的做法,却是一种异教的习俗——是,我们的子民已坠入了其中一种巴比伦的习俗!And so when we examine the facts, we are astonished to learn that the practice of observing Christmas is not, after all, a true Christian practice, but a pagan custom -- one of the ways of Babylon our people have fallen into!
关于圣诞树圣经说了什么 What The Bible Says About The Christmas Tree
但是如果圣经没有告诉我们要庆祝圣诞节呢,即:使徒或早期真正教会的记载的各种遵守节期的惯例中,有着关于圣诞树的记载!这会对很多人而言是件令人吃惊的事情。But if the Bible is silent about telling us to observe Christmas, re: recordings of any such observance by the apostles or early true Church, it does have something to say about the Christmas tree! This will come as a real surprise to many. 但在耶利米书10章2-6节记载到:“亚哈威如此说:你们不要效法列国的行为,也不要为天象惊惶;因为列国为此事惊惶。But here it is: Jeremiah 10:2-6: "Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen .... 众民的风俗是虚空的。他们在树林中用斧子砍伐一棵树,匠人用手工造成偶像。他们用金银妆饰它,用钉子和锤子订稳,使它不动摇。”For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."
这是对圣诞树的完美描述,被亘古永在者称为“异教的行为方式——人造的习俗。”我们被命令不要效法列国的行为或者跟随异教习俗!在这段经文中同样被指出这是拜偶像的行为。There is a perfect description of the Christmas tree, termed by the Eternal as "the way of the heathen -- the customs of the people." We are commanded not to learn that way or follow it! It is also viewed in this passage as idolatry. 第5节经文解释到:“那些树不能说话…不能行走…必须有人抬着。不要害怕它们;The fifth verse shows that these trees cannot speak -- cannot walk -- must be carried. "Be not afraid of them; 它们(树)既不能降祸、也无力降福。”它们不是让人敬畏的神。有些人曲解说这段经文的意思是“拥有一棵圣诞树是无害的”,但那是没有理解这节经文的真正含义。for they [the trees] cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good." They are not gods to be feared. Some people misread this to make it say there is no harm in having a Christmas tree, but that is not what it says.
交换礼物有没有圣经依据? Isn't Exchanging Gifts Scriptural?
当交换礼物成为庆祝圣诞节中最重要的一个习俗时,圣诞节购物季——购买和交换礼物——很多人会胜利地宣称,“嗯,至少圣经告诉我们要这样做!When it comes to the most important part of all in this Christmas observance -- the Christmas shopping season -- the buying and exchanging of gifts -- many will exclaim triumphantly, "Well, at least the Bible tells us to do that! 三位智者不是在基督诞生的时候赠送了礼物吗?”再一次的,当我们学到完全的真相后,我们应该会对此感到惊讶。首先,让我们看礼物赠送与回赠的起源,然后再看看圣经对此真正说了什么。Didn't the wise men give gifts when Christ was born?" Again, we are due for some surprises, when we learn the plain truth. First, let's look at the historic origin of trading gifts back and forth, then see exactly what the Bible does say about it. 我们引用《萨克拉藏书》第12卷153-155页:“在朋友之间交换礼物,似乎是圣诞节和农神节的习俗,就如《特土良警示》中清楚地说明了,一定是基督徒从异教徒那里采纳了这个习俗。”From the Bibliotheca Sacra, volume 12, pages 153-155, we quote: "The interchange of presents between friends is alike characteristic of Christmas and the Saturnalia, and must have been adopted by Christians from the Pagans, as the admonition of Tertullian plainly shows."
事实上,这个在圣诞节期间与朋友和亲戚交换礼物的习俗没有一丁点基督教的痕迹,虽然这可能看起来很奇怪!这不是在庆祝基督的生日,这即没有尊敬祂的生日,也没有尊敬祂!The fact is, this custom fastened upon people of exchanging gifts with friends and relatives at the Christmas season has not a single trace of Christianity about it, strange though that may seem! This does not celebrate Christ's birthday nor honor it or Him!假设你爱的人过生日。你要在他或她的生日上表示对那人的尊敬。你会慷慨地为别人买礼物,和你其他所有朋友和亲人交换礼物,Suppose someone you love has a birthday. You want to honor that person on his or her birthday. Would you lavishly buy gifts for everyone else, trading gifts back and forth with all your other friends and loved ones, 但完全忽略了要给你要尊敬他/她生日的那人任何礼物吗?从那点来看很荒缪,是不是? but ignore completely any gift for the one whose birthday you are honoring? Rather absurd, when viewed in that light, isn't it?
然而,这恰好是全世界的人都在做的事情!他们在一个不是基督生日的日子庆祝祂的生日,他们把每一分钱都凑起来买礼物并和朋友和亲戚们交换礼物。Yet this is exactly what people the world over are doing! They honor a day that is not Christ's birthday by spending every dime they can scrape together in buying presents to trade back and forth among friends and relatives. 但我可以说,根据我多年的经验,我相信大多数牧师和事工可以说,当十二月来临之时,几乎所有自称是基督徒的人,都几乎全然忘记把礼物送给基督以及祂的工!But I can say by years of experience, as I believe most pastors and ministers can say, that when the month of December rolls around, nearly all professing Christians forget to give gifts to Christ and His cause almost altogether!
通常十二月是继续保持不让基督的工停止最困难的月份!人们过度忙于彼此互相赠送礼物而忽略了祂和祂的工,似乎是这样的。December often is the most difficult month to keep Christ's work from dying! People are too busy trading gifts back and forth among themselves to think of Him and His Work, it seems. 然后,在一月份,甚至二月份,他们似乎开始偿还他们在圣诞节的花费,如此,在三月份之前他们很少能回到支持基督和祂的工的正常奉献水平!Then, in January and even into February it seems they have to catch up from what they spent for Christmas, so they seldom get back to normal in supporting Christ and His Work before March!
现在想一下圣经所说的关于智者在基督出生时赠送礼物的话语。在马太福音2章1-11节。Now consider what the Bible says about the wise men giving gifts when Christ was born. It is in Matthew 2:1-11. “当希律王的时候,耶稣生在犹太的伯利恒。有几个博士从东方来到耶路撒冷,说:那生下来作犹太人之王的在那里?"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? ...进了房子,看见小孩子和他母亲马利亚,就俯伏拜那小孩子,揭开宝盒,拿黄金乳香没药为礼物献给他。”... And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto HIM gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh."
为何献礼物给耶稣基督?Why Were Gifts Presented to Jesus Christ
注意,他们求见的是婴孩耶稣,诞生的犹太人之王!现在,他们为何要向祂献上礼物?因为是祂的生日吗?完全不是,因为他们是在祂出生后的几天或几周后才到的!Notice, they inquired for the child Jesus, who was born KING of the Jews! Now why did they present gifts to Him? Because it was His birthday? Not at all, because they came several days or weeks after the date of His birth! 这是一个给我们相互交换礼物的例子吗?不是,要仔细留意!Was it to set an example for us, today, to trade gifts back and forth among ourselves? No, notice carefully! 他们并没有相互交换礼物,而是“他们向祂献上礼物。”他们将礼物送给基督,不是给他们的朋友,亲戚或其他的人!They did not exchange gifts among themselves, but "they presented unto HIM gifts." They gave their gifts to Christ, not to their friends, relatives, or one another!
纪念宁录 In Remembrance Of Nimrod
宁录(Nimrod),诺亚的曾孙,成为第一个帝王,被称作萨尔贡一世。他建造了巴比伦和尼尼微。 如同作战一般,他戴着一副前面有角的头盔:被亚述人的后代——凯尔特德鲁伊维京人继承的一个传统。Nimrod, the grandson of Noah, became the first king known as Sargon I. He built Babylon and Nineveh.Being warlike, he wore a type of helmet with a horn in the front; a trait inherited by the druid Vikings of the Celts, descendants of the Assyrian line.
宁录这名字是“暴君”的意思。他带领巴比伦的苏美尔人通过牺牲他们的孩子,向天体(太阳,月亮,恒星以及行星)供奉礼物。巴别塔就是为这个目的而建造的,其他文化也有类似反响,例如阿芝特克文化,玛雅文化以及印加文化。Nimrod means "tyrant". He led the Sumerians of Babylon to pay tribute to the skies (sun, moon, stars, and planets) with the sacrifice of their children. The Tower of Babel was built for this purpose, echoed in other cultures such as the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas.
既然这个国家的首领是一个崇拜偶像的暴君,闪(宁录的叔叔)杀了宁录。Since the head of this government was such an idolatrous tyrant, Shem (Nimrod's uncle) killed Nimrod. 宁录的母亲,赛米勒米斯,通过使人们相信她怀着的这个孩子是宁录的“转世”而操控着人们。并叫这个孩子为“都粗(搭模斯Duzu"”,巴比伦语,意为“兴起的儿子”。Nimrod's mother, Semiramis, consoled the people by making them believe the child she carried was Nimrod "reincarnated"-- And named him "Duzu" (Tammuz), Babylonian for the son who rises. 搭模斯在每年的冬至日,会进入灌木丛(树林),将礼物放在树上以荣耀宁录。据说搭模斯是宁录的后代,宁录娶了他的母亲。This Duzu went into the groves (forests) and placed a gift on a tree to honor Nimrod each year at the winter solstice. It has been said that Duzu was the offspring of Nimrod, who mated with his mother. 宁录成为太阳神巴力,是主的意思,并被巴比伦人作为天上的太阳而崇拜——这就是在死亡时“去天国”的起源。Nimrod became known as Baal, meaning Lord, and was worshipped by the Babylonians as the sun in the sky -- thus the origin of "going to the heavens" at death.
树木和树枝成为宁录的象征。因为宁录被闪“砍下”,一个树桩变成了一个荣耀他的场所。Trees and branches became symbols of Nimrod. Because Nimrod was "cut down" by Shem, a tree stump became a place of honoring him. 因此,希伯来圣经说到异教徒进入“小树林”,拿“枝条举向鼻前”,然后进入森林,砍伐一棵树,妆饰它,支撑它,让它不会移动。Thus, the Hebrew Scriptures speak of the pagans going into the "groves", and bringing a "branch to the nose," and going into the forest and cutting down a tree, decorating it, and propping it up a so that it will not totter.
冬至日是太阳被认为“重生”的时候,所以12月25日是庆祝巴力(宁录)的生日。The winter solstice was the time when the sun was thought to be "reborn," so December 25th was celebrated as Baal's (Nimrod's) birthday. 根据传统,在这个生日的庆祝之后即是新年的人造理念已经成为了每个种族文化密不可分的一部分,每个种族文化都建立在这异教偶像敬拜的基础上。通常,所有的人类很快很快就沉睡,做着这个古巴比伦之梦。By tradition, the artificial idea of a New Year following this birthday celebration became an integral part of every human culture, based on this pagan idolatry. Generally, all mankind is fast asleep, dreaming this old Babylonian dream.
圣诞节是天主教一个改造并采纳这种异教信仰的企图。在公元525年,一个叫作狄俄尼索斯塞西亚的和尚访问了罗马。他见证了在冬至日的古代异教庆典(那时称为成为帕嘎那里亚和农神节Paganalia or Saturnalia),这冒犯了他虔诚的情感。Christmas is an attempt by Catholicism to revise and adopt this paganism. In the year 525, a Scythian monk named Dionysius Exiguus visited Rome. He witnessed the ancient pagan celebration of the winter solstice (then called Paganalia or Saturnalia), and this offended his devout sensibilities.
圣经本身要求我们纪念弥赛亚的死亡和复活,而不是祂的出生。但是,自从异教的的心思如此面向受孕和诞生,它就发展成了今天我们所看到的样子,混合了最重要的异教阐析的特征。Scripture itself demands that we observe the Messiah's death and resurrection, not His birth. But, since the pagan mind was so oriented around fertility and birth, it developed the way we see it today, blending the most important features of pagan interpretation.“巴比伦,这个最大的淫妇和地上可憎之物的母亲”——让众人沉醉,而且她自己也喝醉了被分别为圣者的血。 "Babel, the Great Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth" -- has intoxicated the masses, and she herself is drunk with the blood of the set-apart ones.
她的名字叫什么?她叫伊斯特(Easter、复活节)!赛米勒里斯,宁录的母亲,以“麦格纳母后”以及“大地之母”而为人知晓,并以大地之母而被人敬拜。What is her name? It's Easter! Semiramis, Nimrod's mother, became known as "Magna Mater", the "Great Mother", and was worshipped as Mother Earth.太阳与地球在每年春天“配对”,在12月25日冬季太阳”出生”前九个月来临的“五月极点”和“伊斯特Easter”象征着“春天的仪式”。她的亚述名字是伊师塔,是词汇“复活节/伊斯特”的来源。 The Sun "mated" with the Earth each spring, and the "Rites of Spring" symbolized by the "May Pole" and "Easter" came 9 moons/months before the December 25th "birth" of the winter Sun. Her Assyrian name, Ishtar, gives us the word "Easter".
罗马人叫她阿施塔特,腓尼基人使用阿瑟拉。希伯来人叫她亚斯她录,巴力的配偶。她的象征是百合花。她是“黎明女神”,她的雕像竖立在法国的一座桥上。The Romans called her Astarte, and the Phoenicians used Asherah. The Hebrews called her Astoroth, the consort of Baal. Her emblem is the flower of the lily. She is the "goddess of the dawn", and her statue stands on a bridge in France. 法国人给她建造了一个巨大的雕像,现在这个雕像放在纽约的自由港里,面对“东方”——这个词本身意指上升的儿子/太阳——从她的名字跳跃而出!The French made a colossus of this image, and it now stands in New York Harbor, facing "East" -- in itself a word referring to the rising son/sun -- from which her name springs!
宁录“他被归功于建造巴比伦之塔以及开了巴比伦拜偶像的先例。”更重要的是,布赖斯.瑟尔夫在他的调查中发现“宁录通过建立国教来巩固他的权力。Nimrod "He is credited with having instigated the building of the tower of Babel and of being the author of Babylonian idolatry." What's more, Bryce Self found in his research that "Nimrod consolidated his power by establishing a state religion.他创建的宗教包括神化并敬拜皇帝(他自己),(以及)敬拜撒但。” He constructed a religion that included deification and worship of the emperor (himself), [and] worship of Satan." 这个由人许可的节日也许跟宗教反抗亚哈威神的开端有关的这一事实,应该让我们严肃地质疑这个节日是否是神所允许的。The fact that this holiday may be associated with the man accredited with the start of religious opposition to YAHUVEH God should make us seriously question its approval by God.
根本没有与圣诞节有关的快乐事情 There's Really Nothing Merry About Christmas
所以,我们应该说:我们祝福你圣诞快乐吗?神禁止这样做!让我们停止称它为“圣诞节”,因为它是如此地玷污了基督的圣名。So shall we say: We wish you a Merry Christmas? God forbid! And let us stop calling it "Christmas," for such defiles the name of Christ. 让我们叫它实际上所指的——宁录节或布鲁马利亚节(Brumalia宁录的罗马名字)。你还会希望祝福每个人“宁录节快乐”或“布鲁马利亚节快乐”吗?Let us call it what it really is, The Festival of Nimrod or Brumalia (the Roman name). Would you wish anyone a "Happy Nimrod" or a "Happy Brumalia"?
Love and blessings
Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah