Omer Count for the 26th of the Hebrew Month Nissan
Day 11
每天要说的祝福祷告:Each day, one says the blessing:
亚哈威我们的全能神,宇宙之王,是应当称颂的,祂以亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克(耶稣基督)的宝血拯救了我们,并使我们成圣,Blessed are YOU, YAHUVEH our ELOHIM, KING OF THE UNIVERSE, WHO has saved & sanctified us with YAHUSHUA'S [JESUS CHRIST] BLOOD,用祂的如阿克.哈.古德西(圣灵)充满我们,并命令我们数算俄梅珥。 filled us with HIS RUACH HA KODESH [HOLY SPIRIT], and has commanded us to count the omer.
今天是俄梅珥第11天。满有恩典的亚,愿祂在我们的日子里,快快差遣亚呼赎阿回到我们这里,奉亚呼赎阿的圣名,阿们!Today is the Eleventh day of the Omer. YAH the MERCIFUL ONE, may HE send YAHUSHUA to return to us quickly in our days in YAHUSHUA’S NAME, AMEN!
这是我们时常的祷告:愿我们蒙阿爸亚哈威,亚呼赎阿和如阿克.哈.古德西,甜美的圣灵的喜悦,并且得着像以诺那样的见证。It is our constant prayer to be found pleasing to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and THE RUACH HA KODESH SWEET HOLY SPIRIT and to have a testimony unto Enoch. 以诺被活着提到天国去了,因为他被发现蒙阿爸亚哈威的喜悦。Enoch was taken up to Heaven alive because he was found pleasing unto ABBA YAHUVEH.
就像以诺被提去了天国,当我们等候亚呼赎阿回来接祂的新娘的时候,我们祷告自己算是配得成为亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的新娘。Just like Enoch was taken to Heaven, we pray to be counted worthy to be a bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH as we wait for HIS return to take HIS bride. 愿祂发现我们准备好了,并且在热切地等候着,因为亚呼赎阿是来接毫无斑点,毫无皱褶的顺服的新娘。May HE find us ready and eagerly waiting as YAHUSHUA comes for an obedient bride with no spot or wrinkle.
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Day 11 Omer Reading:
第二周/第二种属性—活力/管教(自律)(GEVUAH)Week 2 /Attribute 2 - Vigor/Discipline (Gevurah)坐在我们的主亚呼赎阿的脚前 Sitting At The Feet Of Our Master YAHUSHUA. This is especially applicable to us who are leaders and teachers of His torah.
申命记Deut 3:23 - 29
23”那时,我恳求亚哈威说:"Then I pleaded with YAHUVEH,
24『主亚哈威啊,你已将你的大力大能显给仆人看。在天上,在地下,有什么神能像你行事、像你有大能的作为呢? Deu 3:24 YAHUVEH ELOHIM, you have begun to reveal your greatness to your servant, and your strong hand - for what other god is there in heaven or on earth that can do the works and mighty deeds that you do?
25求你容我过去,看约旦河那边的美地,就是那佳美的山地和黎巴嫩。』Deu 3:25 Please! Let me go across and see the good land on the other side of the Yarden, that wonderful hill-country and the L'vanon!'
26但亚哈威因你们的缘故向我发怒,不应允我,对我说:『罢了!你不要向我再提这事。Deu 3:26 But YAHUVEH was angry with me on account of you, and he didn't listen to me. YAHUVEH said to me, 'Enough from you! Don't say another word to me about this matter!
27你且上毗斯迦山顶去,向东、西、南、北举目观望,因为你必不能过这约旦河。 Deu 3:27 Climb up to the top of Pisgah and look out to the west, north, south and east. Look with your eyes - but you will not go across this Yarden.
28你却要嘱咐约书亚,勉励他,使他胆壮;因为他必在这百姓前面过去,使他们承受你所要观看之地。』29于是我们住在伯‧毗珥对面的谷中。“Deu 3:28 However, commission Joshua, encourage him and strengthen him; for he will lead this people across and enable them to inherit the land that you will see.’ Deu 3:29 So we stayed in the valley across from Beit-P`or.
为什么亚哈威对摩西如此严厉?若有人配得越过到那应许之地,他肯定也配得。亚哈威是以这样的方式在管教他什么呢?Why was YAHUVEH so harsh with Moshe? If anyone deserved to cross over to the promised land surely he did.What did YAHUVEH discipline him this way?
那么,为什么亚没有接受摩西的诚挚请求呢?答案就在于亚首先就规定了摩西不顺服的后果。Why, then, would not YAH have received the sincere request of Moses? The answer lies in the very reason that YAH prescribed the consequenses of Moses disobedience in the first place.
民数记Numbers 20:7
7亚哈威晓谕摩西说:8”你拿着杖去,和你的哥哥亚伦招聚会众,在他们眼前吩咐磐石发出水来,水就从磐石流出,给会众和他们的牲畜喝。“YAHUVEH said to Moshe, Num 20:8 "Take the staff, assemble the community, you and Aharon your brother; and before their eyes, tell the rock to produce its water. You will bring them water out of the rock and thus enable the community and their livestock to drink."
9于是摩西照亚哈威所吩咐的,从亚哈威面前取了杖去。Num 20:9 Moshe took the staff from the presence of YAHUVEH, as he had ordered him. 10摩西、亚伦就招聚会众到磐石前。摩西说:”你们这些背叛的人听我说:我为你们使水从这磐石中流出来吗?“Num 20:10 But after Moshe and Aharon had assembled the community in front of the rock, he said to them, "Listen here, you rebels! Are we supposed to bring you water from this rock?"
11摩西举手,用杖击打磐石两下,就有许多水流出来,会众和他们的牲畜都喝了。Num 20:11 Then Moshe raised his hand and hit the rock twice with his staff. Water flowed out in abundance, and the community and their livestock drank.
12亚哈威对摩西、亚伦说:”因为你们不信我,不在以色列人眼前尊我为圣,所以你们必不得领这会众进我所赐给他们的地去。“Num 20:12 But YAHUVEH said to Moshe and Aharon, "Because you did not trust in me, so as to cause me to be regarded as holy by the people of Isra'el, you will not bring this community into the land I have given them."
摩西是在向我们表明:当谈到亚哈威的恩典和公义之属性必须共存时,他的惩罚是必要的,为的是教导亚哈威真实的性格或本性。我们的行动—我们的行为—都是有后果的。Moses is demonstrating to us that his punishment was necessary in order to teach the true character or nature of YAHUVEH when it comes to how His attributes of grace and justice must coexists. Our actions-our deeds-have consequences.
换句话说,如果摩西作为领袖被允许无视亚哈威的指示,那么以色列所有的人都会跟随他的榜样,不会尊重祂(亚哈威)是谁,也不相信祂(亚哈威)会说到做到(言必行,行必果)。In other words, if Moses was allowed as a leader to disregard YAHUVEH instructions then all of Israel would follow his example and not show respect to who He is and that He says what He means and means what He says.
当我们拒绝守祂的安息日和祂的节日,说我们不必遵守的时候,我们今天不是在做着同样的事吗?Are we not doing the same thing today when we refuse to keep His Shabbat and His Feasts saying we do not have. 我们是不是爱人的传统胜过了爱祂的妥拉(律法)呢?祂不是说过这些是祂的圣节日要永远遵守吗?(利23)Do we love the traditions of men more then His Torah? Didn't He say they were His Feasts (Lev 23) that were to be kept forever?
难道亚呼赎阿没有在所有事上都顺服祂(亚哈威),包括在遵守节日和安息日,顺服祂的妥拉在内的每个方面都顺服祂吗?Wasn't YAHUSHUA obedient to Him in ALL things and obeyed Him in every way which included keeping the Feasts and Shabbat and obeying His Torah?如果亚呼赎阿是我们的主人,难道我们不应该走在祂的脚步里吗?借着我们的行为和不顺服,而使得别人藐视亚哈威的圣洁和亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克的讯息呢? If YAHUSHUA is our Master, shoudn't we be walking in His footsteps? By our actions and disobedience are we causing others to disreqard the Holiness of YAHUVEH and the message of YAHUSHUA HaMashiach?
这应该会使得我们这些教导妥拉的人,对祂的话语和祂的圣洁战兢发颤。This should cause us, who teach the Torah, to tremble at His Word and His Holiness.
雅各书James 3:1 - 2
1我的弟兄们,不要多人作师傅,因为晓得我们要受更重的判断。2原来我们在许多事上都有过失;若有人在话语上没有过失,他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身。Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, since you know that we will be judged more severely. James 3:2 For we all stumble in many ways; if someone does not stumble in what he says, he is a mature man who can bridle his whole body.* * * * * * *