
📒20-1天使向以莉莎法显现Angel appears to Elisabeth and calls her Ma'am




Angelic Visitations:

Angelic visitations are biblical and should not be considered unusual. In fact, angelic visitations should be commonplace among those who belong to the Lord YAHUSHUA.


Angel appears to Elisabeth and calls her Ma'am

2008年9月5日,以莉莎法被一个对她说话的声音唤醒,好像一个人站在她床头。一个她从未听过的男性的声音在说:“夫人?夫人?(Ma'am? Ma'am?)”唤醒她来引起她的注意。On September 5, 2008 Elisabeth was awakened by a voice speaking to her as if a person was standing over her head. A male voice she had never heard before was saying, "Ma'am? Ma'am?" Waking her up to get her attention. 她醒过来说:“是的,是谁啊?”她心里想:“邮差怎么会看见我在卧室里?”以莉莎法激动起来并说:“那肯定是圣天使给我送来了一份从天国来的特快专递。”以莉莎法说她永远也不会忘记那个声音。She woke up and said, "Yes, who is it?" She was thinking to herself, "How did the mailman see me in my bedroom?" Elisabeth got excited and said, "Then it must of been a Holy Angel who just gave me a special delivery from heaven." Elisabeth says she will never forget that voice. 

有许多天使拜访过以莉莎法,但她知道他们从未用她的名字称呼过她。Elisabeth has had many visitations of Holy Angels and she realizes they have never addressed her by her name. 这是他们第一次用“夫人”这个词来称呼她,凯瑟琳亚说,以莉莎法应该感到荣幸,因为这表明天使们是多么尊敬她。This is the first time they ever addressed me and used the word ma'am and Kathrynyah says Elisabeth should be honored because it shows how much the Angels respect her. 在我们的英语词汇里,用“夫人Ma'am”这个词是表示尊称。In our english vocabulary using the word ma'am is a sign of respect.

后来在祷告的时候,一位拜访我们的姊妹听到那是一位圣天使,她看见有一个书卷被赐给了以莉莎法。她还听到了歌罗西书1章的一节经文,是用来鼓励以莉莎法的。(请阅读歌罗西书1章)Later during prayer Joainneyah heard that it was a Holy angel and she saw a Scroll being given to Elisabeth. She also heard Colossians 1, a verse meant to encourage Elisabeth. (Please read Colossians 1)

昨天晚上在祷告期间,亚呼赎阿向以莉莎法确认了那是一位圣天使。以莉莎法求问亚哈威给她传递的是什么。在祷告期间,凯瑟琳亚听到:“准备被提”Last night during prayer YAHUSHUA confirmed to Elisabeth it was an Holy angel. Elisabeth asked Yahuveh what was delivered to her. During prayer Kathrynyah heard, "Rapture ready."凯瑟琳亚看见几个白色的乒乓球在水面上下浮动,等着被捡起来。它们是鸡蛋的形状。Kathrynyah saw white ping pong balls bobbing to the surface of the water, waiting to be picked up. They were egg shaped. 凯瑟琳亚看见两条电线即将触碰在一起,她解释说那是指我们属世的肉体与我们属灵的肉体相遇,然后“砰!”的一声,当两条电线触碰的时候,就产生了某种新的东西。 K saw two wires coming into contact which she interpreted to mean our earthly flesh meeting our spirit bodies and "boom!" Something new created when the two come in contact.以莉莎法听到说我们的“属灵DNA将会与我们肉体的DNA结合,我们的新身体也将会形成” Elisabeth heard our "spiritual DNA will combine with our fleshly DNA and our new bodies will be formed."

我们被赐予了一个又一个的征兆,表明我们正处于大灾难的边缘,但我们知道,在我们玛西阿克亚呼赎阿的十四万四千启示录十四章里的新娘被提之前,这大灾难不可能发生,敌基督也不能被显露。We have been given sign after sign that we are on the brink of the Great Tribulation, but we know this the Great Tribulation can not happen the ac can not be revealed until the true Bride of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH of Rev 14 the 144,000 has been raptured.

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“ma'am(夫人)”一词在字典里的定义Dictionary definition of the word ma'am

在英国,ma'am(夫人)的用法大多已经过时了,只有少数情况例外。它可以用来代替“陛下”称呼女王;在第一次称女王为“陛下”之后,Ma'am可以用于余下的谈话。In the U.K. ma'am is mostly obsolete, with a few exceptions. It may be used when addressing the Queen in place of Your Majesty; after having first addressed the Queen as Your Majesty, Ma'am may be used for the remainder of the conversation.此外,在警察部门,这个词作为对高级女警官的敬称仍然很常见。 In addition, the term is still in common usage in the police service as a form of address to a senior female officer.

Madam(夫人)可以用来代替Ma'am(夫人)表示尊敬,但在美国,这个用法远不如Ma'am(夫人)常见。Madam may be used in place of ma'am to express respect, but its usage is nevertheless far less common as that of ma'am in the U.S.



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...