
📒12-7一个地狱里的公民 A CITIZEN IN HELL




犹大书 1:14-25

The Book of Jude Chapter 1:15-2

14看哪,主带着祂的千万圣者降临,15要在众人身上行审判, 证实那一切不敬虔的人所妄行一切不敬虔的事,Behold, the LORD cometh with ten thousands of HIS saints. To execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed

又证实不敬虔之罪人 所说顶撞他的刚愎话。16这些人是私下议论,常发怨言的, 随从自己的情欲而行, 口中说夸大的话, 为得便宜谄媚人。and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against HIM. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts:

and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration sare "sorrowful because of advantage.

17亲爱的弟兄啊,你们要记念我们主亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克之使徒从前所说的话。18他们曾对你们说过, 末世必有好讥销的人随从自己不敬虔的私欲而行。19这就是那些引人结党、属乎血气、没有圣灵的人。But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our LORD YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts,These be they who separate themselves. sensual, having not the Spirit.

20亲爱的弟兄啊,你们却要在至圣的真道上造就自己在圣灵里祷告,21保守自己常在神的爱中,仰望我们主亚呼赎阿.哈玛西阿克的怜悯, 直到永生。But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Keep yourselves in the love of GOD, looking for the messy of eff YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH unto eternar life. 

22有些人存疑心, 你们要怜悯他们; 23有些人你们要从火中抢出来,搭救他们; 有些人你们要存惧怕的心怜悯他们, 连那被情欲沾染的衣服也当厌恶。

And of some have compassion. making a differences

And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire: hating even the garment spotted by the flesh And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire: hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.


欢欢喜喜站在祂荣耀之前的 我们的救主—独一的神

Now unto HIM that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of HIS glory with exceeding joy.


25愿荣耀、威严、能力、权柄,从万古以前并现今, 直到永永远远。阿们!

To the only wise GOD our Saviour. be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

先知以莉莎法. 以利亚呼, 在youtube 上名为YAHSladynred

牧师以莉莎法. 以利亚呼版权所有

Prophet Elisabeth Elijah also known as Yahsladynred on youtube

Copyright protected by Pastor Elisabeth Elijah


Introduction to the vision of hell begins..

1992年3月9日的清晨, 我从一个梦中醒来, 实际上它是一个噩梦? 

因为我看见了撒但, 那就是我全部所记得的。Early one morning, March 9th, 1992. I awoke from a dream, actually a nightmare. For I had seen satan, that's all I remembered.


当我试图让我头脑清醒, 并走进浴室时, 我感到了一种邪恶的存在。

I know he had terrified me, and terrified me to such an extent that I woke up nearly screaming. As I tried to clear my head and walk into the bathroom, I felt an evil presence.

当时房子里真的非常暗, 我想这只是因为我作的梦。当我从浴室回来,我看到...有些人可能会认为我疯了。It was really dark in the house. that I thought it was just because of the dream. As I come back out in the bathroom, I seen.. and some may think I'm mad. 

我不在乎他们怎么想? 我知道、我知道、我知道, 我的神在此时使用了超自然的存在, 将这首歌在这个时候带到这地上。这样众灵魂就会得救。 

I don't care what they think, I know that I know that I know,

my GOD uses supernatural being to bring this song,

 to this earth at this time. So that souls would be saved.


以及一个男人的轮廓,就像一个孩子连接圆点一样。I saw...how to describe what I saw…I saw what looked like dim lights and the outline of a man. It is as if a child would connect the dots.

我能看到头,我能看到手臂, 我能看到躯干, 我能看到腿。我不知道为什么我会知道他是一个男人,但我知道他是。I could see the head. I could see the arm. I could see the trunk. | could see the legs. Why I know it's a man I don't know but I know it was.

他站在门厅的尽头。他身边的光并不是明亮的光, 它们是很昏暗的光,

并且它们互相连接着。这些光互相连接着。它是一个高大男人的高度。好吧,不必再说了.He stood at the end of the hall. They weren't bright lights, they were dim lights and they were connected. They were just connected lights.And it was a height of a tall man. Well, needless to say. 

当我见到这景象时, 我奔跑着回到卧室。但那同样的邪恶存在,

似乎跟着我进了卧室。我跳上了我们的水床, 并紧紧靠着我[前]夫的背。 when I saw this.. I ran to the bedroom. But that same evil presence seemed to have followed me into the bedroom. And I jump into our water bed and I cuddled up next to my (X) husband's back.

接着突然之间,那就好像我能听到撒但在嘲笑我, 并说:"你在那里不会找得到任何安慰,因为他也属于我。And then all of a sudden, It was like I could hear satan mocking me, and saying, "You will find no comfort there,

for he too belongs to me".

然后,我就跳到了床的另一边,把身体卷成了一个球, 并开始悄声地说着:

Then, I jumped on the other side of the bed, curled up in a ball, 

(I am Il yrs married to a Holy man now. I do know satan has no claim on him.) and started quiety saying:

"亚呼赎阿,亚呼赎阿,救我,亚呼赎阿, 我好害怕,亚呼赎阿。"


help me YAHUSHUA, I'm so frightened, YAHUSRUA."

我感觉我是一个小小的三岁或两岁的小孩子。我为我感到非常恐惧而感到羞愧。I felt like was a siny little three year old or two year old.

I'm ashamed to say how much fear I felt.

我的生命中,发生过许多给我带来恐惧的事情,但我不知道我是否曾经像这次那样如此恐惧过。A lot of things that appened to me in my life to bring fear, but I don't know I've ever been as frightened as this.

然后我开始祷告,我求问神并斥责、捆绑、驱逐撒但的邪灵从房子里赶出去, 并用亚呼赎阿的宝血复盖屋子里的所有人, 我提醒神,告诉祂我信靠祂会保护我们。And then I Was draying, I asked GOD and rebuke and l bind and cast satan's demonic spirit out of the house and cover everyone with BLOOD of YAHUSHUA, reminded GOD that I was trusting HIM to protect us.

当我在祈祷时, 我同样向圣灵求问, 前来的和我所看到的东西的意思。

And and I wis praying,In the HOLLY SPIRIT

I also ask for meaning of what had come and what I had seen.

然后神赐给了我平安,我便睡着了。只有神能給予我们平安, 在我们被吓到时。 And then GOD gave me peace and I fell asleep.

Only GOD Could give us peace when we're that orightened.

接着我就作了另一个梦。这一次,这个梦是关于当一个人去了天堂会是怎样的, 一个人去了天堂, 而一个人去了地狱。And only then I had another dream. This time it was about a dream about what it was like when a peason go to Heaven, a man went to Heaven and a man went to hell.


我做的下一件事就是开始再次祷告! 我求问我们的天父:

I woke up terrified again for I had seen the man in hell.

The next thing I did was I started praying again!

And, I asked our Heavenly Father:

“神啊, 这到底是什么?我求祢来向我表明,到我家的这个灵到底是什么,

神啊, 这到底是什么?"what was this all about, GOD? I asked YOU to show me what spirit had come into my house, what was this all about GOD?


And then YOU gave me a dream about a man in hell.

What was this GOD? "

接着我甜蜜的天父对我说了这些话, 祂说有一个来自地狱的公民拜访了我。And then my sweet Heavenly Father told me these words,

HE said that I Had visitation from a citizen in hell.


And HE also spoke the word that I had earlier in the tape spoke about how HE is going to give this song to the world at this time.

So that tens of millions of souls would be Saved.

也许他们不会来到我们父亲跟前,因为他们一开始曾爱祂。但他们会在害怕中跑来这里。当他们意识到只有我们慈爱的天父能够拯救他们时。 Maybe they wouldn't come to our Father because they loved HIM at first. But they win come running in fear when they realied only our loving Father could Save them

然后祂说:“这只是地狱的第一层。我将给你另一首歌,那会让撒但暴跳如雷。”我期待着那首歌,还没有得到它。And HE said, "this is only the first level of hell. I am going to give you another song that is going to make satan reek with rage." I looked forward to that song and not yet gotten it.

但祂说:“我会向妳展示地狱的第一层,因为妳看,地狱有很多层。 ”

But HE said "I will show you the first level of hell. For you see, there are many levels of hell."

马达琳,默里.奥海尔和所有那些无神论者,当我们好奇,祂怎么仍然让你活着?在你对祂和祂的孩子所做的事情之后?我要让你们知道,神已经给了我答案。And Madalyn Murrry O'Hair and all there atheists out there

when we wonder how GOD could still let you live after things you've done to HIM and HIS children? I want you to know that GOD gave me the answer.

祂说:"你和其他注定要下地狱的人, 只是在做工挖你要降到的层数的路

,在你们死后你将会去的层次。”HE said "you and the others who are destined to hell are only working your way down to the level that she will go after you die."


已经被确定了他们要下沉到的地狱层次You see, those going to hell, GOD already knows who they are. When they died, it's already been determined what level they will sink.


是的,因为他刚从地狱来。of this citizen from hell, can evil presence about him…yes, because he's just come from hell.


就是真光 –我们的亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。But I believed that the dim lights, that was the outline of his body, Symbolized that one time he had the light, the true light our YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

当然,这些光黯淡下来了。不要让你的光变暗。我打从心底里相信,这个男人是一个堕落的传道人。And of course it dimmed. Don't let your light dim. I believe with all my heart that this man was a fallen preacher.

我也从心底里相信, 这个忘记了神的男人, 因着一些未知原因显出了这个男人超自然地把这个信息带给世界, 第一层地狱是什么样子的。

And I believe with all my heart that this man who forgot GOD for some unknown reasons shows this man supernaturally to bring this message to the world what the first level of hell is like.

人们,地狱的第一层是如此可怕, 我不知道第二层、第三层第四层 地狱又是怎样的. 如此类推,几百层,几千层,可能是几百万层,谁知道?祂没有告诉我这事,And people, the first level is so terrifying. I don't know how the second, and third and fourth and it goes on and on and hundreds and hundreds maybe millions of levels who knows? HE didn't tell me this,

但第一层地狱就如此地恐怖!然后,当种说大部分都是好人! 世上我们认为

是好人的人,都在地狱的第一层。这太可怕了!but the first level is so horrifying! And when GOD said: the majority are nice people! What the world we considered. good people are on the first level. That's fightening!

你会认为地狱只是给这世界的邪恶之人的。你没想过那些你日常看到的人, 你的邻居、你的家人、那些不想伤害别人的人,

You would think that hell is only for evil people of this world. You don't think of the people that you look at to, next door neighborn your family member, somebody who doesn't want to hurt anyone,

然而当他们死时,他们已经犯了一个不可饶恕的罪, 就是他们拒绝承认 亚呼赎阿. 哈. 玛西阿克为他们的主和救主。and yet when they died, they had done the one unpardonable sin, They refused YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as their LORD and Savior.

他们当中有些人甚至只有头脑的知识, 我知道他们当中 有一些人有头脑的知识.有很多年了,直到今天。并且他们以为因为他们去教堂,他们知道圣经;

Maybe some of them even just had head knowledge. I know some of them had knowledge for many year until this very day. And they think because they go to church and they know the Bible;

他们以为因为他们属于正确的教会,他们和一位牧师握手、他们例行奉献钱财、他们是好人、他们做慈善、他们不伤害任何人、他们帮助每一个人。they think coz they belong to the right church, they shook their hand of a pastor, they give money on a regular basis,they are good, they give to charity, they don't hurt anyone, they help everyone.

所有这些可怜的人啊!这些人就是,我知道基督一定会伤他们最深的人, 因为他们就是那些被骗地更深的人,比恶者们受骗还要深。他们知道他们不是被弃者。他们知道他们不是邪恶的。All these poor people! These are the ones that I know MASHIACH must hurt for the worst, for they are the ones that are more deceived than the evil ones. But they know they aren't reprobate. They know they aren't evil.

这是多么地糟糕,以为他们是要去天堂的。以为他们全部要做的就是认识玛西阿克的宝血了解他们的圣经。但最后仍然下地狱! 能有吗?能有吗?能有比那事还要更糟的事吗?How much worse it must be. To think they are going to Heaven.To think that all you have to do is know about the BLOOD of MASHIACH

and to know their Bible. But still wind up in hell!

Can there be? Can there be? Can there be anything worse than that?

哦,我亲爱的们你们不必非得下地狱。神已经说了,不要只有头脑的知识。要用你的灵爱我,用你的灵魂爱我,用你的生命相信我,不要只用你头脑去认识圣经,还要用你的灵和你的魂去认识它。Oh, my darlings you don't have to wind up in hell. GOD had said don't just let it be head knowledge.Love ME with your spirit, love ME with your soul,

trust ME with your life,Don't just know the Bible with your head, know it with your spirit and your soul.…

当你犯罪时确保你把每一条罪都带到主面前。确保你求祂帮助你不要再次犯罪。从那个罪转离。When you sin. make sure you take each sin to the LORD..Make sure you ask HIM to help you not to sin again. Turn away from that sin.

别以为你可以走出去在今日去犯谋杀的罪,仅仅因为你想去做, 你恨某个人, 所以杀了他,好吧 ?明天我还能去神父那里告解, 今晚我就能说那么多遍 “万福玛利亚”然后一切都会好起来。不会的! 不会的! Don't think you can go out and commit murder today a just because you want to, you hate someone, you kill him and well tomorrow I can go to the priest, tonight I can say so many "Hail Marys" everything will be fine.

It won't be!It won't be!


!神不会轻易被嘲笑的。Don't be premeditate sin! Don't trample the BLOOD of MASHIACH under your feet. Do not deceived,

GOD is not easily mocked.

但属这世界的马达琳·默里,奥海尔 将为此付出代价。我们看着那些人,我们说:神啊!他们正在把基督徒的自由撕去,祢为何容许他们说诋毁祢的话?祢为何容许他们制作反对祢的电影?祢为何容许他们这样攻击祢?But Madalyn Murray O'Hair of this world are going to pay.Those we look at and we say GOD they are stripping off christian's freedom away,

why are YOU letting them talk against you?

why do YOU let them make movies against YOU?

why do you let them bash YOU like this?

然后。神说了这些话,祂说: “他们现在猛烈攻击我,但只管等着, 直到我开始反击。噢,现在在电视节目里看起来电视节目似乎企图抨击神。他们憎恶基督教。但这个状况将会反转过来。And GOD spoke these words and HE says, "They basth ME now, but just wait, til I start bashing back."Oh now on television it seems like it's chic to bash GOD. They hate christianity, but it's going to turn around.

做出这些事情的这些人如果他们不悔改,就不会在待在怜悯之下。也不会待在亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的宝血之下。他们正处在亚哈威神的忿怒之下,并且亚呼赎阿无法帮他们,因为这都已经注定了。And these people who had done these things and if they don't repent, are not under the mercy and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

They are under the Wrath of GOD YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA can't help them because it has already been determined.


神知道这本书是否真的对你有意义,GOD know who really loves him and who doesn't….GOD know who is playing church and who really means church,GOD knows whether that book really means something to you

这本被称为圣经的书,或者它只是 一本充满童话故事的书罢了。

神知道你的心。called the Bible or whether it is just a book that's full of fairy-tales. GOD knows your heart.

这个来自地狱的男人,我为他哀伤,正如我现在所说...我记得我很伤心的哭了,因为这个男人必须回到地狱去。我知道他不得不遭受,被那恶者更严酷的折磨和控诉。And this citizen from hell I have grieved over as I say this now...I remember how I cried, for this man has to go back to hell. And I know he had to suffer even worse torment and prosecution by the evil one.

我希望神会说:“你不能因他做了这事, 就用更严厉的方式惩罚他。"

I hope somehow GOD said, "you are not gonna punish him any worst for doing this."


我全力争取他的灵魂, 如同我争取你的灵魂。这就是我被造来要做的全部。I am telling you this person is as real to me as you are. this person is as real to me as you are. I am telling you that I worked for his soul as I do yours. This is all I was created to do.

唯一一件事。我已经知道了这点。我已经感受到了这点。我愿意为此奉献我的生命,那就是为了把灵魂带给亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。去带来最后的机会给那些已经用完机会的人One thing. I've known it. I've felt it. and I am willing to give my life for it. And that is to bring souls to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. to bring the last chances to those who has run out of chances.


并嘲笑今天你被给予的讯息,要当心了,你是一个最后机会者!你将不仅仅会见到第一层地狱,而且还会看到更多层。If you listen to this song, beware! because if you do nothing with this song, and you mock the message. you've been given this day, beware.you were a last chancer!

You'll not only see the first level of hell, but many, many more.


祂告诉我, 祂会把地狱更多层次显示给我。当我能够承受更多时,

因为即便是向我显示了他所向我显示的。Everyone starts out in the waiting line on the first level, this is all GOD show me.HE told me he would show me more levels when I could bear it, for even showing me what HE showed me 

接下来连续十天,我就病的非常、非常厉害。我不会细说, 我也不愿回忆起这场病。当时我以为我会死。For ten days afterwards, I got extremely, extremely ill. I'll not go into the details, but I don't like remember it either. And I thought that I would die.



Because this song is probably one of the hardest song

that GOD has ever asked me to write. I heard and saw in a vision,

but it's just as real as looking at you.


他的声音毫无美感, 因为地狱里毫无美丽, 也没有声调。

This man in flames, I heard in my head, monotonous tone of his voice with no beauty for there is no beauty in hell, and no tune.

神以某种方式重建了我所听到的歌,我所听到的歌,并且祂能做成那件事的唯一方法是允许我病得非常,非常,非常严重。And somehow GOD had recreate what I had heard and the only way he could do that is allow me to get very, very, very sick



所以我试着用一些方法去应付这个声音。And when I couldn't figure out why HE wasn't healing me, you can- when you hear this voice, I have yet to be able to duplicate this voice. Praise GOD I have not had to get that sick,so I worked around that voice. 

而我将告诉你这事, 这是值得的。这对我来说是值得的。


一个好人会拒绝撒但。And I'll tell you this, it's worth it. It's worth it to me. If just one of you who do not know my LORD and Savior. If just one of you. Good people would deny satan.

我该怎么说呢?除了说“要拒绝撒但”之外, 我不知道能如何说得更好了。

你们在地狱里的公民,对于带给我这个信息的地狱公民, 还有任何希望吗?

他还有任何希望吗?我不知道。What should I say? I don't know how to say any better than just to say "to deny satan". your citizenship in hell Is there any hope for this citizen that brought me this message?

Is there any hope for him? I don't know.

我甚至不能跟他说再见当他唱完这首歌时。我知道他想再来这里一次说声再见,以走过我的饮水机,他就站在饮水机旁边, 然而是在地狱里正如这首歌所说,地狱里没有任何可以喝的液体。I couldn't even say goodbye to him when his song is finished. I knew he wanted to come one more time and say goodbye, to walk pass my water cooler, he stood right by it, and yet in hell As the song said, there is no fluid of any kind to drink.

在他回去之前, 我的神有允许他喝点水吗?我的神会有一天对这个人有额外的怜悯吗?只有神知道。Did my GOD allow him a drink of water before he went back? That is my GOD one day would have extra mercy on this man? Only HE knows.


他必须回到地狱去, 回到折磨、惊骇、回到拷打和嘲弄,回到地狱本身。

I wanted to pray for him so bad, but I know it was too late. When he left my home, he had to go back, to the torture, and terror, and torment, and mockery, all hell itself.

这个男人唱的这首歌,我真的相信这首歌。这首歌是在地狱里被唱着由地狱的公民。在地狱毫无美丽。所以,当你们听到这声音时, 要知道, 地狱是没有任何美丽的事物的。甚至不会有任何情绪。除了痛苦之外。As this man sings this song. I really believe this. This song is being sung in hell by the citizen in hell. There is no beauty. So, when you hear this voice know that it's mean not to have any beauty whatsoever. There is not even suppose to be any emotion except for the pain.


圣灵透过这个器皿做了她最大的努力。要知道这点,当你是属于亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的时候,你会知道你是否真正属于祂。not suffer that kind of pain and pray "GOD, I don't have to suffer that Kind of pain".

The HOLY GHOST did the best HE[SHE] could through this vessel

Know this. as you belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,

and you know if you really belong to HIM or not.


那么你就没什么好惧怕的了。但是你有责任警告别人,无论他们想不想听。 You will know that you know that you know, if you die this very moment, you will go to Heaven. Then you have nothing to fear. But you have a mandate to warn others, no matter what they want to hear it or not.

难道你想他们去到地狱并说:“我的姐妹本可以告诉我、我的兄弟本可以告诉我、我的母亲本可以告诉我、我最好的朋友本可以告诉我、我的邻居本可以告诉我、Do you want them to go to hell and say, "my sister could have told me, my brother could have told me, my mother could have told me, my best friend could have told me, my neighbor could have told me,


因为他们害怕冒犯我。 ”但是,当他们在地狱里时, 他们就不会受到更多冒犯吗?my boss could have told me, my employee could have told me, and no one told me. Because they were afraid of offending me."

But how much more would they be offended when they are in hell.

甚至是最伟大的音乐家弹钢琴也不能不让它走调。甚至是最伟大的歌唱家,按规则要求在地狱也会唱走调。even the greatest musician cannot play a piano without it being off key. Even the greatest singer,

(with the)rule to claim in hell sing flat.

我重复说一下。在地狱没有任何美丽,主向我显示了一些别的。撒但在不断嘲笑。恶魔们不断地嘲笑着并提醒着地狱里的人,提醒他们失去了什么,提醒着他们本来不用非得在那里的。I repeat. There is no beauty of any kind and the LORD show me something else. satan is continuously mocking. Demons are continuously mocking and reminding the people in hell what they are missing and how they didn't have to be there.

当撒但说话的时候, 它是一个回声。所以你不会只听一次, 你不会只听到恶魔们的折磨一次, 牠的声音不断回响,回响,回响。每一个痛苦的叫喊、每一个尖叫声、每一个呻吟声、每一句“神啊!救我!' 都会不断回响数十亿次。噢,仅仅是这些声音就已经难以忍受了。When satan speaks it's an echo. So you don't only just hear it once, and you don't only hear torment of the demons once. It echoes, and echoes and echoes. Every cry of pain, every scream, every moan, every "God! Help mel" echoes, Times that billions time. Oh, the noise alone must be unbearable.

我知道,撒但曾告诉过我一些事,不是只有神说话, 每隔一段时间那恶者就会进到那里并说些话。而牠——我一直在祈祷, 求神拯救, 把我从这种情况解救出来,神已经应许我祂将会拯救我,但拯救还没有到来。I know, satan once told me something. Not only GOD speaks every once in a while the evil one will get in there and say something. And he- I've been praying and praying for deliverance of the situation in my life and I had promise from GOD that HE was gonna deliver me and yet the deliver hadn't come.

所以有一天我躺在床上, 我当时在思想,想知道神什么时候拯救我。

突然间我就听到一个声音, 一个邪恶的声音, 但不是肉耳可听的声音。

但是那些曾听过神说话的人会知道一祂对我们的灵说话,好吧,那恶者也做同样的事。So one day I lay in bed, and I was meditating and wondering

when GOD is gonna deliver. All of a sudden I heard a voice, evil voice,

not audibly. But those of you who had heard GOD speaks know-that HE speaks to our spirit,  well, the evil one did the same thing.

牠说:“嘿,妳,(牠叫我:嘿,妳)—妳知道我不会尝试取妳的灵魂, 因我知道我无法做到, 因为你的灵魂属于另一位。但我想跟妳做个交易。我将会救你现在就脱离这困境,And he said, "Hey you, (he called me hey you)

-and you know I am not trying to get your soul, for I know I can't,

for it belongs to another. But I want to make a deal with you.

I'll deliver you from this right now,

只要妳向我保证妳会闭嘴,不告诉任何人我有多邪恶。让他们自己发现吧。”这就是牠所说的。if you promise me that you will shut your mouth and not tell anyone how evil I am. Let them find out for themselves."

That's what he said.



I want to be a burr in satan's saddle. I wanna be a thorm in his filesh! I want GOD to use me mightily for HIS Glory to do what HE has promised to do tens of millions of last chancers to the feet of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.


无论神说要给什么...去看看这事应验。Snatch them. run out of the fiery hand of satan. And I am willing to give my life, Whatever GOD said to give it….to see this come to pass.

对于魔鬼我不会和你做交易的。我会去警告人们。我会用尽我最后一口气警告他们, 没有人能够说红衣女士没有警告过他们。因为这些都是注定要做的并要成为的样子。For devil, you have no deal. I will warn the people. I'll warn them with-my last dying breath. No one is gonna be able to say the lady in red didn't warn them. For this is all ordained to do and to be.

我是以利亚呼姐妹, 我在这里是要预备道路为了亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的再次来临祂将会有一个教会。并且这教会将是没有斑点和皱褶的。而你们当中那些认为自己永远都不会成为一份子的人,你们会来。

I am sister Elijah [Eliyahu] and I am here to prepare the way

for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to come again. And HE's gonna have a church. And it's gonna be without spot and wrinkles. And those of you who think will never be part of it, you'll come.

而那些被称为最后机会者的人。他们当中有些人将会把他们的最后机会丢掉, 这是真的。And those are called the last chancers. Some of them will throw away their last chance, true.


感谢祢给了我这个最后机会” 这些人将会成为亚呼赎阿.哈. 玛西阿克强大的,强大的勇士。But many more, will take that last chance and say, "GOD Forgive me, thank YOU! thank YOU for giving me this last chance." And they will be mighty, mighty warriors for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

因为你们看, 我也是一名最后机会者, 不是因为我否认神, 而是因为我曾经尝试夺走我的生命, 并因为我躺着等死。 For you see, I too was a last chancer, not because I deny GOD, but because I tried to take my life.

and because as I lay dying

在许多年以前, 那一直都会是我最大的罪, 就是我以为我有权力夺走我的生命。但那时候我一再尝试这样做, 一次又一次又一次再一次。

many years ago now. that is always been the one thing, My greatest sin is I thought I had to right to take my life.mBut then I tried it again and again and again and again.

比我告诉你们的次数还要多,但我会告诉你们这事, 当我成为一名重生的基督徒, 我就知道神告诉我,我永远都没有权力再次尝试夺走我的生命,

因为它再也不属于我自己, 而属于亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。More time than I care to tell you. But I'll tell you this, once I became a born again christian, I know that GOD told me I never had the right to ever try to take my life again for it no longer belongs to me, it belonged to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

噢,撒但,就在我第一次 发现神是真实的那个晚上,祂不仅仅是一个历史,

并且亚呼赎阿本该是我最好的朋友。并且我所做的每一件事 都是在玛西阿克的宝血之下那一晚,在我把我生命献给亚呼赎阿之后。只要我活着, 我永远不会忘记那一晚。and oh satan,the very first night I found out that GOD was real. HE wasn't just a history and YAHUSHUA was suppose to be my best friend. and everything I had done was under the Blood of Christ that night after giving my life to YAHUSHUA. I will never forget it as long as I live.

我回到家之后我泡了个澡, 当我坐在浴缸里时, 我听见了撒但的声音。

牠很生气。 她问我,我有什么权力去把我的生命献给亚呼赎阿。当地已在地狱里已经为我准备了一个地方时。 I came home, I took a bath and as I sat in the bathtub, I heard the voice of satan. And he was angry. And he asked me what right did I have to give my life to YAHUSHUA

when he had already picked up a room for me in hell.

你能相信吗?从来没有人告诉过我说我要负上责任:,曾经亚呼赎阿对我来说不过是一段历史! 我想...当我在那些自杀企图中躺着等死的时候, 我会向神呼求,Can you believe it? Nobody told me that I was held accountable YAHUSHUA was nothing more than history to me! I wanted I still... as I lay dying for these suicide attempts I would cry out to GOD.

我会说,“让我知道, 在祢把我放到地狱里之前, 让我知道,为什么祢不爱我。

噢,神啊,请让我知道。”然后我的神把我的最后机会给了我,所以现在...我才能够与你们同样是最后机会者的人说话。And I would say, "just let me know before YOU put me in hell, Just let me know why YOU didn't love me. Oh please GOD just let me know." And my GOD gave me my last chance, so now… I am able to speak to you too, who are last chancers.


难道你不会做同样的事吗?聆听这首歌, 要记住这首歌。I know what I did was my last chance, I've given it to YAHUSHUA. Won't you do the same? Listen to this song. Remember this song

当我唱这首歌的时候,就在同时, 它在一天24小时被唱着,在地狱里有24小时一天吗? 我不知道在地狱他们如何计算时间。 as I am singing it this very moment. being sung 24 hours a day there is 24 hours in hell I don't know how they keep time there.

如何计算永恒,这个男人选择了, 神选了他,让他回来把这首歌给我们所有人


how to keep time for eternity And this man chose, GOD chose him, to come back and to give this song to all of us if you are not last chancer And you are already bought with price with the BLOOD of YAHUSHUA

而你知道的,你知道,你正在前往天国的路上,要知道这事,你们必须为这一天负上责任。只管去到任何最后机会者那里,并警告他们。别管他们是否被冒犯!and you know it, and you know you are on your way to Heaven, know this, that you are gonna be held accountable for this day.

just go to any last chancers and warm them. Who cares if they are offended!

你将来要站在神的面前,说:“对不起,我没有对我的上司作见证, 因为我不想被辞退?You are going to stand in front of GOD and say, "I'm sorry

I didn't witness to my boss because I didn't want to get fired?

对不起, 但是我和邻居真的不太熟, 但是我和邻居真的不太熟, 就这样上前问他们"认不认识亚呼赎阿、 知不知道亚呼赎阿要回来,” 感觉有点尴尬。

I'm sorry but my neighbor, well, I just don't know them so therefore

I'm a little embarrassed to go there and ask them if they know YAHUSHUA, that YAHUSHUA was coming back".

那个邻居在地狱的时候就会知道了,因为他们曾经住在 一个重生的基督徒的隔壁。因为撒但将会不断不断不断地嘲笑.…. That neighbor is gonna know when they are in hell, Cause they were right next door to a born again christian.Because satan is gonna mock and mock and mock….

我没什么可说的了。我要把神给我的东西给你们。我不会为许多人会被吓到而道歉。因为我知道神本来可以把地狱第二层、第三层展示给我, 但我向我侍奉的神祷告,我不必非得去那里。I have nothing more to say, I am going to give you what GOD gave me to give you. I'm not going to apologize for the fact that many would be frightened. Because I know that GOD could have showed me the second level and the third level and yet I pray to GOD that I serve I don't have to go there.


我很期待那首歌。试想想,撒但充满了愤怒。For GOD did show me that true song. there is going to be a song that's gonna make satan reek with rage, I am looking forward to that song, think of it. Reek with rage.

是的,盖文,我会继续告诉人们你是多么的邪恶。我将会继续警告他们地狱的火焰,我会继续警告他们。yes, Gavin, I am going to keep on telling people how evil you are I'm gonna keep on warning them the flames of hell, I am gonna keep on warning them.

我会继续告诉他们,她(盖文)本可以获得天堂并且避开地狱。但这真的只是你们自己的选择。因为无论你最后去了哪里,你已经做了那个选择,当你还在地球上的时候。而神不想要你们在地狱里。and I am gonna keep on telling them. that she had Heaven to gain and hell to shun. It's truly only your choice. Because wherever you wind up, you've already made that choice while you are on earth. And GOD doesn't want you in hell.


我只想再说一件事, 就是这个。在之后——在那一晚,这首歌会完成一我相信这花了8个小时。这一点都不容易。tSo people who are going to hell chose it themselves. It's truly, your choice. I just wanna say one more thing and that is this. he very next- the very night, the song will finished I believe it took 8 hours. It wasn't easy

我知道这个来自地狱的公民,还想再回来一次, 说声再见。

我感到羞愧。因我把所有的灯都开了,我又跑进卧室里,我实在没办法再一次目睹这一切了。I know that the citizen from hell wanted to come back one more time, to say Goodbye I'm ashamed that I left all the lights on, and I ran into the bedroom. I could not bring myself to see this one more time.

当我躺在床上,我心里感谢他, 我求神让他知道我很感恩, 并且我会做祢吩咐我要做的任何事。但我希望,我希望我不会关灯。I did thank him as day in bed and I asked GOD to let him know that I was grateful and I would do anything YOU told me to do. But I wish… I wish I wouldn't shut the lights off.


可能不是现在,因为我知道他回到地狱里了,但谁知道,当审判的时候来到时。I hope and pray, someway, somehow, GOD was able to have mercy on this man, maybe not now for I know he went back to hell,

but who knows when the Judgment time comes.

也许,只是也许,因为他本该在地上去做的事失败了, 然后失去了他自己的灵魂。也许,只是也许,也许,神能将怜悯临到他身上。Maybe, just maybe for he was meant to do on earth and failed, And losing his own soul. Maybe, just maybe,maybe, GOD can have some kind of mercy on him.

我知道那不是经文,但这不能帮助我去继续希望着, 你不知道这是怎样的真实。这可以是任何一个人,一个地狱里的公民, 没有名字,只是一名地狱里的公民。that's not scripture I know But it didn't help me from hoping,

you don't know how it really is. It could be anyone, a citizen in hell, no name, just a citizen in hell.

请警告人们。我祈求神,以某种方式, 神会在让这首歌被录下来。

以某种方式,某种方法, 我不在乎世界想要嘲笑我。Please, warn the people. I pray someway GOD gets this recorded someway somehow

I don't care the world wants to mock me.


我奉亚呼赎阿.哈. 玛西阿克的圣名祈求, 听过这首歌的每一个人, 因为会有那些人不仅仅视它为一首歌,而且会给他们带来亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的救赎。Let it be played on TV, let it be on the radio, just someway, somehow, I pray in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.  Everyone who have heard this song, because there are those that it will not only just be a song. but it will bring them the salvation of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

其他人要当心了? 这首歌只会把你们淹没到地狱的更深层次

, 因为连这首歌都不能吓到你们,你们不会感到害怕。

others beware, it will only sink you lower to the level of hell,

for this won't scare you either, you won't be frightened.

而你们以为这代表了你勇猛无惧。对于你们,已经太迟了, 你们被称为被弃者。而且你们只适合于火。但你们不能说你们没有被红衣女士警告过。And you will think you are macho because of it. For you, it is too late, you are called reprobate. And you are fit only for the fire. But you can't say, you weren't warned by the lady in red.

因为这个事工的仇敌们的嘲笑, 这首歌有版权保护,

Due to the enemies of this Ministry who mock, this song is copyright protected.

AMIGHTYWIND.com 圣灵全能风事工





这异像和这首歌是赐给犹太使徒和先知以莉莎法. 以利亚呼

A Vision and a Song given to Elisheva Eliyahu

这首歌不是一首美丽的歌, 这首歌的歌词,是你想要忘记的。

但唯独圣灵不想你忘记......This song is not a song of beauty.

This song, the lyrics, you will want to forget.

But the one thing the Holy Ghost does not want you to forget…


警告他们那些好人.....在世界眼光中的好人......是在地狱里。 is the message…the message to warn the people. Warn them that Hell is real, warn them that good people…good people in the eyes of the world…

are in Hell.

警告他们,唯一能让他们脫逃地狱的方法是接受亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克作为他们的神和救主。不仅是用他们的头脑, 而且也要用他们的灵和他们的魂,并用他们尽全心,尽全力,去爱祂。Warn them that the only way for them to escape Hell is to accept Jesus Christ[YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH] as their LORD and Saviour. Not just with their head, but with their spirit and their soul, and to love HIM with all of their mind?

没有.... 地狱里根本没有演奏得好的音乐家。无论他们在这世界有多么伟大,在地狱里,现在他们只能弹走调的音乐。最伟大的歌手也不能唱准音调,

因为在地狱根本没有美丽。There are... there are no musicians that play well in Hell. No matter how great they were in this world,in Hell now they only play off key. The greatest singer cannot sing a note on key,

for in Hell there is NO beauty.

通过圣灵的权能, 我将尝试复制我所听到的......地狱公民的声音听起来如何。 我相信这首歌现在正在地狱里被唱着, 由一个真实的人, 一个地狱里的公民唱着。Through the Power of the Holy Ghost. I will try to duplicate what I heard...and how the Citizen in Hell sounded. I believe this song is being sung in Hell right now. By a real person, a Citizen in Hell.

我相信他是一个堕落的传教士, 从来没返回到亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的救赎恩典。And I believe he is a fallen preacher,  that never came back to the Saving Grace of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.


The other side of this tape, will go into more detail of how this song came about.

如果有一天, 你指责我把你吓进了天国, 那么我不得不说, 主亚呼赎阿的圣名是应当称颂的。至少,你被吓到了天国。 If you accuse me, one day, of scaring you into Heaven, then all I have to say is blessed be the Name of the LORD [YAHUSHUA]. At least, you made it.


This song is entitled… A CITIZEN IN HELL.

我恳求神给我一个 关于人在地狱里的异像, 这就是我所见到和听到的。

如果它现在没有吓着你, 那么要当心了! 因为你已经是一个地狱里的公民了!Jasked GOD to give me a vision of a man in Hell; this is what I saw and heard If it doesn't scare you now, Then BEWARE! For you already are a Citizen in Hell!

我不得不给你这个警告, 因为我是被差遣....前往还有最后机会的人。

I have to give this warning, for I am sent…To the LAST CHANCERS.

一个地狱里的公民——我求神给我一个关于人在地狱的异像, 这就是我所见到和听到的。如果它没有吓到你,那么要当心了! 因为你已经是一个地狱里的公民了!A CITIZEN IN HELL–I asked GOD to give me a vision of a man in Hell. This is what I saw and heard. If it doesn't scare you,

Then BEWARE! Because you already ARE a Citizen in Hell.

他是一个裸体站着的男人, 被燃烧着的不死的虫复盖着。(可9:47-48)

他转向我, 深深的叹了口气,He was standing naked, covered in flaming words that cannot die, (Mark 9:47-48) And he turned to me,

and heaved a deep sigh as flames surrounded him.

他唱了这首歌给我听。用一个没有情感的声音, 一个没有一点感情的声音,

他所处的只有痛苦和折磨。 And he sung this song to me. In an emotionless voice, A voice that held no emotion, only the pain and torment he was in.

我将尝试靠圣灵的全能恩膏的大能改变我的声音。这样你就能理解....在一点点程度上....它听起来像什么: I will try to change my voice by the power of the Almighty Anointing (of the Holy Spirit). so you can understand…

to a small degree…what it sounded like:

燃烧的蠕虫爬进去, 燃烧的蠕虫爬出来, 从肚脐爬进去。在嘴里爬出来。


Flaming worms crawl in, Flaming worms crawl out. In the belly button and out the mouth, In the front and out the rear.In the eyes and out the ears.

我尖叫求饶, 但无人问津或听到。通红炽热的疼痛在我的血液里。


I scream for mercy but no one care or hears. Red hot pain in my blood. rivers of feces, vomit and blood. It looks like a flood.

火焰无处不在,然而它们没有光。我有的是各种各样的疼痛、恐惧和惊吓。因为我是一个地狱里的公民!!!这是地狱的第一层, 其他层是无法用言语述说的。 Flames everywhere, yet they cast no light, All I have is every kind of pain, terror and fright, For I am a CITIZEN IN HELL!!!

This is the first level of Hell, the other levels there are no words tell,

地狱是如此地热, 它沸腾使肉脱落我的皮肤。我该如何描述我在这地狱里的痛苦? 我很渴,但我甚至没有尿和眼泪喝, Hell is so hot, it boils the flesh off my skin. How do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in?

I'm so thirsty yet, I've not even urine or tears to drink.

噢,我的上帝,这地狱如此地糟透! 我是一个地狱里的公民!!!!这里没有任何形式的水, 甚至没有汗水凉我的额头。 and oh my GOD how this Hell stinks! I AM A CITIZEN IN HELL!!!!! There's no water of any kind.not even sweat to cool my brow.


我向神尖叫:“请救救我!然而祂不听。 I know from Hell I'll never be set free, as demons curse, taunt and mock me. I scream to GOD,"Please help me", yet HE does not hear.

取而代之的是撒旦大笑和嘲笑的声音: “这里没有神,这里也没有怜悯!! 啊哈哈哈!! 我有虐待、折磨、诅咒!!! 和每一种恐惧!!!但是这里没有神!!!哈哈哈哈哈!!!Instead the voice of satan laughs and jeers: THERE IS NO GOD. AND THERE'S NO MERCY HERE!!! AH HA HA HA!!!




我被提醒....上帝祂如此地慈爱, 赐下祂的独生子亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。

为我的罪受苦被钉十字架, 祂被挂在一个十字架上,只为了使我能从地狱得释放。撒但就对我毫无所有。 I am reminded…How GOD in HIS mercy gave YAHUSHUA HAMASHIACH HIS only Son. To suffer crucifixion for my sins, and on a cross HE hung. Just so from Hell,I would be set free. And satan would have no claim on me.

但我拒绝了神的宝血来遮盖我的罪。我想过我自己的生活, 因此我拒绝了祂。我知道我只能怪自己。But I refused GOD's Blood to cover my sins.

I wanted to live my own life, so I denied HIM.

I know I have no one but me to blame,


Now forever I'll live in satan's evil domain,

With every kind of torture and shame,

Wanting to die, but knowing there is no death,

Thinking it will be better tomorrow but knowing I am forever left,

这就是它的样子.....一个地狱里的公民!!!!!如此恐怖的地方, 可怕得没有言语可以述说。This is what it's like to be…A CITIZEN IN HELL!!!!!

Where the horror is so gruesome no tongue can tell.

每个来这里的人死之前, 会挖自己地狱的层级。这里有多深,就是你的罪所堆积的高度。但当心了:最大的罪是拒绝亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克。 Every one who's coming here will have dug to their own level before they die. That is how deep your sins are piled up high. But beware, the greatest of the sins is the rejection of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH

一个又一个的酷刑好像是你最糟糕的噩梦.....已是撒但在牠对你最好的时候了, 牠会把你的眼睛和你的舌头扯掉, 对于撒但而言,这只是牠的幼稚乐趣,牠一次又一次的把你的身体合在一起又撕开。One torture after another, what seems to be like your worst nightmare…Is only satan at his BEST. He'll rip out your eyes and your tongue. For satan it's only childish fun as he puts you together and does it again and again.

如果我能警告我的亲戚,我会说: "为这罪入地狱是不值得的。

当你听到祭坛呼召时, 就要跪下屈膝悔改。不然你将会像我一样,

一个地狱里的公民!!!!If only I could warn my kin, I would say:"Hell is not worth the sin." When you hear that altar call, fall on your knees and just repent Or you'll be like me, a CITIZEN IN HELL!!!!

大声呼求亚呼赎阿的圣名! 求祂用祂的宝血洗尽你所有的罪。

要活出你的生命去取悦神, 而不是取悅人。Cry out loud in YAHUSHUA's Name. Ask HIM with HIS BLOOD to wash all of your sins away.

Live your life to please GOD and not man.

要知道你不是完美,但尽你所能。每一天, 确保你要祷告。远离来自撒但在地狱里的辖制, 你就会得保留。这样当你死去时, 你将会出现在神的慈爱同在里。你就不会成为一个地狱里的公民了!!! Know you're not perfect, but do the best you can. Every day, make sure you pray. and far away from satan's grip in Hell, you'll stay. And when you die, your soul I'll not see here.  In GOD's loving presence you'll appear. And you'll not be a CITIZEN IN HELL!!!

对于我,已经永远太迟了, 我把我的最后机会丢弃了。如果你听从这首歌词,

你会逃离相同的命运。For me, forever, it's too late, I had my last chance and threw it away. If you listen to the words of this song, you'll escape the same fate.

做正确的事,不要做错误的事, 因地狱不是你的所属之地。我告诉你这事,这样你就不会像我有这样的结局,直到永远。一个地狱里的公民!!!!!

Do what is right, not what is wrong, for Hell is not where you belong. I'm telling you this, so you don't end up like me, for all eternity.



They're enlarging Hell every day. The price of sin, man's going to pay. IF only I had just believed the road to Heaven is narrow (Matthew 7:14)

the road to Hell is broad(Matthew 7:13)

我听到魔鬼笑着说: “这里有数十亿人在路上。”

I heard the demons laugh and say: "There's billions more on the way."

你不知何地,你不知何时, 上帝会拿走你的生命。会在早上吗?

会在中午吗? 或者会在夜晚? 你会出现在祂爱的手臂中,被祂紧紧拥抱吗?还是你将会出现在撒但邪恶的困境里?You don't know where, and you don't know when, GOD will take your life. Will it be morning? Will it be noon? Or will it be at night? Will you appear in HIS loving arms holding you tight? Or will you appear in satan evil plight?

我再说一次:“罪的代价,就像我,你将要支付。如果与神一起,但你不做正确的事情, 这也会令你去到地狱这困境。这是你的选择,就像我的选择一样,

Again I say: The price of sin, like me, you'll pay. If with GOD, you don't make things right, this too with be your Hellish plight,

It's your choice, like it was mine.

如果你拒绝上帝救恩宝血的恩慈。我所能做的全部就是指向“地狱”的标志然后说: 你已被一个地狱里的公民警告过!!!!!!

If you refuse GOD's salvation Blood and mercy. All I can do Is point to the sign "Hell" and say: "you've been warned by a CITIZEN IN HELL"!!!!!!!

将有一天,你会听到撒旦说: 欢迎你! 现在你是我地狱的居民了!

我只能说你是一个傻瓜, 因为我能看到你不听我的话。


And one day you'll hear satan say: 

"Welcome, now you're my CITIZEN IN HELL!"

All I can say is you're a fool

for All I can see that you didn't listen to me.

So now we might as well sing together this song:

燃烧的蠕虫爬进去, 燃烧的蠕虫爬出来。从肚脐爬进去。在嘴里爬出来。从前面爬进去,在后面爬出来。从眼睛爬进去,在耳朵里爬出来!

Flaming worms crawl in, Flaming worms crawl out, In the belly button an out the mouth In the front and out the rear, In the eyes and out the ears!

我尖叫求饶,但无人问津或听见! 炽热的疼痛在我的血液里,粪便、呕吐物和血的河流, 它看起来像洪水!I scream for mercy but no one cares or hears! Red hot pain in my blood, Rivers of feces, vomit and blood, It looks like a flood !

火焰无处不再,但没有光! 我有的是各种各样的疼痛、酷刑和恐惧!

因为我是一个地狱的公民! Flames everywhere, yet they cast no light!

All I have is every kind of pain, torture and fright! For I am a CITIZEN IN HELL!

地狱是如此地热, 它沸腾使肉脱落我的皮肤。我该如何描述我在地狱里的痛苦!我很渴,然而甚至没有尿和眼泪喝。噢,我的上帝,这地狱是如此地糟透!  Hell is so hot it boils the flesh of my skin. How do I describe the HELLISH pain I'm in! I'm so thirsty yet there's not even urine or tears to drink. And oh my GOD how this Hell stinks!

没有任何形式的水, 甚至没有汗水凉我的额头, 我知道我在地狱里永远不会被释放。因此恶魔诅咒、奚落和嘲笑我。There's no water of any kind, Not even sweat to cool my brow. I know from Hell I'll never be set free. as demons curse, taunt and mock me.


这里没有天国的神,We scream for GOD to help us but HE dose not hear

Instead the voice of satan laughs and jeers: THERE IS NO HEAVENLY GOD, NO JESUS CHRIST[YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH]

这里也没有怜悯!!!啊哈哈哈哈!!!我有折磨、虐待、诅咒和每一种的恐惧, 但是这里没有神! AND THERE'S NO MERCY HERE! AH HA HA HA !!!!!!!I have torture and torment and damnation!! and every kind of fear!!

but there's no GOD here!

因为到最后,你是我的! 你是我地狱的公民了!!!


你没有听...... 你没有听。现在你是我的, 都是我的,都是我的,都是我的了。

你本来能与祂永远在天堂的, 但我把你带到地狱里与我一起。 You didn't listen... you didn't listen. And now you're mine, all mine, all mine, all mine. You could have been in Heaven with HIM but I got you down here in Hell with me.

现在你是我的。都是我的了。 永远!直到永恒! 你是我的......地狱里的公民!

哈哈哈哈!!!!!! And now you're mine. All mine. For ever. For eternity.

You are my...Citizen in Hell! HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!

这不正是你想要的吗?这不正是你等待的吗? 你讥讽嘲笑!

当人说:“当心!!! 你会去地狱的! 你嘲笑。所以我等待。

Isn't that what you wanted?

Isn't that what you waited for?

You mocked and you laughed!

when people said:"Beware!!! You'll go to Hell!"

 You mocked. And so I waited.


就是那位称为亚呼赎阿.哈. 玛西阿克的。

I gave you every kind of sin…every kind of opportunity…

To deny the One that Reigns on High.


你知道你听到的, 为什么你不听? 啊哈哈哈哈哈!!

我知道有一天你会是我的, 都是我的了,都是我的了。

YOU KNOW YOU HEAR. WHY YOU DIDN'T LISTEN? A HA HA HA HA HA !!!I knew one day you'd be mine all mine, all mine.

所以...... 最后....永远......永远.....各种各样的折磨…


And so... At last…Forever...Forever…Every kind of torture…Every kind of pain…Every kind of fear…I HAVE RESERVED IN YOUR NAME!!!

是的......噢,是的......每当你想向你的神呼求怜悯时, 我都在看着。

但是你没有去做。 噢! 我是多么地高兴! 你没有去读圣经或亲近神!啊哈哈哈! Yes... Oh yes…I watched every time you wanted to cry out for mercy to your GOD. BUT YOU DID NOT DO IT. Oh how happy I was.



你嘲笑并鄙视这个亚呼赎阿神。 当人告诉你要悔改, 你拒絕屈膝祷告,



You didn't do the things I feared.

You laughed... And I laughed at you…

因为我知道....就好像一只老鼠被乳酪的陷阱诱惑一样。你已来到了这里.....哈哈哈哈哈!!! Because I knew…JUST LIKE A RAT WOULD BE RAT WOULD BE TEMPTED BY THE CHEESE OF THE TRAP

YOU'D COME HERE…Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!


是的,你是我的了, 都是我的, 都是我的,都是我的了。现在我会让你受数不清和无止境的痛苦!!! 是的,我会的, 就像千真万确的我的名字是撒但! and now you're my Citizen in Hell !!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!!Yes. You're mine, all mine, all mine, all mine, all mine. AND NOW I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER UNTOLD AND ENDLESS AGONY !!!!

Yes, I will,  just as surely as my name is satan.


现在你是我地狱里的公民了!啊!哈哈哈!!!一个地狱里的公民! ! ! 啊!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈....…You'll come here…and there's only entries…and there's no exits. Now you're my Citizen in Hell! А нa нa нa!!!

A CITIZEN IN HELL !!! А нa нa нa нa На на на…


Vision Ended

而现在神给我看到一个新的异像。有数百万人! 哈利路亚! 谢谢祢亚呼赎阿。神知道,祂不能用其他方法传开,除非通过这首歌。用恐惧战惊,Instead, now GOD is giving me a new vision. Millions of people!nHalleluyah! Thank You Jesus[YAHUSHUA], GOD knew HE couldn't reach any other way, except through this song in fear,

谦卑屈膝并说: “亚呼赎阿,救救我!” 我接受祢成为我的主和救主。我接受祢在各各他山为我流下的宝血。我知道祢已经为我的罪付出了赎价。帮助我服从称,为祢而活。They are dropping to their knees and saying, "JESUS (YAHUSHUA) save-me!" I receive You as my LORD and Saviour,

I receive the Blood YOU shed for me on Calvary,

I know YOU already pain the price for my sins,

Help me to obey and live for YOU.

帮助我去警告我的家人、朋友和陌生人。即便是我最糟糕的仇敌。 我也不愿他到地狱去。圣灵,使用我, 为了基督/玛西阿克的荣耀,原谅我的罪,

我绝不想成为一个地狱里的公民。Help me to warn my family and friends and strangers Not even my worst enemy do I want to come here to Hell

HOLY SPIRIT use me for Christ's Glory. Forgive me of my sins,

 I never want to be a Citizen in Hell.

但通过亚呼赎阿.哈. 玛西阿克的宝血, 我现在凭信心相信并说:我是一个天国里的居民!!! 并且我不再恐惧死亡, 因为离开身体, 就是与主在一起(林后5:8)。But through the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH I now in faith believe and say: I'm a Citizen in Heaven!!! And death no longer will I fear, For to be absent from the body

is to the present with my LORD. (2 Corinthians 5:8)


蠕虫为床毯,蛆虫为被子。No longer will I have to worry about

what the Bible says about Hell. It's only the Citizens in Hell.

that have worms for blankets and maggots for sheets.

相反的。我有美丽的白袍,有最精美的食物, 和我自己的豪宅(约14:2)。

在那里每一道门上都有钻石的门把! 巨大的珍珠门上,有极多的宝石。

到处都闪闪发光! Instead, I have beautiful white robes. and the finest food and own mansion(John 14:2) Where there're diamond door knobs on ever door! Huge pearls on gates, jewels galore.

Sparkling everywhere! There's sparkling everywhere,

闪闪发光的宝石! 那是可想像得到的各种宝石!


glittering from the jewels! Every kind of Jewel that's imaginable.

Streets to dance before my LORD, pure gold. Perfect health Perfect happiness joy and laugh. No tears, no sorrow, nothing evil.

因为我永远不再有折磨和恐惧, 只有对神敬虔的团契。

最重要的是天父亚哈威, 赐下祂的独生子亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克在这里!

祂们在这里! For all eternity I will have no torment or fear, and only Godly company. Most of all GOD the Father YAHUVEH who sent HIS SON YAHUSHUA MASHIACH is here! THEY ARE HERE!

这是你最后的机会。到目前为止, 上帝对你是仁慈的,但是天父的愤怒和诅咒即将重重降下。祂非常爱你,祂说:“给他们这首歌。”你会用它做什么?

This is your last chance. GOD has been merciful to you thus far. But GOD the Father's Wrath and damnation is about to fall heavily. HE loves you so much HE said, "Give them this song."

What will you do with it?

你是否会唱"一个地狱的公民"这首歌? 或你会与天国的公民一起祈祷?


Are you going to sing the song of the Citizen in Hell?

Or will you pray with Citizen in Heaven?

Today is the day of Salvation.

Are you sure tomorrow won't be too late?

借着什么都不做,你就已经做了一些事。最严重的罪。就像地狱里的公民所说的, 就是拒绝了亚呼赎阿。死亡之后,就不会再饶恕那个罪了。By doing nothing, you've already done something. The worst sins of all as the Citizen in Hell said is the rejection of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACHI. After death, there is no forgiveness for that.

你确定你会活另一个一分钟吗? 你确定你会活另一个一小时?

或另一天?你确定你有另一天说:神, 等等我, 直到我下定决心”

神,等等, 直到我完成有趣的犯罪?Are you sure you'll live another minute? Are you sure you'll live another hour or another day? Are you sure you'll have another day to say"Wait GOD till I make up my mind".

Wait GOD till I finish having my fun sinning".

因罪开始是为了乐趣, 但这不会以此为终。问问任何一个凶酒的人,问问任何一个吸毒的人, 问问任何一个爱滋病人,For sin starts out as fun, 

but it doesn't end that way. Ask anyone who's an alcoholic, ask anyone who is addicted to drugs. ask anyone who has AIDS.


他们是否认为犯罪不再有趣了。Ask anyone…and see if they think sin is fun anymore. Ask a murderer on Death Row If they think sin is fun anymore.



问问他是否觉得犯罪是不再有趣了 Ask a thief behind bars if sin is fun anymore. Ask a man who is caught in the act of adultery.

who now sits in divorce court weeping for all he has lost.

Ask him if he thinks sin is fun any more.


去拒绝亚呼叫阿.哈玛西阿克? 你会吗? 这是你的选择。

Do you have another minute?

Do you have another hour? Do you have another day?


Do you? It's your choice.

亚哈威神说: 这首歌正在被送给有最后机会的人。


YAHUVEH(GOD) has said

this song was being sent for the Last Chances.

 This day may very well be your last chance.

What are you waiting for?


这是你的选择。Do you really want sing a duet in Hell…

With the Citizen in Hell? It's your choice.


This song has been sung to you, by the Lady in Red (Red representing  YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH)

非常重要:阅读以下的讯息。Read what follows.

在1987年。当以莉莎法收到这首歌时, 她当时知道她的救主名字叫耶稣基督。这名被用在这首歌里。When Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah received this song in 1987, she knew her Saviour by the Name of Jesus Christ, and this Name is sometimes used in the song.


However the true original Hebrew Sacred Name of our Saviour is YAHUSHUA orYAHSHUA (swin'). 


This Name means "YAH Saves" in Hebrew. (YAH is the abbreviation of YAHUVEH. which is the Name of GOD) 

亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的圣名被用在新约的最初手抄本中, 是用希伯来语写的。而圣经是直接从希伯来文成亚兰文翻译, 对原文不作任何修改。The Name YAHUSHUA, or YAHSHUA, was used in the first manuscripts of the New Testament, written in Hebrew and the Bibles translated directly from Hebrew or Aramaic without making any modifications with the original text


YAHUSHUA said: "I am come in MY Father's

Name" John 5:43. 



For the Name of HIS Father, YAH. was in HIS Name. The NameYAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA testifies that YAH Saves. 

耶稣Jesus这个名字,在希伯来语是没有意义的。是后期出現希腊新約翻译里, 这世界大部分人都称祂这个名字, 包括虔诚的信徒们。The Name Jesus, that has no signification in Hebrew, has appeared later in Greek Translations of the New Testament; and it is by this name that the majority of this world calls HIM. This includes, of course, honest believers. 

在马太福音24:21预言过的大灾难期间, 单单只奉靠亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的名祷告并呼求, 这将对你是绝对必要的。In the time of the Great Tribulation, prophesied in Matthew 24:21, it will be absolutely necessary for you to play and cry out in the Name of YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA only.

将在那时前来的敌基督, 会利用耶稣之名欺骗数十亿人,

耶稣这名字已经在世界的大部分被假冒了, 特别在拉丁美洲。

The Antichrist, who will come at that time, will use the name of Jesus to deceive billions of people. The name "Jesus" is already largely counterfeited in the world, especially in Latin America.

敌基督只会以一个更大的程度重复之前所做过的。不要误解我们正在说的话。The Antichrist will only repeat what has been done before, to a greater degree. Do not misunderstand what we are saying.


但这将不会在大灾难里有用,因为敌基督将篡夺这个名字来欺骗数十亿人。There is still healing, delivering, and resurrection power in the name of Jesus Christ at this hour but this will not be the case in the Great Tribulation, for the tichrist will usurp that name to deceive Billions.

当人在大灾难里,奉耶穌的名呼求祈祷时, 敌基督将会前来对他们说:

我在这里,告诉我你想要什么,敬拜我, 接受我的印记,我将答复你的祷告。”When someone will pray and call out in the name of Jesus during the Great Tribulation, the Antichrist will come to them and say: "Here I am, tell me what you want, worship me, take my Twark and I will answer to your prayers",

但如果你奉亚呼赎阿或亚赎阿的圣名祈求, 敌基督就不会来到你这里。

敌基督不想假冒那个名字, 因为这是神的圣名“亚”在那名里面。

But the Antichrist will not come to you if you pray and cry out in the Name of YAHUSHUA, or YAHSHUA. Again, the Antichrist will not want to counterfeit that Ne, for it has the Sacred Name of GOD, YAH, in it.

没有人必须接受敌基督的印记, 也称为兽的印记,


Nobody must take the mark of the antichrist, also called mark of the beast, for it brings eternal damnation to those that accept it Revelations 14:9-11)


又有第三位天使接着他们,大声说:“若有人拜兽和兽像,在额上或在手上受了印记, 这人也必喝神亚哈威大怒的酒; 此酒斟在神忿怒的杯中纯一不杂。

Revelation 1439-111

then a third angel followed them, Saying will a loud voice, If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself ball ble drink of the wine of the wrath of God, that it poured out full strength into the cuption indigoboh. 他要在圣天使和羔羊面前,在火与硫磺之中受痛苦。 他受痛苦的烟往上冒,直到永永远远。 那些拜兽和兽像,受牠名之印记的,昼夜不得安宁。He shall be tormented with and herione in the presence of the uply anges and in the presence of the Lamb And the ke of their torment ascends forever an and they have no rest day or nigh who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.


与此同时, 你会知道没有一个宗教机构能拯救你。将会拯救你的是一个与祂有爱,顺服和悔改的关系。In the meantime, know that it is not a religious institution that is going to save you. What will save you is a relationship of Love,obedience and repentance with HIM.

逃离所有不宣扬反对罪的教会,因为罪是诅咒的根源。罗:6,13 罪的工价乃是死(死亡意味着诅咒) 教会不传讲反对罪是不负责任的这样不能拯救任何人。他们是巴比伦的教会。Flee from all Churches that do not preach against sin, for sin is the source of damnation.

Romans 6:23 "The wages of sin is death (death means damnation in context). The Churches that do not preach against sin are irresponsible, and cannot save anyone. They are the Churches of Babylon.

特别是,要远离天主教,他们教导追随者向普通男人们, 向马利亚,向天使(被造物)祈祷。这就是拜偶像, 这在创造主眼里是罪,所有的罪都将被惩罚。

In particular, stay far away from the Catholic Church that teaches it's followers to pray to simple men, to Mary and angels (to the Creation). This is idolatry, which is a sin in the eyes of the Creator, and all sin will be punished. 

只可以向神圣三位一体真神创造主祈祷, 而不是向被造物。

祈祷是一种敬拜的行为。 每一个敬拜的行为只能向创造者。

阅读罗马书1:22-25 凡崇拜被造物的都是拜偶像的行为。

Prayers are only due to the Holy Trinity to the Creator, not to the creation. Prayers are an act of worship, and every act of worship is only due to the Creator. See Romains 1 Verses 22-25. Every act of adoration towards the creation is an act of idolatry.

天使在启示录22:9 说:“敬拜神,祂是独一的。”

As the Angel says in the Book of Revelations.

Chapter 22 verse 9 "Worship GOD", and HIM alone.

牧师不能赦免任何人的罪, 如天主教所主张和教导的。

牧师不能赦免任何人的罪, 如天主教所主张和教导的。

它根本没有圣经依据, 这是撒但的一个谎言。

A Priest cannot forgive the sins of anyone, as the Catholic Church claims and teaches. There Is No Biblical basis for this and it is therefore a lie of satan.

饶恕罪是果自创造主亚哈威, 而不是来自人。

只有亚呼赎阿在各各他流下的宝血才能涂抹罪, 决不是一个尘土造的凡人所说的话。Forgiveness for sins comes from YAHWEH the Creator and not man. And only the Blood of YAHUSHAhad on Calvary cerrarse ains. never the words dla mere man made out of dust.

逃离每个与圣经教义相矛盾的 巴比伦教会和谎言的教导,

来到亚呼赎阿的脚边。 祂是唯一的好牧人(约10:11-12)。要知道是你的救主给了你生命。Flee every Church of Babylon like this one that teaches manmade doctrines that contradict the Bible and lies,

and come to the feet of YAHUSHUA HALONE is the Good Shepherd (John10:11-12). Get to know the Saviour to whom you have given your life.

因为亚呼赎阿如此说:我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟着我(约10:27)。For thus sayeth YAHUSHUA, "MY sheep listen to MY voice, I know them and they follow. ME" (John 10:27)

很多人去教堂,然而甚至不认识祂。但是,你是祂羊群里的一只绵羊。So many people go to a Church and yet do not even know HIM. But you, be a sheep in HIS flock.

你们是重价买来的, 不要作人的奴仆(林前7:23)

Ye are bought with a price be not ye the servants of men." (1 Corinthians 7:23)

因为只有一位是你们的尊师, 就是亚呼赎阿你的弥赛亚(太23:10)。

"For you have one Teacher, YAHUSHOAThe Messiah". (Matthe 23.10)

我就是道路、真理和生命,若不借着我, 没有人能到我父那里去(约14:6)

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (Jean 14:6)





📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...