
🌾数算俄梅珥—第36天Omer Count for the 21st day of the Hebrew Month Iyar



Omer Count for the 21st day of the Hebrew Month Iyar

Day 36



每天要说的祝福祷告:Each day, one says the blessing:

亚哈威我们的全能神,宇宙之王,是应当称颂的,祂以亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克(耶稣基督)的宝血拯救了我们,并使我们成圣,用祂的如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)充满我们,并命令我们数算俄梅珥。Blessed are YOU, YAHUVEH our ELOHIM, KING OF THE UNIVERSE, WHO has saved & sanctified us with YAHUSHUA'S [JESUS CHRIST] BLOOD, filled us with HIS RUACH HA KODESH [HOLY SPIRIT], and has commanded us to count the omer.

今天是俄梅珥第36天。是俄梅珥的5周1天。Today is the 36th day, which is 5 weeks and 1 day of the Omer. 满有恩典的亚,愿祂在我们的日子里,快快差遣亚呼赎阿回到我们这里,奉亚呼赎阿的圣名,阿们!YAH the MERCIFUL ONE, may HE send YAHUSHUA to return to us quickly in our days in YAHUSHUA’S NAME, AMEN!

这是我们时常的祷告:愿我们蒙阿爸亚哈威,亚呼赎阿和如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵的喜悦,并且得着像以诺那样的见证。It is our constant prayer to be found pleasing to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and THE RUACH HA KODESH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT and to have a testimony unto Enoch. 以诺被活着提到天国去了,因为他被发现蒙阿爸亚哈威的喜悦。Enoch was taken up to Heaven alive because he was found pleasing unto ABBA YAHUVEH.

就像以诺被提去了天国,当我们等候亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘的时候,我们祷告自己算是配得成为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘。Just like Enoch was taken to Heaven, we pray to be counted worthy to be a bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as we wait for HIS return to take HIS bride. 愿祂发现我们准备好了,并且在热切地等候着,因为亚呼赎阿是来接毫无斑点,毫无皱褶的顺服的新娘。May HE find us ready and eagerly waiting as YAHUSHUA comes for an obedient bride with no spot or wrinkle.


Day 36 Omer Reading:

第六周 /第六种属性—根基/密切关系/联结(Yesod)Foundation/Bonding/Connection (Yesod) 我们进入了第6周的数算俄梅珥直到沙夫幼特节We have completed 6 weeks counting to Shavuot

坐在我们的主亚呼赎阿的脚前Sitting At The Feet Of Our Master YAHUSHUA

亚哈威/神是独一的、合而为一的神。YAHUVEH/GOD Is Unique and One


"I believe with complete faith that the Creator, blessed be His Name, is unique and there is no likeness to Him in any way, and that He alone is our GOD, who was, and is and is to come" YAHUSHUA The Aleph and The Tav, who was and is and is to come

约翰福音John 10:30

我(亚呼赎阿)与父亚哈威原为一。I and my Father are one.

约翰福音John 3:18

信祂(亚呼赎阿)的人,不被定罪;不信的人,罪已经定了,因为祂不信神亚哈威独生子的名。He that believeth on him (YAHUSHUA) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten SON OF GOD.

约翰福音John 5:24 - 30

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.


Joh 5:25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.

26因为父亚哈威怎样在自己有生命,就赐给祂儿子也照样在自己有生命,27并且因为祂是神子,就赐给祂行审判的权柄。Joh 5:26 For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;

Joh 5:27 And hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of God. 28你们不要把这事看作希奇。时候要到,凡在坟墓里的,都要听见祂的声音,就出来:Joh 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,


Joh 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

30“我凭着自己不能做什么,我怎么听见就怎么审判。我的审判也是公平的;因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思。”Joh 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

约翰福音John 17:20 - 23

“我不但为这些人祈求,也为那些因他们的话信我的人祈求,"I pray not only for these, but also for those who will trust in me because of their word,

21使他们都合而为一。正如祢父亚哈威在我里面,我在祢里面,使他们也在我们里面,叫世人可以信祢差了我来。John 17:21 that they may all be one. Just as you, Father, are united with me and I with you, I pray that they may be united with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me.

22祢所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们合而为一,像我们合而为一。John 17:22 The glory which you have given to me, I have given to them; so that they may be one, just as we are one -

23我在他们里面,祢在我里面,使他们完完全全地合而为一,叫世人知道祢差了我来,也知道祢爱他们如同爱我一样。John 17:23 I united with them and you with me, so that they may be completely one, and the world thus realize that you sent me, and that you have loved them just as you have loved me.

我完全相信亚哈威是独一/合而为一的神(Echad )且在这合一中亚呼赎阿和亚哈威及如阿克.哈.古德西祂们合而为一。“ I believe with complete faith that YAHUVEH is Echad (One) and in that Oneness YAHUSHUA and the YAHUVEH AND RUACH HA KODESH are one. 我相信且承认亚呼赎阿就如圣经所记载,祂是神的儿子,除祂以外别无他人。I believe and confess that YAHUSHUA is the Son of GOD as the Scriptures say and besides him there is no one else. 正如亚呼赎阿和父原为一,同样,我们作为弥赛亚的身体因信亚呼赎阿而在祂里面合而为一。亚呼赎阿是道路,真理和生命,通往父的唯一道路,只有一位众人之父,就是亚哈威/神。Just as YAHUSHUA and the Father are one we also by faith in YAHUSHUA as the Body of Messiah are one in Him. YAHUSHUA is The Way, The Truth and The Life and the only way to the Father and that there is one Father of all, YAHUVEH/GOD . 我相信独一的真神三位一体的本质,相信亚呼赎阿是亚哈威成了肉身来的。I believe in the Triune nature of the One True GOD and that YAHUSHUA is YAHUVEH come in the Flesh"

亚呼赎阿为我们祈求祷告(约翰福音17章)我们会合而为一,像祂与父合而为一一样。祂将再次使以色列民(犹大和以法莲)在祂执掌的王权下合而为一(以西结书37章)。YAHUSHUA's prayer for us (John 17) was that we would be one, just as he and the Father are one. He will make Israel One (Judah and Ephraim) again under His Kingship (Ezekial 37). 我们是身体中的许多肢体,但却只有一位新娘。当2人结婚时,在父的眼中他们是成为一体的。We are many in the Body, but there is only one Bride. When 2 people get married, they become one in the Fathers eyes.

我们之中没有人知晓一切,在研读祂的话语时我们每个人都已得到了启示,当我们聚集在一个身体上时,我们每一个人所得到的那启示,就能带出更加全备的领悟。None of use knows everything, we each have been given a revelation as we study His Word and when we come to together in the Body that revelation that each of us has, brings a more complete understanding. 就像拼图游戏可能有数千片的拼图,每片拼图组合在一起就拼出一幅图画,但若那个拼图缺失一片,那么这幅图画就不完整。Just like a jigsaw puzzle may have thousands of pieces, each of the pieces put together make one picture, but if one piece of that puzzle is missing the picture is not complete.

哥林多前书12章说亚哈威已赐给了我们每一个人各样属灵恩赐,但唯有和其他弥赛亚里的信徒的恩赐聚集一起时各样恩赐才得完全。1 Corinthians 12 states that YAHUVEH has given us each spiritual gifts, but the gifts are incomplete until it comes together with other believers In Messiah. 

换而言之就是我们需要彼此来完成这幅拼图。In other words we need each other to complete the picture.


 A Messianic Community can not thrive or survive if there is no unity and that unity must be based upon the Word of GOD and faith in YAHUSHUA alone.






以弗所书Eph 4:2 

1我为主亚呼赎阿被囚的劝你们:既然蒙召,行事为人就当与蒙召的恩相称。2凡事谦虚、温柔、忍耐,用爱心互相宽容,3用和平彼此联络,竭力保守如阿克.哈.古德西所赐合而为一的心。With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; Eph 4:3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

4身体只有一个,如阿克.哈.古德西只有一个,正如你们蒙召同有一个指望。5一主,一信,一洗,Eph 4:4There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

6一神,就是众人的父亚哈威,超乎众人之上,贯乎众人之中,也住在众人之内。 Eph 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

希伯来文Echad(独一,合而为一)表明了亚哈威/圣父—亚呼赎阿/圣子—如阿克.哈.古德西/圣灵的复合的联合。这一主题在圣经中多次提到。Echad suggests a compound unity -YAHUVEH/FATHER- YAHUSHUA/SON -RUACH HA KODESH -HOLY SPIRIT. This theme is brought up in the Scriptures many times. 

弥赛亚的身体没有合一是因为我们没有把我们自己在弥赛亚里视为是合一的。The reason there is no unity in the Body of Messiah is because we do not see ourselves as one in Messiah. 

然而,我相信亚呼赎阿在约翰福音17章里的祈求祷告一定会在这末后的日子里实现并且我们将会真正合而为一,就像祂与父原为一一样。However, I believe that YAHUSHUA's prayer in John 17 will come to pass in these last days and that we will truly become one just as He and The Father Are One.

阅读诗篇119:113-120Read Psalm 119: 113-120





Psalm 119:113 I hate doubleminded people, but I love your Torah

倒数俄梅珥期间阅读的预言Prophecies being read during the counting of the Omer

Prophecy 36

I Am Not Only Your God Of Yesterday, Today, But Tomorrow, Even In The Darkest Hour

Prophecy 92

Be of Good Cheer for I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, AM the Only GOOD SHEPHERD and I Beat the Wolves Away!



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