Omer Count for the 24th day of the Hebrew Month Iyar
Day 39
每天要说的祝福祷告:Each day, one says the blessing:
亚哈威我们的全能神,宇宙之王,是应当称颂的,祂以亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克(耶稣基督)的宝血拯救了我们,并使我们成圣,用祂的如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)充满我们,并命令我们数算俄梅珥Blessed are YOU, YAHUVEH our ELOHIM, KING OF THE UNIVERSE, WHO has saved & sanctified us with YAHUSHUA'S [JESUS CHRIST] BLOOD, filled us with HIS RUACH HA KODESH [HOLY SPIRIT], and has commanded us to count the omer.
今天是俄梅珥第39天。是俄梅珥的5周4天。Today is the 39th day, which is 5 weeks and 4 days of the Omer. 满有恩典的亚,愿祂在我们的日子里,快快差遣亚呼赎阿回到我们这里,奉亚呼赎阿的圣名,阿们!YAH the MERCIFUL ONE, may HE send YAHUSHUA to return to us quickly in our days in YAHUSHUA’S NAME, AMEN!
这是我们时常的祷告:愿我们蒙阿爸亚哈威,亚呼赎阿和如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵的喜悦,并且得着像以诺那样的见证。It is our constant prayer to be found pleasing to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and THE RUACH HA KODESH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT and to have a testimony unto Enoch. 以诺被活着提到天国去了,因为他被发现蒙阿爸亚哈威的喜悦。Enoch was taken up to Heaven alive because he was found pleasing unto ABBA YAHUVEH.
就像以诺被提去了天国,当我们等候亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘的时候,我们祷告自己算是配得成为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘。Just like Enoch was taken to Heaven, we pray to be counted worthy to be a bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as we wait for HIS return to take HIS bride. 愿祂发现我们准备好了,并且在热切地等候着,因为亚呼赎阿是来接毫无斑点,毫无皱褶的顺服的新娘。May HE find us ready and eagerly waiting as YAHUSHUA comes for an obedient bride with no spot or wrinkle.
Day 39 Omer Reading:
第六周 /第六种属性—根基/密切关系/联结(Yesod)Foundation/Bonding/Connection (Yesod) 我们进入了第6周的数算俄梅珥直到沙夫幼特节We have completed 6 weeks counting to Shavuot
坐在我们的主亚呼赎阿的脚前Sitting At The Feet Of Our Master YAHUSHUA
马太福音Matthew 6:6
你祷告的时候,要进你的内屋,关上门,祷告你在暗中的父亚哈威;你父亚哈威在暗中察看,必然报答你。But you, when you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
约翰福音John 14:13
你们奉我的名无论求什么,我必成就,叫父亚哈威因儿子〔亚呼赎阿〕得荣耀。14你们若奉我的名〔亚呼赎阿〕求什么,我必成就。"Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Joh 14:14"If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.
约翰福音John 15:16
不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们,并且分派你们去结果子,叫你们的果子常存,使你们奉我的名〔亚呼赎阿〕,无论向父亚哈威求什么,祂就赐给你们。"You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.
约翰福音John 16:24
向来你们没有奉我的名〔亚呼赎阿〕求什么,如今你们求,就必得着,叫你们的喜乐可以满足。"Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.
提摩太前书1Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
“我全然相信我们是奉我们的中保弥赛亚亚呼赎阿的圣名向我们的天父祷告。因为祂是我们的大祭司,我们奉祂的名祷告得以进入至圣所,"I believe with complete faith that we are to pray to our Heavenly Father In The Name of YAHUSHUA our mediator and Messiah. To pray in His Name is to enter the Holy of Holies because He is our Cohen HaGadol 并且是奉靠祂的圣名我可以来到亚哈威的宝座前,坐在祂的脚前又在我父的宝座前献上我的祷告,我的赞美,我的敬拜和我的感谢”and it is In His Name that I may come before the very throne of YAHUVEH and sit at His feet and bring my prayers, my praise, my worship and my thanksgiving to my Father before His very Throne."
没有什么比花时间在祷告中单独和我们的父亲相处更甜蜜的了。而当我们聚集在一起祷告成为一体时,也没有比这能力更强大的了。There is nothing so sweet as spending time alone with the Holy TRINITY: ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH SHKHINYAH GLORY in prayer. There is nothing so powerful then when we come together as a Community in prayer. 我们需要彼此。我们必须每天花时间祷告与父亲相交,也必须花时间祷告使我们合一。亚呼赎阿独自祷告也在会堂里与祂所有的弟兄及门徒们一起祷告。We need both. We need to spend time daily with the Holy TRINITY in prayer and we need to spend time as a Community in prayer. YAHUSHUA prayed alone and also prayed with His brethren and Talmidim in the Synagogue.
当我们来到祂的宝座前时,我们不能破门而入。我们当以称谢进入祂的门,以赞美进入祂的院。当我们进入祷告时,我们是在进入真正的至圣所,而且是在大君王同在里。When we come before His Throne we do not just barge through the door. We are to enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and enter His courts with Praise. When we enter into prayer, we are entering into the very Holy of Holies and we are in the very Presence of THE KING. 当我们作为一个弥赛亚团体祷告时,我们也在弥赛亚里联结合而为一。当我们来到施恩宝座前,我们各人的重担要互相担当又彼此联合,并且在弥赛亚中真正同心合意成为一体。When we pray as a Messianic Community, we are also bonding together as
One In Messiah. We are bearing one anothers burdens and connecting with one another as we come before The Throne Of Grace and are truly coming together as One In Messiah.
既然亚呼赎阿弥赛亚是成为肉身的神,唯有祂是神亚哈威与人之间的唯一中保。Since YAHUSHUA The Messiah is GOD in the Flesh, He alone is the Mediator between YAHUVEH GOD and man.
向亚呼赎阿祷告并没有违反犹太祷告原则,因为祂本身就是亚哈威全能者。因着新约的宝血,我们奉靠祂的圣名得以进入至圣所。没有被为我们献祭的亚呼赎阿的宝血遮盖,你就无法进入至圣所的。To pray in His Name is to be able to come into the Holy of Holies because of the Blood of the Covenant. You can not go into the Holy of Holies with out being covered by the blood of YAHUSHUA our Sacrifice. 奉亚呼赎阿的圣名祷告就是为了说我能够进入宝座室,因为有人已经为我献祭了。To pray in YAHUSHUA's Name is to say I am able to enter the Throne room because a sacrifice has been made on my behalf.
希伯来书Hebrews 9:11 - 14
11但现在亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克已经来到,作了将来美事的大祭司,经过那更大更全备的帐幕,不是人手所造,也不是属乎这世界的;But when the Messiah appeared as cohen gadol of the good things that are happening already, then, through the greater and more perfect Tent which is not man- made (that is, it is not of this created world),
12并且不用山羊和牛犊的血,乃用自己的血,只一次进入圣所,成了永远赎罪的事。Heb 9:12 he entered the Holiest Place once and for all. And he entered not by means of the blood of goats and calves, but by means of his own blood, thus setting people free forever.
13若山羊和公牛的血,并母牛犊的灰,洒在不洁的人身上,尚且叫人成圣,身体洁净,Heb 9:13 For if sprinkling ceremonially unclean persons with the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer restores their outward purity;
14何况亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克借着永远的灵,将自己无瑕无疵献给神亚哈威,祂的血岂不更能洗净你们的心(原文是良心),除去你们的死行,使你们事奉那永生神亚哈威吗?Heb 9:14 then how much more the blood of the Messiah, who, through the eternal Spirit, offered himself to God as a sacrifice without blemish, will purify our conscience from works that lead to death, so that we can serve the living God!
希伯来书Hebrews 10:19 - 22
19弟兄们,我们既因亚呼赎阿的血得以坦然进入至圣所,So, brothers, we have confidence to use the way into the Holiest Place opened by the blood of YAHUSHUA.
20是借着祂给我们开了一条又新又活的路,从幔子经过,这幔子就是祂的身体。21又有一位大祭司治理神亚哈威的家,Heb 10:20 He inaugurated it for us as a new and living way through the parokhet, by means of his flesh.Heb 10:21 We also have a great cohen over God's household.
22并我们心中天良的亏欠已经洒去,身体用清水洗净了,就当存着诚心和充足的信心来到神亚哈威面前;Heb 10:22 Therefore, let us approach the Holiest Place with a sincere heart, in the full assurance that comes from trusting - with our hearts sprinkled clean from a bad conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.
我们已经浸没在洁净池里被亚呼赎阿的宝血洗净了。现在才能进入至圣所,作祂的选民,与世人分别出来,作祂神圣的祭司,祂神圣的国家—以色列。We have been Cleansed by the blood of YAHUSHUA and can now enter into the Holiest Place as His Chosen, Set Apart People, His Holy Priesthood.
雅各书James 5:16
所以你们要彼此认罪,互相代求,使你们可以得医治。义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的。Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
阅读诗篇119:137-144Read Psalm 119: 137-144
Psa 119:137 You are righteous, YAHUVEH; and your rulings are upright.
倒数俄梅珥期间阅读的预言Prophecies being read during the counting of the Omer
Beware, The Ark Door And Book Of The Gentiles Is Closing!
Prophecy 37 Bless And Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem
Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You!