
📒13你|妳真的会去天国吗?Are you really going to Heaven?


你|妳真的会去天国吗?Are you really going to Heaven?

凡遵守十诫的人都会去天国Whoever Obeys The Ten Commandments Will Go To Heaven

这个观点错误的理由至少有三点:This opinion is wrong for at least three reasons:

圣经从未声明谨守十诫会让你进入天国。事实上,如果你不知道律法,当你犯罪和打破诫命的时候你也不会知道。The Bible never states that obeying the Ten Commandments will get you into Heaven. In fact if you didn't know the laws you wouldn't know when you were sinning and breaking the laws!

十诫在圣经里只佔很小的篇幅 (出埃及记20章3-17节,后来在申命记5章7-21节里有重复)。如果那是人们所需要知道的一切,那在圣经里大部分的内容就不用被记载下来了。The Ten Commandments are a small amount of the Bible (Exodus chapter 20, verses 3-17 later repeated in Deuteronomy chapter 5, verses 7-21). If that were all people needed to know, the majority of the Bible would not have been written.

就算是最圣洁的人,也不能声称自己从未打破十诫。即使言语或行为上没有打破十诫,我们的思想也会打破十诫!Even the most holy people cannot claim they have never broken the Ten Commandments. If not in word or deed, we blow it with our thoughts! 要记住,被诱惑不是罪,但在诱惑下采取的行动则是罪!亚呼赎阿被魔鬼引诱过,但祂没有犯罪!(太4:1-11、可1:12-13、路4:1-13)Remember it is not a sin to be tempted, it is a sin to act upon the temptation! YAHUSHUA was tempted by the devil and yet he did NOT sin! Yet, how many times have you become angry and thought about what you would like to do to get even?

你有多少次想要在气愤中报复对方?或是有过对他人有过多少次说出口便是罪的想法?只有亚哈威神是完美的!其他人都是说谎的!On the other hand, had a thought for that person that you know would be a sin if you spoke it? Only YAHUVEH is perfect! Everyone else is a liar! 众人都犯了罪,亏缺了亚哈威神的荣耀!(罗3:23)而所有那些声称自己没有犯罪的人,他们又为什么需要一个救主呢?他们为什么会想要接受亚呼赎阿作为主和救主呢?For all have sinned and fell short of the GLORY of YAHUVEH! For all those that claim they do not sin, then why do they need a Savior? Why would they want to accept YAHUSHUA as LORD and SAVIOUR (Messiah)

个人备注:虽然我遇到过许多认为自己一直在遵守十诫的人,但显示他们打破许多条诫命的一些问题确实存在。Personal Note: Although I have met a number of people who think they have always obeyed the Ten Commandments, a few questions typically reveal that they have broken most of them hundreds of times each. 比如说,大多数的人在小时候淘气时,就至少打破了 “孝敬你的父母” 这条诫命一次。然后当他们意识到自己过完青春期后,又打破了那条诫命好几百次。For example, most people broke the commandment "honor your father and your mother" at least once as a sassy child. People then realize that by the time they finished their teenage years, they broke that Commandment hundreds of times more.

但当你的父母要你做不敬神的举动时,你该怎么办呢?当你的父母要你在顺服亚呼赎阿和顺服他们之间做出选择时,你要怎么做呢?不顺服他们是罪吗?斥责他们是罪吗?这不是罪!But what do you do when your parents want you to behave ungodly? What do you do when your parents make you choose between obeying YAHUSHUA and obeying them? Is it sinning to disobey them or to rebuke them? No, 因为经上说,我们首先要顺服亚哈威,而不是先顺服人,不管对方是父母还是政府!我们必须先顺服亚哈威和亚呼赎阿!一些教会教导不管政府叫我们做什么事,都必须服从政府,因为亚哈威让我们要服从他们。for the bible says obey YAHUVEH not man (first) whether it is your parents, or the government! First we must obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Some Churches teach that no matter what the Government tells us to do we must OBEY for YAHUVEH wants us to do this.

只要政府要我们做的事与圣经所教导的相符,那么教会所说的就是正确的。这只有当这些事情不与圣经抵挡时,才是正确的!如果不是这样的话,那么隐藏犹太人不让他们被杀害的德国人,或是那些隐藏基督徒的人在亚哈威面前就犯罪了!This is true as long as it does not go against what the bible tells us to do. If this is not true then the Germans that hid the Jews so they would not be killed, or those that hid the Christians, were sinning against YAHUVEH! 这真是一派胡言!政府说堕胎不是谋杀,那是否意味着亚哈威想要基督徒们堕胎呢?要他们支持堕胎吗?还是要他们支持谋杀无辜婴儿的行为呢?祂的本意绝对不是如此!Nonsense! The government says abortion is not murder, does this mean YAHUVEH wants Christians to do this? To help do this? To defend the act of murdering the innocent babies? NO!

我们可以继续拿其他的诫命做例子,但我们已经阐明了要点。那些真正审查自己的人,会发现自己的一生中,在某些时候几乎打破了十诫里的大多数诫命。如果你犯了一条诫命,那你就失丧了。We could continue with examples from the other commandments, but the point has been made. People who examine themselves truthfully discover they have broken most of the Ten Commandments at some time in their lives and if you break one once, you are lost. 除非你相信亚呼赎阿我们的弥赛亚代替我们献上了祂自己的生命,并相信祂在各各他所流的圣洁、无瑕、无罪的宝血为我们的罪付出了赎价!亚呼赎阿不是被人杀死的,是祂愿意献出自己的生命,使我们能够得救!Unless you believe that YAHUSHUA Messiah gave his life in our place paying the price for our sins in our place by shedding his HOLY PURE SINLESS BLOOD at CALVARY! No man killed YAHUSHUA he willingly laid down his life so we would be saved!

你要尽自己的全力去遵守十诫,但要把剩下的一切交给亚呼赎阿!祂知道即使是我们最圣洁的行为,也无法比得上全能神亚哈威的纯洁、祂的神圣和祂的无罪。Do the best you can to obey but leave the rest up to YAHUSHUA knowing that our most Holy behavior cannot compare to YAHUSHUA'S purity, holiness and sinlessness! 你要相信当我们呼求祂的名,求祂拯救我们脱离自己的罪,并且悔改、转离那些罪恶时,亚呼赎阿,我们的亚呼赎阿会信实地拯救我们所有的人!Just believe that YAHUSHUA is faithful to save all of us who call on HIS name to be saved from our sins, repent, turn away from those sins, 当你犯罪时,你要知道亚呼赎阿不但是我们的中保,就像是在亚哈威面前的一个律师,圣经还说祂是一个审判者!这样的话,我们不是稳赢吗?and when you sin know that YAHUSHUA is not only our intercessor, like a Lawyer, before YAHUVEH but the bible says HE is the JUDGE! Now this is winning odds isn't it? 亚哈威,我们的天父亚哈威还能更仁慈吗?你有没有注意到,当我们越想变得完美时,我们发现自己越不完美?How could YAHUVEH be more merciful than this? Have you ever noticed the more we try to be perfect the more we realize we are not perfect?

只有圣父亚哈威、圣子亚呼赎阿和如阿克.哈.古德西才是完美的!Only YAHUVEH the Father, YAHUSHUA the SON, and the RUACH HA KODESH/HOLY SPIRIT is PERFECT! 当我们请求饶恕时,我们相信我们的亚呼赎阿付出了罪的赎价。不要故意犯罪,因为我们不想试探亚哈威。When we ask for forgiveness we believe that YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, paid the price for our sin, and don't premeditate sin, because there is such a thing as tempting YAHUVEH. 我们被教导我们要因为畏惧亚哈威和地狱而不去犯罪,但我们不去犯罪的原因应该是因为我们非常地爱亚呼赎阿和我们的天父亚哈威,让我们不想以任何方式伤害祂们!We are not to sin because we fear YAHUVEH or hell contrary to what is taught, we are to not desire to sin because we Love YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH the FATHER so much that we don't want to hurt them in anyway!


We do not have to fear our Heavenly Father when we love HIM and his Son YAHUSHUA and putting them first in our lives! Desiring to be pleasing unto our Daddy YAHUVEH in all ways!

去教会的人都会去天国!Whoever Goes To Church Will Go To Heaven.

这个观点错误的理由至少有三点。圣经从来没说过去教会就能让你进天国。This opinion is wrong for at least three reasons. The Bible never states that attending church will get you into Heaven.

因为教会之间不互相统一,你怎么知道自己就在那个能让你去天国的教会里呢?Since churches disagree with one another, how do you know you are in the correct one to get you into Heaven?

如果去饭店不会让你变成一个汉堡,那你又为什么认为去教会能让你成为一个圣徒呢?(这是一个幽默的比方,但完全合乎逻辑。)If going to a restaurant does not turn you into a hamburger, why do you think going to a church will turn you into a saint? (Yes, that was supposed to be humorous, but the concept is completely valid.)

个人备注:我们看过人们在每周参加教会礼拜时,因困倦而睡着了,如果他们在公开场合里对亚哈威感到厌倦,神还会邀请他们去天国吗?我们并不这样认为。Personal Note: We have seen people who go to church each week and promptly fall asleep. If they are openly bored with YAHUVEH, will HE still invite them into Heaven anyway? We do not think so. 如果他们所去的教会,事实上是邪教或虚假的宗教呢,那又如何?如果真是那样的话,他们就有麻烦了。What if the church they are attending is actually a cult or a false religion? If that is the case, they are in trouble. 你知道我们会在永生里永远赞美敬拜我们的救主和造物主吗?你认为在这个世上讨厌赞美亚哈威的人会渴望在永生里敬拜亚哈威吗?Do you know for all eternity we will be praising and worshipping our Savior and Creator? Can you picture someone that hates praising YAHUVEH here on earth desiring to worship YAHUVEH for all eternity in Heaven?

种族主义者会去天国吗?Do Racists Go To Heaven?


因为我确切地告诉你,天国里的人不会只来自一个种族或一个基督教派!我知道种族主义者来自不同的肤色和不同的宗教!我不相信你能身为种族主义者,又同时真正爱着亚呼赎阿!NO! For I tell you true there will not be one race, or one religion in Heaven!I know racists and they come in all skin colors and religions! I do not believe you can be a racist and truly Love YAHUSHUA! 那些恨恶犹太人又自称为是基督徒的人、恨恶基督徒的犹太人、恨恶新教徒的天主教徒们、恨恶天主教徒的新教徒们、那些认为天国会隔开肤色的白人,所有的人都会惊奇地发现,地狱充满着种族主义者!People who hate Jews and claim to be Christians, or Jews that hate Christians, Catholics that hate Protestants, and vice versa, and white people who think Heaven will be segregated, SURPRISE! HELL will be filled with racists! 我不在乎你的肤色或是国籍,如果你无法爱各种肤色的人,那么你就不是一个基督徒!在天国的人会来自不同的种族和国籍!如果天国的人不是来自所有不同的种族和国籍,那会是多么地无趣!Moreover, I do not care what color your skin is or your nationality! You are not a Christian, if you do not love people regardless of their race! Heaven will be filled with all different races, and nationalities! How boring Heaven would be if this were not so! 当我在电视上听到三K党引用圣经时──但他们其实是从口里向其他的种族和国籍的人,吐出恨恶的毒液──我感到了主的愤怒!I have felt the anger of the Lord as on TV I hear the Ku Klux Klan, quote the bible and yet spew their vomit from their mouths with hatred toward other races and nationalities! 他们表明自己在事奉撒但!撒但是他们真正的父!如果他们不悔改,地狱将成为他们的居所! Proving they serve satan! This is their true father and hell will be their home, if they don't repent!

地狱里将到处充满着种族主义者和独断论者!没有任何一个种族、性别、国籍比其他的更优越!Hell will be overflowing with racists and bigots! No one race, gender, or nationality is superior over another! 我觉得能认识来自其他不同国家的人是一种祝福。我们怎么可以声称爱亚呼赎阿,却因为其他人跟我们长得不一样而厌恶他们呢?I think it is a blessing to get to know other people from other nationalities. How can we claim to Love YAHUSHUA and yet hate people because they do not look like us?

当我看到人根据外表、年龄、体重、肤色来判断别人时,我觉得很伤心!关于国籍,我们有谁能改变出生的国家?I grieve when I see how we judge others for the way they look, their age, weight, and color of skin or nationality. Can any of us change the country we were born in?

我承认我与一种偏见的灵在做斗争,但那是因为穆斯林大大恨恶亚呼赎阿、所有的基督徒和犹太人!I admit I struggle with a prejudice but it is because of the deep hatred Muslims have of YAHUSHUA and all who are Christians or Jewish.

穆斯林在世界各地折磨,并杀害我们在亚呼赎阿里的弟兄姐妹,包括男人、女人和小孩!我祈祷穆斯林会悔改并转离他们所做的恶事,否则在天国里将不会有任何穆斯林存在!Muslims are torturing and murdering our Brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA all over the world! Men, Women, and Children! I pray the Muslims will repent and turn away from the evil they are doing! There will not be any Muslims in Heaven! 他们必须接受亚呼赎阿,我们的亚呼赎阿作为他们的亚哈威神和救主。我们必须祈祷穆斯林会接受亚呼赎阿作为他们的神和救主!They must accept YAHUSHUA as Lord and SAVIOUR. We must pray that the Muslims will accept YAHUSHUA, as Lord and Saviour!

去教会的每一个人都会去天国Everyone Who Goes To Church Goes To Heaven.

这是错误的!!亚哈威告诉我们,没有一个坐在教会椅座上什么也不做的旁观者,和不冷不热的教徒能获得拯救!那些人的信仰不冷不热,与亚呼赎阿的关系也是一样。亚呼赎阿会把他们从祂的口里吐出来!(启3:16)WRONG!! YAHUVEH tells us  No Pew warmer, lukewarm in faith, and has no relationship with YAHUSHUA will be saved. YAHUSHUA will spew ,that means vomit, them out of his mouth! 与其不冷不热,还不如为主炙热如火,或对亚哈威冷漠恨恶!那些去教会只为了作秀,认为去教会是去天国的免费门票的人,他们没有跟亚呼赎阿发展更亲密的个人关系,他们是在愚弄自己!Better to be hot on fire for the Lord or Cold hating YAHUSHUA, than to be lukewarm. Those that go to church for show because they think this is a free ticket to Heaven, yet they have no personal relationship with YAHUSHUA are only fooling themselves. 教会不是时装秀,也不是一个把牧师高举得像是一个神,或是一个不会做错事的人的地方!世上只有一位好牧人,但那个牧人不是一个属血气的男人或女人!Church is not a fashion show, nor is it a place to lift up the pastor as a God or one that can do no wrong! There is but one Good Shepherd and it is NOT a mortal man or woman! 在一些教会里流传着一个谎言: “人们可以用钱买通往天国的路!向牧师缴交什一奉献便能保证你去天国!” 这是错误的!没有人能买通往天国的路!A lie is being told in some churches that the people can buy their way into Heaven! Tithe to the pastor and your guaranteed Heaven. WRONG! No one can bribe their way into Heaven! 无论点燃多少蜡烛,都不能把一个灵魂带离地狱!就像守真正的安息日为圣一样,领圣餐是好的,但那不会让你的灵魂得救!No amount of lighting candles can get a soul out of Hell! Taking communion is a good thing, like observing the True Sabbath day and keeping it holy, but it will not save your soul!

不要误解我的意思了!去一个相信圣经,把亚呼赎阿摆在首位的教会是好的!Don't get me wrong, it is good to go to a bible believing Church, which puts YAHUSHUA first! 那种教会通过爱会众的行为来显明亚呼赎阿的真爱、鼓励圣灵的恩赐、毫不妥协地教导亚哈威的话语 、教导圣洁、帮助亚呼赎阿弥赛亚的新娘预备祂的再来!A church that shows the true love of YAHUSHUA by loving the congregation and encourages the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT! Teaches the uncompromising word of YAHUVEH! Teaching Holiness, and helping to prepare the bride of YAHUSHUA Messiah for HIS coming again! 但即便去那样的教会,也不能让你进天国!只有一条通往天国的路!祂的名字是亚呼赎阿或亚呼赎阿!Still, going to church will not get you into Heaven. Only ONE way to Heaven and HIS name is YAHUSHUA.

做善事多于恶事的人都会去天国Whoever Does More Good Things Than Bad Things Will Go To Heaven.

这也被称作 “天平秤判决” ,是最常见的一种错误信念。This is also called balance scale judgment, and is one of the most common wrong beliefs. 

这个观点错误的理由至少有三点:This opinion is wrong for at least three reasons:

圣经从来没有说过 “做善事多于恶事的人会进入天国。” The Bible never states that doing more good things than bad things will get you into Heaven.

亚哈威是如此地圣洁(完美无罪),以致我们所有的义在祂看来都像污秽的衣服一样(见以赛亚书64章6节)。你认为把一堆污秽的衣服献给亚哈威会让祂带你进入天国吗?我们并不这样认为。YAHUVEH is so holy (perfect and sinless) that all our righteousness are like filthy rags to HIM (see Isaiah chapter 64, verse 6). Do you think giving YAHUVEH a pile of filthy rags will cause HIM to bring you into Heaven? We don’t.

去天国(或获得拯救)是亚哈威的恩典。祂那样做,是让人不能炫耀自己是靠着自己的好行为进入天国的。(见以弗所书2章8和9节)Going to Heaven (or being saved) is a free gift of YAHUVEH. He made it that way so nobody could boast that they made it to Heaven by their own good deeds. (See Ephesians chapter 2, verses 8 and 9.)

相信亚哈威的人都会去天国Whoever Believes In YAHUVEH Will Go To Heaven.

这个观点错误的理由至少有三点:This opinion is wrong for at least three reasons:

圣经从来没有说过,相信亚哈威会让你进入天国。The Bible never states that believing in YAHUVEH will get you into Heaven.

撒但(魔鬼)相信亚哈威的存在。事实上,在约伯记1和2章,牠还跟亚哈威谈了话。但是牠不会去天国,牠会被投进火湖和硫磺(地狱)里。这个在启示录20章10节有记载。satan (the Devil) believes YAHUVEH exists. In fact, he talks with YAHUVEH in Job chapters 1 and 2. Yet, he is not going to Heaven, he is going to be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone. This is recorded in Revelation chapter 20, verse 10.

犯罪的天使们也被扔进地狱里去,他们认识亚哈威。请阅读彼得后书2章4节。Angels that sinned were cast into Hell and they knew YAHUVEH. Read 2 Peter, chapter 2, verse 4.

对不起,相信亚哈威还不足以让你能进入天国。Sorry, believing in YAHUVEH is not enough to allow you to enter Heaven.

没有杀人或没做 “很大的恶事” 的人会去天国Whoever Has Not Killed Anyone Or Done Anything "Really Bad"
Will Go To Heaven.

这个观点错误的理由至少有三点:This opinion is wrong for at least three reasons:

虽然谋害人是其中一个助你去地狱的最好方式,圣经却从来没有说不谋害人会让你进入天国。同样的,圣经也没说没犯 “轻罪” 的人能进入天国。Although murdering someone is one of the best ways to help you go to Hell, the Bible never states that not murdering anyone will get you into Heaven. The same is true of not doing "lesser" crimes.


In the Bible, there are at least two murderers that went to Heaven: Moses and David.

有些人从未杀过人(或做过  “很大的恶事” )但他们仍然去了地狱(阴间)。请阅读路加福音16章19至31节所举的例子。There are some people who never killed anyone (or did anything else "really bad") who still went to Hell (Hades). Read an example in Luke chapter 16, verses 19 to 31.

住在基督徒家庭里的每个人都会去天国Everyone In A Christian Household Will Go To Heaven.

这个观点错误的理由至少有三点:This opinion is wrong for at least three reasons:

圣经从来没有说过,身为一个特殊家庭里的成员,会让你进入天国。The Bible never states that being part of a specific family will allow you to go to Heaven.

跟你出生就是一个国家的公民不一样,你不是一出生就是一个基督徒。你要想成为一个基督徒进入天国〔亚哈威的国度〕,就得 “从水和灵而生” ,这就是差别。参见约翰福音3章1-8节。You are not physically born a Christian like you are born a citizen of a country. To become a Christian and go to Heaven (enter the kingdom of YAHUVEH) you have to be "born of water and the Spirit.” This is different. See John chapter 3, verses 1-8.

圣经说一个家庭的一些成员会去天国,但还有一些与他们睡在一起,或一起工作的人不会进入天国(马太福音24章40和41节,路加福音17章34和35节)。The Bible states that some members of a family will go to Heaven while others sleeping or working next to them will not (Matthew chapter 24, verses 40,41 and Luke chapter 17, verses 34,35).

身为一个家庭里的成员不是进入天国的道路。Being the member of a family is not the way to get into Heaven.

就像我们前面说过的,跟亚哈威有正确关系的唯一途径,完全是建立在圣经上的观点,而不是我们的观点上。As we said before, the one way to get right with YAHUVEH is based completely on the Bible, not our opinion. 你们可以通过阅读圣经得到证实,这也是我们为什么要在上面加入经文的原因。如果我们要跟随圣经的教导,学习与亚哈威建立良好关系的话,我们就必须回答三个重要的问题。This can be verified by reading the Bible yourself. That is why we inserted the Bible link above. Now, if we are going to follow what the Bible says about getting right with YAHUVEH, we have to answer three important questions.

问题1:我们为什么需要亚呼赎阿?Question 1: Why Do I Need YAHUSHUA?

大多数人一开始就对自己跟亚哈威的关系有一个错误的观点。如果他们相信在今生后有天国,他们就会认为自己在世的行为够好,能让他们进入珍珠门。投胎轮回是魔鬼的谎言!Most people begin with a wrong view of their condition in their relationship to YAHUVEH. If they believe in a life after this life, they think their own way of getting to Heaven is "good enough" to make it through those "pearly gates." Reincarnation is a lie of the devil! 我是怎么知道的?如果进入天国的要求是我们一直投胎转世,直到自己变得完美的话,那就不需要我们的亚呼赎阿在各各他山所做的工和所付的代价了!我们也就不需要告诉我们 “真有地狱和天国的存在” 的圣经了!How do I know? Because if all it took was for us to keep coming back in different lives until we reach perfection and then we could go to Heaven, it would disqualify the work and price YAHUSHUA paid at Calvary! It disqualifies the bible that tells us hell is real and Heaven is real! 

亚哈威的话语不会说谎!基督复临安息日会的会众们认为他们如果不跪下来祷告的话,他们的祷告就不会蒙垂听!这是错误的!The Word of YAHUVEH does not lie! Seventh Day Adventists, believe that their prayers are not heard if the prayers are not said on bended knees! WRONG! 其他一些教条说,如果一位女性身处属灵领袖的位置,还在脸上化妆、穿休闲裤或戴珠宝首饰的话,那个女人会去地狱!这真是愚蠢至极!Other church doctrines say if a woman wears makeup or slacks, jewelry, or has a spiritual leadership role, she will go to Hell! This is pure FOOLISHNESS!

个人备注:不止一个宗教告诉我会去地狱。基督复临安息日会这样教导: “如果一个人不再继续去基督复临安息日教会,那个人就会失去他的救恩!” 这是错误的!Personal note: I was told this by more than one religion. Seventh Day Adventists teach that if a person stops going to the Seventh Day Adventist Church that person will lose their salvation! Wrong! 救赎不是靠你与一个教会的联结,而是靠你跟我们的亚呼赎阿建立的关系!Salvation does not depend on your affiliation with a church! It is about a relationship with YAHUSHUA!

我知道我们要荣耀真正的安息日并守为圣日,但如果有人告诉你,只有真正守安息日的人才会进入天国的话──I know that we are to honor and keep holy the true Sabbath day, but if you believe that only the True Sabbath Keepers will go to Heaven! 我说的安息日不是礼拜天,而是在创世纪里所记载,我们的造物主所设定的安息日:周五日落到周六日落。And I am not speaking of Sunday either, but the Sabbath set up by our Creator as stated in the book of Genesis. Friday sunset to Saturday sunset...但基督复临安息日会教导,如果你在安息日工作、买东西或选择另外一天敬拜亚哈威,你就不会进入天国!这是一个谎言!but the Seventh Day Adventist teach that if you work, or buy or choose another day to worship YAHUVEH that you will NOT go to Heaven! LIES! 如果守安息日是进入天国的唯一要求,那么每一个拒绝接受亚呼赎阿为主神和弥赛亚的正统犹太人都,会毫无疑问地进入天国!如果这是真理的话,那亚呼赎阿在各各他山上为我们所成就的工和祂所献的礼物就不需要了!IF that is all it took then every Orthodox Jew that refuses to accept YAHUSHUA as their Savior would be guaranteed Heaven! Again if this were true then the work and gift YAHUSHUA gave us at Calvary would not have been necessary! 其他人相信任何一个吃了猪肉或其他不洁食物(龙虾、虾、螃蟹、牡蛎等等)的人不会进入天国!这是错误的!没错,亚呼赎阿把邪灵们赶入猪群,那些猪闯下山崖淹死了!Others believe anyone that eats pork or other unclean foods (lobster, shrimp, crab, oysters, etc )will not go to Heaven! WRONG! Yes, YAHUSHUA, cast the demons into a herd of swine and then the pigs ran off a steep cliff and drowned! 没错,有些食物被认为是不洁的!我得亲自承认,我把这个律例教给了我的儿子,他讨厌猪肉!Yes, certain foods are considered unclean foods but you will not go to hell just because you ate them. I have a personal confession. I taught my son this law and he hates pork! 我们几乎不吃猪肉,直到我发现义大利辣味香肠是猪肉为止!我有一个不问不说的政策!We rarely eat it, so I thought until I found out Pepperoni was Pork! I had a don’t ask don't tell policy!

去年,当别人给我一个培根生菜西红柿(番茄)三明治时,我的小儿子对我说, “妈妈不要吃,否则妳会去地狱!” 然后我明白我教错了这条讯息, “吃猪肉不会影响我们的救恩” !Last year my young son said to me when I was offered a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich and he said don't do it mom or you will go to Hell! I knew then somehow I failed in conveying that not eating pork does not save our souls! 如果不吃猪肉就能去天国的话,我们的亚呼赎阿就没必要在各各他流出宝血,献上自己的生命了!Again, if this was the case YAHUSHUA, would not have had to shed HIS blood and gave HIS life at Calvary! 在我以前服事,教导一个刚成为弥赛亚犹太人的年轻女性时,她告诉我,如果她和三个女儿饿得要死,但冰箱里只有猪肉的话,她情愿自己饿死也不吃猪肉,也会强迫自己的女儿们跟她一起饿死,她不会把猪肉当做自己的祝福!When I was ministering to a young new messianic Jewish convert and she said to me that if her and her 3 daughters were starving to death and there was only pork in the freezer she would die and force her girls to die instead of counting that pork as a blessing! 我知道作为她指导者的自己,一定是在某个方面没指导好她!我用再多的经文来证明,也无法改变她的想法。I knew then as her mentor I must have failed her in someway! No amount of proving it scriptural would change her mind. 现在我时不时也会吃猪肉或其他圣经(妥拉)里所指的不洁净的食物,这样就可以提醒我的儿子:妈妈知道吃这些食物(猪肉或其他不洁净的食物)不会把我们送往地狱!Now I once in a while will eat pork or other unclean foods as stated in the Bible (Torah) just so my son is reminded mom knows that eating it will not send us to Hell! 不洁净的食物可以透过亚呼赎阿的宝血变得洁净!入口的不能污秽人,出口的乃能污秽人。(太15:11)Unclean foods can be made clean by the Blood of YAHUSHUA! It is not what goes into our mouth that defiles us but what comes out of our mouth that defiles us! 我们也不该故意污秽圣灵的殿(自己的身体),以吃不洁净的食物的行为来验证经文。不管我们吃什么,只需要祈求亚哈威的祝福,存感谢的心食用!That does not mean we should purposely defile this temple of the HOLY GHOST and put in unclean foods just to test this either. Whatever we eat, just ask YAHUVEH's blessings and do it with thanksgiving!

一周七天都要尊崇敬拜亚哈威,但也要记念真正的安息日。Honor and Worship YAHUVEH 7 days a week but remember the true Sabbath also. 基督复临安息日会在许多方面失去了平衡,他们真的相信只有在基督复临安息日会里才有真理,除非他们相信基督复临安息日会的教义,否则就没有人会进天国。Seventh Day Adventist are out of balance in many ways. They really believe that only Seventh Day Adventists have the truth and no person will be found in Heaven unless they believe Seventh Day Adventist doctrines. 噢,你们可以将我说的记下:我不相信灵魂沉睡的教条,我确信如果我现在死了,会马上进入天国。但基督复临安息日会,他们相信直到亚呼赎阿再次来临之前,现在死亡的人没有一个进了天国。Well for the record I don't believe in Soul sleep, and I do believe if I were to die right now I would go immediately to Heaven. SDA believe that no one that dies now goes to Heaven, until YAHUSHUA comes again. 

我相信被提,我相信地狱是真实存在的,我知道我的仇敌是撒但,我知道地狱亦被称为阴间,地狱不是一个传说或神话!I believe in the rapture, and I believe in a literal Hell, and I know my enemy is satan and hell is also called Hades, and it is not a lore or myth!我相信在天国会有许多人来自不同的教会分支,但拒绝亚哈威在各各他山上献出的礼物之人,没有一个会进入天国! I believe there will be people in Heaven of many different church affiliations but none will be found that refuse YAHUVEH's GIFT AT CALVARY! 我拒绝相信亚呼赎阿是天使长米迦勒!以上的教导都被试图要灌输给我,但这个男人失败了!I refuse to believe that YAHUSHUA is Michael the Arch Angel! All the above was attempted to be indoctrinated into me and this man failed.

我是从自己最近的经验学到的,因为我拒绝改信这个假宗教和邪教,我拒绝教导上面提到的教义,或悔改自己所相信、传道和预言的方式。我不会允许这个事工被使用来作为基督复临安息日会的分支 !I know this from personal experience recently because I refused to be converted to this religion and I refused to teach or repent for the way I believe and minister Prophecy. This ministry I would not allow to be used as a Seventh Day Adventist outreach! 即使会失去一个人对我的爱,我仍然爱他,并向亚呼赎阿祷告,求亚呼赎阿能把真理显明给他,使他为了自己灵魂的缘故,逃离基督复临安息日会。他只是亚呼赎阿里面的新婴孩,相信亚呼赎阿才两年。Even though it meant losing the love of someone. I still love and pray YAHUSHUA will show him the truth and he will run from the Seventh Day Adventist Church for his own soul sake. He is only a new babe in YAHUSHUA 2 years old. 

不幸的是,这些人用那些信条去抵挡别人。这些信条里没有一条能真正说明那些人跟亚哈威之间的关系。Unfortunately, these beliefs measure these people against other people. None of these beliefs really explain those people’s condition when related to YAHUVEH. 圣经告诉我们,每个人都因为 “罪” 使自己跟亚哈威完全隔离了。The Bible tells us that every person is totally separated from YAHUVEH by a thing called "sin." (在罗马书3章23节有说明。熟悉圣经的人都知道 “罗3:23” 这样的写法是圣经的简写) “罪” 就是不顺服亚哈威,因为亚哈威是无罪的,他不能容忍任何的罪或是有罪的人(就是我们每一个人)。(This is shown in the book of Romans, chapter 3, and verse 23. People familiar with the Bible call this "Romans 3:23" as a type of "Bible shorthand.") Sin is disobeying YAHUVEH. Since YAHUVEH is sinless, He cannot stand sin, or people with sin (every one of us). 我们努力地成为完全人,但问题出现了,我们不可能成为完全,那是不可能的。因此虽然我们不能成为完全,但我们在努力使自己更像我们心爱的亚呼赎阿!我们知道自己越是努力,就越是意识到自己的无能,也明白到我们为什么需要一位救主!We strive to be perfect. The problem is that we cannot be perfect, it is impossible. So although we fail we strive to be more like our beloved YAHUSHUA knowing the more we try the more we realize we fail and why we need a Saviour!

要这样想:如果我们有三个人往标靶投飞镖,第一个投的飞镖离红心有两英寸远,另一个离红心有四英寸远,剩下的那个人没投在标靶上,那么我们三个人当中谁投中了红心?一个都没有!Think of it this way. If three of us throw darts at a dart board and one gets two inches away from the bull’s eye, another four inches away, and another misses the board completely, which one of us hit the bull’s eye? No one, of course! 这是比较我们和亚哈威的例子,红心是亚哈威的要求(完美,没有罪)。This is how it is with us compared to YAHUVEH. The bull’s eye is what YAHUVEH demands (perfection, no sin ever). 一些人会比其他人更加顺服亚哈威,但没有人击中完美的红心,因此所有人都完全失丧了,即使他们能靠近标靶的红心,每个人(在字面上)都是亚哈威的仇敌。Some will come closer to obeying YAHUVEH than others, but no one ever hits the bull’s eye of perfection. Thus, everyone is totally lost and they are (literally) enemies of YAHUVEH, even if they get close to the bull’s eye. 一个罪就能把我们跟亚哈威完全分离。更糟的是,我们知道如果自己若犯了罪,就要死亡。见罗马书6章23节。Just one sin totally separates us from YAHUVEH. What makes this worse is that we know that if we sin we have to die. See Romans 6:23 (chapter 6, verse 23). 我们也会与亚哈威分离,永远待在地狱里。我们这就有了一个难题。圣经说, “我们要恐惧战兢,做成得救的工夫。” We will also be separated from YAHUVEH and eternally in Hell. Needless to say, we have a problem. The bible says, " we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

这就是为什么亚呼赎阿要介入,亚哈威知道我们因为自己的罪,不能通过任何方式与祂联系,祂知道我们不能除去自己的任何一个罪。This is where YAHUSHUA comes in. YAHUVEH knew that there was no possible way that we could ever have any association with Him because of our sin. Knowing that we could not erase even one sin on our own, 祂是这么地爱我们,以致差祂的儿子亚呼赎阿来到这个世上。参见约翰福音3章16和17节。亚呼赎阿从没犯过罪,祂没必要去死,却仍然选择为所有人的罪死在十字架上。He loved us so much that He sent His Son YAHUSHUA into the world. See John 3:16-17. Since YAHUSHUA never sinned, HE did not have to die. Still, HE chose to die on the cross for the sins of all people. 祂成了我们所有过犯的 “完美的赎罪祭” ,亚哈威接受了祂代替我们的死,作为祂为了我们的罪而付上的所有赎价。亚呼赎阿因此成了我们跟亚哈威之间的 “桥梁” 。只有透过祂为我们所做的,我们才能跟亚哈威有联系。HE became the "perfect sacrifice" for all our sins, and YAHUVEH accepted HIS death for our sins as payment in full! Therefore, YAHUSHUA became the "bridge" between us and YAHUVEH. It is only through what HE did that we can have any association with YAHUVEH. 参见约翰福音14章6节。我们要做的是接受亚呼赎阿为我们的救主,为祂而活。这把我们带到了下一个问题。See John 14:6. All we have to do is accept YAHUSHUA as our Savior and then live for HIM. That brings us to our next question.

问题2:我要怎么接受亚呼赎阿?Question 2: How Do I Accept YAHUSHUA?

圣经展示了四个步骤:The Bible reveals four steps:

相信亚呼赎阿,并对祂有信心。参见以弗所书2章8-10节。Believe in YAHUSHUA and put your faith in Him. See Ephesians 2:8-10 (chapter 2, verses 8 through 10).

基督教不是一种盲目的信仰,而是建立在事实上的信仰。基督教不像其他的信仰,基督教是可以得到验证和证实的。Christianity is not a blind faith, but rather a faith based on facts. That is, unlike other faiths, it can be verified and proven to be true.

为你的罪悔改。(参见使徒行传17章30-31节)Repent of your sins. (See Acts 17:30,31.)

 “悔改” 的意思是什么呢?想像自己在去商店的路上,意识到你忘了带钱,你会怎么做呢?你可能会感到很沮丧,浪费了这么多的时间,但你还是会回家去拿钱。What does "repent" mean? Well, imagine that you were going to the store when you realized that you forgot your money. What would you do? You would probably be disappointed that you wasted so much time, but you would still turn around and go home to get your money. 悔改就像那样。一个悔改的人能简单地说, “亚哈威,我在过去做得很不好,我想要回转,我想要从现在起按你的方式活着。” Repentance is like that. A repentant person simply says, "YAHUVEH, I behaved badly in my past, and I want to turn around and live the way that You want me to live from now on." 你可以像跟一位令人尊敬的朋友一样跟亚哈威说话,悔改你在过去所犯的罪。You can talk to YAHUVEH like you would talk to a respected friend and repent of any sin that has been a part of your life.

在别人面前承认亚呼赎阿为主。(参见马太福音10章32-33节,罗马书10章9-10节)Confess YAHUSHUA as Lord to someone. (See Matthew 10:32,33 and Romans 10:9,10)

在圣经里,亚哈威总是强调我们所说的 “因为心里所充满的,口里就说出来” (马太福音12章34节)。因此,亚哈威想要我们以口在别人面前承认亚呼赎阿为我们生命的主。In the Bible, YAHUVEH always places emphasis on what we say “probably because whatever is in your heart determines what you say (Matthew 12:34).”  Therefore, YAHUVEH wants us to verbally commit to YAHUSHUA (as Lord of our life) to someone.

受洗。(参见使徒行传2章38-39节)Be baptized. (See Acts 2:38,39)

受洗的意思是浸入水里。通常,一个人会站在水里,被(另外一个基督徒)浸进水里,然后被扶出水面。Being baptized means being immersed in water. Typically, a person would stand in water, be lowered into the water (by another Christian), and then be brought back up out of the water. 受洗的重要含义可参见罗马书6章1-7节,受洗的例子可参见使徒行传8章26-39节。The significance of this act can be seen in Romans 6:1-7 and an example of it in Acts 8:26-39.

一些人不认为洗礼是接受亚呼赎阿的一部分。然而,在圣经里明确的一件事是 “信和受洗总是在一起,从没分开过。” 很明显地,受洗是接受亚呼赎阿的一部分。Some people do not think that baptism is part of accepting YAHUSHUA. However one thing is clear in the Bible “belief and baptism are always together, never separated." Therefore, it is obvious that baptism is part of accepting YAHUSHUA. 我们鼓励你在圣经里研读 “为什么要受洗 “的这个主题。任何一个真正的基督徒都可以为你施洗。We encourage you to search out baptism’s "why" in the Bible. Any true Christian may baptize you.

用水施洗是洗礼的一种方式,但亚呼赎阿说过, “约翰是用水施洗,但亚呼赎阿用圣灵的火施洗!” To be baptized by water is one way but YAHUSHUA said, "John baptized by water but YAHUSHUA baptizes with FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT! 在你受洗过后,要寻求被圣灵之火充满!这是圣灵恩赐的到来!After you get the baptism by water then seek the infilling of the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT! This is where the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT come in! 但是,不要相信 “如果你没有得到恩赐或不能说方言,你就不能去天国” 的这种话!这是另一个错误的教义!However, do not believe that if you do not have the gifts or speak in other tongues, that you will not go to Heaven! Another false doctrine! 如果是那样的话,亚呼赎阿就会明确地说, “所有不会说方言的人不会得救!” 如果是那样的话,亚呼赎阿就没必要在各各他献出自己的生命和宝血了!If this were so then YAHUVEH would plainly say everyone that does not speak in other tongues, would not be saved! Again, if this were true it would not have been necessary for YAHUSHUA to give his life and blood at Calvary! 那些用信心接受这个礼物的人,只有亚呼赎阿的宝血才能洗净他们的罪过!浸信会和其他教会组织教导,如果一个人没有受洗,哪怕是个小孩,都不会进入天国!Only the Blood of YAHUSHUA washes away sins to those that receive that Gift in Faith! Baptists and other Church organizations teach that if a person is not baptized even a young child that person will not go to Heaven!

如果真是那样的话,那么亚呼赎阿有必要在各各他山上牺牲自己吗?受洗是我们跟随亚呼赎阿的一个外在标志! If this were true again, why would it be necessary for YAHUSHUA to be sacrificed at Calvary? Baptism is a outward sign that we follow YAHUSHUA! 小孩子们不能完全明白受洗的意义,所以在他们完全明白要跟随亚呼赎阿所需付出的代价以前,他们不应该受洗。婴孩应被献给神,而不是受洗,因为他们要等到自己长大,能做决定了之后才能受洗。Young Children cannot understand this fully so they should not be baptized until they understand what the price is to follow YAHUSHUA. Babies should be dedicated but not baptized for they must be old enough to make their own decisions.

根据圣经,这四项过程会让你跟亚哈威建立更正确的关系。如果你选择这么做了,那么恭喜你!According to the Bible, this four-step process gets you right with YAHUVEH. If you have chosen to do this, congratulations!你现在在那条直而狭窄的道路上,你可以开始跟亚哈威建立并保持良好的关系。接下来的第三个问题,也就是最后一个问题。 You are now on the straight and narrow path and can begin developing and keeping a relationship with YAHUVEH. That leads us to our third and final question.

问题3:要怎么透过亚呼赎阿跟亚哈威建立正确的关系?Question 3: How Do I Stay Right With YAHUVEH Through YAHUSHUA?

很多时候,人们认为亚哈威会饶恕他们过去的罪,但自他们成为一名基督徒后,他们就再也不能犯罪了,否则亚哈威会离弃他们。Many times people think that YAHUVEH is going to forgive their past sins, but after becoming a Christian, they can never sin again or YAHUVEH will reject them. 但事情不是如此。让我们一起明白,在接受亚呼赎阿作为我们的主和救主后,要怎么生活吧!This is not the case at all, so let us get an understanding of how we are to live after accepting YAHUSHUA as our Savior and Lord.

约翰一书1章5节至2章6节给了我们最好的答案。那段经文描述了跟亚哈威有良好关系的人,解释给他们:他们仍然有时会与罪争斗,也会时不时地犯罪。1 John 1:5-2:6 (chapter 1, verse 5 through chapter 2, verse 6) gives the best answer. This passage describes people who are right with YAHUVEH, and explains to them that they will still struggle with and fall into sin at times. 在那些时候,经上说,亚呼赎阿的宝血会洗净他们的一切罪行。然而,经文首先指出了信徒们必须以什么样的方式生活,才能得到这个应许。经文使用 “在光明中行走” 和 “在黑暗里行走” 来说明信徒该怎么生活(行走在光明里,逃避黑暗)。At these times, it says that the blood of YAHUSHUA cleanses them from all sin. However, it first qualifies how believers must live to apply this promise to themselves. It uses the terms "walking in the light" and "walking in the darkness."

这里的重点是根基、动机和连贯性。The big issues here are foundation, motivation, and consistency. 如果我们的根基是圣经、动机是要效法亚呼赎阿、并持续寻求着亚呼赎阿的样式,那么我们知道亚呼赎阿会掩盖我们的罪过,我们仍然跟亚哈威有着正确的关系(见约翰一书2章5、6节;5章13节)。If our foundation is the Bible, if our motivation is being like YAHUSHUA, and if we consistently seek to live like YAHUSHUA, then we know that YAHUSHUA covers our sins, and we are still right with YAHUVEH. (See 1 John 2:5,6 and 1 John 5:13.)然而,如果我们说自己认识亚哈威,却没有通过顺服来持续寻求着像亚呼赎阿一样生活(也就是说,我们继续 “行在黑暗里” ),如果是这样的话,亚哈威说我们这样做是在说谎,真理也不在我们的心里(见约翰一书2章3、4、6节)。

 However, if we say that we know YAHUVEH, and yet do not consistently seek to live like YAHUSHUA by obeying HIM (that is, we continue to "walk in darkness") YAHUVEH says that we are liars and the truth is not in us. (See 1 John 2:3,4 and 1 John 1:6.)

因此,如果你决定要接受亚呼赎阿,你必须要明白,你做了自己 “一生都要致力于寻求效法亚呼赎阿” 的决定。Thus, if you make a decision to accept YAHUSHUA, you must understand that it means a lifetime commitment toward seeking to be like YAHUSHUA in the way that you live. 这就是我们要怎么 “跟亚哈威保持正确关系” 的作法!我们当然希望你会选择亚呼赎阿! This is what "staying right with YAHUVEH" is all about" becoming more like YAHUSHUA! We certainly hope that you will choose YAHUSHUA! 唯一能保证你自己的名字被写在羔羊生命册上的唯一方式,是将亚哈威放在你生命的首位,你要尽心、尽性、尽力、尽意爱亚哈威、,亚呼赎阿,和圣灵;又要爱邻舍如同自己。The one way to make sure your name is written in the Lamb's Book of life is to put YAHUVEH FIRST and LOVE YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the HOLY SPIRIT with all your mind, body, spirit, and soul! 尽力服从亚哈威并遵守诫命,因为我们想取悦我们的天父,因为我们不想让祂伤心。Do your best to obey YAHUVEH and keep the commandments because we want to please our Heavenly Father for we do not want to grieve HIM. 你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人。所有的诫命都包含在这了条诫命里了。Love your neighbors and do good to others the way you want them to do good to you. All the commandments are wrapped up in these two commandments.

如果你需要了解更多,请发邮件给我。与你一同祷告是我的荣幸,如果我们不在世上见面的话,我们会在天国见面!If you need to know more please email me. I consider it a privilege to pray with you and meet you in Heaven if not on earth.



Love to all in the name of YAHUSHUA,

Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah



📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...