
📒20-5天使们在舍金亚荣耀事工巴士顶上的爭战Angels in Warfare on Top of Shkhinah Glory Ministry Bus


天使们在舍金亚荣耀事工巴士顶上的爭战Angels in Warfare on Top of Shkhinah Glory Ministry Bus

使徒以莉莎法.以利亚呼Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah


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2003年2月13日,从凌晨1:00到凌晨4:00我经历了最奇怪的事。我在离我们家很远的新家——舍金亚荣耀巴士里睡着了,睡在被恩膏臥室里的最舒服的床上。February 13, 2003, starting at 1:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m., I had the strangest experience. I fell asleep in our new home away from home, the SHKHINAH GLORY Bus, in the most comfortable bed and anointed Bed Room. 我不停地醒来,因为我感觉到这辆十吨重的巴士像摇篮一样在风中摇荡。我想知道这是不是地震。没有人能够像我所描述的那样摇晃那辆巴士,而且根本没有刮大风。I kept awakening because I felt this ten ton bus swaying like it was a cradle in the wind. I wondered whether this was an earthquake. No one would be able to rock that bus like I was describing and there was no strong wind. 我祷告,亚哈威就告诉我说,在属灵领域,很多事物真的在震动着并摇晃着。我是在属灵领域里感觉到这事。I prayed and YAHUVEH told me that in the spiritual realm, things were really rocking and reeling. I was feeling it in the spiritual realm.

我没有回去倒头又睡,突然我听到我头顶上方的车顶上发出一声巨响,随着这声巨响,巴士开始前后摇晃!I wasn’t going back to sleep easily when all of a sudden a big THUMP was heard right above my head on the roof and when that happened, the bus started rocking back and forth!

接着巴士又猛烈地摇晃起来,我听到外面传来奇怪的声音,然后我听到车顶上传来沉重的脚步声。Then the bus rocked again hard and I was hearing strange noises coming from outside and then I heard what sounded like heavy footsteps on the roof of the bus. 这事发生了好几次,巴士又摇晃起来,但也不是由于颳风引起的,也没有人能够爬到车顶上去,因为车身很高,也没有梯子。This happened a couple more times, the shaking of the bus and yet again there were no cross winds to cause this and no human could have climbed atop of the bus for its too high and there is no ladder.

我开始用诗篇91来祷告,我祷告亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的天使军团会被派遣到我们这里来保护我们和我们的伙伴,以及舍金亚荣耀巴士,还有我儿子所在的家里。I started praying psalm 91 and I prayed that legions of legions of warrior angels of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA would be sent to us to protect us and our partners and the SHKHINAH GLORY Bus as well as the house where our son was.那是一场怎样的属灵爭战啊!它已经在物质界显现了! What a battle in the spiritual realm it was that was manifesting itself in the physical realm. 当我用天国的方言祷告的时候,亚哈威告诉我祂派来的三个大天使的名字,他们和天使军团一起,不仅仅代表我们爭战,As I prayed in Heavenly Tongues, YAHUVEH told me the names of 3 Arch Angels that YAHUVEH dispatched accompanied with legions of angels to battle not only on our behalf 也因为撒但非常恼怒这名叫舍金亚荣耀巴士的沿途传道新生儿事工,敌人也在攻击这辆巴士。but satan was angry about the new baby ministry bus named SHKHINAH GLORY Over the Road Ministries and the enemy was attacking the bus as well.

亚哈威还告诉我,属灵领域的震动和摇晃预示的是即将爆发的战爭,那时成千上万无辜的人会死去,YAHUVEH also told me that the rocking and reeling in the spiritual realm is what is going on with the impending war, when hundreds of thousands of innocent people would die, 亚哈威的众天使已经在保卫亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的圣洁孩子们,代表那些将会存活和受到保护的圣洁孩子们与众恶魔爭战。and already the angels of YAHUVEH were defending the Holy Children of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, fighting demons in the behalf of the Holy Children that would live and be protected . 出于某种原因,这场战斗发生在这辆被恩膏的巴士顶上,就发生在我们的头顶上。For some reason this battle was taking place on top of this Anointed Bus right over our heads!

在我祷告之后不久,战斗就停止了在物质界的显现,而是继续在属灵领域战斗。Shortly after I prayed the battle stopped manifesting itself in the physical realm but continued in the spiritual realm. 我仍然能感觉到巴士好像在前后摇晃,但事实上它没有晃动。我知道这听起来很奇怪,但这是真的。我以前也有过类似的经历,以后我会跟你们分享。The bus still felt like it was swaying and rocking back and forth but it really wasn’t. I know it sounds weird but it is true. I had other experiences like this before that I will share with you later.

这对我们那些通过这些预言信息听到了亚哈威和亚呼赎阿声音的伙伴来说是很紧迫的事。如果你还没有储备额外的水和食物。This is URGENT to our partners who hear the voice of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA through the prophetic messages. Please get extra water and provisions if you haven’t already. 是的,亚哈威会保护那些顺服并寻求祂的属祂的孩子们,因为他们把亚哈威和亚呼赎阿放在他们生命的首位。但那并不意味着你不使用常识,并在你有能力的时候不去储存额外的水和罐头食品。Yes, YAHUVEH will protect his children who obey and are seeking Him as they put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t use common sense and while you are able you are to store extra water and canned food. 祷告,你就会知道你要储存多少食物。亲爱的弟兄姐妹们,我正在告诉你们真相,我所拥有的独特恩膏,让我能感觉到并且听到巴士车顶上的脚步声,当善与恶的战爭正在发生。Pray and you will know how many provisions to store. Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I am telling you the truth, the unique anointing I have allowed me to FEEL and HEAR the footsteps on the bus roof as warfare between good and evil was taking place. 我感觉到了在属灵领域里的震动,现在你们很快就会在物质界感觉到并且看到。起来祷告吧!今天就为亚哈威和亚呼赎阿做你所能做的事吧,因为明天可能就太迟了。I felt the shaking in the spiritual realm and very quickly now you will feel and see it in the physical realm. Be prayed up! Do what you can for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA today because tomorrow may be too late.

当有更危险的国家把导弹指向美国时,这个国家正派遣那么多的军队去攻打伊拉克。如果我们继续派兵出去,那谁来保卫我们自己的国家?This country is sending so many troops out to fight Iraq when there are even more dangerous nations pointing their missiles in America’s direction. Who will defend this country if we keep sending out our troops? 我希望我可以更自由地发言,但再也没有我们曾经拥有过的自由了。我们所能做的就是奉亚呼赎阿的名,为美国祈求从亚哈威而来的怜悯。虽然她不配得怜悯,这个不圣洁的国家在我们创造主的鼻孔里是一股恶臭。I wish I was free to speak more freely but there is no longer the freedom we used to have. All we can do is beg for mercy from YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUA’S name for America, although she doesn’t deserve mercy, the unholiness of this Country is a stench in our Creators nostrils.

我们继续为耶路撒冷的属灵平安祷告,这只能在耶路撒冷接受唯一的和平之君亚呼赎阿,万王之王,万主之主的时候才能拥有!亚呼赎阿是唯一的弥赛亚,也是亚哈威的独生子。We continually pray for the spiritual peace of Jerusalem which can only be when Jerusalem accepts the only Prince of Peace YAHUSHUA the KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS! The only MESSIAH and begotten SON of YAHUVEH.

亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的孩子们,我们抵挡仇敌的武器不是可以没收或者可以从我们这里夺去的属肉体的武器。Children of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, our weapons against the enemies are not carnal that can be confiscated, or taken from us. 我们最强大的武器就是祷告,这不只是购买强力胶带,而且是被亚哈威的手从敌人那里得到神圣的拯救,被隐藏在亚呼赎阿流下的宝血里。Our most powerful weapon is PRAYER, it is not just buying duct tape, it is DEVINE DELIVERANCE from the enemies by the hand of YAHUVEH and hidden in the shed blood of YAHUSHUA. 我们在这个事工里有一个女性伙伴,她是武装部队里的中士。她知道她被外派只是时间上的问题。她问我,她是否能活着回到她的孩子和丈夫身边?We have a woman partner in this ministry and she is a Sergeant In the Armed Forces. She knows it is only a matter of time when she will be shipped out. She asked me if she would be returning back to her children and husband alive? 泪水从我的脸颊流了下来,因为那时候亚哈威没有赐给我要告诉她的答复。后来我给她打电话,圣灵就赐给了我要给她的预言话语。我可以跟你们分享一部分,因为那部分对我们大家都适用。Tears streamed down my face as YAHUVEH didn’t give me the answer at that time to tell her. Afterwards I called her on the phone and the HOLY SPIRIT gave me prophetic words for her. One part I can share with you, for it applies to all of us. 

这个世界不是我们的家,我们只是路过,直到我们完成了我们被派到地球上要去完成的工作,在那之后,那些已经接受亚呼赎阿作为主神和救主的人将会返回天国。This world is not our home, we are only passing through until we accomplish the job that we were sent to earth to finish, after that those that have accepted YAHUSHUA as LORD GOD and SAVIOR will return back to Heaven. 圣经上说,我们没有任何一个人被保证有新的另一天。把今天就算作是你在为天国做工的日子吧。The Bible says none of us are guaranteed another day. Make today count for what you do for the Kingdom of Heaven.

请原谅我没有及时回复邮件,打电话和写信。这并不是说我不感激你们的支持。Please forgive me as I am behind in answering email and making phone calls and also writing postal letters. This doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate your support. 请別忘了为你的每个家庭成员准备好一个逃离包。这个政府决定要参战,我们的祷告只能拖延这么长时间。每一天美国还没有被卷入战爭就是那个祷告的答复。Please don’t forget to have a FLEE bag prepared for each member of your family. This Government is determined to go to war and our prayers can only delay the war so long. Everyday America is not in war is an answer to that prayer. 不要忘了感谢我们的创造主亚哈威和救主亚呼赎阿,感谢祂们延迟第三次世界大战的每一天。当你听到第三次世界大战这个词时,要知道敌基督已经在门口了,但也要知道亚呼赎阿要来接祂的新娘了。Don’t forget to thank our Creator YAHUVEH and Savior YAHUSHUA for each day of delay of World War III. When you hear the words World War III, know that the antichrist is at the door but so will be YAHUSHUA coming for HIS Bride.

布什总统,恕我直言,你既没有听从也没有顺服亚哈威。众先知已经警告过他不要对抗这场战爭。这场即将发生的战爭不是关于恐怖分子的威胁,尽管恐怖行动会因为人对人的不人道而发生。President Bush, with all due respect, has not listened nor obeyed YAHUVEH. Prophets have warned him not to antagonize this war. This impending war is not about threat of terrorism although terrorist acts will come because of man’s inhumanity to man.

在你的日历上写下日期,2003年2月13日,美国山地时间凌晨1:00。属灵领域因为将要发生在地球上的事而开始震动并摇晃,在凌晨3:00到4:00之间,属灵爭战最为激烈。Write down the date on your Calendar. February 13, 2003, 1:00 a.m. Mountain time in America, the spiritual realm started rocking and reeling for what will happen to earth and between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. 要比以往更多地祷告和代求。如果你参加了教会或者祷告团体,在每次结束前,都要坚持发起为美国和以色列祷告。the spiritual warfare was the most intense. Pray and intercede like you never have before. If you attend Church or have prayer groups, don’t let a day pass that you don’t insist and initiate prayer for America and Israel.別忘了每天醒来都赞美亚哈威和亚呼赎阿保护以色列和美国。 赞美亚哈威,別忘了为你拥有的每个祝福感谢祂。Don’t forget every day you awake to Praise YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA for protecting Israel and America. PRAISE YAHUVEH and don’t forget to THANK HIM for every blessing you have. 不要发牢骚,也不要抱怨,否则祂可能因为你不感恩的心而一点点拿走对你的祝福。Don’t grumble or complain or HE may take away the little that you have for an ungrateful heart. 请复製这信息并把它发送给其他人。如果阅读这信息的人知道其他人在2月13日凌晨发生了什么奇怪的事情,包括异梦,异象或预言,请给我发邮件。Please copy and send this to others. Please email me if anyone reading this knows of anyone else that had anything strange happen to them early February 13 in the a.m. hours. This includes dreams, visions, or prophesies.



Love and blessings in the name of YAHUSHUA

Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah



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