Elisabeth and son was protected in a car crash
更新于2013年8月24日Revised August 24, 2013
请注意,这里使用的照片不是以莉莎法发生车祸的照片。这是一张在网络上和电视上都很有名的照片。我们使用这张照片来鼓励人们,确实有天使在看顾着我们。Please note that the picture used is NOT a picture of Elisabeth's car accident. This is a well known picture on the internet as well as seen on TV. We used this picture to encourage people that indeed there are angels out there looking over us.
在这辆车里的人走着离开现场,一点划伤都没有。他们甚至都没被摇晃。在照片里的那个阴影的形象会不会是一位……天使呢?The people in this car walked away without so much as a single scratch. They were not even shaken up.Could that shadowy figure in the photograph be an...ANGEL?
Beloved family of mine in YAHUSHUA,
我今天张贴一张发送给我的照片,因为下次你看到一场车祸,并且纳闷他们是怎么走出来的,那就想想我,而亚呼赎阿(耶穌)是怎样保护那些属于祂的人,那就想想这张照片。I am posting this picture sent to me today because the next time you see a car accident and wonder how they walked away think of me and how Jesus protects those that are HIS. Think of this picture.
我在请我们的网站管理员把这封信和那张照片一起张贴出来。我还没有对会众提起过这起交通事故。我现在要把荣耀归给神(亚哈威,亚呼赎阿,舍金亚荣耀)!I am asking our site manager to please POST this letter as well as the picture. I have not mentioned this accident yet to the congregation. To Give GOD the GLORY I shall now!
我的车是一辆红色的蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo),损坏得没有像照片上这么严重,但也损坏得够严重。就像在这封邮件附件里的那辆一样不能修复了。My car was a red Monte Carlo and not damaged quite this bad but bad enough. Unrepairable like the one attached to this email.
我想我的天使们是以同样的方式保护了我,就是站在撞我的卡车和我的车之间。防止別的车撞到我们!I think my angels Protected me the same only stood between the car and the truck that hit me. Not to mention others cars from hitting US!就像你们知道的,这是一次正面碰撞,甚至把我的车撞至打转到了 马路的另一边了。 “亚哈威的使者在敬畏亚哈威的人四围安营,要拯救他们” 记住这节经文。:)As you know it was a Head on collision and even spun my car into another side road. "The angels of the LORD encampeth around about them that love and fear the LORD and will deliver them" memorized that. :)
就像有些人知道的,我儿子,狗狗和我也走着离开了……把荣耀归给亚呼赎阿!车祸发生在1999年11月4日,到1999年12月2日,我身上还有安全气囊造成 的淤伤。As some know my son, dog, and I also walked away...to the GLORY OF YAHUSHUA! Nov. 4, 1999 was the car accident and still have bruises from the airbag Dec. 2, 1999
我为那个安全气囊赞美神!最重要的是,我们的天使保护我们免受魔鬼和恶魔想对我们所行的邪恶。我的儿子和狗狗都没有再受到伤害,天使们在守护和保护着我们。Praise GOD for the airbags! Most of all for OUR angels that protect US from the evil the devil seeks to do to us. My son and dog were not harmed again the angels were guarding and protecting. 我为我的狗狗祈祷,并恩膏牠,请求亚呼赎阿保护牠,让牠长寿,这样你就知道魔鬼无权对牠怎么样了!我儿子也一直在祷告中复盖牠。I pray over my dog and anointed him asking YAHUSHUA for protection and long life for him so you see the devil had no right to him! My son is always covered in prayer.
有趣的是,另一个兄弟,大卫·潘尼克(David Penick)写信给我说,在1999年11月4日下午3:30,他得到一个异象,看见我在神的宝座前,我站在那里,透明,无辜,洁净脱离罪。Interesting enough another Brother, David Penick wrote me and said at 3:30 p.m. Nov.4, 1999 He had a vision of me at the throne of GOD and I was standing there transparent and innocent and clean from sin. 他不知道这起事故,因为他几天前才给我写信,说他找到了那个网站,并感到被带领为我祷告了好几个小时!He did NOT know about the accident for he had only days earlier written me and said he found the site and felt led to pray for me for many hours! 他写信告诉我说,虽然他认识我还不到7个小时。但他祷告了!现在,同样是这位男人, 看到了我人生中最可怕时刻的异象。He wrote me to tell me though he didn't know me 7 hrs. He prayed! Now here is this same man with a vision of the most frightening time in my life.
赞美主!在事故发生前十五分钟,我一直在灵里祷告,并且用我们亚呼赎阿所流的宝血复盖我和我的儿子!Praise the LORD! 15 minutes earlier before the accident I had been praying in the spirit and covering myself and son with the shed blood of our YAHUSHUA! 主刚刚对我说了一句私人的话语,有些事让我感到困惑,有损 于我的信心,让我很痛苦,因为我收到了关于某人的矛盾信息。The LORD had just spoken a private word to me something that had been confusing me, harming my faith, and causing MUCH pain for I had received conflicting messages about someone. 我对我所知道的事有平安,我知道是圣灵在说话,最终在解决这件事。在开车和祷告的时候,我做了一些 我建议所有人都要做的事。I had PEACE on what I know that I know was the Holy Spirit speaking and settling this issue at last. While driving and praying I did something I suggest ALL do.
我总是为自己任何已知或未知的罪祈求饶恕。 “因为所有人都犯了罪,亏欠了神的荣耀” 。唯有亚哈威,亚呼赎阿,如阿克.哈.古德西/圣灵是完美的!I always ask forgiveness of my sins for any known or unknown ones. "For all have sinned and fell short of the glory of GOD." Only YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, HOLY SPIRIT, ARE PERFECT! 当事故发生的 时候,我刚把我儿子从学校接回来。我不想详述这起事故,我只想说发生车祸的时候,我尖叫着说: “耶穌,救我!” 根本没有时间做任何反应,然后就听到金属压碎的 声音。When the accident happened I had just picked up my son from school. I don't want to dwell on the accident only to say at the time of the crash I screamed "Jesus Help me!" There was NO time for anything else then the sound of crushing metal. 我肯定昏过去了几秒钟。不记得气囊已经贴在脸上了。我的小儿子说他在用方言祷告!通常那是我所做的事!I must have passed out for a few seconds. Don't remember air bag in face. My young son said he was praying in tongues! Usually that is what I do!
烟雾弥漫着汽车,我们的车门被卡住打不开了。我必须承认,我是那个惊慌失措的人,我11岁的儿子却保持冷静,甚至敲碎了车窗玻璃,这样他就可以把车门打开。Smoke filled the car and our car doors were jammed shut. I must admit I am the one that panicked and my 11-year-old son stayed calm even breaking the glass of the window so he could get the car door open. 亚呼赎阿必须让我们当中的一位保持冷静,可惜的是,那个人不是这位使女。甚至连狗狗都在舔我儿子的脸,很镇静!另一个在卡车上的人也安然无恙地逃出来了。赞美主 亚呼赎阿!他也是个基督徒。
YAHUSHUA had to have one of us calm at least and sad to say it wasn't this handmaiden. Even the dog was licking my son's face and was calm! The other man in the truck escaped without injury also. Praise the LORD YAHUSHUA! He also was a Christian.
当我从车里出来的时候,大家都在看着,却没有人来帮忙。就是这个男人把我揽在怀里,因为我受到了很大的惊吓在发抖,并且因为淤伤而一瘸一拐,胳膊也被划伤了。When I got out of car everyone looking and no one helping it was this man that held me in his arms as I was badly shaken up and bruised and limping my arms were cut 但赞美亚呼赎阿,魔鬼肯定很生气,因为我们所侍奉的神再次对我说: “妳必不至死,乃要存活,并要传扬亚哈威的作为!” but PRAISE YAHUSHUA the devil must have been angry for the GOD we serve had said once again to me, "You shall not die but live to declare the works of the LORD!"
另一位斯科特兄弟今天祝福了我,把这张看起来似乎有一个天使站在一辆完全被车祸毁损的车前面的照片发送给我!如果亚呼赎阿没有兴起代祷勇士,我会在哪里了呢? 有些人甚至没有给我写信,让我知道他们在祷告。Another Brother Scott blessed me today with sending this picture of what appears to be an angel in front of a totaled car wreck! Where would I be without the prayer warriors YAHUSHUA has raised up? Some don't even write me to let me know they are praying.
总有一天,亚呼赎阿会奖赏你复盖了这位牧师和这个事工。大卫.潘尼克是我生命中的新祝福,他拥有真正勇士古时大卫王那样的恩膏。他很谦卑,是一位诗人,也是一 位先知。YAHUSHUA will reward you one day for covering this minister and ministry. David Penick is my new blessing in life he has an anointing like the true Warrior King David of Old. He is humble, and a Psalmist and prophet. 是到目前为止,我所遇到的最强大且有恩赐的人。我这样说并不是要吹捧他,而是要把所有的荣耀归给亚呼赎阿和圣灵把他带进我的生命里,在我需要像古时大 卫那样强大受膏的灵透过这位在亚呼赎阿里的兄弟彰显出来的时候。The mightiest and gifted man of GOD I have met thus far. I don't say this to build him up but to give all GLORY to YAHUSHUA and the Holy Spirit for bringing him in my life when I needed the mighty anointed spirit of David of Old manifesting through this Brother in YAHUSHUA!
按照主的带领,我们将会张贴一些他在作大卫王属灵爭战上的恩膏教导和一些赐给他的预言。As the LORD leads we will be posting some of his anointed teaching on spiritual warfare of a King David and the prophecies given to him. 将会有更多与之相关的事情被写出来和张贴出来,就是那天他所看到的,他在事 故发生的时候为我代祷,那时候肯定是我说过的最有力的祷告,我甚至喊着说: “耶穌,救我!” MORE will be written and posted what he saw that day he interceded for me at the time of the accident when I must have said the most POWERFUL prayer I ever said "JESUS HELP ME!"
大卫为我代祷,像是以前从未有人做过这样的祷告。大卫祈求在四面围困我的歌利亚必在属灵领域仆倒!David intercedes for me like no one has ever done before. David prays the Goliaths will FALL in the spiritual realm that encircle me!哈利.里根牧师大概在半小时前才刚刚打电话给我,并且作了最 强大的恩膏保护围绕我的祷告,在我和我儿子周围安置来自天国的巨大天使们! Pastor Harry Regan had just called me maybe half hour to hour earlier and prayed the most POWERFUL anointed protecting prayer around me posting huge angels from Heaven around me and my son!我觉得很奇怪,为什么那时候我还没有感觉到任何危险,当他祷告的时候,圣灵透过他祈祷所需要的保护。I wondered why at the time for I didn't sense the danger yet as he was praying the Holy Spirit prayed through him the protection needed.
放心吧,我们有保护我们的众天使!查看这张照片,并告诉我在你祷告之后看到了什么。Be assured we have angels that protect US! Check out this photo and tell me what you see after you pray.
先读信息!!!然后看看下面那张照片。READ FIRST!!!! Then take a look at the picture below.
这张车祸照片是由一名专业的警察摄像师拍摄的几张照片之一。在冲洗了事故现场的照片后,警察在一张特別的照片里,发现了有什么看起来好像是人的样式的图像。The picture of a car accident is one of several that were taken by a professional police photographer. After developing the pictures of this accident scene, the officer found what looked like to be some type of a figure? in one particular picture. 他以为是他的相机或胶迹卷出了问题,就对这两样东西进行了检查。它们检查的结果是完好的!Thinking it was a problem with his camera or its film, he performed tests on both. They checked out PERFECTLY!
Thank you for your Prayers and Love,
Elisabeth Elijah
来自巴德的邮件...Email From Bud...
尊敬的牧师,老师和先知:Honorable Pastor, teacher and prophet:
是的,我相信天使。一天晚上,我被神唤醒,叫我祷告。大概是在凌晨3点。我不想祷告,就回去睡觉。祂又唤醒我,我又回去睡。Yes I believe in angels. One night I was awakened by God and told to pray. It was about 3 AM. I didn't want to and went back to sleep. He awoke me again. I went back to sleep. 第三次唤醒我时,我在来回 摇晃。我抬头一看,一个巨大的生物正站在我的床脚边摇晃着床。The third time I awake, I was rocking back and forth. I looked up, and a huge being was standing at the foot of my bed shaking it. 我斥责它。但神说: “这是我的圣天使,起来祷告!现在!” 于是我用方言祷告了大约二十分 钟左右,神的大能似乎离开了,所以我又回去睡觉。I rebuked him, but God said, "This is My Holy Angel, GET UP AND PRAY! NOW!" So I prayed in tongues for about 20 minutes or so, the power of God seemed to leave so I went back to bed.
那个星期天,我得知我祷告的时候正是我教会的助理牧师发生车祸的那一刻。一辆拖车迎头撞上了他。他的车全毁了!他和妻子都走着离开了,他的脚踝骨折 了,就是这样。That Sunday, I learned the VERY HOUR I was praying the assistant pastor of my church was in a car wreck. A tractor trailer hit him head on. His car was totaled! He and his wife walked away. He had a broken ankle. That was it.他作证说,所有在场的医护人员和警察都不停地摇头说: “这是神的奇迹,你车上的任何人都不可能活着,但你们却走着离开了,这是不可能 的!” He testified all the paramedics and police on the scene kept shaking their heads and saying, "This is a miracle of God. There is no way anyone in your car should even be ALIVE; yet you walked away! This is impossible!" 神对我说: “如果你在我第一次告诉你的时候起来祷告,那事故就不会发生了!所以,你要殷勤,祷告,尤其是在我吩咐你祷告的时候,无论是什么时 候,或者有多么不方便。” GOD spoke to me and said, "If you got up and prayed WHEN I FIRST TOLD YOU TO, THE ACCIDENT NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED! Be diligent, therefore, and pray, especially when I tell you to, no matter what time it is or how inconvenient."
几年后,我坐在一个朋友开的车里。我女朋友跟我在一起。开车的人没有注意到一辆白色的凯迪拉克正停在那里等红灯,我的朋友正忙着说话,他直接撞向凯迪 拉克的后面。Years later, I was in a car driven by a friend. My girlfriend was with me. The driver wasn't paying attention. A white Cadillac was sitting at the red light, and my friend was so busy talking he ran right into the back of the Caddy. 但就在撞击前,我清楚地看到一个天使站在我们前面,伸出双手拦住我们的车。But just before impact, I CLEARLY saw an angel standing in front of us with his hands outstretched to stop our car. 我也看到了我只能描述为 “时间皱纹” 这样的事。没有减速的感觉,突然我们在路中间,掛空挡,稳稳地停在那里,交通指示灯是绿色的,那辆凯迪拉克已经走了。I also saw what I can only describe as a "wrinkle in time." With no sensation of slowing, suddenly we were in the middle of the road, in neutral, SITTING PERFECTLY STILL, the light was green and the Cadillac was gone. 我的好朋友发誓他说他的脚绝没有离开油门或者踩剎车。我 的女朋友也作证说她没有注意到任何减速。My buddy SWEARS he never took his foot off the gas or touched the brake. My girlfriend also testified she noticed no slowing down whatsoever.
我相信神立刻消除了所有动力,并且把我们推进将要发生的事来维持某种物理定律上的平衡与和谐。I am persuaded God instantly removed all momentum and bumped us into the future to maintain some kind of balance and harmony between physical laws. 这难倒我了,问问物理学家!我不明白这事,但我有过几次神操纵时间的经历。Beats me; ask a physicist! I don't understand it, but I have had several experiences in which God has manipulated time. 因此,我相信约翰,但以理和其他人确实在时间旅行中看到了他们的启示,但那 是另外一个故事。我绝对相信天使。多伊尔.米奇顿(DOYLE H. MILLINGTON)的朋友们叫我 “巴德BUD” As such, I believe John, Daniel and others did in fact time travel to the future to see their revelations, but that is another story. I most DEFINITELY believe in angels. Doyle H. Millington Friends call me "Bud."
Love and keep up the good work! Amen, God bless!
附:神突然对我说: “不要让任何人因为妳是女人而指责妳!我非常肯定地呼召了妳。我呼召了男人们,但他们不接受那呼召。P.S. God suddenly spoke to me and said, "Don't let anyone condemn you because you are a women! I have most assuredly called you. I called men, but they wouldn't answer the call. 所以我把恩膏从他们那里拿走, 把恩膏赐给你。所以妳要在神的国度里学习宝贵的功课:我的赏赐是基于信实,而不是基于最初的呼召,因为被召的人多,但被选上的人少。” So I took the anointing away from them, and gave it to you. So learn a valuable lesson in the Kingdom of God: I reward on the basis of faithfulness, not on the basis of original call, for many are called but few are chosen.
用现代的话来说,许多人被呼召了,但最初被呼召的人并不总是那些站起来使自己成为可以被使用的人。In modern words, many are called but the ones originally called aren't always the ones that stand up and make themselves available. 很多时候,我选择去填补一个空缺的人是从未是最初就 被呼召的人,因为被呼召的人不顺服我,所以我呼召另一个人,一个又一个的人,直到我发现那个愿意顺服的人。So often, the ones I choose to fill a spot were never originally called, because the called ones wouldn't obey me, so I called another, and another and another, until I found one that would. 妳不是最初被呼召的,但妳是顺服的,所以我 把妳安排在一个男人的位置上。如果男人们不喜欢这个呼召,他们本来应该在他们的位置上,但他们没有顺服。所以我选择了妳。那是他们的问题。You weren't originally called, but you were obedient, so I set you in a man's place. If the men don't like it; they should have taken their place. They didn't. So I chose you. That's their problem.
要欢喜快乐,因为有些人拥有很多,却因为不顺服而被夺去,并赐给那些拥有很少,但顺服的人。妳是后者。要为此高兴!Be glad and rejoice, for some have much and it is taken away because of disobedience and given to those that have little, but obey. You are the latter. Rejoice in it! 抨击妳的人很愤怒,因为他们没有付 出代价。在他们这样做之前,他们仍然不会被拣选。妳顺服了。妳被拣选了。妳的位置不会从你这里被拿走。Your detractors are angry because they have not paid the price. Until they DO, they still will NOT be chosen. YOU obeyed. You are chosen. Your place WILL NOT be taken from you. 控告妳的人不是出自我。我拒绝并且憎恨他们。因 为他们说:我,神,犯了一个错误!当他们攻击妳的时候就是在攻击我。Your accusers are NOT from Me. I reject and abhor them, for they say I, God, have made a mistake! They attack Me when they attack you.
永远要记住那一点:妳是我所拣选的。他们本来可以被拣选,但他们拒绝了。我对他们说: “TOUGH TUEGGIES” 。妳是我拣选的,我爱妳。我厌恶他们指责的话。他们的指责令我作呕。不要理会他们。Always remember that. You are my chosen. They could have been, but rejected it. I say, "Tough tueggies" on them. You are My chosen and I love you. I hate their accusing words. Their accusations make Me want to vomit. Ignore them. 更多地寻求我,这样就会跟我熟悉起来,熟悉我对妳的爱。寻找我的爱, 因为我的爱会治愈所有的孤独。永远不要害怕,我与妳同在。他们不是出于我的,我没有差遣他们。Seek ever more so to be familiar with Me and My Love for You. Seek My Love, for it will cure all loneliness. Never fear, I am with you. They are not from Me, I DID NOT send them. 不要盯着妳的错误和缺点,因为他们的错误和缺点更大。我 没有控告妳,他们怎么敢控告妳呢?Don't look at your mistakes and shortcomings, for theirs are greater. How dare they accuse you whom I have not accused? 撒但带来妳那些失败的画面就是要削弱妳想在我怀里的渴望,和自由地允许妳自己蒙我所爱。不要让撒但做这事!(因此, 控告妳的人是受撒但指使的!)satan brings up pictures of your failings to weaken your desire to be in My Arms and to freely allow yourself to be loved by Me. Don't let Satan do it! (Hence, your accusers are being motivated by Satan!)
我爱妳!要投靠我(逃到我这里来)!我不在乎妳的过犯。我在乎妳,我爱妳!到我这里来,接受我的爱,沐浴在我的圣灵之子的光中,祂治愈一切伤痛,无论 是肉体上的,精神上的,还是属灵上的。I love you! Flee to Me! I DON'T CARE about your past sins. I care about, I love YOU! Come unto Me, and receive My Love by basking in the Son Light of My Holy Spirit, who heals ALL wounds, physical, mental, and spiritual. 坚定地扎根在我爱你的信心上。永远不要害怕来到我面前。我爱的怀抱是一个罪人唯一安全的地方!撒但是那个利用罪来行毁灭的,不是我!Be firmly rooted and grounded in faith that I love you. NEVER fear to come before Me. My Arms of Love are the ONLY safe place for a sinner to be! Satan is the one who uses sin to DESTROY, not Me!
难道妳从未在圣经里读过亚呼赎阿(耶穌)战胜了牠们(魔鬼),藉着抹去了所写下的抵挡你们的条例吗?撒但利用妳自己的罪俘虏了妳。我释放了妳得到自 由,透过烧掉了妳的罪状。Have you never read that Jesus triumphed over them (demons) in it; by blotting out the handwritings of ordinances against you? Satan held you captive by your sin. I set you free by burning up the list of your transgressions. 亚呼赎阿为妳付出了赎价。那些罪都被偿还了!这被永远解决了!我做这事因为我想要妳获得权利进入我的同在,蒙我所爱!YAHUSHUA paid them FOR you. THEY ARE PAID! It IS settled FOREVER! I did it because I wanted you to have the RIGHT to come into My presence to be loved by Me! 不要否认作丈夫的权利!我有权利爱我的新娘。我不是在谈论性爱,我说的是把我的灵浇灌在妳身上,让妳来认识我作为一位父亲,最好的朋友,以及值得信任的忠实伴侣。Don't deny the Husband His Rights! It is My Right to Love My Bride. I am not talking about sex, I mean by pouring out my Spirit upon you and letting you get to KNOW Me as a Father, Best Friend, and Trusted Loyal Companion.
极少人以这样的方式认识我。妳已经很接近了。寻求认识我。我将会来探望妳,证明这话是出于神。寻找确据,妳要确认什么?这显着的特点是:我爱妳,并想与妳团契。So few know Me this way. You are on the verge of it. Seek to know Me. I will visit you to prove this Word is of God. Look for the confirmation. Confirmation of what? This singular point: I LOVE you, and want to fellowship with you. 那些控告者想要妳惧怕我,让妳感觉到 “不配” ,并且害怕前来进入到我的同在里!所以,牠们是多么想把我们分开。噢,我是多么渴望我们在一起 啊!The accusers want you to be afraid of Me, to feel "unworthy" and to fear coming into My Presence! So how they want to keep us apart. Oh, how I LONG for us to be together! 但我已经战胜了牠们!怎么战胜的?就是透过擦去妳的罪!被擦去了的罪不能使我们分开!我不能看着罪,但我能看着妳,因为我的胜利使妳从过往之罪的监牢中被释放得自由,这样妳就可以和我在一起!But I have triumphed over them! How? BY ERASING YOUR SINS! ERASED sins cannot keep us apart! I cannot look upon sin, but I CAN look upon you, for My triumph is setting you free from your prison of sins past SO you CAN be with Me! 所以,大胆地来到恩典的宝座前,在需要帮助的时候寻求帮助。要相信我,妳需要被我深深地,深深地爱恋着!So enter BOLDLY unto the throne of Grace to find help in the time of need. And believe ME, you NEED to be Loved an Adored by ME VERY, VERY BADLY!
有男人会在丈夫和新娘之间徘徊吗?然而,他们试图这样对待妳和我。难道妳不能看出来他们不属于我吗?我绝不会做这样的事……自我分裂。Shall a man come between a Husband and His Bride? Yet they seek to do so to you and I. Can't you not see they are NOT of Me? I would never do this...separate Myself. 我绝不会离开 妳……甚至直到末时。我爱妳。做我的朋友吧。妳是我的朋友,但远不止是朋友,甚至更为亲密。我渴望单独和妳在一起,做你最好的朋友。我真的,真的很渴 望。我爱妳。让我爱妳,胜过妳对我的爱。爱妳,耶穌(亚呼赎阿)。” I would NEVER leave you...even to the end of the age. I love you. Be My friend. You are, but be so even more so, even intimately. I LONG to be alone with you, to be your Best Friend. I really, really, do. I love you. Let Me be. Even more so than you have. Love, Jesus."
我不是有意要写下所有的事,但就是这样。继续做善工吧。妳的网站已经在极大程度上服事了我。几年前,妳甚至预言了神对我说过的话(有时候,一字不差) 我完全忘记了那些话语!I didn't mean to write all that, but there it is. Keep up the good work. Your site has ministered to me in a tremendous way. You even prophesied words GOD spoke to me years ago (sometimes, word for word) that I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN ABOUT!这些年来,我常常感到气馁,因为我只认识另外一个在听神的话的人!但现在(透过互联网)我找到了许多人!我们几乎都在说同样的 话! I have often been severely discouraged over the years because I knew only ONE other person that was hearing God. But now I (via internet) I am finding many! AND WE ARE ALL PRETTY MUCH SAYING THE SAME THINGS! 神想我加上一句: “是的,主流教会没有在说同样的事……按神说的!” 是祂在说他们。祂是 “我们中的一员” ,因为没有更好的表达方式。GOD wants me to add, "Yeah, and the MAINSTREAM CHURCHES AREN'T saying the same things...AS GOD IS!" HE is the one saying them. He is "one of us" for lack of a better way of putting it.
Love, Bud