安息日- 当记念安息日并守为圣日
The Sabbath - Remember to keep it Holy
一周的第七天,通常被称为星期六的那一天,是以色列全能神亚哈威的安息日。亚把那一天命定为所有人类要让自己身体得到安息的日子。The seventh day of the week, the day commonly known as Saturday, is the Sabbath day of YAHUVEH the Almighty Elohim of Israel. It was ordained of YAH as a day of physical rest for all mankind.
1 The Sabbath Day
遵守亚哈威的诫命是从守祂的节日开始的。第一个是安息日。亚哈威的所有节期都是起源于守安息日。星期天敬拜不是安息日。你不能守了安息日然后又守星期天。The beginning of observing the commands of YAHUVEH start with keeping His Feast Days. The first one is the Sabbath. All the Feast Days of YAHUVEH have their origin within keeping the Sabbath. Worshipping on Sunday is not the Sabbath. You cannot keep the Sabbath and then keep the Sunday. 星期天是由人设立的日子。我们大多数人都一直被教导说,我们要在星期天敬拜,因为亚呼赎阿是在星期天复活的。旧约和新约经文都说绝对不要添加或删减神的话语。在星期天敬拜就是我们加上去的,但也同时把安息日除去了。Sunday is a day instituted by man. Most of us have been taught that we worship Sunday because YAHUSHUA was resurrected on Sunday. The scriptures both old and new testament speak to never adding to or taking away from the word. By worshipping on Sunday we add to, but also take away from the Sabbath. 在创世记里,安息日就被亚哈威设立为一个永远的命令,是在第七日,就是星期五日落到星期六日落。In Genesis the Sabbath was established forever as a perpetual command to be on the 7th day, which is sundown Friday to sundown Saturday by YAHUVEH.
How do we begin to remember to keep the Sabbath holy?
安息日从星期五日落开始,到星期六日落结束。守安息日为圣日是从认识到它是一个从其他日子里分别出来作为圣日开始。The Sabbath begins at Friday sundown and ends Saturday at sundown. Keeping the Sabbath holy is initiated by recognizing it as a separate holy day from the other days.
我会提前一天做准备,我首先要确保我家里是干净的。我会预备好一直到安息日结束时的餐食。I prepare a day early. I begin, by making sure my home is clean. I have meals prepared that will last until Sabbath is over.
我会尽量减少分心的事情,比如电视,电话,或者做一些家务。记住,这是令人快乐的日子,这是令人感到休闲的日子。我寻找那些令人快乐的事。I try to lessen distractions, such as T.V., the phone, or doing some home project. Remember, it is to be a delight, it is to be restful. I look for those things that are delightful. 通过停止我们的工作给我们带来恢复和更新,这只能在你开始守安息日的时候才能获得,不只是在星期六或星期天休息,而是在安息日休息。By ceasing from our work it brings a restoration and refreshing that YOU ONLY GET WHEN YOU BEGIN TO KEEP THE SABBATH, not just rest on Saturday or Sunday but the Sabbath.
在安息日的晚上,星期五晚上的时候,我总是以赞美开始,并且向亚哈威祷告。我邀请祂进入我家,进入我里面,和我一起守安息日。我每个安息日都请求祂向我显明祂想和我们一起分享什么。On Sabbath evening, Friday, I always begin with praise and prayer to YAHUVEH. I invite Him into my home and into me, to keep Sabbath with me. I ask Him each Sabbath to show me what it is that He wants us to share together.
父亲和/或丈夫祝福他的妻子和孩子们是安息日的一部分。对于你们那些单身的人来说,那就是天父亚哈威祝福你。The father and/or husband blesses his wife and children as part of Sabbath. For those of you that are single, it is YAHUVEH who blesses you.
在安息日做善事是允许的;要记得亚呼赎阿在安息日医治病人并行神迹。控告亚呼赎阿的人说祂没有守安息日。祂并没有对安息日起争论,而是反对那些在安息日限制任何活动(包括行善)的人,It is also permissible to do good on the Sabbath; remember YAHUSHUA healed and did miracles on the Sabbath. Accusers of YAHUSHUA said that He did not keep the Sabbath. He argued not against Sabbath but those who restricted any activity (including doing good) on Sabbath. 事实上,为了说明这一点,亚呼赎阿特意在安息日治愈了某些人。祂的逻辑是直截了当的。In fact, YAHUSHUA specifically healed certain men on Sabbath to illustrate this point. His logic was straightforward. 亚呼赎阿对他们说:你们中间谁有一只羊,若在安息日掉在坑里,他不会抓住羊,把羊拉上来呢?人比羊更珍贵!所以,在安息日行善是合法的。And He said to them, What man shall there be among you, who shall have one sheep, and if it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will he not take hold of it, and lift it out? Of how much more value then is a man than a sheep! So then, it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath.
对于你们那些想守安息日,却面临着与守安息日相冲突的就业困境的人,要请求亚哈威来解决那个问题,请祂赐给你一份新的工作,一份不同的工作安排,或升职。For those of you who want to keep Sabbath but are facing an employment situation which conflicts with its observance, ask YAHUVEH to solve that problem by giving you a new job, a different work schedule, or a promotion.
经文教导说,如果我们愿意听从祂的声音,祂就会祝福我们,并且使我们成功。The Scripture teaches that if we will obey His voice, He will bless and make us successful.
有一些在安息日的活动可能会导致别人必须工作。诫命说我们不应该让别人服侍我们。这甚至包括家庭成员,雇佣的仆人,和动物(其他生物)...Some activities on a Sabbath can cause others to have to work. The commandment says that we should not cause others to serve us. This even includes family members, paid servants, and animals (other living creatures)…但第七日,是亚哈威你神的安息日;在这日你不可做工,你和你的儿子或女儿,或你的男仆或婢女,或你的牛,你的驴或你的任何牲畜,或和你在一起的客旅,这样,你的仆人和你的婢女也可以像你一样休息。申命记5:14. but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter or your male servant or your female servant or your ox or your donkey or any of your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you, so that your male servant and your female servant may rest as well as you. Deuteronomy 5:14
“你若在安息日掉转(或译:谨慎)你的脚步,在我圣日不以操作为喜乐,称安息日为可喜乐的,称亚哈威的圣日为可尊重的,而且尊敬这日,If because of the Sabbath, you turn your foot from doing your own pleasure on My holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy day of YAHUVEH honorable, and shall honor it,不办自己的私事,不随自己的私意,不说自己的私话, 你就以亚哈威为乐,亚哈威要使你乘驾地的高处,又以你祖雅各的产业养育你。”这是亚哈威亲口说的。(以赛亚书58:13-14)desisting from your own ways, from seeking your own pleasure, and speaking your own word, then you will take delight in YAHUVEH, and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; and I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of YAHUVEH has spoken.( Isaiah 58:13-14) 这律法书不可离开你的口,总要昼夜思想,好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事顺利。(约书亚记1:8) This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. Joshua 1:8
就像婚戒一样,它的圆形结构述说的是一种永远不会结束的关系,安息日述说的是新郎(亚呼赎阿)和新娘之间的盟约关系。Just like the wedding ring, in its circular construction speaks of a never ending relationship, the Shabbat speaks to the covenant relationship between the bridegroom (YAHUSHUA) and the bride. 贵重的金属,(黄金王位和白银赎金,亚呼赎阿的赎金)述说的是成立婚姻的誓言。戴戒指是作为一个提醒:我们作为亚呼赎阿的新娘要穿戴(遵守)安息日作为一个提醒。安息日是一个节日。The precious metals, (gold-kingship and the silver-redemption, ransom of YAHUSHUA) speaks of the vows that formed the marriage. The ring is worn as a reminder. We as the Bride of YAHUSHUA are to wear (keep) the Sabbath as a reminder. The Sabbath is a feast day.
《旧约》或《妥拉》称安息日为当纪念的诫命。安息日在《旧约》和《妥拉》被赐予前就为人所知;因此,这个指示时要纪念安息日守为圣日。The Old Testament or Torah calls the Sabbath the commandment of remembrance. The Sabbath was known to man prior to the giving of the Old Testament or Torah; therefore, the instruction is A Remembrance to keep the Sabbath holy.
守安息日是作为一块踏脚石,来唤醒对亚哈威的新认知。而不是总是通过参加聚会来拜访祂,守安息日向人们表明怎样邀请亚哈威到他们家里以及祂是怎样去拜访他们的。祂对他们说,安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日设立的。(可2:27)The observance of Sabbath serves as a stepping stone to a new awakening of YAHUVEH. Instead of always going to assemblies to visit Him, keeping Sabbath shows people how to invite YAHUVEH to their home and He comes to visit them. And He was saying to them, A Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.(MAR 2:27)
安息日是一个安息舒畅更新的日子,按照亚哈威的规定,日子的标记是基于安息日。Sabbath is a day of rest and refreshment. According to YAHUVEH, the very labeling of days is based on Sabbath.
整个千禧年国度的概念是以安息日为基础。是地球历史的第七个一千年的日子。因为在亚哈威看来,一日如千年,千年如一日(彼后3:8)。The whole concept of the millennial kingdom is based on the Sabbath. It is the seventh 1,000th year day in the history of the earth. For with YAHUVEH, one day is as a 1,000 years, and 1,000 years as one day. 千禧年国度从羔羊/亚呼赎阿的婚礼开始。我们作为相信亚哈威的群体,要深信不疑,满怀喜悦地殷勤遵守这个每周的大事!The millennial Kingdom begins with the wedding of the Lamb/YAHUSHUA. We as the believing community of YAHUVEH are to observe such a weekly event with diligence, deep conviction, and overwhelming joy!
安息日不是犹太人的。在还没有任何希伯来人和犹太人之前,安息日就开始了。安息日在创世记第二章里解释了(创2:1天地万物都造齐了。The Sabbath is not Jewish. It began before there were any Hebrews or Jewish people. Sabbath is explained in Genesis chapter two. 2到第七日,神造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了祂一切的工,安息了。 3神赐福给第七日,定为圣日;因为在这日,神歇了祂一切创造的工,就安息了)。在亚伯拉罕——第一个作为希伯来人被呼召出来之前,亚当守了安息日,挪亚也守了安息日。Adam kept Sabbath, as did Noah, before Abraham, the first Hebrew or called out one.
对安息日最大的误解之一似乎是诫命自身的本质。许多人认为安息日是集会的诫命。他们认为安息日是在第七天集会的诫命,而不是在一周的第一天。One of the greatest misunderstandings of the Sabbath seems to be the nature of the commandment itself. Many people think that Sabbath is a commandment of assembly. They think Sabbath is a commandment of assembly on the seventh day rather than the first day of the week. 安息日诫命不是一个“你们要在星期六举行教会集会”的诫命。让我们来看一下,摩西在旧约里从亚哈威的启示里教导过什么。The commandment of Sabbath is not A "Thou shall assemble and hold church on Saturday." Lets look at what Moses in the Old Testament or Torah taught from the revelation of YAHUVEH.
Travel on the Sabbath
你们看,亚哈威既将安息日赐给你们,所以第六天他赐给你们两天的食物,第七天各人要住在自己的地方,不许什么人出去。(出埃及记16:29)See, the Lord has given you the Sabbath; therefore He gives you bread for two days on the sixth day. Remain every man in his place; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day. Exodus 16:29
当以色列人出埃及后,亚哈威供应了吗哪作饼。祂的指示说只在六天里收集食物,不要在安息日出去收集食物。亚哈威指示每个人要待在自己的住处或你的家里。When the children of Israel departed Egypt, YAHUVEH provided manna for bread. His instructions called for it’s gathering to be only on six days with no gathering on Sabbath. YAHUVEH instructed that every man remain in his place or your home.
实际上,使徒保罗教导我们不要让人在安息日上论断我们。所以,不拘在饮食上或节期、月朔、安息日,都不可让人论断你们。(歌罗西书2:16)In fact, the apostle Paul taught that we are not to let anyone act as our judge concerning a Sabbath. Therefore let no one act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day. Colossians 2:16.
Scriptures on the Sabbath
Genesis 2:2
到第七日,亚哈威造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。亚哈威赐福给第七日,定为圣日,因为在这日神歇了他一切创造的工,就安息了。By the seventh day YAHUVEH completed his work which He had done, and he abstained on the seventh day from all His work which he had done. YAHUVEH blessed the seventh day and sanctified (set apart) it because on it He abstained from all his work which YAHUVEH created to.
当记念安息日,守为圣日。六日要劳碌做你一切的工,但第七日是向亚哈威你神当守的安息日。这一日你和你的儿女、仆婢、牲畜,并你城里寄居的客旅,无论何工都不可做。Remember the Sabbath day to sanctify it. Six days shall you work and accomplish all your work, but the seventh day is Sabbath to YAHUVEH, your Elohim, you shall not do any work – you, your son, your daughter, your slave, your maidservant, your animal, and your convert within your dates –因为六日之内,亚哈威造天、地、海和其中的万物,第七日便安息,所以亚哈威赐福于安息日,定为圣日。 for in six days YAHUVEH made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day. Therefore, YAHUVEH blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.
亚哈威对摩西说:你晓谕以色列人说:亚哈威的节期,你们要宣告为圣会的节期。YAHUVEH spoke to Moses saying, Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, YAHUVEH’s appointed festivals that you are to designate as holy convocations (rehearsals) these are MY appointed festivals.六日要做工,第七日是圣安息日,当有圣会,你们什么工都不可做。这是在你们一切的住处向亚哈威守的安息日。 For six days labor may be done, and the seventh day is a day of complete rest, a holy convocation, you shall not do any work; it is a Sabbath for YAHUVEH in all your dwelling places.
民数记Numbers 15:32-36
以色列人在旷野的时候,遇见一个人在安息日捡柴。遇见他捡柴的人,就把他带到摩西、亚伦并全会众那里,将他收在监内,因为当怎样办他,还没有指明。The Children of Israel were in the Wilderness and they found a man gathering wood on a Sabbath day. Those who found him gathering wood brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to the entire assembly. They placed him in custody, for it had not been clarified what should be done to him.亚哈威吩咐摩西说:“总要把那人治死,全会众要在营外用石头把他打死。于是全会众将他带到营外,用石头打死他,是照亚哈威所吩咐摩西的。 YAHUVEH said to Moses, the man shall be put to death, the entire assembly shall pelted him with stones outside of the camp. The entire assembly removed him to the outside of the camp, they pelted him with stones and he died, as YAHUVEH had commanded Moses.
当安息日,要献两只没有残疾、一岁的公羊羔,并用调油的细面伊法十分之二为素祭,又将同献的奠祭献上。这是每安息日献的燔祭,那常献的燔祭和同献的奠祭在外。And on the Sabbath day: two male lambs in their first year, unblemished, two tenth-ephah of fine flour for a meal offering, mixed with oil, and its libation. The elevation-offering of each Sabbath on its own Sabbath, in addition to the continual elevation-offering and its libation.
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Shalom Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah,
我叫底波拉,我想你已经和在科罗拉多的我的一个非常好的朋友和姐妹交谈过,她叫珊迪.史密斯。My name is Devorah and I think you have already spoken to a very good friend and sister of mine Sandy Smith here in Colorado.
我被亚哈威呼召,在五年前开始研读祂的妥拉。我以前从未听说过妥拉(Torah),安息日(Shabbat),灯台(Menorah)等等这些词。I was called by YAHUVEH to begin studying HIM/Torah 5 years ago. I had never heard of the word Torah, Shabbat, Menorah, etc.我已经意识到有些非常非常重要的东西丢失了,但我不知道到底是什么,除了知道这事与祂相关。我已经祷告请祂给我显明到底是什么。 I had realized that there was something VERY VERY MAJOR missing but I did not know what it was, other than it dealt with HIM. I had prayed and ask him to reveal to me what it was.
与此同时,祂把我从教会里拉了出来。在接下来的两年时间里我辗转于不同的教会,想着我参加的特会有什么错误的地方。In the meantime, he pulled me out of the church. I spent the next 2 years going from church to church, thinking that the particular fellowship I was attending was what was wrong.我意识到为什么祂让我这么做,就是要向我显明我在哪里都找不到我正在寻找的,无论他们怎么被称呼!他们有一片片的真理,但不是完全的福音。我们需要亚呼赎阿,祂的妥拉,祂的如阿克(圣灵),祂的赎罪血祭,但那时候我并不知道所有这些事。 I realized why he had me do this; it was to show me that what I was looking for was in none of them, no matter what they were called! they had pieces of the truth but not the full gospel. We need YAHUSHUA, his Torah, his Ruach, his blood atonement, but I did not know all of that then.
有一天,我去了一家我经常光顾的基督教书店,在一个写着“希伯来文学”的书柜前停了下来,想知道那是什么意思,我看了看。在最上面的书架上有一本蓝色(我最喜欢的颜色)的书,书名叫“The Chumash”。One day I went to a Christian bookstore that I frequented and stopped in front of the book case that said "Hebrew Literature" Wondering what that meant, I looked. On the top shelf was this big blue (my favorite color) book which was called "The Chumash".我不知道为什么这本书如此吸引我。我翻开这本书,并且注意到这是《创世记》——《申命记》。我很纳闷为什么我被这本书吸引,因为我觉得我已经知道《旧约全书》。 I had no idea why I was so drawn to this book. I opened it up and noticed it was Genesis - Deuteronomy. I wondered why was I drawn to this book since I felt that I already knew the "Old Testament".
好了,长话短说吧,接下来的这年,我偶尔会去这家书店,每次都会被这本书吸引,我拿起这本书,带着它逛书店,然后又把它放回去(这难道不像我们把亚呼赎阿放回到书架上,哪怕是在祂亲手递给我们!)Well to make a long story short, I would come to this store off and on for the next year and each time be drawn to this book, pick it up, walk around the store with it, and then put it back (isn't that just like us to put YAHUSHUA back on the shelf, even when he hands himself to us!) 好了,最终我在同一天在书店里“巧遇”到一个朋友,这次不是珊迪,她走进来并且问我在买什么,当她看到那本《妥拉》,她问我在哪里参加“妥拉学习”,well eventually I "took hold" On that same day in the store a friend, not Sandy this time, walked in and asked what I was buying, when she saw the Torah she asked where I was attending a "Torah Study" 我问她:“什么是妥拉?”她说就是你手上拿着的这本书,噢!她说,谁告诉你去拿这本书的?没有人!就是感觉好像我要拥有这本书一样!她说:“底波拉,你被呼召了”,我说“被呼召什么了?”and I ask her "what's a Torah?, she said it's what's your holding, Oh! she said, who told you to get it? no one!, just feel like I'm suppose to have it!, she said Deborah, you're being called, I said called what?
我现在可以回答那个问题了:我被呼召来教导祂的妥拉,做祂的门徒(make talmadim),亚哈威的作为真的令人惊叹,更令人惊叹的是祂现在正在做的和将来要做的事都与我们大家有关。我祷告我们大家都对祂保持顺服。I can now answer that question: I have been called to teach HIS Torah, make talmadim. It is truly awesome what YAHUVEH has done. It is even more awesome what he is doing and is going to do with all of us. I pray we all remain obedient to Him. 如你们所知,妥拉学习被认为是每三年到三年半时间从创世记到申命记研读一遍(注意到这也代表亚呼赎阿在地球上侍奉的时间)。As you know, it is thought that the Torah was studied from Genesis through Deuteronomy every 3 to 3-1/2 years (notice it also represents the time in ministry of YAHUSHUA on earth). 这些年来,特别是十二支派分散到各地之后,这样做就越来越困难了。为了维持一个顺序和秩序,无论支派居住在哪里,都要阅读神的话语,拉比们制定了这个妥拉循环学习安排表,直到今天,全世界的犹太人都使用这个表。Over the years and especially after the various dispersions of the 12 tribes, it became more and more difficult to do so. In order to maintain an order or siddur for the reading of the word no matter where the tribes lived, the rabbis established this Torah Cycle schedule which is used to this day by Jews worldwide.有趣的是妥拉分篇(Parashiot)的分类列表,是每周分篇都揭示某些在我们个人生活和这世界将要发生的事。我发现这是一个非常好的方法来学习亚哈威的话语,并且让我们大家合而为一(echad)。 What is interesting about the breakdown of the Parashiot or portions, is each weekly portion reveals something that is going on in our life personally, and the world. I find this an excellent way to study the word of YAHUVEH, and for all of us to be one or echad.
如你们所见,我们已经开始了今年的妥拉循环研读。当我们通过妥拉读经循环列表时,我会解释那些标题。亚哈威的七大圣经节期都落在妥拉循环读经里。As you can see, we have already started the Torah cycle for the year. As we go thru the Torah schedule cycle I will explain the headings. Within the Torah schedule cycle falls the 7 Biblical Feasts of YAHUVEH. 当我们一整年都来学习这些篇章时,我也会试着开始教导那些事。我会附上一张妥拉读经表。如你们所见,我们已经开始了今年的读经,现在是在读Vayera,意思是:祂显现。这个妥拉分篇时在2002年10月26日学习的。As we come to these throughout the year, I will attempt to begin to teach on those as well. I will attach a Torah Schedule. As you can see, we have already started for this year, and are now on Vayera which means: And He Appeared. This is the Sabbath portion for 10/26/02.
你们开始的时候可以播放一些弥赛亚犹太歌曲,以下是一些歌单:Paul Wilbur演唱的《耶路撒冷,兴起吧》、《平安,耶路撒冷》、《最后的思想》...To get you started with some Messianic Music, here are the names of a few: Jerusalem Arise by Paul Wilbur Shalom Jerusalem by Paul Wilbur A Final thought......记住,当你开始守安息日的时候,你不会守得很完美,但当你和神守安息日的时候,亚哈威祂会开始教导你,并指导你怎样守安息日,重点是要开始守。remember when you begin to keep the Sabbath, you will not do it perfectly, but as you keep the Sabbath with God or YAHUVEH he will begin to teach and instruct you how to keep the Sabbath, but the key is to start.
平安,以莉莎法,我祷告妳拥有一个蒙福舒畅的安息日。安息日是婚戒。这是对亚哈威说“我愿意”或“我会听并且我会顺从”的象征和标志!是的,我终于读完了所有的预言和亚哈威对你说的肉耳可听的话。Shalom Elisabeth, I pray you both had a blessed and restful Shabbat. The Shabbat is the wedding ring. It is the symbol or sign that says to YAHUVEH "I DO" or I HEAR AND I WILL OBEY! Yes, I have finally read all the prophecies and heard the audible words spoken to you by YAHUVEH. 我发现这是一个对我通过阅读和学习祂的话语所听到之事的一个确证。珊迪和我经常讨论这些事,我们大概有一个星期没有彼此交谈过,然后发现亚哈威已经对我们说了同样的事。I find it a confirmation to the things that I have heard through reading and studying his word. Sandy and I have often discussed these same things, and how we might not talk to each other for a week or so, and then find out that YAHUVEH has been speaking the same things to us. 亚哈威通常是通过阅读和倾听祂的话来对我说话。当我第一次开始学习时,那些字句就会从页面中跳出来。现在才有这样持续流动的领悟和启示,亚哈威的话语真的是活的。YAHUVEH usually speaks to me thorough the reading and hearing of his word. When I first started to study, the letters and/or words would jump of the page. Now there is just this continual flow of understanding and revelation, the word of YAHUVEH is truly alive.
守安息日是作为一块踏脚石,来唤醒对亚哈威的新认知。而不是总是通过参加聚会来拜访祂,守安息日向人们表明怎样邀请亚哈威到他们家里,和祂怎样去拜访他们的。祂对他们说,安息日是为人设立的,人不是为安息日设立的。The observance of Sabbath serves as a stepping stone to a new awakening of YAHUVEH. Instead of always going to assemblies to visit Him, keeping Sabbath shows people how to invite YAHUVEH to their home and He comes to visit them. And He was saying to them, A Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.(可2:27)安息日不是犹太人的。在还没有任何希伯来人和犹太人之前,安息日就开始了。安息日在创世记第二章里解释了。在亚伯拉罕——第一个作为希伯来人被呼召出来之前,亚当守了安息日,挪亚也守了安息日。(MAR 2:27) The Sabbath is not Jewish. It began before there were any Hebrews or Jewish people. Sabbath is explained in Genesis chapter two. Adam kept Sabbath, as did Noah, before Abraham, the first Hebrew or called out one.
Love and Blessings in the name of YAHUSHUA!