
📒12-5地狱的见证Testimonies of Hell


地狱的见证Testimonies of Hell

你所有读的内容是令人难以相信的……What you're about to read is hard to believe. . .

我们将要查考圣经中称为地狱的地方。我们会提供经文证据证明一个叫地狱的地方。不要轻视你将要读的内容。如果你所读的是真的——那你可能正处在严重危险中!We're going to examine the place the Bible calls hell. We'll present documented evidence for a place called hell. Don't take what you're going to read lightly. If what you read is true - YOU COULD BE IN SERIOUS DANGER!

几年前,莫里斯·.罗林斯(Maurice Rawlings)医生出版了一本书,名为《超越死亡之门》(Beyond Death's Door)。罗林斯医生是内科和心血管疾病专家,他救活了许多临床死亡的人。Several years ago a book was published, entitled Beyond Death's Door by Dr. Maurice Rawlings. Dr. Rawlings, a specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, resuscitated many people who had been clinically dead. 罗林斯医生曾是一位坚定的无神论者,他曾认为 “所有的宗教都是 ‘胡说八道’ ,死亡不过是一种无痛的灭绝。” 但是1977年发生的事情给罗林斯医生的生命带来了戏剧性的变化!Dr. Rawlings, a devout atheist, "considered all religion "hocus-pocus" and death nothing more than a painless extinction". But something happened in 1977 that brought a dramatic change in the life of Dr. Rawlings! 他正在救活一个惊恐尖叫的男人,他掉进了地狱的火焰中:He was resuscitating a man, terrified and screaming - descending down into the flames of hell:

 “每当他恢复心跳和呼吸时,病人尖叫道: ‘我在地狱里!’ 他吓坏了,恳求我帮助他。 ‘我害怕死去。’ 然后我注意到他脸上流露出真正的惊恐。"Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death. . . Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. 他吓坏了的样子比死神的表情还要难看!这个病人做了一个怪诞的表情,表达完全的恐惧!他的瞳孔放大了,汗流浃背,浑身发抖——他看起来像是头发 “翘” 了起来。He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling - he looked as if his hair was "on end."

接着又发生了一件奇怪的事。他说, ‘你不明白吗?我在地狱里。别让我回到地狱里去!’ 那人是认真的,我终于明白到他确实有麻烦了。他惊慌失措是我前所未见的。” Then still another strange thing happened. He said,"Don't you understand? I am in hell. . . Don't let me go back to hell!" . . .the man was serious, and it finally occurred to me that he was indeed in trouble. He was in a panic like I had never seen before."

(莫里斯·罗林斯,超越死亡之门,(托马斯·.尼尔森公司,1979)第3页)。(Maurice Rawlings, Beyond Death's Door,(Thomas Nelson Inc., 1979) p. 3).


Dr. Rawlings said, no one, who could have heard his screams and saw the look of terror on his face could doubt for a single minute that he was actually in a place called hell!

圣经持续地警告着一个叫地狱的地方。单单《新约》中就有162处警告地狱的经文。其中超过70处参考经文是由主亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克亲自说出的。The Bible continually warns of a place called hell. There are over 162 references in the New Testament alone which warns of hell. And over 70 of these references were uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ!

迈克尔·耶格(Michael Yeager)博士所看见的地狱的异象Dr. Michael Yeager's Vision of Hell

在自杀的边缘,当他用一把刀刺向自己的手腕时,一种恐惧向他袭来,他现在认识到这是对神的敬畏。他放下刀,跪下来,求主赦免他的罪,并把他的生命交给了主。On the verge of suicide and with a knife to his wrist a fear hit him which he now recognizes as the fear of GOD. He dropped his knife and went to his knees and asked the Lord to forgive him of his sins and he gave his life to the Lord. 他立刻就从所有的成瘾癖好中解脱出来,并且被赐予了渴望去告诉其他人关于亚呼赎阿。He was immediately freed from all addictions and was given a desire to tell others about Jesus.

一天晚上,当他祈祷时,他看到了地狱的异象,他房间的地板打开了,他在一个黑暗的深坑里不断地往下、往下坠落了一英里又一英里。这是非常真实的,他可以看到,摸到,闻到,感觉到一切。恐惧充斥着他的整个身体。One night when in prayer he received a vision of hell and the floor of his room opened up he kept falling down and down in a deep dark hole for miles and miles. It was very real and he could see, touch, smell, feel everything. Fear was filling his whole being.

一阵风从这个似乎是无底坑里吹了过来,那气味是如此的浓烈,以至令人恶心。从两脚中间望去,他能看见远处一道橙色暗淡的光。The Pit of HellA wind was blowing from this hole that seemed to be bottomless and the odor was so strong it was sickening. By looking between his feet he could see a distant orange glow. 当他靠近这橙色的光时,它变得越来越大,然后他进入了一个洞穴,接着他便处于一个看起来像熔岩喷射出火焰到数百英尺高的空中(100英尺等于30.48米)的巨大区域的上方。还可以听到地球非常响亮的爆炸声。As he approached this orange glow it became bigger and bigger and he then entered a cavern and he was over a huge area of what looked like lava sending flames hundreds of feet into the air. Earth shattering explosions could also be heard. 他知道自己还处在这燃烧的海之上约10,000英尺处(3000米),即使在这一距离,那温度也太高,几乎无法忍受,就感觉像自己的皮肤实际上在被燃烧脱落一样。He knew he was still about 10,000 feet above this burning sea and even at that distance the heat was almost too much to bear and it felt like his skin was actually burning off.

这气味实在太恶心了,使他咳嗽,想要呼吸空气,但一点空气也没有。然后他的耳朵里开始充满了一种非常令人毛骨悚然的声音,听起来像哼唱。The agony in HellThe smell was so nauseating that it made him cough and gasp for air but there was none. His ears than began to be filled with a very eerie sound that sounded like humming. 这声音持续不断,当他快接近熔岩时,声音越来越大。神开启了他对这声音是什么的理解。这声音实际上是人类在难以置信的极苦中尖叫。他意识到神在给他看地狱的异象。This sound was constant and got louder and louder as he approached the lava. God opened his understanding as to what the sound was. The sound was actually human beings screaming in unbelievable agony. He realized that God was showing him a vision of hell.

在这个由熔岩、火和硫磺所构成的湖的上方大约200英尺处,这种疼痛实在是太剧烈,以至几乎无法忍受。然后他看到一些东西在这燃烧的看起来像是熔岩的海中上下来回摆动。有数以万计的这样的物体。At about 200 feet above this lake of lava, fire and brimstone, the pain got almost too much to bear. He then saw some objects bobbing up and down in this burning sea of what looked like lava. There were tens of thousands of these objects. 这些物体实际上是人们在上下来回摆动。这些人在极大极大的痛苦中哭泣和哀号。他们无法从痛苦中得到丝毫的解脱。他们的身体在这硫磺火海中被烧成了黑色。These objects were actually human beings bobbing up and down and back and forth. These people were weeping and wailing in extreme agony. No relief from pain was available to them. Their bodies were burned black in this sea of fire and brimstone.

突然,他掉进了熔岩中,熔岩复盖了他,填满了他的眼睛、鼻子、喉咙、肺等等。他的眼睛感觉像正被烧毁脱出眼框一样,并且他几乎无法呼吸。Suddenly he plunged into the lava and it covered him and filled his eyes, nose throat, lungs etc. His eyes felt like they were being consumed out of their sockets and could barely breathe. 他发现很难解释他正在经历着多大的痛苦。他也知道地狱是永恒的,没有任何出去的机会。He finds it difficult to explain the amount of pain he was experiencing. He also knew hell was eternal and no chance of getting out.

他被显明自私是通往地狱的门户。当他被淹没在这个看起来像熔岩的硫磺火海中时,他完全被极度的痛苦所压倒。当他往下被吸入这片海里的时候,他完全陷入黑暗中,一点光亮也没有。He was shown that selfishness is the gateway to hell. Excruciating pain overtook him fully as he was submerged in this sea of fire and brimstone that looked like lava. As he was sucked down into this sea he was in total darkness with no light at all. 他要窒息了,无法呼吸,但他仍然不会死。当他回到海面时,他意识到他还是完整的,他的五种感官都非常敏锐。He was suffocating and could not take a breath but yet he was not dying. When he returned to the surface he realized that he was till intact and his five senses were very much alive.

在这火海中还有其它生物,它们看起来像巨大的蠕虫。它们会浮出海面,然后消失,接着又回到海面。The Lake Of FireThere were other creatures in the sea of fire that looked like huge worms. They would come to the surface and then disappear and then return to the surface. 他看到它们在离他大约20英尺的地方浮出海面,正向他靠近。当它们接触到他时,开始钻入他,进入他的身体和大脑,并从他的眼睛里出来。它们简直在逼他发疯。About 20 feet from him he saw them coming to the surface and they were coming towards him. When they reached him they began boring into him and went inside his body and brain and were coming out of his eyes. They were driving him insane. (那里虫子是不死的。)这样的事在地狱里是永无止境的。这样的事是永恒的。没有任何地方可以去寻求丝毫的解脱。那里没有丝毫的爱。完全没有爱。一种无法理解的空虚笼罩着他。(Where the worm dieth not.) There is no end to these things in hell. They are eternal. There is no place to go for any relief. There is no love there. It is totally void of love. An emptiness beyond comprehension enveloped him.

尽管有很多,很多其他的人在那里,但却没有任何交流。Although there were many, many others there, there were no communications whatsoever. 你的记忆也在那里依然随着你,你能记住你生命中所发生的一切,包括每次福音被传讲给你而你却拒绝的时候。Your memory is also there still with you and you can remember everything that went on in your life, including each time the Gospel was presented to you and you refused. 然后,他被一种强烈的口渴紧紧地抓住了。没有任何办法解这种渴。(财主和拉撒路)He then was gripped with an intense thirst. There was no way to quench this thirst. (Rich man and Lazarus.)

如果福音的信息被拒绝,那么你将永远在地狱里受痛苦(受折磨),就像圣经如此清楚地说的那样。然后神的声音在硫磺,火和熔岩所构成的海上回荡,吩咐地狱释放他,接着他被送回到自己的房间。If the message of the Gospel is rejected you will be forever tormented in hell like the Bible so clearly says. The voice of God then echoed across the sea of fire and brimstone and lava telling hell to release him and he was returned back to his room.

地狱是真实存在的Hell Is A Reality


Dear Elisabeth, In case people do not think there is a Hell...

大约13年前,我有一个非常好的朋友邻居住在我家对面。她是一个糖尿病患者,并不真正太担心这个病,因为她总是很快乐,吃小黛比,这是她最喜欢的糖果。About 13 years ago I had a very good friend neighbor that lived across from our home. She was a diabetic and did not really worry much about it as she was always Jolly and ate little Debbies that was her favorite sweets. 我向她见证了关于主的事,她问我,得救到底是不是真的。我说是的,当然是真的,她说她女儿跟她说了同样的话,但她认为她女儿只是个狂热的信徒。我们在不同的时间谈了很多。I witnessed to her about the Lord and she asked me if it was really true about being saved. I said Yes it sure was and she said her daughter told her the same thing but thought her daughter was just a fanatic. We talked quite a bit at different times.

一天晚上,她的心脏停止跳动,然后她的丈夫使她的心脏重新跳动,随后打了电话给医护人员。她陷入昏迷,两天没醒来。一切似乎都好。Heart MoniterOne night her heart stopped and her husband got her heart started again then called paramedics. She went into a coma and didn't come out for two days. Everything seemed to be fine. 她在医院把所有的信用卡个人信息,支票簿都给了丈夫,他告诉我她很开心,很好。好吧,我们以为她要回家了,结果她又陷入昏迷了。She gave her husband all of her credit cards IDs check book at the Hospital and he told me she was happy and fine. Well we thought she was coming home and she went into another coma. 我去看她,她被连接在一台呼吸机上,她的脸看起来疲惫不堪。他们说她脑死亡了。她的家人不得不同意从她去世的时候起把呼吸机拔掉。I went to see her and she was hooked up to a ventelator and her face looked stressed. They said she was brain dead. Her family had to OK to unplug the ventilator where when she passed away.

葬礼后的一两周。我真的很伤心地认为也许她没有上天堂。那周我做了一个梦。A week or two after the funeral. I really was sadened to think that maybe she did not make it to heaven. That week I had a dream. 我被带到主的身边,看起来是到了天国,那里的一切都像被雾笼罩,但这雾很浓,我完全感受到了神的爱,那种感觉就像家一样。I was by the Lord's side taken it seemed to Heaven where everything around was like a haze but it was thick and I felt God's Love totaly and it was like home.

然后我看了看,看到几个穿白衣的人,还看到了她,我一看到她就知道她没事,但是随后她看着我,接着望向别处,Demon in HellI then looked and saw several people in white and saw her and as soon as I saw her I knew she was ok but then she looked at me and then looked over 我朝同一个方向望去,有一个巨大的活物正等候通过那个洞口的人,他一次抓住一个人,把他们带到别的地方。and I looked in the same direction and there was a Large being that was waiting for people through this opening and he grabbed one person at a time and took them somewhere else.

她然后转身对我说,还有很多工作要做,因为那么多的人正在走向地狱。其他人都在等着,似乎要迎接得救的人,但得救的人并不多。She then turned to me and said that there was alot of work to do yet that so many people were going to Hell. The other people were waiting it seems to greet the saved ones but there wasn't many of them. 然后我醒来发现这不仅仅是我吃的东西的一个梦。我永远不会忘记这个活物是什么样子,当我看到这张图片时,发现它几乎和他一样,只是他没有翅膀。I then woke up to realize this was not just a dream from something I ate. I will never forget what this being looked like and when I saw this picture it was almost identical to him only he did not have wings.

但牠的头有点朝向背部,并且他一定有7英尺高(2.1米)。But his head was kind of pointed towards the back and he must have been 7 ft Tall.

我知道有一个地狱,我甚至都不想看到它。对我来说看见地狱就已经足够糟糕了。甚至回想起看见地狱我就不寒而栗,不管你信不信,但我没有任何理由撒谎。I know there is a Hell and I would not even want to see it. This thing was bad enough for me to see. I shudder to even remember seeing it whether you believe me or not but I have No reason to lie.

所以,如果你不想遇见地狱的话,除了籍着我们的主和救主所赐的最珍贵的礼物以外,没有其它任何方法,这是关乎你的生命的救恩礼物,是为了你生命的救恩的礼物!So if you do not want to meet with this thing by all means except the Greatest gift of all from Our Lord and Savior, The Gift of Salvation in your life, FOR YOUR LIFE!




📒40-2以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message

以莉莎法的住棚节信息Elisabeth's Sukkot Message 2005年10月23日 October 23, 2005 我所有在亚呼赎阿里面亲爱的家人们,平安! Shalom All My Beloved Family In YAHUSHUA! 我正在住棚节的...