
🌾数算俄梅珥—第12天Omer Count for the 27th of the Hebrew Month Nissan



Omer Count for the 27th of the Hebrew Month Nissan

Day 12



每天要说的祝福祷告:Each day, one says the blessing:

亚哈威我们的全能神,宇宙之王,是应当称颂的,祂以亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克(耶稣基督)的宝血拯救了我们,并使我们成圣,Blessed are YOU, YAHUVEH our ELOHIM, KING OF THE UNIVERSE, WHO has saved & sanctified us with YAHUSHUA'S [JESUS CHRIST] BLOOD,用祂的如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)充满我们,并命令我们数算俄梅珥。 filled us with HIS RUACH HA KODESH [HOLY SPIRIT], and has commanded us to count the omer.

今天是俄梅珥第12天。满有恩典的亚,愿祂在我们的日子里,快快差遣亚呼赎阿回到我们这里,奉亚呼赎阿的圣名,阿们!Today is the Twelvth day of the Omer. YAH the MERCIFUL ONE, may HE send YAHUSHUA to return to us quickly in our days in YAHUSHUA’S NAME, AMEN!

这是我们时常的祷告:愿我们蒙阿爸亚哈威,亚呼赎阿和如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵的喜悦,并且得着像以诺那样的见证。It is our constant prayer to be found pleasing to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and THE RUACH HA KODESH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT and to have a testimony unto Enoch. 以诺被活着提到天国去了,因为他被发现蒙阿爸亚哈威的喜悦。Enoch was taken up to Heaven alive because he was found pleasing unto ABBA YAHUVEH.

就像以诺被提去了天国,当我们等候亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘的时候,我们祷告自己算是配得成为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘。Just like Enoch was taken to Heaven, we pray to be counted worthy to be a bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as we wait for HIS return to take HIS bride. 愿祂发现我们准备好了,并且在热切地等候着,因为亚呼赎阿是来接毫无斑点,毫无皱褶的顺服的新娘。May HE find us ready and eagerly waiting as YAHUSHUA comes for an obedient bride with no spot or wrinkle.


Day 12 Omer Reading:

第二周/第二种属性—活力/管教(自律)(GEVUAH)Week 2 /Attribute 2 - Vigor/Discipline (Gevurah)坐在我们的主亚呼赎阿的脚前Sitting At The Feet Of Our Master YAHUSHUA Run The Race

希伯来书Hebrews 12:1 - 10

1我们既有这许多的见证人,如同云彩围着我们,就当放下各样的重担,脱去容易缠累我们的罪,存心忍耐,奔那摆在我们前头的路程,So then, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us, too, put aside every impediment - that is, the sin which easily hampers our forward movement - and keep running with endurance in the contest set before us,

 2仰望为我们信心创始成终的亚呼赎阿(或译:仰望那将真道创始成终的亚呼赎阿)。祂因那摆在前面的喜乐,就轻看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦难,便坐在神亚哈威宝座的右边。Heb 12:2 looking away to the Initiator and Completer of that trusting, YAHUSHUA - who, in exchange for obtaining the joy set before him, endured execution on a stake as a criminal, scorning the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of YAHUVEH.

3那忍受罪人这样顶撞的,你们要思想,免得疲倦灰心。Heb 12:3 Yes, think about him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners, so that you won't grow tired or become despondent.

4你们与罪恶相争,还没有抵挡到流血的地步。Heb 12:4 You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in the contest against sin. 5你们又忘了那劝你们如同劝儿子的话,说:我儿,你不可轻看主亚哈威的管教,被祂责备的时候也不可灰心;Heb 12:5 Also you have forgotten the counsel which speaks with you as sons: "My son, don't despise the discipline of YAH or become despondent when he corrects you.6因为主亚哈威所爱的,祂必管教,又鞭打凡所收纳的儿子。Heb 12:6 For YAH disciplines those he loves and whips everyone he accepts as a son.”

 7你们所忍受的,是神亚哈威管教你们,待你们如同待儿子。焉有儿子不被父亲管教的呢?8管教原是众子所共受的。你们若不受管教,就是私子,不是儿子了。Heb 12:7 Regard your endurance as discipline; YAH is dealing with you as sons. For what son goes undisciplined by his father? Heb 12:8 All legitimate sons undergo discipline; so if you don't, you're a mamzer and not a son! 

9再者,我们曾有生身的父管教我们,我们尚且敬重他,何况万灵的父亚哈威,我们岂不更当顺服祂得生吗?Heb 12:9 Furthermore, we had physical fathers who disciplined us, and we respected them; how much more should we submit to our spiritual Father and live!

10生身的父都是暂随己意管教我们;惟有万灵的父亚哈威管教我们,是要我们得益处,使我们在祂的圣洁上有分。Heb 12:10 For they disciplined us only for a short time and only as best they could; but he disciplines us in a way that provides genuine benefit to us and enables us to share in his holiness.

11凡管教的事,当时不觉得快乐,反觉得愁苦;后来却为那经练过的人结出平安的果子,就是义。Heb 12:11 Now, all discipline, while it is happening, does indeed seem painful, not enjoyable; but for those who have been trained by it, it later produces its peaceful fruit, which is righteousness. (Complete Jewish Bible)

我们现在比以往任何时候都更需要把我们的注意力放在祂的话语上,这些话语能给我们力量来跑这场比赛。Now more then ever before we need to keep our eyes upon His WORD, which gives us strength to run the race. 

每当我读到关于那些已经殉道的人和Yom Ha Shoa(大屠杀日)的故事时,我就祷告,父啊,如果我可能不得不面对这样的信心考验的话,求祢让我像他们一样刚强。Whenever I read a story about those who have been martyred and Yom Ha Shoa (The Holocaust) I pray, Father let me be strong like they were if I ever have to face such a test of my faith.

我们刚刚结束了对那些在大屠杀(Yom Ha Shoah)期间被谋杀的受害者的缅怀及起誓绝不让这种事情再次发生!We have just finished remembering the victims of those who were murdered during Yom Ha Shoah and vowing never to let this happen again!

 然而,即使在今天,许多信徒也因着对亚呼赎阿的信仰而面临着信心,甚至是殉道的巨大考验,而世界仍然沉默着。Yet even today many believers are facing great tests of their faith and even martyrdom for their faith in YAHUSHUA, and still the world is silent.

我们正开始看到离道反教的事,那些自称基督徒的人正陷入叛教,甚至允许新世纪的教导进入他们的教会。We are starting to see a falling away from the Word and people who call themselves Christians are falling into apostacy and even allowing New Age teaching into their Churches.

反犹太主义正在欧洲兴起,并且全世界都在为敌弥赛亚(的到来)做准备!Anti Semitism is on the rise in Europe and the World is preparing for the Anti-Messiah! 

当你读到新闻,看到正在发生的事情,这可能变得令你不知所措,除了一点例外,我们知道亚哈威/神掌控着一切,When you read the news and see what is happening it can become overwelming except for the fact that we know YAHUVEH/GOD is in control

 我们需要继续跑这场比赛,继续待在至高者隐秘处和全能者的荫下!(诗篇91篇)and that we need to continue to run the race and stay in the secret place of the most High and under the Shadow of the Almighty! (Psalm 91)

以色列每天都受着火箭炮弹的威胁,周围都是想看到她倒下的仇敌,而全世界都在寻找另一种方式,或者更坏的方式来试图让以色列出让他们的土地!Israel is being threatened daily with rockets and surrounded by enemies who want to see her fall and the world is looking the other way or worse trying to get Israel to give up thier land!

对于那些有耳能听见祂的圣灵正在对祂的新娘所说的话的人来说,我们真的生活在一个恢复的时期。We are truly living in a time of Restoration for those who have ears to hear what His Spirit is speaking to His Bride.

为了祂的再来,祂正在聚集和重新聚集祂的子民犹大和以法莲(以西结书37章),并且当我们看到许多犹太人开始相信弥赛亚,He is gathering and regathering His people for His return Judah and Ephraim, Ezekial 37 and following is beginning to be fulfilled in our days as we see

 许多信徒又回归到对弥赛亚和祂的妥拉的真正信仰,并回归到他们信仰的犹太根源时,接下来的事情就在我们的日子里正开始实现。many Jewish people coming to faith in Messiah and many believers returning to the true faith of Messiah and His Torah and returning to the Jewish Roots of their faith.

倒数俄梅珥期间阅读的预言Prophecies being read during the counting of the Omer

Prophecy 48

Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat!

Prophecy 54

NOW IS THE TIME! “Stay Focused, Obey Your General And Follow My Orders NOW!”

Prophecy 82

Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!



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