以莉莎法触摸一位天使的翅膀时就被治愈了Elisheva Is Healed Touching The Wings Of An Angel
I Touched the Wings of an Angel!
by Elisheva EliyahuMay 24, 2005
神圣大天使米迦勒,和另一位天使来到我这里,站在我床边唤醒我。我已经病了三天,因为疼痛而精疲力竭,然后我看见圣天使们站在我旁边。Michael the Holy Archangel came to me with another angel and stood over my bed awakening me. I had been in a very feirce battle for 3 days, exhausted, then I saw Holy Angels standing next to me. 米迦勒的翅膀悬在床的上方,我伸手去抚摸它,像个孩子一样用两个手指抚摸它。惊叹於翅膀的柔软以及里面闪闪发光的美丽宝石。Michael's wing was hanging over the bed and I reached out to touch it and stroked it between my two fingers like a child would, marveling at the softness of the wing, and beauty of the gems that sparkled all through it. 当我触摸大天使米迦勒的翅膀时,我的病立刻痊愈了。赞美亚呼赎阿,我们的玛西阿克!I was amazed when I touched Archangel Michael's wing. PRAISE YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH!
我也被另一位圣天使赐给了一则信息。他对我说: “整个天国都在欢喜快乐,在为亚呼赎阿的新娘做准备!” 下一次天使拜访我的时候,将会来告诉我亚呼赎阿什么时候来接新娘!I was also given a message from the other Holy Angel. He spoke to me and said, "All of heaven is rejoicing and preparing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA!" The next time the Angel visits me will be to tell me when YAHUSHUA is coming for the Bride! (因为我是亚呼赎阿的鸣警使女/指环使女,我将会知道,就像那五个聪明童女比喻里的那个呼喊之人所做的那样)圣天使还告诉我说,亚呼赎阿想要我诞生这个事工的一个新分支,它要被称为 “亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士” (since I am the Ringmaiden of YAHUSHUA I will know, just as the cryer did with the parable in the 5 wise virgins.) Also the Holy Angel told me that YAHUSHUA wants me to give birth to a new branch of the Ministry and it is to be called "YAHUSHUA's demon Stompers."
他们要成为 “无与伦比的神圣代祷勇士” (作为一个团队,一天二十四小时以祷告来复盖这个事工,在不同的时区,每天每个人单独祷告一小时以上)。They are to be "Holy Prayer Warriors like none other" (As a group they cover this ministry in prayer 24 hours a day in different time zones and individually each pray for one hour a day or more). 我们称他们为我们的属灵儿子和女儿,我们非常爱他们!我们的YDS前线祷告勇士们是非常有恩膏的神圣代祷勇士,他们知道怎样做属灵爭战,他们把一切颂赞都归给亚呼赎阿我们的玛西阿克。We call them our Spiritual Sons and Daughters and love them very much! Our YDS Front line Prayer Warriors are very anointed Holy Prayer Warriors they know how to do spiritual warfare and they give all Praise to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. 我很荣幸被他们称为鸣警使女妈妈(Momma R.M),虽然我才二十五岁。哈哈哈哈。I am honored to be called Momma R.M. by them even though I am only 25 years old, lol.
YAHUVEH has sent an Angel to release prophecy 71
在第71篇预言被释放的七个月前,亚哈威派祂的天使给她送来这信息。7 Months before Prophecy 71 was released, YAHUVEH sent HIS angel
to give her the message.
“数月前,我差遣我的圣天使带着这篇预言信息来到这位使女那里。当我的圣天使站在她床边口述这信息的时候,她写下了这篇预言信息,是我至今尚未分享过的一个奥祕。"I sent MY Holy angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message. As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote this prophetic message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. 我的天使告诉她〔当时的〕现在还不是释放这信息的时候,是要在指定的时间释放,现在就是揭示被封印的信息的时候了!我把我的秘密告诉我的众使徒和先知,以及所有会听的人。” MY angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed! I tell MY secrets to MY Apostles and prophets and all who listen."
Prophecy 71 What has been Sealed is now Revealed!