大天使米迦勒在南非向以莉莎法显现!Archangel Michael Appears To Elisabeth In South Africa!
2006年6月27日On June 27th 2006
使徒以莉莎法.以利亚呼Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
赞美亚哈威和亚呼赎阿!我被天国祝福并被天国荣耀了!Praise YAHUVEH AND YAHUSHUA!Have Been Blessed And Honored From Heaven!
2006年6月27日,我去了我最喜欢的海边餐厅。我们坐在那里的时候,我抬头看见一个有着黑头发,棕色皮肤,非常英俊的男子,带着一种认识我和充满爱的眼神盯着我看。On June 27th 2006 I went to my favorite seaside restaurant. We were sitting there when I looked up at a dark-haired, tan-skinned, very handsome man who stared back with a look of recognition and love. 他灿烂的笑容完全集中在我身上。因为这事太不寻常了,我会试着解释一下他脸上的表情。His huge smile was focused totally on me. Because it was so unusual, I am going to try to explain that look on his face.
我一开始没有笑,因为我非常地吃惊。首先,他看着我,带着一种属灵的联结,好像他认识我。而且,他出奇地英俊。I didn't smile at first because I was so shocked. First, he looked at me with a spiritual connection and as though he knew me. Also, he was exceptionally handsome. 我赶紧低下头想: “我不认识这个男人,为什么他那样看着我?” 我对自己说: “我肯定是在想像吧。” 于是我又抬起头来。I quickly bent my head and thought, 'I don't know this man, why would he be looking at me like that?' I said to myself, 'I must be imagining things.' So I looked up again.
那个男人仍然在盯着我看,脸上带着那个大微笑,全神贯注地望着我,好像餐厅里没有任何其他人一样。我不知道还要做些什么才好,只能报以微笑说了声: “嗨” 。The man was still staring at me with that big grin on his face, totally focused on me as if no one else was in the restaurant. Not knowing what else to do, I smiled back and mouthed the word, "Hi". 餐厅非常拥挤,你几乎都听不到別人在说什么。他站在餐厅里面,在餐桌前的入口处。The restaurant was so crowded that you could barely hear individuals speak. He stood inside, on the entrance way before the tables.
我连忙说: “他肯定是我们当中的一员,看到圣灵在我身上,或者看到了恩膏。” 我甚至不记得他穿的是什么衣服,也不记得他的衣服是什么顏色。(我知道那不是一件长袍——否则我会记住的!)我只记得他的脸。I quickly said, "He must be one of us and sees the Holy Spirit on me or anointing." I don't even remembers his clothes or the color of them. (I know it wasn't a robe--I would remember that!) All I remember is his face.
后来,在那天晚上祷告的时候,就向我们揭示了这个男人是谁。亚呼赎阿对我说: “妳无意中接待了天使。” 亚呼赎阿提醒我说,为什么那个人看起来很面熟,因为我以前看见过他的脸,不但在地球上,而且也在天国见过。Later that night during prayer, it was revealed to us who this man was. YAHUSHUA said to me, "You entertain angels unaware." YAHUSHUA reminded me why the man looked familiar to me; I had seen his face before, not only on earth but also in Heaven. 许多年前,在我生命中的一个严重危机时期,我走在印第安纳州哈蒙德市的人行道上。(那时我还没有把我的生命献给亚呼赎阿,因为没有人把祂介绍给我。)Many years ago during a severe time of crisis in my life, I was walking down a sidewalk in Hammond, Indiana. (I had not yet given my life to YAHUSHUA, because no one had introduced HIM to me).
我走在人行道上,处在自己的痛苦世界里,当我跟一个男人有眼神的交流。他停下来盯着我看。我也停下来盯着他看。我们两个人都笑了起来,注视着彼此的眼睛,没有说一句话。I was walking on the sidewalk in my own world of pain when I made eye contact with a man. He stopped and stared at me. I stopped and stared at him. Both of us were smiling, looking into one another's eyes, never saying a word. 就好像我认识他一样,但是,我还从来没有在地球上遇见过他。他是这么地英俊,我那时搞不懂为什么他会想看着我,好像他认识我一样。It was like I recognized him, but yet I had never met him on earth. I couldn't get over how exceptionally handsome he was and didn't understand why he would want to look at me like he knew me.
我现在知道那个男人就是我在南非餐厅里看到的是同一个人。同样的想法近期在我待在南非时也在我的脑海里。I now know the man was the same man I saw in the restaurant in South Africa. The same thoughts were in my head recently in South Africa. 后来我们就各走各的路了;我只是继续走路,但直到今天,我总是相信我看到了我的天使。那时候,我甚至都不知道任何一位天使的名字。Afterwards we parted ways; I just continued walking, but to this day I will always believe I saw my angel. Back then I didn't even know the name of any angel.
在祷告的时候,我得知在印第安纳州哈蒙德出现的那个男人,和我在南非看到的是同一个人。这位天使的名字叫米迦勒,在天国里的天使长!我只是想好奇……还有別人见过他吗?那个地方挤满了人,我们被安排在最后一张桌子。他跑去哪里了呢?During this prayer time, I was told that the man in Hammond, Indiana, was the same man in South Africa. The angel's name is Michael the Archangel, in Heaven! I just have to wonder...did anyone else see him? The place was packed and we had the last table. Where did he go?
第二天(2006年6月28日)作为确认,来自非洲的昆拉德弟兄联系了我们。The next day (June 28, 2006) as confirmation, Brother Conrad from Africa contacted us.(你们可以在下面的一封 “来自非洲的问候” 公开信中读到有关于他的信息,如果你没有读过,请去读一下。他是亚哈威以一种不同寻常的方式带领来到这个事工的。 (You can read about him in the "Hello from Africa"Open Letter further down in this message. If you didn't read it please do. He is the man who YAHUVEH led to this Ministry in an unusual way. 以利亚这个名字是以最不寻常的方式写在几百英里外的供电箱上。我毫不怀疑是天使们将这三个字分別写在了那些供电箱上。很快我们会把他寄给我的那张照片张贴出来,来证明他所说的都是真的。)The name Elijah was written in the most unusual way on electrical supply boxes hundreds of miles away. I have no doubt Angels wrote the 3 words on those separate boxes. Very shortly we will post the pictures he sent me of it to prove what he says is true).
昆拉德弟兄给我打电话,作为一个代祷者,他问我是否一切都好。这是我第一次接到他的电话。我告诉了他关于天使来访的事。Brother Conrad called me and asked me--as a prayer intercessor--how everything was going. This was the first phone call I have received from him. I told him about the angelic visitation. 他让我很惊讶,他告诉我们说,大约一周前,他已经看见过他的天使以人的样式向他显现。他已经见过同一个男人大约有二十次了。He surprised me and told us he had seen his angel appear to him in the form of a human about a week before. He has seen the same man about 20 times!
我真地相信亚呼赎阿的新娘正在看见,或者将要看见他们个人的守护天使,以一种或另一种方式出现在他们面前。I truly believe the Bride of YAHUSHUA is seeing, or will see, their personal guardian angels appear before them in one way or another.
我知道〔保护〕我的一些天使,包括米迦勒,加百列,还有拉斐尔。当我身处危险时,米迦勒总会被派遣到我这里来。我打赌我最近在非洲一直让他忙着作战、驱除恶者。I know that some of mine include Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Michael is always sent when I am in dangerous situations. Lately in Africa, I bet I've keep him busy fighting the evil away. 我知道米迦勒在向我显现有一个很好的理由。祂想让我知道:这个事工和那些和我们在一起的人会有额外的保护复盖。I know that Michael is appearing to me for a very good reason. He wants to let me know that this ministry and those with us have an extra covering of protection. 要记得,米迦勒是掌管其他天使的天使长。他将会亲自把撒但扔进无底坑,把牠关起来。只有一位天使会做那件事——不是一个天使军团!这就是他有多么强大。Remember Michael is the Ruling Angel over the other angels. He will personally throw satan in the bottomless pit and lock him up. Only one angel will do that--not an army of angels! This is how strong he is.
米迦勒也是保护以色列的主要天使。我感到很荣幸,他其中的一个任务是保护我。亚呼赎阿告诉他要向我显现;我相信他也是来向我传递一个重要的信息。Michael is also the main angel that protects Israel. I am honored that one of his tasks is protecting me. He was told by YAHUSHUA to appear to me; I believe he has also come to deliver an important message. 这个信息与亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘有关吗?他是过来捎给我一则给2006年犹太新年的讯息吗?只有时间能证明一切。Will it have anything to do with YAHUSHUA'S return for HIS Bride? Has he come to give me a message for Rosh Hashanah 2006? Only time will tell.
大约一年前,在2005年5月24日,圣天使来到我们的臥室,站在我们的床边。我触摸了离我最近的那位天使的翅膀,我看见那翅膀上因镶嵌的宝石而闪闪发光。我透过触摸一位天使翅膀的时候,一些危及我生命的东西就被治愈了。About a year ago on May 24, 2005, holy angels came to our bedroom and stood beside our bed. I touched the wings of the nearest angel and I saw the wings sparkling with embedded jewels. I was healed of something life-threatening by touching the wings of an angel. (我还需要写下更多关于这个神迹的事,但这事已经在亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士[YDS]诞生的网页上提到了,在很快就要出版的书中,我将会作更详细的敘述。)(I still have to write more on this miracle but it was mentioned on the site when YAHUSHUA's Demon Stompers was birthed. In the book soon to be released, I will go into it more in detail).
我没有看他们的脸,因为我定睛在那翅膀上。然而,我一直知道向我显现的两位天使中,其中一个是米迦勒。I never looked upon their faces because I was focused on the wing. However, I always knew Michael was one of the two angels that visited me.
留意看看你的守护圣天使,因为我不怀疑你也会看到他。(如果你认为有看到过,请告诉我)。当你看到你的守护天使,他们可能是以一个男人或一个女人的样式出现。Keep an eye out for your Holy Angel because I don't doubt you will also be seeing him. (Let me know if you think you have). When you see your angel, it may come in the form of a man or a woman.
有一次,我的天使以两个女人的样式出现,我从未忘记过那次经历。那次我也是处于危机当中。One time I had my angels come in the form of two women and I've never forgotten that experience. Again I was in a crisis situation. 这一次我是已经得救了,圣洁了,被如阿克.哈.古德西充满,尽管那时我对我们弥赛亚的犹太本质一无所知……我称如阿克为圣灵。This time I was saved, sanctified, and filled with the Ruach ha Kodesh, although at that time I knew nothing about the Jewishness of our MESSIAH...and I called the Ruach the Holy Spirit. 我的5岁双胞胎儿子和我在一起,我那时身处被虐待的婚姻中。如果你看了我的见证,你就会知道我已经离婚了。My identical twin sons-–aged five-—were with me and I was trapped in an abusive marriage. If you read my testimony you will see I am divorced.
我记得他们想出去吃披萨。沮丧的我选择了离我们购物的杂货店最近的披萨店。I remember they had wanted to go out for pizza. Depressed, I chose the closest pizzeria to the grocery store we were shopping at. 当我们进去在餐桌旁坐下时,我注意到有两个中年妇女坐在我对面的桌子。她们注视着我们,一边微笑着安静地交谈着。As we entered and sat down at the table, I noticed two middle aged women sitting at the table across from me. They were focused on us and smiling and quietly talking.
我心里想:这没什么大不了的,她们只是觉得我的双胞胎很可爱,因为他们长得一模一样。我点了一个比萨,在我们吃饭的整个过程中,那两个女人——一个是白人,一个是黑人——一直在盯着我们看。I thought to myself, 'This no big deal, they just think my twins are cute because they are identical.' I ordered a pizza and the whole time we were eating, the two women-–one was white and one was black—-kept starring at us. 她们一直在微笑,安静地交谈。我知道她们在谈论我,但我不知道她们为什么要议论我。孩子们都表现得很好。They continued to smile and talk quietly. I knew they were talking about me, but I didn't know why they would be. The kids behaved very well.
当我们快吃完比萨时,她们站起来,做了一件最奇怪的事。她们甚至都没看我一眼,就来到桌前,弯下腰,我的双胞胎儿子。When we had nearly finished our pizza, they got up and did the strangest thing. Without even looking at me, they approached the table and bent over to my twin sons. 肤色黑一点的女人说: “现在你们要照顾好你们的妈妈,你们听到了吗?” 皮肤白一点的女人对男孩们说: “你们保证?” 之后,她们对我笑了笑,没有说一句话,给我留下一个像是说 “不用担心,一切都会好起来的” 表情,就离开了。The darker woman said, "Now you take care of your mother, you hear?". The lighter woman said to the boys, "You promise?" After that they smiled at me without saying a word and left giving me an expression like, "Don't worry! It will get better." 我突然知道圣灵向我显明,刚才两个圣天使来探访我了。前面提到的那句经文也是给我的, “你们不知不觉接待了天使。。”All of a sudden I knew the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I had just had a visitation from two holy angels. The same scripture mentioned earlier was given to me, "You entertain angels unaware."
我感谢你们所有人的鼓励和爱的信息,也感谢你们所有经济上的支持。我们特別感谢正在代祷的祷告勇士。我们可以在你们的祷告中感受到恩膏的力量。I thank all of you for your messages of encouragement, love and also for all your financial support. We especially thank the prayer warriors who are interceding. We can feel the anointing power in your prayers. 我们希望那些为我们祷告的人知道我们是多么的爱你们,多么的感激你们,我们也为你们祷告。We want those who are praying for us to know how dearly we love and appreciate you and that we also pray for you. 虽然我们不能说出你们所有人的名字,但我们知道,每一个在为我们祷告祈求祝福临到我们的人,同样的祝福也会降临到他们身上。亚呼赎阿说:我要照你所蒙福的方式,赐福给那些为你祷告的人。Although we can't name all of you, we know that everyone who is praying blessings upon us, the same blessing will come upon them also. YAHUSHUA said, in proportion to the way that you are blessed, I will bless others who are praying for you.
以莉莎法Much love your Sister in YAHUSHUA,
附:对于那些我们的敌人和你们发出的诅咒,等等,现在你们感受到了这些诅咒的影响,这有什么奇怪的吗?请放心,你们的咒诅并没有碰到我们,而是正在返回到你们身上。我们穿着以弗所书6章亚哈威的军装,永远不脱下。P.S. To those who are our enemies and your sending curses, etc., is it any wonder now that you are feeling the effects of those curses? Be assured: your curses are not touching us but are returning to you. We wear the Ephesians 6 armor of YAHUVEH and it is never removed.
* * * * * * *
2006年6月19日June 19, 2006
以莉莎法现在在非洲服事!Elisabeth Now Ministering In Africa!
以下是一封来自以莉莎法给非洲的最新公开信。但首先,我们紧急需要得到祷告代祷者,这些警告邮件几乎是接踵而至的,而且这些先知都互相不认识:The following is an update and open letter to Africa from Elisabeth. But first, it is URGENT we get prayer intercessors. These email warnings nearly came back to back and these prophets do not know each other:
来自香港的约瑟:from Joseph in Hong Kong:
撒但和敌弥赛亚的人设置了很多陷阱来陷害妳。它可能是某种复杂的设计,所以请小心。当我们准备我们的服侍,工作和爭战时,我们的对手也一样。satan and the anti-Messiah have a lot of booby traps set up to trap you. It could be something of complicated design, so please watch out. As we step up our service and work and warfare, so does our adversary. 敌弥赛亚是一个能力惊人的人,因为我曾经在梦中见过他。他肯定也在属灵领域注意到了我们。我认为这是一个需要为我们迈出的每一步都向亚哈威咨询的时候。The anti-Messiah is a person of amazing competency, for I saw him in a dream once. He sure noticed us in the spiritual realm. I think it is a time when it is necessary to consult YAHUVEH for every step that we take.
来自南非的洛兰:from Lorraine in South Africa:
亲爱的以莉莎法,Dear Elisabeth,
这是我今天上午发给妳的信息,不知道怎回事,它又回到了我这里,我不知道...Here is the message I sent to you this morning somehow it came back to me l don’t how...
奉亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的大能的圣名,我问候妳!我祷告妳在南非是一段蒙福的时光,也希望妳找时间来读这个信息。I greet you in the Mighty Name of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH, I pray you are having a blessed time in South Africa, and hope you find time to read this message.
我感到我的灵里有很强的催促感(我不是百分之百确定,但我感觉到了)要去告诉妳,在妳和每一个跟妳一起出行的亚哈威的孩子周围必须加强亚呼赎阿的宝血复盖。I feel a strong urging in my spirit (I am not feeling 100% sure, but l feel it) to tell you that the blood covering of YAHUSHUA must be intensified around you and EVERY child of YAHUVEH that has come on this trip with you. 祷告勇士们的祷告复盖也必须加强;我感觉到敌人在南非的特工兴起来反对你传递过来的信息。The prayer covering by the prayer warriors must be intensified as well; l feel the enemy’s agents in South Africa rising up against the message you have come to deliver. 要呼召代祷勇士开始不停地代祷,我会开始代祷。愿我们热爱和侍奉的亚哈威保护你,在你和你的四围安营。Call for prayer warriors to begin to INTERCEDE WITHOUT CEASEING, l will begin to intercede. May YAHUVEH that we love and serve, protect and encamp around you and yours.
亲爱的在亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克里的家人,平安!从南非问候你们!我从未想过我会说这些话!Shalom beloved Family in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Hello from Africa! I never thought I would be saying those words!
2006年6月19日Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah
亚呼赎阿告诉我要让那些真正圣洁的,就是亚呼赎阿称为亚呼赎阿的践踏恶魔勇士们,上前来。I am told by YAHUSHUA to let those who are truly Holy, who YAHUSHUA calls YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers, to COME FORTH. 我们真的需要你们为我们做前所未有的代祷,不是随便代祷,而是真的一次代祷几小时。我们需要你们的祷告,为了从我们的弟兄那里得到神圣的保护,指引和爱的支持。We truly need you in a way we have never needed you before to intercede for us, NOT JUST CASUALLY, but truly for hours at a time. We need your prayers for divine protection, direction and loving support from our Brethren. 我们没有请求要来非洲。实际上,我哭了几天,恳求亚呼赎阿不要派我们来这里。祂对我说: 以莉莎法,不要像约拿一样。当然,我们顺服了。"“We didn't ask to come to Africa. In fact I cried and begged for days for YAHUSHUA not to send us here. He said to me, Elisabeth, don't be like unto a Jonah". Of course we obeyed.
现在我们来了,那么多的邀请都来了。就连一位来自尼日利亚的牧师昨天也写信给我,邀请我去参加在尼日利亚拉各斯举行的为期三天的十字军东征的活动,届时至少有三十万人会来。Now we are here and so many invitations are coming. Even a Pastor from Nigeria wrote me yesterday and invited me to be part of a 3-day crusade in Lagos, Nigeria, where at least 300,000 people would come. 他甚至说他需要在7月底之前知道我是否会来,因为他想要我的照片开始为十字军东征作宣传。He even said he needed to know before late July because he wanted my picture to start promoting the Crusade. 然而,我们也知道敌人现在知道我们在这里,我们真的需要那些圣者在祷告中复盖我们,也需要你们爱的支持和经济上的支持,比以往更需要。However, we also know the enemies now know we are here and we truly need those who are Holy to cover us in prayers, love and encouragement and financial support, like never before.
我已经收到了一篇给非洲的预言,会让撒但的仆人们大为恼怒。赞美亚呼赎阿增加了恩膏,并且让那些知道我们被差遣到这里来的众先知发出警告。I have received a prophecy for Africa that will greatly anger the servants of satan. Praise YAHUSHUA for the increase of anointing and the warnings from the prophets who know we have been sent here. 很多事情正在发生,也收到了许多来自非洲各个地区的邀请:乌干达,卢旺达,津巴布韦。我无法列举所有地方,有太多地方。So much is happening and so many invitations are coming to various parts of Africa: Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe. I can't name all the places, there are so many. 我们已被差往非洲成为圣者的祝福,但是恶者也会感觉到亚哈威的愤怒,特別是若他们试图以任何方式伤害我们。We have been sent to be a blessing to Africa for the Holy, but the evil will also feel the wrath of YAHUVEH, especially if they try and harm us in anyway.
第一天早上,我们在非洲高安全性新联排別墅里醒来,我想起了我在2006年6月6日做的一个梦,我只跟一个人分享过这个梦。现在我跟世界分享这个梦。The first morning we awoke in our new high security townhouse in Africa, I remembered a dream I had on 6/6/6 I have only shared it with one other person. Now I share it with the world.
我讨厌甚至连仇敌也会读到这信息。不要以为我不知道就连我们也有自己的敌人,撒但的仆人们,读信息来试图学习怎样来击败我们。I hate it that even the enemies will read this. Don't think I don't know that we even have our enemies, servants of satan, read to try to learn how to try and defeat us. 亚呼赎阿甚至告诉过我们,在互联网给我们发送电子邮件的名单上,谁是我们的敌人。我从你们的沉默中认识你们,你们从未给过鼓励也没有出席过。We even have been told by YAHUSHUA who are our enemies on the email list that is sent out over the internet. I know you by your silence, how you never offer encouragement and your presence.
我们不会把你们从邮件列表中刪除,因为我们被亚哈威告知,祂在我们的仇敌面前摆设筵席。诗篇23。We don't remove you from the email list because we were told by YAHUVEH that HE prepares a banquet table before us in the presence of our enemies. Psalm 23. 我们知道,并且这事已经被多次证明了,多得我都数不过来了。对于那些攻击我们的,或者向撒但祷告要害于我们的人,亚哈威说,伸冤在我,祂必报应你们现在所行的恶,不仅是在这地球上,而且是直到永远。We know and it has been proven more times than I can count: for those who attack us or pray to satan for our harm, Vengeance is mine saith YAHUVEH, HE will repay you for the evil you are doing not only on this earth but for all eternity.
我梦见我被派去营救 “路西法之家的女儿” 里的母亲和孩童和妇女,我警告她们这是一个出于撒但的邪恶的异端,我是来帮助她们逃离这房子的。I dreamt I was sent to rescue mothers and children and women from "the daughter of lucifer’s house." I warned them this is a evil cult and of satan and I was helping them to escape from the house. 但是孩子们的父亲不相信我,他们拒绝离开。However the fathers to the children did not believe me and refused to leave.
拜託,如果你认识其他相信在这事工里的真理的圣民,特別是如果他们是先知,能请你叫他们给我写信,并且请他们为我们祷告吗?PLEASE if you know other Holy people who believe the truths in this ministry, especially if they are prophets, will you ask them to write me please and pray for us? 请祷告我们被隐藏在亚呼赎阿的宝血里,祷告有一堵神圣的火墙使得敌人不能靠近我们,触碰我们,否则他们就会被亚哈威的愤怒酒醡之火烧灭,奉亚呼赎阿的名。Please PRAY we are hidden in the shed blood of YAHUSHUA and a Holy wall of fire where the enemies cannot come near us or touch us or they will be consumed with the fire of YAHUVEH'S wine press of wrath, in the name of YAHUSHUA.
你知道吗?亚呼赎阿在我们到达这里之后,给了我一句最奇怪的话语:祂说如果我们逃离这地,没有完成祂差派我们来这里做的事,祂不会责怪我们。到目前为止,我们选择留下。You know YAHUSHUA gave me the strangest word after we arrived here: HE said HE would not fault us if we ran from this land and did not finish what HE sent us here to do. Thus far, we have chosen to remain. 当你们听到给非洲的预言时,你们将会更加明白为什么撒但和撒但的仆人想缄默我。那预言真的会祝福在非洲的圣民,他们一直在等着这个祝福!You will understand more why satan and the servants of satan want to silence me when you hear the prophecy for Africa. It will truly bless the Holy People in Africa who have waited for this blessing! 它会引起撒但的仆人们越发恨我。爱慕,敬拜并顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的圣民们,It will cause the servants of satan to hate me more. Holy people who love, worship and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, 请现在联系我,让我知道我们来非洲不是徒劳的,让我们知道你们会和这个事工站在一起,满怀爱意支持它。please contact me NOW, let me know we have not come to Africa in vain, that you will stand with this Ministry and lovingly support it.
非洲人啊,这是你们的土地,我们被派到这里只是要作为你们的祝福,这样,你们的土地就不再被称为一个黑暗大陆,而是一块被恩膏的光之大陆!难道这不是你们为我来这里所作的祷告吗?Africans, this is your land, we are only sent here as a blessing to you, so your land will no longer be called a dark continent but an anointed continent of light! Isn't that what you prayed me here for? 这些年来,有多少人给我写信告诉我,在他们禁食的时候,得到了 “全能风Amightywind” 这个名字?有多少人邀请过我来?太多了,我已经没办法跟踪了。我们在这里了。这个事工在这里了。How many over the years would write to tell me, while fasting they received the name of "Amightywind"? How many have invited me to come? So many, I have lost track. We are here. This ministry is here. 所以,现在你们会联系我们吗?在非洲的亚呼赎阿的新娘,上前来吧!奉亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的名!So now won't you contact us? Bride of YAHUSHUA in Africa come forth! In the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!
最后一件事,亚哈威给了我们一个临时的家,从我们的后院可以看到一个巨大的正统犹太会堂。原来我们是在一个正统的犹太社区里。One last thing, where YAHUVEH has given us a temporary home the view from our backyard is a huge Orthodox Jewish Synagogue. It turns out we are in the midst of a Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. 这是一个非常大的社区,甚至商店里都有一个完全犹太教规洁食(kosher)的食品区和肉类区。It’s very large one where even the store has an entire Kosher food and meat section. 当正统犹太人拒绝接受亚呼赎阿为弥赛亚时,我比其他任何事情都更悲伤。当有人拒绝在各各他流下的宝血,那唯一能赦罪的血时,我就感到悲伤。I grieve more then anything else when the Orthodox Jews refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as Messiah. I grieve when any soul refuses the shed blood at Calvary, the only remission for sin.
亚呼赎阿赐下的礼物是祂的生命和宝血,并且在第三天从死里复活。最大的悲哀是,当我知道正统犹太人接受了亚哈威,却否认了唯一通往天国的道路,亚呼赎阿。请为我们祈祷和代祷。The gift that YAHUSHUA gave was His life and blood and arose from the dead on the 3rd day. The grief that is the greatest is when I know that the Orthodox Jews accept YAHUVEH, but deny the only way to Heaven, YAHUSHUA. PRAY & INTERCEDE for us please. 我的祷告是我们至少会接触到一些正统的犹太人,并且在我们的租约到期前,他们会接受亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。My prayer is that we will reach at least some of the Orthodox Jews and they will accept YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH before our lease is up.
我也认为你们会有兴趣来听亚呼赎阿以最美妙的方式带领另一位在亚呼赎阿里的弟兄来到这个事工。到目前为止,这是亚呼赎阿以最不同寻常的方式把人带到这个事工来。I also thought you would be interested in hearing the most beautiful way that YAHUSHUA led another Brother in YAHUSHUA to this Ministry. The most unusual way YAHUSHUA ever brought anyone to this Ministry has to be this way thus far. 一个来自非洲的兄弟给我写信,并且允许我跟你们分享,把一切颂赞,尊贵和荣耀都归给亚呼赎阿!A Brother from Africa wrote me and gave me permission to share this with you, to give YAHUSHUA all praise honor and Glory! 因为我们在搜索引擎上登头版的时候再次遇到了麻烦,但工作还在继续,我们倚靠如阿克.哈.古德西来带领人们。她的确带领人来了。Since we have had trouble with the search engines getting in top pages again, but it is being worked on, we rely on the Ruach Ha Kodesh to lead the people and HE does.
亚呼赎阿有祂自己的方式让圣民知道我们在非洲并去且信任这个事工。这真是太令人惊喜了,我们要把这事写进现在正在写的书里。YAHUSHUA has his own way to let Holy People know we are in Africa and to trust this Ministry. This is so spectacular that we are going to include it in the book that is now being written. 这本书将会以我们目前在非洲的经历和我们是怎样来到这里的事作为结尾。请祷告祝福这位在亚呼赎阿里的弟兄和他的家人。The book will end up with our experience thus far in Africa and what it took to get here. Please pray blessings on this Brother in YAHUSHUA and his family. 以下是他自己的话,也会放进我们正在写的书里。为了亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的荣耀!Here is his own words that will be included in the book we are writing. For the GLORY OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!
还有,他的妻子做了一个流星雨的梦,将会以前所未有的方式落下来,燃烧的黑岩石!去多年前透过我预言过的话语阅读相关的事。Also, his wife had a dream of the meteor showers that will fall like never before, flaming black rocks! Read about this where it was prophesied through me years ago.
Dear Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah,
我正在南非给你写这封信。我有一种非常急切的心情要给你写这封信。我已经在互联网上找到了你的网站。I'm writing this letter to you from South Africa. I have a very strong feeling of urgency for writing this letter to you. I have found your website on the internet. 在过去的几周里,我和我的妻子经历了一些很奇妙的事。我真的很想分享我是怎样奇迹般地找到你们网站的故事。In the past few weeks my wife and I have experienced some amazing events. I really want to share my story of how I miraculously discovered your website.
两天前,我开车送我妻子去上班。我现在在家里工作。当我在一个十字路口停下的时候,右边有些东西引起了我的注意,我只是想看看,回头一看,我看见一个电源箱。Two days ago, I was driving my wife to work. I'm currently working at home. As I stopped at an intersection, something on the right side of the road drew my attention. I just had to look. Turning my head way backwards, I saw an electricity supply box. 我注意到上面喷了几个字:两个字是白色的: “接受take” 和 “信任trust” 。另外一个字是用橙色喷的。但我辨认不清那个字到底是什么。有点像 “以利亚Elia” 或 “以利沙Elisha” 。I noticed a few words were spray painted on it: Two words were in the color white: "take" and "trust". The other word was spray painted in an orange color. But, I could not make out what the word was exactly. It was something like "Elia" or "Elisha". 那喷漆在往下流,很难看清楚。我非常急切地想看清楚这个字。很奇怪的感觉。
The paint was flowing downwards, which made it hard to read clearly. I felt much urgency to read this. Very strange.
次日,接我妻子下班后,我想我只需要回到同一电源箱那里,再看一下那些字就行了。就在那里,同样的两个字: “接受” 和 “信任” 。The next day after fetching my wife from work, I thought I just had to go back to the same box and read the words again. And there it was, the same two words in white paint: "take" and "trust". 还有那个字 “以利亚Elijah” 是在同样的地方被喷上了另一种顏色,和前天一样,甚至拼写得非常清楚。There was also the word "Elijah" spray painted in another color in the same spot as the day before, even spelled out very clearly. 但这次的 “以利亚” 这个字是用不同的字体喷成了紫色。同样的地方却没有前一天的任何橙色痕迹。But, this time the color of the word "Elijah" was in purple in different handwriting. There were no signs of any orange paint on the same spot, from the day before.
然后发生了一件奇妙的事。我和我的妻子突然望着天空,看见太阳从最美丽的云层后面反射出光线。光线非常明亮,并且照射在地上。这是我从未见过的景象。在那一刻,我们都感到很平静。Then a wonderful thing happened. My wife and I suddenly looked at the sky and saw the sun, reflecting rays from behind the most beautiful clouds. The rays were so bright and touching the ground. 当我们看的时候,在我们前面,我们看见了 “以利亚Elijah” 这名字被写在两个地方。It was a sight that we have never seen before. We both felt so calm during that moment. As we looked, in front of us, we saw the name "Elijah" written in two places. 这次是喷在对面街道的墙上。在那一刻,我觉得我必须在网上搜索 “以利亚” 这个名字。This time spray painted on the walls of a building across the street. At that moment, I felt that I just had to search for the name "Elijah" on the internet.
Then I remembered discovering this prophecy a few days ago: Prophecy 67
我看到那篇预言的时候已经是深夜了,所以我没有读完。但是,在电源箱上读到 “以利亚” 这个名字之后,我就必须回去看https://www.amightywind.com/home.html的主页了。
It was late at night when I read it, so I did not read everything. But, after reading the name "Elijah" on the electricity supply box, I just had to go back and to the home page: http://amightywind.com.
几周前,我妻子做了一个梦。So, this is how I came across your website. I would also like to share something with you. A few weeks ago my wife had a dream. 她梦见自己和她的家人站在南非这里海岸边的一座白色的旧房子外面。那是一座被遗弃的房子。She dreamt that she and her family were standing outside an old white house next to the coast, here in South Africa. The house was abandoned. 房子里面的中间有一间房间,可以通向好几间房。房子周围的人都很平静。In the house there was one room in the middle and several rooms leading from that one. All the people around the house were very calm.
突然,天空变成暗红色和黑色。乌云正在形成,它们开始卷起黑色和红色的云。天空变得漆黑,虽然是在正午。Suddenly the sky became dark red and black. Dark clouds were forming. They started whirling with black and red colors. The sky went really dark, although it was mid-day. 紧接着,黑石碎片落得到处都是。每块石子都被火和烟迹复盖着。The next moment, there were pieces of black rock falling everywhere. Each rock was covered with fire and a smoke trail.
一些人跑进那座房子。我妻子和她的家人去了房子中间最安全的那间屋子。其余的人在其他房间里。Some of the people ran into the house. My wife and her family went to the middle of the house where it is safest. The rest of the people were in the other rooms. 黑色的岩石开始击打那座房子里的所有房间,除了中间的那间。幸运的是,没有人受伤。然后,突然一切都停止了。她走出来。天空晴朗,阳光灿烂。The black rocks were striking all the rooms of the house except the one in the middle. Luckily, no one was injured. Then all of a sudden everything stopped. She went out. The sky cleared up and the sun was shining.
几分钟后,天空又变成黑色和红色。这次她警告大家跟着她上山,但只有少数人跟着。A few moments later, the sky became black and red again. This time she warned everybody to follow her up the hill, but only a few followed. 有两条上山的路:碎石路和柏油路。柏油路看起来容易走,但不太安全,因为它比碎石路低。There were two paths up the hill: a gravel path and a tarred one. The tarred road seemed easier to follow, but not very safe, as it was lower than the gravel road.
她和她的家人沿着那条通往山上的碎石路走。黑色的岩石撞击着海岸边的建筑物。下面的所有东西都被毁坏了。She and her family followed the gravel road, which led higher up the hill. The black rocks were striking buildings next to the coast. Everything down there was demolished. 她和她的家人躲在山上的几棵绿树底下。她大声喊道: “主啊,请帮助我们!” 。在那一刻,她从梦中醒来。She and her family took cover under a few green trees on the hill. She shouted the following words. "Please Lord help us". At that moment, she woke up out of the dream.
以莉莎法写完前一封信后,临时住所的警报立刻响了。我以莉莎法听到门砰的一声关上了。虽然警报被关了,或者在几秒內消除了,武装保安不到5分钟就赶到了!Immediately after Elisabeth wrote the previous letter, the alarm in the temporary house went off. I Elisabeth heard a door slam. Even though the alarm was shut off, or disarmed in seconds, armed security arrived in less than 5 minutes!我们需要忠诚的祷告勇士。这是一种全新的生活方式!我们真的不知道哪种君王、权势、执政的和掌权的在黑暗处掌管这片土地。 We need faithful prayer warriors. This is a whole new way of life! We truly do not know the kind of evil that the princes and powers and principalities and rulers in dark places have over this land. 我们需要有人来指导我们,让我们更加知道怎样与这种邪恶势力作斗爭。请联系我们。We need someone to come and mentor us to know more how to fight this evil. Please contact us.
在非洲爱、敬拜、顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的圣者们,现在请与以莉莎法联络,让她知道他们不是徒然来到非洲,让她知道你将与这事工站在一起,充满爱意支持它。Holy people who love, worship and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA in Africa please contact Elisabeth NOW, let her know they have not come to Africa in vain and that you will stand with this Ministry and lovingly support it.
* * * * * * *
June 1, 20062006年6月1日
亲爱的亚呼赎阿里的家人,我们在全世界问候你们,五旬节快乐!我们庆祝五旬节,因为这是庆祝如阿克.哈.古德西充满门徒的日子,伴随着神迹,奇事和异能。Beloved Family of YAHUSHUA we greet you around this world, HAPPY PENTECOST! We celebrate Pentecost because it celebrates the day the Ruach ha Kodesh filled the disciples to overflowing and signs, wonders and miracles did follow. 读《使徒行传》,就知道同样的圣灵能以同样的方式充满你。Read the book of Acts and know that the same Holy Spirit can fill you the same way.
为了让这事发生,亚呼赎阿必须为我们的罪死去,并且从死里复活,但祂确实指示门徒们要在沙夫幼特节,五旬节的时候,去上层楼房,他们就被新的恩膏充满,就像我们所有在亚呼赎阿面前圣洁的人也可以期待一样。YAHUSHUA had to die for our sins and arise from the dead for this to happen, but HE did instruct the disciples to go to the upper room on Shavuot, the day of Pentecost, and they were filled with a new anointing like all of us who are Holy before YAHUSHUA can also expect. 我爱宝贵的如阿克.哈.古德西。若没有保惠师(安慰者),也被称为圣灵,来到我们这里,把我们吸引到亚呼赎阿爱的怀抱里,谁能得救呢?I love the precious RUACH HA KODESH. Without the comforter, also called the Holy Spirit, coming to us so we are drawn to YAHUSHUA'S loving arms, who could be saved? 若没有如阿克.哈.古德西使人知罪,提醒我们要保持圣洁,鼓励我们的信心,我们会在哪里呢?我非常感激如阿克.哈.古德西的恩膏。世上没有什么能代替它的位置。Without the conviction of the Ruach ha Kodesh reminding us to stay Holy, and to encourage our faith, where would we be? I am so grateful for the anointing of the Ruach ha Kodesh. Nothing in the world can take its place.
我们已经游遍了欧洲,甚至非洲。我们已经面对面会见了亚呼赎阿的一些新娘。我们在努力找时间来翻译四篇新预言,并把它们张贴出来。只是似乎每天的时间都不够用。We have been traveling all over Europe and even Africa. We have met with some of the Bride of YAHUSHUA face to face. We are trying hard to get the time to translate 4 new prophecies and get them posted. There just hasn't been enough hours in the day it seems.
最新的预言是一篇充满了希望和启示的非洲预言。这是从亚呼赎阿来的最新的话语,充满了恩膏和能力。The newest prophecy is an African prophecy full of hope and revelation. It is the newest word from YAHUSHUA and is full of anointing and power. 请代祷者们代祷,我们正试着在一所房子里安顿足够长的时间,这样我们就可以喘口气,给你们从天国而来的新鲜吗哪!Please intercessors, we are trying to get settled down long enough in a house so we can catch our breath and give you fresh mana from Heaven! 我们也在努力找时间来为即将出版发行的新书工作。我们收到很多邀请,去各个国家服事,我们也在努力接触所有邀请我们的人。We are also trying hard to find time to work on the new book that is being produced and about to be released. We receive so many invitations to minister in the international countries and we are trying hard to reach all who invite us, 但现在时间非常短暂。大灾难并不遥远了。but time is so short now. The Great Tribulation is not afar off.
我做梦也没想到我会这么快就去这么多国家旅行。我一直对那些邀请我的人说: “到时候,我会在我荣耀的身体里来看你们,并在你们的教会里传道。” 不对!Never did I dream I would be traveling in so many countries so quickly. I kept saying to those who invited me, "I will see you in my glorified body and preach in your church at that time." Wrong! 我们还在我们必朽的身体里,虽然需要我们付出代价,但我们正努力前往那些牧师们发出邀请的地方,他们相信这个事工所代表的是什么,我们也在努力前往亚呼赎阿的新娘发出邀请的地方!We are still in our mortal bodies and although it is taking a toll on us, we are trying hard to go where we are invited by pastors who believe what this ministry stands for as well as with the Bride of YAHUSHUA!
我必须承认这是我们所经历的是我们已知的最大程度的压力。我们真的需要你们的爱和支持,非常感激你们,也需要你们前所未有的代祷!当我们最后一次离开美国时,我们的信心发生了巨大的飞跃,包括经济上的飞跃。I must admit the stress level has been at the highest we have ever known. We really need and appreciate your love and support and also intercessory prayers like never before! We took the greatest leap of faith, including financially, when we left USA for the last time.
亚呼赎阿的新娘,请用圣方言祷告,因为如阿克知道所需要的是什么,或者祷告求问亚呼赎阿怎样为这个家庭祷告。Bride of YAHUSHUA, pray in Holy Tongues for the Ruach knows what is needed, or pray and ask YAHUSHUA how to pray for this family. We are in need of urgent intercessory prayers. 我们需要迫切的代祷者。我们把这神圣的恩膏带去的国家里有君王,权贵,执政的和在高处掌权的,他们不想让这恩膏被释放在人们将得救,被拯救和被医治的地方!The countries we are taking this Holy anointing to has princes, powers, principalities and rulers in high places that do not want this anointing released where the people will be saved, delivered, and healed!
要记住这一点,只有你为亚呼赎阿所做的才会被算进永恆。只有你以祂的名义所做的事才有效。不要把你的钱用在自私的目的上,否则你的钱会变得一文不值。Remember this, only what you do for YAHUSHUA will count in eternity. Only what you do in HIS name will stand. Don't use your finances for selfish purposes or it will be like stubble and hay. 问问你自己…你是在地球上还是在天国里积攒你的财宝?我知道我们只有在天上的财宝,因为在地上,我们甚至没有一所房子或傢俱可以称为我们自己的。Ask yourself...are you building up your treasures on earth or in Heaven? I know we only have treasures in Heaven, for on earth we don't even have a house to call our own or furniture. 甚至我们的车也被留下了。我们为了亚呼赎阿的荣耀,把一切都放在了祭坛上。Even our vehicle was left behind. We have laid everything on the altar of sacrifice for the glory of YAHUSHUA.
你也是这样做的吗?Have you also done the same?
我们特別的祈祷和爱献给我们的伙伴们,他们在全世界忠实地支持这个事工。你知道你是谁。最重要的是,亚呼赎阿知道你是谁,我们将在天堂分享同样的赏赐。Our special prayers and love go to our partners who faithfully support this ministry around this world. You know who you are. Most importantly, YAHUSHUA knows who you are and we will share the same rewards in Heaven. 你们是我们祷告的回复,我们称你们为这事工的朋友们。你们也是我们需要告知我们秘密祷告的人,因为你们已经证明你们有多么爱我们,我们可以信任你!You are the answer to our prayers, and you are the ones we call friends of this ministry. You are the ones we tell our secret prayer needs too because you have proven how much you love us and we can trust you!
以莉莎法HAPPY PENTECOST! And much love to our family of YAHUSHUA around this world.
Love and blessings in YAHUSHUA'S name
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2006年5月6日May 6, 2006
我们现在在欧洲旅行,来聚集亚呼赎阿的欧洲新娘。我们非常感激你们在这个时期为我们的指引和安全祷告!We are now traveling in Europe to gather together the European Bride of YAHUSHUA. We greatly appreciate your prayers for our guidance and safety during this time!
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第84和85篇预言PROPHECIES 84 AND 85
这些预言很快就会一起公佈,现在我已经安全地离开了美国。它们是紧随逾越节后的出埃及记预言,These prophecies will be released together shortly now that I am safely out of America. They are the Exodus prophecies which follow the Passover, 就像犹太人在逾越节过后立刻出埃及一样,那时每户人家的头生的性命都被取走了,除了那些住在有着一个[无瑕疵的]羔羊的血抹在门楣和门框上房屋里的人。just as the exodus of the Jews from Egypt immediately followed the Passover, at which time the first-born in each household was taken EXCEPT in those dwellings with the Blood of a [spotless and without blemish] lamb put above and on each side of the entrance door.
没有什么比亚呼赎阿的新娘顺服如阿克.哈.古德西的带领更为重要!如果并且当你被指示要逃离美国,你就要逃离,不要回头看[要记住发生在罗得妻子身上的事]...OBEDIENCE of the Bride of YAHUSHUA to the leading of the RUACH HA KODESH has never been more important! IF and WHEN you are instructed to flee America, you are to FLEE and NOT LOOK BACK [remember what happened to Lot's wife!]...如果你被指示留下来,那你就要留下来,并且当祂们带领你去一个圣所(庇护所)的时候,你就要听从亚哈威和亚呼赎阿!and IF you are instructed to REMAIN, then you are to remain and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA when they lead you to a place of sanctuary! 没有任何不服从的藉口。如果你不听从你总司令的指示,那你只会任由敌人摆佈!There is NO EXCUSE for disobedience and it will only put you at the mercy of the enemy if you do not follow the instructions of your Commander-in-Chief!
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我们把每一样东西都留下了,因为现在我们在欧洲旅行。如果你相信这个事工所教导的,如果你是亚呼赎阿的新娘成员,那就用上面的电子邮箱跟我联系。We have left EVERYTHING behind as we now travel in Europe. If you believe in what this ministry teaches and that you are part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, then contact me at the email address above. 在这次聚集欧洲新娘的时候,我们将会被如阿克.哈.古德西带领在她的指示下去跟那些人联络。We will be led by the RUACH HA KODESH to contact those as He instructions during this time of ingathering for the Bride in Europe!
这个事工的需求从来没有像现在这样大,如果你以前还没有这样做过,那么现在就是认真地为自己在天上积攒财宝的时候了!The needs of this ministry have never been greater, and if you have not done so before, NOW is the time to get serious about laying up for yourself TREASURE IN HEAVEN! 这财宝就是你为亚呼赎阿所做的每一件事,因为你是被如阿克.哈.古德西带领的。其他的都无关紧要。因为你们是被带领来帮助支持这个事工的。That treasure is everything you do for YAHUSHUA as you are led by the RUACH HA KODESH. Nothing else will matter. As you are led, help support this ministry, 因为我们不仅要为聚集亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘工作,也要去接触迷失和受伤的灵魂!as we not only work for the ingathering of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, but also to reach lost and hurting souls! 我们鼓励你把这一切都放在牺牲祭坛上,这样,亚哈威和亚呼赎阿想要通过这个事工完成的事就能够被迅速完成!We encourage you to put it ALL on the Altar of Sacrifice so that what YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA desire to accomplish through this ministry CAN BE DONE and QUICKLY! 无论你现在为祂的缘故牺牲了什么,都将是为了他的荣耀、赞美和尊贵,你能想像当你很快站在亚呼赎阿面前时,听到祂说最甜蜜的话: “做得好!” Whatever you sacrifice for His sake now will be to His Glory, Praise and Honor and can you even imagine hearing the sweetest words ever spoken by YAHUSHUA when you stand before Him soon: "WELL DONE!"
You cannot imagine HOW SHORT TIME IS!
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当你们读指向美国的诸预言时,现在要意识到它们也是指向加拿大的预言!When you read the prophecies directed to America, realize now that THEY ARE ALSO DIRECTED AT CANADA! 尽管这两个国家之间有一条边界线,但它们在预言中是一起在同样的审判之下,以前只是预留给美国的!Even though a border separates these two countries, THEY ARE PROPHETICALLY TOGETHER UNDER THE SAME JUDGMENTS previously reserved only for America! 不要以为从美国逃到加拿大会把你带到安全的地方——除非你被如阿克.哈.古德西带到一个圣所/庇护所,无论你被带到哪里!Do not presume that fleeing from America to Canada will take you to safety--unless you are being led to a sanctuary by the RUACH HA KODESH which will be wherever you are led! 要记住,当你被告知要逃离时,如果你不逃离,不去如阿克带领你去的地方,那你就会像一只老鼠一样,准备被一个巨大的红色杯子罩住你。Remember, if you do not FLEE when told to FLEE and go only where the RUACH leads you, you will be like a mouse ready to have a large, red cup dropped over you. 如果没有保护和遮盖——这只会出自对亚哈威和亚呼赎阿的完全顺服——那杯子就会找到你,然后降下来罩住你,你就会没有地方可去,只能落入敌人的控制中。你已经被警告过了!Without the protection and covering that comes ONLY with COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, that cup will find you, then come down and then there will be no place to go except right into the clutches of the enemy. You have been warned!
服从!服从!服从!就像以莉莎法妳已做的那样……妳必须甘心撇下一切,不回头,服从亚哈威和亚呼赎阿往前走!OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE! Just Elisabeth you have done...you MUST be willing to leave EVERYTHING behind and NOT LOOK BACK and walk forward in OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! 你不可能两者兼得。如果你期望得到保护,安全和祂的祝福,那你就必须按祂的方式去做!!!
You cannot have it both ways. If you expect protection, safety and His blessings, you must do it HIS WAY!!!
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来自亚哈威的话...WORD FROM YAHUVEH...
哦,有多少人会犹豫不决,为他们被要求撇下的美丽家园、家人和工作而哀伤。而藉着这样做,他们自己将会被撇下!Oh, how many will hesitate, grieving over beautiful homes and families and jobs that they are being told to LEAVE BEHIND. And in so doing, they themselves WILL BE LEFT BEHIND! 因为他们没有把我,我亚哈威和我的爱子亚呼赎阿放在他们生命的绝对第一位!!!这是別无选择的!要留意这个警告!
Because they did not PUT ME, I, YAHUVEH and My Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA absolutely FIRST IN THEIR LIVES!!! IT CAN BE NO OTHER WAY! Heed this warning!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH COMES SO VERY QUICKLY FOR HIS BRIDE! What you do for Me, do quickly! For time runs out quickly!
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祝福你们所有人。感谢你们的祷告和经济上的支持。更重要的是,感谢你们的顺服!Bless you all. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support. And most of all, thank you for your OBEDIENCE!
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亲爱的姐妹J,Beloved Sister Joaninne,
我今天(2006年4月28日)看到了一个巨大的,强力红色磁铁的异象,亚呼赎阿把磁铁给了妳,还有其他人,和那些在荷兰的我还不认识的人。I seen a vision of a huge, powerful red magnet today [April 28, 2006] and YAHUSHUA gave you the magnet along with the others like Lydjusca and Sandra, Lyda and those I don't know yet in Holland. 现在我看到一枚戒指,它象徵着我是指环使女,而我正被拉到在欧洲的亚呼赎阿的新娘那里!这是在除酵节之后给我的一个新命令!Now I see a ring which symbolizes me as the Ring Maiden and I am being pulled to the Bride of YAHUSHUA in Europe! This is a new mandate given to me after FEAST OF UNLEAVEN BREAD! 现在亚将会给我显明怎样面对面招聚她们。今天我被告知说: “以莉莎法,妳已经为美国新娘耽搁够久了!还有別的国家有亚呼赎阿的新娘,她们需要我赐给妳的真理和恩膏!” Now I will be shown how to assemble with them, face-to-face. I was told today, "Elisabeth, you have tarried for the American Bride long enough! There are other nations who have the Bride of YAHUSHUA, who need the truths I have given you and the anointing!"
神圣的代祷勇士和新娘的代祷者们,上前来吧!Holy Prayer Warriors and Bride's Prayers, COME FORTH!